HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-07, Page 10PAGE 10 --GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7,1982 'Town & Country W CLASSIFIED. NTA 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sole CLASSIFICATIONS 3. Goroge sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cors for sole 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Autornotive 10. Pets for sate 1 1 . Livestock for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15•. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent . 22. Lots,for rent 23. Commercial property for rent 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders . 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 32. Custc,m work 33. Farm services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors. 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks DEADLINES: Classified want ods at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late lo classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. same day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.50 min. 23 words, 4/16' a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.50 min. plus 30' per rhymed Zine of verse. Cords of Thanks '3.50 min. 25 words, 5' o word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors 125 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask' about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 524-8551 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zippers. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 106 The Square, Goderich, 524-8431.-ltfor AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at. Hoffineyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself, Complete instructions, free delivery. Call collect (416)637-6904.--14b.c. MUST SELL - new all wood garden or utility shed, L-8' x W- 6' x H-8', good solid con- struction, selling as is, where is, $450.00. 524-9412.-12tfar MATCHING PAIR, .Kroehler Swivel Rockers, six months old, deep rose. Phone 524-7146 after 5 p.m. -14 TWO LARGE Surge milker buckets and Surge S.P. 11 pump large enough for three units. Wanted to buy good set of form scales. Phone 529-7568.-14x SEWING MACHINES ' - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich, 524- 2551.-2eowtfar SWING SET, , large red steel frame, 10 feet high with three seats, could be delivered and installed. Phone 524-6474.-14 • SEVEN PIECE- 'kitchen -throttle" set, excellentcondition; oil" space heater; and single iron bed. Phone 524-9467 after 2 1. Articles for sale ONE PAIR,of Adidas cletes, size 61/3, 515.00; one TV stand, $15.00; pair of trilight white and gold lamps, 515.00. Phone 524- 8578 anytime. -11 tfnx FRESH MAPLE SYRUP now available at Robinson's Maple Products. Phone 529-7857. We will deliver. -11-14 76 XS 500 C YAMAHA motorcy- cle, mags,' carrier with backrest, croshbar, low mileage, excellent condition. Phone 527-1487.-11-14 YAMAHA TX500A motorcycle, very good condition, with wind shield. Asking 5800.00 or best offer. Certified. Calf 289- 2329.-13,14 BABY CHICKS white or brown, eggs, meat types, 3 -week-old capons, ready -to -lay pullets. Small orders a specialty. CN -CP or Parcel Post. Bonnie s Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, N3B 2Z6. (519)669-2561.-14b.c. BALE -THROWER rocks, 20 -foot, unload both sides and front, on 7 -ton wagons, 9.5Lx15x8 ply tires, $1,700 complete. Also 6.7- 8 -10 -ton wagons, quick -hitch tongues, variety of tire/ rim sizes, 'from $335. Joe's Wagons and Equipment Inc., R.R.1, Lin- wood, Ontario, (519)698- 2145.-146.c. ' SAWMILL Morbark Portapac vertical Edger • Hydraulic Log Turner, log deck 54" Sow, heated cab; also 125 h.p. Elec- tric Motor Starters, 'two•months old, trimmer saws. (705)754- 2040.-14b.c. 1977 INTERNATIONAL 2070 Fleetstar, 290 Cummings, 13 speed transmission, 3800 rears. 1600 Front 60 Berko loader'3 ax- le wagon. (613)732-7981, ask for Gerry.