HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-14, Page 2� P , .� � � - " "' , I I . . I
� I �
I . � I
I ; ..
. , 'FHE
p: . �, -DAN NIHAD IS A
. .
�� I I I
, I I I
I ,
�,�;�; [Thp Koran Fixes and Regulates'the
" � . Periodic Cxpeditiot% Which the
11 .
I .
�� ; Followers of Islam Make Against
: ., the Enemies of Their Faith-
I . - Everybody Is Enjoined to Help-
, � . 4
,�, I Must Implicitly Obey Leader,
LI , . . I � I �
t . � ' .
� I . ' -According to ilie latest trustworthy
;�' . * fA atxq,,�,ver 70,000 warrIors of the
I ,
i or I -frioan Moslem world, Turks,
� .
I - 1. I rubs, Tpuaregs, etc., have risen
��, . g.m 1. I
� � . � tat, the talians, in Holy War.
�'� I I � The, D�ihai, oi, Holy War is not a
l - � I ,
i wuntary excutsionof a few fanatical
I '0
.1 If "'
, I I ;t-,4eaded adventurers, but a most
': tp
, tematia procedure fixed alld TegU-
I . I � 11 by the sured writings of the
� 'ra
11 gran' and especially by the so-called
� fat
. adisselis," the traditional sayin
. +,I, -nr,n-n'hp+. Xr,4ta-mmed- ThA 1"Is
A +114a
" .- .— 0—w-- ft- --.---
I . I y the lea&fi ol the Islamite priest-
. I o0d. They are kept in greatest TeVa
� .frence. and adhered to *Ith thantin-
i . �, - I I � : exible tenacity and that -stern reso.
` . . Ateness whi& so markedly ohaxac-
I. I � . za the Moslern. in his attitude to
I T` .
I . eations and problemsof a spiritual
� I � . T TellgIOUS nature. .
I , 20
I I- 'According to these "Iladissehs',
. I a Holy War is one of the first and
. ost sacred duties of every Moham�
p I 1. As soon as a a xitual head
. .a e pToclal - it, f ng the
I � I of a Prophet, a , young
. ,
- . - . -
A. WHY."'hears,. and I will show you a
,;Vbiftri .,,With a so-called broken heart."
' '-
" "Th4i��
old, fro eight to, $0 year , of age,
. �,
"A Soft Answer."
A: somewhat tactles's youth had tak.
11 I st answer the . Call. Nor are women
i ," s9,1d,U,p flippant debutante,
from the Djihad. On the
. �
en an unwarranted liberty in criticls-
r , strict injunctions axe impos-
, llh'D.'�,e,Eeafi.�,�w7'��i.-O,,,new brass, "you
. , -
. upon them to, hel]� the fighting men
� I
Ing the now hat of a lady friend, and
th all the means at their disposal.
�".., .
I edVI e ,a .girl ib, got lier heart broken,
a Tlale WOMen. Tender assistance
i .
�', �
she was about to say that she was not
carryin wa qx:, y . a lealn-
finitely, but to retain a stag 1)&�;
� 1-1 -t
prisoner in. the same -W& Ona.
as az posswleV' ,
, I
- ,
, , �caroel�. .tlaa.t,','. the',,wis, -*bman.
. � . -111,e I �
Even more ciiriods",-b�wever, is .
the appetite of a heifei:which *formed
inclined to. be dictated to by any
man. "I do not propose" -she be-
a I at i s s OorL-;
, %�,: �,
pile On top ofthb'b6x ffibgit , ' � ,
�- -. `
1. ,
4if . � ., �06.ri� I
i��; 4moutl-3,NI'l, n .-M, 11 N -
I L a .,Z-. " - -oilrn
advise'her � 4
ains the naines ot in a
,an, but he internipted her.
"If "I
anouni who lost her ng
. I
,- .If IQ", .
�.� '. ; ,�, .. , 11
-1 ' b ", �
jti-�q A'
,as Over ,soi�a6tHilnk�;.Aegd, ""' ther
I or hercountry.
you (lid," lie murmured, .
should certainly sayt'Yes!"'
* J
IF The D11ha-d is the Moslem's most
n - -
up fliepUcu -biraFi1y`.'An -
� na tfi, 1. 11-1. eav-
en 16r�,%6-bfqw. -t, f'!�pened:' . eyes
AcTmidable tactic to crush enemy.
. 11,
the first enturies of Islam the
,� .
, :: I
ilXnei4t`�:die to 4
to�,th i inksfii ' ."
� - -, "
, -
Orient experienced its ter
,:�. I ,,.--,.
I �
I ,,100hristian.
. le" -sway on more than one occasion,
..i , I
the Crusaders learned to dread it
,t .
I :
Irmo wager and thirst and the
, re, th h
1� 11
, �
a century before England-mesbftg
irest -privations of desert life. The
I I "
I 4i 1%
(Woly ar is a. mercilin campaign,
I 1�1
C- . I
began by telling how much a mau�
appreciates good cooking and then shel-
. .
i liot for worldly possessions, not for
territory., not even for the Fatherland,
. �
for the Islam religion, for the
a handicap." I I I
I faith"of the Prophet. It is a fight
place when ye come to view the whole,
, I
i . thel 1��t drop of blood, a fight
Burgos fit 1169, while 1�ngland!s ,first
assembled at Leicester in the blid&6
I r ose - ibilt isihe tomb, a fight wag.
: with, that savage fierceness and
� vehemence which know no bounds, no
- . �
of the thirteenth century. �'. �.. , � ,
The Castilian Parliament di 4 'hot
control, no. restraining influence.
