HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-7, Page 2rI 11 11 -.,.-' . . ......... I I'll, 1-11111.11.
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I rflURSIDAY =1 a.. lat 1911, � )
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I I . I : I # TIEL,IfQR A— P1 1 41, ,. 60M. ' 1- — - UP TO DATE -
I � I . . order-in-ootineil has been - . ,
I I STM IT VP By TRE USE OF 414, "" the close sea'scj� 10��J 6 �,
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q11 , MILBURN'$ LAXA-LIVER pILLS. Lesson XI--F011rth Quarter, Fo the' ty W llaud- I CHRISTMAS I HOLIDAY HINTS
, I .T . i .
I I 11 111C lum toa0hed 'I ... bu " .
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", Dec. 1% 1,911. inualIx"19 thea, .
ss 0� . � 1
4 of Niagara 14 of
suct"' &
�, energy to t e �'w'nn� of 7ea�
I They stimulate the sluggish liver, forth or all purposes yesterday.
. -dean the coated toppe, sweeten the lesd, Suggestions by Santa Claus I A Dainty
� . , THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Xoh�4 Wade Of Alabama p ��d 'Tin� Reticule Will Please
. *hreatli, clean away all waste and poisou- — . ty in Chatham, pollee pouft to a
I 4)us matter from the system, and prevent an expensive fur cost 4 theat4eustin, For Sweethearts and Wives, � most Any Girl, -
: 04 well as cure all sickness arising from Text of the Lesson, Neh. vi, I.IZ store, and was sentenod to aevitk I .
� 41 disordered condition of the stoma* Memory Verse, II. -Golden Text, p,, months in the CentraL �
liver and bowels. xxvil, I -Commentary, Prepared by Four persons were hille 4 ax <1 The man who tr�vels with a suit
I . Rev. D. M. Stearns, gcore or more injured lZei oVe'! case Is always on the lookout for com- A. linen hand bag to carry with the
r trail
� Mrs. Matthew Sullivan, Pine Ridge, Illinois Central passenger al I summer gown may be made up at ]it-
� � , WX., writes.----�'I had been troubled with Chapter v tells of a great wrong ro-P111101, Mem . nt pact toilet articles that pack easily tle cost and will be a gratifying gift
, c,?his to Louifiville, we
i I liver complaiAt for a long time. I tried Into, the dit 28 miles east of pa", and take up little space; consequently to the girl who Is fond of stylish dress -
t among the Jews themselves, for some these same conveniences never fail to
; most everything I could think of, but cah, Kentucky, Ing, for the washable hand bag will
� I I
I none of thera seemed to do me any good, were holding mortgages on the 11inds make a tilt as Christmas gifts. The be carried its much next season as it
The Hamilton, Waterloo and 9 illustration shows, the very latest thing I
� � but when I at last tried Milburn's Laxa- and houses of their poorer brethren R w y ming � Parliloum"1014 s last summer. The bag IlIustrated
� I . ail a is co back t,c wa
I Liver Pills I soon began to get well again;
I L . � L thanks to The T. Milburn Co. I would and lending money at a high rate, for legislation. This tim.i the .q9n In toilet accessories designed especially .
m� was stamped with an oriental pattern
� not be without thera if they cost twice I while for twelve years Nehemiah as pany asks for sit extension of tim for the reqnir�!ments of the suit ca'86: and worked with delft blue silk.
� as much." -4 0 governor had refused to be charge- and for power to inerease its'&pital in both Instances the cases are made Any style hand bag will be accept-
1� . Wilburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents able to 'the people or to, take any to nine millions. of pigskin, and the envelope -like look- able. Some of the most expensive
�, , ,,,, Mr. Richard Clement, an elder Ing affair which fastens securely witb
) per vial,, or 5 vials for $1.00, for sale at thing from them, Onthe contrary, he resident of Chesterville, died very zu�l a "snapper" holds , a very flat hair- oriental effects In silk may be dupli�
I an dealers or mailed direct on receipt fed at his own, table 150 Je-ws and clenly Thursday. While at d1nnerl'A brush mounted ne,ntly in ebony. - The .
I .
