HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-7, Page 3III I _ I 4 , I I k , I , % I , I TXLTiitsb,Ay DEC, ist 0,11 ', I 11 .19 . popsis 01 log, 60000100 Rollo Mi HQXHSXNAD REGMATIONO " A)A .Veroou M160 if, 00 PSI A614- 44 a lamwill, Or my, mi 9"F '30 seam. old MaY, hOme0te&d 6 Quarto$ . jl otjynl of %vgillablo Domitil a I", iN , ua fiitoi aaskv,t ohwatilf Or M01110AIIIA AO no Api must RPWILC in polaom %0 the Dominion Lantis AgOUO f Of, I jkqj .Ugoncy fO ;r the district, Entry Ifa 11rOXY. may be had at the 690MOill 01 *_4 ftrtain conditions. IbY father,, mctbie , iiji , daughter, brotherlif. Or sister co. latleading homesteaderii I QDn,t1ea.-._J3ix months T091410110OUVOI . I . - And I Cultivation of -the land in 948t I ,s, *I three Yeal A homesteader may aye Akth.i-a ll miles of .his boal - . skould Ou It ,farm of at least So aerfill Wely ol and occupied by him D' . his ,J ' ibill snOtijors.-60i Aaughtel brother or- alisteri"" - ' * I In certolin districts,& homesteal 1. lo irood standing may tfr(.,.empt I )qul section. alongside bishwino- ot"Ol (Brice $3 Per el Dull Must're i&,six monItlils'ineadh of oil Irol from. date of houlifestead entr , . iftoluding ,the time required 'to aarL, I goniesteRd patent) fa.nd oultiyt- liti acres extra, A homesteader' who bag exhs,11119t@r I his homestead Tight AUE1 cannot. ol oirl a pre-emption may take. a pur- pbawd homestead in certain distinotF .. . Brice $3. Ifer acre, Datiou-Must reside uIx moinths in each off threi, WASTfs, cultivate fifty acres and eirest ok house warth,$300xvi " , Ivy-. W. CORY, 11terlot Deputy of the inister of the . x..B.-unauthoi publicalition dbl r gagat will not be paid for- , I rim *B. CABLING, Life, Accidentp Fire and Plate, lj:,Glass iuqurviuo , Alm Collectl Accounts and Auctioneei - . l,, M. D., U. ( I j , w. BROWNINC , , . . .0 I, 9 'Dominion, . W I P. Bill' Graduate VictOr's r Tergity. OMoe, an& residenel %%wratory. Exeter . ' Asisociate Coroner of Huron. I — ___ - - IM, R. bright, M. D-,. ll p. and I AlliLeS., Honor Graduate Torlinto'Uol Versity. Two years resident physiciti, Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc- 0 Mcc . and -residence, Dr. Almos' old staric ALfidrew Street, Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, Arristers. Solicit I Ore. Notaries. Coll"ekni.c.0,r. bommuspioners, fjoutiltow ror the . I— . 4. IRpM . MX6 I money to I"n at lowest ratea of Interest. , 0MOR:-MAM STREET, EXETER, a. VAR=Q B- A, U 01, Ol Ill 0, in BY TO LOAN- , DION We have a large amount Of Private tundis a an an flarm'sud vilkage Plevel at lowrel ' Interest. QLADMAN & 13TANBURY Barristers sollottors.l.,3111ain fttExetel "W ­ ­ — . . _________,I 'L,r . I;- t,---- 16 _ . , - I . 'Lie Usborne alld-RibbOft famorilig Mutual fire lusur., . anGe 6001panu ,lHoad Off IC0111 ar,Ont , , , WMider t', j, F, RUSgIEML VW_ . ,,Mels.. Bol GAMI)INER : . DIRECTORS, Almixii, L1,LPa1BJ8,. . lgitwb, Vg *, r.YA I 21 - Publin: nw, jami LWInahelsea. . - ­ W9. itoy. , 1. ''. FARQUHAR, I AGENTS, gD I UK ROSHRY..BM"two awmt lot Koone and WAIVER H&RHIS.''Mvinro, Ngen, '. - ,L fW Wbbwt. Fullerton and L09AU U : JOHN, CIAMPISELL Secy.Treas- Farquhar . .. 'GUARMAN a ISTANBURT. soulltor, . L I'-. , I . / ­// Y/ ,9 ,. 'r ". ji /,,, ""'. 1 ;, 6. tj ",, , <1., - ". CTR a i 'A k " I L 13tands o idie front as tho. lbesi school 'Of its kind in Ith province. our coursed are be yoAg those of the ordinary bus . Inigs college. This school has 3 continental reputatiODL for high grade work. We have three de pi-riments;- I ' i Commercial, Shorthand and Te legraphY, and the demand for . trained help ,greatly exceeds th Supply. Students are entexing, each week and the sooner you enter theo better for yours -elf. Get our free calalogue, at once I D. N. McLAcHLAN ) 'jPrincfpal. . . . ). t - kA&4W4VUW --- * 3' Y. M. C. A.'BLDG- I LONDON.ONT. . DUSINE SS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Re&tered last season upwards of 300 studIerift and place7d every graduate. Seven . sp6ilally qualified regular teachers. One h m our thiined help. College ht session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. and Forest City "'-"a"' College Shell J W. WESTERVELT, JR. . J, W, WESTERVELT, I chartered Accountant. Principal. Vic$ Principal. Is , I . 10" A Z> I . V. 'TOK"06 I A For Infants ai chilften, . . . the Kind Y00 INV.$ Alays 8010thl I . Beoxs the 1.110i , Fle - - .1 . I ag"i -v 4ZA .IXUW I I . I I .. . ) The Man , , , . I , , . I , from I — 1.0 %r,_ , I 11 I i. d N - '1 1 1. . * . . I ! By610R61 BARR I I M"OTCHION I Copyright, 1908, by Dodd. Mill 41 Co. , . I r . . . . . . I , . ) i , F . . . . . . __­,­_­­­­._­ ­­_.