HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-07, Page 23Volunteer Marilyn Bannister serves some squares to Lizzie Hoy who was one of many local residents to attend the daffodil tea sponsored by the Goderich Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society at Victoria -Street United Church on Saturday. April is the fund raising month for the Society and in Goderich it was kicked off with the tea as well as the selling of daffodils. ( Photo by Joanne Buchanan) .Easter Message. ST. LUKE 24: 13-25 I SADLY walked life's rugged road, And pondered all that might have been! My heats; was heavy with the load Of grief and sorrow I had seen; ` For on a cross my Friend had died, And all my hopes had been denied; I knew not that His sacrifice Had sealed my pardon, paid sin's price. Then One drew near to walk with me, And reasoned with the precious Word; He said that such things ought to be, And tarried till my doubts were cleared. Then I by faith began to. see The glory of a Calvary; I saw that He atonement made When all my sins on Him were laid. The Spirit burned within my heart As on we trod and still communed. �I begged that He would not depart Until we had together dined. Then as I saw Him break the bread, A glory shone about His head; • For in His face I then could see It was my Lord from Galilee! What glorious news I have to tell, For Christ now lives and walks with me; O'er mountain heights or through the dell, I share His blessed company. O gloryof the. Easter morn When I no more His death do mourn, But feel His resurrection power, Enjoy His presence everyhour. —Reginald Butler ( Brigadier, R ) FA The Anglican Church of Canada Calvary reality 'Lord, make Calvary real tome...' How real? Enough to See the sweat and blood Hear the agony Hold His wounded hands Bathe His feet with my tears Break my heart — when His is. pierced Pray for my enemies Forgive as He forgives Love the rejected Care for the grieving Know my sins in His body ... on the cross Follow His commitment `Father, into Thy hands.' Share His victory ' I , am crucified with Christ... nevertheless I live... yet not I .... but' Christ liveth in me.' Own Him Lord of all? —Eleanor Harris Luth rans hold foo Are Christians ready to change their lifestyle? Is the church ready and willing to become involved in the politics of food in this country and around the world? These were a couple of questions asked and answered March 26 to 29 by more than 125 members of the Lutheran Church in America who gathered in Elinira, Ontario to discuss the politics of food in a Listening -to -People con- ference. Although the politics of food is fraught with con- troversy, the conference ad- dressed the questions because, they .,said, the Biblical witness affirms the relationship between God, people, the land, and economic justice. All are part of the Kingdom of God. "We need to find the elitists, the people behind the scenes who are far beyond the food system and deal with policies which govern international finance, trade and industry," stated the position paper produced at the conclusion of the con- ference. "We feel that multi- national corporations have too much influence on our lifestyle. They urge us to consume more and) more products that are above and' beyond what we need. They also affect the way we farm." Delegates decided that Christians need' to examine the products they buy and determine if they are healthy. Food is abundant in this country and Canadians are sometimes tempt,,d to ex- port from a desire for profit and political control rather than as a gift to brothers. The route is not always clear when food and politics cross. "We can't really allow so- meone to starve ... but the best alternative is to help them to help themselves,". the policy states. "Not all food concerns he across the ocean. The church has a role in shaping . national and global perspective." Christian farmers should, .be leaders in an effort to speak for the .land, un- daunted by evidence that few listen, fewer hear and the inadequate response. APRIL koL Fat is beautiful. nnnncinncnonl11. • ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH ( North and Nelson Streets, Goderich i 1. i a Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Interim Organist: William M. Cameron MAUNDY THURSDAY,A.pril rlth- . •.. --t 7:00.p.rim. Holy Communion, commemorating our Lord's Institution of the Sacrament. • Stripping and washing of the Altar. • GOOD FRIDAY, April' 9th, 11:00 a. m, Devotional Serviceond Meditation. 1 Anthem and Message: "Were you there when i they Crucified my Lord?' EASTER SUNDAY, April 11th, 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, Rector's Easter message. Holy Communion (modern liturgy); hymns.' Eoster message. Choral Eucharist, Easter message. Special music: Walk Softly in Springtime • (Junior Choir), The Whole Bright World Rejoices. Hymns with trumpets. 6S Christ has died! Christ is Risen! Christ will come again! You are welcome to worship with us. PORT ALBERT, April 1)th, 2:00 p.m. Easter Euch4!rist, Christ i Church, 9:30 o.m. 11:00 o.m. Celebrant: The Rev. Arnold Ruskell. • •_<•w••e••s.•®..a.a 4•wc•-a...a.•_..+`.t Knox Presbyterian Church M.A., M. DIV. MINISTER LORNE H. DOTTERER, Director of Praise THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, Good Friday, April 9 11:00 a. m. Divine Worship Sermon, SERMONS FOR THE ATONEMENT: Easter 1, "A Time To Die" (Ride -To -Church • please call 524.9009) Easter Sunday, April 11 0 11 :00 o.m. Divine Worship e 11:00 a.m. Sunday School withdrawn 6 Sermon: SERMONS FOR THE ATONEMENT: Easter II, "A Time To Rise" (Sermonette) 1 i ii i l) i i i --FAMILY SERVICE-- i (Nursery Facilities) Church - please call 524.9383) i (Ride•To• Communicant's Class begins April 18 at 10:00 o.m. i Enter to Worship Depart to Serve B .••.,aa•--.�e.w.r+�e•-...-v.•®."w••e..0s•e..••wn•a.....ae._s•1.