,�� �, of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, rulers besides those who came from piece of food lodged in his windPlp I bristles of this brush are of the best ..
1� the nations about them. and all this at and be fore medical aid coul(l re :: ..,
Toronto, Ont. � fLe ' quality and quite numerous enough to ..: ,
I his own expense. him he choked to dea;ffi. . smoothly put into Place the hirsute ..
� ____ ,
I � - i Chapter vi is a record of his enemies . . . ,� . :! ;�
� Ultimatum Rejected. . . I :1 .: I- .� i�
'::: '' �
� from without who earnestly sought to . , : � ,, !!� 1 ��� . ;;,::.;.
: . . I WHEN IN DOUBT— ..""..,.,..,.,�.'�,�,.��,,,,:.. � � �, 1 � � ..-.,...",."i�i�-..-..��i�,�",."�.",�'...'��i��,.,!��""; . ....."; ,:::�
. ..� do him personal harm. First they Teheran, Persia, Deo. 2.-h,, X., , .W.,.:;i�.,-'."�.."."..","��.-'..,'�;��i�'>,��.,.,.,.,���!.,.����.,�;;;,.111"i..,.��'I."�"I'�.."�.",'.'-., i"..",
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thought to do him mischief by enticing tional Connell has rejected the, Rud. ;::il.;�zl;.zll.-,."...",�..;.;";.;:.;.:,:.";�,;,;�z..'��.,.,�!.'.,�fi�!�:���..�,:,,�..�:.;�:�.;;-,..;:"i�,,�,,,�,i���..',,'ii:�",
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___.- ...... ...'.., ... 1. . 1:::.;::;!;.1-.:�. ": .,-.,�,.,.-��,, !!,�.,,'
�. A Pretty Pincushion Is a Vary UUGTUI him to glaft ultipiatum by a big ma.Joriti. :��Ji.%,`,'-..`�'; �i�.j.'.'.� :
meet them in one of the vil- � g., k .. .
� Christmas Present. The Foreign Minister ha.s 'reslgneq� � �,.*..,�.,�.",...,..%,.r ���;�-`,, ; :X
. I �;` .--',*..* ---�-,- ;
� When in doubt make a Pincushion lages in the plain of Ono. It is. ever ,A cAblegram. f .0m. British V ".. .. ....1.1.1 ... ,.� "R. . -L� �!,.-..;, ,
; �orei .. .:.;:,�N:;:;�:��:.:;, . '..
�.'��:ji::�i!!i���Il���i:!�...,.,',,'-'ii��":;;%�,�'�'...�',i.'.���'k"�, ;�.��i�`.-'��] I
i true that the -wicked plotteth agaInst �, , 1::...:,a:::;:i:;:*:; _ ,
N 'S�e I �:..".*,.*�-..'.-"�,"..-',,;'�"'-'..�i!�.�'�!"�����ii����i-..:!!,..'.*',,"",����,��,�",%�'.�"."�,;�.,,'....'�,����'-
� Is excellent advice for the Christmas ,,, I I - �;�;;.,.,%,f�l",",.".�'�,.�!,.�,��."..."�.�':::,-,";'-, - !, . . . . .
,�'.il��:���i�f:i�����';ii':'��'.,�-.1.��,.'.".-�*�', " �,-, .
.f,� III: Edward Grej , ,.�R�j. '. �"..,., ..'.'..' �
-�k ."-'��*il
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U , � -?..--,.�i,;,�'-...'� ,-I-.�-.-, , �...!:,-.'�. .
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I the just, watcheth the righteous and k% " p Assembly, I 6 __ I �. I.. . , 11-'i��..'.`,-.':-Ilii�.. _- ;;
seeketh toslay him (Ps. xxxvil, 12, 32). oln - ... ::� -.'-`.`.q��.;" :
". �...
� gift giver. 11incushions are always I D� 1. r.. ; ...... ,:j:.k:::.:.;.:.
I -Vising domp lance with tile Rlissi4ii ...,,.mi,....�#
- .1.. "'
� :,. �*i� � ..''; ..
useful. They wear out or lose their But the Lord shall laugh at him, for it some of -the membexg %11'_�,;1�11.'-.'%,_1 '. , I
; ...... ,..,...��'..";...,,�,�'.:, ... 11"..".. .1 .