I .
: The �mpsssioned, merciless assault
, pon the enemy is, however, not the
i 6�fil duty of the Moslem during the
good �
and'�- ,
4 - JiKad. The of the Pro.
ihg'-�-'the fa-ibiation 'of gold. It was
�d aftefthe deluge. The deluge
. enJolu tbLe fulfilment of a num-
1.4 e ;5f'O** obligations, not less ,sa-
,'Bred. One of these obligations is fin-
Drar:;h Sem Norm Eire Remad7, 1.tQU1J, VIC, $cc, $1.00
Mu � Eye r ,
obedience to the leader -of the
,.!nA1jjd to do that and to give them
I -- I
�Campair, whoever he maybe.' All
. ,
4 ,
I �ersona dislikes must cease, and com.
-1 � I
. ;
,; 1.
Iblets harmony between the Rmi or
1J.he Sheikh and the fighter must pre-
, I
1*aiL Another duty is patience and
I � �
�faithfulness, and the determination to
�, �
at the post to be defended to
the very last bea,t of the pulse -if
�, ��. .
,need be night after,might, without
.1.400d, without sleep. # '
" �,
, - A slaying o! the Prophet, "Al flarb
. 1hadaatoun " i.e., war -can -only be a uc
I '
,Zessful if 6 movements of the army
11 I � �
: ite kept secret from the enemy, shows
j4� -
. , �
ithat during DiihaA the Moslem does
, 11 �,
, —, -
I li
W -a Ordinary tratagenis
I i� neglect th "
I Wna tZatil ,of � Ztfare, t � Aosol -0ho;
AA.,Z�-17y,�-, V�11-
I .
. I
: fea4 B�iftntind- history will fin&,iYal:
1�, , .
. " 1,
� the great leaders of Moslem armies
,� �.; ,
I . � � �
:" ,�,
,could always cope, with admirable
. ; skill and efficiency, with the wiles.and
.. I
� I ":
j cunning of the early Roman warriors.
I I -
i. I ,
Everyone engaged in Holy War is
,.Valled "Shehid" or martyr. To be-
�, 11
. .
I come a Shehid, however, the warrior
I ,
� %, . .
! inust be fully conscious of the IFjIhad
L�- --- -<-,;`taking place for the benefit Of the
I faith of Islam. A
soldier fallen in a
'�Imple battle is not a martyr however
� I
. ,
. I I
I.. .
!Ouch he mi ht have suffered for his
A thelild to
:3� 1 :,
4,country. refuses accept
. payment, and scorns every attempt
'. 1,
of making his lot easy. To him alone
": J
;0*mplete forgiveness of sin is
. ,
� to the world of houris. The hehids
t lose their lives -on the sea are also
r eased by Allah from an worldly
debts, obligations, and promises.
I A slem .warrior can obtain the
.,A Moslem warrior can obtain the
crown of glory in the other world also
during an honorable retreat, if the
latter is accomplished according to
. .
� the regulations of holy warfare. The
most Important of these regulations is .,
1 I
"Retreat in order to gather forces far
� 1,
a renewed and more formidable on-
slaught; never -otherwise.,, .
; I
There exists a "Hadisseh" which
��t 1,
enjoins upon every tribe adhering to
tents of Islam the necessi y to �
always have a special, well- rain
body of fighters ready at a mo ent's
notice to follow the war cry of Djibad.
This accounts for the factof the Ital.
: Y, �
isus in Tripoli having to meet such
formidable masses of warriors almost
immediately after invasion. It almost
� I .
looked, as if these masses were just
waiting for the enemy to come in. I
.1, I
A Shehid who is prompted to way
not b sts, but solely
g personal intere
for e purpose of defending Allah ,
.and the faith of Islam, Is promised
that the eternal fire of hell will never '
- -11- - -
reach his feet. He who shows unbend.
Ing patience, integrity and equanimity ,
of mind during Holy War will have !
respite from the tortures of the. tomb. ,
Lumberman I-ook on the work Qt V16 Throo-Hundrecl-Yo i I Fk�xg I a 11JU111 , J 1 U111*3 om -- " �WwR—A*X,* "'Jv. Ty 0,
. , -4
, r Old Mai � J
Tree Doctor as o Necessity, Discovered. F YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM
While forestry aa a business or, A very curious discovery which consul* Me,
rather, a, profession, is Only about 15 throws some interesting sidelights on I �
or 20 years old., its. growth during that the life of sixteenth -century .4 in the Back '
brief time has been, something pheuo� was made some years ago yhe I U a consult me. .
menal. People, the country over, now contents of th'is old postoffice at 1HAVE SOUB OV TEMBIDSTrRUITO
regard the work of the tree doctor as a. Frankfort-ou-Main ,were transferred to Could Not ,Stand or Eye., stock, grain and 4a r,r
serious, necessary undertaking,. and the new premises. A complete mail I a Turn. in t , farms In On-
. tarlo on my list at righ orloe&
not, a% was the prevailing opinion at bag full of letters, and apparently of. Bed—Legs Oreatly Swollen. .
first, the nonsense of a faddist. Any ficially sealed, was discovered hidden I . I H. W. DA,WSO,-?, NINETY COL.
kind of forestry work is undertaken among the rafter of the old postoffice, BORNE Street, Toronto.
