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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-07, Page 11
�wi& Country CLASSIFIED GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7,1 2 -PAGE 11 phone N2a4433371. 31 . Service . directory INCOME TAX SERVICE, Profes- sional services at reasonable rates. We will come right to your door if you wish. Keith " Metzger, R.R.3,' Lucknow. Phone collect 395-5482.-8-16or SEE US FOR RENOVATIONS ©Pre-englneer.d Homes 8, Cottages ®Renovations (large or small) •Aluminum"siding, storm doors 8, windows •And morel TRILLIUM HOMES AND RENOVATIONS Call DON McCAULEY 157 RICH ST., GODERICH 524-4226 after 6 BACKHOE, BULLDOZING TRUCKING, GRAVEL PHONE 529-7403 ARNOLD STOTHERS RR 6 GODERICH JOHN'S PORTABLE WELDING 'No job too big or too small' FREE ESTIMATES 524-2885 REASONABLE RATES 31. Service directory PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 CARPET CARE Rugs & Upholstery Professionally Steam Cleaned. Erse Estimates 524-2440 IT'S TIME TO THINK ABOUT SPRING CLEAN-UP MAKE IT EASY ,.ON YOURSELF HIRE A STUDENT 524-2744 CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE FOR STUDENTS Bryan Stothers Construction Limited Illdr (519) 529-7309 NM a BRICK LAYING CONTRACTOR Footings, Block Basements, Brick houses, chimneys, fireplaces. R.R. NO. 6 GODERICH, ONT. N7A 3Y3 cusTom_ Op"*RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS A R, ,.,r,,.a nwdnr, o, 0110111 H NEW HOME -WARRANT Y. PROGRAM 'FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS 524-6866 LTD. Furniture R estoration Complete repair, refinishing and re -upholstering antiques and household furniture. Free Stephen Norton Estimates 524-9394 of Free Pick-up and Delivery CHARLES C. CULBERT Backhoeing Septic Tanks - Weeper Beds Tiling & Opening Ditches 529.7571 FOR TOUR •Aluminum & Vinyln Siding • Replacement Windows *Insulation Needs Co tact GODFRICH INSULATION 524-6844 HOUSES BUILT BEFORE 1971 ARE NOW IN- CLUDED IN THE CHIP PROGRAM. J 31 . Service directory CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors For o complete lob call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 Ca ipel & Vinyl .7loop JnJtallallon REASONABLE RATES CALL DON FISHER 524-9446 CHIMNEY SWEEPING Burning wood have it done, HAROLD LEDDY 524-7237 CARPENTRY AND PAINTING Repairs, renovations, Roc rooms, etc. PHONE BUD HARVEY AT 524-7974 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years PHONE or. Clinton 48.2-3320 Seaforth 527-0284 SANDBLASTING nnd_P_AINTIMG-- Trude i wagon & fer- tilizer boxes. •rick Houses, Steal work 8. boats. Air Hammers, Concrete Stables. Phone 529-7403 ARNOLD STOTHERS R.R. 6 Goderich 31. Service directory GARDINER'S DELIVERY We deliver and move anything Targe or small *free estimates* 524=2421 AUTO INSURANCE LOW RATES • Payable monthly, half. yearlyor yearly. 6 MONTHS Motorcycle Ins. Available HAROLD W. SHORE Insurance Broker 55 Newgate St. 524-7272 MacDonald Decorating Painting, wallpa- pering and minor home repair.. PHONE DANA AT 524-2100 STEVE'S CARPENTRY (no job too big or too small) *RENOVATIONS *SIDING * REC. ROOMS *BATHROOMS **ROOFING ETC. FREE ESTIMATES Residential & Commercial Work Guaranteed Cali: STEVE BRENNAN 524-2952 OR GEORGE GOULD 524-7638 •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS.. •BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL For a complete lob toff: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich NOW IN STOCK BEGONIA BULBS FLOWER & VEGETABLE SEEDS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service to all makes. Authorized service for Inglis, Enterprise, Magic Chef, Whirlpool. CALL 524-7861 HOFFMEYER APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING &. HEATING LTD. -55-Klegatan-5t-, Gaderi MID -WESTERN PAVING • driveways, farm lanes, parking lots, repairs.' Free estimates. 'Phone Clinton 482-3733. ; MASONRY CONSTRUCTION Fireplaces Blocks, Bricks and Angel Stone Glen Thomas 482-9730 34. Personal PREG!4ANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive confidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- 7197, 527.0115 or 524-2023 (diter6p.m:).