-l4b.c. •DINETTE SUITE, one year old:' just like new. Can be hod with ten, ' six or eight matching chairs. Modern. 524-8897.-14tf 1. Articles for sale CABINET STEREO, AM -FM, turn- table, excellent condition, 5150.00. White Naugahyde sofa and chair, excellent condition, $200.00. Phone 524-7888.-14 1977 XL 350 Hondo. Price 5800.00. Phone 524-8912.-14ar 6. Trucks for sale 1973 GMC PICKUP, with cab. Needs body work. 5600.00. Phone 524-6636.-12.14" 7. R.:V.'s for sale 1980 ATC 110 Honda, three USED UPRIGHT piano, D. W. wheel motorcycle. Phone 529 - Korn Mfr. Call 524-7272,-14 7420.-14ar UTILITY TRAILER with • 15 - wheels. Phone 529-7985.-14 10. 'Pets for sale YEARLING LEGHORN hens, have to be sold by April 17th. Good to relay or meat pur- poses. 65c per bird. Horace Crawford, phone 524-4482.-14 24" BOY'S bicycle. Good conch tion. Phone 524-2845.14 QUANTITY OF bale wheat straw, clean, 75c per bale at the farm. Jack Lockhart, phone 526- 7588.-14 WATERBEDS complete with pedestal pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and' fill kit. $319.00 at . Vanastra Fur- •niture 482-7922.-14tfar CANON, AE1 body, $210.00; 100 mm F2.8 Canon, $125,00; 200 mm F4 Canon 'with case, $140.00; Tamron 2X converter with case, $40.00. , Phone 524- 4363 after 6 p.m. -14 MAYTAG WASHER and dryer, practically new; also electric stove. Call after 6 ' p.m. 524- 9338.-14tfnx ADMIRAL DISHWASHER, in ex-, cellent working condition, gold' color, $150.00 firm. 524-9049 after p.m. -14 . 1977 HONDA 550, back rest, • low mileage. Phone 524- 6960.-14,151' . • j 28COLUMBIA SAILBOAT, in- board motor, VHF, depth sounder, many other options, $37,000.482-3032.-14-16 ACORN FIREPLACE, suitable for -TEN-TO -t2--cubic-foot-fridge -ONTARIO-TOMATOES-that taste --- very clean, ideal for cottage, like tornotoes• now available; 575.00. Phone 524-6095.-'-14 . also red potatoes. Orders taken for strawberry plants. Evans' SWIMMING. pools.. Manufac- Farm Market, two miles north turer's clearance on above of Bayfield, 482-7562.-9tf ground pools. Completely fenc- ed with patio deck, sand filter, AUTOMATIC WASHER; 12.3 cu. pump and skimmer. $1,595.00.. ft. freezer; white aluminum Call collect for further, informs- .: storm 'door. All jn excellent con-' tion (416)9454773.-14b.c. dition..Call 524-4226 after 6 ,p.m. -13,14 HHUSQVARNA sewing machine and service, 25 years ex- perience. Excellent selection of used machines of all types with one year free service. Phone 524-6043 before 8:30 a $n.,, after 5:30 p.m. or weekends. -10- 15x TWO NEW MEN'S' bicycles; also several reconditioned, children's, ladies' and men's speed and non -speed bikes, all sizes. Phone 529-7771.-12.14x BODY WOOD -'Place your order now for next fall, $30.00 per cord. (8' x 4' x 1') within 20 mile radius. Phone ,Corrie 335- 3362.-12-15 "MEAT KING" heavy roaster cockerels, day old to two weeks, available April,.' May. and June. Also available mid- April day old Hubbard Golden Comet, a dual-purpose brown egg layer.. Call McKinley Hat- chery 1-800-265-8536. Order to- day and put meat on your table this fall,-13-24ar HOME GROWN Alfalfa seed, cleaned avid inspected, $1.75 per pound. George Wraith, Goderich, Ontario, 524-7351 or 524.4529.•-13-18 UNDER THE COUNTER 21/2 cu. ft. refrigerator, used three mon- ths. Owner moving to nursing home. cacrifice, 5245.00. Call 524-2060 after 5 p.m. -13,14 RAINBC',V TROUT, fresh, delivery. your area on Fridays, Buy direct Rainbow Trout Hat- chery and fish out ponds. Phone 357-2329. Ontario Best Pishing.-11.18 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich S24-7231 We even Take Trades SOLID MAPLE Colonial chester- field, .chair, coffee table and end tables, in excellent condi- tion. Ideal for family room or cottage. One wicker chair and matching rocker, in good condi- tion. Phone 524-2365.-13,14 TWO GORDELL column speakers, plus one Lenco turn- table. Phone 524-9591.