� . 11 "'..'"; I ;�.�'.-111.iil'. I �
ands, bt 1, -..�� , , "
i.�::-�'�:;; i I .. �'...1.11i..".1,�ii . . . . . : .
� freshness so that a great many of He seeth that his day Is coming. Er. . Inted out that England'a advl�ce had ".1-..,.-.'. .: 2 �:! 1! .. I .
I .1. - .� I , , _ - �� .11..115�11�i .
I :;:::,.�:.,-.-�:,!.!.!.�....�..- ....., --_"�.. ...�i, 1 0
them may be used in even a year. ery child of God must exN-'et to be iitherto only led to Persian huml 14. .,*.,..,�,�*'�,�..,'i,',,�i.,.��-*,.'���,-*",,�'C'��i-*...,;��.,.*:;:���..,-*i���.."..,.,..,*.,;�,'�,."...�., , ,.� "i�i-�,.i.;�,�i.'.,'f�,.,'.'���i.?.."...�,��.-,�,.�i��.-,,..�'.
. - ��;�i._ -.'..,�",;,� .`�*1"1-.`-,
�k .�._ _, , ... ...� . ,:
Moreover, unlike more elaborate pieces hated by the world and to suffer �aon. They believed that Sir Edwa,rd ,.,..",.,"���,'.**...,*,.;*,..�,',..*..',.'�,��.-�,,�"."",�,'..�.��",'.,�,i%,.-�,�,f.-'..','..',�..'�*";:,.,:�*,:;:;.;::;�::;::::::,::.:.,:�::;:::;::.,Z:.,.�:;:;��-.. .;��;-;. .. :: .
..�.i.':!:��i.!�*.�*������,.,�,'.i:�:�::,:', - " ; �.
- I .
lad been misinformed, and emp�ati. :,�, �..�..."���i�i�..�.'-..,�i�,,�..�,��,-'..'��",..-,...,�i.,�,�,"f". ,�,`.--`.`.--�.:� .. - ��.,.:ii..�il.�"I".....""��.., 1. .!
� tribulation and persecution (John xv, :�*,`.-.�, ..:-�:.:,:.:,�,�:�.",;t:.,:.:�:-"-:;:. ,
4of fancy work, they are not beyond the oally asserted that Russian injustice _.,".R:.:.:�:;�:d:::. ...... . i�
` " I
: .:;;,-.�,�,`�.`K`.,;,,.�
skill of the meanest needlewoman. 18-' 20; xTI, 33; II Tim. III, 12), and it had become intolerable. *,��E._*�.,�,,-, i�.,�..*.'��i����.�ii.".",.,.��
I Just at present round shapes are in should be accepted as a gift from God �,.��..-,-..-,,,�i ;�,!,,*�**i�;�.`.:�`i� i
.e (Phil. 1, 29; 1 - �.
: and a special privile 3-_*.�'.,;� ��i�,.,.'i-,'.�..,'�N..---,.
:�: ,:;-, ..'."!
". I il"�,
demand, so if you are selecting a de- Huge Loss of Fuel. ;::....-�,I�- �i,,, -*-,�`��,,'�,��'.:,',-.,
Pet. Iv, 12, 13). Chicago, Dec. 2. -American , .. r" �:. .'.*..'.:,'."..:.:-��' , 11 i,�
Nehemiah's reply to the first teInP ral ; ��Mi�ii� ..�,-,.-`-k.'��`,.�.`.
� , ; ., F,
- roads lose �$50,000,000 worth of fuel !. i'1'11.�i�! ..... . . �.��..'.-'.,-.,-��e;""i��"..Ii�i�i�:�.,;, .:�:r,xgm
. _ �-_�.�..:,.:, -�
.. L. _. , �
, , a _ ... .% . , ,. ,f -,�
"� . �.. . --,;g.--.-K,-
" - I. I, "'..,, miig..._ :1
I tation, In verse 3, is worthy of Imita- year and consume $200,000,000 wor ... 1;,,.�� �.*Ixl.- .-�., :,..1.,.'..!: . ;,,� .� ..
