HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-21, Page 2l' _'TER TDC08 SU FFERTELEGRAPFli Slttk 6.,, fn 0 INpiC STIpNt .,., r"t . i.` +ww' The ElousQ of h� ode p assed the utt-i THE THREE AGES OF CHRIST 7 r tioual, insurance bili. lviiLl3'tiztN S LA R 1?1LY S The most..successful Vilinter CSD limit, a ever' held at Guelph closed yesterda Mrs. Wm: 11 MacEwen Uolint 1 1' Clau s It E 01%EFt . $'LQ'VF., . The pen>tentiary statistics haw. Y `iia Tryon, P,B,I„ writes-"I�'or more thea a large xiuinber of convicts ander trvexlt' x re rvi 1 year Z Jaffe d th all e tern a a the b e .ins o ' Andr t 4 years of age, - o£ .uidlestiozlr and my life .was one of the The Berlin Board of Trade is agita ;" . , • ,`� :.. . ex i •r, �. at 'C : •'5 e e, misery. t d' : t Yni d not seem t make a a s_e to . �' Y ill the question of the, develo Ineiit : ' any dili'eA•ence whether T ate or ttot, the '" o� lrTew Qzltarla, `¢. pains were always there, aecotn ailed b Stocking. . y " p y � e TSAng tied naafi 1t4�d 1hA ... ��� ..., . • • , . • Q e aS V0 0 # a1 re bl a uAg and belching, of wind,tl�e�ouhdat>;oii sto8e iif the 11111011Gov- , �•� I dl ve 2\ . jt 4 d note a relic a n get £ a# night,, 14 n'd -� .,. '°�` a�iiment buiidin s I • :t r �'� sometimes hardly got a bit of sleep. In " ° .r�.�'�e�-"-•'�� 'The �Lak�or aa�rt : in �TetV • 1 P �e iris r tried maremediesa:c ^:,•> . F>. xny e � n 'said _. - �,>:�:. ..... ,,,.<�>>;>::• ,., y $ 1v. A ' . , yas any, 1�8 balance of ow r a �'' /+ Ill• P '\ .:;1 :,<�• ��, ''�• � .\ . t .GnreA n 0 S.a•.:•. o indigestion, but they did me not .:•,. , �..�:�.<,.•:',•,.:>..<�•::<,,:, .. ,: .....>. :...,�..�...• ::> �.:. pollsand a- dissolution may llo �,-�•�...:~�....,<,:>.:�....,:,..:.,.,:.�..�:. �....... •�„h<•.�.:�.,..._..:.. � P � Y one partictle of good, and I fully expectedOLL1 Iwould always be afflicted in this way. had a small bed .close to i A. ,true bill has been return@4 At this time my brother came home on v Pthat in which her father and. .... 'although a aingt Frank Flood of Fort Erie Qri, } the charge of sending out racing' two ar g visit and urged me to try Milburn"s another slept, band, ; formation, taxa -Liver Pills, and got me a few vials. By the. time I had taken one vial I began she Nvas • nearly always asleep in it by 9 o'clock,, the light from rThe riti 0 . rnmelit llas .14th, yetex#rtination to isvdl to improve, and Gould eat with some relish. I was greatly cheered, and con- a street lam which slyly slipped in at p y y PP mated it,5 not tenders for army sand navy contracts tinued taking the pills until all traces of the trouble had disappeared,, and could a, curtained window could have told to the filleted U. S. meat packers. The Government has decided upon l ;I once more eat all kinds of food without the slightest inconvenience.. I am so fully you -"that upon this particular night she ryas wide. awalaa long after 1l (lhristmas• %nnovatice is regard to the utide civil service and tempora convinced of. their virtue as a. family " . '. o'clock and that her brown eyes had loyes at, Ottawa, This year thel. 1irraFto be aid on Dec. 22 inmedicine„X'liave:no hesxta#lop �rx recout- mending theni,” .'F a been o en ever...,,>?. since the lights ' i:, - , egts of Santa, Claus. T} a necessary , Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials: for ill the room a I - ilyder in council has been passed, ' $1.00 at all dealers or mailed direct, on receipt of price by The T', Milburn Co„ been put out. �.t .; ` Turks t i t u ks n Bad PI gh . ' x invited, 6ronto, Oat, elle lay very ,, Malta, Dec., 16, -The Turki&h a - = = �•--- still, howeverk because she had � , � ; ' ab forces, `who have retreated j he oasis at socia distance from t That Subpoena:- something to do 'which, although. J coast of Tripolir;'are in a sorry plight' . Voording to a' statement made by statement, Maltese Montreal; Dec. 1fr, Sfx' Thomas she was good . Shaughnessy was asked -yesterday i# and #ruthful, �A�KeR `s, &W.AKE AT citizen. named succeeded iii gscapjng' frolm the Tur$� is�i. camp, and horeached Malt', � It was true that he had been called 114, .NIGHT. $ for some rea- :e witness in a ease appearin g in the ' ."Just Tomua says tN4 it will be im o for some week , son she did not wish her parents to 'Toronto but, was excused frolai i Bible for the Mohammedan force`;, delegates restricting the port, or export of morphine or cocaine port, ,eourts, appearing, owing to the fact that' h+s know, Bold but much. longer, owing to th considerable regular t� k on hand. 1 The firm is one ofthd- oldest estab•- 1 had to be in Montreal to take part iii i Just after the little clock on the the reception to H.R.H. the Duke of mantel had struck 12 Polly rose half• ; almost expire lack of provisions. Ho* o says that the dissensions amo. • `l r solut ons adopted cone ruin mW i p QQ should be ' appiilcable to'opiUbY Connaught. way in .bed and listened. She could a Arabs irregulars and the rkia 1"fections • r y « » Yes, it is quite true, said Sir i hear ,her father and mother breathing Thomas, laughingly. "I did receive a t Find a mouse was gnawing somewhere oo s have become so acute 'the ' . P among the former are e:& i j subpoena to attend a hearing at To- 8 near the dressing case, ionto as a witness. But as no conduct treInely numerous. of,,! Constantinople, Dec. are `- She was afraid of the mouse, but money accompanied the subpoena.1 i did not feel that I could afford to she Was too much in earnest to let Cir ulat the Turkish War Office are circulating;. •8 complaint that the Italian troopsI matter from :the system. pay railway fare. from Montreal to [ even a mouse stop her. So she thrust Toronto and back to see if I knew her hand softly under the pillow and . Tripoli are using dumdum bullets @ their operations. These ,bullets are operators from the Triangle Waist anything concerning the matter at is- pulled forth what, bad the light been holt at the p *int and spread whezi; of the very best medicines procurable foc Sue.- i turned up and had you been in the they come in. contact with any oppoe-, f tug substance, making a severe I day the court 'had refused to admit Considerable prominence was given ' roam, you would' have seen at once wound. Miss T M,. Wallace, Black's Harbor, to then affair in the Toronto press, was a large black stocking 6Ued with but the calling of the C:P.R.'presi a number of things which bulged it Tedd - Denounces`McNa`maras. Margaret Schwartz, one of 147 who " dent is considered to •have been ,mere- ly a bid for publicity, and as the suli- opt in the funniest way. '4i''ith New ork, Dec. 15. Aenouncin the McNamara brothers" as "deprave 3 poem was quite irregular,.: Sir Thomas this in her hand she :climbed criminals, wliq have on 'their score bottle. After iluishing two bottles I took no notice of the In carefully out of 'bed aalid glided across souls the murder of.so many innoceri the carpeted floor like' a wee ghost Traveler Falls Under Train. which had forgotten and stayed out Persons," Theodore Roosevelt,. editorial entitled Murder is. Muxder� iolJ to use B.B.IV, Toronto, Dec. 16.