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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-21, Page 13
iG 1,. the '}- CLASSIF ANT A GODERICH 'SIGNALr STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21,19e2 -PAGE 11 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sole 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cors for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine r 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 11. Livestock for sole 12. Real estgte for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 24. Wanted to rent 20. Room & board 25. Wanted to buy 21. Cottages for rent 76. Help wanted 22. Lots for rent 27. Wanted (general) 23. Commercial property. 28. Business opportunity for rent 29. Tenders 30. Employment wonted 31. Service directory • 32. Custom work 33. -Farm services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40- Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Cord of thanks DEADLINES: Classified wont ods at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. same day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.50 min./23 words, 16' o word thereafter. In. Memoriam '3.50 min. plus 30 per rhymed line of verse. Coeds • of Thanks 413.50 - min. /25 13.50-min./25 words, 5' K, word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months. no copy change.' Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5 p.ro. 11111111111111111111111111.111 524-8331 1. Articles for sale SINGER -- For authorized soles and service., sewing machines, vasuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to allmokes, and machine rentals, We 'also do alterations and install zippers. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 106 The Squo.re, Goderich, 524-8431.. 1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, Lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Phtmb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich. ltlar WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175, Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frome yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. Call collect (416)637.6904. 16b.c. MUST SELL - new all wood garden or utility shed, L-8' x W- 6' 'x H-8', good solid con- structitin, selling os is, where is, $450.00. 524.9412. 12tfar 14 FT, MUNROE fiberglas boat, 40 h.p. Johnson electric motor, $1,700.00; Dip Tank, 5' x 2' x 2;, $70,00; Crosiey fridge,, ideal f 6 cottage, $50.00; electric sewing machine, $30.00, All items good condition. 524.7162 between. 1:OOp:m. and 7:00p.m. 16 ONE 26 inch Admiral colored TV; one 26 inch' Electrohome colored TV. Phone 529-7656, after 6 p.m. 16. THREE DRAWER dresser, white, $25.00; antique mirror, $10.00; four wooden bar stools, 510.00 each; fireplace set, 515.00: china cabinet, 570.00; end table, $10.00. Phone 524-2027 after 6 p.m. 16 1979 YAMAHA, black, 650 Special, only 7800 •ki.Ionietre . Asking $1,600.00. Call 524-7422 days, 524.6498 nights. 16 -Ser-eened • 1. Articles for sale TRUCK CAMPER CAB. as new, 36" high, finished interior, louvered windows, 5300.00; Coleman camp stove and lantern with carrying case. 535.00; Easy -Haul lightweight box trailer, licenced, spare. and wired, 5.150.00. Port Albert, 529-7003. - 16 FRIDGE, STOVE, three piece set of braided rugs, child's swing set, cqr tape deck, luggage, umbrella clothesline. Phone 529-7590. 16 • TWO MAN'S suits, size 46 chest, one brown, one green, good condition; long dress, size 10, new condition. Phone 524- 2492. 16x WHITE BIRCH trees. All sizes. Phone 482-3221. 16.17. "MEAT KING" heavy roaster cockerels, day old to two weeks, available April, May and June. Also available mid- April day old Hubbard Golden Comet, a dual-purpose brown egg layer. Call McKinley Hat- chery 1.800.265.8536. Order to- day and put meat on your table this fall.. 13-24ar , . HOME GROWN Alfalfa' .seed, cleaned and inspected, $1.75 per pound. George Wraith. Goderich, Ontario, 524.7351 or 524-4529. 