I . _
by these practitioners, fr9ra the trsat� . where it bad . lain forgotten for over All Doctor's Medicine Failed--- I - --
ment, of a single tree to the care, de. three hundred years. I MISCELLANEOUS. I
velopment and protection of extensive The bag'was at, first deposited in- Cure Effected by Use. of V4TBRAN GRANTS WAXTRD-�F_
, forest tracts. tact among the state archives, but DR. CHASE'S TARIO, unloosted or looated-in any
In the offices of such concerns it is it has Tecently been handed -dier to I township or district, Northern Ontario.
a common. thing nowadays o I gligst os I sh prios psi(L Mulholland &
from suburbau or country residents the Imperial Postage use=, where 00., Toronto. �% �
the curator, r. Sautter, has been oe-
-- --
the I conte , ats, Dr. I I MALE HELP WANTED.
who may own perhaps a single noble cupied in.'examining KIDNATEY. LIVER PILL5 R'
tree or a clump of treei that seem not Sautter.h,as ublished the results of Again this great medicine has tri- I ------ �
to be thriving a re uest to look them his examia ' n in the "Imperial umphed over kidney disease Of a se. ()ANADIAN RAILWAYS W A W T
over. Whereupon te concern sends post and Telegraph Archives."' vere type. From a bed of sufferin inen in. the tplegraph, freight, ticket
out a, tree doctor, an expert forester, 9 and b1X9 o departments. We train you
who inspects these tr The mail comprised 175 psmkages, and helplessness Mrs. Walsh was4re- quickly. afivewires from two railways
ees. Toot, trunk containing in all 272 4etters; In some stored to health and strength b 14s- and regular station booka frorh Canadian
and branch, 'for cavities, for insect instances severaldifferent letters were In- Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver P Ile, paoifto,Gre,ndTrnnkarLdCane,diauXortb,-
T, .
borers, -for the detection of scale, the enclose � the ays Insures you
. d in one package, ei r for the Kidney pains in the back tortured ern railw , -practical work
removal of dead wood and the most sake of economy or in the hope of her. Dropsical swellflaga had set In and a position when qualified.' Write Do -
advantageous pruning of the live greater qecurity. . n s eason to hope foi minion Sohool Telegraphy, Toronto.
. I .
wood, for the bolting or chaining of Xo�t of the letters were addressed cure, since. the doctor's medicine tail. ., . I ,�-
* .
limbs il that ,should be necessary, lot .o ?,,,n, .
t , Iding In,AjT,Ia,0hapeIle, ed to even. relieve her. Read what Anot6r kil�slng Picture.
. _ _
whatever may be needed to -restore the (Jo ogne, I MA . ntwer�, besidei a num- the liusband says about this remark. The disappeardn6e of."Mona Lisa"
trees to or to preserve them in sound e,r �ntsnreN t, . CerS and Sol- able cure, I suggests'the question, What has be-
� 10 Teach offl
� health and their normal beaut�,, �ieri -bf he Spanish, army then oper- Mr. Tho5. D.. Welsh, Pictou, N.S., come of Upnardo da Vinci's other
The modern forester undertak6a to at We etherlands. writes: -"Two years ,ago my wife .famous plotd-td, the "LedaP" It was
make Orchards profitable. Therg. are can but vainly speculate upon took to her bed after suffering for a ,ofie Of five pictures from the brush of
orchardists,. to be sure, who know th?'%lisappGintmauts, (laarrels, and long time from kidney pains in'the that master ia�uired. by Francis I.,
very well how to care for their trees Imes that anay have resulted from. back, She was not able to stsaid -on �#d it used to hang with the 'Others
and who do -daTe for them; but there the missing ca,triage of all these Mes- *hdr feet or even turn herself in bed.. tu the palaq� of Fontainebleau. There
axe also Orchards that are neglected sages. They were no doubt serious, ,The-doctar's medicine was iio benefit is a.ditailed description.of it, written
or handled unskillfully. The forester for in those days letter4titing . 'Was *h9tever,' that we could see. Fbine. i
will take a rundown orchard .and, by �q� 1685, by Lobazzo, who classes it
too costly and lroublesotue',to be un- times her legs would swell. consld��. itith "Mona Lisa" as one of,Leonar.
intelligent, scientific tres,tmen$ of the dert&ken, without TbRI,n6bd. Dr. Saut, .ably . � 0 S Tew PI t I 11 ished paint-
sim� Reading about a woman in d ' - ' y "
trees, with systematio care, make it tex has classified ihe,'.I�fteri and pub- ar cola ition, being Qvred by !;73S -le
ngs Pov .J
produce big and handsome apples in lish Dr. ' � I f; nd, 0asslan* del
ed .q� selection of those Plat &'n- Chase's, Kikey-Liv4r Pills' "" OQ;,fe'�iar e it hi Fontainf,bleau
kbundance. tain Items of general interest. chased two b I we pur- P:,
ts� oxes and when these. n 1625, and It ii�duly mentioned in a
The "aviso" ordespatch note -found, were � rhe was able to sit up. Icatalojuie des'. h, eiies printed in 1694.
The Saving Sense of Humor. in, the bag is writt,6n in Italian, though with 11 more boxes she was To,. From ha�j d 6 onward, however, no
-Lots of women think they have a Qqned by the Spanish pbitmaiter at ,,tored to health and doing her own bibliograp ioafitrs,66 of it can be dis-
sense of humorwhen they have only Ilan. It is aa;led May 16, .1596',. and hcusev�ork. � . .1 I I covered. There Is no record of it
a dogged sort of "grin -and -bear -it" consigns, the mail -to 146 Imperial ' '-%' for'myself I also found these hav�ing been 4estroyed, stolen'or lost.
courage. It Is much better to smile postmaster then resiclent in CP16gne. *pills,all, that is claimed for them, I It as simply vanished from view..
cheerfully The letters ;themse d from -�g , 2ve'this statement in order ths�t ,
than to weep, to take, life Ives are date and no one has the least idea -where
and keep on fighting than to "chua various towns,juVdithein Italy. - -`6thers way obtaiii the- same ease ft6in it has gone, --Westminster Gazette.