­ "' ,., ,, ,,,;-,, — ''.""." ,-,4'', "."r--I,,.,,,,.,, ... ,_ :_______ --111 1-1---11- .. .... '_",-I "I., ­­ ­­,.' , I ­, i , '', , I 11 , .I.I l," , "", , ".,.,.. .-.- ,, I.", . I . , I . I I %_____r .. ...... ­­­ 1-11, -11'.1, -11". n', ...' "', _ ,:,; . . . ., ", 1".. ­ , j­­ ,,,_,_ ... 1,1 I'll, 7 I : I I I I I . I . I . . T1139 XIST.ER T t ',&S 8 ' , . ll , I 1.11 ill . ''. m. ­­."..'', I'll, IN11111112117i.li'l, ill"1111111:10. A ;Min, '" . . . 'Ir 1. 1. .1. . I ­ - I I I I I I . . 11 I 1.11 I records of the Inelbrlate!s asylum at ­ I 1, - I . .1 I I . I I i to be Credfte4 ,1118 wife, after eI I CIIA17101 M I 00',','''', , . r . . Jng him for sixteen years, secured ,9 'divQrc(-- . All 9,XTR . AO 11 t) I .NA, It Y J)OCU iil , I ''::: I , r Accepting the world as hL,1 - .. . home, he ventured, forth to visit every I , lil names I to get out the worst way, but has to T npw,ars that ,the Messrs, . I nook and cranny of It, In course of , 01 stay In till he's jolly well cured. For I Skaggs and AN"ycli ' ]too as, ,furers who leave wills disposing ' I . I tIme- he came, upon his old time serve. It's an my part, I'm -never going back to Eng' ., .1 I their dual varmw drew to a I 11 ,; neighbor an(] boyhood friend, TlisWell Hare. In , thei an close set about to Ivari) what I 1 Skaggs, In the city of Shanghai, Nei. had become of their daughters, In- 99fthL , I 1_ "i , i ther of them had, Seen the British Isle,r vest1gation proved that Wyckholme's I I In two yearsror more, daughter had maIrried a London artist .. 11 I - . , 0 .1 . I " 10w do you know?" demanded Tas. f named- Itutbven'. - , rhe [tuffivells in I I , I i (, ., r r , no right'to' well. turn had one chll , a daugbt( r. Wy -k- la ,Shrewd American lawyer, a impqse,upon me as Iri- . "Haven't I been.there, old chap? A bolme's wife and his daloghter died . . ' scheming British solicitor, a year or more? rt's a rotten big place when this grandchild Nvas eight or tea , ii, 11 If I . . I where gentlemen aSplre to sell gloves ye ars old. By hist report the grand- . I . . . and hankerchlefs and needlework over child was living with her father in "o is musical and profligate the shop counters. - You know, Tazzy, London. She was a pretty ywing wb- . I I Im I could well afford to starve, and I man, with scores of admirers on her I I I . . I I wouldn't a ell thirigs, so I came awa y", hands and a very level heaO ou her , I I I But It's no Island." . I shoulders. I I I . i I . . "Well, that',s-neither here nor there, I)t Wyckholme field to his agreenle, ,Zems qf .Tqpat provided the heirs. do Jackie. I laven't a 'ome, and you with Skaggs by bequeathing his. Share I - . ­ taven't a lome, arid we're wanderers on of the property to him, but it was definitely set l'ortb that at the death I "Deppingham." the face of the earth. My Wife played- me a beastly trick, dyin' like that, of his partner it wag to -go to Agnes I . I I .1 I I say marriage Is a bloomin' nul. Ruthvea, the I dch ild -with reser- I . 11 . - . I 1. I L . , vatibnS. f- I - - , . . I I liow I I . . I Piov- sance. . I . "Iffiltri my boy, Is the convaleal. Skaggs found that his daughter, who . . 'Browne, : 4-kandsome young , soldier of don't see anything short of cence from a 4ove affair. One wants waeried the American, like. J fortune, a princess of enchani- Idence can alter the situation," ,, ' . Thank heaveii. RoN,on, I , lil names I to get out the worst way, but has to wise had died, but that she bad left - behind a son and heir. This son, Rob* ,,ft beauty, 4wo eccentric adven. ' you as exeicut(;r, nut 11,,'1:` ­ I stay In till he's jolly well cured. For I . ert Browne, was In school. when the ,furers who leave wills disposing ' I . "I shall decline to serve. It's an my part, I'm -never going back to Eng' ., .1 I 'Joint will -was designed, and he was to ,of ihe island of Japat and it , I Impossible. situation, ' first Skaggs was, Hare. In , thei an land." I . ' . , "Nor L It would be just like me have Skaggs' fortune tit the d6ath of' mine,4,4wo heirs Who MUS I . place, I not I 'Inti. I met him in. , Jackle, to laTe a relapse and. never get Wyckholme in case that w ortby sur- I ..