-13,14 EASTER BUNNIES for sale - get your order in now 'before the Easter rush. Phone the Dolton kids, 529-7420.-13,14ar CCM EXERCISE bicycle, as new, 565.00; Bantam ' electronic organ, 555.00; bed chesterfield, 555.00. Phone524.2887.-13,14 TWO SAILING dinghies for sale, 121 ft., 1314 ft., main and jib, excellent condition. Your choice, 51,695.00. Call. 482- 3125.-13-16 HANDMADE BIKE •saddlebags, assorted colors, can be made to order if desired. Phone 524- 7263, -13.15x • GENDRON STROLLER, mauve floral material, spring suspen- sion, three position seat, ad- justable foot rest, parcel car- rier, fringed canopy, in' ex- cellent condition, 540.00 firm. Phone 524-6777 after 6 p.m.-13tfnx 35 FT. TELEPHONE poles, never used. $35,00 each. Phone Bayfield 565-2629.-14 ONE SWIVEL rocker and two oc• casional chairs. upholstered and refinished. Phone '482• 7379.-14tf WALLPAPER SUPER SPECIAL $ 3 a 00 SINGLE ROIL WHILE QUANTITY LASTS If you prefer to choose from our Targe selection of books you will get 20% off the manufac- turer's ' suggested list price. e UttOuSS-P,'a 13 HAMILTON ST �!�wIliiv, GODERICH �Phone 524-2448 = REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS, Sable and, White, born March 26. Home raised for pets or show. Phone Kincardine 396- 3196.-14,.15 11. Livestock for sale ORDER .BUYERS. can ,supply western feeder cattle from the Interlake Ranch Country in Nor-" thern Manitoba. Good Green ,-cattle, hereford and exotic breeds. Phone (204)873-2542 or (204)242-2646.-14b.c. • VISTA VILLA Farms Ltd. offers serviceable age Hemp, York, Duroc, York X Hemp and Hemp X Duroc boars, backed by years, of home testing on ROP,- and health. approved'. Robert Robin- son, R.R.4, ,Walton, 345- 2317.-13,14 ONTARIO Simmental Weekend • 200 quality. -animals sell - Bar- rie; May 24;`2:00 p.m. - OSA Bull Sale; 7:00)4.m. - OSA Female Sale; Shelburne, May 29, JL Farms., 12:00 p.m.; 'Stayner - Double M and Sandstreom Sale, 5:00 p.m.; Cookstown, May 30, Kern Simmentals, 12:00 p.m. For , information contact: Transcon-Charcan Livestock Services, 609 35 Avenue N.E. Calgary. (403)276-9717. -14b.c., 12. Real estate for sale 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment, available July 1, 1982, close to Square, $175.00 per month, utilities paid, suitable for one person. Phone 524-4516.-11-14 TWO BEDROOM modern apart- ment with balcony, near lake. Available May 1st. Phone 482- 7081 - or 527-1315 after 5 p.m. -1 l tf ONE BEDROOM heated 'apart- ment, fridge and stove includ- ed, near Square. Phone 524- 8140.-12tf BACHELOR APARTMENT with stove,' fridge and furniture. Available April • 15th. ,H. W. Shore,524-7272.--13,14ar MODERN THREE bedroom, new- ly renovoted and redecorated, heated, cable TV, ,private en- trance, central, $285.00. References required. Phone 524-8124,-13tf 22. Lots for rent '111100 ACRES for rent. Partial ex- terior fencing. Majority drain- ed. Asking $70,00 per acre. Of- fers considered. Barn, bunk silo, and shed available. Call 529-7835 after 5 p.m. --14 FURNISHED THREE bedroom apartment, upper duplex. Available May 1st or sooner. Suitable for family or three girls t'o share. Phone 524- 2887.--13,14 ONE BEDROOM adult apart- ment, all utilities, carpeted; portly furnished. Available May 1st. Phone524-4594.--14tf 7th ge, ay ONE BEDROOM, ;upstairs, private entrance, bathroom with vanity, carpeted.living room, , stove, fridge and utilities., ,use of yard and bock porch. Seitokile for quiet living business or" retired person. Available Mir 1st. Pho1Ke 524- 6095,-14 STUDIO APARTMENT. • ground floor; private entrance, b with,vanity, cute kitchen, stove, fridge, yard; extra stora utilities included. Suitable for quiet person. Available M , l st. Phone 524.6095.-14 ferrti:ly-•-r-oorn,l n-good_.•worJr tag--MAgsl-TOBA---486-acres-.:_/t-boil-.-May_1$t:R,ant-incLudes._I.oundr condition. Must sell. Call even- Newer house. 5800 per acre. facilities, utilities, etc. Phone Ings 524-4478.