HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-14, Page 5�'JELIT11S�0�.Y; I7>��BlY1CI3I�1t: ,t4tlai X93•;1; r ' ,
W V17.
than wo v an tv a a e u'J
y a 0 Is x
m la..
ne u ,Flue bakmr v'ho �Y
ftrmeriy kirown mss bdt ani ordilna
nue. The tip is 'to
t What Is all the secret about til Zvi.'
ihe ansa eP Snow )).rift flour
half E
baking is already done. "With ju
prdLaary care and skill 'twi-ce
Wod results are ats`sured. '
H. Cook Sons and -Co,
Hensen Ont.
hag, ailvays beaxi the mat'to
,40ND01V, 01yT CiM/TED
1%veb'ty pun yea'xb i t Lohdoh glV&
vital business training. Shorthan
Pitman and Business Subjecits. '
- ' il`h roagb indlviditar Tnptruotrca
Over, forty students Piaoed in pot
I490n4 *his f+n,ll. Ask for Catalog:
'Winter Term fraln J'an..'Zxid ;
Coo Building, Frincipa
WANi?'ED A live representath
fl D for Exeter and su
rounding district to sell high •ola
stock for
I The Fonthill Nurserie
Rre fruit trees will be planted i
a 1 of •1911 and Spring of 1912 the
ver before in the history of Ontarl
The orchard of the future will b
the best paying part of the farm.
We teach our men Salesmanship free. Culture, and how big profits i
fruit -growing can be made.
Pay weekly, permanent employ
•=_etnk exclusive territory.
Write for particulars.
t Stone Wellingt®
w�0®®0444 P� o'A®A 4400<90� OO
P r or ir
*1' Stands Por all that is modern in -
Business Training. A Chain of
' Seven Colleges in leading towns •
! and cities. Two thousand stu-
dents in our Colleges and Home
Study last year. We train from
! ten to twenty students for every
t�' one trained by most schools,
There's a reason. It is freely
admitted that our graduates get
? best positions and the demand
- 4• for them is L'seven" times the +
supply. Exclusive right for On-
tario of the famous Bliss Book.
keeping System. ,You may study
at home or partly at home and `•
hp finish at the College, A Busi-
' mess Education .pays a dividend +
every day of your life. +
s'k Write, call or phone for
' nartieulars '
WINTER 'TJElZM from :�
.'' JAN. 2, i 9 Y 2.
Spotton Business
Miss B. E. Ward, Principal-
`�' 16
1 r
f A
I1 I•I ,Ir in
absorbs the'dust;
brightens. the
floor~ and cleans
the carpet. I
.. f
+t �
e free trial,
Yours :for health,
lbw 1. tati'n off' r,3' 0a, .'.r visit-
4 Iti:r Goetz lza+x raFtJ�'rr• rl frterrn
her yr -sit to Sarnia.
Hex. Mr, and M'rR, T.:v(4v, of Nf(ob'«•
J." fin, V;.sit'e�l 1,0afiv',''`i %a 1,.'�Y1Vo'
Airs. 1hater, of Orimd 13,eml is vises
ping with deer xnothci. Airy, 1G ,>sry
'•Vs''illert, ,for a, fpw days,
Mr. .Paris �aaderscan of Ailsa4 Craig
has been kwigag�ed by° the. l)laui;ni�s
Kill to paint 'their 'cutters and
wagoxiax t
.fhe P011owitng is :the repoart of `tbgt
Dashwood High, School for November,
Form I'll; '5th class -.Lily Blxlexs
63; Letta Guenithr„r 54; E1l1Ret
Guenther f>IU Ruth. Grelarzlbaoh dl;
Matilda UU1vr 74 Cora ,,Schroder fi
.Hilda $uelk $51 Matricula'tioxa• 7YI! t
ton oestreich�ar' 0f3. F9xm 11-- ora; -
RotfmaA,, ;71 Pearl 3 lc main. 09;, Aci4
di,son, Tiemau 01; Stacie Xl�atulelt;OR
Ohlev. Trueam•'ar '00; iT,errlxert Ga*tP'n
6,S• Leila la �.. ,
,. r Sic
text 71
Form, I-., ,
m, 1
�. x
Steels t17; Oliva 1lc4t 79; 3�arl _Melx'
IV. -Mina Bblers 71a; -Toh4
Routledge 71; Ida Wambold 70; Cora
Haugh 'S7; ,Ada Grenzebach 60; Lloyd'
Edighoffer 158; Czar Xellermali; (Jr
IV -'Idea. Zimmer 74. Myxfle Roffmaat
ha7,13 `Barry Guenther 70; Lula Steiu�:
66. .Geo. Il'- Shona Prinelpzal,t
fMr.• P. ,Mcisaac receivred somio no
dollars, from; the IIay Counoil, which;
was ;Paid out Saturday et ening for
labor on the reel, talephone line.
�. LOW . ; •-•—•-�►••-•---
via Grand Trmrnk System between,411
staitions in Ca+.nada, also to Niagara,
i+a,lls and Etif ido, N Y,; Port Huron
and Detrain, J4i"icb.
a ."Single Fa1,Tet (ruinhirnm charge
25v) .good going Dec, 23, 24, 25, Re-
turn limit Dec. 26, 1911. A1so good
ui n
~; n.g Dsc. 3U. cl as.ua Jan: 1. Return,
Iimit,Jan 2.7912
At Fare and ()rn••Tbiid'(minirauin
eharge 25c). gt ruf a-, it t: Dp e. 21 tri Jan.
l inclusirp. Rretlw I,iiiiit Jain, 3; 1912 >r•„.R
Full particulates from any Grand
Trunk agent.
Ministers Lawyers, Teachers, and
others, whose occupation 'gives buil
little exercise. should use Car'ter's Lit
tl.e Liver Pills for torpid liver and
ss ® j der will be in atbandanoe, GRAND BE, S. S, Na. 3, Y'SBORNL biliousness ;One is a d%ua try -them.
r A, ,number from here atban.dGd 'rhe The hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. F,.'XA )Report of S. Q. No,. 8, •i;sbornefor
sDontOKUnflum"kIIfuneral of the late ZXrs. J. Willialps Oeromett% was t'he• zoene ox a quiert I -
of Zurich. Mrs. 'Williams was well i the month of Novemb�ar. ,V Class- -A DOLLARS WORTH'THAT IS t
II riot very pretty tiwa. 5th, on Tuesday : Max, 350 -Leonard Harris 'Mil. Sr, ISP WORTH WHILE
known to the peoplat of Credi!Jron. Tho ri o'clock p. m. Dec+• 45th, where their ”
n family' have the sincerest sympa'i"by econd daughter, Mae Salome was ; Max.250-Tena McCurdy 1fi5; Alma Few
$ papers an the continezet hoc
o nt a people in �theix tad bereave.- tiniteclr in , marriage to Edivin R. E. Roadhouse 163 Donald Balfour 163; the place in confidence and respect,
READ I OdomM y H,dger 1 0; .Oscar Copeland 115 P
Mr.. Melville Whiting occupied the Holt, the cMr. Car was pe�form+d May Hodgert, absent. Sr. III -Mea'. °f the peopl as the Weekly Globe
e g P by the Rev. her. Carriara� in he -Pres �' n• , and Canadian ri armer with ..> ,�W-,_ .,-� .
pw1pit of the Evangelical Chureh last enee of only the immediate reiarives : o0 -Heber Shaba 1'92; Ellis Road: trated Magazine Section. does to -da ; '
There are Special alas Nettles here you 3undayl evening.house 115; Les&r McOurd 105; Gor-
� ur 4the -bride and gxo,om. "iThe bridal don Co Y For 'threescore and sed�en; years it:
, p Mrs-, Nersaao ,of Dashwood, spent Copeland ffA. Sr. 1I -Max. 250- has been accorded the foremost 1
a fete da s with her don D. party stood beneath an arch of Lv z
n Y , er rcens. The 'bride looked ver Willie Roadhouse 180; 145, t. II- place
never dreamed of getting. Messrs, Wali. Brown and Ilrnest g 3, ; dy '153; George Haxah 145, Pt. II- among the metropolitan sveeklie
handsome in a gown of finest(whitaMax. 250 -Iva Francis '230; W- arguer= of Canada, Not satisfied with thlis,
Guettinber rdturxed home nfttei; embroidery, -with veil and bogaet of the enterprising �em�eait ,thaw
' We are hitching the dollrr to the biggest load it eve spending a few months tvorkin at rte gie 0 ` ur Ernest Barris lid P g manes
�g Pt: Edward, = g roses 'and ferns, while little, 1l�ksie{ M��gge ilt2cCurdy 178•; Ira 151eCuxdy made the daily Glair,.] one• of +t:tver iead�•
pulled. :041sie Dodds of Seaforth, made a very 152,7; , Viola Hodgert .and Annie Gilr- ing hieirppapers on the tcontiaernrt hap
p �. pretty little ring bearer dressed in Sr.iarreased tha size of the Wieekyi
:Read on you willabe sure to find something to interest AILSA Ct [G. white embroidery and carrying a i McCurdy e 5A; SEdna McCnzrayTJ]4 a Globe and Canadian ;•armee land add•a "
The death occurred in town on hri- basket of Ivy and Lilly of the Valley, ,' Gordon Gilfi3lan 135; Elgin Copeland ed several ne-w writers ito`'the staff,
you. day last of Mrs; I -•ink Atkinson, The wedding march was play„d by `120 V kTazlewood, tea hear -p, in order that it may keep pace witlil
9lthoubh Mrs. Atkii.,;c 1 had been Miss Laura Germetto on the violin i the progressiva spirit that is perm�ea .