� . I � , .
the Job," but -that is not the saving I - * * suffering as that experienced by y'
sense. HEART AN AsgET.4" wifo and, myself." - - In ft He Forgave the Bishop.
If you really have It, �Ws sense of '71' "' - ' " ' One pill a dose, 25c'a box,' at all A certain bishop, an ardent advo.
humor -and do not have to force a Charm the Portion ol'the. Woman Who dealers -or Edmanson. Bat.es & Co., cate of teetotalism, found one of his
smile -you. chuckle because you can I ' I f" 9, Limited, Toronto. . . flock, to whom he had preached for
not help it. While doing the most Ina. "Gath'dri ,Qp the Plocet Brave � . I I � .1 years, leaning in helpless drunkenness -
possible and often disagreeable t1iings, There is �:ffothing like t% biokerf Nea-gt . .
your thoughts win be bubbling over orvhatwe:imakineis�abiloke LehTt, . EAT§ !GOLF BALLS. : -_) against a wall.
I � � "Wilkins," cried the bishop, in
. inex.
ivith the funny side of it. to develop on6. Every ch g wo_ English Cow Has Beiarde Fand of the pres'sibly shocked. "Oh, Wilkins I You
Lots of women think they possess man�iu the itorld has -at .Some time . in this state I I am sorry, I am sorry,
this sense because theyean see a well. cherished one - as her - m!iost piiceless � ' Little- Pjll�.� o-�� I am, sorry I" .
sharpened pGinf to a joke -that is O possession. At Its..beels.-walk-Aym- ; N' " il , '. , . -
nIv � 0,,,gen e reader,-11ils is not a tall As the bishop was passing on Wil.
perception, a quick wit. Others lai pathy - and' �underitanding; 'broad golf Yain,.but a true dt6ry of a cow kins pulled himself together and hio.
claim tothe coveted possession when knowledge snd-ienft comprehension. -with ,an extraordinary partiality for coughed after him; �
they cift.enjoy a Joke at another's ex- The heart that. has been used, -that �61f 'balls. - This. bovine -curiosity is "Bishop, bishop I" I .
pense zealize how excruciatingly has lOved*NAi&n it had the -chance of to be'seen at Filey, and two -years ago The bishop hastened back in the
funny axe ,the happeninga of their loving' and ,sometimes ovin .ivhen it was reported to have go'Wed up a hope 'Of hearing -a resolution of re -
friends. hadnT the chance, Is a more beautiful golf ball belonging to a player on the pentance.
The real sense of humor enjoys a one than tthe heart ' that hasn't a links there. Apparently the large pill , ."Bishop, if you are really sorry I
joke just as much at Its owner's ex- scratch on it: - , I * - I 'was to the cow's taste, for .recently forgive youl"-London. Mail.'
pense as at her neighbors. . So the girl -who has just got a deep she swallowed another one.. A player I I I
I crack straight through the middle of had driven well, right up the Stralght, L Lighthouses. . � .
� A Beetle Is Strong. . a perfectly good heart should remem- and saw -his ball stop mear the cow., In England the first true lighthouse
ber this. There is mothing.'to moan She -went up to it, andon getting was the Eddystone, built in 1760. Two
Ifasked to name the strongest aul- over. She has only gained a. deeper nearer he saw she was mouthing it, centuries before Christ, however, fires
mals, most persons begin -with the knowledge of life and a finer under- -so ran'tov�bx&T-her 'shouting, w&th'a had 'been lighted on a tower near
lqgest, the elephants, and continue standing of human nature. -view of makinglier drop it. Instead' Alexandria , Egypt, as a warning to
wita oxen, horses, etc. This is, of -
� Taken in the right way, a broken of doing. this, she picked up the ball mariners.
course, corr"t in so far as their total heart will make a woman of her The and went off with -it, my friend in
horse power Is concerned, but for real things -she has suffered will teaL her chase behind. After a short distance Her Weak Articulation. I
strength, proportioned to the size and to detect suffering In others, and, the cow, Tan into a small pond, took "Yes; the manager 'of the, (
weight of the animal, one must to )pera.
the Insect world. Compared witfDin- having detected it, show -her how to a good gulp of water, and swallowed company turned her down." .
help and heal hearts troubled like. her the ball. On complaining of the cow "What was,,his objection?"
sects, the strength of almost any own: Discussing this subject recently, at the club -house, my informant, says "Why he said her voice was. ma
large animal and especially of man. I 9 -
is absurd. a wise wornari, said. �'�ow me a wo- a writer In "Country Life," was told. nificent, but she sang the words too
A man is considered strong if he man with a subtle "char'W-; '-with the that the same animal had been known distinctly." I
can drag a mass weighing three or light of understanding in her eyes, to occasionally swallow golf balls be -
4+'h . 4-1, -0-4- 4-.I,. -13 A # . T4- 1A 'T, , 4. 41 * 11
DMI'l Mo - - - —, -4—� --- I
I_ - VALUE .i .
q-M.. 1, � �
ben the demand increases for a. bond of A certain denominatiou., the price I
goes up.. A new issuo. of 5 per poitt. bonds tnisy be made vh1ch will sell at $98, �,
on which basis they wo4ld yield o5 per im �, 't, Future demand for these bonds I -
, . , n , i
would probably force them up, to ilo4. 06 brigInal pu-,hazers could then sell ,
at a profit and re -invest the funds. . � . i
q We v411 be glad to. place your n#mo,qa- gur m4ing list =1 advise you when
new Issuesi of. bo I e. . .1 I
, nds are mad � ,
. I . , ;'% , , � � "
q This will keep you In touch with thO A ,'�r,tot, which is. unquestionably I
. I .. ,� � !
