HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-14, Page 81L,+9'4F"�'�!'��'•4�+'vk,y, 'if�y, ..r -y y,,�p'y�p .�4 y �®® + � 4/ ;® *'���.. 000.. �T��•LT R♦ ++�., T� ��� ���� ,�T , w•�or0'�O'A+a�dDlht�eF!R'+�O♦1►�g00®'1P'11►1D'O�O�!000•iO+i>��1dP0�0'i�0<►�'00+ 'TRWAR R X 441 it ONF 4 00 Shopping--� 4�i; O 1$ Days To Christmas mayjjj w� R z, �e 'Sc- n to } Claus's40 4 �® a ` •,10 5� 4® Goods are Hers ., -0r ' 0 We have suitable gifts for every member of the ' i family here are a few 6 Suggestions, e FOR MEel ._ k Umbrellas Beautiful Neckwear With the newest handles In the seasons newest.shad- ® Z and best cloths $1,00 to $3,00. es 25 35 50ets. 00 ' Sweater Coats Neck Scarfs °o O � ti In many styles and popular In the new knitted scarfs ri• prices $1.00 to $4,50. all shades 50c to 51,50 Kid Gloves Dress Shirts In mocks and dressed kid In neat patterns and guar - to every pair guaranteed $1.00 anteed colors $1,00 to $1.50. 0 a $.. 75. FOR WOMEN O� +_ Cut Glass Fancy China Salt and peppers, Bon -bon That will be sure to please ® O bowls and other pieces. 25 to 50cts. o 0 Hand Satchels Handmade Linens The newest kind in all coi- Centres, Trays,Lunch 0 �' ors 60 to $2.50. cloths, etc. 15c to $1,75. e Off. eRibbons l-la.nderchiefs e All kinds, all widths, all Embroidered and hemstit- 0 prices 2c to 35c, shed, Exceptional values 5c ® $ Guest Towling to 50c. 40 Plain and fancy in "Old Embroidered Towels o • Bleach" make 15 to 60c, Things that everybody A � would like 25 to $1,00 •s Cape Cloves og q For winter. wear, Tan shad- KOZy Slippers® 0 0 a es $1,00 to $1.25. What would be more suit-. 0 m r o able 50 to $1.75, v s""x"fhve w' a many other suitable things for Xmas gifts, but 00 �0 there is not room for the items here. Uome in and see them, Ju Am STEWAmm"T r �A IREat t o mss' s r f , UN- a 11* t Phone 56, USE IT �w CREAM of PERFECTION �i `!�®CERIES 111SON'S 1IOCOLBTLS Clean Fresh Groceries of All Finds, always at Hand. •�+ancy Boxes and Packages Sc to $3 OYSTERS r•' ^: Navel Oranges 40c & 50c a Quart 20c to 60c per Dozen Foy. x o.s BakingCamped G®ods If there is anything in this RAISINS, CURRANTS Line We Have IT. PREL of All Kinds HOLY �T We have Every$hing in the 11�Olelt I ti CONFECTIONERY LINE at Fuc the Holiday Decor - Lowest Frices. ations. "COME AND SEE, WHAT WE SAY WE D099 T. Ja WVT Z L 5 0 111 11 IMF0 4 -1d li AL ' d est �S Our Never Printed in the Newspaper, do you know where our best Ad+ve kising is done? W I&A `Fila torte Tliis telling you about things is all right maybe, but it isut half as satis factory as bringing you fore to ;face with your requirements, ,towing you is our favotrit� method there is no talk that can be half as Mpelling as the goods themselves. Here is the best of Furniture at its best, qr confidence comes from a knowledge of wbat is what: inFurn iture and V, way otxr stat k stands to -day, We can truthfully say tbit we never asked to anybody 6d, view art assortment that is quite as 'worthy, Y'oy are invited. Remember we have vacated the Opera block: and are now occupying the 1Lq,rge Store opposite the Commercial Hotel inhere we have lenty of xoom to rArry a large stock, of all kinds of Varsiiture and Undertaking Supplies. � ,!!i Sunday or Night ha a is Attended to Funeral" Director THE EXETER ETER "MMES Marlaet ReportL-*--The following IN ((Miss Neil of MCGiltivary visited. in rho )-"Olt of Exeter markt is \:or- i town last Ilriday. rected up to .U"o=b,r 14tH I TPlace Where Good Mi, Albert l+l.otipei, of Clinton, was Clothes Come From Standard wheat''85 : to .Oo in,, town on Tuesday. Buek,wheat Sue to We Mr. A, E, HodgerG is laid up at leis Barley6 Oats 406 5 to S0 to 4? eex� les. home with a lame foot, ' Peas 75c^ to $1,09 Invitations are out for a ball in Olin- i Shorts *26.00 ton on Wed. Dec, 27th. (Bran $21,00 Miss Ethel Piper of London, is spend - Model flour 2. 