-ruby ." ;marry within a year 16 inherii tfhi, propi de"spi the- fiO lriate'fri nd of mine. Co,stantinople five year er-wa , id haidled some business'f6f ago and aft. him out -again.." I The old friends took an Inventory. vived. I In order to keep the business and the property intact and under the per - that they are already married, in New York. He had no right'to' Jack Wyckholme, gentleman's son and petual control of one partnership the la ,Shrewd American lawyer, a impqse,upon me as Iri- , , . ne'er-do-well, possessed ;E9 and a frel granddaughter of Wyckholme was to ' scheming British solicitor, a *"But Why should you baye` only to'walt for hesitate? . You thb year'to roll ' tion,',all'appetite and excellent spirits,, i while Taswell Skaggs exhibited a bal- marry the grandson of Skaggs within the year after the death of the sur- pretly stenographer, p prinCI3 by und then turp youi troubles over to once of ,11,000 in a Shanghai bank, a viving partner. The penalty to be im- "o is musical and profligate the riatlyes. . Young, Browne can't'. fairly success ful trade In.Celestial ne- ion .posed upon them if the conditi a and a horde / fanatical Mos- marry Miss R.utbven' inside ,'of a, year CessitieS ail.d an. unbounded eag'erness were iiat'coniplied xvith, neither to be who will inherit4he riches simply because there is no Miss Ruth- to change his luck. . . , excusable for the defection of the ,Zems qf .Tqpat provided the heirs. do ven.. .She's Lady -Lady . name?" -what's . the . "I have a propositillon to make to you, Tazzy," Mr.' late' other, lay in the provision that the industry its . . . . mot, marry each other -these are . I "Deppingham." of anything at all. They, werel JM'.!,r r' I ' said Wyckholme in the night whole antl accutoulated 'fortu e, !Deluding the land (and they . I ithe leading characters in a ro. "And Browne already has one Mrs. 11 think I'll listen to 14 Jackie," re- owned practic,Ul,v the entire Island), . Part I cc . which- for genuine'nov- Browne to his credit, don'i you see. plied Mr. Skaggs, quite soberly. - were to go to ine islanders. NVyck- , , * ' OUy, lhr-17Ung and unusual sita. Well, that settles it, I'd Ii probable that Browne say It's hard- ' will murdet or As the outcome of this midnight holme named Sir John Allencroiribie as one executor,_ p I d Skaggs selected itdions, live ,American . humor I divorce his wife, nor , is it'likely that' proposition Taswell Skaggs and John WYckholine arrived two months later . Alfred Bowen of Boston as the other. t9mcf-the pathos of a great buf her ladyship would have the ourage at the tiny island of Japat, somewhere As Wyckholme was the first to die, a ppirrently. 'hopeless love has 'to dispose of her incumbrance in either, south of the Arabian sea, there to re- Skaggs became sole owner of the is- . .. . been equaled and never Wwy Way on such short notice." "B6t them, main 'until their dying days and there land and Its treasures, and it was he in . . . I .1 I . it means millions Hare." ' ,to , to accumulate the wealth which gave who made the final will accordance the rW"sed, . - ... Phat's their unfortunate ' loolk-oult. the first named a chance to make an with original plans. The island of Japat, with its jewels _ I I .CHAPTER L - You are to act as an executor, not as a extraordinary will. For thirty years I they lived on, the island of Japat and its ancient chateau, of modern I I ,'=MATE 3M SKAGGS. . matrimonial agent!' . I I 1, .11 ... . r, L, W7ckholme preceded Skaggs to, the construction, represented several mil - l r I I , , I . I ut=%." of Taswell Skaggs was "But, man, itls au outrage of it to those.wretched to give all islanders. Bos- grave by two winters, and he willed lion pounds sterling. Wyckholme's dream of erecting an exact replica of I . I , "Ill stimulating, to say the least In- iBlon worth says that rubles ana sapphires I h!_ share of everything to his'partner . I . a famous old chateau found response . . applicable though the, expres- grow there like mushrooms." I of thirty years' standing. But there In the equally whimsical Skaggs, -who . r , may seern. He attained "Bosworth also says that the island- was a proviso in Wyckholnie's be- quest, just as there was In that of constantly bemoaned the fact that it old age by torabling ers are thrifty, intelligent and will fight Skaggs. Each had made his Will some was.imposslble to spend money. For ELiell,Pnr1-b?a,,_ha1e . essly. into the r:l of a crater oa for their rights. There are lawyers fifteen years or more before death, and five.years; after its completion the two , OII'sland of Sapat, somewhere in the among the-, he says, as diggers and fisbermen.". Well, as jewel I . each had ' bequeathed his fortune to the old men, with an army of Arabian re- tainers and Nubian slaves, lived like J'lgip' 1-ris South seas. Thewori i . "Skaggs and Udy Deppingbam's Survivor. . At. the death of the sur- orlental potentates in the biige strue- wter-thoroughly forgotten him during ' grandfather