-A man believed to too Iate. The bedroom opened with gives his views of the famous dynE���,; be Otto Lang; a' commercial tzavelea. filling •doors into a 'sitting room, at miting case in the current issue 'of P.B,Y r wt»rlo,s,:.... "My 'face and deck of this city, was seriously and prob- one end of which was a mantel, ably fatally injured by falling from ' where. on a11 -the Christmas eves that The Outlook. The associate editor bitterly scores • e C.P.R. Montreal Express at the .potty could remember her stocking the labor leaders; who champoned'th$ 1 -on Station last night. He attempted ; o board the train as it was moving, and her mothers had been hung. Polly QH�use, of the ' l4TcNamaras, as the . did 'that of and Haywood•., 71 ut missed his footing and slipped be- ,,had many times asked her father to -Moyer declaring they have rendered an evil each the front trucks of one of the liens his stocking there, too, but he service to, the union .cause. He i bleePing cars, and before' the .t±ain said that the leg of his stocking was gists that he believes in unions, b u { li*aa brought to a standstill 1.�+ trucks ' too small to hold the large presents he all workers must. set their faces lik throe cars had pissed over him- des it as only chil- wanted., and, besides, y '- w 'n a ainst'an effort to identify th flint g _ HIHAS left foot was so terribly crushed S - 1 dren .like her ..mamma who nig up that it w aye t e amputated, the. pause of . organiyzed .labor, directlyy o ; ndireetly, with any movement whf i1 gA L�oken i several places, 6 their stockings for Santa Claus, not }} rvay'±benefits 15y the�'commisslr� and the right knee f tared grown people like himselh Polly felt. �. ,in an y of crimes of :lawless and murderouA ' her way to this .mantel and leaned the violence." Train Nearly In River. big black stocking against Its side. d climb - adelphia, Dec. 16,-•!i signs} � She turned and ran back an . �Saer (loosvelt to Run ? was demolished and passengers ed into her bed. The mouse was arfll. New York, Dec. 16.-A statemen ri the Conshohocken, Norristown $y To tell the truth,. it was far more timid that Col. Roosevelt . is "ready to rtO is printed to -day hoenix express train .of the Pennsyl. than. Polly and had heard her, first RWe, Railroad, leaving Broad, street for the. Presidency" by The Herald, which explains that A "Ration at 5.49 o'clock last night, nap. ; ' thr int Au lie announcement comes from the , --- ti:c source" The statement. i ow y escape Bing own . o t;` r yikill River when the rear, qow i d the tracks i;hortiy after lea the station.' Six coaches compos-: to train, all being filled with pag- e n.tlle rear car bounded 8 fails, the. engineer .applied' the'. 'ergency..... ',brakes just as •tl}e train. 1p`toached the bridge wliie spans e river. Turks and Russians May Clash. oLondon, Dec. i6. ---A despatch to Th #omllalh from Teheran says that the at Sliiraz, capital of the Pre s� cce of Fars, have disregarded thO. Eb�.,Oot% tder f the Government to. cease the of the Indian troops there, nflat hence these troops are abs `f cutely without supplies. The cosh � orident adds that a 'collision is PO4- m 10 at any moment between Turks and. Russian • on, the Turco -Persian frontier. Failed to Reach Canada. Niagara Falls, Ont., Dec. 16. -.Nan - tone Luisei and John Adaminka, af- ter being refused; admission to Can-, tda' by immigration authorities, were owed over to the Upper River in a Ooat yesterday. 