50 ing a month at her home here. Big 8ndo Feed Flour 1.50 Mr. Sidney Davis has been laid off .Potatoes •x.00-1,15 wont for some time through illness. Butter 24c.. eg:�s Lac Mr, J. Clark visited at his home in Ready to^ V1' ear Hogs live weight 0,10 Grand Bend Sunday and Monday, 'Chicked N11-10 Mr. T. Newel( of Stratford visited uur 1L--13 his sons here fora few days last week. �'I'kc s 14•-17 Mr, and Mrs. Will Kay of Farquhar 0 :Gt U tuj ees 11-1'2 visited at Mr. T. Prior's on Saturday. 8 Cowl 5-7 Mrs, Geo, Hodgins and Mrd. Me - Choice export sbe,; rs 3.50 to -6,76: Falls of Lucan visited in town last Medium 'export site, rs 5.55 'to 6:25 l week, f ,®�l Choice Xmas heifers 7,00 to 10,00 Good butchers heifers 0,00 to 6,40 Miss Carrie Dyer returned Thursday i Medium. butchers bktifars 5,"r5 to 5^90 last from visiting in Brantford and i Choice butchers cows 5,00 to 5,40 Guelph. Medium butchers owe 00 o 4.75 Mise llladys Essery of Centralia) 1 to Common cows 3.50 to 3.75 visited with Mrs A. Hastings t'last 15 Choice iambs 5.00 c\ week. Choice sheep '3.50 to 3,75 Mr and Mrs. Robert .Atkinson of Biddulph visited Mr. Jae,. Atkinson l Friday last. '� tb Rev, R. Hobbs was in London last T ,�'At E!week attending the Sunday Sehooi .40' `'" m Convention,onvention, e o 1!11!1 .," z'0_ 4' V*640404 Mrs, D. Hartheb spent afew days in Mr. P. Pa.wden, sr., is visiting in Dashwood last week viiiting her par- The Nifty Man's Lucan. ents Mr. and Mrs. Goesman; Tailor &Liss Carrie Moir, eras in London Mr. McCutcheon the genial oil trav- on Saturday. eller of London was in town Friday Mr: and Mrs. D. A. Follick spent on business. Evarybody knows Mao, th,o we•ol, end is St. Marys, Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Mrs. F. W. Secure 'early, the best Engtis a Gladman visited Rev. ` . and Mrs. iTo at I!ollick's. 20c, a pound'. Martin in London one dap last week. 1and re. Wes Winer of Mar - See' Offices Closed. See W. J. Beers fine assortment ` lette Ge Mich, are visiting Mr, W m Win - of Bells. )From 10 cents each up. , er on the fourth concession of Step- kindly take notice ctha't .my office Miss S. McDonald returned last hen. is closed every Wednesday afikrnoon. Thursday after spending the summar Don't waste your 'time and final DR- ROIIL'6'COi�T, in the west. by baking, !Call at Follicle's for -all Mr. T. E.. Ilandford has returned plain and fancy baking, Xmas Rakes CI.OSIN0 NOTICE - from Chicago, where ti: attended the. a Specialty. Please remember that my Denta fat ;stock show. Mr. Levitt has the new rink corn Office is closed ever Wednesday after - When .you have a bilious attack plete on the outside. The inside will noon. -Du. Kixsa1AN give Chamberlain's tablets a 'trial. soon be finished. He is now waiting, They are excellent. For sale -by all for the cold weather and scow. dealeis. You will find .that druggists every - Mr. `l'ho�. Handford visited her I Mr. Fred Bawden was in London I where isipaak well of Chamberlain's last week. Mrs. Bawden who has J Cough' Remedy. They know from daughter. u hter Thomas, LaBelle, 4t `alma Col- been in the hospital for a couple of . long exlperiance in thersale of it that 14i,r and Mrs, S. last Bawden left weeks returned home with him. I in castes of coughs and colds it can last Friday for Ontario, California, Mr, J. T, Wood was in Toronto this always 'be depended upon, and that where they will spend the winter; week attending the stock show. He it is pleasant'and safe to take. For took down a choice load of cattle and sale by all dealers. SURE, you avant the best flour for --�.