HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-7, Page 8THE '�k . ��♦��++o 1�t+4�r���l��♦+�agee. l��rke'k �te�pni�^�°� aha ,fohawulug f►v , PS.gry est 18 ft �/•l+►♦�► the r?ecem i epax't of .,l+,xerter anark�ts otos•,. ' _ 11x,1. f rested u > . , l?ollin ♦++"++++4e+ 4 j ! p to Dzcxlnb�r (11th, (3�-I?ay ue t Monday, ry � , ♦- Ttle Plaad'W+1,+,II•.... �.�lF,�"l Stundaxd wheat'€'5cto Oo. Seven6x'clt days :till Chxstanss, Wti'ere o0od ♦ uckwhe4p 5uc to 00, C,Igthes C±C7tl?e l e R Have you douse, your shopping �' ��grn i► Chats �Oc to 42 cents, Iiarle ; r Have You rene-wed '�` # ♦ Y $a to 35c, y your subsorih- CARUNCIS r ♦ PHOINT+r 16 � +�� Peas 75c, to $1,0(1 tion q � 5ltaxks26'.op M r. Cecil Bowe returned home front T� A U3ran S'7,4AQ the West last weiek. ♦14 0 i Model flour �2, .50 , . .YOn Monday of this week they staxt� o ♦ L''i>ed' Z+`lour I.50 ed to flood toe X•nl�. h y SUP �+ a •� � Shopping ; • O 0 Potatoes $1.0U � •'l' flfteen p ;¢�� � '�' �, ••,-vr � �♦ .Butter. 24e, Last ',C,huxsda,p was theTTnitedly oeggs llc, States Tiianksgivin5 11ay. pt D« Ha Miss _Down is e r T Read�tO` %e .�.i S �x,� �' Milve oveight �y0,Q0 ri�a„ed with Mrs. J. �' ►1 a� Christmas � � '�^ 1� Medium, export St's 6 5.}a Ito W, � Yea during the Xmas SaaS°IG• 1 4 Choice. export s:taers 6.25 oto fi. + , r ` '. p Y ,0.10 Mks.. 1Tuttoa and daughter, Evelyn Med u.'butchers� hailers 5,75 to of Brantford: ale visitors at the � . THI ♦ a d +R +� 1 xn export haif2rs 5,50 ito'5.05 James street parsonage. + Olio%ee iiutohers cows 4.50 to 4,75 Mxs, J, Piper who has been tisit?n T + '411fi +A (kYlediu butchers cows 60, : a �� ..� •. a 4.25 do 4.50 ` in Lond � � � � , � � 1 on far the past two months, ri 6 Comuton cows X5,0 to. 3,7a,. returned home lasit week. �'� ' v it Choice .lambs '5.00 to '0 75 t 'The Hexon Bee Iiia i ram 0 0 Choice, ishetap ;3,50 to 44,00 pars Associal- frOln 4 S' '� tion will bold a'me'Ing yin Ciitetan Just fifteen days till Chr 0-10 on Thursday, December 14th, •�. istmas for u 4 �� 0! n�.w� aw��,..aTav�r���r,�.ca��w�sa5� The tTimes as �z Xrrins pi�s,c �® + �A nt will � to do your she pin so come g earl' and r' ♦ �+ "t be appreciated 5'2 weeks in the soar, 00 i.�[ r m 4 �+ LOCALS � Send it to pour friends at a distance .[ 4' � When $10 t05 .K -•^a �® •,.:�..�,t$y� sou'have a bilious, attack h �..�< give Chamberlain's tablats n 'trial're,. t .het• your.. choice before t ey are all pick= ' d _0 Mr. Al. Moore, oD Wingltam, was in it fief � e town Friday last: d aler$, . �xaellant. For sale by all ed out. . �,, ' ` -^"` It' lasMrs. W, J. Reaman, was in London A ,meeting of rthfe Hockey k'#thusi. ! t g ! Friday on business. asts will' be Heid this (Tharsd,ay)t;v. �,.oMrs• 13obt. Taylor, of 'ZYosi visited ening at eightyo>clock "in fthe rooms't W, r TdMan + We have suitable gifts y T -=�� ♦ ♦ Miss M. Grigg last w ee:k. over T. Wilson s ,l, ,p, �'� far every .member of the e ♦ Miss Nettie Walters visitecT in Lou AURA ' bu '� ant �thes best flour 'l' 'i` family •hexa are a fete -='"� . The Nifty ' �Q�ES rp�j %tents Mufflers ' Suggestions. + don Monday and