ailing for some time rust. with- accom iariied on the --------- ting piano by ➢tills j ting ;our urban and aural populatio
• Bright's disease, hLr sudd:,n� omosinh, Mauirnet llavella cousin of the bride Zi1RIOH The mail services and �
Sleighs , away was great shock, rhe 'is The grooms I great disib14
'Fountain Pens gift to the ori*1n: �vasG ccs- make it almost impassibIkf
a .Gold Nibs. Gold For boys iris, wooden coasters 20 survived .by her husband and a ven a beautiful sunburst brooch and )to G Mr. Harry Webber Daft on Monde
MWith large 14 Kart y g j ahiydreix three sons and four dau hs for Berlin. y for a large portion of tEhe penplh; itA
and sorts, An extra beau steel sled 8 the Itloxver girl a ring sat tivitlh rub- ret 'the benefit of the splendiIy equip=
ter on d
1 t70 s e a x” lis r v,•
�andlf an earl.. x 14 s .Ata ha .lute and '
b d !! a Mrs. Win!. W•
•II• $ , , Y .. k s Walper have p � rein. While thL young couple tivere re P a e ned news and telegraph service rnf -
.g: $1"25, ing died some years ago. ,�notheir n
b prayed on the moved} 'above C. Hartlieb;s store. The Dally Globe
�+ grsterm mucic vas
Xmas Stationery • dauglAter, Annie, of Chicago, is. Minim flute and harp Then all re- bT'>sts Mary otterbeim of Paulin, is By this addition'ol' Ithe stain ancT'
ing in a very serious condition in aired to the dining room which was visiltin nelabives and friends ihi;lre I
Rocking Horses a hos i P a enlargement of the,paper'the manag&
In fancyboxes. The best linen paper pial there. tastefully! arranged wilth ,aver rsens for a flew weeks. b
p I? g menu of the WaekIy Globe and Cane
enclosein a beautiful box. A gift The oniv amusement- for the child While driving into town on Wed- and geraniums, where all partook Mr. J. A� Constantine left for. ada Farmer hope to• com ansabe Ithosei '
'1' appreciated by all. 206 to $1.25, A the longer they sit in one the better n•esday a. horse driven by Mrs. Ed- of aha. wedding din:n•ar The young Toronto on Saturday, ovvfnjs eta the, tivho must be ssitistied rw-t
A special e0 cent line for 45ets. ` they like it 90c to $1.15.. jar Phillips, of .Falkirk, became couple wer-a the recipients of man I illness of leis father. i h a pagazig
Y once a weak by givingth�ern all rtht
r.rightened and ran away throwini;, uaefu' and costly presents terriers •tear � ,The sudden &ath.,of illrs. H. Banelr tveok'd rvzzvs in brieand comp
Xmas Booklets M=s' Phillips out. 14Irs, lhiilips wase, rifrea, to the ,esihGtrm ,in wti!ich they , sr. which, took place, on '�Saturdayy, hensive .form thereby increasingprtiie
Bibles found lying in an u,ncoluseious con,- are 'hold. shocked the residents of our village papers, usefulness interest and iedu-
dition b p p
A Book every one should read and Sunday school teachers wishing^ to Y some neo la tubo wk:ae ass- (While at her housework sive sudden:; cativq value.
ing. She was carried to the resi- - ) Iy fell over and before, her husband.
�c have 400 to choose from. Prices range present booklets to their class will be donee of Mrs. Charles Bowman where THE MAGISTRATE'S STORY cool• summon. medical aid she was 'Inc order to±.get"more people_
from 15c to $4.50. A special Morocco given special prices 3c to 50cts. a doctor was summoned and it was -Buk
bound silk sewed large type $1.00. What he Owes to Zarnt dead. The cause of death was heia.rt Ushers
with, it en its new for
1, 6 yp Poets some time before shy, rallied enough Mr• C. R 55andford, of Weston, failure, The dk ceamd vas 8s . ,earn ushers of the a giving
Glom µ
P® to �t,ril her frirends tvha;t had happen- Dings Co., N. Q, a Justice of the of age: s ads Farmer are giving thdaa vv�o sub,
Hymn Books f the different' ed. At latest reperts, ho„ -r-,r, she Peace for that county, and a dxaacor,I Another sad death which ',took seribe, for one year before Daecemben
A The complete works o ( was Testing easily,. of they Baptisit Church, in Berwick place on' r'hurs.day in the parson of 31,st 21*9I1� •a Copy of Daddys Glit
Jr Including Methodist Presbyterian and Poets bound in Morrocco with a large t _� _ sayl,, I used Zam.-Buk for piles and 1 Mrs. Williams, -ife of J. A: •Wil- est w wVas, described in tof t comms`
e added cover $1.00. r e found tit a splendid remedy. It cur- last week. A sample copy of this beau,
Anglican loo to $4.00. type, P f FOR rIIP.. 'HAIR „ P trams as cast a gloom over our vii- tiful
'I1. • i ICere are facts wo want you to prove Od °le. lage. The deoeased had gone through Picture may lie caters e, for
• Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Prince' Ian operation some weeks ago but office and arrangements made, for
Niuslc Satchels Stationer at our risk. Albert, Sask., writes; "I must thank , your subscription.
When the roots of the Hair aro yen:- the best medical care and att!e,i7}tion
•� A present suitable for that ding ter A regular 10c pad containing 100 sheet tirely dead and the pours of the, scalp ou for the beiiefit I •have received 1 eras of no avid). Besides her bus-
y A yours 50c it to $3.00. for 5c. 25 of the Best Bond envelopes are. glazed over, wo Ao not believe from the use of Zam-Bub. Last sum band Fhe leaves,the following fame ,,
mer I had a fever which left me with• d& so
• , r 5G that anythhing ,can restore .hair ily; b1,.;: ;Rev.) WhiteridLs, of Hemp' -
piles. t[ +started''to usa Zam-Buk and•
growth. vide; J�t1te.I and Eva at boric; Cai-
But when the hair roots retain any found it gave me relief, so .I control- vin of Buffalo; Leslie axed Robart at
° i1wY� life we believe that theta ia nothing ued with it. After using rthraie or hom�ei. ,
g that will so surely promatL hair grow four boxes it effect -ed. cted a comlpc!tc 1 Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Zimmerman, of Prince Edward Farmer 5014
t'h as Rexall 93 Hair Tonle. To prove euro. Davenport, N. D., are visiting rata.- ct
that statemenit we, promise to prompt PZam-Buk will also be found a sure I. tives, here. emnly Declares Nerd -,e,
ly, return all the !money you' pay us cute for cold sores, chapped hands, I A quilt wedding was 1111 celebrated a,1s a Specific.
Just a word about Pianos for Rexall 193 Bair Tonic should it frost 'bite, ulcers, ecZ•ema, blood; -poi- herd on Wednesday when Miss Ida
not please you, soli, varicose sores; scalp'soreis, rinbr Prang was united in marriage to Mr,.
We are offeringa special discount for the balance of � Rexall (9'3 Hair Tonic destroys ,the tivorm, inflamed patches, babies' cr=Kerrigan.« —�
P . of the London Pira After fifty years' experience in ra.is�a
the month our stock is very large and well assorted. germs whicii are usually responsiblea uptions end chapped places, cuts Rev. . C. J. `Ptaas, performing thte , ing horses I can safelytestif that na
for (baldncisst It penetrates A gine burns, bruises, and skin in,juricr, oen�- ceremon remedy y
We are ofi'er io' a large Oft. 7in. Piano full iron eral! All dru y' y gives such good results for and
o roots of the hair stimulating and,. by Y• ggists and stares cell tdr. Hamor Well, of Calgary is ( all-round s+able liniment as Nervillne,°i
promoting circulation nourisbin at 50c., box, or post free from Zam, - Thu, opens the vex
frame Pullman wire Strings, Mahogany finish. )Double veal- � r? � spAntlin, ,a. Eery ive•,)Ls it his hems y earnest letter of 3•,
e g y 7a them. uc Co., Toronto, ,upon receipt bf here. T. L:ra.nston, tubo lives near Welling -r
1'ed inside aad out Unlimited Guaran teefor $225.00 ' i Mexall W Hair Tonle helps to' reL 1 e. You are warned against harm- Keen int'erost is alreadybrim• ton, P. E. T had a very valuable horse
ee i I neve Is irritation, !to aramovo den- fel imitations and substitutes. Sec taken in.' fhe foxlhcomin * arunici ( the• +ook distempgr a month ago ana
LL b
1 the bl
a 4
Co.t the v
8L bL.r d name �. of
Heintzman Ct). �; s e e Zam-Duk" on , s afraid,I 1 old b [the o was
Piano S S �o resent h�, h ix from •� of
The bigg.1 t a fall- elc.et n to
y P ' tons A close fight is anticipat- going lose hixna
est value you evor seen or heard of Call and see for your- I ing out rand to ipromdte ani increased every pacirage before bay'ng, ed for the ruaveshi s His throat swelled and hard lumps de..
__ pin the event o.. P
self at an rate call and receive one of our large art Dalen �arowth of hair. It comes in two siz- P. Lamont the veloped. His nostrils ran and he had a
pres�an't arises xesig�-
y t,° I es. ,prices 50e. and $1.;00•, itkvmtrmt Are free from all crude and irrit- ing. Th•e names of II, 11,oe•b, W. Oo,� terrible cough. i
1 you, can abtain it only alt opr store sit and L. I�albfieisch all uimmbers tried different re -
ng matter concen'trat'ed medicine on- ��I°VII��Ie medies, but was;
dans. The Rexall Stora W, S. Cole'. ly Carter's Little Liver Pills Ver of the Pres-ent council an mentioned
y unable to relieve
Sli B► 11\� drltt�r{vxIAT � CTfSALEN small; very easy to take; no ,pain, as likely contestants for the offic,i my horse of his
Li V l� c no .griping no pursing try ahem; r ����� Pain and sufEeriugi
1ulrs:� 'John Gilbert, of London, who THINK rIHIS OVE1R till T started to use.