13-18 . 1976 YAMAHA 175. Best offer. Phone 529-7603, ask for Martin. 15,16 • 1977 - 125 SUZUKI trail bike, Simplicity , tractor lawnmower. Phone 529-7314. 15,16 • 1979 HONDA 125, in top condi• tion, windscreen and sod- dlebags. Phone 524. 7897. 15,16 300 LOMBARDY poplar trees, 6 feet high, 52.50' each. Surge milk pump #40. P.hone 529- 71'10. . 15,16 1. Articles for sale 1977 KZ 650 KAWASAKI, 6,000 miles, has to be seen to be ap- precioted.524-2825.- 15,16 TOPSOIL for sole. Phone Lloyd Whytock afte"r 6 p.m. 528- 2006. 15tf TWO SAILING dinghies for sole, 12'2 ft,, 13'2 ft., main and jib, excellent condition. Your choice, 51,695,00, Call' 482- 3125. 13.16" 1975 HONDA CR 125, good con- dition. Phone Dave at 524- 6787.- 16 ONE TEN SPEED Junior Medalist bicycle; one 20" girl's Cougar II bicycle: Bowl -A -Matic game by Coleco. Call 524-8441. 16 HUSQVARIyIA -sewing machines .and servi_ years' ex- perience. Excellent selection of used machines of all types with one year free service. Phone 482-7809. 16-25x • • QUANTITY OF clean baled wheat straw at 60c per ba)e at the farm, Jack Lockhart. 526- 7588. 16x RAINBOW TROUT. fresh, Top -Soil For Lawns, Gardens, Flower Beds. Coll: LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644. PHONE EVENINGS -_ FOR SALE Used fan and burner motors •3. each, 2 for '3.; 10 used 200 gal. 011 tanks; 2 used all fur- naces; 7 used gas fur./ maces; 1 used propane furnace (mobile); used furnace fans with motor and toss motor. USED APPLIANCES 2 wringer washers. 3 automatic washers. 3 gas dryers. 1 electric Myer. 4 refrigerators. 1 - 24" gas range. HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 53 KINGSTON ST. GODERICH 524-7861 delivery your area on Fridays. Buy direct: Rainbow Trout Hat- chery and fish out ponds. Phone 357.2329. Ontario Best Fishing. 11-18 ONE PAIR. of Adidas cletes, size 6'7, 515.00; one TV stand,_ $15.00; pair of trilight white and gold lamps, $15 00: Phone 524- .8578 anytime. l l tfnx FRESH MAPLE SYRUP 'now available at Robinson's Maple --Products. Phone 529.7857. We will deliver. 11 .16 BABY CHICKS white or brown. eggsmeat types, 3 -week-old capons, ready -to -lay pullets. Small•erders a specialty. CN -CP or Parcel Post. Bonnie.'s Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, N3B 226. (519)669-2561. 16b.c. WALLPAPER SUPER SPECIAL mit00 SINGLE ROIL QUANTITY LASTS If you prefer to choose from our large selection of books you will get 20% off the manufac- turer's suggested list - price. �e gnoussea 13 HAMILTON ST., • GODERICH RCC Phone 524-2440 --FOR SALE Office desks L chairs, 7 drawer file cabinets, past of- fice 'bins. steel shelving, 7 drawer tool cabinets, .16 sped drill presses, metal cutting band saws. wood band saws, wood lathes, wood chisels. all sixes of clamps. '/e N.P. electric motors, double and grinders, '/a H.P., '/, H.P., '1, H.P., full line of sock.i sets '/a" to 1/4", open end box wrenches, post office boxes with locks, vises 6", S", 4" all steal, 1 - new metal lathe. NO CHEAPER PLACE TO BUY N. HAMILTON 101 South St. Goderich 3244-602 Shop 31- 27 Picton St. E. 16 FOOT Cedar Strip Peter• borough boot. 18 h.p. Evinrude motor, trailer. excellent condi- tion, selling as complete unit. May be seen at .120 Park St., Goderich, Phone 524-8798 after 5 p.m. 16,17 BAUER SOCCER 'shoes,. size 13, like new. 58.00. Phone 524- 7928. 16 . M.T.D. ROTOTILLER.. 5 h.p., 5250.00. Call 524.6473. 16-18 SEWING MACHINES • Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street,' Goderich, 524- 2551. 