- 1-52x I5 ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Goderich 524- 6001, Ask for .an. ,AI -Anon number. - 5tfnx ARE YOU tired of being alone? Are youunattached, separated, single- , r divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104. Owen Sound, Ont. N4K 5P1. Please state age.--- 13,14x 33®OtiCe to creditors AMM All persons having claims ogainst the estate of Reginald John Glen, late, of 208 Hincks Street, Goderich, who died January 16, 1982 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before April 29, 1982, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the• undersigned shall then hove notice and the under• signed will not be liable to any person• of whose claim he shall not then have notice. Dated at Goderich this 24th day of March, 1982. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY, . and JEAN GLEN, Executors; by their solicitors herein, HUNTER, PARKER & RIVERS 44 North Street Godierich, Ontario. -- 13,14,15 35. Notice to creditors ALL persons having -claims against the' Estate of STANLEY EPHRIAN YOUNGBLUT, Credit Advise,„ late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, who died on or about the 17th day of March, 1982, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the undersign- ed by the 1st day of May, 1982, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 30th day of March, 1982. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -14,15,16 ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of JOHN AN- DREW MORE, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 31st day of December, 1981, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 30th day. of April, 1982, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 30th day of March, 1982. PREST & EGENER, Barristers, etc., P.O. Box 218, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 3Z2 Solicitors for the Estate -14,15,16 All persons having claims against the Estate .of GORDON EARL SHERWOOD, Farmer, late I of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day of January, 1982, are required to file the same .with full par- ticulars with the undersigned by the 24th day of April, 1982, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 31st day of March, 1982. , TROYAN'& PINCHER Barristers and Solicitors 1 Nelson Street East Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate -13,14,15 All persons having claims against the Estate of OLIVE ISABEL COOK, Widow, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died, on or about the 6th day of Mar- ch, 1982, are required to file the' same ^with full particularswith the undersigned by the 24th day of April, 1982, as after that date the assets of the esiate_wc11 istri•uted. DATED- at Goderich,' --Ontorfo, this 31st day of March, 1982. TROYAN & FINCHER Barristers and Solicitors 1Nelson Stre:t•East Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate -13,14,15 36. Announcements, • notices WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Com- mittee of the Goderich Odd - fellow, and Rebekah . Lodges have equipment for loan. Con- tact Amos Osbaldestora, 524- 9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524- 7217.-2eowx $100.00 REWARD for informa- tion leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or per- sons who vandalized and' burglarized my property' on Lot 4, Plan 12, Falls Reserve. Phone 524-9165, James Klope.-14x IF FRANK BURUMA of Goderich Township does not call for 1974 Cadillac, stored since March 1980, •same sold for storage owing. -Edwin Gale. - 14x • 36. Announcements, notices 36. Announcements, notices TOWN OF GODERICH BOULEVARD TREES The Works and Engineering. Department, in conjunction with the Parks Department, are taking orders for trees to be planted on Town boulevards this spring. Due to location and tree diseases, the type of trees to be planted shall be at the discretion of the Town, however, owner preference will bst accommodated when possible. If you wish a trete(s) to be planted in front of your residence or business, please contact the office of the Commissioner of Works, Mr. Kenneth C. Hunter at 524- 9492 before April 16, 1982. There are a limited number of trees available, so please call early. Mr. R.K. Alien, Deputy -Reeve Chairman Works A Engineering Committee 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 21(5 519-524.9492 HAYRIDES or sleigh rides for family outings or groups etc. Our place or yours. Clete Dalton, Kintail, 529-7420.