HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-03-31, Page 23BULLETIN BOARDAD DEADLINE...5 P.M. MONDAv AUBURN and District Lion's Club Easter ham bingo, Friday, April 2, 1982, 8 p.m., Auburn Community Hall. Twelve ham and four share -the -wealth games, several door prizes. Everyone welcome. -12-13 THE ANNUAL dinner meeting of the Huron Mid- dlesex Provincial Liberal Association will be held at the Goderich Twp. Hall, Holmesville, Wednesday, April 14, 1982. David Peter- son M.P.P. leader of the On- tario Liberal Party will ad- dress the meeting. Recep- tion 6:15 p.m., dinner 7:15 p.m. Dinner tickets 410.00 each, and are available from your Liberal Municipal Chairman, or from Bernard Benn, I,ucan 227-4840 or Ian McAllister, Zurich 236-4034. Peggy Menzies, Clinton 482- 9864 or Muriel Murphy, Goderich 524-7913.-12,13 DAFFODIL TEA; Victoria Street Church, Saturday, April 3rd, 1982, 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. Collection at door. Pro- ceeds for Cancer. -13X PANCAKE SUPPER - Knox United, Auburn, Wednesday, April 7th, 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Adults $4.00, pre-schoolers free. Children twelve and under $2.00. Family rate $14.00.-13 41 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteenregular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split.' Many other . specials.. Jackpot $200 must go each week. -1-52x NEir Night School Courses. Starting April 19th at Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Phone 524-7353 to register.=13,14AR ST, JACOB's Bus Trip. Saturday, April 17, 1982, sponsored by The Salvation Army Women's Group, cost $9.50 each. Phone 524-2072 or 524-6804 by'April 5th. -13 • FAMILY MUSICAL event, New Hamburg Belle Ringers at Goderich Branch Library, Friday, April 2, 1982, ,8. pan. Free Admission. Sponsored • by Huron .County Library and funded by Outreach On- tario.-13AR CAMERATA FOR KIDS. Camerata Quartet in- troduces children to classical music in a fun way. Blyth Memorial Hall, Satur- day, April 10, 2 p.m. Admis- sion $3.00.-13,14AR COME to our Irish Group White Elephant Auction on Tuesday, April 6, at 1:15 p.m., Benmiller United Church. Admission one white elephant. -13 "THE ADULT HEALTH CLINIC scheduled for April, 1982 has been CANCELL- ED".-13,14AR THE MAPLE LEAF Chapter IODE, will meet Tuesday, April 6th at 8:15 p.m. sharp at the home of Mrs. R. Smith, 251 Catherine Street. Guest, speaker will be Goderich Chief of Police, P.D. King. -13 CANADIAN FORESTERS DANCE, Goderich Township Hall, Saturday, April 3, 1982. Dancing 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Music. by Siddon Bros. Lunch provided. $5.00 per person. Phone 524-8078 or 524-8014.-13X CLINTON KINSMEN C.F. Pace, Sunday, April llth. RegistratioiS 9 -11 a.m. at the Auburn bridge. $10.00 a canoe, breakfast available. Lunch prizes and draw following at the Goderich Twp. Hall, Holmesville. For further information call 482- 9460.-13,14 HANK WILLIAMS: The Show He Never Gave,. starring Jonathan Barker, will be presented at the Blyth Centre of the Arts from March 25 to April 3 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available for only $7 ($6 for students and seniors) at Blyth Saga, just across the street from the Centre. Simply phone 523- 4331.-10-13 I Remember The Little Inn NTE RNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED DINING *Comfortable surroundings *Relaxed Atmosphere *Reasonable Prices GOOD FOOD Milt*" For Reservations Phone 565-2611 OPEN YEAR ROUND Fully Licensed l 0ittiE y of Bayfield HAPPY TH BIRTHDAY NA NN Y MA CPHA IL LOVE, DAVE, BECKY KRISTINE AND CANDICE HURON COUNTY BRANCH ARCHITECTURALf CONSERVANCY o ONTARIO WINTER LECTURE PROGRAM, 1982 TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CONSERVATION The Huron County Branch of the O.A.C. is sponsoring 3 lectures on the technical aspects of building conservation with emphasis on the historic building fabric of Huron County. Speaker Is architect Christopher Gorged. Lectures are free. FEBRUARY 25th - 7:30 P.M. EXETER TOWN HALL MASONRY: The histo►, manufacturer, type, construction, repair and maintenance of bride. stone and slate work. 