were the en only White in ' Tivor the.entire property was'to go to ,e on the highlands overlooking the tiV the4wenty odd years Immediately- pre- lived there long to , the grandchild of each testator,* wi'th . I ' t.eding his death. It was, however, who ever find ou't what the island enough had sto,r: up certain resel . atio . ns to be mentioned s e"o. . Skaggs seldom went from one part XoticeabV worth while'to remember , for civilization. That's why they, bought' later on, each having bv investigation I of his home to another without a Wrn at-this..particular time. He'left It outright, but I'm hanged I ff I can see. discOvered'that he possessed a single . . guide. It -livas so vast and so laby- :a last win and testament that bade I 1: . wh gl e It bal 'to this -grandchild. ' . rinthine that be, feared- he might be- -,talr to distress as well as startle a natives." . I . , , The island of'Jipat had been Ahe ' come lost'fore' . !great many-people.on both -sides of, the "Perhaps he owes It tubtless to them. lle home of a Mohammedan race, tile Out- . low the eba'teau and the moat with , Atlant!c. I ­ . , bought It for a 'song, and, growth of Arabian adventurers who ­ its bridges were the especial dellght . In Boston the law firm of Bowen,& I , contrary to all human belief, he may had fared far from home in I 9=_7,P ,rk!­,4 11 these lonely, romantic old chaps. Rare was puzzling itself beyond reason have resurrected a conscience. Any- . _11-11-11-- es',d7ent `a:iLd Ur. 0. 'Zwi!okll pri 4 n .rc,,: thes,builders of this rare pile In the effort to anticipate and circum- I how, there remains a chance for the . It. ­ 1. , " 'of it], now eeping peacefully in the , vent,th6 plans of. the firm of Bosworth, helrs1o'lir ah thewlll.' ,- . I lj e.orme Well system and alldecopba s beneath the chapel; the I Newnes &'Grapewin, London, B 0.,t ' . "It cah'i be done, Hare; It cafi't be , thl 'tOw mahip systern have bee'a h, ,'!,e on ;completion of 'a , r r wa lying dead and undiscovered wbilef'ou the other side of the Atlantic ' done.' It's'as clean an instrument as ,n,ted 'line. This allows all -subscri- - . lie very heart of his possessions. I Messrs. Bosworth, Newnes & Grape. ever survived a man." i .1 . . n both the syst ,,ms , coveTfugi Ili e magnificent plans of the part - min were blindly struggling to do pre- It is. by this time saf 6 for the, reader 14-l'-wriships of Hay and Stephen I ,90m would have been a glorious trib- clsely th6 same thing in. relation to to assame that, Mr. Taswell Skaggs nm Exeter Craditon. Zurich of the f th I to romance bad It not been for Messrs. Bowen & Hare. had been' 9 rich man and therefore cold, Grand Bend etc., to bave 1, , , fatal obstacle. The trouble was Without seeking to further Involve privileged to be eccentric. He came of I 'nnections or praefically so, as , e cokh -in and young young Aliss Rutbvl, ., ­ ' my's jt ' I Shrill at once conduct the a, sound old country faIdIly in uppor arge is $1 a y,aar Ito subscrib- . .1 . gam_ eat I Brclwne did *not k.uoiv that their xw, reader to the nearest of these law Of- 'England, but seems to . have7 married a * - .. . . . . I . . -9 Mrs. 16dfathem llv(,(I. much' 1.(.s that Aces. I I bit above his El His wife was sery- I - ----.*— tdoult. you Carterl,a L tldc , I)Ar,. I y owned ,in island in the south "Fretty badly tangI4 I declare," I Ing as governess in the home of 'a cer. ,try ,)ilia i are a fpcisit-liv-.1-oure WeSt . Therefore It is quite natural said Mr. Hare, staring helplessly at " fain earl when Taswell won her heart k headache and 'all t') Mr. Ii they could not have known they his senior partner. i and dragged her from. the "Hopelessly," Mr. Bowen, I tion of, minding . bth I er exalted posi- children ,"Is- . -d 1by' a disorde:r,,d.liv.r.., -.,,,- I I a dol i. I , . last -S I.6 expected to marry each other. , A f INS Ruthren, from motives peculiar agreed people's I I ' - , into I I'll .1 . I .. I `11 0 to the heart, set very much as if he had at first intend- : the less conspicuous I one of caring — -.I- ­ I 1". ithe bead and not Uampo for Three ed to groan. for her own. . . 