; 1. � ,
�', ; `1.1-1',`.�', .e ... ....... ... �._..�
tion by all earnest Christian workers of coal to obtain $80,000,000 worth �01* ...
. : ... . I ii:�'.,',-',ffl"'��'�i�'� INNI;
� who are asired to turn aside from that efficienoy, according to figures prepar- ...�:111 .:: I Wffl.'��." M.....`e
� to which God has called them: "I am ed by Chief Engineer E. 0. Pitch, ..,-,.`..,,.,: .., - �,-:;:;$:::�;Z! .; -.:?,-&;,:;S
.. :,
..:1. ..�g�,; , ��
* .. - N -.M. :."', ,..,.
` " "I"I"..""..%....: ... -. - .
�;, , ,�..; ..... . "' ""
:1 of the Chicago Great Western Rail- ,.,;.. . �:`.,., .-,-".,..-�.:,..-.- .-.,,..-.......,.."..,..�..,..-.-.,.;�..,-.,; --1 -, i&;Ij,'�'
. -, .1 I "',
i . 4 .. . . .1 -
�;;� , � I ..." ,..... ,�., - �.R....," .1--..z i�i - -
- - .... . '............i.,...... I .1 ..
" doing a great work, so that I cannot "I., I
. .. I
ro ad. , 11 �`
� come down. Why should the work .
t .. ?. I ceasewhile I leave It and come down In ten years, says the report, Amer- , .:,%... .1 ;\N�,��
� ,:171, ican railroads ha,ve increased the cost � - , " iii�
LL - � , - .:,.`:1:;;':`,k.�g:.%� � ,..'r
11 ��; , �z�:::j�"_ g .**.".ii,�
".,�—W..'�,:�"-.;".:.'.�,i�...k4.:�;ii;::';?,:�'. , - ..;;:-,
". , ..
��� .;�.;"�,.:7��.-i-�"��i,�"":��..-'.��".,: V to you?" It is always a wrong kind 6f their fuel'supply from $104,926,'000 oONV7=NCE8 FOR THn S ASM I . . . . . . . ... I..% -.:,�.N '�
, , , ; - t X.
�:..:....:::�:::::,.-..�:,V.���"L, , 1�.. I— I ... I !!'.
'.. .:. ,.i.".r... x ., ;; . .., 0 ., k.-. , .:;,:;, "I ,:,..�
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". 0.;.:
��.�:�.'..,.,.-,..,.*;,��..*.*���.i..-':�:.'�����.I."�.i.,��',',,�,,�;,�'.�L of coming down to leave any work ... N. �6
,:..�i:: .::,:....R:i .
.1.....;b .X ..
" � ..
I -:;�_.,.'N, to ;$213,M,000. .�. .... - �
,Z�':-. -.I` - � � I ' ..... - - .11"'.",
:i, .:�,�.%'_; a " directly for God, which He has in- possessions of the average man. This ..,"...'..." 1".".'
i..�,: .1PI.K., ., ,�`-:i
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. LiiR1-:,,,�,;r ..
_;*,�. trusted to us, ter confer with worldlings ..".i...
'i;v:.x�-�N,01�.*.� Prtchard Also Drowned. brush is fitted into a little pocket, to. ,. .....
iii, x ,Z��,�..�� ..,i.....,
" -:I��.,.�,�.� �i'..*��!
.. -��,�.Ui.,`t
%. ., , �..
,0-;,.*�� .
"�ii N or even to attend some Idnds of com- gether with a small comb.
6�\.,_ ;,.-. .�.:.�:-,& .,:-.:,,�J.�, Port Colborne, Dec. 2. -The b f
I i-�,i,:,�,�.� ',,,0:1.:-� � - :W-;.\-!�1�..-,.-;;,;
;,. �-3z**,,�:*-�.,.k�-.�� "; . e. which 're-
i�. .'.,'��",: ?�,,,,*� ,
_�:,,�,�,,��"*,,� .
., - ::N: -1;g., . mittee meetings or so called ministers! Wm. Pxltichard of Clevel . The other contrivance,
I . ..,:::;;--:�;;,;;�::;;.:�::il$�.*:,.�:� and, e
I.I...""..- ,.,.., ... ... ,,
�. '::� .�, meetings which do not profit. All neer of the Raleigh, was washe sembles in shape a bill book, contains EMBROIDERED LINnN 33knOUM, ,
I w3:::8,.:.,
. . 1. . .
