HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-14, Page 14PAGE 4A —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1982 Preserve flavor of the past Although technology is changing, Ontario maple syrup producers are preser- ving the flavor of the past for today's consumers through energy -minded ingenuity. About half of the pro- vince's producers collect sap in the traditional manner - tapping trees by hayed with spiles and buckets. But larger and newer producers use plastic tubing and vacuum pumps to draw the sap to a central holding tank. The plastic tubing not only reduces the labor required to collect the sap, it also reduces the amount of sap that was spilled en route to the sugar shack: The sugar shack has seen some dramatic changes since the early settlers hung their iron kettles over a wood fire. That kettle could never handle the quantities of sap today's producers must pro- cess to•make maple syrup a more than $6 million business. Now, producers use wood -fired or oil -fired open pan -evaporators .capable of handling up to 1,500 litres of sap per hour. Even . this system isn't ideal, so producers are look- ing at alternatives. The cost of energy to boil the 35 to 40 litres of sap down to one litre of syrup is pinching the pro- ducers' pocketbooks. This season, producers are expected to spend $1 in energy costs for, every litre of syrup they. produce. But the industry is meeting the challenge of increasing energy costs head on by developing new. technology. Ontario is becoming' a leader . in_. ...;research.. and development of energy- efficient technology for the maple syrup industry. Other maple syrup producing areas are watching with in- terest this season as Ontario producers test three\ new evaporation processes. One of the most popular new developments is the reverse -osmosis • system. This process was developed with assistance of the Na- tional Research Council. The Canada -Ontario Con • - servation and Renewable Energy' Program is sponsor- ing several demonstrations in Ontario this .. year and more, than .20 producers across the ,province are testing the system this season. The reverse -osmosis' system filters sap through a semi -permeable membrane. to obta)n a higher concentra- tion of sugar in the sap. Tests indicate that using this system, 75 per cent of the water can be removed from the sap. The theory • behind the process is that it takes less energy to convert the concentrated sap into syrup. Although the initial outlay of up to $35,000 for the system seems high for a piece of equipment used only six weeks each year, the system could pay for itself in about three years. It is capable of reducing energy consumption by up to 65 per cent. Another piece of equip- ment, developed at the University . of Waterloo, is the economizer, Research fdr this unit was funded by the " Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the "Ontario Maple Syrup Producers' Association. The economizer recycles waste steam from a conven- tional evaporator to heat the sap and speed evaporation. By trapping and using the waste steam, the economizer can recapture 94 per cent of the energy, almost doubling the efficiency of a conven- tional evaporator. Stearn from the evaporator is ducted into the economizer and used to heat the sap to temperatures of up to 68 C 1155 F, I. Air is blown over the sap to speed the evaporation process. Although the economizer is not in commercial produc- tion now, there are several demonstration models under test this season. It is ex- pected that there will be a' flurry of interest in the economizer, once people in the field gain eicperience. The newest of the energy- saving technologies is the . vacuum evaporator. By ap- plying a strong vacuum over an enclosed evaporator, the boiling temperature can be reduced to as low as 57 C i 135 • `i' Tire system- .saves • Turn to page 5A • f CUT FROM GRATE 'A' BEEF CUT FROM THE CHUCK WEDNESDAY APRIL 14 THRU TUESDAY APRIL 20 FRESH FROM ONTARIO POULTRY BLADE STEAKS CHICKEN LEGS LB. CUT FROM THE CHUCK (BLADE BONE REMOVED) SHORT RIB ROASTS s x3.70/kg LB. CUT FROM THE CHUCK TENDER JUICY CROSS CUT SHORT RIB. ROAST 4.37. /kg .Ewu« GROUND BEEF 3 26 /kg L8 1 LB. PKG. PART BACK ON SCHNEIDERS BEEF WIENERS OR RED HOTS. z�hrs fine markets . of fine foods FRESH CHICKEN BREASTS '3.48 /kg B. • SCHNEIDERS COOKED •PORTION SIZE HAM STEAK WHOLE FRESH LAG OF PORK 2.82 41/ /kg r i LB FRESH BUTT OR SHANK PORTION • LEG OF PORK , sf 3.26 /kg dit FRESH__SCRNEIDERS3 VAR. CENTRE PORTIMINI- LEG !F PORK SIZZLERS 3.70 500 g - PORB. PKG. BEEF STEAKETTES 500 g f PKG.. Ziggys fast fry cornmealed BALK BACON CHUNKS Maple Leaf corned BEEF BRISKET Schneiders SAUERKRAUT Sweet PH kled 900 m I 6 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS SANDWICH STYLE MEAT SPREAD -.250 g ego ROLL $9.88 kg t441L.B 55,47 kg j24SlB '1.19 LB SCHNEIDERS. SIDE BACON END SLICES 500PfpKG . Zehrs sliced COOKED HAM Maple LeafEn lish style • BACK BACON 175g 1139 :f.88 175 g We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly • family requirements. ZEHRS OWN BRAND SLICED BOLOGNA 375 PKG. PRIDE OF CANADA SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL BONELESS PORK BUTT BURNS FARM STYLE BREAKFAST SAUSAGE PORK & BEEF 4.17 /kg LB. Ziggys ,Outside Round ROAST BEEF :8.80/kg'3.;99i Schneiders. Round Smoked PICNIC $5 93, , 69L Shopsys . Previously Frozen Potato Salad or " , Smoked COLE SLAW COD FILLETS 1. f8/kg $5.O5/k/2.29.1_ � R SPECIAL. _ SUPER SPECIAL' . SUE 5 C .::...:: PRODUCT OF CHILE CANADA' NO. 1 GRADE - RED EMPEROR GRAPES 0 2.18 /kg LB. SUPER SPECIAL • PRODUCT OF ,U.S.A. • CANADA NO. 1 GRADECANADA GREEN CABBAGE . 64C/kg 0 4ill LB PRODUCTF-•ONT. NO. 1 GRADE ENGL - H .CUCUMBERS C. EA PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA ..CANADA N0. 1'.GRA.DE ` - ___CS ELERY STALKS • ' 0 EA. Prod. of Chile Can Fcy ff.96 Prod, of Ontario Product of U.S.A. Smith . kg Cee Grade Spy $� California Granny,g LEMONS 4/8`9 APPLES • 89' LB APPLES 3 LB Prod. of Canada Product of Ontario if 30 Prod. of U.S.A. $4 Ontario i1, 0 kgSnow white ESCAROLE EA ?9MUSHROOMSLB198 BEAN SPROUTS 'S9 t6 ES Prod of U S A s30 Prod. of CanadaChinese Dry For your indoor plant Spanish type ky Large 20 Litre size ONIONS 59' 1B NOODLES 170 g 79 POTTING SOI Prod. of Florida 860High in Protein Rocky Mountain Hybrid Canada No. 1 New White 1,(1 Product of Canada Tea or climber EA POTATOES - 39' lf3 TO FU 5009#%19 ROSE BUSH #3,99 Prod. of Mexico 860 • Prod. of U.S.A. DOZ Product of Juicy Ripe kg California Navel $ Hawaii WATERMELON 39' • l6- ORANGES -Z-40Y PAPAYA EA 37 1.O9 t 1.49 PRODUCT OF THE CARIBBEAN FRESH PINEAPPLES 0 i j .EA. NO -NAME FERTILIZER 10-6-4 OR 7-7-7 10 Kg BAG NO:NAME SUPER LAWN s FERTILIZER 10 Kg 1