Tuesday. your Xmas baking tficn use MODAL Tailor s d�[ECGIE�S ♦ N Mr. Wm .MaeGahie, of 'Woodstock Bread, buns and biscuits •made, from ♦ y it have the nutty flavor: l � ♦ ♦ spent last Tharsda in town. I In the noteil$radle nJuf- ,4 In hemstitched, Linen, em y + MEN-���, s 4 Mrs. J..G. Stanbury returned Mon-. From now untYl;the New -fear fther + broidered and initialled. The fler in all abides also a great + ♦ day from visiting iln (Toronto, editor will be in -the offi.eer an WQ.d- ,p; largestassortmentevershown mane styles and shades of '�' Umbrellas Beautiful' Neckwear � s nesday and Saturday evenings tiiitYl +F• Prices from 5c, to 500, other mufflers at 25o to $2,00, With the newest handles In the seasons newest shad_ ♦ • Mx' n F Sas, on of Toronto was nine o'cIobk to xecaive- rer eii•al and . ♦ ♦! in ToYvn Friday on business, new subscriptions. ; . v and beat cloths $1,00 to $3,00, es 25 35 soots. ♦ Kr, Thos. Prior continues ill at 11ts Clinton) Gun Club held a successful l s ► o hist home on Elizabeth straeit. Dental Offices Closed. s Sweater coats Necl� Scalds � s ,>ylr. Geo. Jackson, of London, was shoob on Dec, lar. fix the'livid livid bird ♦ �: match` Fred Derr, of Crediton, P; Nindly 'take notice 'tha't m officeIES ►�1 is many styles and popular In the new knitted• Scarfs r o to town last week on busin�ssJ Phillips, Toronto and J. E. Cantelon. s closed ovary Wednesday afl noarx, uCS IiES Cents Ties prices $1,00 to $4,50, all shades 50c to 5;i.so .'Mr, S. A. Poplestone, of Elyth vim Clinton, 'tied for second place. '� 4. \y , ;telt his mother bora on Tuesday. iA Large Turnip -Mr, Ry, Anderson Wt. ROUL'STON, g. Ladies embroidered 'collars TEiese ties are of the latest .. Kid Gloves Dress Shirts ♦ O Mr. Thos. Newell was in Toronto of Concessiont 7, Usborne, had an esti C!~oS11Vrz NOTICE in all sizes and fancy collars et )ss and dxaganal stri �+ �♦ Tn mocks and dressed kid In neat patterns and uar- p o a few days last tvE•ek on business, salient crop of turnips . (this also ladies ties of ail kinds ,at ir'l shades an@ Can be stripes in •F• every pair guaranteed $1.00 anteed colors $1,00 to $150, which included some of monstrous Office is closed ever Wednthaesday after- ,F� Denta from 30c to 75c. all box, •~, to $1,75. ♦ ! Mr. and Mrs. R Culbert, of Lucan, size, From; amo ♦ +' visited at Mr. Wm. Taylor Tuesda tat separate it needed at 50c, y tar ng some of the extra noun. -OR, KINSMAN &)mplete, !'�� / f o Mr. Garvey Acheson,, of T;ondon, at- ped, th ones a:.s�atigthirt ne that ftip- WOM EN ♦ r tended ;the hop hare' on Friday �i�li;b, pounds. o O Mr. Brown who has been batter ♦ a Mrs. Jas. Clark, of 11ensali, visit- An illustrated entertainine,iA will maker at the creamery during the ♦ 0 Cut Glass -- ♦ i ed 'vitll Mrs• Thos. Johns last week• be held in Main street Mrlthodist r , �UU�U Otllll(S MQ [IECS (� •y Salt and ;•,,. FaI2Cy China ♦, church next Tuesday fzawning. when 1 astir Satmurday, returned .to his bomb + Liens Sus enders peppers, Bon -bon That wi11 be 'sure to lease ♦ �' 3YIrs. George) night, of Ilderton. $ev,. 