8E,NSBPITIJ , , . M., mt to earn a title herself. Before them on the table lay the con- I Their only son was killed long 'away horse when he war? by a run- twenty, and , Ma. E. Mann, Ni'll. RupiI amd CJ have each returnied from the I guesie,'aths before the death of Mr. Skaggs bath, was married to Lord Deppingham, tents of a bulky envelope, a and stupendous letter from their London , their daughter became the wife of an , eat, after siliendin.g the bar- ' . ' A' n1o, possessed a title and a country correspondents and with It a copy of . American named Browne was scarcely out of her when she teens. It was ' . ,ere. . . . R. Northcott recently iparchas- in tlilce that rightfully belonged to his night.' dltors. Mr. Browne, Just out of Taswell Skaggs' will. Mr. Bowen re- i Mr. Skaggs, . ass, farm in 1he 5tbi concea- I UrA ceirtly had been named as joint execu- I then that practically less, determined to make chl himself wife- I . ' the %,ll , _-__-.1._1 tor of the will, together with Sir .John - 'less , l' . Northcott. sold a good spent __ , Allencromble of London, W. C., one as well. . I loi to Mr. Doyle of Exeter. . B dglas Distended time neighbor of the late Mr.'SkaggS. I. He maguatilmously A, long and exasperating cablegram entailed farm to his wife, deeded the un- turned his I . el,jphone, mon are busy ereet- ", 08, Stomach had touched somewhat irresolutely securities into cash and upon a voyage of exploration. then set forth . It is e lines in ti Rii di-str:ot al pres - is expecItied ,to be.'im , . Is I upon the terms of the will, besides I common history that 1. notifying him that one of the heirs re- I night In December , upor one dark, ' he said .t .operai­ hortiy.r ' I I I -0- r, . , . 0 do quised Palpitation, and Pre- sided in Boston. He was instructed , still goodby I KIRKTON i to apprise this young man of his go - od forever to the farm and . but it Is doubtful if its mistress, either of them I G.- A, Starilpy, Lu an preache Youkented Sleep—When . fortune. I heard him. ' -was I life, Metb! - missionary sermon ll t , select.; Was Gone, Gure There one very important, per- , To be "jolly even" with him -,harch last Sunday e,vening, The . .On] haps, Imposing, feature in connection i well '%rrq. Sknoes did a Most Drizaish thine. c,,,,,,JHea1th .. .1 - I - .. .­_­_­11 'I I - Followed Use of "Ner- with the old gentleman's will -he was decidedly sound of mind and body., when It was uttered. When such astute lawyers as Bowen & Hare give up to amazement, the usfial forerunner of consternation, It Is high time to regard the case as star- t1lug. "Read It again, Bowen." "The will?" "'i the letter." Whareupon Mr. Bowen again read aloud the letter from Bosworth, Newnes & GrapewIn, this time slow- ly and speculatively. "They seem as much upset by the situation as we," he observed refilii - tivel;, "Extraordinary state of affairs, I must say." "And I don't know what to do about it. I don't even know ho* 'to begin.. They're both marriel I 11A,nd not to each other." . "She's the wife of a Lord Imows,. what of a lord, and he's married to 9A uncommonly, fine girl, they say, not- with*nding the fact that she haS larger social aspirations Than he has means.11 . "And if that all Important clause III the will is not carried out to the let- ter the whole fortune goes to,the bOW- wows.0 . I "Practically' this Same ':"g. He dolla them lhatives vl thfithi all. i looks to mevao though,tho boWWOW 1. will rot tho old mainfla thinfOU& I * 11 t)f Sir klomebody-or-other and had Mar- j * ried the VIcaril daughter, This Pu t hi Int Such bad odor, with his tam, Ity%iiat0he hurtled oft to the doglOw-and It "Pidly gized metiagerfe besides It the. 11 ­ , ­ 1. 4/ - 1-`O_ - : rematus a chance for the heirs to break the wUl." .the land from the natives, pro - and eased their rights with th . ment and proceeded to realizel at the natives had unwittingly led for them. In course'of time tives repented of the deal which he EnOlshmen the right to pick It the rubies and other prel that they had been tradin . br such trifles as silks, gewgawd omen. A revolution was ImmI4 whereupon the owners orgal' Ile entire population Into a great ,ompqny, rt,tnInIng four-fifths of , )pe,rty tlictnselvt s. This seemed I satlsfa tory ail-rangement. de - he fact that Some of the mo o e leaders we're Ill to ap- I It is only noecasary tondd that lutiful istaud of Japat. Standing emerald In the sapplilre waters orient, brought millions in tuoll- :be two men who bad been un - in love. now, after more than thirty. if voluntary exile, both of them were, dead, and both or them werd , buried In the heart of an island of ' ru-, . bles, their deed tind their deeds re-; maining to woterlty th teserVa-,' , . I ti2n,ol I I -1- ­­'. ­­ A _--.1-1.", I I I I - . . . . . . ­. ­ .. I I ­ . I I \ . I I . . I . I I I , i , I 11 A I n , I . I . , . I I I .. I I , , I I , , I , I "­­ ­ I I ., I I "_ . , . I 1, I I,, . .4 : , "I , I I 1. I I --11 . 1­06makaimmilliwgNim I f , , I - I ! I I , I 11 - , . \:, ­ 1 I I I . , , . I L . . , . . 1 I I I J6 , , _ I I I , 1 . Ankiiii :__1-_k!1 11 . 