I , -
the form your investments should taki It YOO de security and a high rate , *-4 - -
of Interest. . , . 1. I I
,-.r- %
MO% Y A L,L ITED � �,
J!P . �
. R. M. WHITE � :
Gioat Uniformity o,f. Living Among
the. Different Classes.
A remarkable feature ol.the indus-
trial and social conditions in Japan
is the great uniformity in the manner
of living among different classes. The
people all live ,in very similar dwell-
ings, The poor people have lour
wooden -walls, and for furniture a
few mats and blankets and 14 coal pot.
The food, save in the very highest
classes, is in the main very uniform;
rice and green tea, with sake es a
stimulant. Among those who have
not -yet adopted European fashions
even the dress is in substance the
iiame tl�roughout the middle
� . , ,-`-"'� -.�
The question. Of .the baldLIA;Q Wt;-
tween wages and the cost of living is
the one that in the long run makes
revolutions; it has not come into the
open yet in Japan. Wages vary ex-
ceedingly and no real standard .can
be given, but they are as a rule very
small, though recent 'years have wit-
nessed a steady rise, They are given
sometimes by time, sometimes by
Piece, mostly by weird combinations
Of all possible methods.
The weekly budget of.the Japanese
workingman is very small. His rent
and his food cost little. His only ex-
tras are a hot bath regularly every
other day, twice a mouth Or so a
family trip to the theatre, a few pence
for tCiy$ IOT his children and a few
more to prop#iats the deities or bribe
the priests. I
Hours of labor are on an average
11 a day, but frequently 12, 13, ,Or even
14. Attempts have been made .to start
trade unions, but never successfully.
Insirrance against old age is unne-
cessary in Japan so long as the pres-
ent tradition endures which makes it
a duty.for each person to contribute
to the maintenance of an aged, in-
capable or infirm member of his fam-
ily. .
Goldsmith as a Host. .
In the early part of Oliver Gold.
smith's career he was a teacher at
the academy of Dr. Milner -at P;ack-
ham. He was on excellent ' term� with
the boys --none the less.
. Eleven or twelve years later be met
one� of the young gentlemen, vhq
had grown up and was visiting Lon-
don. Goldsmith recognized him in-
stantly. �
"Come, my boy," said he. "I am
delighted 'to see you. I must treat
you to something., What shall it beP
Will you have some apples, Sam?" -
Moore's "Life of Goldsmith."
'1[ I,
Dr. MeTaggart's tobacco
I .
remedy removes all desire for
the weed in a few days. Al
vegetable medicine and only'
y I
requires touching the tongue
with It occasionally. Pric�� -
$2.00- ,
� I
! I
Marvellous results from takw�' I
Ing, his remedy for th ' e liquor"
habit. Safe and inexpensive�
home treatment; no hypoder..,
. .. . I
mic injections; no publicitv..!
, _,,
no loss of time from businessp,i, -
and a cure guaranteed. I I
To ensure immediate atteu.-I I
tion address ; ,,
care Central Press Agency., I -
1 70 Pearl Street, Toronto..,
. 11 — - �( , .,
rM . 1;
: 11 i � I 1 V. - I
. I 1. .1, , ,
a A .1
. �� 1,
A I . , ,
- i.
1, V : i
- - I 0
four times as much as himself, but
the beetle will walk with 500 times
his own weight. If a man were plad.,
- . - . -
A. WHY."'hears,. and I will show you a
,;Vbiftri .,,With a so-called broken heart."
' '-
" "Th4i��
. — . - -8 Ufs 0 '10"
what happens to the ball in the cow's
interior, especially when she has ,di-
- -
H. H. Nightingale
"A Soft Answer."
A: somewhat tactles's youth had tak.
Mo - I
0 , � I
ed under a wooden box with fte
i ," s9,1d,U,p flippant debutante,
gested the outer cove�r and the core be-
en an unwarranted liberty in criticls-
times his weight on Up to hold it
, llh'D.'�,e,Eeafi.�,�w7'��i.-O,,,new brass, "you
. , -
gins to unwind. Also, would it cause
Ing the now hat of a lady friend, and
I . I ., �,
down, he would remain there I a*
I edVI e ,a .girl ib, got lier heart broken,
an indiarubbery taste in the milk?
when a London hatter retired and set
she was about to say that she was not
finitely, but to retain a stag 1)&�;
� 1-1 -t
prisoner in. the same -W& Ona.
as az posswleV' ,
, I
- ,
, , �caroel�. .tlaa.t,','. the',,wis, -*bman.
. � . -111,e I �
Even more ciiriods",-b�wever, is .
the appetite of a heifei:which *formed
Memtler Standard Stock and Mining
inclined to. be dictated to by any
man. "I do not propose" -she be-
---- � , - -- - -.
C.P.A.-50. � 1911. i
, %�,: �,
pile On top ofthb'b6x ffibgit , ' � ,
�- -. `
1. ,
4if . � ., �06.ri� I
i��; 4moutl-3,NI'l, n .-M, 11 N -
I L a .,Z-. " - -oilrn
advise'her � 4
thb.. subject of an.action the other day
at,'Rfidiskillin Sdssions. The -
,an, but he internipted her.