'When arrested they onfessed and were fined $5 each and iteported. Struck by Car, May Die, Niagara Falls, Ont., Dec. 16 -George oss was seriously injured when his' arriage was struck by the local line tto11ey in. Ferry street last night. ' He 9vliS thrown to the ground, sustaining t$rnai;injuries. Two physicians are ht ndance. aNlrjitation of the Reaft Irk'@El ' � aesa and Ciloking Saeiis. tl When the heart begins to beat irrezu- Iarl'y, palpitate and throb, beats fast for a tine, thea so slow as to seem almost to it causes great anxiety and alarm, When t.i:e heart does this many people are kept in a state of morbid fear of death, and becomeweak,, worn and miserable. To all such safferers Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will give prompt and permanent relief. liths, John J, Downey, f`l'ew Glasgow, l wtitcs:--'Ifust a few lines to let volt know, what your Milburn's Heart, i and 1`Terve Pills have done for tne, I was troubled with weakness and palpi- tation of the Heart, wvould have severe �eking' spells, and ebuicl scarcelylisp t, `n at idl...I tried matt re&6 ieli 1 ttttzv brit -got none to answer my Cato it to o Cn ern lii t s ..Hart pec inial d them Pilihaving. X Y' . heart or nerve trou lcs. ' fli alli la , cents Cr bolt o 0 res for Price, b r I�r c G ,� h p Vor sale At all dealers or will be ' ce' c i f rf b i re t e o ailed direct of .: all d Y fed � o SA i" y1 y a � frit t or JI., 1VIi1' tAr a, � e e t� . � . i01. 4 Poi ILy,s Fxrnnn FINDS THE GTOoraNe noiseless. footfall and was crouched to . the bureau drawer. fearing the worst. In a few . moments Polly was asleep, and the ray of the street iamp :fell across her quiet little hand. Polly slept on Christmas morning later than any other child in the great city, and when her father; who had risen before she had awakened, passed the Cluistmas mantel he saw the bi;t Mack; ,9ro(.k1ng where she had left It. As he h.id helper! to hang up the other stockings the night before this one Seemed so strange to him that he took - ed into its contents. The very first thing be found was a letter: ` Dear Santa Claus—This is likde Polly Last Crismas and Crismas before you. hav etvven me so merry things and I hav never givven you enything. Take these dollys and blocks and etcher books for your fit - lie girt I like them but you can hav them um time how' You a s w too tv kiss. , 1 ant o 1; y are your rain dears good by with mery Crismas and happy New Year from your near liter Polly. '. Pleas exkews mstalks from lr`tel Pot;ly,lov to al. Polly's father took the bit' black stoEldrig with all the toys rvuich It contained and hid It wbere Polly will never find it, here to kgep tintil Santa Claus comes to claim it and the dar tial. letter. When t''olfy awoke and rali to the C;hris'tmas. mantel in her tiannel nigbt- dress be Was there to Watch, rind when tie sass' that the first glance of bet dear brown ej�ee .was fora blg blaek stocking which was gond he'ptit his her very nd bugged e -.arms around her Fi .fig til ht and said rrbferry Christmas, lit do Poilyl" so earnestly that she fait - viva lie -watt sad, ' She put her face Close to fife and str ol,,ed his Chet -k with her hand, and t hen• iter mother tftbJ04, ,rind altogether t h(, -y had a merry Inoriitn,g' with the ut t`ls which Santa blaa'tli • fta& brought. c . ,:r"t 1'ofiy sal�l,h rt ' tit the rlt, I,laclt tltdCl' i4` tleCrsi .i " .t .. a krl C tl cr a �I .clef' ..cd. au SAKS in part: ` There will be no formal announce- the strongest physical prooi,v secution possesses. For two 0a ' A menu of the .candidacy of Mr. Roos 1 sistant District Attorney Bo. t ht a legal battle to get it b foug g veli; but if he is chosen as the party s i it ws o standard-bearer in the national con ' •test next .yeary .he hill not., decline' the contenth ds that ninth flooriyoln nomination." Tip to Fruit Growers. where many girls died, wvas looiC}; Ottawa, Dec. 16.