HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-05-05, Page 28`10A-;-GODERICIISIGNAIrSTA R, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1983 Judge speaks to historical society Many members and friends attended the April meeting of the Huron County Historical Society held in the Parish Hall of St. George's Adglican Church, Goderich on Tuesday, April 27. Those who arrived early had the pleasure of a leisure- ly tour of the church with its beautiful stained glass win- dows and murals. President-, Joe Hogan of Exeter, was in the chair and, after opening the meeting With "0 Canada", called upon Miss. Helen Videan to give a brief history of St. George's. She told of the,. founding of the parish in 1834 with the Reverend Robert Campbell from England as the Rector. It was then part of the Diocese of Quebec. The first services were held in a schoolhouse on Hamilton Street and then in a convertedbarn on West Street, after which a church was built in 1843 on 'St. George's Crescent with a burial ground beside it. In 1879, it was destroyed by fire and the present building with its 168 foot spire was begun on the Rectory grounds, be- ing opened in 1881. A new Rectory was built in 1862 and the Parish Hall in .1882. There have been 14 Rectors over the years. Miss Videan also had a number of pic- tures and folders to enhance this interestinghistory. Highland dancing by the • two Fritzley -sisters. gave a light touch ta the. program :and was much appreciated. Mayor Harry Worsell, Oast president of the Historical Society, 'then introduced Judge Francis G. Carter who spoke on The Streets of Goderich'. He immediately assured his audiente that he Would . not 'speak on all of them but his talk was so in- teresting that no one would have objected if he had. covered each and every one. Beginning with -1827 when Goderich was -laid out, Judge Carter explained • that the 'Battle of the Plains, of Abraham accounted, for names such as Wolfe and Montcahn.- -Admiral Nelson was much admired so we have Nelson and Trafalgar Streets. St. Vincent came from the famous naval Wttle off Cape St. Vincent. Arthur .and Wellesley were the names of the Duke of Well- ington. There was Lord Goderich . and Lieutenant - Governor. Sir Perigrene 'Maitland, also Lord Anglesey, a member of. the Cabinet inEngland Nostalgia for the ,homelands led to Such names as 'Britannia, Caledonia, • Cambria and Hibernia, and the religious nature of the early residents produced St. Georges, St. Andrew, and St: David. A htimorous aside was that North Street has three chur- ches while Church Street has none., There were names associated with Tiger Dunlop, such as Colborne (his friend), Kingston (the capital of United Canada in 1841) and Hamilton; and the royal names of Victoria and Albert. .A number of the streets were. called . after mayors (eg. Gibbons) and Judge Carter suggested that Mayor Worsell may yet at- tain such fame. Many other street names were also ex- plained, thus . making it a most interesting and infor- mative talk, The audience showed their appreciation with hearty clapping followed by a few words by Mrs. Reid of Walton. After an intermission, the minutes of the last general meeting at Kingsbridge were read by the secretary, Mrs. Doris Batkin. Mrs. John Anderson, membership • chairman, reported a total of 88 Members to date with many more joining during the evening. • After the singing of "The Queen", a social time was enjoyedover coffee and cookies. III III No running No vvalkIng. 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CANADA NO. 1 GRADE RED - '2 18,(kg EMPEROR 99-F GRAPES Ib *•••• ,',1114 /4R SUPER SPECIAL • PRODUCT OF U.S.A. • • CANADA NO. 1 FLORIDA CORN ON THE COB EIGHTHS, QUARTERS, HALVES CUT WATERMELON 42C/kg PRODUCT OF ISRAEL PRODUCT OF ONTARIO PRODUCT OF CANADA PRODUCT OF CANADA HARDY OUTDOOR MUM PLANTS 3 09' COLOURFUL AFRICAN VIOLETS 4 199 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. FLORIDA NEW WHITE 86C/kg ONTARIO FANCY RED CAULIFLOWER DELICIOUS $,7, St 79 EA 189 IMPATIENS HANGING BASKETS8 'SW FLOWERING FUSCHIA 5• 1.59 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. Ni60./k1g FLORIDA FRESH 1A GREEN SWEET CUCUMBERSVM PEPPERS 9rib. PRODUCT OF HAITI PRODUCT OF U.S.A.BBUNCHES FRESH k GREEN MANGOES ea 99' ONIONS IFoR 99' THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: MONDAY & TUESDAY 9-6 P.M. • WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30-6 P.M.