3, ytr. Baird p bowls and other pieces. P ♦♦ visited Mrs. Wm. Dunsford last, week �� •, of London (The Ball on Friday xti ht in MoDotn- tn�a longeswooY sada at t em Glove So 25 to soots. $ ! A large number of'tsu� , , Bunyan and Pit, , S Sox Collars .all don will illustrate g Hand bar beets have grim s; Pro Progress and the 23rd psalm, I ells Ball gear' attended •'ay a!large, 1, and all silk scarfs in Black, Satchels Hand11 made 0 been brought -to town during • the Admission Adults 15c., Children lOc, crowd) who enjoyed the music at the; + 'White and in BIacii, and °f the latest styles, Gome in H The newest kind in all Col; Linens ♦ ♦ past week. s Tony Vita Orchestra. .s- and inspect our goods. We :'� Centres, Trays, Lunch p s Diiss 1Vlaxy 'McRueen Nntertainad a •Missionary Services -0n Sunday Word has been received from Santa. .•White mixed at $l,2a and are sure that they will sort ars t30 ,o $2,50, cloths. etc: 15c to $1.75, ♦ ♦ few of her frionds on Wednasda ev last Rev' T. W. Blatchford, of Cen,_ Barbara. California, that �1:1f. Wilcox 5 also mufflers at 60c. you. e ♦ y tralYa conducted missionar services formerly of Exeter, 'is confined - to � Ribbons . * ening: y 1 ening. ♦ ♦ in the Main atre4:•t Methodist church bed with a severe attack of la rt All kinds, all widths, all Embroidered sail hemst%t- vis tee r. Clarence Mr.F7a5 rllaudford-aton, On Sunday nest Rev. Dr. Gundy, of We' hoe to hear of hiss g Ppo � c • A great slait;r;hteria prices of all Furs ;4 prices 2c to iiia, Sat -St. Thomas, a former pastor, will con- covery, p Pe(a'dy re- Special glassware and shed, ExCEPt10IIaI values . 5c ! urday last. tinue the 1 } ,�§, chinaware in,a,great variety at a modeaate price, to sOc. seg^l.�a, when. coliee'ti,ons �►� G nest TQWlin ♦ and subscriptions iVlzr� oL iaiCeti`""on New. Raisins, New"Currants'New P, els New Dates Ltjewi Fl s. �' ♦ b Miss Violet penhale spent Itha fore- Mrs W. D'. Burke and child left � o t OhristmaS trade. behalf of the fund, last week to lon.Mr. Barka in Iiexlin f he best for the Plain and fancy is "Gid embroidered Towels !� part of the weak" do 131ybh, rhe gins' I where thr. will kakc� u g All BIeach"-make 15 to 60c, O of CMTs. D, Crittenden. New Story -•This' w -r. -t• have in Mr. $urke havin p hOus!eke�p- 1S ,fir y Things that everybody + commenced the publication, of a n .w g g secured a 3ood -� • .1.. e1 +M i► Ca would like 25 to $1.00 ♦ Mr. and Mrs, Ed;. Gill and' daughter serial "The' Man, from Brodie Position there. Mrs, Jas. Taylor ac- 'h �j . � 'r!t► pe Gl.oveS ! of Gland Bind spent •Saturda With y s by companied• her daughter and return, + flighest PrlceS Paid � f or Mr. ah "Mrs "Jii . Gill. y Geo, Barr McCutcheoII, Mrb McCu't- ed, home the forepart of this ,week. •p, Far 0 to $1 wear, Tan shad_ KoZy Slippers T ♦ cheon's books have attraorted much ' es $1.00 to $1.2a"" Produce ♦,.! what would be more suit ! Miss A Harrison has returned to attention and have. baei read • with! You will find that drug;,61jts every- 4 .� �►♦ able 50 to $1.75, @ o Kirktan"after spendin the treat: iivteredt; and tba wliere is eak well of Chamberlain's 'l' g past IErvo 1 prrsent story, P !! �- will .xoeption. Do not Ma- CoughRemedy, They know from t ...