- .. "... .... coming down from any form of pride ashore a short distance from where two brushes, one with gray bristles cated at home by the Me of old
i I ,or self is always right and profitable, the steamer was wrecked. HQ :WaS Intended for brushing clothes and the
I I for our highest place is lying low at 'last seen,ph the stern of the boat and other with white ones for removing fashioned brocade silks, tapestries and
our Redeemer's feet, and the Lord at ,intervals gave 11 nals to the watch- dust from ,the hat One or both ol the addition of a little judicious em-
. . . - — - Ora on sl�or�e, W�191n. the stem dit- these cases would make an ideal gift. broidery. Sill- bags ornamented with
. . . alone must be exalted, and with Him 4 peared lie was lost in the h ' oriental embroideries are also fash-
I MMMROIDERM P]NOUSMON. alone must we be occupied. 214s. The shore in and axound 'Alebala Give Him a String Bag.
.- ionable. - Heart shaped, shield shaped;
Four times they tried in a similar Point is strewn with the wreekai This case for the useful ball of twine square and oval bags and variations
� sign you cannot do better than copy, way to entice Him, but he wag enabled 4nd the cargo Of DUIpwood.
the one photographed here. The cen- to resist them every time (verse 4). _ .� . - . may be woven of raffia in the open, of these shapes are stylish. Bags of
ter consists of a circular piece of . work pattern shown here, the ends striped sHk or satin with the flap
� Am old lady who endeavored to find of the strands being secured by rib. fastened down by a fancy button and
� linen. worked In satin stitch with a something good i'm every one and ev- Humor and bons, tied in pretty bows. Red rib- a cord in two colors (made by twist -
spray, of flowers and foliage. Double erything was onca asked it she ever ,
6- trills of valenclennes lace and a nar- Saw anything good in the devil. She . Philosop _ , bon on naturalcolored raffia was used Ing together two cords of the desired
11EhNW._1roW beading through whicb. EL ribbon . In this case and made a pleasing com- colors) are also modish souvenirs.
* . thoughtfully replied, "Well, he is very . bination. The ball is tied Inside the
Wlqm anil� knotted at the top serve to persistent." These enemies of .Nehe- I ar.ovivCAN iv. .smfr,W I . Hand Embroidered Belt.
� - .
�� .. anisfi--the outkde. miahwere evidently in his employ. As . � - - -.1 11 I . Hand embroidered belts cost so
1 :,
� Still Time to Make It. to Nehemiah, he was steadfast, unmov- ;,�:8,.k.,*i i -.1*i` "'. ,i**�:
. - :�-,,�i..-�R 1 �.,?.,.,*."�.*.*�ii.,,..,�.,�.;'i� re so easy to
- ,;;.,,--.::,::;X�i
If you are still trying to think of A ...... ... % '.-.:.:::�;%::�1.:! - � I.."-.: : make that they are well worth taking
. able, abounding In the work of the I THE BIG OUTSIDE. .."....- �,,.,..
..". .',
tti�;1"!:::'. . up when one approachep the question
I I '1`1�1.1'.'�'. .
,,, ..
I 1�.`-
:;, ,,, " .,...,
I b that you can make for some one- I rd,kZw-ng that his labor *as not 1��-',,`;_`�Ii�.
Lo i ": i��,��;i-*,.'-'.�-..'�.--.i;�i:�if�.-'..*�i�i�;::.,:
v the :.".i., of what to give one's triends for
d .,!:��,�:".."i:".,�-�,:��.-,;,:,:�..�:,,;;;..,:j
I :X.... ...%:::::,..::�::.\.;!::::�;:,;;
.�,::::: ... :f�,,..;::..%,'i�i'.-..i���,.,'.'�.��."��;:;,.,:; .
It will have to be sometbing--at In he Lord (I Cor. xv, 58). A WONG the hundred million souls 11�1..., . ., , .