-- your Xmas baking, then .use MODEL among the lot wasan extra choice steer Bread, buns and biscuits +made from of from Mr. Fred Ryckman Mrs. Shute, of Woodstock is in it have the nutty flavor. of the boundry of Tuckersmith and town staying with Mr. Shute who is Mester Hugh Gould, little soar of I Usborne for which over one hundred installing the, organ in the Presby - Master dollars was paid, Mr Ryckman be- terian church. Mr: 'Mrs. and Mrs. lig. Gould, is seriously lieves in raising only the hest, ill. We hope that he will soon bs Face Bruised- Mr. A. S. Deavitt able to be around- again. Anniversary -On Sunday last the while coming down the stairs from lush Ru James street Methodist Church held the Conservative committee rooms A P g, dobe, Wool Blanket'. their Anniversary services when Monday slipped and fell down several Suit Case, Valise or Hand rSatchel, special sermons were r*-osrhed by steps. He, received several bruises would make an acceptable Xmas, pre, -Rev. Geo. N. Hazen of Luucion The about the face but was not seriously send. ,Call and see them at W. rx. 1 attendence at botb services was good injured, Beer's: • • considering Cie wet weather,' Mr,. Thef best assortment or llon�']3ons ' Hazen delivered two very acceptable Tt is expected that the new organ boxes in town, ranging in price from sermons. The choir furnished special in the Presbyterian church will be 20 cents, -to $13.00; Leave your or.- music for the occasion, completed this week. It will be der at Foliick's.I formally opened by an organ recital Offlicers Elected -The James street and concert on Irriday Jan. 5th. Spec - Miss Elsie ilyleCalluin, of London, (Epworth Leagueral'd their anneal ial services will be held on January and Miss Edna McCallum, of Tot(- : election of officers on Tuesday even- 7th. onto cast weep pre:seAbed the i;Vl:ain ( ing when the following were elected street Methodist church wirth four for the coming year; Pres, W. S. Cole Illustrated Lecture- An Illustrated beautiful oak collection pintas. I Vice Pres, Wm, Welsh; 2nd Vice Pres lecture was held in Main street on Tuesday evenin when Rev J. W. Rev Geo. W. Dtweycbf Empress ' Miss M. Taylor; 3rd Vice Pres' Quackenbush; 4th Vice, PresMiss Baird of London illustrated Bunyan's Ave. Methodist church. London, bas ( Miss L, Hobbs; Secy H. Jones; Treas,. Pilgrims Progress with lime light formally accepted th,i invB. Johns; Pianist Miss E, Bernick, views. The lecture was very enter - become the pastor of James street r twining and was enjoyed by those church next conference year -subject ; Doing Well-Tbe new band came present, Several illustrated songs to th-e action of the stationing co,m- ' in for some puffs on Monday evening were sung. mittee.-Com. i when they made their first public ap- Mr. and. Mrs. R. L1 Dyer Hurdon, pearat,ce in the Opeia House while :A very pretty we tech plae� Who bavo ben visiting the later's the returns were being received, at the home of n 5Mr. i sbo-Johnon Wed- sun's ed- Several selections were la kine, soncessio , t w ed and Per - father M a. N, 7.). !lure played n of the - J n e Mol. - whar , a i. 6 o clocy e dna :Dec. 6th - n s. while the boys have one been y e v v' be tae y p s n s bang; t�tnrricd to Iiuf;:al•o on using for a couple of months they did their only daughter, Florence May Frida r evening. They will �leava well and came it for some complimen- wag united in marriage to Mr. Will shortly for Cleveland where.: tary remarks, Exeter has every pros. Bunter, also of Usborne. The aar- Mr. llurdon will run a touring car. ' emo i. took place under an umbrella speck of having a first class band. of evergraeiis and was performed by Among these who , ing in the l Stick to it boys. I Rev. Mr. Yelland, of Exeter, in the Hunter -Perkins Wedding in Lsborna