-48tf 38. Auction sale AUCTION SALE Tractor, machinery, trailer, sheep, cattle, misc. Items, etc. to be held for CLAUDE SINCLAIR, 6 miles west of Clinton on Highway No. 8 or 6 miles east of Goderich SATURDAY, APRIL 17 AT 1:00 P.M. - TRACTORS: Allis-Chalmers 180 diesel tractor with cab heater, hydraulic outlets, etc. MTD 8 HP lawn tractor, and little homemade trailer. MACHINERY: Homemade tandem axle trailer with 7 X 12 platform, 4 ft. plywood sides, tarp pole, used for hauling pigs. Allis -Chalmers 18 ft. cultivator with Mid West harrows, Kewanne 13 ft. wheel disc, New Holiond 68 hay baler. International 990 nine foot haybine, IHC 15 run seed drill on steel, 9 ft. chain harrow, 3 section and 4 section of diamond harrows, 3 pt. hitch grass, seed spreader, 16 ft. flat rack and wagon, Smoker 38 ft: hay and grain elevator with 1 HP electric motor. Lincoln 223 welder not working, Shell cattle oiler used 1 year. 2 Nelson heated water bowls, Cement mixer with '/2 HP electric motor, 3 - 16 ft. pipe gates, steel posts. railroad ties, rails of used barb wire, old wooden and steel wheels, - feed cart, a few sheets of new coloured roofing, heat lamps. several pig feeders,' -various sizes, plus a wagon load of mist. items. LIVESTOCK: 34 bred Suffolk Ewes due to Iamb starting in May. 6 crossbred steers and 2 heifers approx. 400 to 500 lbs, off- _ Cheirolais_buil-Catt1®••est411-bsrar3ld-ioy4hepoursd. -- FARM 1S RENTED TERMS.CASH. - . - LUNCH BOOTH OWNER: CLAUDE SINCLAIR 524-7041 Richard Lobb - Auctioneer CLINTON 482=7898 OWNER ' OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AC- CIDENTS DAY OF SALE., CLEARING AUCTION SALE to be held for Les Turner of Clinton on SATURDAY, APRIL 17 AT 1:00 PM 1 mile South of Goderich on Hwy. 21. FULL LISTING NEXT WEEK. CONSIGNMENTS STILL WELCOME. AUCTIONEER MARIE SALM PHONE 524-9064. Buying? Selling? Renting? Reach over 11,000 potential customers with a CLASSIFIED WANT AD. Call The Goderich Signal -Star at 524-8331. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS A BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield Intends to pass of Its meeting on April 20th, 1982, a by-law as follows: 1. That part of the rood allowance between Lots 3 and 4, Concession 4, Western DJvision, Township of Ashfleld, in the County of Huron, more par- ticularly described as Parts 2 and 3 on a plan of survey deposited in the Registry Office for the County of Huron on the 5th day of March, 1982, as Plan 22R1489; be and the same are hereby stopped up. A copy of Plan 22R1489 may be viewed at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Ashfield, R.R. No. 3. Goderich, Ontario. That the By-law shall come into force and take ef- fect on the day upon which 1t Is registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Huron: Council will hear any person or his counsel, solicitor, or agent in person who claims that his lands will be preludicially affected by this by -low, who applies to be heard on or before April 19th, 1982. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFiELD c/o Mr. Donald Simpson, Clerk, RR No. 3, GODERICH, ONT. AUCTION 7/ SALES ANY TYPE -ANYWHERE YOUR PLACE OR MINE GORDON H. BRINDLEY Auctioneer 529-7625 529-7970 39. Educational- COSMETICSr correspondence course. Publicly. available. Recognized • by retailers, manufacturers. Course $150.00. Diploma, 'examination, et+ctro. Details: Canadian Cosmetic Careers Association, Dept. W. 265 Chaplin Cres., Toronto, M5P 181 .