2eowtfar TWO 3 -PIECE blue suits, boy's size -20 and 14; casual copper tone brown suit in size 16. Good condition. Call after 5 p.m. 529- 7485, ask for Ann. 16,17nx 1979 SUZUKI GS550L., 4 cylinder, windshield, tail trunk witli backrest and crash bar. Only 4500 km and in excellent condi- tion . ondition. Best • o-ffe'r. - • 524- 9175. 16,17nx INGLIS GAS DRYER, four years old, 5150.00. Phone ' 524- 2856. 16 , RABBIT MANURE 1or•sole. Com- posted 52.00 per 25 kg feed bog. Excellent for garden and flower beds. Phone Carl Seeger 529-7514. 16 Hand tooled LEATHER. ITEMS FOR SALE Motorcycle and horse saddle bags •10 speed bike bags *Rifle cases 'Briefcases - •Leather vests •Belts &-Buckles etc. 524-7263 NEW AND USED BICYCLES Parts L Accessories DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 ONTARIO ST., CLINTON 482-9941 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/z MILE South on Hwy. 21 (Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades 101111111111.11111 1. Articles for sale SWIMMING POOLS. Manufac- turer's • clearance on above ground pools. Completely fenc- ed with' patio deck, sand filter, pump and skimmer. $1,595.00. CcdI collect for further informa• tion (416)945-4773.--16b.c. UNIQUE MAIL order catolog. self-help " tools,- canning, gardening, butchering, harnesses, windmills, cider presses, bells, churns, cookstoves, grain 'mills. 504 - Pioneer Place, Route 4, Aylmer, Ontario'N5H 2R3.--16b.c. ONE SWIVEL rocker and two oc- casional chairs, upholstered and refinished. Phone 482- 7379. 14tf ° WATERBEDS complete with pedestal pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit. $31'9.00 at Vanastra Fur- niture 482.79 14tfar 28' COLUMBIA SAILBOAT, in- board motor„ VHF, depth sounder, many .other options, 537 ,000. 482-3032. 14.16 GIRL'S THREE speed Hi•Rise Supercycle, 14" frnme, 20" tir'es,,,r 535.00. Phone 524-9177. ---16 CHANNEL MASTER TV rotor and color ontenno, A-1 condition, 550.00. Phone 482-9719 after 5 p.m. or weekends. 16tfnx TWO SETS of axles. '15 inch wheels', electric broke, tongue and screw jack, Springs, 5300.00 for everything included. Phone 529-7373. 16 BUNK BEDS, 39 inch, excellent condition, 5100.00. Phone 524-. 7655.. 16.17 SEVEN PIECE kitchen set, ex- cellent condition, cheap; 21 feet heavy duty vinyl rug runner; oil space heater. Phone 524) 9467. 16 _. _ ... 18 INCH COLUMBIA chain sow, never used, best offer. Phone 524.6867 after 6 p.rn. - 16 1978 YAMAHA 750 Special, new paint, oil cooler and backrest, 18,000 km. Phone' 524- 4261, 16nx • LADY'S THREE piece suit, size 1-8, rosewood color. reasonably priced. Phone 524-9071. 16 QUANTITY OF mixed hey for sale. Phone; 524.6365. 16 KONICA 35mm Range Finder Camera with electronic flash and gadget bag. Phone 524- 6209. 16x MEN'S ROLLER skates. size 9. Also lady's 26" bicycle. Phone • 524-2458. 16,17 • BUY IN BUkK and save at Clinton Boxed Meats. Come in and see•• - our wide variety and everyday low prices or call 482-3644. Open Monday and Tuesday 12 • 6; Thursday. Friday and Satur• day 9 - 6; Friday night til 9 p.m. 16 1979 KAWASAKI KM 100, 3,640 kilometres, bought new in.1980, ••like neva,- babied all its 'Tile. Asking 5600.00. 529'7064 after 4:30 p.m. 16nx 1968 GIBSON SG. standard, 5500.00. Phone 5246664. 16nx 'ACORN FIREPLACE, suitable for family room. In good working condition. Must sell. Cal) even- . Ings 5244478. 48t4nx 2. Yard Sale MAY 1st and 2nd of Heather s, Londesboro, electric 12 volt out- board motor, 14' fiberglos canoe. 12' fiberglas boot camp- ing equipment, 2 bikes, household articles, one man's leather coat - size 44, one man's suit coat size 44, Pioneer chain sow. 16,17 7 5. Cars for sale sesseesor 1960 FORD FALCON, body rough: mechanically good, 200 c.i. 6 cylinder, three speed standard. Best offer. 