• ar canon stnect (lilted Ctiultch CELEBRATES THE GIFT OF EASTER APRIL II, 1982 AT 11 A.M. Music by the Junior & Senior Choirs it -MINISTER: REV. R'OBERTO. BAIL • i . BEREA-BY-THE-WATER ' i i LUTHERAN CHURCH i' Gibbons St. at Suncoost Drive 9:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes i April 9 10:30 - Good Friday Worship April 11 10:30 • Festivol of The Resurrection 1 j Marvin L Barz, Pastor • 524-2235 1 1. "PreaEhing pence by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" i Act 10:36 1 THE SALVATION ARMY ; 18 WATERLOO ST. S. 524-9341 GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE : 11:00 A.M. EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE: 11:00 A.M. PRAISE & TESTIMONY MEETING: 6:30 P.M. i You Are Cordially Invited to Worship With Us CORP$"OFFICERS - CAPT. & MRS. CHARLES WILL All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship Calvary Baptist Church Iy tj i®.r««e,.ev' est..1,,A.er®e.ss.r�aa•0..e-Nr..e<}1.we-a.ae'warwesles+�arvseo-®.eswae-i !MAYFIIELD ROAD AT WAKE STREET REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M. - FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. - EASTER SERVICE MUSIC BY • THE JUNIOR CHOIR 7:00 P.M. - PASTOR'S SLIDES OF HIS TRIP TO THE HOLY LAND 5:30 P.M. • Y.P.S. Word of life Club WED. 6:30 • "OLYMPIANS" FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 7:00 - PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCI!(^ "Everyone concerned with the conservation and preser- vation of the land must come together to affirm that the number one priority is that the land will be used to pro- vide food with justice for producers and consumers," said the delegates, "and farmers need greater par- ticipation in government policies and decisions." Delegates suggested limiting the non-agricultural use of prime farmland or im- posing a significant surtax on any agricultural land con- verted to non-agricultural use. However, ' farmers themselves have a respon- sibility in that current, effi- cient ways of farming may not be the most responsible management of the soil. If those who work the land do not own it, they will not be willing or able to live the lifestyle of the farmer and; ultimately, the land will suf- fer. Others felt that it is not necessary for each in- dividual farmer to own the land, but the status of the land as agricultural must be preserved.. The current high cost of land, machinery and other inputs combined with ex- cessively high interest rates reduce and, in many in- stances eliminate farming profits altogether. The church, then, should be an ally with farmers in making , their combined voices heard. The role of the church is not only ,to make people aware of food and land issues but also to be ac- tive as, an advocate for social and economic justice. "The church has a role it must play in the political arena," said the delegates. "It is important that coali - tions be made with con- sumer groups and farmers. They must cease to be adver- GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1982—PAGE 9A u conference saries and learn to work together in their common awareness of the importance of food, production, and just use of the land." Delegates were also con- cerned about soil erosion and stressed the need to act quickly by looking to govern- ments to provide leadership such as the establishment of an erosion control board and program. They decided the church has a responsibility to in- form members of global needs because narrow reliance on governments and corporations for information can Mislead and misdirect concerns. Speakers at the conference included, Senator H.A. (Bud) Olson, Minister of Economic Development, Ottawa; Elbert von Donkersgoed, policy advisor of the Chris- tian Farmers Federation of SUPERIOR - MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 Ontario; Ruth Jackson, vice- president of the Consumers Association of Canada; Rev. Vernon Cronmillee, Director of World Hunger Appeal, Lutheran Church in America; Dr. Goef Hiscocks, farm income ser- vices branch of the Canada Department of Agriculture; Rev. Don Johnson, Lutheran Theological Seminary, University of Saskat- chewan; Darcy Wagner of New Hamburg, a recent CUSO worker in Ghana; Rev. Clifton Monk, Lutheran Church in America - Canada 'section, social ministry con- sultant. Host church was St. James Lutheran Church in Elmira. MONUMENTS - MARKERS -CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR PRYDE MEMORIALS GODERICH - CLINTON - EXETER Phone`524-6621 DON DENQMME - AREA REIPRESEN5ATI1/E "The Lord is Risen Indeed!" Worship S.rvicos at THE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH at the Rebortson Auditorium Good Friday 10 a.m. "Jesus Cry of Accomplishment" Easter Sunday 10 o.m. "Make it as Safe as You Can" The services will include special musk EVERYONE WELCOME r - AWEED - FREE IAWN FOR The Weed Man's special herbicide spray doesn't harm humans, pets or grass. But it sure does terrible things to weeds. Which is why he can guarantee to kill most weeds in your lawn for probably less than you can do it on your own. And reinember,, there's no better place in ' town to get great grass. THEea WE CALL THE DANDI-LINE TOM GRABBY 524-2424 GUARANTEE 5s 44T may'• .. A ';A . *ri rReg,stered Trademark -Conad,anTrademarks Office ? ". $18 SO SPINO • FALL" N..v ,. t •\llnuttum rli,rcr Y„r i1111).,1. It. Lot. kr r -r We're busting with excitement SPRING IS HERE! What better way to celebrate but with a Spring. Fling for '82. CATCH THE EXCITEMENT FO_ R YOURSELF, NOW UNTIL EASTER. °/$9 off all spring and summer merchandise Including Ports •S]Ic excludes accessories SHOP NOW FOR EASTER. AND WARMER DAYS AHEAD SALE ENDS SATURDAY, APRIL 10 se,is - 1 ,1 e clothes closet SPRINC.DOSS by REI.I.F FRANCE 36 North Street, Shoppers Square, Godench Phone 524-8572 WE HONOUR VISA 6 MASTER A D roar nnc of our many nem mo for 1482 Mi •