-14b:c. 44 Engagements VAN OSCH-DALTON Mrs. Mark Dalton and Mr. and Mrs. William Van Osch are pleased to announce the for• thcoming marriage of their children Bridget and Bernie. The marriage to take place at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Chur- ch, Kingsbridge, May 15th at 2 p.m. ---14 45. Marriages LOVE-DEATHE On Friday. February 26, 1982. Jone Deathe and Bob Love were joined in marriage. Rev. G: L. Royal conducted the ceremony at Knox Presbyterian Church Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Love now reside in Goderich. -- 14 46. In memoriam STURDY In memory of our brother Jim who passed away April 11th. 1981. • Silent memories keep him near. As time unfolds another year. Remembered and sadly miss- ed by Cliff, Maxine and Jerry. --14 46. In memoriam CRANE In loving memory of our deor son, Ronald B. Crane, who pass- ed away April 9, 1974. When ties of love are broken, And loved ones have to part, It leaves a wound that never heals, And a sad and broken heart. But looking bock on memories, Upon the past we prod, We bless the years we had with you, And leave the rest to God. -Ever loved and sadly missed by mother, father, sister Morilyn and her family. -14x LAMB In loving memory of my loving son and brother, Robert Nor- man Lamb, who left' us so long ago, April 7, 1945. The years you've slept ore many and long, Yet there's never been a day, Unsweetened by the memories, You left when you went away. Heavy are our hearts toddy, Memory brings you back once more, To the time when you were with us, To the happy days of yore. -Lovingly remembered by his loving morn and brother Harold. -14x 47. Card of thanks ALEXANDER The family of the late William John Alexander wish to express deep and sincere appreciation to their relatives and friends for the many thoughtful expres- sions of sympathy extended on the occasion of the loss of a dear husband, father, and grandfather. Special thanks to Rev. G. L. Royal and Stiles Funeral Home. -Iva Alexander, Robert, Mary, Joan and' Borbara.-14ar BEDARD (BISSET) The family of the late Paul Bedard (Bisset) would sincerely like to thank all their friends and neighbors who sent flowers and/or contributions, and for the many words of comfort at this sad time. Your kindness will always be remembered by the family. -Kathleen Bisset and family.-14nx CANADIAN FORESTERS Canadian .Foresters Court Fascination 1.1901 would like to announce the winner of their quilt as Lillian Feagan; ,R.R.2, Goderich, and would like to (hank everyone who helped 47. Card of thanks GOWER I would like to sincerely say thank you to Father Loebach, St. Peter's congregation, Sisters of St. Joseph, relatives, friends, neighbors, and local 37 E&CWU, whose prayers, best wishes, cards and treats, meals and help to the family, all helped to ease me through this winter, my op and post-op seriod. Many thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Cauchi and staff, Drs. Bougher and MacKenzie and nurses an 6 East University Hospital, for theircef- ficient and excellent core. -Bill Gower. -14 GWYN Sincere thanks to all my friends, relatives and fellow workers who remembered me with cords, flowers, visits, gifts and phone calls while at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Special thanks to emergency staff, I.C.W. and first floor staff, Dr. J. Rourke and Rev. Crocker. Your concern will always be appreciated. -Ross Gwyn. -14 I TOO L AT E TO CL ASSIF Y LOST - MAN'S brown leather wallet at White Carnation on April 2. Finder may keep money os reward. Please send wallet to Chester Beottie, R.R.2, Goderich or phone 524- 2067.-14x WANTED TO BUY - 11/2 or 2 or 3 h.p. outboard motor. Phone 524-7774.-14,15nx FOR SALE - Pioneer Graphic equalizer model SG -9500. Phone 524-7449.