11 . , 1. , . . , ­­­ ". ... -, ___ - :: - , - ,.. ', . , , ­ , " ­ . . . . . , , ­­ I . "I 1 ,._- ": .. ,. , - - ­­ , ., .1 -1111- I.. ].­ - I , _ '_­Aw, ,,.im viline.11 "i last wish will be," wTItea HaTry P. Pollard, a well-known boot and shoe traveler of Hartf6rdi, "that every- one with a bad stomach may learn as I did, before it's too late, that Nervl- line is the one remedy to cure. Why, I was In mighty bad shape, my diges- tion was all wrong, and every night I would waken wlth a start and Testimonial find my heart No. jumping like a threshing machine. 4890 This was caused - by gas on my stomach Vressing Against my heart. When I started to use Nervillne I got better mighty f6st. It Is certaAnly a grand remedy for the traveling man', keeps your stomach, in order, cures cramps, prevents luni or rheu- imatigin ' breaks up chest coldg and sore thri fact there hasxVt been an ache or pain Inside or outside for the past two ),,ears, that I haven't cured wIt4 ,NervfIIm% I)o you wonder I re- commend It?" For general household use NervIlifte has no equal; it will cure the wches and ailments -of the entire ALmily- refuse anythIng but Nerviline. 50c per bottle, trig size 25c, all dealers orThe CataTri Co., Kin gston, Ofit. . . . I I I -, I 4,NERVILIN - . CURES ALL P MI, I . . I . I I . I "". I I I I L I ld ", - I 1100_11 I I I I I , ' ' - &,_ " 1.4­',J "' , r ..... .... _A ;,, .__ M1111 11:111--.11,,l'll""Il "rrrrrr '.. , . I I "I'll, r I I" j-. -.'V,%* Ll ""I'll ll -"-"r. ." "".. V , t -lil- , I I I I , r ; . . I I I r I I , I " I L I , ,I Z ,,,' J I , : , I 11 r , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I , , " I I L . . , . , I r r: I " " I 1 —4 I I : : e r I . I I i " 1 1 , . ! !M I . . r r ' r . . r .1 I I I . " 4 r I -1, 1 , . 4 1 1 . . r I . I " r r I . 11 1 1 1 1 r r 1: . . . r' r , 1 . r . I I I ' I . I : . 1. . r L , : I . . , r . . I I , , i , ", !, , , , , '4 . -1 , , , " , ,. "I . 'i r . . :: ',R I r . . I . r - eullege, 0wig''r,gut W0`7EFF iii, : t . fi I - I I I . I , . . I , I I , ,, I I . - ___ I— .4i vim Ill ., M ;;; , , , , . , I I . _ __ _ V!__ r r I ­ , "' " I r , : 1, I , . AND fit ITO TO, MO A MI I I I I I ­ I . ,11 , , - ..':4, 1, I phyl and surgeon ,an4 'forthwith 1 , . R$T r . I - _*, ,0 I - I 1. Xa,$,'wXXW,kA,V1a soorwokfal h b -, - . 0 , 1 j ,r, , "Ill . ., , I wltb all the confidence Ills', prol , , "Std for oypr SIXT Y Y*;A $t,,jr ,y!Z1J1,-4W. ' ` I I , I 1: Is Supposed to. Inspilro, proceeded, tO arry tl I 'r in, 6a daughter of a brokerage rNOT1191W . f0f, I A, _ A I,;,_ 11 ", .I iti I Z It, I 04. I , , ,C , 04 V S, ,TUL",rHJDi With 7 , K C o , I Sol the Q1,11I.J.13, 1 9,, I'l X;p t s i , : : 0 i., r banker In Boston and, At once found ALI,Ay* 0 I VAIZ, culzg IS WX * the bolil T ine. yfor pltmR , , , " ,,, himself Struggling With the difficulties , , solutely jormIcss, I$e sure,arridask.; A I r . r . , of' 13, ack Bay society. It Ill 11 4, _ , :r 't in _' Soothing $y*U L ' 'r Mi" Z1u'e0,VWeut:4y(,AAVe cents L , r I r , , I ' 1 "' . , , r ,, , cla.upe In the will letter of IA , I , I ___ - - , , , r struction attached, deriZInded that the r: r -.7, ­-­­­­­ - 11 11 , , V r . 'r ... 4 ' .1 I 0, I , .r did ChumPS4 U111gi 11'1' `(X Iiiii LVving to , . I I . r two grandebildron should take UP' prove tbeli, grtlti . 0- ii;dlior I i lasa4e whOrt, ' L :, ,r their residence !I) the chateau within" they made that vill NoVotiv but U44 ' , I , six months after the death Of the beelles wo ild 1""Y ;1(?('l1'e they'dLoev. I .; I . ­ I testaeor, there to remain through. the' or Seen. V_ r . I . I .* , , '' , ,: I I I compulsory days of courtship, up to I "But the ,will provides tor.a six. r - . I . r and in'dl,pdfng tha, wedding day, Four months* courtship, , "Nlr. tjrUWne 1,1#, . r . I r ", l' . months had already passed. It Was sorr. to say. You iniglit loaro to lol i y 11 I I . also StIpulated that the executors I I ' L _ a person. In less fline, and still retuf* ' 4 r . I 1. , shorula receive imoolo each at the ei your mental balauk,e, you know, e,avlo-, - , . I I i, pr1ration of their year of, servitude, -clally It she 'werii, pretty:and #4 beira 1: , : I . I " provided It was shown in court that . ess . to halt your own fortune. I dare; .L I they bad carried out the wishes of I I , say thatt s what they were, tbinkin% ,:. L ' r I r the testator or in failing had made I I I about," . I 11 . the most diligent effort within human, i r I . I "Thinking? They werelift t 14' - I : , . I I . . power. . . .1 - I , , I ,,It of anything at all. They, werel JM'.!,r r' I ' , 1. % is very,'explidt,", murmured Mr.. 11 .1 . , pable. Why didn't tbeyr COASIder"Q? I U . . . , ,I Hare for the th,ird',time. I suPPOSa , . , possibility that things might I 03 I I I the first gEep is 6, notify ' oungr'Mr' just as they have?" r I J. 1 L%% `4 j Browne -of his misfortune. His lord- . . "Possibly they did consider It, tI . . I r r., ship has the task of breaking the news boy. It looks to me as If they dilrrn d' I I to Lady Deppingbam." I I . 