524-4215 before 4 p.m. or 524 2689 after 4om. 15,16 1979 SILVER•GI2EY Chevro'et .Monza, standard transmission, hatchback, V-6, 8 -track stereo, Good condition, $4,000.00 or best offer. Phone 524.4293 (Goderich) 15tfnx 1978 METALLIC • blue Firebird Formula 305 automatic, power steering, power brakes, power windows, ' 49,000 miles, • 54,500.00 certified or will take a port trade on a bike. Phone 529- 7719. 15,16nx 5. Cars for sale. 1977 TRANS AM, V-8, 6.6 litre engine, reasonable, as is. Phone 524-6284.--14-16 1969 RAMBLER, 4 door, automatic, in good condition. 524-6375 evenings. -16,17 1967 FAIRLANE Convertible, good running condition, extra parts, sacrifice 5450.00. Phone 524.6960.-16 '1974 CELICA GT 5.speed. Will sell as is, $350.00. Phone 524- 2916•ofter 6 p.m. -16 1970 LINCOLN Continental, 'very good condition, all Lincoln op- tions, $1,000.00. Phone Bayfield 1-565-2450.-16 Trucks for sale 1977 GMC JIMMY 4 x 4, V8, blue and white exterior, 60,000 miles, never plowed, four new good tracker tires, white spoke mogs. Phone 565.2103.--16 7. R.V.'s for sale 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - Three bedroom, 12 x 68, four appliances, four piece bath, "new furnace and hot water heater, sun deck and tool shed. Phone 524-6325.-15tf FOR SALE OR RENT - 1975 mobile home, 12 x 70, three bedrooms, TV tower, tool shed, top condition, located Meneset Park. 524-4796 evenings.-15tf MOBILE HOME for sale: five- year-old Marlette mobile home with expando, patio doors, carpeted sun deck, and hand built tool shed. Fridge, stove and drapes could be' included. In excellent condition and low priced. Phone 524-7072.-16tf FOR SALE - Northlander,.12 x 52 feet, Meneset Pork, shed, new furnace, low price. Phone 524- 6006 even ings.•-16,17 FOR SALE - 12' x 70' CHAMPION MOBILE Home, 3 bedroom, 4 piece bath. Ready to move. Phone 482-3119.-16,17 PARKWOOD TWO bedroom mobile, 12' x` 56', on choice lakefront lot, includes sun deck 12' x 32', two utility sheds, ap- • pliances and furniture. Meneset 1979 HARDTOP Venture Camper Park. Phone 524-2483. Dell Jer- Trailer, in excellent condition. vis, 19 Iroquois Lane. -16,17x' Phone 524-4401.--16,17' • 8. Marine 14 FT. FIBERGLAS boat, 35 h.p. Mercury engine, with homemade trailer (will sell separately). Phone 524- 2856.-1,6,17 15' LINK SAILBOAT fiberglos, centreboard. Boat -trailer (used once), 2 h.p. motor. Complete otiitfit 52,400.00 or best offer. Excellent condition. Phone'524- 8962. - 16 9. Automotive 11111111111111111111111 Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 P 95 Now only 8 • GODERICH 11. Livestock for sale SERVICEABLE AGE York boor, from clean herd. Phone 529- 7830. -- 16,17 12. Real estate _---for sole..._.. PORT ALBERT Fully winterized 3 bdrm. home on ' , acre treed lot. Completely • furnished. large shed, beautiful view of lake, year round road. Asking 551,500. Newer frame home, all winterized, lots of parking, large deck, • excellent condition, fully furnished. Only 338,900. 4 bdrm. frame cottage with 24 picture window overlooking lake. Large fireplace. drilled well, an ideal place for retreat. Quiet, very private. ,Only $42,900. CARL S. WALKER REAL-ESTATE LTD., 489 Main St Exeter, 235-2533. Call BOB JANKE, Dungannon 529 7735 for details. -16 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12 ft. x 60 ft. two bedroom with appliances and sun deck All bids considered, For more Information coil 524- 2611 osk for Frank. - 37tfar FOR SALE • 1976 Bendix mobile home. 12 x 68, three bedroom, appliances, • all offers • con- sidered. Phone Frank at 524- ..2611. 45ffor MOBILES $51000. and up. Good Selection W.J. Hughes Realty limited Rita Allen 524-0111 Res. 524-0400 14. Recreational properties LAKE HURON campsites available - 1600' 'sandy beach. rec hall, pool',' full .hook-ups, store, Laundromat, golf, fishing, Huron Cliff Park; 5: miles north Of Goderich. Hwy. 21. Phone 524-6438.-16nx 16. 