A special discount on Reymonds, Singers and Williams.five are offerin I hast losers visitin4 hLrat rvi'th Mrs. IJ. j• �•
l y fi g V� Allison, returned lioirne on It'Ion•
This U i C Ka L� Nerviline; i mir-
an extra nice ca.bnet guaranteed forlOyrs Golden Oak finish full set ofa utach- day, FOR FLETCHER°S of the offer
skep(ticaln the confidence' F villne an of we
ments for $22,75. If you are thanking of buying a inachine in 1912 do it now Miss Gertie Sutiorby is home with and sweet'
v A 7 ! We, iia, for all the medicine used oil and rubbed the mixture on the
.we will give yon the Lime at a reduced Price, her mother for a visit. during the trial if our remedy fails throat and chest three times a day and
Miss Lottie Squire spenit aunday to completely relieve: you sf consitipa- you would, scarcely believe the way;
�ct Wesley, the guest of Miss Maggie CvR,ANITON tion. We hake all the risk, You are that horse Picked up. Werviline cured
AIM)SM '9' Son, ul f- war Dann. The Epworth League of Granton not obligated to us in any way what= him. I also have used Nerviline for,
Misses Hilda Gunning and Verda Method lbt Church spent a ver plea- ever. if you aceLpt our offer. That',a colic In horses and cows, sand earnostl
Squire ,spent a 'few days of last week - p y 1 g recommend It to every man that Is,
a 'mi 'mighty broad statement but we
at Winchelsea the sant evening in the bMemept of the raising stock."
• Orr. 'Melville Whit9nr of Par]thfill , guests or' Mises church, The programme took the mean every word of it.. Could any- For strains, sprains, swellings, colic,
Lulu God+bolt. thing be more fair to ,you? `
form of a "Spelling Match," aa:d a distemper, coughs, and •colds, no llni_
Crediton lspentl a few days Mina gdets{t of .119'x. Rev. Blatchford, our Pastor praaeb ,iBook Contest," for each of which a A most scientific common-seneo relent will prove so efficacious in the:
and 141rs. J. Roltzmaw. t ed a very interesting sermon
• psi, , treatment, is. R�cxall Orderlies which stable as "I�1,erv3line"-it's food, ..,Boar
Mr, Aaron Brown, of Blonhelm, I Sunday in behalf of missiome. trho Prize was awarded to the winner, Miss are eaten Iike candy.T
' Elsie Wallis proved to be the best, 1
tubo has been spending' a short bol- (Mr. J, I:'inkberner of Detroit is ubscri tions were ver r t f n _ o heir notrve I man .or 'beast, for internal or externa
5 p y g a i ya g Principle e is a recant seientifio die- use. Wherev.ei there is Pain; Nervillnet
iday with his brother Mr. S. Bre.ivn spending a few days the guest of. Nextl •Sunda will be Childran's Ii speller pxesr;,t while Miss Edna Grant co er t t
act tvrielc• hie uncle Mr. Samuel Brown. r. Y ay carried cif t1 a rtes of ,r v y the is odorless coloriass and will cure It. Refuse substitutes. �,argea
returnee'., to his hom:: 7 , � and our F the Book
d Wella Wein. Eleation passed off vary quietly) pastor. will addre is the Contest." tasteless; vary pronounced gentle and bottles 60c, trial size z6c, at all deal -
ay Aaron an y ' - children in the af-bornoon; pleasant in action and
who have been at Point Edward the' around, here. In the morning at � ., pa ticalarlyv C ere,` or The Catarrhozone Co:, 7iingston;
Harmony 11%11 w s the areae of fes- y O.? ,
as. if the votes l number from around hers are at» agreeably In ever way. 'Phis an, -,red•.
,, �rsd
a to �o a iT
ve tett rned ui t es last �Vedne da
t c� ks iia. v s venin ,
past low v .., the s c , e
1 fending g ,,
e in
the Guelph w.n't= r -
i kir ,fair, L)k. rent does, not c � d
t *n v Mage, would( be very ,small on account (of week, g p r , s occasion being the anneal Odfellows nus iarxhoea fitende, � CURED
�`fAr, `,i.oaais T01Vers has returned the unfavorable weather and roads __ _ banquet. Mr. A. Reith catered to oe griping or other inconvenlbenoe
J'f:er s, and%n. a sou le. of In the afternoon Itha Iturdod out eaall Orderlies are piarticularly good 1rr .^.4 iioYzl[tc
li�, nc a . p B a P y the uss6tlabTage of about one hundred You can painlessly remove any � corn..
tl:Q lbs 'n. North Dakota We havMt fairlyl .well. fA,*. Eilber got in +t 1thi - and fort and a mast enjoyable a for children aged and delicate a pexhab- applying
r hard, soft, or bleeding, byt
' i h v'n a heart ., somewhat a smaller majority Ith!an, yyen- if you suffer from chronic or trill- am11s>inn Putnarri's Corn xtrantor. 3h
eta Jthe plc icor, of a i y J r9 tog._ vas spent, itual cons.•ti a'tion or the assooiaite never burns, leaves no scar,,contalns no
4LL GAROIGERS hand )sha:lcc wit.li ',ham yet blit leis lite former election. Congratulation, Mrs. John Langfordspen.t ti arrdnea»
de end�nt ephroi is ailments tee' 'rice acids; h harmless, becaus.t3 00 8 teca
; . i lute. Ii;ilbcl` ' rel Infants and Oh11ai1 x;11 day rvlth friends in Lucan, p g only of pleating _gums and balrags ltd,
trope to 5e'a hurl before ion We you to try Rexall Orderlies ,.t Dux years in rise,nrc oar t"
unerstaii.dd ,hart Auer. :rowers will i Quarterly Meeting services tv'ill be AQaiiy of the farmers are showing t; bottles.
, 5•t ,l g Al �p r Iz J rtsk., Remember you can obtain ,them by all druggists, 250 bottles 7t:t
�• II �. g 611 Alii lou Hasp. Alla s RoUglif their anpreciatiou of trill a cellenl, • , efusel r• ,
move -back to Daol,a again, God 1xelJ! in the Evan elicit oharcii on °
r • to Dxeter only at aux stfora 12 table(!.s siihstitutes,
s , 3 thinks there is no placo lika the west Sunday, -,Church will be held onSatl• condition of the roads in this vicinity ``
piaster, Ont, . I lOc 38 tablets, 25 ti0 Itsblcts 50c. Syirl g
we are ,wrry to 3o"a onofi p. , 0;0!/11 uiday afternoon eommeneriig at '2,30 i . Bears the by bauiing in their pressed tray read , . t ����� � ����1IIVr��+"�`i
y j pnly at our store The 12�aaTk S(.�xer
tutizclr. .� o'clock. ,Revs Litt, t'lio pwisiding El- S1guatureof � � forstiippiiig, 1 11V:• S. Goole. ° CORN EXTRACTOR
C... . •..
j ---From tire•-_..• MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS
""'""" Y� i Pancy Glace WaterSets 59c up
Mammoth Toy Land " Bon I3on Ibc up
Q �" •pieties
Early „ Biscuit Jars 500
az gift folC ALL the family, a. gift for ALL
up ;.
Bears ,,
r8 C C n S
Brim full of useful suggestions. K5 �5 and ,go Dent
ggestions, Cake Plates 25c up
Think of the money that is thrown away on tris at Christmas time'-tliecandy
that is eaten, the toys. that are broken, the Christmas cards that are merely
glanced Aand thrown away. 'What have you to show for last year's Christmas?
Don't leave all your shopping till Balky Mules (mech toy), Torpedo " Salad Bowls 9150 up
every zriember of yourfamily all of the very kind of entertainment each prefers-
nqt merely for a day or a year, but for always. That's what makes fire Edison
the grbatest kind of gift, The Edison brings you the four great advantages
the Last Few Devs, Get First Choice . Boats, Side wheeler Boats, Pleasure , Ifo Berry Sets 65c up
the sajipb re reproducing -point, which does not scratch or wear the records and
lasts forever -no changing of needles; Amberol Records, which play twice as.
Come in the morning as man as can. Boats, Performing
g y ing Sea Lions, New,
therecordsmade in ourlaboratory. That's whatmakes the Edison Phonograph
the greatest gift of its kind.
Cycles, Traction and .Rotary .
� Y�e�4 �� ���� Engines, Waterwagons, Sprinkling See our Hand Bag'
g Carts,
Edison Amberol Records, Get. corAplete, catalogs from your
dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, $16,50 to,Xy240:00. arcaarosaxEn
Eclison5tdndardReeords,40c. Edison AmberolReeSof7sOlay 100 Lakeside Avenue
twiceas`1ong),!90c. Edison Grand 0peraRecofds,85cto¢2:50. Orange, P. &. U. S. A.
Autos, Trains, Paddy on PigSpecials at 29c &,Qc anti
i l rs t i
Mie E
In Cake , c
x Salads C e a d Bread Plates. ates. i n
Main. Street.
Tea and Cocoa Sets, in Vases and Jar- Tin Toys at 5c, 10c. and 150, $90. Only a few of
dineers, Bisenit Jara, Sugar Shakers Some with springs and without• each left. New in this
and Berry Sets. Fire Engines, Boats, Autos, Taxicabs,
Etc. Etc, , week.
Special (Aft for Mean
Shaving Sete 65e Our Drug Department Toy Sets, Disbes,
Collar & Cuff Boxes' Dolls all sizes, 33 differ.
Tie Boxes & Holders 26c Is one of the big emus ui oiw growing business ent kinds
Pipe Racks 25c On SATURDAY this week we will fill our South Win Banks, 30 different
Cuff Buttons 25c dow full of Toilet articles with a Price that will as- kinds at 5c up
Collar Sutton Sets 10e tonish you. It will pay you to lay in a stock for the
Vest Chains $1.50up conning year. You can buy as many as you like, as
long as the stock lasts. Rember the Day. CONFECTIONERY
Special Gifts for Dont come Monday lookingyor for ever offeregest diniq FRUITS DTC,
LADIES these Specials. Come Exeterto users of Son Bong 20c up
early get first choieaa, these preparation Oranges 25c up
Glove and Handker- Nuts Mixed 2Ac a Ib,
chief Boxes 25c up 100 large bars Pure Castile Soap also on sale, one to
Ceiltdoid Hatpin . a custoeaer only, Special Prices in quant -
Holders 25c up ities,
China Hand Mirrors,
Brushes and Combs We wrap and keep anything you make a deposit Corrie Here for
Hand Bags 25c up on till nearer Xmas so Come Early and Select. 'These Goods
Fancy Stationery
Don't Forget this DIC ST�OPE is Dept up for Y U• Conte
Early and Bring Your Friends.
lbw 1. tati'n off' r,3' 0a, .'.r visit-
4 Iti:r Goetz lza+x raFtJ�'rr• rl frterrn
her yr -sit to Sarnia.
