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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-14, Page 5
Winners of the Regional Science Fair from Robertson Public School are, front -row from left, Heather Larsen, David Brown, Michael Bogie,,Suzy Takalo and Lori Takalo; and back row, from left, Tammy Cornish, Greg Currie, Darren Doak, Louise Baechl'er and Todd Gilchrist. (Kris Svela Town hall restoration to start soon The Auburn village trustees met for their April meeting in the town hall with the chairman, Warner Andrews in the chair. The minutes were approved as read by the clerk, Mrs. Ross Dobie. Approval to start the restoration of the town hall and the library has been given so it is hoped that the work will start soon. It was noted that the village trustees had put up the flag for the summer months. A discussion took place regarding the village meetings and it was decided, to hold them the second Saturday - evening at 7:30 p.m. as has been done. Trustee Gordon Powell reported on the fire meeting which he had attended at Blyth recently. It was noted that a clock had been installed in the library room. „ Lions Club The Auburn arid District Lions Club met with 16. members present and Gus Vanmassen, guest of 'Lion Gordon Daer: They all at- tended the Knox United Church Sunday School an- nual pancake supper with the meeting following in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall. Lion president Walter Marchl was in charge. Lion Bob Worsell, the secretary, read -the rlitnuties- which were adopted on motion of Lion Al Luna, seconded by Lion Marinus Bakker, The " financial statement given br the treasurer, Lion Doug Chamney was . accepted on motion of. Lion Don Haines, seconded by_ Lion Ken Scott. It was announced that the proceeds from the last bingo were split between.the Lions Leader Dog School and Participation Lodge. Correspondence was read by Lion President Walter Marchl, • The first of the 265f draws for the Auburn Lions Lottery was held at the Canadian AUBURN NEWS Eleanor Bradnock. BRB-75ee Imperial Bank of Commerce last Wednesday and the winner was Lynn Culbert with ticket number 149. A motion of Lion Glen Webster that the Auburn and District Lions Club work in conjunction with the Auburn Booster Club to purchase playground equipment for the community park was seconded by Lion 'Al Luna. A motion of Lion George Collins that $500 be donated towards the purchase of new swings was seconded by Lion Al Luna. It was agreed that the Lions Club metnbers would locate and assemble the . new swings. The next meeting will be ladies' night. Social News Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McIntosh and Mr. and Mrs. D. Goffin, all of London spent the Easter weekend with Mrs. Frances Clark. Winners at the weekly, euchre party held by the Silver Tops in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall last week were: novelty, Mrs. Jim Glousher, high lady,- Mrs-Clarenee Allen; low lady, . Mrs. Albert McFarlane, high man, Ross Robinson and low man, Ray Hanna. Everyone is welcome at 8 p.m. sharp for these card parties. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson of Meaford spent a few days last week with Mrs. Robertson's mother, ,Mrs. Elva Straughan. Robert Youngblut°, of Toronto visited • for a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Munro. • Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Baron of Stoney Plain, Alberta and Milton Broadhagen of Milton visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer and size_ce-_ g7 Size 16-20 & 161/2-241/2 It's Spring Carnival Days at Jacqueline's Come d, Ltd. On In -Spin the wheel :break the balloon / -dip in the fishtank Join the fun and win FREE merchandise and discounts I very purchase wins Carnival Days April 15 1 h -1; Mon. - Thurs., Sat. 9-5:30 Friday 9 - 9 4.'(1 \t un til . t o11T '_ .''tin I \t't( ; Gordon Daer. They visited with Mrs. Daer's sister, Mrs. Freda Magk at Mitchell. Mrs. Lorne McDonald of Seaforth and Miss Isabel Fox of Blyth visited last Saturday with Mrs. Ellen Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. The community is sorry to report that Lawrence Cunningham was a patient in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich and was transferred to London last weekend. He is wished a speedy recovery. . Following the Easter service at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Pamela Charlene, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Schneider, received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.' Mr. and Mrs. Al Luna were the godparents. The Reverend William Craven officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Don Jardine of St. Marys were Sunday guests with Mrs. Beth Lansing. Kenneth Scott, Mrs. Dorothy Grange and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock--attended the Zone 8 spring rally for Senior Citizens at Zurich last Wednesday. Mrs. Velma Mills of Brantford is visiting with her niece, M"rs. Harry Arthur and Mr. Arthur this week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines, Mr. and Mrs. For- dyce Clark of Goderich, Mrs. Tina Empey, Mrs. Rita Brown of Goderich, Mrs. Tom Haggitt, Mrs. Tom Jardin, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and Mrs. Emerson Rodger went on a bus trip to New York City last Friday morning. • Flowers, were placed in Knox United Church, Auburn by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kai of Oakville in memory of the late Mr. James Jackson, Miss Margaret Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner. An Easter lily in memory of the late Tom Johnston was placed in St. Mark's Anglican Church by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McNall of Welland. Congratulations to Mrs. Albert McFarlane 'who will celebrate her 90th birthday on Friday, April 16 in the Sunday School room of Knox United Church from 2 to 5 p.m. Members of the Knox United Church Women are preparing the party and it is hoped that all friends and, neighbours will beable to attend this Open House. 