•1,00 weeks with bar ano,her -Mrs. Chas. � Prove ua e We have many other suitable things for Xmas gifts,, _ bin 0 ♦ Harrison. !!I • �? there is not roam for the items here, Come in .and se M. 0 0 gleet the opening chapters, Tong: experience, m th,ef s,21e of it tiratt � ' ♦l in cases of coughs and colds it can o O Mrs•• Jas. Smith is )this week' mov rinnual B tzaar-The annual Bazaar always 'be depended. upon and Elia 4 t •"•r in r+ "' - r• �_ ♦ in her household affects to Ran with 'STEWART- ".. ♦ Mrs, Smith and children expect .to of he'rlvlitnt '1kLeinoira 1 Church, will sale it is b Peasant and safe to take. For ♦+► ! leave, next week. be held In thmy Qperd Hou is on the af- y all dealers, , .y •. m g y York Laan Che l................ �► ■ ternoon and even;*, of Friday Dec, ques-The long look- W Ca 8 ♦ Mr, and 1YIrs, Thos. Brooks and '8th: From 5.30 tai sj o'colok ; Ithere quos covering the second 00�z ♦ '�`° ?' &. p .family, of Usborne, are this week will be reread an bid -time supper ed fox the �' !�♦♦!♦♦♦140i�eeie�Arlee♦♦♦tNleNe♦►♦� r��♦!♦♦0ir�; dividend paid out of the assaltiy of tli� 1►►1011ll4Nll10lljl♦ ►♦♦♦♦ !♦♦i♦♦♦ell)♦/♦♦el♦ll♦♦♦♦0l moving their effects to Clandebosa. after which a choice pro„ram will be defunct York Loan. and Savings Com-, .....+ ............ "q".'l"1"l ..� �F13�. �vhexe 'they will (arida in the future. rendered. Admission-Bazarr in after pang arrived+ in town last week' .and '� ' '1"g'�'' 1"h'¢ 3' �F Mr. Wm. Ford, of Elimville, has rent- noon free; ant,�rtainntent orad tea l2Kc there w,aro'rrmany smiling ..'es in con- ed the farm formerly occupied by sequen°a. ,The ssmilioldera Mrs 'Brooks• Those Four -Dollar Bills -The na�v lice received nearly half rt ��hat D�N four -dollar bill that has recen,Ttly beeu they.',paid, in, ;There. Were man cu - 't' Hu VW ave Serviaesr in Bas -Last Sunday issued looks so much like a ona�dol- tourers o,f'the company tin. toann s E aAk I" the .set picas in Cain Paseme rian; lar bill that;some people do holt like the cheques and '` •`` church were held in the basement of getting ahold of (them. Bui.t'ghat is able: Christmas offe<ina very accept- . the church owing to the new pipe, not the way with us. l ALARMED .I1 G I li~'rS FOR B V lE RY®N P, organ 'being installed. Mr. W- :R. kind looks so honey of any Sign .all Com unicatYon -F ;� � � Shute, of Woodstock, who is install- all chanties. Justbrmg one nt ire lwhzn m s requent- ing the organ sang a ver aces tibia l9 we (scales communication$ tir•itams l�ih@C Y()11p Christmas 0 Sleep late in the morning, Wants from this List y P - reneRtn of news intended for publication in '1' Solo', both morning and evening. g your subscription and watch Enjoy the luxury of s if we turn it dow7i: , the Times. withourt any (name being For the Ladies :Anniversary Services--NeXt Sunday Ruib by Fall ---0n Monday last while signed. 'These of n . FP 'whenever y wakYrtg ;l. j the anzzryersarg•sarvices of ribs James Mr. Wellington Neil; Loudon Road, 4 acaske't mutt be �ar !