Hex. Mr, and M'rR, T.:v(4v, of Nf(ob'«•
J." fin, V;.sit'e�l 1,0afiv',''`i %a 1,.'�Y1Vo'
Airs. 1hater, of Orimd 13,eml is vises
ping with deer xnothci. Airy, 1G ,>sry
'•Vs''illert, ,for a, fpw days,
Mr. .Paris �aaderscan of Ailsa4 Craig
has been kwigag�ed by° the. l)laui;ni�s
Kill to paint 'their 'cutters and
wagoxiax t
.fhe P011owitng is :the repoart of `tbgt
Dashwood High, School for November,
Form I'll; '5th class -.Lily Blxlexs
63; Letta Guenithr„r 54; E1l1Ret
Guenther f>IU Ruth. Grelarzlbaoh dl;
Matilda UU1vr 74 Cora ,,Schroder fi
.Hilda $uelk $51 Matricula'tioxa• 7YI! t
ton oestreich�ar' 0f3. F9xm 11-- ora; -
RotfmaA,, ;71 Pearl 3 lc main. 09;, Aci4
di,son, Tiemau 01; Stacie Xl�atulelt;OR
Ohlev. Trueam•'ar '00; iT,errlxert Ga*tP'n
6,S• Leila la �.. ,
,. r Sic
text 71
Form, I-., ,
m, 1
�. x
Steels t17; Oliva 1lc4t 79; 3�arl _Melx'
IV. -Mina Bblers 71a; -Toh4
Routledge 71; Ida Wambold 70; Cora
Haugh 'S7; ,Ada Grenzebach 60; Lloyd'
Edighoffer 158; Czar Xellermali; (Jr
IV -'Idea. Zimmer 74. Myxfle Roffmaat
ha7,13 `Barry Guenther 70; Lula Steiu�:
66. .Geo. Il'- Shona Prinelpzal,t
fMr.• P. ,Mcisaac receivred somio no
dollars, from; the IIay Counoil, which;
was ;Paid out Saturday et ening for
labor on the reel, talephone line.
�. LOW . ; •-•—•-�►••-•---
via Grand Trmrnk System between,411
staitions in Ca+.nada, also to Niagara,
i+a,lls and Etif ido, N Y,; Port Huron
and Detrain, J4i"icb.
a ."Single Fa1,Tet (ruinhirnm charge
25v) .good going Dec, 23, 24, 25, Re-
turn limit Dec. 26, 1911. A1so good
ui n
~; n.g Dsc. 3U. cl as.ua Jan: 1. Return,
Iimit,Jan 2.7912
At Fare and ()rn••Tbiid'(minirauin
eharge 25c). gt ruf a-, it t: Dp e. 21 tri Jan.
l inclusirp. Rretlw I,iiiiit Jain, 3; 1912 >r•„.R
Full particulates from any Grand
Trunk agent.
Ministers Lawyers, Teachers, and
others, whose occupation 'gives buil
little exercise. should use Car'ter's Lit
tl.e Liver Pills for torpid liver and
ss ® j der will be in atbandanoe, GRAND BE, S. S, Na. 3, Y'SBORNL biliousness ;One is a d%ua try -them.
r A, ,number from here atban.dGd 'rhe The hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. F,.'XA )Report of S. Q. No,. 8, •i;sbornefor
sDontOKUnflum"kIIfuneral of the late ZXrs. J. Willialps Oeromett% was t'he• zoene ox a quiert I -
of Zurich. Mrs. 'Williams was well i the month of Novemb�ar. ,V Class- -A DOLLARS WORTH'THAT IS t
II riot very pretty tiwa. 5th, on Tuesday : Max, 350 -Leonard Harris 'Mil. Sr, ISP WORTH WHILE
known to the peoplat of Credi!Jron. Tho ri o'clock p. m. Dec+• 45th, where their ”
n family' have the sincerest sympa'i"by econd daughter, Mae Salome was ; Max.250-Tena McCurdy 1fi5; Alma Few
$ papers an the continezet hoc
o nt a people in �theix tad bereave.- tiniteclr in , marriage to Edivin R. E. Roadhouse 163 Donald Balfour 163; the place in confidence and respect,
READ I OdomM y H,dger 1 0; .Oscar Copeland 115 P
Mr.. Melville Whiting occupied the Holt, the cMr. Car was pe�form+d May Hodgert, absent. Sr. III -Mea'. °f the peopl as the Weekly Globe
e g P by the Rev. her. Carriara� in he -Pres �' n• , and Canadian ri armer with ..> ,�W-,_ .,-� .
pw1pit of the Evangelical Chureh last enee of only the immediate reiarives : o0 -Heber Shaba 1'92; Ellis Road: trated Magazine Section. does to -da ; '
There are Special alas Nettles here you 3undayl evening.house 115; Les&r McOurd 105; Gor-
� ur 4the -bride and gxo,om. "iThe bridal don Co Y For 'threescore and sed�en; years it:
, p Mrs-, Nersaao ,of Dashwood, spent Copeland ffA. Sr. 1I -Max. 250- has been accorded the foremost 1
a fete da s with her don D. party stood beneath an arch of Lv z
n Y , er rcens. The 'bride looked ver Willie Roadhouse 180; 145, t. II- place
never dreamed of getting. Messrs, Wali. Brown and Ilrnest g 3, ; dy '153; George Haxah 145, Pt. II- among the metropolitan sveeklie
handsome in a gown of finest(whitaMax. 250 -Iva Francis '230; W- arguer= of Canada, Not satisfied with thlis,
Guettinber rdturxed home nfttei; embroidery, -with veil and bogaet of the enterprising �em�eait ,thaw
' We are hitching the dollrr to the biggest load it eve spending a few months tvorkin at rte gie 0 ` ur Ernest Barris lid P g manes
�g Pt: Edward, = g roses 'and ferns, while little, 1l�ksie{ M��gge ilt2cCurdy 178•; Ira 151eCuxdy made the daily Glair,.] one• of +t:tver iead�•
pulled. :041sie Dodds of Seaforth, made a very 152,7; , Viola Hodgert .and Annie Gilr- ing hieirppapers on the tcontiaernrt hap
p �. pretty little ring bearer dressed in Sr.iarreased tha size of the Wieekyi
:Read on you willabe sure to find something to interest AILSA Ct [G. white embroidery and carrying a i McCurdy e 5A; SEdna McCnzrayTJ]4 a Globe and Canadian ;•armee land add•a "
The death occurred in town on hri- basket of Ivy and Lilly of the Valley, ,' Gordon Gilfi3lan 135; Elgin Copeland ed several ne-w writers ito`'the staff,
you. day last of Mrs; I -•ink Atkinson, The wedding march was play„d by `120 V kTazlewood, tea hear -p, in order that it may keep pace witlil
9lthoubh Mrs. Atkii.,;c 1 had been Miss Laura Germetto on the violin i the progressiva spirit that is perm�ea .
ailing for some time rust. with- accom iariied on the --------- ting piano by ➢tills j ting ;our urban and aural populatio
• Bright's disease, hLr sudd:,n� omosinh, Mauirnet llavella cousin of the bride Zi1RIOH The mail services and �
Sleighs , away was great shock, rhe 'is The grooms I great disib14
'Fountain Pens gift to the ori*1n: �vasG ccs- make it almost impassibIkf
a .Gold Nibs. Gold For boys iris, wooden coasters 20 survived .by her husband and a ven a beautiful sunburst brooch and )to G Mr. Harry Webber Daft on Monde
MWith large 14 Kart y g j ahiydreix three sons and four dau hs for Berlin. y for a large portion of tEhe penplh; itA
and sorts, An extra beau steel sled 8 the Itloxver girl a ring sat tivitlh rub- ret 'the benefit of the splendiIy equip=
ter on d
1 t70 s e a x” lis r v,•
�andlf an earl.. x 14 s .Ata ha .lute and '
b d !! a Mrs. Win!. W•
•II• $ , , Y .. k s Walper have p � rein. While thL young couple tivere re P a e ned news and telegraph service rnf -
.g: $1"25, ing died some years ago. ,�notheir n
b prayed on the moved} 'above C. Hartlieb;s store. The Dally Globe
�+ grsterm mucic vas
Xmas Stationery • dauglAter, Annie, of Chicago, is. Minim flute and harp Then all re- bT'>sts Mary otterbeim of Paulin, is By this addition'ol' Ithe stain ancT'
ing in a very serious condition in aired to the dining room which was visiltin nelabives and friends ihi;lre I
Rocking Horses a hos i P a enlargement of the,paper'the manag&
In fancyboxes. The best linen paper pial there. tastefully! arranged wilth ,aver rsens for a flew weeks. b
p I? g menu of the WaekIy Globe and Cane
enclosein a beautiful box. A gift The oniv amusement- for the child While driving into town on Wed- and geraniums, where all partook Mr. J. A� Constantine left for. ada Farmer hope to• com ansabe Ithosei '
'1' appreciated by all. 206 to $1.25, A the longer they sit in one the better n•esday a. horse driven by Mrs. Ed- of aha. wedding din:n•ar The young Toronto on Saturday, ovvfnjs eta the, tivho must be ssitistied rw-t
A special e0 cent line for 45ets. ` they like it 90c to $1.15.. jar Phillips, of .Falkirk, became couple wer-a the recipients of man I illness of leis father. i h a pagazig
Y once a weak by givingth�ern all rtht
r.rightened and ran away throwini;, uaefu' and costly presents terriers •tear � ,The sudden &ath.,of illrs. H. Banelr tveok'd rvzzvs in brieand comp
Xmas Booklets M=s' Phillips out. 14Irs, lhiilips wase, rifrea, to the ,esihGtrm ,in wti!ich they , sr. which, took place, on '�Saturdayy, hensive .form thereby increasingprtiie
Bibles found lying in an u,ncoluseious con,- are 'hold. shocked the residents of our village papers, usefulness interest and iedu-
dition b p p
A Book every one should read and Sunday school teachers wishing^ to Y some neo la tubo wk:ae ass- (While at her housework sive sudden:; cativq value.
ing. She was carried to the resi- - ) Iy fell over and before, her husband.