"If "I
. .
times its weight. r."
— !.,,�,,-.
.:, ; I
,- .If IQ", .
�.� '. ; ,�, .. , 11
-1 ' b ", �
jti-�q A'
,as Over ,soi�a6tHilnk�;.Aegd, ""' ther
tiff; a 'farmer, stated, that when he
* andence Invited.
you (lid," lie murmured, .
should certainly sayt'Yes!"'
Good Heart ed Cabbage. . I
i �
A well-known expert in cooking en- ',
,.- 44 z
The Cas'.:*:an Parliament.'.," :
n - -
up fliepUcu -biraFi1y`.'An -
� na tfi, 1. 11-1. eav-
en 16r�,%6-bfqw. -t, f'!�pened:' . eyes
air was -very
scarce on her tail.' Later he found
And his offence was forgiven.
� . .
countered trouble in a* suburban coin.
, .� I
The term "motherof Parliame'),�,�!
, :: I
ilXnei4t`�:die to 4
to�,th i inksfii ' ."
� - -, "
that she was a "barber," with a
Hugo Liked Punctuation.
Sal.. on.
inuaity the other afternoon when -she F .
ared to lecture at the* Mothers' i
prep I
. .
applied to England, Is not qulfgti&�
rect. Spain had a Parliament heafly
de ' ,- �iidar cc ', ,e si' � her
6wA 'and other, " L, e . -- ,
,' t
partiality for eating her own tail, and
,When this failed to satisfy her appe-
-ye:--old I salm.in weW.s from
A four .
club. Her subject was "How to Cook."` I
C. 'a I
, �
a century before England-mesbftg
� I .
broken: he'art. Tea - e ,pr , op .. .! will un.
tite she ate the hair I of the tails of
I 4i 1%
twefity-five.to thirty p,;,iuds. -
C- . I
began by telling how much a mau�
appreciates good cooking and then shel-
by Parliament popular represent-4tio
_ P.
dloubWly pr ass�t - instea of
five other heifers. four cows, a horse,
--- -
. � -- - '- -
. . � I I
proposed to give various recipes. ;
Such an assembly was convena&* in
a handicap." I I I
and an ass. Consequently he brought
place when ye come to view the whole,
Amo , I
rig the first was one for cold -1.
Burgos fit 1169, while 1�ngland!s ,first
assembled at Leicester in the blid&6
.,� -
,1 ," The Formation 6f Gold.
an action against the man from whom
be purchased the animal for breach of
For Red, Wuk, Wew7, Wateu .",yea and
slaw. 11 To have this best," began thel, 11
lecturer, "take a hearted cabbage-
- . �
of the thirteenth century. �'. �.. , � ,
The Castilian Parliament di 4 'hot
. �, .
. 4 �
. �M' Indians have a theory concern-
warranty. But the magistrate dismiss-
ed the case,, after counsel bad remark-
11 ", ,71 ,
Murine Doesn'tSmart-Soothes Eye Pain
good �
and'�- ,
receive hereditary nobles. It was left
ihg'-�-'the fa-ibiation 'of gold. It was
�d aftefthe deluge. The deluge
ed that the heifer must have been like
Drar:;h Sem Norm Eire Remad7, 1.tQU1J, VIC, $cc, $1.00
Mu � Eye r ,
At this nt a young woman inter-! �
ipted. was eager to get all thaj., I �� �
rx AV
,.!nA1jjd to do that and to give them
I -- I
w,ka'-Oodt ili*e' time when the leaves
a sofa. I
. rM a Salve, in Aseptic Tubes, 25c. 4
YE sooics AND ADvicE FREE By idAtt
information possible. "Tell me I` li
� I
eg s ative powers, which
were denied thei4 by the Castilians.
f ih' free's were turning yellow. The
0 e'�amie'before this flood and blew
the leaves in all directions. Where
Drawing the Line.
the leaves lodged at -the time of the
A London tailor made his le and
deluie is where the gold is now found.
(sucoessors to Warreu, Growskl & Co.)
retired to a Welsh castle, W�Iere he
The gold is found in two for ms -in
set up as a squire. But the tailor had
nuggets and in leaf form. The nug-
hardly got established as a squire
gets ,were formed by the le,aves blow-
,& .
when a London hatter retired and set
Ing and whirling into small nuggets,
Veu in a neighboring castle as a squire
as they are now found. Where the
o. It was disgusting. .
gold is found in leaf form are the
A friend, apropos Of the former hat,
places where the leaves were buriea
Wr's coming, said to the ex -tailor:
by the washing of send and rock by
"Will you call on him?" .
the waters of the flood. -Red Man.
I . — . � �
Y�Oahsfus,*ry 6f Wood'
"Not V' was the reply. "One must
iraw the line somewhere."
� I
. saw the Whole of It.
."And so," said the friend, "you
Alexander weeping because the
iraw it round the neck, eb?"
world was so small has a counterpart
in an old inhabitant of Luss, a pretty
I I . .
Hugo Liked Punctuation.
little village on Loch Lomond side,
. In one of Victor Hugo's letters to.
Batiaelaire he dwells on his .
Scotland, who at last has been per-
suaded to climb the mountain which
!or perfect punctuation. As an'In.
has filled so large. a part of his hori-
;tance of.this Hugo mentions that he
nade his printers furnish him with
zon all the days of ' his life. In Luss
he has lived, as ))is fathers lived be.