On Friday afternoon Iast the Lad-' presence of about forty guests. The on Wednesday of last Corn w�cre ; I ies of the English Church held their I bias; 9rthurs, Mrs. E. Cornell and g I bride., was attired in a daiziay gown Mr, C. l'anstone, of Lambeth: Mrs. I annual Bazaar in the Opera House and of cream silk and mull and. carried a R. Young, of Tbamesford; Mr. and I in the evening a -tea and concert. Des- bociuet of xrhite chrysanthemums blrs. W. Perkins and Miss Sims of j pile the wet weather a good crowd of and carnatiorils. The happy ' couple London. people were out in the afternoon. In were unattended. Miss Arthurs, the evening a beautiful tea was given played the weding march. liter the The Vonng l4len's Cks',, of Main in the lower, part' of the Hall after ceremony was over all repaired to street church will bold their third which a good program in the auditor -I the dining -room where'a dainty Ian - anniversary on Sunday next wh n' tum was enjoyed by agoodattendauce cheap tva.a served. Tha• groom's gift Rev. 11.'Locke, of Toronto, a form- the following taking part Rev's Hobbs to the bride was a haautiful oak er pastor will preach both morning Powell, Miss Bissett Piano solo, Miss rocker while to the organist, a an:-; evening. A mass meeting will Edith Moncur Miss Edna Follick duet pretty brooch set with rubies. :The, b:: held in th,c afternoon at 3 o'clock Miss Lillian Elliott solos, Mrs, ltifan- bride's going away dress was of navy to which all Young men. are invited son Reading and Mr, Shute BasR blue velvet, with hat to m'a'tch Their The Rannie Ladies, quartette, of Soloist The entire proceeds amount many friends join with the Mmes in Zurich hviil sing at all serviices. to about $10. ; extending congratula'tions- ul-and *D*sp lay ofGiftso l Phone 6.5 SIRIII mat D mH RG 8 TOR " E Phone 65 Do not forget your Friends. A visit to our Store will help you to choose your (;rifts We can satisfy both in Price and Quality. Check over your wants. TOILET SETS (choice of 3 doz) $1.50 to $7.50 MANICURE SETS (new and nifty) 75c to $4,00 BRTJSH & COMB SETS (sure to please) 1,50 to :k5 HAND MIRRORS (useful presents) 500 to $4 GLOVE BOXES (always acceptable) 25c to '$1 TRAVELLING SETS (see these) 2,00 to 6,00 HAND BAGS (see our 75c special) 50c to 4.00 PURSES (genuine bargains) 25c to 1.00 . MUSIO ROLLS (very choice) 1.00 to 2 50 XMAS STATIONERY (always useful) 25c to 1.00 DRESSER NOVELTIES (very new) 25 cents PERFUMES (delightful odors) 25c to 3 00 WRITING SETS (cheap and useful) 35c to 100 F0 R oil l N,41' r L E 4ltl.13N�--- SHAVING SETS (large variety) 35c to 2 50 SHAVING MIRRORS (very useful) 25c to 3.00 MILITARY BRUSHES (latest shapes) 2,00 to 5.00 FOUNTAIN PENS (choice of 14k gold) 1,50 CIGAR CASES (all new) 50c to 1.50 PIPES (large variety) 25c to 1.00 CASE PIPES (amber mouthpieces) 75c to 3 00 SHAVING OUTFITS (Razors, Mugs, Straps, etc) PURSES (coin and frill folds) 25c to 150 BRUSH & COMB SETS (see specials) 1.50 to 5 00 POST OARD ALBUMS (new stock) 25o to 2,t0 POCKET T01r..?ETS (certainly dandy) 25c to 50c BRISTLES GOODS (hat, cloth, tooth, r The above is only a few � , � are ' � y e of the matey and choles Gifts h c offerlla� this sea- son. SEE F01 YOURSELF. E • fleadgto f oaour Xmas Present TiRrilirmAx, D ECOMl3m 14th nil' CARLINOS , Just Eight Days +1 Till Xmas Special gree s aug er in prices of all Furs glassware and ,i, chinaw are in a great variet y at a modeaate price, 'i;• + XT_ + w aisins, New Currants New Feels New Dates New Figs. All + of the best foie the Christmas trade. Highest Prices Paid for Produce It ® .f' + W +a ® Carl, •i• . fi•1•fi•��••II•3rfi•�•'r•§•�r•1••i••i�•i••i••rr3'••°rd••I~....•rir•3••€••D•. o� 3.3••b� : f�•1••, •. i ✓r•F >r -I �+++ + -------------- . ..