�c have 400 to choose from. Prices range present booklets to their class will be donee of Mrs. Charles Bowman where THE MAGISTRATE'S STORY cool• summon. medical aid she was 'Inc order to±.get"more people_
from 15c to $4.50. A special Morocco given special prices 3c to 50cts. a doctor was summoned and it was -Buk
bound silk sewed large type $1.00. What he Owes to Zarnt dead. The cause of death was heia.rt Ushers
with, it en its new for
1, 6 yp Poets some time before shy, rallied enough Mr• C. R 55andford, of Weston, failure, The dk ceamd vas 8s . ,earn ushers of the a giving
Glom µ
P® to �t,ril her frirends tvha;t had happen- Dings Co., N. Q, a Justice of the of age: s ads Farmer are giving thdaa vv�o sub,
Hymn Books f the different' ed. At latest reperts, ho„ -r-,r, she Peace for that county, and a dxaacor,I Another sad death which ',took seribe, for one year before Daecemben
A The complete works o ( was Testing easily,. of they Baptisit Church, in Berwick place on' r'hurs.day in the parson of 31,st 21*9I1� •a Copy of Daddys Glit
Jr Including Methodist Presbyterian and Poets bound in Morrocco with a large t _� _ sayl,, I used Zam.-Buk for piles and 1 Mrs. Williams, -ife of J. A: •Wil- est w wVas, described in tof t comms`
e added cover $1.00. r e found tit a splendid remedy. It cur- last week. A sample copy of this beau,
Anglican loo to $4.00. type, P f FOR rIIP.. 'HAIR „ P trams as cast a gloom over our vii- tiful
'I1. • i ICere are facts wo want you to prove Od °le. lage. The deoeased had gone through Picture may lie caters e, for
• Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Prince' Ian operation some weeks ago but office and arrangements made, for
Niuslc Satchels Stationer at our risk. Albert, Sask., writes; "I must thank , your subscription.
When the roots of the Hair aro yen:- the best medical care and att!e,i7}tion
•� A present suitable for that ding ter A regular 10c pad containing 100 sheet tirely dead and the pours of the, scalp ou for the beiiefit I •have received 1 eras of no avid). Besides her bus-
y A yours 50c it to $3.00. for 5c. 25 of the Best Bond envelopes are. glazed over, wo Ao not believe from the use of Zam-Bub. Last sum band Fhe leaves,the following fame ,,
mer I had a fever which left me with• d& so
• , r 5G that anythhing ,can restore .hair ily; b1,.;: ;Rev.) WhiteridLs, of Hemp' -
piles. t[ +started''to usa Zam-Buk and•
growth. vide; J�t1te.I and Eva at boric; Cai-
But when the hair roots retain any found it gave me relief, so .I control- vin of Buffalo; Leslie axed Robart at
° i1wY� life we believe that theta ia nothing ued with it. After using rthraie or hom�ei. ,
g that will so surely promatL hair grow four boxes it effect -ed. cted a comlpc!tc 1 Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Zimmerman, of Prince Edward Farmer 5014
t'h as Rexall 93 Hair Tonle. To prove euro. Davenport, N. D., are visiting rata.- ct
that statemenit we, promise to prompt PZam-Buk will also be found a sure I. tives, here. emnly Declares Nerd -,e,
ly, return all the !money you' pay us cute for cold sores, chapped hands, I A quilt wedding was 1111 celebrated a,1s a Specific.
Just a word about Pianos for Rexall 193 Bair Tonic should it frost 'bite, ulcers, ecZ•ema, blood; -poi- herd on Wednesday when Miss Ida
not please you, soli, varicose sores; scalp'soreis, rinbr Prang was united in marriage to Mr,.
We are offeringa special discount for the balance of � Rexall (9'3 Hair Tonic destroys ,the tivorm, inflamed patches, babies' cr=Kerrigan.« —�
P . of the London Pira After fifty years' experience in ra.is�a
the month our stock is very large and well assorted. germs whicii are usually responsiblea uptions end chapped places, cuts Rev. . C. J. `Ptaas, performing thte , ing horses I can safelytestif that na
for (baldncisst It penetrates A gine burns, bruises, and skin in,juricr, oen�- ceremon remedy y
We are ofi'er io' a large Oft. 7in. Piano full iron eral! All dru y' y gives such good results for and
o roots of the hair stimulating and,. by Y• ggists and stares cell tdr. Hamor Well, of Calgary is ( all-round s+able liniment as Nervillne,°i
promoting circulation nourisbin at 50c., box, or post free from Zam, - Thu, opens the vex
frame Pullman wire Strings, Mahogany finish. )Double veal- � r? � spAntlin, ,a. Eery ive•,)Ls it his hems y earnest letter of 3•,
e g y 7a them. uc Co., Toronto, ,upon receipt bf here. T. L:ra.nston, tubo lives near Welling -r
1'ed inside aad out Unlimited Guaran teefor $225.00 ' i Mexall W Hair Tonle helps to' reL 1 e. You are warned against harm- Keen int'erost is alreadybrim• ton, P. E. T had a very valuable horse
ee i I neve Is irritation, !to aramovo den- fel imitations and substitutes. Sec taken in.' fhe foxlhcomin * arunici ( the• +ook distempgr a month ago ana
LL b
1 the bl
a 4
Co.t the v
8L bL.r d name �. of
Heintzman Ct). �; s e e Zam-Duk" on , s afraid,I 1 old b [the o was
Piano S S �o resent h�, h ix from •� of
The bigg.1 t a fall- elc.et n to
y P ' tons A close fight is anticipat- going lose hixna
est value you evor seen or heard of Call and see for your- I ing out rand to ipromdte ani increased every pacirage before bay'ng, ed for the ruaveshi s His throat swelled and hard lumps de..
__ pin the event o.. P
self at an rate call and receive one of our large art Dalen �arowth of hair. It comes in two siz- P. Lamont the veloped. His nostrils ran and he had a
pres�an't arises xesig�-
y t,° I es. ,prices 50e. and $1.;00•, itkvmtrmt Are free from all crude and irrit- ing. Th•e names of II, 11,oe•b, W. Oo,� terrible cough. i
1 you, can abtain it only alt opr store sit and L. I�albfieisch all uimmbers tried different re -
ng matter concen'trat'ed medicine on- ��I°VII��Ie medies, but was;
dans. The Rexall Stora W, S. Cole'. ly Carter's Little Liver Pills Ver of the Pres-ent council an mentioned
y unable to relieve
Sli B► 11\� drltt�r{vxIAT � CTfSALEN small; very easy to take; no ,pain, as likely contestants for the offic,i my horse of his
Li V l� c no .griping no pursing try ahem; r ����� Pain and sufEeriugi
1ulrs:� 'John Gilbert, of London, who THINK rIHIS OVE1R till T started to use.
A special discount on Reymonds, Singers and Williams.five are offerin I hast losers visitin4 hLrat rvi'th Mrs. IJ. j• �•
l y fi g V� Allison, returned lioirne on It'Ion•
This U i C Ka L� Nerviline; i mir-
an extra nice ca.bnet guaranteed forlOyrs Golden Oak finish full set ofa utach- day, FOR FLETCHER°S of the offer
skep(ticaln the confidence' F villne an of we
ments for $22,75. If you are thanking of buying a inachine in 1912 do it now Miss Gertie Sutiorby is home with and sweet'
v A 7 ! We, iia, for all the medicine used oil and rubbed the mixture on the
.we will give yon the Lime at a reduced Price, her mother for a visit. during the trial if our remedy fails throat and chest three times a day and
Miss Lottie Squire spenit aunday to completely relieve: you sf consitipa- you would, scarcely believe the way;
�ct Wesley, the guest of Miss Maggie CvR,ANITON tion. We hake all the risk, You are that horse Picked up. Werviline cured
AIM)SM '9' Son, ul f- war Dann. The Epworth League of Granton not obligated to us in any way what= him. I also have used Nerviline for,
Misses Hilda Gunning and Verda Method lbt Church spent a ver plea- ever. if you aceLpt our offer. That',a colic In horses and cows, sand earnostl
Squire ,spent a 'few days of last week - p y 1 g recommend It to every man that Is,
a 'mi 'mighty broad statement but we
at Winchelsea the sant evening in the bMemept of the raising stock."