�leven revises of the proofs of "La
fore him, and from Lass be has nev-
a des Siecles,' the last ten of
er had the ambition to journey, even
l ie,h were required only in order that
as far as Glasgow. But some one got
r t
he commas might be put in the rl
him to the top of Ben Lomond the
other day. I � .
Aade. Thomas Campbell was equalqlly
I astidious in this respect. He once
valked six miles to his printers (and
"Eh, mon," said he, with great self
congratulation, "but the world's -a big
�ix miles back agrain) to have a Comma
place when ye come to view the whole,
.hanged into a semicolon,
-of Al" -Dufidee Advertiser, - 11
Enjoying a Nove:'.y.
==�=- =
I .
12101 �
,;The newist. cook we've got seems
t- I- satisfied " announced Mrs 111.
�� 11�
I I E, D. W A R R E a"" -1 03'
Aw% IV UK C %J a
I .
, ram Weekleigh proudly.
I .
,,Has she made up her mind'to stay
(sucoessors to Warreu, Growskl & Co.)
with us?" .
I I � .
. .
"She has." I
"Discharge her at oncef."
,& .
06.1eirs in high Class Investment Se.uritieb
� 0
"Riramfi Just when we've got one
at last who."-.
4 1
,f - ,
Porcupine st6eks bought and Sol&" Our weekly
"Yes. We've- had a. dozen cooks in
as niaiiy weeks, ovic! we've never, had
st ebance to fire one yet. Go on. I
�1: I I
iNews Letter sent to any address ou request,
want to gee how it,feels,", '
� �,,: I .
� I
�,,� ,
t4a )RuOAD 81dRmT,V 1109A�-093118, 04NU ',11,U1L13XN(.
I . — . � �
Y�Oahsfus,*ry 6f Wood'
1 140 P
t �� I . I
S1,81W YOUR. 4 Col[Oorut Stw, Toronto,,
. I . .
Tranefusioa of blood tot PX,0121i44). ,
- � I �
I I .
. I".., 11-1: I I 1-11 � .1 I I
I , , , , A11111illim, "" � , :- ---I--
life. was practiced In t48,1 I
I I . .
� I
I � . ,
i , . "11111�
, ) , . I �
. �'. 1 . ,
.. ; � �
��. �
� , � I � �
� . . , .
�.- ( �, .. ? � �� . � I :� "�:,
, .'' I �
I ..9L , ,
: t� '' - - "''. "" I �-- -1 .
Island of Patmos. I—; � MurincEy1vRernedyCo.,Ch1ca�gQ' please" she spoke up, 1%ow is one! I
bramerciallam has somewhat dim- d, ,01r W to lcn6 the disposition of a cabl- ,I
. . ----- bage?" . � I
d the romance of the island of I � r . . . . . . - � . � ,�
� . . . I . .
I .
tmos, to which -the Apostle John I I" I �.� I I > , 1, ThiS beautiful -- Like a Tiger's Claws. ....- � - .. .
s exiled. There he s&w the visions I � There is a'borrible weapon favore&j4
the Apocalypse. The island is Coin Brooch or Pin ,
ky and barren, containing sixteen- Best Washing Machine B 0. % 1. . by .certain of the hill tribes in the
1��V-'11) Just send ten cents (611ver Or Gba , uts of western ,' � .sia, which con -T .
stamps) iked t
are. miles. On a mountain stands Three Graitt Fitatures. I U we cents In stwnps toward, the
monastery of John the Divine, 1. Easy to operata. , shipping expenses. . , - . sists of four sharp, curved blades,. I I I I
It in 1088. Greek sponge fishers to 2. Not hard an the cleth0s. X. MERKER, Dept 0, 307 Victoria St., Toronto �idden tinder the lingers. and secure- I ,
number of about 4,000 inhabit the 3. Washes the clothes cienn. . y � eld in phice by rings passing over . ,�
nd, which is mow under Turkish . Sold all oyer Canada. . Write to �- � I F -S - two ol'them. With such i contri- . I I
e, and by unremitting energy man. I I Have You a 168inirnyll' in vance Sbivaji, the Maratha hero, is".
to earn little more. than enough I "ONE MINUTE" WASHER CO., 'Your Clothes Press ?. credifpd with 'having 'dis mbnweled: I
. 1, �
eke out their existence, W Lossn, Ave., Toronto, Canada, is Mohanim,dan overlord when t -
--- I i making Ft prefen,te of renderi-W hitn' ..
----- Isilmilmy" Priot Folder nak.+ '
. No Gambling., , a his buml,le suhmission. The vrt,-
i � - .
! ("tiger's claws"), as they are enfled, ,
olonel (after severe lecture to a FOlds and Presseathe psintesothey nre distinctly more brutal than 01-ir�' - .
ple of men on the evils of gambl 111tai. the crease and proteets them from I
dUt. Holds nbie pairs of pant-; and is so western prototypP, the knnclklev�, ., . - I
Seven days' confinement to bar'. ma"AKE YOUR OWN TILE attacbed to the Inside of closet door that duster." � . . 1. I I
, . I . I I . I �
�;. I .. 11 re ,,!res only four inches of kpace when' I
t.14q,j -
ergeant Major -What shall I do COST . I . �i -
this fourperice hallpenny which - ' � ' 0 nag to take out nts No Cause for Fear. -1 . I .�v 1
picl�ed up from the table, sirP" . - $4.00 TO OTIt StUrbing othercrinprustebk5ek Pa A lady pas,s'enger I)TI !i .,teamer, who, A � ,
Wrlf-- fat further particalars. f-, .
olobel-Give them twopence each , $6.00 � I-Aze $22,00. Agents wanted was very ri-I'VnI1.4 .111(f .,hf, V011,0 :)fli�-. .11,11,
let them toss up for the odd half4 ' ' . - , a -) t,) t!i, --t ,'r I I to " : I
ny�-Pearson's Weekly. I SIMMY SUPPI,Y 01, great irrit,lt;n , ,"It .