...",,.,�:i.�..'�".;,�.......�-,�;,.-....,.-..,I *-,'..i��.*--,:
.1 .... ,.*:i:!:,;..:, :
The flf� temptation was in the form — 'Whose names are on the census rollf :.:;:,.;S.::..:�,,�',.,%�,,,:�.�.',�,�?�r.:�',.'��,:i: .....
�,.: k1l.,.�N1., -.-��
I .. .11:,�. ..." �:�'.
I late day, that is soon put to- I of :11:�e; -1:1-.'�, -X-:1.1Z-: " ".. � . - -
, � ., - I -_ -
thpr, perhaps you can get a ,Talu- an op n letter by Samballat's serv- Who constitute the TT. S. A., .. -11�1
. R;��i_i;
The bib-, the little, wise and gay, : ��,�.i�'i!.' .1.
__1__1 le suggestion from the recent vogue ant, in which was written a report that The fat, the lean, the tall, the short I ; 0:::!:�.:� I., ,
, ; - ::i..1_..01.::
�!�i�i�il`-�. �'.. .. ."...'-.; -.,7.,-
I � r.pr things 9f tapestry or Silk Nehemiah and the Jews thought to And ones of every other,sort, , . I I '. -.11-1:.W4A1. ..�%!
I I - -1 . I I elpty - ,% ,,W,�,.,'Z,:-,;M� .. , ,
� � , 1- .� . �*I'il.,'.110� ,..�'. I -1,
, �� � - � :, �'. I.:
:- ,,�,
�� . i". Iv -
I.. � 11 . e� rebel and make Nehemiah king,' and 1IM few there axe to make a name i�..�.ii.-',.',�,',,'...,;.*,.*� ...X , �� .. .
-:1.1 ...
. :.� .. -
,, ,
� ,336kes and picture frames simply therefore they bad built the ,wall and And allp, Into the hall of famel i.',�ji',��i�". I t::%;."::$;j;:, :.t%: -:t--. �`:�%:.
� �asXoned of brocaded Sill,- or Poplin, appointed prophets to preach that lie -Iiii�,'..'.'�:� :::�?,.�Kl R,
- The choice. select and favored few ,. .*$.,:ii*:3" �,-'.'---��-g
..��g..i�;;; .,
1.:�.,�. ::,k.,�:;.
;**,' .
�u 61d blue, old rose, gold or soft green, was king in Jerusalem. Because these Get good position as their due. . . . . . . . .... ::i::�` . "
. � :::... iii�":,:.",
:. , ii% lii�r--��i�
. , - - -
.. � � ii� '.
grefinished with narrow gold braidor . .-.-.;Uz,.:.
things would be reported to the kin rhey write EL book, they pen a song,. � ..�., .,
9 1.i�'1?i;*,`
- '111*11",�.-'g'-'
They help soma worthy cause along, I .5'1.�11'Z`,.'..--. .... :
. . . . . . . ,1�'��
I emp. at Babylon he was invited to meet Invent a reaper or a press, -,;,�,*_ f;.-,�K: 'K�11�
.. 4 :-::"::,::�-:,
nese are dainty and distinctive and i these friends (?) and take counsel to- In some new way relieve distress d x-;...:,.��::::: iiij! i
. "'
I i .�::,��i - I
'-�"::�".,.: iiiiiiiiiiiiii; ... �j�;;ii..i!
:�;f_ . �:i��:::iij".i
rdr)k back to the French empire period- gether about the matter, for of course The populace their deeds acclaim' i1l"'..."11.1 iii�:
Td further ornament them an old it would grieve them to see such a And send them to the hall of famoo ', ::�.j:ji: ... "'. .ii.l...
��:z�ii��ii�i�i�����i�iiiiiii�������.-Ii..... ... 11 I....,
;aedalllon print may be cut and pasted good man as Nehemiah In any trou- ilat, ob, the big, unknown outsidej ���i ,..�� ..��
i!'�1_"1`�*..,.-":-ii,... i�ii�iffi::�:.",�:j� .�� `.i,., .