-14,15 Lochalsh news By, Kee Webster Mr. and' Mrs. Art Mat- thewman have returned home after • a two ,month holiday in Florida. Eugene Blue of Detroit was visiting, on the weekend with,Finlay and Margie Mac- Donald. Margie accomapn- ied him back to Detroit where she will be visiting with her _-__-eve-rt't- twin sister Pat. successful. -14x Jim Webster of Waterloo, son of Wellington and Kae to thank the nurses and Webster, was home on the weekend and visited with Norma Young of Goderich, Mrs. Viola Farquhar„ who is a patient in the Goderich hospital and also -with Jack and Marion Smith of Dunga- non. Mr: and'Mrs. ' David El- phickhave recefntly celebrat- ed their 25th wedding anni- versary. Their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arnold, had a few of the neighbours in for cards,•and a bountiful lunch was. served by the hostess. Charles and Mayme Wilk- ins had two.of their daugh- ters home for the weekend, Mrs. Barbara Sheppard of Paris, Ontario, and Janet Wilkins of Sarnia. On Sunday M1. and Mrs. Gordon Robb had Mr.. and Mrs. McCutcheon and family of Lion's Head, Mr. and Mrs. VL'iiliam -irvirr--and-farni. ty-of--- Lucknow and their son, Glenn Robb. Bill and Janet Kempton of Point Clark have arrived• home from Clearwater, Flor- ida where they were on holidays for the last three 'weeks. Mrs. Dorothy Finlayson and Mrs. Allister (Pearl) McKay spent the weekend in Sarnia visiting relatives there. Mrs. Rhetta MacLennan and son, Donald were in Palmerston on ' Friday visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce (Louise) Millar and boys. Mrs. Donald Simpson spent a little longer in Cal- gary, Alberta than the rest of the family when they went out to attend their son's wedding. Bob and Kevin MacKenzie of Toronto, sons of Ross and Jean MacKenzie, were home on the weekend. Keith MacKenzie: son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacKen- zie, has had the cast removed from his arm. Jack and Linda Campbell of Amberley havt returned home after holidaying in Europe for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Diane Clifford and daughter, Heather of Baker Lake, North West Territor- ies, have returned home after voting with her par- ents and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie and Gayle. CROZIER I wish staff • on 2nd floor east of A.M.&G. Hospital and all the doctors who gave me such ex- cellent care at. the time of my operation. A special thank you. to Miss McGowan, also all who visited me. Thanks •for all the cards and telephone calls, to Huron Lodge No. 62, and the Golden Gate Seniors for the lovely flowers I received. -Cliff rozier.-14x DOBSON A very sincere thank -you to the lady who helped our son on Fri- day, April 2nd, after he was beaten and injured near Strickland Mofocs. Your kind- ness and concern is very much appreciated. it is comforting to know there are still' some good Samaritans around. We would like to thank you personally if. you would leave your name and phone number with the Goderich police. -14 ' DOHERTY Thonks to Dr. Watts; Dr. Cauchi and Dr, Lgrnbert, nurses and candystripers"on second' floor east. I would also like to thank Fr. Loeboch, Fr Dentinger, friends, relatives and neighbor's for their prayers, cards, visits, flowers, treats, etc. while l was 0 patient in A.M.&G. Hospit?l.--Jim.-14nx ' - r . ELLIOTT My very sincere thank you to my fomily, relatives, friends, the Ladies Legion Auxiliary, the • Royal Canadian Legion, the Rebekah Lodge. for cards, gifts, flowers and visits while I was in Alexandra Hospital. -Jean Elliott. --14x WESTON I would like to thank all the staff at the Emergency at A.M.&G. Hospital. Dr Walker and Dr. Thomson nursing and •staff of first floor east for their kindness while I was a patient in the hospital last week.- Robert Weston, 14 -.- ----- WILKINSON_ The fomily of the late Korl (Red) Wilkinson wish to express sincere thanks to the staff of Maitland Monor and Dr. Lamas for their excellent care during his confinement. Thgnks lso to Stiles Funeral Home Brah 109 Canadian Legion and Rev. Wood for their service. It was heart- warming to see representatives of C.P.R. P.U.C. W.T.P and Goderich- lions .Club also, S lecial thanks to Rev. Ball for his kindness during this sod time. For the many donations to charities the beautiful flowers, and the tender loving core given by our friends neighbors, and relatives our heartfelt thanks.- The Wilkinson Family. 14or