• Orr. 'Melville Whit9nr of Par]thfill , guests or' Mises church, The programme took the mean every word of it.. Could any- For strains, sprains, swellings, colic,
Lulu God+bolt. thing be more fair to ,you? `
form of a "Spelling Match," aa:d a distemper, coughs, and •colds, no llni_
Crediton lspentl a few days Mina gdets{t of .119'x. Rev. Blatchford, our Pastor praaeb ,iBook Contest," for each of which a A most scientific common-seneo relent will prove so efficacious in the:
and 141rs. J. Roltzmaw. t ed a very interesting sermon
• psi, , treatment, is. R�cxall Orderlies which stable as "I�1,erv3line"-it's food, ..,Boar
Mr, Aaron Brown, of Blonhelm, I Sunday in behalf of missiome. trho Prize was awarded to the winner, Miss are eaten Iike candy.T
' Elsie Wallis proved to be the best, 1
tubo has been spending' a short bol- (Mr. J, I:'inkberner of Detroit is ubscri tions were ver r t f n _ o heir notrve I man .or 'beast, for internal or externa
5 p y g a i ya g Principle e is a recant seientifio die- use. Wherev.ei there is Pain; Nervillnet
iday with his brother Mr. S. Bre.ivn spending a few days the guest of. Nextl •Sunda will be Childran's Ii speller pxesr;,t while Miss Edna Grant co er t t
act tvrielc• hie uncle Mr. Samuel Brown. r. Y ay carried cif t1 a rtes of ,r v y the is odorless coloriass and will cure It. Refuse substitutes. �,argea
returnee'., to his hom:: 7 , � and our F the Book
d Wella Wein. Eleation passed off vary quietly) pastor. will addre is the Contest." tasteless; vary pronounced gentle and bottles 60c, trial size z6c, at all deal -
ay Aaron an y ' - children in the af-bornoon; pleasant in action and
who have been at Point Edward the' around, here. In the morning at � ., pa ticalarlyv C ere,` or The Catarrhozone Co:, 7iingston;
Harmony 11%11 w s the areae of fes- y O.? ,
as. if the votes l number from around hers are at» agreeably In ever way. 'Phis an, -,red•.
,, �rsd
a to �o a iT
ve tett rned ui t es last �Vedne da
t c� ks iia. v s venin ,
past low v .., the s c , e
1 fending g ,,
e in
the Guelph w.n't= r -
i kir ,fair, L)k. rent does, not c � d
t *n v Mage, would( be very ,small on account (of week, g p r , s occasion being the anneal Odfellows nus iarxhoea fitende, � CURED
�`fAr, `,i.oaais T01Vers has returned the unfavorable weather and roads __ _ banquet. Mr. A. Reith catered to oe griping or other inconvenlbenoe
J'f:er s, and%n. a sou le. of In the afternoon Itha Iturdod out eaall Orderlies are piarticularly good 1rr .^.4 iioYzl[tc
li�, nc a . p B a P y the uss6tlabTage of about one hundred You can painlessly remove any � corn..
tl:Q lbs 'n. North Dakota We havMt fairlyl .well. fA,*. Eilber got in +t 1thi - and fort and a mast enjoyable a for children aged and delicate a pexhab- applying
r hard, soft, or bleeding, byt
' i h v'n a heart ., somewhat a smaller majority Ith!an, yyen- if you suffer from chronic or trill- am11s>inn Putnarri's Corn xtrantor. 3h
eta Jthe plc icor, of a i y J r9 tog._ vas spent, itual cons.•ti a'tion or the assooiaite never burns, leaves no scar,,contalns no
4LL GAROIGERS hand )sha:lcc wit.li ',ham yet blit leis lite former election. Congratulation, Mrs. John Langfordspen.t ti arrdnea»
de end�nt ephroi is ailments tee' 'rice acids; h harmless, becaus.t3 00 8 teca
; . i lute. Ii;ilbcl` ' rel Infants and Oh11ai1 x;11 day rvlth friends in Lucan, p g only of pleating _gums and balrags ltd,
trope to 5e'a hurl before ion We you to try Rexall Orderlies ,.t Dux years in rise,nrc oar t"
unerstaii.dd ,hart Auer. :rowers will i Quarterly Meeting services tv'ill be AQaiiy of the farmers are showing t; bottles.
, 5•t ,l g Al �p r Iz J rtsk., Remember you can obtain ,them by all druggists, 250 bottles 7t:t
�• II �. g 611 Alii lou Hasp. Alla s RoUglif their anpreciatiou of trill a cellenl, • , efusel r• ,
move -back to Daol,a again, God 1xelJ! in the Evan elicit oharcii on °
r • to Dxeter only at aux stfora 12 table(!.s siihstitutes,
s , 3 thinks there is no placo lika the west Sunday, -,Church will be held onSatl• condition of the roads in this vicinity ``
piaster, Ont, . I lOc 38 tablets, 25 ti0 Itsblcts 50c. Syirl g
we are ,wrry to 3o"a onofi p. , 0;0!/11 uiday afternoon eommeneriig at '2,30 i . Bears the by bauiing in their pressed tray read , . t ����� � ����1IIVr��+"�`i
y j pnly at our store The 12�aaTk S(.�xer
tutizclr. .� o'clock. ,Revs Litt, t'lio pwisiding El- S1guatureof � � forstiippiiig, 1 11V:• S. Goole. ° CORN EXTRACTOR
C... . •..
N d
The greatest kilted of Christmas prestent
the greatest Chr sorrel as present of its•kind, the
az gift folC ALL the family, a. gift for ALL
the year, and for ALL the years tri come
Think of the money that is thrown away on tris at Christmas time'-tliecandy
that is eaten, the toys. that are broken, the Christmas cards that are merely
glanced Aand thrown away. 'What have you to show for last year's Christmas?
IsTow think of the Edison Phonograph -tire gift of a lifetime, that brings to
every zriember of yourfamily all of the very kind of entertainment each prefers-
nqt merely for a day or a year, but for always. That's what makes fire Edison
the grbatest kind of gift, The Edison brings you the four great advantages
-,vliie'h you should look for in a sound -reproducing instrument and which you
will find only in the Edson exactly the.right,vglume of soundlfoi your home;
the sajipb re reproducing -point, which does not scratch or wear the records and
lasts forever -no changing of needles; Amberol Records, which play twice as.
long as, the ordinaryrecords, rendering each composition completely, the ability
to make audrepxoducspourownrecords, inyourown honie, just'as true tolife as
therecordsmade in ourlaboratory. That's whatmakes the Edison Phonograph
the greatest gift of its kind.
There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and���,�,,..�^^
hear the Edison. Phonograph play both Edison ,Standard and L'/,Iiapt7t :d vo
Edison Amberol Records, Get. corAplete, catalogs from your
dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, $16,50 to,Xy240:00. arcaarosaxEn
Eclison5tdndardReeords,40c. Edison AmberolReeSof7sOlay 100 Lakeside Avenue
twiceas`1ong),!90c. Edison Grand 0peraRecofds,85cto¢2:50. Orange, P. &. U. S. A.
A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at
Main. Street.
lbw 1. tati'n off' r,3' 0a, .'.r visit-
4 Iti:r Goetz lza+x raFtJ�'rr• rl frterrn
her yr -sit to Sarnia.
Hex. Mr, and M'rR, T.:v(4v, of Nf(ob'«•
J." fin, V;.sit'e�l 1,0afiv',''`i %a 1,.'�Y1Vo'
Airs. 1hater, of Orimd 13,eml is vises
ping with deer xnothci. Airy, 1G ,>sry
'•Vs''illert, ,for a, fpw days,
Mr. .Paris �aaderscan of Ailsa4 Craig
has been kwigag�ed by° the. l)laui;ni�s
Kill to paint 'their 'cutters and
wagoxiax t
.fhe P011owitng is :the repoart of `tbgt
Dashwood High, School for November,
Form I'll; '5th class -.Lily Blxlexs
63; Letta Guenithr„r 54; E1l1Ret
Guenther f>IU Ruth. Grelarzlbaoh dl;
Matilda UU1vr 74 Cora ,,Schroder fi
.Hilda $uelk $51 Matricula'tioxa• 7YI! t
ton oestreich�ar' 0f3. F9xm 11-- ora; -
RotfmaA,, ;71 Pearl 3 lc main. 09;, Aci4
di,son, Tiemau 01; Stacie Xl�atulelt;OR
Ohlev. Trueam•'ar '00; iT,errlxert Ga*tP'n
6,S• Leila la �.. ,
,. r Sic
text 71
Form, I-., ,
m, 1
�. x
Steels t17; Oliva 1lc4t 79; 3�arl _Melx'
IV. -Mina Bblers 71a; -Toh4
Routledge 71; Ida Wambold 70; Cora
Haugh 'S7; ,Ada Grenzebach 60; Lloyd'
Edighoffer 158; Czar Xellermali; (Jr
IV -'Idea. Zimmer 74. Myxfle Roffmaat
ha7,13 `Barry Guenther 70; Lula Steiu�:
66. .Geo. Il'- Shona Prinelpzal,t
fMr.• P. ,Mcisaac receivred somio no
dollars, from; the IIay Counoil, which;
was ;Paid out Saturday et ening for
labor on the reel, talephone line.
�. LOW . ; •-•—•-�►••-•---
via Grand Trmrnk System between,411
staitions in Ca+.nada, also to Niagara,
i+a,lls and Etif ido, N Y,; Port Huron
and Detrain, J4i"icb.
a ."Single Fa1,Tet (ruinhirnm charge
25v) .good going Dec, 23, 24, 25, Re-
turn limit Dec. 26, 1911. A1so good
ui n
~; n.g Dsc. 3U. cl as.ua Jan: 1. Return,
Iimit,Jan 2.7912
At Fare and ()rn••Tbiid'(minirauin
eharge 25c). gt ruf a-, it t: Dp e. 21 tri Jan.
l inclusirp. Rretlw I,iiiiit Jain, 3; 1912 >r•„.R
Full particulates from any Grand
Trunk agent.