-A cable has 'beer} when the panic-stricken em 1' received from the Canadian ;tracle conl- threw themselves .against' it to ese�� missioner in . Birmingham; Engl..anq, , statingthat a- Birmingham firm: re from�the quires . ,several cars each of russets) '' greenings, baldwins and spys, grading , -flames, No. 1 and No. 2 for January delivery, Ontario apples preferred. Parties de- ' Many Fishermen Drowned. siring the name of the firm in Birming- Emden, Germany, Dec. 16. -Three: liam willbe supplied with same by fishing luggers belonging: to this port, wire ori application to the Department carrying crews totalling forty men; 0..1 Trade and Commerce. have, it is feared, foundered during , U. S. Meat Packers Excluded. the recent storms in the North Sea: London, Dec. 16: -The British Gov I potion of the buildntg on Dundas ernment has decided to exclude all the American meat packers 'against; street was partially saved from de- whom prosecutions have .been insti. s'truction. The company have four. tuted in the United States, froin ten- buildings in one block and one other dering for contracts for the supply of navy, \ mean to the British army and pending the settlement of the sui s, P g ing of the block, that was gutted and The ebntracts are noiv expected to the central' building was partially de- building was five storeys go to Argentina packers. stroyed. The high and about eight years old. If To 'Protect 'Dope" 'Fiends. Altogether 500 hand, were employed 1 The Hague, Dec. 16. -The Interna-'` and some of these will, be out of work' tional Opium Conference yesterday: for some week adopted a resolution submitted by the im- ' { Ili delegates restricting the port, or export of morphine or cocaine port, out of the building, but there was t }n the countries represented at t.146 considerable regular t� k on hand. 1 The firm is one ofthd- oldest estab•- 1 conference. It was decided that ) N 3; r solut ons adopted cone ruin mW i p QQ should be ' appiilcable to'opiUbY ::<y <: andiitlils,r drutrs' ` • r y BALD BLOOD CAU r ' s i 3 y9 (��P�L r ..'t �llll � ill A.I� L �I�.S � r :4 z- • f Getp ure, blood -aad keep it pure by extended testimoil , Judge Crane, in general sessions late yesterday, allow- removing; every trace of impure morbid ed the lock in the door that is alleged matter from :the system. to have barred the cscafe of the girl Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the operators from the Triangle Waist market hbout thirty-five years, and is one Co. fire' of March 2� last; to be intro- of the very best medicines procurable foc du'ced in evidence. Twice before the thee cure of boils and pimples: day the court 'had refused to admit PIMPLES CURB D. the exhibit as eviden4e against Isaac Miss T M,. Wallace, Black's Harbor, Harris and Max Blanck, who are on trial for manslaughter in the Case of N,B., -writes.--•' About five years ago my. face was entirely covered with Margaret Schwartz, one of 147 who pimples, • I tried everything people told died in the fire. The piece of panel containing the me' about, but found no relict. At last I loch, with shot bolt and known a§ thought of 8,13,13. and decided to try a rrU....„tn"e Tvrh;hi;: Tin. ,R." constitutes bottle. After iluishing two bottles I was entirely cured, and would advise any lady whow�yants a beautiful complex- iolJ to use B.B.IV, y POMS G'ul iI1. } Mrs. 01sworth Mayne, Springfield; P.B,Y r wt»rlo,s,:.... "My 'face and deck i ie wore.Cor+erect` wiwithbo 1s, and l: tri d'a ll kiiids of remedies, but they did Inc no ood'.61 webs to many doctors, but the e I theft tried Burdock could of Dore rn . n 't Is d Bitters, and I must say x i 13100 itt rs, us y der f reinul ed :for the cure of boils, fir y 13ifrdo8k Bitibd Bitters is tnaliufactui only by The T. Miibutu Co,, Limit , 0Ai1nt0� M .yq WEEK ,BEFORE CHRISTMAS. With aDolly sweetly sleeping Before the blazing grate The little ones are keeping Their vigil very' late. With many chirographic flaws They write their wants to Santa Claus. CHRISTMAS EVE r • .. long abed is Dolly, iecause 'tis Christmas eve, But little Paul and Polly - Are wide aware, believel They cannot sleep nor- dine nor 'sup n Before they hang their stockings up. CI-iRISTMAS MORNING.' 