.:.:�..:"-:,.:.:,."��:;�.;�:.;.:::;:::;;Ij , i!��.�i
;:�i:�.:::i�.,i::!�:i::::�:.,.,i:,;.k�:��!9�i-;":,:;��:�'ii�,.:ii� ,L, �;:� ;�i.�
(0 the material, being framed with ble. The lie factory, under the super- The common people scattered wide, ��ii�i:ii�'li!��,.ii�,�:i.�."�.."...".,ii,i�,.�����g�'.","'.����.'.�i',�'.�ii���; ,". -1.
. � 11 ,�-,,. ,..i�.'.�,�.*..�',.�,..�.����..,.'.�.*:."",�,�*',*���".!"i;*..*.'�,'...�,*,',.-.'.'��:���.� __
_ " ,". , ...
_ "...
We braid. Intendence of the father of lies, ha Who have to trudge along without ��i",�iiii�,.�.�,.�;��'�i,o.,�i��?""";���i��.%,,��i.,�'..*.',..�,:�.;!i;.:..- k 1-:1 1-X.X.:-".Z::,R ,i, ��!��I'i,,:�!*",!i�i$ �'..
. s :�'�.*,,;:.',,.,;'���.:�:::�;:;:;,.::;P�: . ?1. ;:.1:X:1;�11, :
Encouragement or cheering shout, , _ . ... -*',i�,'iii���,�!�f"�-.�.""]���i.�.;r..'�� .
Lk picture frame of this sort would �,,.�f.,.-,�,,�*�:�,;*��';,�'e.,*'�.'�!�.,:,*""!i:ii� _1'�', --..,,�if��:.'��.i.,.n -�
—, . ;.:...,....,."..-.,-,-.-.;�,-;-;-;
been at work ever since the business '_..i�: 11 '..
.Who bear the burden of the day, I ;�.f"�T�i- ...;u I :�t�:�:���!�i,,*��.:!:��i!li,.�..,. ".
I be es ecially easy to make and for ,�,�ii�i�.gi..;.. � r....
P started in Eden so long agq, and every Who bridges build and taxes pay, �,'���,**,*:""",�:��."i��i.,,,,'�-i', : .i!!i!�il-;�,�.�;;i�
. �i�,.'..,.':iii!��i;",I�i.*.�,.���*,%��,��'.���,,�i��i�: 11
either a man or a woman would be child of God must expect to have some The world these house and clothe and fee4 .1-11-1 -- ... I
� I an acceptable gift. tumed out for his special benefit- And.in its battles fight and bleedl `, . t ..., . 1� . . . .1
� 1.
� A Gift Easily Made. alaty � mTheeir object at this time was to These are the ones Who swing the hoe, ' . . HAND ZMBROIDER9D RIB=
I Women. who like to make d, ak Nehemiah and the people afraid Who plow the ground and reap and sawt . I I 1; . . . '
. I things for their friends may be Inter- of being reported to the king and thus Who wield the hammer and the plain . ki�:- . � Christmas. The, belt: illusjr�ted: here
, I - .., I
I - Psted in the little gifts that one wom- I to weaken their hands. But Nehemiah And guide the living railroad train i��il.,-; . . . . . was of white - g I r , os . gral . a- . wasbable'i,i6-
� :::::: �
I And work at every useful thing . . . ... i ��;!;,.�::
I va Is making with those small books had no guilt on his conscience in this That peace and health and comfort bring,. - bon, adorned with gpray�s of follage.
of stamps which are issued by the matter and nothing to fear. He re- They do not make the hall of fame, . ... � "I'll, - . Belts of stamped llnen'are also liked
. ............. ��� . ii� ... .�i�iiii!.""�i."*�*.'��i��i.",r�'�i"."��i�'..'�.�'-���l.i� and may 'be embroidered In similar
;!::,._.1- " �j I i� ... :;i
govetriment and which are so useful turned answer, "There are no such But dmV by day they play the game. .;;� I:.. I
. i:-.,:'.,' ti .. .... 1,,;;�
.. to carry either when traveling or In things done as thou sayest, but thou . __ .I....'.N., : ... ;% n
��.::..... . 1. . style. The belts may be fl ished, v�ftfi
, . : , .. s I I
, 1,
....:::j:� .... :: .11 buckles, as expensive as one chooses.