-48tfnx. Several other farms for sale. 524-4463.-14,15 TENANT WANTED to share oc commodation in modern fur-. nished house in Suncoast area SURPLUS Used ACOUSTIC ROOM DIVIDERS 5' x 5' - free standing from `29. to `69. Phone 524-9412 anytime 5. Cars for sale ' For complete list, McIlco Realty Ltd., 27 Bridge Road, Portage la " Prairie, Manitobd, Ph. (204)857- 8585.-14b.c. 1978 THUNDERBIRD, power steering, power brakes, top condition, asking $3,500.00 or best offer'. Phone Tim 482-3409 or 524-8050. -13,14• - 1972 CHRYSLER NEWPORT with 383 motor, two -door hardtop. Original miles 55,000. In good shape. Phone 524-7728.--13,14 1977 TRANS AM, V8, 6.6 litre engine, reasonable, as is. Phone524-6284. -14-16 1973 IMPALA, four door, ex- cellent running 350, only 59,000 -Hiles.• Needs some body work.. Phone 524-9865,-14 1967 FAIRLANE Convertible, good running condition. Phone 524-6960.- 14,15x FOR SALE '73 CHEV. IMPALA New Body & Paint Job. In Excellent Condition. Phone 524.7990 9. Automotive. Selling your car? - Need a Safety inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only $ 1 8 ®9 5 46._.7 Ennr IRII/...._._ TIRE /;. GODERICH NEAR ROBERTSON • School. Bungalow with attached garage, 4 bedrooms, living room 22 x 12; kitchen 15 x 12. Large rec room with par and fireplace. Under $60,000. Phone 524.8491 - for appointment. -14,15 THREE BEDROOM bungalow - 183'Widder Street. Being refur- bished. • Available April 15. Please call'Jack Cummings 524- 9624 residence or Bill Clifford Realtor 524-9097,-14ar 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12 ft, x 60 ft. two bedroom with appliances and sun deck. All bids considered. For more information call 524: 2611, ask for Frank.-37tfar • FOR SALE • 1976 Bendix mobile home, 12 x 68, three bedroom, appliances, all offers con- sidered. Phone Frank al 524- 2611. -- 45tfar 16. for rent SIXTY-FIVE' acres rent. Dungannon 529.7314.-14,15 of land for area. Phone • FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM modern apart- ment with balcony, one block from lake, available April 1st. Phone 482-7081 or 1.527.1315 after 5 p.m. -90 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION • One bedroom furnished apartment. All utilities included. Please call Jack Cummings, Bill Clifford Realtor 524-8951 ' for more information:-14ar APRIL 15 POSSESSION, on this at- tractive spacious one bedroom apartment, private entrance, parking. Appliances included in rent. Please call Jock Cumm- ings, Bill Clifford Realtor 524- 8951 or 524-21.60.--14ar SINGLE APARTMENT, fully fur- nished, available June 1st. Call after 6 p.m. 524-9895.-14 18. Houses for rent TWO BEDROOM home, north of Goderich, close. to beach. Phone 524=4226 ,after 6 p.m. ---12-14 ` .FARM HOUSE, downstairs only: Available April 1, 1982, within five miles of Goderich. Reply to Drawer 1/129, c/o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich,' Ont. N7A 13tfnx THREE BEDROOM house in Ashfield Township. Phone 529- 7349. 14 • 21. Cottages for rent WANTED - COTTAGE FOR MONTH OF AUGUST. CaI'I after 5 p.m., 1-519.433-0813.---10.17 WANTED • COTTAGE TO RENT - July- 25th to August 14th 1982. Three bedrooms, good bathroom, good beach, in or within a ten mile radius of Goderich. References available from Goderich or London. Write Craig or Judy Costello, 990 Col- borne Street, London, Ontario, N6A 4A8. --13,14 - 17 Apartments for rent BENNETT STREET APARTMENT Modern Bachelor & 2 Bedroom Apartments available. Fridge & Stove supplied. All utilities pad. Cable TV. Carpet throughout. Controlled entrance. Laundry Facilities available. PHONE: 524-4124 23. Commercial property for'rent GROUND FLOOR, feet prime office Lighthouse St. 2717.=35,tf 2,000 square space at 60 Phone 524 - Offices To Rent 524-8382 24. Wanted to rent PASTURE. FOR 4 yearling calves; also cash crop land,'suitable for corn, around Blyth, Auburn, Clinton or Goderich arta. Phone 526-7583.