�een Put into the wasite bask,'; and thea s e er. get one of our o - if y like 7G, .:ww.,.......,_. b tt can t lhle! i M> lthddist church will be Bald North, wasr hauling sugar beets 'he want (the aim pphi � jd, may -do. not 3: nom" MANICURE GOODS when 'Rev- G..NF Hazen, B. A,,, chair`- had the misfortune ri;o fall from the liehed :but simply as an ex ra clocks BUFFERS SHAVING GOODS man of the London district, will toad and sustain injuries rte ro 'back, faith so ns to 9 pub � preach. at 10.30 a. m. and 7 P reign of j 8C7I880RS BADGERLEATHER Special music by the choir. LPve m The wagon had. been fined with a protect ouraeivas iix � . � �a4ches , FILES BRUSHES S double box, and the Ttorp board of an> bops,,i� fTiture w enitindlpobeau> ca- . . COMPLETE SETS EVER -READY, YANKEE bodyi3thlthe come. lion Job ay even- side gave way causing .him to fail this n BRUSHES, AND COMBS STAR, GILLETTE, AUTO_ ars, will Sing -to th,d in' mind) Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons,' lij� Qnds HAND MIRRORS STRAP SAFETY give a concert in the church ground..: He is laid upi in bed, � Cold'Aleat Forks, Cake Forks , , Cu r •�. ilk consequepw but w� hofpe ,hb will -- ----- �.� Soup..Spoone, Pie Snipes, �. TUILET SETS - RAZORS Greetings, from the Duchess - On Spon' "be able to ba organa again. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE § Pearl -handled Buttergnives,, (jlagg PERFUME ATCiUIZERta SHAVING MIRRORS Friday of last week, Mrs, Ej A. Fol- ers_ Students,,recaivd the, best I+;niyes and Farka, Silver= SOAPBOXES SHAVING .i'✓IUGS ETC. lick, of town, President ,of the W. F rest Lodge c A. Fficand A. M. bald :t d thehedemand for them ps Sinai , g c HAND BOXES 0,' T. Lt• received -the following tele;. + Fish . Servers Carving Sets, ware, Pl]�s� Etc. EYE -GLASS +'S WITHo1EAINS (their election of officers .on Monday bitious supply. .Thousands'of am gram "The Duchess of �Con>tought evxning when the following were el- Ing the OU118T people who ,work aur- Wedding Rings PIPES ETC. thanks ribs W. C.: V. U. for 'their tL41-, eirn. y, are S�'A'I'1Ol�dERY CIGARS BY THE B0X egram and best wishes." Ther reply Brod forIt4e n suing 8 fir' W.� o M. careers by studytre int the evening. l c� �` ]� CIGAR CASES came to a message sent 'to tlu�h c - Big tock to choose from.]1 rh(� Duch- G.. Beldon; J. W'. Biro. W S W d; (Thi winter harm of this popular •Y• """111 as 111 VI(i1� HIG'$ GRADE BOXES FANCY PLAYING CARDS ass in Toronto conveying the apprec- hammex;f Trees. Bro, W;''H: Z, vz t�; J school begins .7an.Z, as ~viii be '� l XMAS BOOKLETS, HAT, CLOTHES BRUSEIES ration of the part ishe took in laying Sec'y, Bxo, W. J. Neaman'., After tier I in an advertisement on seen JEWELER & OPTIC1IjJX � XMAS CARDS FOUNTAIN PENS the. corner stone of the Francis 4Vil- Spotton schools are locos d sin., �tha � Yard Home being aractad in Toronto' meeting flue brafthren repaired to, towns of Wingham, Ccated Walk_ 'ill♦ 1 �...♦...♦..4.♦l♦♦'l..♦1... ".�'.'¢"§"l 1"l''l POST CARD ALBTiM8 3kIILITAR.3F-HAIRBRUSHES Mrs.