. PER 1,000 I , . B02196FOttawa. )im nnf! r!ay.. , C'S.".1"I'l, I' :1 ��) L111'ri- I I I .
. � � '.. - , - bly *..Jfr-1;d of iv. 15;�r"4; N'"11 I. "v, 1.0"11 , ., -
=K::>= � 1* I
A Full Hand. -, " . � I - happen if thpro qh(4,.'-1 b- -i ; !' ")" 1
John," said Mrs. Norton as sha bptworn u� aad wi i-eb :) I �.
. .
ted herself at the hotel breakfast I teii nW rrarAdv. I can b-tir tir. -rotli ", ,r I
e "did you call a walterP" POWER. U "Wlly, lmld.�11." V"I'd �,�-, (It tljl��* , .
Ye's," said Norton, looking up . - 'k A N (`,�) E R 111,11-i'm -f,t'�, �1 -i, t;.'E.t ..� I
. . - I
n his paper, "I called hilm, and he . irvber�; Ny- tilt! nuo.' , V , 11 t as I 11 11 -- ��
� . SEND FOR R. D. Evans,'Disdoverer of the ramout 1tvans, -1'' ��Ivjp'livd " - " t �i ,, , �� , �
a tray full." . h 'L , .
� .. Cancer Oure, deattes all who suffer witti cancov , ,,ft , wt, '" -:d.:�,o --r.-ot I
- . 1, I .1 CATALOG if towrit6tobim. Tw days, treatmeritcuresel 'ul�fl, ox,,!:)� 't�, k� '
Skikjoring, ,I.terna1cA.()eer. Write to k. 0, RvA.ia P,1i,'S0119"-- "()�, �t�:`:�'� `11� 0.1.:), �; , I" � J I
ne of the favo!rite SpDrt i tb , FARMERS' CEMENT TILE MACHINE C9, '12A1 0 —�- 1. �
q BrAndon, Mantioba. Can&" 1 - . I I ' L
- � WALKERVILLE, Px,r. - , , 11 .. �� I I . . . t ", �
ss -winter 'resorts is called sakikjor. '" I ""' . :,y-�n I
� e 1, , . - r: 10, . I � . 1,
It consists in letting a hors I 1_1 ., , , , L', K'
.. �� ,(.,,JJr11'T)1h!q- %v' , - v: , ;I it I k �
- .1. , 'N ,
I 1, . -:-J.,''.4 �J
I I I ' I I I ., q i alte - ,�,, y ,
w a ski runner - it combination ----,- - Insist on flkreatirngl-S the fot hi wYe"', , .
ch results in diverse acei,dents, A Spirit to Be Deplored. � I � b0i!ina `1 v ;, - ,ur - � 11", .,�
tly harmless. Just where ho I Insist on )h' I i e i , t [it, , flo, . . . 'd �
notable tudmtry endi , "tril '.' ", -, . "
. .1 " kit'd 1111w1w I- � .1
I 11 0 ehuine eatih 's I � J
— *-�'-= and avaricious piling up of, treasav? � " . , I . , I
I .
I .1 . . . b�fins Tio one can take it u'pon him. . �" 5owder." a ei " - .1.411 t ": 1, :1 h1o., - a , �� I ,.,,, il I .
- . 1. - I � , I W ' ' I I.. .
, T - a in ofeAst 'L f
� Old Sores. Ltimps to say. The spirit, however, that land, and kn r the fat. —� -,-.--. ., ..
11 . Growth$ the world as the only I 1�
�4, A ��, remoi�td arstf boa& impeli a young nian to sactiff-ce al -I - I odori6ss and-sfainle§t . MAki 1, Qen.�.;. . � I .
I e'd by A timPla the, nobler ainis of life In otdet to I ttrn , I and otherwise harraless ,,Will f4 f,r VArtIP"r41 , I �
2 M11C .,511"n -'t -1,,; 1,
I Igotne Trealuient a libei-al competence into weal'th too powdo� t�hotf k'0 b 9 A deadl ' .
Ott* Degaribe tha,trdubu�, we will segid a,o %. S I y ex, bL� 1XIuall %V- Nli� .V] � . I
A06 t6turnoniald rrM I., 11 great to be sp�,Tit (wad thegiving Awa. teemin ,0 r� of insect life. ,qhi,t j;� I t., - 1% � � *
I of which, unleu oatefally regi r $,Old by, z11 deuggisig, - " - . ,1,,f( h, -,%�;l Ill � I �w
YlAiMADA CANCtR MstrreTZ, Limif.d . #161 tury get� tl-,roa� � , N",
. I is a doubtful sollroo of good) is dev- I , v I
I 11 �� V � I
10 Churdl,111 Ave.,Zoiaoo. ly, 104r -o !zo , 25 oxes" J I
I I - � taib',: t., b!a 4eplor�4-11!316t Orreaoty :�11*,Ur4on C C4 ,� I
W-%**ib� �4 'i 11 .-I I . . I / �
, 1. I I
, 11 ,
wihi-, I ': , WI . L I I - I �
11 I— 1�.1-'..'-, . I I I ....... � , I �11 2-1 ;�� ,
- , , I&I , , '" , � , -1 0