'Tis Christmas morning early, Yet these expectant tots ow, don't you, 16vo, them deyly? Have lien from their: cots, ry And -even Dolly a e es ate wndp A, s of tI C t tmall see the �► 0 T . Vii► y w h?-Rdren Cry for Flefther1t. - • ih �a "x / :, d A+ -: . ,r P 3 f - T � t r is -• • °�:. 1, •j A ,5. r Fire i " :.nd Y, c?t, T •xTt:.r�» wa.,v>r and which has been in use 3 :.: f: ": c. yS a: " ', iF ` borne the signatiltre of ,�.�j .,•„� at et 1 :r bccn 1'i.citfle under his per- i• ,r+� ..7_ c rvision. since Its Infancy. % .� 'i °=" `M m c,- ; l: civ n »0 to deceive you in bilis. 1411 cix¢r: rl;�*:it , i.:nitactfo:is I:�cl :1wt.st-.1s-go0d" rine but e r:F :' CU 4'%'1v r -t tit IRS"I cadanger tho bealtlti O J, faut:,.3 'c^."vt ajWa ist; Experiment. ' t5 ..,.,. A �-t1M:�Ci" I _ , C'crr`t'{iT'_'+'3 is i3, 1i'i+".1:H".lCr, h,+ E"':bf'iifxrtQlt?:' Castor C'i1g Pare- g;-€;rio, .l)rops, Syrups. It is pleasant.: It contri•i as. nc"471cr Opp .- 1, Korphine non other Narcotic substaece ks 1,ge is i _. innittec. It destroys Worms k' and- �IrA..T, 1... '�rl,v ?mc��„ T ox Tnolro flip„ r •thirty years h r.ro 2cr Vic relief of Constipation,� i'lilt t li., all Teething Troubles and t Di r :a>.�. 3,: =.;ulates the Stom,-ich, and Bowels, ng• hea'ltliy and natured sleep* r Tho i,.-t;�y.L.I€tven's J aanack.`a—'_"."i o l.Plot-,erls Friend. A.'T RMALWAYS . e...,•, 1,1-ic Signature of � The End ca Have Always Bought In Use; For Over *�O Years 'FNE. CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. " FIRE IN LONDON. the strongest physical prooi,v secution possesses. For two 0a ' A Biggest Part of Perrin's Biscuit Fac- fig sistant District Attorney Bo. t ht a legal battle to get it b foug g tory Destroyed. it ws o London, Dec. 16. -The greater per- contenth ds that ninth flooriyoln tion of the D. S. Perrin Co.'s biscuit Washington Place side of the faetb ; and confectionery plant was destroyed where many girls died, wvas looiC}; by fire, which broke out about 11.;30 , when the panic-stricken em 1' last night. The loss is estimated at' g threw themselves .against' it to ese�� about $100;000 and is fully covered by , from�the insurance, there being about $240,000 -flames, carried on the building. The Tisk,s ! are well divided`.among a_mmnber of,, Many Fishermen Drowned. companies, principally Bnglish coal-', Emden, Germany, Dec. 16. -Three: parries. ; fishing luggers belonging: to this port, The Fire started ,from an oven in the carrying crews totalling forty men; rear portion of the factory ou Cart- have, it is feared, foundered during , ing street and flames spread furiously the recent storms in the North Sea: so that by, the tiule�ik n firemen arriv I if hail"gaineY_ lieacTka lrit 1`-" T '' o potion of the buildntg on Dundas Bockvilie, Dec. 16—The death oc- - street was partially saved from de- curred here yesterday of Mrs. Robert' s'truction. The company have four. Bowie, following a stroke of paralysis: buildings in one block and one other Deceased was 72 years of age and a across a street. It was the east build- life-long resident of. Brockville. 