'r t to L t to r . care a rap whether it went to r . I "You are assuralli I intend to . I iris . blood relatives or -to the Islanders. . 11 I . , r act under thli ridiculous wfil. ,, , . 11 " fancy of the two they, loved, the, "",­ , . - I I r "Certainly. It means about $50,000 landers more. At any rate, they , " r, . to you at the end of the year, with I , , ,.ra a beautiful ,opening for therrvery tot . 4. 11 , , I '. nothing to do but to notify two persons I , plications which now' conspire to L 1. I - of the terms in. the will. It they're not I the natives their own, after all. Itifif 1 , "I divorced and married again at the end , necessary for both of you to be lou . . of tile year you and Sir John SIMplyr the ground according to'schedule. T I I , " ," . turn - evei:ything over to the Malays, or I 11 must go to the Island. wife or no W11feil . . : r ' r I ; , wbatever they are. I think it's easy and there's not much time to lid IOS4 , r 'r . I sledding for you," . Lady Deppingham won't let the I J I . i Young Mr. Browne hastened down- . I grow under her feet If I know, .an . I I 1, .11 ... . r, L, town In response to a message from . thing about the needs of Engl,lsh 32 _. I.: . r I I , , I the American executor and was told r I *r _ bility, arid I'll bet my hat She's pacti, ,-r , , , , I : I : I I I . r. of the will which had been filed in Ing .her trunks now for. a, long r I . I , "Ill England, the home land of the testator, . in Japat. You have farther to go I r ' r .1 ­ r!L 04, To gay that this debonair, good looking I. she, but you must get over therel I r . li young gentleman Was flabbergastea ..' side of sixty days, , You cunitl I . , i L J would be putting It more than mildly. what may happen. in the next L Si . r , "What I do -what can I'do. . months." I ., r , i. ,., r , I ,shall Nfr. Bowen?" be gasped; bewilder , . ed r ;:. "What. do you mearil .. 1. I I r* r . I . I I I '', ,.Co nsuh an attorney, auvt . jeO .N11' "Well, it's possible that you. may bel I I ., r Bowen promptly. come a widower and she a wiV- I I ' "Good 'Ir . r I .. "I'll do it!" shouted Bobby Browne, heaven, Judge Gari r it I PIP * , possiblet gasped Bobby Broi r I ­ 1, 0 10. I' 'r Due time halfback on his colloge eiev- clutching the arms of his'ehair. Ir -L r ,,,,,, -.n. "Break the will for me, Mr. Bow- ,. . "Nothing Is impossible, my bi. rr . , ,,;, .. eu and I'll give"-- , , . , "I can't break It, Bobby. I'm its ex. . I "Well, If that's what yotere, counti , -A ,. .11 --cutor.11 . on you can count me oqrL I ;U ' 1, I I 4'Good Lord! Well, then, who Is the . specl or, my wlf,i deatli." .,: I I "But. m."_ su It,did-1-a-i8li . . . , best will breaker you kno w, please? - . _pposwthid -,,I_ penr' roared the jifdge'lrasdbly. , -1-14 _1 I Something has to be done right away." should be prepared for the bel "I'm a-frald .*on don't grasp the sit- mean the worst, Don't 160k 11k6 ji r I.. uation. Now, if you were not married sick dog. You go, to the islind;aj I .L. ,, I I It would"- : *"I wouldn't give up my wife for'all r - - once. Take your -wife alon if 70 1 ; I 'her r 1. ,,. I I r. thedslands in the universe. That's set- jr' . like. L. You'll find lad ship theri, . and she'll heed a. woman fc tell he; . r ,, . . I . '. tled. You don't know how hap,py we troubles to. I don7t: think we'll ha; ,,,, ; tire. Shil's the"- 1:1 It he . L any trouble getting the Bri! a ­', ­ . 'Yeg; yes, I know," Interrupted the to join in the suit ,to Overthrow th,, r. " I I tl., vvily Mr. Bowen. "Don t tell me about will. The only point Is, thlq-7the ls ` . 'r It * Go and see Judge Garrett,'over in 1. landers . must not have L'the advantag;d ir , the K. building. Thel he expects A that your absence from Japat Will giVetr I to come back from the grave to break to them. Now, I'll"'— . his own will." I . ""But I don't kke the suligestion'thal , ­ :11, f Ten minutes later an excited young ,,,,, r , my wife will, be obliged to 10.. ,mc-. ;. `_ man rushed into an office in the K. .1. - r. I IL ­ "' J 0 I -j, * , order"- r ..., I— , ,zer 11, building. . 11 . I 1. 