Ministers Lawyers, Teachers, and
others, whose occupation 'gives buil
little exercise. should use Car'ter's Lit
tl.e Liver Pills for torpid liver and
ss ® j der will be in atbandanoe, GRAND BE, S. S, Na. 3, Y'SBORNL biliousness ;One is a d%ua try -them.
r A, ,number from here atban.dGd 'rhe The hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. F,.'XA )Report of S. Q. No,. 8, •i;sbornefor
sDontOKUnflum"kIIfuneral of the late ZXrs. J. Willialps Oeromett% was t'he• zoene ox a quiert I -
of Zurich. Mrs. 'Williams was well i the month of Novemb�ar. ,V Class- -A DOLLARS WORTH'THAT IS t
II riot very pretty tiwa. 5th, on Tuesday : Max, 350 -Leonard Harris 'Mil. Sr, ISP WORTH WHILE
known to the peoplat of Credi!Jron. Tho ri o'clock p. m. Dec+• 45th, where their ”
n family' have the sincerest sympa'i"by econd daughter, Mae Salome was ; Max.250-Tena McCurdy 1fi5; Alma Few
$ papers an the continezet hoc
o nt a people in �theix tad bereave.- tiniteclr in , marriage to Edivin R. E. Roadhouse 163 Donald Balfour 163; the place in confidence and respect,
READ I OdomM y H,dger 1 0; .Oscar Copeland 115 P
Mr.. Melville Whiting occupied the Holt, the cMr. Car was pe�form+d May Hodgert, absent. Sr. III -Mea'. °f the peopl as the Weekly Globe
e g P by the Rev. her. Carriara� in he -Pres �' n• , and Canadian ri armer with ..> ,�W-,_ .,-� .
pw1pit of the Evangelical Chureh last enee of only the immediate reiarives : o0 -Heber Shaba 1'92; Ellis Road: trated Magazine Section. does to -da ; '
There are Special alas Nettles here you 3undayl evening.house 115; Les&r McOurd 105; Gor-
� ur 4the -bride and gxo,om. "iThe bridal don Co Y For 'threescore and sed�en; years it:
, p Mrs-, Nersaao ,of Dashwood, spent Copeland ffA. Sr. 1I -Max. 250- has been accorded the foremost 1
a fete da s with her don D. party stood beneath an arch of Lv z
n Y , er rcens. The 'bride looked ver Willie Roadhouse 180; 145, t. II- place
never dreamed of getting. Messrs, Wali. Brown and Ilrnest g 3, ; dy '153; George Haxah 145, Pt. II- among the metropolitan sveeklie
handsome in a gown of finest(whitaMax. 250 -Iva Francis '230; W- arguer= of Canada, Not satisfied with thlis,
Guettinber rdturxed home nfttei; embroidery, -with veil and bogaet of the enterprising �em�eait ,thaw
' We are hitching the dollrr to the biggest load it eve spending a few months tvorkin at rte gie 0 ` ur Ernest Barris lid P g manes
�g Pt: Edward, = g roses 'and ferns, while little, 1l�ksie{ M��gge ilt2cCurdy 178•; Ira 151eCuxdy made the daily Glair,.] one• of +t:tver iead�•
pulled. :041sie Dodds of Seaforth, made a very 152,7; , Viola Hodgert .and Annie Gilr- ing hieirppapers on the tcontiaernrt hap
p �. pretty little ring bearer dressed in Sr.iarreased tha size of the Wieekyi
:Read on you willabe sure to find something to interest AILSA Ct [G. white embroidery and carrying a i McCurdy e 5A; SEdna McCnzrayTJ]4 a Globe and Canadian ;•armee land add•a "
The death occurred in town on hri- basket of Ivy and Lilly of the Valley, ,' Gordon Gilfi3lan 135; Elgin Copeland ed several ne-w writers ito`'the staff,
you. day last of Mrs; I -•ink Atkinson, The wedding march was play„d by `120 V kTazlewood, tea hear -p, in order that it may keep pace witlil
9lthoubh Mrs. Atkii.,;c 1 had been Miss Laura Germetto on the violin i the progressiva spirit that is perm�ea .
ailing for some time rust. with- accom iariied on the --------- ting piano by ➢tills j ting ;our urban and aural populatio
• Bright's disease, hLr sudd:,n� omosinh, Mauirnet llavella cousin of the bride Zi1RIOH The mail services and �
Sleighs , away was great shock, rhe 'is The grooms I great disib14
'Fountain Pens gift to the ori*1n: �vasG ccs- make it almost impassibIkf
a .Gold Nibs. Gold For boys iris, wooden coasters 20 survived .by her husband and a ven a beautiful sunburst brooch and )to G Mr. Harry Webber Daft on Monde
MWith large 14 Kart y g j ahiydreix three sons and four dau hs for Berlin. y for a large portion of tEhe penplh; itA
and sorts, An extra beau steel sled 8 the Itloxver girl a ring sat tivitlh rub- ret 'the benefit of the splendiIy equip=
ter on d
1 t70 s e a x” lis r v,•
�andlf an earl.. x 14 s .Ata ha .lute and '
b d !! a Mrs. Win!. W•
•II• $ , , Y .. k s Walper have p � rein. While thL young couple tivere re P a e ned news and telegraph service rnf -
.g: $1"25, ing died some years ago. ,�notheir n
b prayed on the moved} 'above C. Hartlieb;s store. The Dally Globe
�+ grsterm mucic vas
Xmas Stationery • dauglAter, Annie, of Chicago, is. Minim flute and harp Then all re- bT'>sts Mary otterbeim of Paulin, is By this addition'ol' Ithe stain ancT'
ing in a very serious condition in aired to the dining room which was visiltin nelabives and friends ihi;lre I
Rocking Horses a hos i P a enlargement of the,paper'the manag&
In fancyboxes. The best linen paper pial there. tastefully! arranged wilth ,aver rsens for a flew weeks. b
p I? g menu of the WaekIy Globe and Cane
enclosein a beautiful box. A gift The oniv amusement- for the child While driving into town on Wed- and geraniums, where all partook Mr. J. A� Constantine left for. ada Farmer hope to• com ansabe Ithosei '
'1' appreciated by all. 206 to $1.25, A the longer they sit in one the better n•esday a. horse driven by Mrs. Ed- of aha. wedding din:n•ar The young Toronto on Saturday, ovvfnjs eta the, tivho must be ssitistied rw-t
A special e0 cent line for 45ets. ` they like it 90c to $1.15.. jar Phillips, of .Falkirk, became couple wer-a the recipients of man I illness of leis father. i h a pagazig
Y once a weak by givingth�ern all rtht
r.rightened and ran away throwini;, uaefu' and costly presents terriers •tear � ,The sudden &ath.,of illrs. H. Banelr tveok'd rvzzvs in brieand comp
Xmas Booklets M=s' Phillips out. 14Irs, lhiilips wase, rifrea, to the ,esihGtrm ,in wti!ich they , sr. which, took place, on '�Saturdayy, hensive .form thereby increasingprtiie
Bibles found lying in an u,ncoluseious con,- are 'hold. shocked the residents of our village papers, usefulness interest and iedu-
dition b p p
A Book every one should read and Sunday school teachers wishing^ to Y some neo la tubo wk:ae ass- (While at her housework sive sudden:; cativq value.
ing. She was carried to the resi- - ) Iy fell over and before, her husband.
�c have 400 to choose from. Prices range present booklets to their class will be donee of Mrs. Charles Bowman where THE MAGISTRATE'S STORY cool• summon. medical aid she was 'Inc order to±.get"more people_
from 15c to $4.50. A special Morocco given special prices 3c to 50cts. a doctor was summoned and it was -Buk
bound silk sewed large type $1.00. What he Owes to Zarnt dead. The cause of death was heia.rt Ushers
with, it en its new for
1, 6 yp Poets some time before shy, rallied enough Mr• C. R 55andford, of Weston, failure, The dk ceamd vas 8s . ,earn ushers of the a giving
Glom µ
P® to �t,ril her frirends tvha;t had happen- Dings Co., N. Q, a Justice of the of age: s ads Farmer are giving thdaa vv�o sub,
Hymn Books f the different' ed. At latest reperts, ho„ -r-,r, she Peace for that county, and a dxaacor,I Another sad death which ',took seribe, for one year before Daecemben
A The complete works o ( was Testing easily,. of they Baptisit Church, in Berwick place on' r'hurs.day in the parson of 31,st 21*9I1� •a Copy of Daddys Glit
Jr Including Methodist Presbyterian and Poets bound in Morrocco with a large t _� _ sayl,, I used Zam.-Buk for piles and 1 Mrs. Williams, -ife of J. A: •Wil- est w wVas, described in tof t comms`
e added cover $1.00. r e found tit a splendid remedy. It cur- last week. A sample copy of this beau,
Anglican loo to $4.00. type, P f FOR rIIP.. 'HAIR „ P trams as cast a gloom over our vii- tiful
'I1. • i ICere are facts wo want you to prove Od °le. lage. The deoeased had gone through Picture may lie caters e, for
• Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Prince' Ian operation some weeks ago but office and arrangements made, for
Niuslc Satchels Stationer at our risk. Albert, Sask., writes; "I must thank , your subscription.
When the roots of the Hair aro yen:- the best medical care and att!e,i7}tion
•� A present suitable for that ding ter A regular 10c pad containing 100 sheet tirely dead and the pours of the, scalp ou for the beiiefit I •have received 1 eras of no avid). Besides her bus-
y A yours 50c it to $3.00. for 5c. 25 of the Best Bond envelopes are. glazed over, wo Ao not believe from the use of Zam-Bub. Last sum band Fhe leaves,the following fame ,,
mer I had a fever which left me with• d& so
• , r 5G that anythhing ,can restore .hair ily; b1,.;: ;Rev.) WhiteridLs, of Hemp' -
piles. t[ +started''to usa Zam-Buk and•
growth. vide; J�t1te.I and Eva at boric; Cai-
But when the hair roots retain any found it gave me relief, so .I control- vin of Buffalo; Leslie axed Robart at
° i1wY� life we believe that theta ia nothing ued with it. After using rthraie or hom�ei. ,
g that will so surely promatL hair grow four boxes it effect -ed. cted a comlpc!tc 1 Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Zimmerman, of Prince Edward Farmer 5014
t'h as Rexall 93 Hair Tonle. To prove euro. Davenport, N. D., are visiting rata.- ct
that statemenit we, promise to prompt PZam-Buk will also be found a sure I. tives, here. emnly Declares Nerd -,e,
ly, return all the !money you' pay us cute for cold sores, chapped hands, I A quilt wedding was 1111 celebrated a,1s a Specific.
Just a word about Pianos for Rexall 193 Bair Tonic should it frost 'bite, ulcers, ecZ•ema, blood; -poi- herd on Wednesday when Miss Ida
not please you, soli, varicose sores; scalp'soreis, rinbr Prang was united in marriage to Mr,.