• Sanders, .and . partook of o eters erten, and Oran• CREPE PAPLR a • from $2 to $5 by the. W. C, T;. U. p y PERFUMES and refreshments: bevilla and the cities l of London, tVelland and Peterboro, TOILET NATER � '-r- "..-." J •. - COLD CREAM C,HO:CD' L* Es e�++lel�011l�llPl ��l♦l♦r♦eeeeee♦♦l♦OOlel��oelOeleea♦ T BUY LERS, LOW k1';$ AND 1 /p USEFUL �-------- v NAS t1ITHS IN EIV O.0 ■O. Jl �Y i o tii'7332 NOT (1Ii E THE CFITLDREN ETY AND FREEiH FRp gg P ! A KODAKP ,`1'i`2 to $20 MANUFACTURER � , `',5 , Rove � Atkinson ' V S. Howey, Phln. B, Don't Miss Seeing As YOU have been -. well pl'e- 4ed with y6ul•, fol-wel'Xmas Pct, ' Obennist and Optician our Xmas lost this Year, wO are "I a• betU-r j)OsitiOn than ever: to give YOU •c;.ries so CH STMAS a Exeter Ontario Carrds & Booklets Y Want at the RIG11T 11'�rL�. at on. 1 , , • est vn'n � l MOM=Our Stare Is Crowded with Beautiful "Chris • -- tmas Gitfsure sV Best B12i75Ii and -� + PBRFU_'VI�S i .�•hiAVtNGt Trav !' + isplayOur l , Our Never Printed in the Newspaper, do you khow w)zere our ;gest Advea tfsing is done? io The This telling you aboub thingg is all right maybe, but it ;sat half as saris factory as brluging you fare to face with your requirements,. Showing you is our favorite method there is iib talk that can be r corapeliirig as the gords themselges, Here is the bosh , half a, Our Confidence comes from A kilowlecf a of . of hat urn at its bast; tile nor stock stands to -day, We can truthfully sayhtba,t we nova( asked anybody to view an. assortment that Is quite as worthy. You are invited. Remember we have vacated kil:e Opera block and are now .occu f wrgt Store opposite the C7ommeroial Hotel where we have r lenty of roomthe to. exrry sL large stock of all kinds of Furniture and 'Undertaking Supplies, %-f" J3 3M I The largestand $est AS- SATS a Ing Sets � {� sortmentiniown, Choice h usehrl gifL.foragen. Vorr I' and Qentle- IS We , Woi•th �r • We can certainly please odors from the bestmantt- Lleman.cryanystyl6e / a 9islito our Stock �s r� you here aLpritesthatwih facturers in Bulk or in +nen: See these, �s lame suit your pocket books, Vancy Boxes nabs(• Diecet frorn Ger- ; • l New Box Designs. 35C to $2.50 3 f 10 cents to $3,50 � anis Prices Right. Nothing Better $2 eo.$�:50 OaCh , $2.�o to $�.or3 Glove. and nand t � -S. "AVING OUTFIT _ ke�r a tT Wain. Furniture for, Xmas • TOILET SETS MANICURE `� clalef Boxes,,, • + s7 � �� 14In�s 15 to 80a ° Brushes 18c to }X )ne�tponsive lits. Ver ' y rets a ♦ " PRESENTS VVe atre'progd,oP sigua. lfbyl 111 F, New and Strops fekltb ea d 0 p Y CwaypaceoptaUlb ,r, Alf the Catest beaigtis. NrPty, In Ebbe y hoop{tllykleand lass 4pTtndidValues. See bur tnountedin i v' liver B ea13, 2C tri $',� ,Erl'FI satber Casre, es) 25 cent s eacH la e A sort; x - _ - Itaiors Uar6o•Ala '--ter--��-•--,• � , ,. , .!r r5. a x enf, six Preece tit �notlo s 2 L ,. 1 E�4T14 w,PelyRazbrs�rto�6 �� GOtJ►`i�!�� ` Atki, $2,C7C7 to $7.0 $3•C10 Air f kverytnin yo the ebb a make a B' in TWher trand „ atnhe , , _ Indxvi w0fu1 pies 1s Aiusrcl 3ual Preneaals' ants, tolls Gard, o Cases, Ro.. Vursee ) Wallet s. --- Pocket Bookg sand .. * I � � n t fr t