1, ,_ , , , , I , ii 1 I", "FlPase leave'ai , , a S i . .11 I - r , , ,. "You will have to fight It jointly,' . , Mr. Browne. `1t'maQy"not be nee ' r'r . , L, ,:I, ­ said Judge Garrett after extracting the .11 for her to die. Ther6'an 6 er'alt , , " I I . I I wheat from the chaff of Browne's re- _ , r, . natives In' faw GMIve 'th 'Ia.' L m ,r i* ­- r I , '. , marks. "You can't take hers away I I chance. -All you''bav6 to ­ , , ,r t6 r ,,, ' ,plani I ' r, ,., I I yourself (in that island an th-iii r., " '- 7 ;: _ . until we tell you to get, , .. 11 I q - , "Or the, islanders push !be oj%11 lu I , , - .. I . briously. ' .I .. . . 1 -, 11 I ;' "I Young 'Mr. Browne went away, , _ , : , dusk, half reeling under _e res "O - . i _ . , bility of existence, ' and eventu , I I - , 6 reached the side of the anxious y ;- , ": ":, ' L . . . _ '. ,. ." 1. woman uptown:- He bired the " I 1. ,: O and awaited .the %vail, of dlsmmvy i-. , , " . , - - — .. I ­ , 11 , I "I think It will be per:6 ctlj`j` . 1, ,'4; %, ". ) ' I I '. IL . I I , she cried Instead arid kWed him I I I turousIy. I I 11 Over the opposite side of the 'At4 lantic the excitement in certain Ciri , was even more intense than that pri duced in Boston. Lord Deppingha,mg -Ii 01 ,z needed the money, but he was a whol I 1, . I day In grasping the fact that his . . I , could not have it and him at the Sam ,, .1 I t ' time. The beautiful and fasbionabil '' 11 ; "I Lady Deppinghom, once little A '..-- . r _: __ 11 . , Ruttiven, came as near to, having h 1. . 1. terla as Englishwomen eve I do, , I . , r I I I . I . she called in a -lawyer instead of I : I ,I I I doctor. For. three days she neglec , I I . I . I . I . - . I I : .1 I \ 11 . . . SEVERE COLD ''I I Li, 11 'L j: 11 11 ,qpv I . BELOPEDINTO . . . I I I I I ,11Vs im sound as the rock of Gibraltar-" I - from her, and sh6 can't get yours. We PNEUMONIA _ must combine against the natives. I . I % . Come back tomorrow at 2." . Promptly at 2 Browne appeared, I . 11 eager eyed and nervous. He had left DOCTOR SAID HE WOULD I '1 1 li , behind him at home a miserable young . . . "I woman with red eyes and choking . 11 ,­ NOT LIVE. breath who bemoaned the cruel eon- , I "Ir "I - him viction that she stood betweeni . . I 1_. I . , — . , " * and fortune. I P: 1' ` .; "But, bang It all, dearest, I wouldn't i ,! ,,. Next to consumption there are snore .1 ' ' marry that girl if I had the chance. 11 deaths from pneumonia than from any li 1, . L , I'd marry you all over again today if . I 1. ,%L other lung trouble. ­, , 1 I could," be had cried out to her, but ,. 1 she wondered all afternoon if he really There is only one way to prevent' , , , 1, . meant it. It never entered her head to , . , , pneumonia, and that is to cure the cold I I wonder If Lady Deppingham was old I .. . I Wooi or young, pretty or ugly, bright or dull. just as soon as it appears. Dr . . 11 Judge Garrett bad a copy of the Will Norway Pine Syrup will do this quickly, In his hand. He looked dubious, even I ., , . 11 I and effectively. . dismayed. . % "V. I -11 'I' "It's as sound as the rock of Gibral- Mr. Hugh McT,eod, VsterhgzY, $sl , tar," he announced dolefully. writes t ...... My little boy took a very sevtrt . , ., "You don't mean itlil" gasped poor cold, and it developed into pneutftoul.1 4' , , , 'Irl Bobby, mopping his flue Harvard, , " The doctor said he would not uvc- I U - ­: I f I brow, his six feet of manhood shrink- . I 11, . me of your Dri, Woodfs Xorway, Pia . : lug perceptibly, as lie looked, about tot L' "a_Con't -50 1 ' " and he began to improve righi . a chair In which to collapse. I ,gyrup I I He is now a strong, healthy childi, . It be smashed?" "It might be an easy Matter to prove away. I 6-sigAs of it ComingL b4ck4.,,.', I ., % - L ' and shows n 0" , , .. i either of these old gentlemen to have . ., I . I , , , , Do not be talked into buying any lo been Insane, but the two of thern too i '. Norway Pine Syrup, bttt insist on geillft ". gether make It out of the questiolb.11,11 "Darned u7ireftsonablel" C, the original "Dr. Wocld'61." It'll Pitt I .. I . I A . "What do you mean, 91rTO Indfg.- I I in a yellow WrApptr; three , 1. I - :.' . 1 4,: j , nantly, . , I thile ft iark; price,, 25 d-ei ,,I I I . .. T", , "I meau-ohil know wbai Vie4n, 1. f" -tlil lt1onA,ond,A%J,tbaf..,Wh1 . ri ` ­ I I I . , y I 4' L: . ' Manufacture 1' ul, b The T. Uilb I r I " 0 I I , I . I . ­ I , co", Ualited, I .. I... . .... "I : , i " TOC44011 OAt. . ... , "I 1 ­- , ' L, i, I .1 , I I L,, r ` . . . 1. I I , 11 I . I 1. I I .1 . L , I I " , " , .1 :! .. " , , ,. ,' i , ,. - I 11 I I .. , ., " , I ,._W0Lill,_ ,,, t . . , , , li .1 ,v :, ... ... li , _L, 11