We are offeringa special discount for the balance of � Rexall (9'3 Hair Tonic destroys ,the tivorm, inflamed patches, babies' cr=Kerrigan.« —�
P . of the London Pira After fifty years' experience in ra.is�a
the month our stock is very large and well assorted. germs whicii are usually responsiblea uptions end chapped places, cuts Rev. . C. J. `Ptaas, performing thte , ing horses I can safelytestif that na
for (baldncisst It penetrates A gine burns, bruises, and skin in,juricr, oen�- ceremon remedy y
We are ofi'er io' a large Oft. 7in. Piano full iron eral! All dru y' y gives such good results for and
o roots of the hair stimulating and,. by Y• ggists and stares cell tdr. Hamor Well, of Calgary is ( all-round s+able liniment as Nervillne,°i
promoting circulation nourisbin at 50c., box, or post free from Zam, - Thu, opens the vex
frame Pullman wire Strings, Mahogany finish. )Double veal- � r? � spAntlin, ,a. Eery ive•,)Ls it his hems y earnest letter of 3•,
e g y 7a them. uc Co., Toronto, ,upon receipt bf here. T. L:ra.nston, tubo lives near Welling -r
1'ed inside aad out Unlimited Guaran teefor $225.00 ' i Mexall W Hair Tonle helps to' reL 1 e. You are warned against harm- Keen int'erost is alreadybrim• ton, P. E. T had a very valuable horse
ee i I neve Is irritation, !to aramovo den- fel imitations and substitutes. Sec taken in.' fhe foxlhcomin * arunici ( the• +ook distempgr a month ago ana
LL b
1 the bl
a 4
Co.t the v
8L bL.r d name �. of
Heintzman Ct). �; s e e Zam-Duk" on , s afraid,I 1 old b [the o was
Piano S S �o resent h�, h ix from •� of
The bigg.1 t a fall- elc.et n to
y P ' tons A close fight is anticipat- going lose hixna
est value you evor seen or heard of Call and see for your- I ing out rand to ipromdte ani increased every pacirage before bay'ng, ed for the ruaveshi s His throat swelled and hard lumps de..
__ pin the event o.. P
self at an rate call and receive one of our large art Dalen �arowth of hair. It comes in two siz- P. Lamont the veloped. His nostrils ran and he had a
pres�an't arises xesig�-
y t,° I es. ,prices 50e. and $1.;00•, itkvmtrmt Are free from all crude and irrit- ing. Th•e names of II, 11,oe•b, W. Oo,� terrible cough. i
1 you, can abtain it only alt opr store sit and L. I�albfieisch all uimmbers tried different re -
ng matter concen'trat'ed medicine on- ��I°VII��Ie medies, but was;
dans. The Rexall Stora W, S. Cole'. ly Carter's Little Liver Pills Ver of the Pres-ent council an mentioned
y unable to relieve
Sli B► 11\� drltt�r{vxIAT � CTfSALEN small; very easy to take; no ,pain, as likely contestants for the offic,i my horse of his
Li V l� c no .griping no pursing try ahem; r ����� Pain and sufEeriugi
1ulrs:� 'John Gilbert, of London, who THINK rIHIS OVE1R till T started to use.
A special discount on Reymonds, Singers and Williams.five are offerin I hast losers visitin4 hLrat rvi'th Mrs. IJ. j• �•
l y fi g V� Allison, returned lioirne on It'Ion•
This U i C Ka L� Nerviline; i mir-
an extra nice ca.bnet guaranteed forlOyrs Golden Oak finish full set ofa utach- day, FOR FLETCHER°S of the offer
skep(ticaln the confidence' F villne an of we
ments for $22,75. If you are thanking of buying a inachine in 1912 do it now Miss Gertie Sutiorby is home with and sweet'
v A 7 ! We, iia, for all the medicine used oil and rubbed the mixture on the
.we will give yon the Lime at a reduced Price, her mother for a visit. during the trial if our remedy fails throat and chest three times a day and
Miss Lottie Squire spenit aunday to completely relieve: you sf consitipa- you would, scarcely believe the way;
�ct Wesley, the guest of Miss Maggie CvR,ANITON tion. We hake all the risk, You are that horse Picked up. Werviline cured
AIM)SM '9' Son, ul f- war Dann. The Epworth League of Granton not obligated to us in any way what= him. I also have used Nerviline for,
Misses Hilda Gunning and Verda Method lbt Church spent a ver plea- ever. if you aceLpt our offer. That',a colic In horses and cows, sand earnostl
Squire ,spent a 'few days of last week - p y 1 g recommend It to every man that Is,
a 'mi 'mighty broad statement but we
at Winchelsea the sant evening in the bMemept of the raising stock."
• Orr. 'Melville Whit9nr of Par]thfill , guests or' Mises church, The programme took the mean every word of it.. Could any- For strains, sprains, swellings, colic,
Lulu God+bolt. thing be more fair to ,you? `
form of a "Spelling Match," aa:d a distemper, coughs, and •colds, no llni_
Crediton lspentl a few days Mina gdets{t of .119'x. Rev. Blatchford, our Pastor praaeb ,iBook Contest," for each of which a A most scientific common-seneo relent will prove so efficacious in the:
and 141rs. J. Roltzmaw. t ed a very interesting sermon
• psi, , treatment, is. R�cxall Orderlies which stable as "I�1,erv3line"-it's food, ..,Boar
Mr, Aaron Brown, of Blonhelm, I Sunday in behalf of missiome. trho Prize was awarded to the winner, Miss are eaten Iike candy.T
' Elsie Wallis proved to be the best, 1
tubo has been spending' a short bol- (Mr. J, I:'inkberner of Detroit is ubscri tions were ver r t f n _ o heir notrve I man .or 'beast, for internal or externa
5 p y g a i ya g Principle e is a recant seientifio die- use. Wherev.ei there is Pain; Nervillnet
iday with his brother Mr. S. Bre.ivn spending a few days the guest of. Nextl •Sunda will be Childran's Ii speller pxesr;,t while Miss Edna Grant co er t t
act tvrielc• hie uncle Mr. Samuel Brown. r. Y ay carried cif t1 a rtes of ,r v y the is odorless coloriass and will cure It. Refuse substitutes. �,argea
returnee'., to his hom:: 7 , � and our F the Book
d Wella Wein. Eleation passed off vary quietly) pastor. will addre is the Contest." tasteless; vary pronounced gentle and bottles 60c, trial size z6c, at all deal -
ay Aaron an y ' - children in the af-bornoon; pleasant in action and
who have been at Point Edward the' around, here. In the morning at � ., pa ticalarlyv C ere,` or The Catarrhozone Co:, 7iingston;
Harmony 11%11 w s the areae of fes- y O.? ,
as. if the votes l number from around hers are at» agreeably In ever way. 'Phis an, -,red•.
,, �rsd
a to �o a iT
ve tett rned ui t es last �Vedne da
t c� ks iia. v s venin ,
past low v .., the s c , e
1 fending g ,,
e in
the Guelph w.n't= r -
i kir ,fair, L)k. rent does, not c � d
t *n v Mage, would( be very ,small on account (of week, g p r , s occasion being the anneal Odfellows nus iarxhoea fitende, � CURED
�`fAr, `,i.oaais T01Vers has returned the unfavorable weather and roads __ _ banquet. Mr. A. Reith catered to oe griping or other inconvenlbenoe
J'f:er s, and%n. a sou le. of In the afternoon Itha Iturdod out eaall Orderlies are piarticularly good 1rr .^.4 iioYzl[tc
li�, nc a . p B a P y the uss6tlabTage of about one hundred You can painlessly remove any � corn..
tl:Q lbs 'n. North Dakota We havMt fairlyl .well. fA,*. Eilber got in +t 1thi - and fort and a mast enjoyable a for children aged and delicate a pexhab- applying
r hard, soft, or bleeding, byt
' i h v'n a heart ., somewhat a smaller majority Ith!an, yyen- if you suffer from chronic or trill- am11s>inn Putnarri's Corn xtrantor. 3h
eta Jthe plc icor, of a i y J r9 tog._ vas spent, itual cons.•ti a'tion or the assooiaite never burns, leaves no scar,,contalns no
4LL GAROIGERS hand )sha:lcc wit.li ',ham yet blit leis lite former election. Congratulation, Mrs. John Langfordspen.t ti arrdnea»
de end�nt ephroi is ailments tee' 'rice acids; h harmless, becaus.t3 00 8 teca
; . i lute. Ii;ilbcl` ' rel Infants and Oh11ai1 x;11 day rvlth friends in Lucan, p g only of pleating _gums and balrags ltd,
trope to 5e'a hurl before ion We you to try Rexall Orderlies ,.t Dux years in rise,nrc oar t"
unerstaii.dd ,hart Auer. :rowers will i Quarterly Meeting services tv'ill be AQaiiy of the farmers are showing t; bottles.
, 5•t ,l g Al �p r Iz J rtsk., Remember you can obtain ,them by all druggists, 250 bottles 7t:t
�• II �. g 611 Alii lou Hasp. Alla s RoUglif their anpreciatiou of trill a cellenl, • , efusel r• ,
move -back to Daol,a again, God 1xelJ! in the Evan elicit oharcii on °
r • to Dxeter only at aux stfora 12 table(!.s siihstitutes,
s , 3 thinks there is no placo lika the west Sunday, -,Church will be held onSatl• condition of the roads in this vicinity ``
piaster, Ont, . I lOc 38 tablets, 25 ti0 Itsblcts 50c. Syirl g
we are ,wrry to 3o"a onofi p. , 0;0!/11 uiday afternoon eommeneriig at '2,30 i . Bears the by bauiing in their pressed tray read , . t ����� � ����1IIVr��+"�`i
y j pnly at our store The 12�aaTk S(.�xer
tutizclr. .� o'clock. ,Revs Litt, t'lio pwisiding El- S1guatureof � � forstiippiiig, 1 11V:• S. Goole. ° CORN EXTRACTOR
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