-13-16 W WANTED TO RENT • Land need- ed for crop and pasture. Phone 524-620.4,.--14x EXECUTIVE. LOOKING for a four 'bedroom house with family room, would consider an option to bum� references. Phone 524- 4352.7- 4 24- 4352.V4 25. Wanted. to buy WANTED PIANO, not necessarily in good 'condition. Phone 482-7024.-14-16 WANTED - WOODEN playpen and umbrella stroller .in good condition. Phone 529- 7068,--L14,1 5nx 29- 7068,L14,95nx . USED FRIDGE. washer and dryer, all in good working con- dition. • Please , call 524- 9448.-14,15nx a WILL BUY FOR CASHor. SELL BY AUCTION call: Marie Salm at the Auction Rooms 524-9064 28. Business opportunity 28. Business opportunity CAREER! If you care about people and would enloy helping thorn meet their need for security and protection the Co-operators Write a brief letter outlining your work and personal background to: RICHARD CORLETT 100 ERIE ST. STRATFORD N5A 2M4 would like to talk to you. For information about a career in sales with this growing Canadian. all lines, insurance company 0 the 0 co open toll INSURANCE SERVICES BEAT INFLATION. Raise large. bait worms at home for extr income. .Neat, odorless opera- tion. Low investment. Terra Worm Farms (since 1975), R.R.1, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 652. (519)625-8140.2tf JEWELRY BUSINESS for sale. Established 1956. Central Alber- ta city of 10,000 people in ex cellent mixed farming. area. Owner wishes to retire. ',Write Box' 6030, Wetaskiwin, Alta. T9A 2E8.-14b.c. FURNEY WELDING Equipment and Supplies Ltd., an establish- ed manufacturer . and wholesaler of welding, ' in- dustrial, automotive and air equipment and supplies is ac- cepting applications for dealer- ships in several Ontario loca- tions, where not currently represented by active outlets. Rewarding possibilities for those wanting their own business or wishing to expand current lines or as income sup. plement; No franchise fee or hidden costs.. References re- quired. Please direct resume and brief details of area you are .interested in. G. J. Vowles, ---Safes-Monger,-Furney Welding--- Equipment and Supplies Ltd., 2- 20 Steckle Place, Kitchener, Ont, N2C 2C3,-14b.c. ADDRESS LABELS - gum- med, 300 for $2.25; presson, 200 for $3.50. Phone The Goderich Signal -Star at 524-8331. . 26. Help wanted OUT OF WORK'? Evenings and Saturdays free? Have a car? . Phone 1-743.5301: 11.14 OUT OF WORK? Need employ- ment? Phone 1-743-5301: 11- 14 EXPERIENCED Bridge Foreper- son for bridge construction pro- jects in Eastern, Northern and Western Ontario. Contact Looby Builders Ltd., Dublin, •Ontario, NOK' 1E0. Telephone (519)345- '2800.--14b.c. y _ REQUIRE FULL time legal secretary."Typing, shorthand and dictaphone skills essential. Experience preferred but not required. Inquiries to "Anne" at 524-2634.-- 1 4ar PROFITABLE BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL. PROPERTY FOR SALE Books available to' qualified purchaser. Good location In Clin- ton. Private sale. CONTACT: Barry Moxam CLINTON 482-3814 RETIRED? WANT TO TRAVEL? Experienced travel agency manager requires non-active co - Investor to purihase existing travel agency In Lake Huron area with one million gross roles In coming year. Annual return of 20% on Invest- ment of '30,000., plus numerous travel fringe benefits, makes this an Ideal Investment for retired person. Please provide personal. resume and phone number to: DRAWER NO. 130 c/o GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR P.O. BOX. 220 GODERICH, ONT. N7A 4B6 FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL JEAN McGUIRE 5,249278 Full or Parttime Representatives Neede41 Full Training 30. Employment 27. Wanted (general) wanted LADY WISHING lady companion to motor to Calgary second week in May. Phone 524- . 9443.---13tf YOUNG MAN will do odd jobs: removing storm windows, rak- ing leaves, cutting grats, etc. Call Frank, 524.2429.