HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-03-31, Page 8PAGE 8 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1982 Nutritionist speaks to Women's Institute on pro GODERICIH OIDTIMERS SOCCER CLUB SPRING DRAM MARCH 27116. 1ST PRIZE; Toxss MIck°y Fronk Prom, Clinton 2N0 PRIZE; 40 o$. bottle Jos Atilt', Toronto The March meeting of Tiger Dunlop W.I. was held in Colborne Township Hall, Thursday, March 25 at 1:45 p.m. President, Mrs. R. Buchanan, opened the meeting, welcoming all, who then joined in the Opening Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada with Mrs. G. Kaitting as pianist. TIME IS RUNNING OUT. di 30 DAYS TO FILE LUCKILY OUR SERVICE IS FAST. WT YOU'D SETTER HURRY. Fast, accurate, double-checked income tax returns°are the specialty of H & R Block. Our team of income tax specialists are specially trained to make sure you pay only the legal minimum in taxes. We're ready to handle your income tax return now, and we suggest you don't delay any longer: the deadline to file is April 30th, and that's just a few weeks from now. Drop in as soon as you can. FAR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS ONE LOCATION ONLY 19 VICTORIA STREET GODERICH 524-8658 Mon. - Fri. 9-8, Sat. 9-4 COLBORNE CORNER Gertrude Kelt -tinge b 4= 0713 Roll call, '•A suggestion for serving unexpected guests", found a ready response from the 15 members and visitors present with answers of frozen casseroles, pies, cakes and special dishes already prepared. Salmon, canned soups and sand- wiches were also suggested. Members were informed of the district executive 'meeting on Monday, Apr. 5 at St. Helens at 1:30 p.m. with president, secretary, P.R.O. and curators especially urged to be present. The special speaker was ,Mrs. ' Cathy Thompson, nutritionist for Huron County, who spoke on the theme, "Grab a bite that's right" or "What is important when you are eating in a hurry" and "What are we to eat for a balanced meal." She suggested that in some cases it is an advantage to plan the meals for a week in advance. This could interest the children to help plan and therefore become involved. Have plenty of vegetables, fruits and sometimes cooked food ahead for easy preparation, she said. She then showed a very in- teresting film, "Look Before you Eat" and strongly ad- vised members- to lower their intake of salt and fats. One should be concerned with what they eat and this is REGISTRATION FOR ALL FOUR SPORTS WILL BE HELD SATURDAY, APRIL 3RD and 17TH 10 A.M.to3P.M. RONALD FEAGAN MEMORIAL GRANDSTAND FEES -,HARDBALL (Travelling teams) $20.00 - SOFTBALL (Travelling teams) $20.0° GIRLS' BANTAM and ,MIDGET - SOFTBALL (TRAVELLING TEAMS ) $20." ▪ i:BALL.$5.0Q - SOCCER $5.0° and $7.°°. "VOLUNTEER COACHES NEEDED" -PLEASE CONTACT- GODERICH RECREATION OFFICE PHONE 524-2125 ,,• very important in younger years for if you treat your body right, eat properly, exercise and avoid excess, it will pay off in better health in later years. This nutrition talk was most interesting and in- formative healthwise and there was a message for all. Mrs. Ella Bogie thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift. The president also thanked the speaker and the hearty applause showed appreciation. Mrs. Florence Robinson then gave a splendid resume of "Family life when nutrition wasn't the same as it is' now" and told of the hardships and the joys of family life when she was growing up. One thing that helped a great deal, even though there were many hardships, was the frien- dliness of the people, the co- operation of neighbours who were always willing to help and all seemed to practise the motto, "If you can't say anything good about anyone, don't say anything at all". Members then discussed plans for the luncheon card party. They had to change the date they had planned before and decided to have the party on Wednesday, April 21 at 12:45 p.m. Fur- ther particulars will be in 'Coming Events' in the Signal -Star next week. Mrs. Ella Bogie and committee are to be in charge of tickets and Mrs. R. Buchanan is convener of the committee for the luncheon. The next meeting of the Institute will be a week later than usual on Thursday, April 29. This will be the annual meeting with a pot- luck luncheon at 1 p.m. when the district president will be the guest to install officers for the 1982-83 term. Annual reports will be heard from the secretary and other secretaries and conveners of all standing committees. The meeting closed with the Queen and the Grate after which all enjoyed a delicious lunch served by the committee of Mrs. G. Feagan, Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. R. Buchanan and Mrs: A. Stoll. _ a While.'r,�4el joying -lunch, methbei's'–winning in the lucky draw were Mrs. R. Buchanan, Mrs. J. Horton and Mrs. G. Kaitting. 4-H The. second and third studies in the 4-H project, "Making Breads" were MEET THE MANUFACTURERS Representatives from the companies that make the products we sell will be on hand in our store, Wed., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. to give you expert advice and assistance on making your purchases. These people really know what they are talking about and will be happy to answer anyquestions you may have. *Free Parking * Free Delivery *free Coffee FOUR PAYS ONLY Wed., Thurs., Frig & Sat. i VISA Open 9-9 Wed., Thurs. & Fri. Open Sat.9-6 These are only a few examples of values inside for you. Prices have been slashed in all departments Waterbeds as low Box Springs and Mattresses as low as 1111Pea.