'for rent FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 324- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM modern apart- ment with balcony, one block from lake, 'available April 1St. Phone 482.7081 or 1-527.1315 ofter 5 p.m.-. 9tf TWO BEDROOM modern apart- ment with balcony, near lake. Available May 1st. Phone 482• 7081 or 527-1315 after 5 p.m. l l tf ONE BEDROOM heated apart- ment, fridge and stove includ- ed. near Square. -Phone' 524- 8140. - 12tf ROOMY TWO bedroom apart• ment with fridge and range, $200.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-9671, 8:30 a.m'. to 6 .'p.m.-15,16ar BACHELOR APARTMENT. responsible- tenant, private en- trdnce. Call 524-8480. 15,16 ONE BEDROOM apartment, portly furnished. No pets please. • Phone 524• 9995,, 16.17ar SINGLE APARTMENT, fully fur- nished. available June 1st. Call after 6 p.m. 524-9895. 14tf 20. Room 8 board WANTED - Room and board, professional male, 5 mile radius of Goderich. Phone 519.934- 2629.-16 FEMALE UNIVERSITY student re- quires accommodation, preferably room and board, Monday to Friday during sum- mer employment 'May to August. Reply to Drawer 8135, c/o Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. or phone collect 1-294-6772 after 6 p.m. -16,17 , 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted 21. Cottages for rent WANTED -�ry^ED 7.FOR MONT'' "i•'..r. Call after 5 p.rr. Cint�ILy-433-0813.-10.17 FULL HOUSEKEEPING cottages in Point Clark, July and August, also weekends. Phone 1-395- 5282 or 1-527-0594.--15, 16 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square • feet prime office. space at 60 Lighthouse ,St. Phone 524- 2717,- 35tf Offices To Rent 524-8382 , 24. Wanted to rent PASTURE FOR 4 Yearling calves; also cash crop land, suitable for corn, around Blyth, Auburn, Clinton or Goderich ' area. Phone 526-7583.-13-16 WANTED TO RENT - Well drain- ed' crop land, suitable for corn or soybeans. Phone 482- 3218.--15-17 • PASTURE WANTED for . beef cows. PhoneBill Brindley after 6 p.m. at 524-6430.- 16x 25. Wanted to buy WINTERIZED mobile home in Meneset Park. Preferably 14 ft. wide by 65 f.t. long. Would con- sider 12 ft. width. No agents. Cash. Reply to Drawer 131, c o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486.-15,16 _ BOY'S 16" bicycle, 'in good con- dition. Phone 524-6536:- 16nx FIFTEEN FENCE 'rails. in reasonably good condition. Phone 524-2556 after 5 p.m,-- 16,1'7x GOOD USED washer. Phone 529-7615. 16 WILL BUY FOR CASH or SELL BY AUCTION call: Marie Salm at the Auction Rooms 524-9064 BENN'ETT STREET APARTMENT Modern Bachelor & 2 Bedroom Apartments available. Fridge & Stove supplied. All utilities paid. Cable TV. Carpet throughout. Controlled entrance. Laundry Facilities available. PHONE: 5244124 18. Houses for rent FARM HOUSE, downstairs only Available April 1 1982, witEtt.in five miles of Goderich. Reply to Drawer 1129, c o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220. Goderich, Ont. N7A 486. 13tfnx FOUR BEDROOM semi, newly decorated, separate dining room, reasonable rent. Vanastra. Phone 482.3500. 16- 18 THREE BEDROOM with deck and. carport in •Brucefield, available June 1st, Phone 482. 3090. -16,17 • 25. Wanted to buy WANTED PIANO necessarily in gond rnnditier P h orte.. 482-7024 14 16 26. Help wanted MATURE BABYSITTER needed for 1't -year old baby girl from 8:15 a m. to 4 30 p m each week day until June 30th Come in preferred 524.9426 after 4 30 p.m. 15.16 STUDENTS . FOR after school ,work. Apply..,Drower. 