•'r•1•..3r•I•oL•i••1••§•.•1••F••1..11•.•P•1••1•+4+•':•i••A..•E••i••...•II••II••1•.•F•3••1•%.•i••3•.... •+i• _ DON'T 0E++T 8 .i. l ALARMS i ',jt'• "gSleep late in the morning;. Enjoy the luxury of waking •II•, J up whenever you feel Iike it if you can, but if you can't better get one of our ==- Clocks,° Watches + Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, DiamondsCu L: or � Cold Meat Forks. Cake Forks 9 Soup Spoone, Pie Knives, a�.. Pearl -handled Butter Knives, ,' Class, Silver .1. Knives and Forks, Fish Servers, Carving Sets,ware, Pins, Etc, Redding Rings Big Stock to,choose fromg JEWELER & OPTICIAN' .............................. """""""!II"a'.�'.�.�.'a'hi'•�..�..,>:"�..i�'1»a 4�0��D0*0000®OO®Ao O®000000�000000A00®0®000®0000®00.100' 0 0 � Uwe & Atkinson44 e o o o o ICH`IS►"I"MA S a 0 e e e • Fornitulipay� - 0 Q Is well worth a Visit. Our Stock is large and Prices Right. Nothing Better than Furniture for• Xmas : 1 PRESENTS a R 0 W I or, 01-1-, Atkilaftison +r Leading Undertakers Phone Store Sunday Night Calls 0A' Z E a�0+�•bi►'�00�4►104b�b"M�k b4d�0�10Ada0�a�9tri•m�•prFai.a�100'�;Q:�srm�k;�aia ..r. Just fifteen days till Christmas for you to do your shopping so come early and get your choice before they are all pick= ed out, Cents Mufflers + Lgd1�S Nadk�rC111e1S In hemstitched, Linen, em• In the noted Bradley niuf- fler in all shades also a great i ,i, broidered and initialled, The largest assortment ever shown many styles and shades of other mufflers at 25c to $2,00, ••i'. • Prices from 5c, to 50c. + 'i' I 1911eS G�11018 & Tics Gents Ties Ladies embroidered collars these ties are of the latest o. in all sizes and fancy collars also ladies ties of all kinds at 20c cross and diagonal stripes in a! I shades and can be all box- from to 75c, ed separate if needed at 50c. co nplete. L013 SCUM & MU111m Gents S enders Sus ,i, In the scarfs we have them in a long wool scarf at. 60c, r=- Gloves Sox and Collars all * , 4 'i' + and all silk scarfs in Black, White and in BIack and of the latest styles, Come in and inspect our goods. We + -r White mixed at $1.25 and are sure that they will suit + 50 also mufflers a6 50c, you, •F• 4, ' • A t 1 ht Special gree s aug er in prices of all Furs glassware and ,i, chinaw are in a great variet y at a modeaate price, 'i;• + XT_ + w aisins, New Currants New Feels New Dates New Figs. All + of the best foie the Christmas trade. Highest Prices Paid for Produce It ® .f' + W +a ® Carl, •i• . fi•1•fi•��••II•3rfi•�•'r•§•�r•1••i••i�•i••i••rr3'••°rd••I~....•rir•3••€••D•. o� 3.3••b� : f�•1••, •. i ✓r•F >r -I �+++ + -------------- . ..•'r•1•..3r•I•oL•i••1••§•.•1••F••1..11•.•P•1••1•+4+•':•i••A..•E••i••...•II••II••1•.•F•3••1•%.•i••3•.... •+i• _ DON'T 0E++T 8 .i. l ALARMS i ',jt'• "gSleep late in the morning;. Enjoy the luxury of waking •II•, J up whenever you feel Iike it if you can, but if you can't better get one of our ==- Clocks,° Watches + Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, DiamondsCu L: or � Cold Meat Forks. Cake Forks 9 Soup Spoone, Pie Knives, a�.. Pearl -handled Butter Knives, ,' Class, Silver .1. Knives and Forks, Fish Servers, Carving Sets,ware, Pins, Etc, Redding Rings Big Stock to,choose fromg JEWELER & OPTICIAN' .............................. """""""!II"a'.�'.�.�.'a'hi'•�..�..,>:"�..i�'1»a 4�0��D0*0000®OO®Ao O®000000�000000A00®0®000®0000®00.100' 0 0 � Uwe & Atkinson44 e o o o o ICH`IS►"I"MA S a 0 e e e • Fornitulipay� - 0 Q Is well worth a Visit. Our Stock is large and Prices Right. Nothing Better than Furniture for• Xmas : 1 PRESENTS a R 0 W I or, 01-1-, Atkilaftison +r Leading Undertakers Phone Store Sunday Night Calls 0A' Z E a�0+�•bi►'�00�4►104b�b"M�k b4d�0�10Ada0�a�9tri•m�•prFai.a�100'�;Q:�srm�k;�aia ..r.