•pce. Plus all other box springs and mattresses specially priced Oak Bedroom Suite Large poster bed with loige armoire (cedar .lined) large dresser with cabinet. hutch mirror and two night tables. Our reg.' price -$+9998" $ Satre 52,000 4998 All Our Carpets and. Vinyl Drastically Reduced Our entire stock of Unfinished Furniture 29% Off Our Reg..Prices Cash and Carry Only One only Kroehler Swivel Rocker Smooth lines with wood trim 179 SAVE ON FURNITURE, APPLIANCES,CARPET AND VINYL AT THE AREA'S MOST COMPLETE FURNISHINGS STORE inn -air. Appliances Hoover & Eureka Vacuum Cleaners 10%Off Our Low Price Elran Recliner In a beautiful green check Our Reg. Prlce$269.QS sal.$134 All Coffee & End Tables 20% to 40% Off Our Suggested List King Noll Hide.a.Bed with comfortable coil mattress Our Reg. Price $439 BaI.$ 333 Our Low Price Recliners and Swivel Rockers 20% to 50% Off Profits Sacrificed on an excellent selection of appliances All Lamps and Light Fixtures 20 % to 50% Off Our Suggested List Beautiful Kroehler Colonial Chesterfield & Chair Quality made and covered with an attraNlv. floral flock nylon Our Reg. Price $1200 sale $699 All Oil Paintings and Prints 20%to 50% Off Our Suggested List 100 Nylon Chesterfield and Chair by Style Co. Beautiful rust brown color. Our Rog. Price $199 $ale$499 API Wall Units 20% to 40%Off Our Suggested List Seven pee. pine finish Diningroom "Suite Our reg. price $142 $799 Your Homeland furniture and appliance Owe it YVtlrehout0 iurnilure and Appiiiinte$ fynifiiiiied (New and flied') • • ' totes £ Service • Aniiques & things w'r EXETER 235.-1964 Your Homeland ruini9Jisi BBB' appliance store er eating ha its combined in the Jneeting of the 4-H Tiger Dunlop group, "The Dough Heads" held at the home of Ruth Ann Strickler, Wednesday, March 24. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and all 12 members were present. More pamphlets were given to the members on making bread. -The roll call for meeting two was, "Name one way of providing a warm place for rising ,dough". Some an- swers were "Near the radiator but, not on it", "A pan of hot water" and "in a hot room". Since the. meetings were cotnbined, the roll call for meeting three will be answered at meeting four. Members then divided into two groups and for meeting two, one group made but- termilk rolls and the other group made deli rye bread. While these were rising, they .discussed milk and fats in bread making. They then talked about essential techniques in the straight dough method. Some were: "Adding flourto liquid", "Rising until doubled", and "the rest period, and baking". For meeting three the group made "Finnish Health Bread" and Zuni Corn Bread". While this rose and cooked, they talked about yeast, sweetness, potato and corn meal_ bread, flour, proofing and fermentation, free. standing loaves and refrigerating and freezing bread. After this, they tested their buttermilk . rolls and rye bread: They each took a. piece of either the Finnish bread or Zuni corn meal bread for their parents to try. They all enjoyed their breads and discussed their mistakes. • . The next meeting will be • Wednesday, March 31 at the home of Linda Bisset. Euchre Card Party Ten. tables of euchre were in progress at the card party in Colborne township hall, Thursday, March 25. The winners --were: ladies, Marie Park and Monica Louzon; gents, Alex Nivens and Peter Riehl. The' n4ext,, euchre; card party will be Thursday, Apr. 8 at 8 p.m. Everybody is welcome. Come and enjoy an evening of cards. Social News It has been brought to my attention that starling birds find mail boxes a suitable place to build their nests, especially in the country. Mail boxes with lids that do not fit closely or with holes, are purtect, for them and theya`lially pull the letters out of the box and strew them on the ground so that they can proceed with building a nest. It would be wise for all who have rural mail boxes to check their boxes and gather the mail as soon after it is put in the boxes as possible. Remember when picking up your mail to also look on the ground around the box or the wind may carry a letter to a nearby fence where it is stopped. Have you planned to at- tend the White Elephant Auction at Benmiller United Church, Tuesday, April 6 at 1 p.m.? Each person attending is to bring a white elephant. The Irish Unit of the Ben - miller UCW is in charge. Come and have an enjoyable afternoon with friends. Mrs. Gordon Brindley and daughter Norinne have returned home from a tour of Texas, Louisianna, Mississippi and Alabama. They reported that while they enjoyed the trip, they found the food very expen- sive and the weather quite cool. After they had visited these states 'on their three week tour, they were glad to turn homeward and decided Canada was still the best. Bill Gowen of RR 6 Goderich has ;returned home after, having surgery, in University Hospital; London, and we are pleased to report he is convalescing favourably. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan are great-grandparents for the second time. Their grandson Bradley Buchanan of RR 1 Acton and his wife Sylvia are the proud parents of a baby boy. Congratula- tions. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brindley of Goderich, formerly of Colborne, have returned home from a two month holiday in Florida. They found the weather fine and enjoyed their stay there. Leslie Buchanan of St. Thomas visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan during the winter break. Joanne Buchanan visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Walsh of North Bay, during the winter break. Sincere sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Adrian Lassaline of Lynn Lake, Manitoba. Adrian was formerly of Col- borne and was well known by many. We note Sky Ranch Drive - In on Highway 21 north, opened this past weekend and will be open weekends on Friday 11 a.m. - 1' a.m., Saturday 11 a.m. - midnight and Sunday 11 a.m. -11 p.m. HAM & TURKEY SHOOT AT ART BELL'S FRUIT FARM RR 2 GODERICH SPONSORED BY PORT ILL GUN CLUB SUNDAY AP IL 4 a 12:30 pm UGHTS OF: SPRING 1 WE DELIVER! J 14 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH 524-7241