-14 WEDDING STATIONERY - la'rge attractive variety to choose from - prompt service! Drop in and see them at the Signal -Star office located on the BayfieldRoad. 29. Tenders TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE Tenders for Gravel Sealed tenders in en- velopes plainly marked as to contents will be received at the office of the Clerk, Township of Colborne Community Hall, Carlow, Ont., until 5:00 P.M. local time, Tuesday, April 20, 1982 for the crushing' and stockpiling of ap- proximately 8,000 cubic yards of gravel,. A certified cheque in amount of 5% of the bid's price payable to the Township of Colborne must accompany , each tender. Tenders must be svlsmItt'ed'--o n `-,7 e e r - forms . which . are available at the Clerk's office, Township of Colborne Community Hall, Carlow, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. R.E. Durnin - Rood Superintendent Township of Colborne RR No. 5 Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y2 Telephone: 524-2561 or 524-4669 29. Tenders FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders may be submit- ted to the below men- tioned address until 3;30 p.m. April 15th, 1982 for the purchase of assets of Canadian Furniture Restorers (Exeter) Ltd„ Exeter, Ontario. Tenders are to be sub- mitted for the assets, en bloc, which consist of equipment and materials characteristic of the furniture upholstery and refinishing Industry such as: two commercial sewing machines, 5 h.p. compressor, table saw, drill press, air fathers, foam cutter, exhaust system, assorted hand tools, work benches, of- fice furniture and inven- tory of upholstery material. Also Included is a 1976 Ford Cube Von. The highest or any ten- der will not necessarily be accepted. Sealed tenders with 10% deposit by certified cheques (payee to be designated) should be addressed to 1036 On- tario Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 6Z3. Appointments for in- spection and infor- mation an terms and conditions of sale may be obtained by calling R.D. McClinchey, (519) 271-5650 TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4 .0Onoon. April 23. 19112 ;tf)ril rptdieltcitu of cer- tain fabrics, notions, pattern cabinets. pat- ter ns. at-terns. (McCall, Kwlcksew and But- terkk), office furniture, fdbi'Ic sands,-cutfrng -table and other miscellaneous Items. Tender forms and fur- ther information may be obtained from the un- dersigned. Lowest • or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. • CAREY A OTTEWELL Barristers and Solicitors 59 North Street Goderich, Ontario 524-2634 HURONVIEW HURON COUNTY HOME FOR THE AGED CLINTON, ONTARIO invites quotations for the supply of the following products. DAIRY: 2 litre carton - 2% milk 1 litre carton - buttermilk case of 10% creamers case of butter reddies 100 ml. sundaes 100 mi. sherberts BAKERY•Broad - 24 24 oz. loaf enriched white • oz, loaf brown (60 % and 100%) 12's - cluster wiener rolls 12's - cluster hamburg rolls, Closing date is April 26, 1982. Reply, marking your envelope "quotation" to: W.R. Alcock, Secretary -Treasurer, Committee of Management, Huronvlew, Court House, Goderich, On- tario, N7A 1M2. 30. Employment wanted 30. Employment wanted EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST Graduate of Marvel Beauty School ,Seeking Employment, Your home or mine . Phone 524-7990 anytime References Available RELIABLE MAN looking for work, experienced in truck driv- ing or custodian work, or work on a farm. Phone 529. 7945. 14,15 31. Service directory oromoiiiim CUSTOM SEWING and altera• tions. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours service for minor and ma- jor sewing. Dionne Mallough, 524-2492.--13.15x 31 Service dir ctOry ATTENTION WOOD LOT. owners. Experienced tree feller with crew available to thin wood lots. Will assist in deter- mining top morket for in- dividual trees. References available. Coll Barry Moxam 482-3814.--13,14