HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-04-07, Page 5Group urges Canadians to fight metric Dear Editor, As chairman of Measure Canadian, a group founded in Eastern Ontario three weeks ago to fight forced use of metric in Canada, I would appreciate the opportunity of apprising your readers, through your "Letters to the Editor", of Measure Cana- ' dian's goals and ways which they, as individual Cana dians, can help us in this fight. Measure Canadian's ultimate goal is to achieve' freedom of choice for all Canadians in the use of measurement systems. To achieve this goal, we have developed a nine -point pro- gram that includes such things as concentrating our lobbying efforts 'at • the pro- vincial government level; lobbying media and adver- tisers to use Canadian measurements and initiating legal challenges CO the metric law. To assist us in our efforts, we would urge concerned Canadians to contact their provincial M.L.A., ask him or her their stand on forced use of metric and what, if TTE anything, they are prepared to do about it. - Measure Canadian believes that our best chance, over the short term, of stopping this erosion of our freedom lies at the pro- vincial level. Canada wouldn't be in this present situation, if ,.--41royincial governments ha . ` 't gone along with conversion by force. It is not too late, because provincial govern- ments still have the power to effectively "neutralize" forced metric laws within their individual provinces. Some of the things provin- cial governments could do areas follows: issue a public statement calling on the federal government to make the program voluntary; pass legislation to make it illegal to advertise or post metric measurements without their Canadian (Imperial) equivalents; remove metric from all provincial statutes, thereby doing such things as reverting all speed limits to m.p.h. ; if possible, opt out of metric under the opting -out provisions of the new Con- stitution. Provincial politicians have tried to "slough off" metric as a federal matter, hut as you _can see, that's just another convenient dodge. Get after your M.P.P., and make him or her stand up and be counted. Measure Canadian was founded by a group of small businessmen, a retired newspaper editor, an M.P.P.; and a number of municipal politicians. All of these people are respected members of their com- munities, but above all, they are Canadians who love this country and are deeply con- cerned about our gradual loss of freedoms, symbolized (so vividly) by forced use of Annual Vimy banquet honours World War vets BY NEIL SHAW Two hundred Legion Branch 109 members and their guests assembled in the Jubilee Room on Saturday, • April 3 for the annual Vimy • banquet to honour 17 World War veterans, including six who served at Vimy. Those honoured were: Vimy vets - Clarence Mac- Donald, Dick Cornish, Jack McLaren, Frank Glenn,, George Inglis and Jim Vittie and World War I vets - Leo Oullette, Sam Anderson, Orah Crawford, - Gordon Jamieson, . Howard Robert- son, Bill.: Riseborough, Joe Snider, Bob Sowerby, Louis Taylor, Jack Tock and Pete Zimmerman. Following themarching on of the colours, Branch Presi- -dent William Burke, chair- man of the dinner, read out • the list of Fallen Comrades who had passed away since •• the last Vimy dinner. This 'was •followecr by the" Last. Post, the Silence, and Reveille. In his words of welcome, President Burke noted that the first Vimy dinner was in- itiated at' Branc1409 in April of 1959 by the late William Skinner, then President of Branch 109. Branch P.R.O. Neil Shaw who introduced the film, substituted this year for a speaker, noted in his remarks that Canada- took its first small step towards independence with the suc- cessful capture of Vimy . Ridge by the Canadian Corps on April 9,1917. This marked the first time that Canadian troops.. all four' divisions strong, had acted as an' in- dependent united force and • not .as colonial troops operating as part of a larger British unit. ,It, was pointed' out that this month, on April 17, the Queen wil proclaim our new constitution, thus severing the last colonial tie with Britain. This march to Canadian -independence bean at Vimy. The filni shown gave those present the impressianssiLa:- young lady who follows the footsteps Of ' her' father, ' a World .War II soldier, through Northwest Europe to his grave at a Canadian War cemetery in Holland. Here, she discovers f%om•the Dutch people the true mean- ing of freedom. The dinner was, followed by entertainment by Com- rade Bert Kempster. on the organ and Eugene Bradley on accordion in the Vimy Court lounge. The dinner was catered by members of the Branch 109 Ladies' Auxiliary and was arranged by Comrade Ray Barker, the Branch Sick and Welfare Chairman. NEWBORN NEWS McKELLAR Terry and Annette (MacCrostie) are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child, a daughter, Kyle Laurine, born Friday, February 26, 1982, in the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B.C. PERHAM David and Joan (nee Curry) are pleased to announce the arrival of their first baby, Peter Francis, born March GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE 17½% BRUCE ERSKINE 06 North 524-4535 18, 1982, in Winchester, England. WARDLEY Dale and Karen (nee Grant) of C.F.B. Gagetown, N.B., are happy to .announce the birth of a son, Daniel Grant, weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz., at Fredericton, N.B. on April 1, 1982. A brother for Krista. Proud- grandparents ate Shirley ,and Mervin McAllister of Teeswater, and Jean and Bill Wardley of Goderich. 