HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-07, Page 19GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1982 -PAGE 5A Ai3I v6VM0 v1W�p tvY1t6� O 'Calculation based on the purchase of a 10 Ih turkey Butterballs CANADA GRADE "A", FROZEN, SWIFT DEEP -BASTED 6 to 10 Ib Average OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.721kg-1.69 Ib -SAVE 1.541kg-.70 Ib Limit One Turkey Per Family With A Minimum $10.00 Purchase Excluding This Item. ou'll do better at HAPPYtASTER FROM ALL OF US AT A&P! CONVERTED, LONG GRAIN Uncle Ben's Rice 2 kg PKG 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.39 i with supermarket prices INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell House OZ JAR OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.39 lY. with supermarket prices (is_ CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF. r' SEMI -BONELESS BLADE OR CHUCK SHORT RIB ROAST \ BLADE CHUCK SHORT RIB ROAST „ Roasts' • Beef Roasts Boneless EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks 73 69SAE 1.98/Vkg 1117 .90 LB Ikg LB OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.71/kg-2.59 LB MAPLE LEAF 3951kg�b � 79 Sausage BONELESS Cross Rib. Roast 461/kg/Ib 2O9 A&P REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon 500 g 99 vac pac 1 FRESH. MEDIUM Ground Beef MA U• 1 71kg/Ib 1 89 LE LEAF, VAC PAC, HALVES ntry Kitchen Hams 85 '/b 389 NEW ZEALAND Spiing Lamb WhQ5 9 Legsore Ikg Ib SHANK HALF 5.27/kg-LB 2.39 BUTT HALF 5.05/kg-LB 2.29 MAPLE LEAF. SLICED Ham Steaks SWIFT SUGAR PLUM, WHOLE Club Hams. 5 roll 500 29 175 g 169 pkg • 5491kg/Ib BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA -2 TO 3 LB AVERAGE Dinner Hams 439Ikg/b 199 SCHNEIDERS. VAC PAC, HALVES Olde Fashioned Hams 1 O /b,469 COOKED Smoked Hams Shank 306 /139 Portion Ikg lb BUTT PORTION 3.281kg-LB 1.49 CENTRE CUT HAM STEAKS 4.17/kg-LB 1.89 Ikg OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.15/kg-2.79 LB 89 MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls BURNS BREAKFAST Sausages SWIFT 3 73169 Premum fkgf b Wieners SWIFT PREMIUM. REGULAR SLICED 3061kg/Ib 139 Bologna 1 lb vac 1 Pac 19 500 g vac 149 pac MARY MILES. CANADIAN. BY THE PIECE9 SWIFT PREMIUM. SLICED ma. • . 59 Smoked Back Bacon W°/kg/lb 2 Cooked Meats H,:. -.,:u, ;, 17pagcvac .79 CANADIAN QUEEN. HOT OR SWEET MARY MILES. SLICED. VARIETY PACK OR v Italian Style Sausaget'3 Ikg/b 169 375 Minced Ham pacac 169 Sugar Plum Half Hams 71,:....j'59 /kg / r Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 7.03Ikg,-3.19 LB Quarters=-5.93/kg-2.69 Ib Swift sl Yle'Hams-6.37rkg-2.89 Ib HOSTESS, ASSORTED VARIETIES Potato Chips SCHNEIDERS Crispycrust Lard 2008119 pkg 1 Ib pkg ■ ALUMINUM FOIL -OUR REGULAR PRICE 1,15 Reynolds Wrap . 251; roll12 .89 TRADITIONAL. COUNTRY & SOUTHERN STYLE Stuff'N Such Benls pkg .99 RUMBLE BEE Chunk Light Tuna 6 n7119 1.25 kg 149 box COLBY. FARMERS. BRICK bR MOZZARELLA Schneiders Cheese 2pkg9 169 1 MINUTE OR QUICK COOKING Quaker Oats LO ION- DOR REGULAR Jergens SoappRPacckd 360 g o1 4 bars a 9 SCHNEIDERS MILD MEDIUM. OLD WHITE OR ()LOURED Cheddar 59 Cheese weds OUR REGULAR PRICE 3 15 -SAVE 56 PREPARED Heinz Mustard ALL PURPOSE Paxo Stuffing Mix NEW McDOWELL Oven Stuffing Mix BLUE RIBBON Black Pepper OCEAN SPRAY, CRANAPPLE DRINK OR Cranberry Cocktail LIPTON SOUP MIX Chicken Noodle MOUTHWASH Listermint 500 ml lar .79 80, 109 pkg 227 q 79 box . 4 oz 199 tin 40 ml 199, oz btl 264 gm. pkg, 1 49 750 ml 349 btl GOLDEN OR HERBAL Woodbury Shampoo pr.';: 129 DE ONTE• "NATURE'S BLEND" VijetabIe Juice SUPER BUY' 48 II -or YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P. tin .99 BEEF. CHICKEN OR MUSHROOM Cordon Bleu Gravies ASSORTED VARIETIES Creamettes Pastas COFFEE BREAKS Christie Cookies PEGULAR ANO MINT FLAVOUR Aim Toothpaste .1011 100 %Nor tins 42pgg.99 450 g tin 1 79 tie bag too ml 129 tube SEALTEST, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Light'N Livery Yogurt • ■ 500 g carton SAVE ,.34 OUR REOl1LAR PRICE 1.3 GILLETTE TRAC Razor Blades REGULAR SyPER EXTRA PLUS Tampax Tampons ok (401 79 11F ‘40t 399 HAND SAVER SMAL L MEDIUM OR t AR(;l til. E Playtex Glpves 119 GREEN GIANT Vegetables 89 A&P, ALL PURPOSE Gilt Edge Flour 199 2:5 kg bag OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.35 SAVE .34 APRIL IS CANCER MONTH d'84/ 141 831138 0 O C v O 03 rnrri b fro d'81/ 11/ 1131138 OO 11.110A Winner Ryan Whitney, who turned two years old March 15, is the Birthday Club winner for the month of March. Ryan's parents can pick up his cheque for $7 at the Signal -Star office anytime between Monday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Birthday Club Hi, My name is Jeffery Hak - kers. I turned two years old on April 6 and I would like to join your Birthday Club. I live at 128 Park Street with my mom and dad. Bye for now, Jeffery Hi, e My name is April Bartliff. I was five years old on April 3. I had a birthday party with my. friends, Christine, Julie, Steven and Joselyn. I also went to the Toronto Zoo. I live with my mom and dad, Anita and Paul and my brother Philip. I would love to join your birthday club. April Hi, My name is Mark Yule and I will be two years old on April 8. I live on McDonald Street with my dad and mom, Dennis and Jo Ann and my sister, Jennifer. I like to play outside on my tricycle and in the sand box. I would like to join your birthday club. Love, Mark. Family homeless BLYTH - A Morris Township family is homeless after their residence burned in a ° Saturday night fire. The rented home Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schmidt received more than $10,000 in damages from the blaze. Employees laid off EXETER - A combination of a shrinking market and high inventory has led Longskilde Ltd. of Exeter to begin a layoff of its 28 production workers. They will be laid off for about two months, brat the 42 office, warehouse and sales staff will not be af- fected. Under normal conditions the workers would be getting ready to build up inventory for next spring's orders, according to company president John Burke. He is hoping that conditions will improve in a few months. Meanwhile, Custom Trailer of Exeter recalled about 27 of its production workers last week after a four week layoff. However office manager Dwayne Tinny said he was unsure if another layoff would recur noting, "The business works in fits and starts."