1 ing of the block, that was gutted and the central' building was partially de- building was five storeys Welland .Canal Closes. Dec, stroyed. The high and about eight years old. If PA•a Colborne, 1&. -The Wei - iand Canal was officially -closed yes - Altogether 500 hand, were employed 1 terday. Lock tenders were busy clos- and some of these will, be out of work' ing bridges and lock.- gates for the for some week winter. Most of the Christmas stook was 1 out of the building, but there was t Not to Succeed i-iardinge. 1 considerable regular t� k on hand. 1 The firm is one ofthd- oldest estab•- 1 London, Dec. 1G=(O.A.P.'Cable.)_ it is officially that Prince Ar lished . in.. the WeAel-n part of the ,denied thur of Conuaught- will, succeed Lorii-' province having been startled fifty grxdinge as Viceroy of India. years ago. i - - Fatal Lock Exhibit d. ! Sure. T gore is n w way of suvevelin,;." New York, Dec. 16. after hearing extended testimoil , Judge Crane, in general sessions late yesterday, allow- "Nevertry to rtciaiiythil:l yoitc;ln't"-' i ed the lock in the door that is alleged to have barred the cscafe of the girl A ht r d Pr000ai.ien- operators from the Triangle Waist "I am tired. ulot fir.. ' +. Co. fire' of March 2� last; to be intro- \Vn tt L:tl e yogi Neon doing. "fear?" du'ced in evidence. Twice before the ""Working t':ittlrr:' day the court 'had refused to admit ; the exhibit as eviden4e against Isaac y to Autumn. ` Harris and Max Blanck, who are on trial for manslaughter in the Case of Now the I : •fancl;ni; days Margaret Schwartz, one of 147 who In an ln',,,.r, r inicy h v - sllp in slyly us rrwN­rr:r,,le r,re - died in the fire. The piece of panel containing the Now 'tlie humbled boa :ehol i ::all, Tlib a ma11r01- Flow JVA Sld. loch, with shot bolt and known a§ slips down cell":u', rbc::e to t;,rlccl'- rrU....„tn"e Tvrh;hi;: Tin. ,R." constitutes r_Yn'-"R—_ - 's': s. t• Drs. K. %69#� K. TAKE;. ALL RNUMU w r Cured by the New Metltad Treatment ¢�U, No NAMES OR PIiOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CON5101T , ,.&F� WERVOUS, Thousands of young and middle-aged nren aro annually swept to a premature gray dough Ic"aitly indiscret,ans, I~�caaaes and Blood 13i3eases. if you Have any. of ilio fo wing symptoms consult ua 1,eForc it is foe tato.. A co you' nervous and tvealt; despor •nt and glootry, specks before tho eyes, with Qatk Circles under '£hem; vvoak beet Rnnva;rr.tabtn. nstlnitntfou oE.the heart: bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in uriu y0U WILL013E A WRECK � platy Method Treatment'eau euro you and malto a.micil of you, Under its influx j brain beconies Active, the blood nurifled so that All pimples, blotches and ulcers - ar, the nerves become strong as stteel; so chat nervousness, bashfulness anddes• w vanish, the eye becomes bright, the face full and clear, _energy returns to the mor"e vital waste from tho system. 'Don't let quacks and calors fou you or Saar -Ji.. v earned dollars, We will cure you or no. pay.x (EVERYTHING PFMVAT S AND CONMI)ENTIAL ,LEADER- No matter who has treated you, i^rite• Olin honest opinion pro Mfof Cbara ilooko Frcc "Ttic Goldrn Monitor" ( !iistratOd) ort Secret DisoaAes,o on, , QUESTION LIST FOR HOME T ,SATMCXT SENT ON REQUPST HE Elm RS, KENN Eu--� '6` & KEN ' Coir. Michigan Ave. and .swold St.r Detroit, Aith. �b 1:'. etters froth Canaclaiitest be addressed`,`'' tc out Cauad;, ' s 1G31deuc Depart - 'nit srt- Li. e p i it in, If you , desire, to see us ers0nall "call at 0U ,9bdiet,l Illstito. s five See and treat p y- .. An offices a. a iektts in o W r lAi rah t tar w �, e o cieaace and ' Icaboratoa for Ca"adian, sindad only. A.c`�Ci ettefs, as follow'$.. 'y t, �y ,y, �y �yy�* & CM, ►1,14 1 Write h®r oo"t0*4teai