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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-21, Page 21
• BUL . ETIN,..BOARD AD DEADLINE., .5 P.M. MONDAY 'CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials: Jackpot $200 must go each week. --1-52x BLOOD DONOR CLINIC, Wednesday, April 28, 1982, G.D.C.I., 2 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free babysitting 2 to 5 p.m. -15-16 OPEN HOUSE at Brick - man's Country Gardens, R.R. 1, Sebtingville, Saturday, Sunday and Monday,, May 22, 23 and 24. Come and see plants from all over the world. -16-20 BUS TRIP with Blanche Deeves, May 7th, Sarnia; May 25th, Cullen Gardens, Whitby; June 4th, Big Creek Boat Farm. For further information contact Blan- che, Clinton. -16 ARCHITECTURAL CON- SERVANCY of Ontario, Huron Branch. The lecture on the conservation of metals is changed from April 22nd.. to April 27th, at 7:30 p.m. in VanEgmond residence, Egmond- ville;-16-17 SPRING, SUMMER Fashion Show of Home Sewn Clothes by. Pfaff of Canada, Wed., Apr. 28, 1982, Nile United Church. 1:00 o'clock Lunch, 5:00 o'clock Supper. Tickets $5.00. Phone 529-7442 or 524- 6371.-16 • THE PERFECT SETTING FOR.THAT SPECIAL EVENING' OUT! For Lunch or Dinner Remember Our "Villagers' Specials" available till Summer Fine Dining Fully Licenced 1TTLE. •1832• Bayfield 565-2611 ANNUAL POKER RALLY - on horseback -sponsored by Seaforth and District Saddle Club, Sunday, April 25th, 1:00 p.m.,rain or shine, at Hullett Conservation Area. Follow the signs off Highway No. 8 between Clinton and Seaforth. For information 482-9988, 527-1059 or 524- 6729:-16. MARK your calendar Saturday, May 1st. "May Day Bazaar and Tea" presented by Blue Water Chapter O.E.S. 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m: at MacKay Centre. Admission $1.25 (includes lunch); children 12 and under 75 cents. Tickets at door or phone 524-2839 or 524- 9096. Door prize. -16,17 PANCAKE SUPPER - Friday, April 30th, 1982. Knox Presbyterian Church, sponsored by Knox Church Group Committee for Scouting. Two sittings 5:30 and 6:30 p.m., adults $3.50; children under twelve $2.50.-16-17 ' MAITLAND COUNTRY Club " Ladies Card Party bridge or euchre.April 28,- 1982, 7:30 p.m. $3.00 per person. Tickets: Eleanor Erskine 524-9555 or Elaine Bois 524-2726.-16 SOFTBALL REGISTRA- TION for Colborne Township students, Carlow Hall,Satur- day, April 24th, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Coach and. mangers meeting April 25th, 1:00 p.m. Carlow Hall. -15-16 • BINGO at. MacKay Centre for Seniors, Goderich, Friday, April 23rd at 8 p.m. Admission $1.00 • with one card. Extra cards 25 cents. ,Cash prizes. All welcome.-16AR VARIETY CONCERT at MacKay Centre for Seniors, Goderich, Wednesday, April 28th at 7:30 p.m. Program: Music. Group "The Blackthorns" and Gary Renaud speaking on St. John Ambulance and first aid.. Lunch provided. Admission $1.00. All welcome. Taxi - phone 524-7305.-16AR RUMMAGE SALE at Vic- toria St. United Church, Goderich, Friday, April 30, 7 - 9 p.m. and Saturday, May 1, 10 a.m. -12 noon. Auspices of UCW.-16,17 CANADIAN FORESTERS Garage and Bake Sale at Benmlller Foresters Hall, Saturday, April 24th, 10:00 a.m. to 1: 00 p.m. -15.16 BUS TRIP to "London Interiors '82" (Labatt Estate) June 1 and June 9. $16 includes guided tour, lunch f©ilowed by guided- - tour London Regional Art Gall• ery.. Advance reser-' `vations at Clinton Board and Batten 482-3730 and Blyth Saga 523.4331'. Deadline May. 21. .Sponsored by Blyth Centrefor the Arts.-16AR SPRING SPRING .SONG -FEST Londesboro United Church, Sunday, May 2nd, 1982 at' 7:30 p.m. -15,16X MULTIPLE. SCLEROSIS THE HURON UNIT OF THE M.S. SOCIETY WILL BE HOLDING A GENERAL MEETING -ALEXANDRA 8 MARINE GENERAL HOSPITAL GODERICH AT 8 P,M. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 29TH IN THE AUXILIARY ROOM All interested people are urged to attend REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED CLINTON KLOMPEN 'FEEST MAY21&22 Parade Entry Forms can be obtained at Clinton Chiropractic Centre, Ball 6 . Mutch Furniture, Com- pbell's Men's Wear, Clinton News Record. Concession Booth application forms for Booth Space at '25. for a single space, '110.‘ for doubt*, and. 'S!. for triple, can be picked up at the same locations in Clinton as above. Souvenir admission buttons ars now on sale In many local stores. ul'P 4 Ult PAM Inn it til 011)14,11 Presents SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY N /� THIS WEEK ROAST BEEF All you con eat Salad Bar SALAD DESSERT COFFEE, TEA For Reservations: 524-4421 ALL FOR 95, • Licensed Under L.L.B.O. SALTFORD VALLEY e HALL -FCR RENT t 1 �tt ,4=2892 4 - If your car's out of shape you get rid of it, right? What if your body's out of shape? PBRTOP, 7 ifle Ina Conaten n-..n-nt 1- 06me+I�I.pp1 **************************** * * SPRING IDVENTURE TC.U:RS BY MOTORCOACH EVENT: Tulip Festival Tulip Festival Grand Old Opry Grand Old Opry Elgin House Resort Scott's Resort Lawrence Welk Special LOCATION: - DATE: Ottawa Holland, Mich. Nashville Nashville Mwskokas New York Chicago PHONE TODAY May 15 - 3 days May 13 - 4 days May 14 - 4 days May 21 -4 days June er-4days Juno 18 - 4 days June b - 3 days SHERWOOD TRAVEL 524-7622 524-7186 ***************************** 4iMMILLE 1T?� WELCOME G.D.C.I. STUDENTS Joie us for an "At,Home Night" Special Dinner: Menu. Cauliflower Soup, Mill Salad Beef Wellington or Oillled Sirloin Steak Chocolate Mousse and Coffee FRIDAY, APRIL 23 . 75- • PER PERSON (TAX NOT INCLUDED) RESERVATIONS REQUESTED Of For Reservations please phone Benmiller 524-2191 Inn Nestled in Benmiller, Ont., just 7 kilometreseast of Goderich on Huron County Road 1, just off Highway 8. LICENSED UNDER THE L:L.H2O, FRIDAY NIGHT - APRIL 23 G.D.C.I. AT HOME: FORMAL Di.nn er Speciai Join us anytime after 5 p.m. We are featuring a Special Meal just for dtudents attending the G.D.C.I. "At Home Formal". Students are also welcome to choose from our regular dinner menu. •SOUP OR JUICE •CRISP TOSSED SALAD •SIRLOIN STEAK WITH MUSHROOMS •POTATOES& VEGETABLES !CHEF'S DAILY DESSERT SELECTION Something Special just for the Grads... 92 THE SQUARE, GODERICH 5247337 RESERVATIONS PREFERRED SPECIAL ATTRACTION AT THE COURT LOUNGE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY - APRIL 22-24 * 7-11 * GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 21,1PAGE ii!! file . AU ': ' elltr ous! Our menu offers a wide variety of dlshes,..TRY OUR EVERY DAY SPECIALS. GODERICH STEAK NOM TAVERN .12 WEST ST. ANNUAL SPRING ARTS & CRAFTS SALE A FLEA MARKET Luton Community Centro -. Saturday, May 15 •r. , .... _. 10 A,M. - 4 P.M. Adults and Students - '1.00 Elementary Students - 50' Preschoolers - free 0 Over 70 exhibits of various crafts, bake tables, anti 'ues and flea market items. Por booth spout to rent coil 227.8521 ANTIQUE DEALERS WELCOME! eiitucky fried chicks wager's of thee[vlt A bucketof 15 pieces of Col Sond•rs' R•cl • Kentucky )lid A' NADIAN COMPANY at the specla pace of SAVE sti Q SATURDAY& SUNDAY' APRIL 24th & 25th The Colonel's taste is best. Cdl $6nd v Pec,p, entuck yfried kcken�M 94 Elgin Ave., E. GODERICH •••••••••• • 1 • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 •'•—• • •-0 • •. •♦ LjPRIM1t9R THEATRES THEATRE sit PARK 30 THE SOOARE GODERICH 524-7811 WED. - THURS. APRIL 21.22 LAST NIGHT FOR REDS tr0 4,1tMMIRENT PREMILR THEATRES I DRIVE -IPA STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 23 SHOWTIMES: FR1. d SAT. 7 ` S SUN.-THURS. S A lusty epic of revenge and magic:, dungeons and dragons, wizards and witches, damsels and desire, and a warrior • ,ht bet wen, }401° HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524-9981 O5T4YO GODERICH ik NOTE SNOWTIMES .FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY 7:00 P.M. SUNDA ttOA P.M. :3 AIITI A I ;II This motion scenes of giphicand Violent horror. picture contains WARNING: Som, scones of brutal violence. T.B.O. • • • • 1 • • • • • •