81.32,...c. o Signal -Star Publishing ltd P 0 Box 220 Goderich, Ont N7A 4B6, - 16.18 Well established area firm expanding Into new but related area REQUIRES ono or two combination SALESPERSON/TRUCK DRIVER for Bruce. Grey, Huron area. •must be aggresslir.. reliable and a successful salesper- son. • must drive and maintain medium duty truck. • must organise routes and timetables and keep records *knowledge of automotive trade an asset. Base salary plus commission. • Apply. -with complete details on background and exp.rlenc, to: Drawer No. 133 c/o God.rieh Signal -Star P.O. Box 210 GodrN7A 4Klch. Ont. ✓y BEAUTY COUNSELOR O OF CANADA LTD. FULL OR PART-TIME . SALES STAFF REQUIRED - COMPLETE TRAINING PROVIDED PERSONS INTERESTED IN SELLING OR BUYING ARE INVITED TO PHONE 524.2170 (EVENINGS) FOR AN INTERVIEW OR APPOINTMENT PART TIME personneeded for night shift at Senior Citizens' Lodge. Apply in person to 45 Nelson 5t. East, Goderich.-16 WE ARE LOOKING for mature, dependable people. who have fifteen to twenty hours spare time a week° to show, our catalogue and take orders. High commission paid. Phone Fuller Brush Company, London, 432- 1772.-16,17 SECRETARY, PART TIME for Girl Guides to work in own home. Typing and accurate minute tak- ing essential. For application and information call 524- 6758.-16, GLACIER PARK LODGE, Roger's Pass, B.C. VOE 250, now hiring summer employees. Write for application form for positions for dining . room personnel; cafeteria personnel, housekeeping, soles clerk, gas jockeys.---16b.c. CHAIRSIDE DENTAL ASSISTANT REQUIRED For Goderich office, mld- May. Wages ' and benefits determined by qualifications and ex- perience. Will train If necessary. Serious applicants only need apply. Submit resume to: DRAWER NO. 134 c/o The Gad©rft Segrsa'f Star P.O. Box 220 Goderich, Ont. 27. Wanted (general) LADY WISHING lady companion to motor to Calgary second week in May. Phone 524- 9443. 13tf 28. Business opportunity BEAT INFLATION. Roise large bait worms at home 'for, extra income. Neat, odorless opera- tion. Low investment. Terra Worm Forms (since 1975), R.R.1, Stratford, 'Ontario, N5A 652. (519)625-8140.-2tf EARN EXTRA money easily! A little spore time and REGAL'S GREETINGS GIFT CATALOGUE is all you need. Write: REGAL, 939 Eglinton Avenue, Dept. 345, Toronto M4G 2L6.-16b.c. FORNEY WELDING Equipment and Supplies•Ltd., an establish- ed man.u.facturer and wholesaler of welding, in- dustrial, automotive and air equipment and supplies, is oc- cepting applications for dealer- ships in several Ontario .loca- tions, where not currently represented by active outlets. Rewording possibilities for those wanting their 'own business or wishing to expand current lines or as income sup- plement. No .franchise fee or hidden costs. . Reference re- quired. Please direct resume and brief details of areoi you are interested in. G. J. Vowles, Sales Manager, Forney Welding Equipment 8. 'Supplies Ltd., 2-20 Steckle Place, Kitchener, On- tario N2C 2C3.-16b.c. 30. Employment wonted 17 -YEAR-OLD Dutch girl seeks summer employment. Available June 21st to July 31st. Hove 1' , years of experience working with nursery school children. Call 529-7484. ask for Margaret. --16,17 28. Business opportunity Join The Green Lawn Spray. Team EARN 'TOP EXECUTIVE INCOME f n,Rl 1,1 {till Un,n� Immediate Cash Flow Quick. Economical. . Recession -proof System Gov't Course and Licencing Protected Territory Over 13 Southern Ontario locations alone 'GUARDIAN OF THE NATION'S LAWNS 25 New Locations opening by 1983 Awk,'rUa.., A Professional Christian Management Team Totally Committed to Your . cinancial Success ur ,Pm,1,kAhIr• c yet Pm rt+ The IOC rat'vr L awn Spraying In(lil$t,y c I.Ik Intl 'hr nilhi,l by St(lrr, VA r .1n• 'PPk log Pot revren PirS whl` (10 ,,Of ,+niy ser Grep,` i ;WO, In+,1nr'al OMNI, tun,ty 111 i1 ,llco Rn inv)S1 11P,,, thp,r r nnlmlin,ly PPt,r11P calm have the <1Pcirr and ahii,ly to stir reed 11 • Tc+t,ti InveSI,r(nf 55 000 515 000 i(1eprndlnq Do p002rI t 2,nl • (.nrnr'4ny f n+anrmq Ava,lAhip. • Wdhoq to a i"r Co'nr.tp Books ltrent-mgflrrnrtor - ( PEF:N LAWN.i`PRAVtn1'G INC 215 Ashland AVP P 0 Bo. 6473 Stn 0 London tJntano NSW 584 TPlephnne t51g1 455 3133 455 9333