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE for BILL AND FLORENCE REED Blake Street, Goderich at Dungannon Agricultural Hall Saturday, April 10, 2-4,7-9p.m. Best wishes only Everyone welcome 60 EATS AMD TREATS OF BAYFIELD 565-2'942 EASTER HOURS Good Friday thru Easter -Monday Open daily 10 a.m. till Phone 565-2942 if no answer call 565-2143 metric. If you, too, care and would like to get involved with our organization or receive addi- tional information, please write or call Measure Cana- dian's national head- quarters' office at 75 John St., Brockville, Ontario, or phone (613)342-7110. Yours truly, Steve Yeldon, Chairman, Measure Canadian. Cancer Tea Dear Editor, We would like to eke this opportunity to thank everyone involved with mak- ing the Daffodil Tea for Cancer such.a success. We would especially like to thank the ladies of Victoria St. United Church for hosting the Tea; those who provided the entertainment and to all the churches for their con- tributions of sandwiches, goodies and ladies who serv- ed at the Tea. To everyone who came to the Tea, we would want to thank you for supporting the Cancer Society. Sincerely,' The Cancer Society Seal hunt Dear Editor, - As a Newfoundlander living in Ontario I have been tempted every Spring to write a letter to the editor concerning the annual seal hunt off our East Coast. Now you have done it for me in your editorial of March 26 entitled "Annual Sacrifice". You have ex- pressed my feelings so much better than I could have and I would like to thankyou. Yours truly, • Joan Grace Gutsy Dear Editor, It was encouraging to see Shirley Keller's enlightened and gutsy editorial last week concerning our present economic situation. I was sorry to hear that it took a severe cold to put her in the "rare and reflective frame of mind" that resulted in such a thoughtful column. Let's hope that the cold goes away, but that plenty of that excellent editorial passion rema . Mathere is still hope for when we see such good, honest, biting criticism coming from the editorial page of,a small- town newspaper. The question that, of course, remains is: how many who read it were - "reflective enough to see themselves in the descrip- tions she presented? Stephen Norton, Goderich. Crown. rv� • from page 4 number of informative ar- ticles about the Grown,. suitable for all • ages, on topics such as "Royal Words on National Occasions", "The Young Royals" and "Elizabeth II of Canada - 30 Years Our Queen". A free copy of this il- lustrated special publication is available by writing to The Monarchist League of Canada, 2 Wedgewood Cres- cent, Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 4134. Librarians and teachers. are welcome to order multi- ple copies. • • Yours. sincerely, • John L. Aimers, Dominion Chairman ' and Founder, • The Monarchist League Of Canada. GREAT NEWS! • General Motors has extended .. the FACTORY REBATES for you to buy or order any of the. following new cars and trucks: SAVE $500 • -PON+IAC ACADIAN - PONTIAC T-1000 -PONTIAC 6000 -GMC 'S'TRUCKS - BUICK CENTURY. SAVE $750 - PONTIAC J-2000 - PONTIAC PHOENIX - BUICK SKYLARK --BUICK SKYHAWK - CADILLAC CIMARRON -GMC FULL SIZE PICKUPS . -GMC VANS SAVE $2000 -CAD I LLAC SEVI LLE Here' s YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get the exact vehicle •you want with GREAT SAVINGS. BtUY NOW ®.WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS ! McGEE PONTIAC BUICK CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS Hamilton Street, Goderich S241391 SALES & SERVICE ,DAILY CAR RENTALS - LEASING OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY TILL 9, FRIDAY A SATURDAY TILL S:30 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1982—PAGE 5 THE GODERICH BIKE RIDE FOR CANCER Sunday, April 18 2 P.M. ill KM, STARTING AT SUNCOAST MALL Registrations 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. (RAIN DATE - APRIL 23) Sponsor sheets available at all banks. V 8. G Trust, Credit Unlon,Zehr's, A i P Store, Mac's Ilk, Becker's, Woolworth's, Kirkey's Texaco, The •t REFRESHMENTS SERVED TO ALL BIKE Lucky draw prizes for entrants All proceeds to Canadian Cancer Society Goderich Branch Sponsored by Goderich Kinsmen & Klnettes 5Z4-9531 GENERAL INSURANCE BROKERS ,L,ca413,..0.35\ Rowntree PURE MILK CHOCOLATE EGG 170B. FIII•d with: •SMARTIES •MAPLE BUDS •OR JELLY TOTS '2.49 EASTER FESTIVAL OF VALUES Continues at RIECK Pharmacy Lowney FRUIT & NUT EASTER EGG 1109. .894 ,ICu.ler•k;gy. Urui'Pogue% 8 Lowney EASTER . EGGS Pkg, of ;-1.19 *Assorted Flavours 022 9. each Neilson Jersey Milk Choclate Easter Egg Filled With Rosebuds 100 g. 79 AWAKE HER THOUGHTS OF SPRING! A very special fragrance for a very special person des bots Springtime Fresh! Available In perfumes, talcs, powders, spray) colognes, etc. RIECK ..oma Pharmacy EASTER STORE HOURS: Open Thursday, April 8.6 to 6. Closed Good Friday Open Saturday, April 10.4 to 6, Open Monday, April 12 - 4 to 6 was WE DELIVER 14 CHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICK, S24-7241