4-H Auburn 2, 4-H club held its fourth meeting at the home of their leaders, Linda and Debbie Cunningham. The president . opened the meeting with the pledge and each member commented on problems-vv'itLrthe- s�ead-that- they had made at home. For the roll call, members talked about what things can be added for the nurtient value, and the taste and 000k of bread. GODERICH SIGNALSTAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1981E --PAGE 5 Letters F * from page 4 leadership skills and ex - T h e sponsoring perience working with young organizations have already people in a group setting. formed a committee which This position requires a will help us locate potential ,Frizature person and, of accommodation in your course, is a live-in position. community. We usually rent We would very much like to a large older home that can hear from any potential accommodate 12 people. candidates in your area. During their stay in your Complete resumes in - community the participants dicating relevant academic qualifications and work will live with local families for 2-3 weeks in a billeting program to't allowthem to better know the communities in which they will live. The key person in a well run Katimavik project is the Group Leader. We are looking for people who have good organizing and experience should be sent to the Ontario Regional Office at 323 Chapel Street in Ottawa along with, a letter outlining the applicant's interest in becoming a„Group Leader. We are looking forward to an exciting and profitable Angry enough Dear Editor; I have never before in my life written a letter to the editor. However, after reading the recent letter entitled "racial resent- ment”, I find myself angry enough to write. By what right does the writer believe Jesus d s not like foreigners? I ised to believe that Jesus preached love and tolerance, and that all men are brothers under the skin, regardless of race, creed or color. And, on a different level, does the writer not realize that, unless she happens, to be a full-blooded Indian, her ancestors came here as so- called foreigners? We have a big, beautiful country in Canada, with room for all! Such small- minded bigotry, as ex, - pressed in that' letter,is a truly lamentable part of humanity. It seems to me that our biggest need is to remember to "love thy neighbour". Sincerely, B.W. Cox NEWBORN NEWS GINN Tracy and Lesley -Ann are happy to announce the ar- rival of their brother, Brett Jonathan, born April 7th at Alexandra , Marine and General Hospital. Proud parents are Jon and Debbie Ginn. A grandson for Jean and Gerry Ginn and Les and Phyllis Pitblado. Sincere Look for members The Women's Day Out group is looking for new members as the current membership is small: Women in the community are invited to hear a variety of speakers, view demon- strations and meet new acquaintances by attending Women's Day°Out meetings held each Wednesday morning from ii5 30. to _ 17_in the MacKay Centre. A small fee provides . a babysitting service for the children and a, bottomless cup of coffee. 4 CYLINDER ECONOMY CARS Sized Right -Priced Right All of these cars carry a one year 20,000 Km. mechanical warranty ('2S. deduc- tible). No one else around is offering this at No Charge; McGee's is where your best used car buys are. '80 DATSUN 210 2 door, automatic transmission, radio, electric rear defogger, very clean. Colour - yellow. 37,000 Km. LIc. No. PPP 634. '80 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 2 door coupe, 4 speed transmission, radio, only 19,000 Km. Colour - red. LIc. No. PDW 570. '80 BUICK SKYLARK 2 door coupe, automatic, power steering, bucket seats, extortor decor package, accent stripe,radio, rear defogger. Colour silver. Lic. No. SVN 364. '80 PONTIAC PHOENIX 5 door hatchback, 4 speed transmission, radio, white walls, power steering. Colour - medium blue. Lic: No. PDW 448. '79 DODGE OMNI 4 door, extra clean and equipped with automatic, radio, electric roar defogger. Colour - red. Lic, No. OZB 076. McGEE $5,195 $5.295 5,895 55,195 54,695 PONTIAC BUICK CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS Hamilton Street, Goderich 524-839.1 SALES & SERVICE - DAILY CAR RENTALS -LEASING OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY TILL 9, FRIDAY & SATURDAY TILL 5:30 9 thanks to Dr. Thomson and the nursing staff of second east. SEEGER Peter Alexander was born into the arms of his parents Rhea and Klaus on April 1, 1982, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. Proud grandparents are Don and . Mae Hamilton, Anne and Dave Gornall, Carl and Kay Seeger. year in your community. Sincerely, Robert Dupuis Assistant Regional Director Katimavik Ontario Please permit me to en- dorce Mr. Dupuis' letter with pleasure. Katimavik itself is a relatively new program; it was entirely unknown territory to us in Goderich last year when we decided to explore itsmutual possibilities. It turned out to be a very satisfying and rewarding experience on the sponsor level and we hope, that the young participants from distant parts of our country find their work an equally worthwhile con- tribution to our community. The sponsors have learned to welcome each new group with a better understanding of the spirit of the program; we are truly grateful for the experience. Sincerely, Elsa Haydon, Chairman Katimavik Sponsor W� p TURF BUILDER WITH Halts $24 45 WHILE SUPPLY NOW • LASTS LAWN LIME Soil Sweetener BEGONIA BULBS $4.99 ��2 PRICE .1§1! ‘ 'L 7 ,, ,,_.....„ \_,,,,, ,.,......,:.„,,..,,........,, ,..,,.. „...„:„...„,„, 2,, ,.. 1111 • - — y� NURSERY ARTS LANDSCAPING GARDEN CENTRE 166 Bennett St. East GODERICH 524-264S R SPECIAL OFFER MAKEUP EXPRESSIONS WITH A MINIMUM $5.00 PURCHASE OF ANY COTY COSMETICS YOU CAN PURCHASE ONE OF THESE SUPER VALUE.. MAKEUP EXPRESSIONS. $3.99 Available in MAUVE and BRONZE shade combinations. 1 E 14 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH. COTY .��.�►m PHARMACY AWE DELlVER!! 524©7241