'MARCH 18th - 7\:30 P.M. LITTLE INN -- BAYFIELD WOOD:• An outline of hlstorlcal wood construction methbds In Huron County, types of problems encountered, methods of preservation, restoration and repair. • • APRIL 22nd: 7:30 P.M. - VAN EGMOND HOUSE . METALS: An overview of the types of metal used in historical construction, local examples, solutions to current problems. TRY OUR FAMILY STYLE DINING RELAX & ENJOY 'PIIS FRIT, SAT. & SUN. "FEATURING THIS WEEK" TOP SIRLOIN ROAST BEEF DINNER COMPLETE WITH FRESH TOSSED SALAD — WITH YOUR CHOICE OF DRESSING, VEGETABLE, CHOICE OF POTATOES FRENCH BREAD & BUTTER ONLY $6\ CHILDREN'S PORTION 1/2 PRICE m SERVED FROM 5 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. FRI., ,SAT. & SUN. IN RESTAURANT & DININGROQM THECANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN HAYFIELD Pf) Gilf)F.RIfO • 524.7.711 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31,1 NIGHT SCHOOL GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE New Courses MONDAY NIGHT CAKE DECORATING - BEGINNERS Beginning Monday, Apr1I 19 6:30 to 0:30 10 Weeks Fee: •15.00 PAPER TOLE Beginning Monday, April 10 0:30 to 10:30 10 Weeks Fee: *15.00 MONDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS ST, JOHN AMBULANCE - STANDARD FIRST AID Beginning Monday, April 26 7:00 to 10:00 3 Weeks' - Fee. Students & Housewives 329.°° Industry & adornment *41.0° PHONE 524.7353 TO REGISTER *•****** ******* 4< -# EASTER WEEKEND -0( APRIL 9-12* NASHVILLE TENNESSEE 7, * * * DELUXE MOTORCOACH TRANSPORTATION * * *DELUXE ACCOMMODATIONS * * * ADMISSION TO OPRYLAND * 4(* GUIDED TOUR OF NASHVILLE * RESERVED SEAT AT OPRY * * SMORGASBORD AT THE "OLD STABLE" - * * * PORTERING OF ONE PIECE OF LUGGAGE 41(* DEPARTS FROM HURON COUNTY ** * AS •LOW AS $2 1 9.00* * APRIL 3 * * GRAND OLD OPRY * "Or KITCHENER * * *FEATURES RAY PRICE, SONNY JAMES, FARON L. YOUNG T * INCLUDES TRANSPORTATION AND RESERVED SEAT * * * FOR DETAILS &RESERVATIONS CONTACT * * SHERIHOOD TRAVEL * LIC. NO. 1936709 * * 524-7622 524-7186 * *****\******* ******** each $2 1 e00 each )i11!\ ,,l IV( bill2'1ib1 �I-nn Presents' -••+--G• _SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY THIS WEEK ROAST BEEF All you can eat Salad Bar SALAD DESSERT COFFEE, TEA For Reservations: 324-4431 The 11 iV 95 Licensed Under L.L.B.O. 71 LAST NIGHT THURS., APRIL 1ST Keep an eye out for the funniest movie about growing up ever made! You'll be glad you camel 201h CENTURY -FOIE FILMS 30 THE SQUARE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT GODERICH CONCESSION RD. 4 524-7811 • PHONE 524-9981 NSTAIYO' WSW IB STARTS FRIDAY., APRIL 2ND SHOWTIMES FRI.-SAT. 7:00 8, 9:00 SUN.-THURS. 0:00 P.M. ar-.. CR Y A Science Fantasy Adventure QUEST FORFIRE Warning: Not suitable for Children. Warfting contains scenes of violence and sexuality, Theatre Brunch Ont: GODERICH' 1' STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND FRI.-SAT.-SUN. BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 SHOW AT DUSK You'll begladyour came! 2H® BIG FEATURE "Southern Comfort" • • 0 • 0 • • • • 0 0 0 0 • • 0 • • • 0 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • -DME' e With Ith Us •!li;t1' • fi ur tt,t a DeticibtIS t Our menu offers a wide variety of dishes...TRY OUR EVERY DAY SPECIALS. C GODERIH RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE TAVERN �.2 WEST ST. If 2—PAGE 7A 11i Coionel's e is best. Only Kentucky Fried Chicken knows the secret to making the best tastin chicken there is. T lif S entuck • rico ikieken A CANADIAN COMPANI' The Colonel's taste is best. 94 Elgin Ave., E. GODERICH We's • open Mondays to Thursdays 11 am to 11 midnight Fridays and Saturdays 11 am to 1 am: Sundays 11 am to 10 pm Something special Join us at the Bedford for o Traditional ' • EASTER - SUNDAY SMORGASBORD APRIL 11TH 3 SITTINGS: 1:30, 3:30 and 6:00 Featuring: A Generous Selection of Fresh Salads and Cbld Cuts ROAST ONTARIO DUCKLING A L'ORANGE Roasted Till Tender and Simmered in a Special Sauce GLAZED VIRGINIA HAM Baked to Perfection and Glazed with Mustard Sugar Syrup PRIME RIB OF .BEEF AU JUS Roasted to Perfection. Served with the Traditional Trimmings. ALSO Garden Fresh Vegetables Potatoes Our Own Oven Baked Desserts With Assorted Cheese and Fresh Fruit RESERVATIONS PREFERRED ONLY f► CHILD5REN UNDER 12 Cpl mor PRICE olottl itt 92 THE SQUARE, GODERICH 524.7337 Please Note: - The Hotel Bedford will be closed all day Good Friday, April 9th