. damp weather. feignest them out of tbine owa heart" i Sure Thing. .i:` ..." .. . . I �. I
.-w : ..5 1111'.� :
4 small case to made just a. trifle (verses 8, 0). So he trusted God to Sentimental One -No matter what it �:��*�.. : Wrappbd in tissue'paper and packed
'i. .
.. �;:, :::.
L :. �;: .;,*: ::: In a pretty box.,'Iied with Christmas
larger than the stamp book. This Is strengthen his hands. Adam was Is from a marriage to a murder, yoTi A :'� I I � .. �
I . I !1,':..i i�� , I
. lz�:, �
... : ribbons, they are useful and attrac-
� stlffene4 with cardboard, and the In- afraid and tried to hider from God will always finds a woman in It. 3,ii.". i�..A.. ,:
, .�:�!,�:i
idde Is AnIshed with an extra pocket- (Gen. iii, 3-0), but he was guilty. God Mere Man -Come to think of it, you .%.��._,� ...- �:::::.:.:.:-:�,:,;:::,:,:.:.:.:.;.;.:.;,:;:��! tive souvenirs. , . .
. , - i��: ::;.;*.".::"�;�:i:�::";.:,..,.;::::::::;::,:!..::::: . , .'.,!�!�i�el ";,
. �.� , .i:1.,!; ,i�-.,g I
" . e plebd to allow new books to to does not give His people a spirit of Will always find a man too. Ff��,' !:i;i;iiij*,*�!�ii:i?.'�"i��i��s - ..i!�M:.%1N..-NIX.: Quest Room Towels.
... . .��.,,,�-�.iil
, ".. . ...... .... . ��i�,� I
� 1�` �i��ii.-"!i!�.`,*",ii�*� The housewife will always welcome
I ".
I I .� in as the old ones are used. Thei fear (II Tim. 1, 7), and our Golden Text Sentimental One�Ohj_surely,. �11,rl.�., ' " '��'�
'..".. . ,iiii��,�i�i�� �' with delight handsomely embroidered
I eflaf used Is flowered ribbon, bpi should be the bold utterance of every Mere Man -And the woman usually. '�-',�*� ��i �;11'1.'-`-.'11' , r...::�:X'1'.:::::::
, I . M. `Z' ,;j:.1.::::
- -1
, �� a,� The illus-
I ,envin Idea could be worked out In believer. Even worse than these ene- makes a fool of him. i?"`i� ""...",, , _1 - ,.::;;','i, towels as a Christmas gift.
.I. I .--,..-1 ... I 4.
' .,� ;� . ,,.
I "s bf Plue piribroldered ligem . roles of Nehemialr were the false Sentimental One-Orwould if natut% I ;; , , .1 - _...:,. tration shows something particularly
I — prophets In the days of Jeremiah, hadalt beat him to it new and smart in towel designs.
. . ; ,
who in the name of the Lord 'Were - .- __ ___ __ - ., RAFFIA STRING BAG. These designs are carried out ' on a
� prophets of the deceit of their own fine--quallty of huck toweling. The
Suffeied With Ne[ve Tiouble licait speaking a vision of their own Im raffia cover, one, end of the twine be* little guest towel Is finished with a
I . JLP u r d o c k Ing allowed to hang out of the case, h,mstitebed hem, above which is a
� � heart, causing the people to err by so that a. length of string may be Pull- dainty design of pond lilies darned in
. ro their lies and by their � lightness (Jer. ed off without tangling the ball. The blue mercerized cotton, with the leaf
I I I Foi Two Yeal 01 xxiii, 16, 26, 32). What shall be said 'Blood 13itters twine ball case makes a good gift for and flower petals outlined with white
� . of the false, teachers of today who a man, who can hang it beside his I
, WAS 1XPOSSIBLE; FOR HM TO ,with all the increased light of the New CURES ALL thread.
I desk or on the wall of his room or The larger towel has a �.butterfly
L� SLEEP. Testament speak lies out of their own office. . motif mingled with a design worked
Mr. Chas. W. Wood, 31 Torrance heart in the name of the Lord"? What- SKIN DISEASINES Presente For Young Men.
, I I 5treet, Montreal, Que., writes:-" Por ever is not according 0 Scripture is a - An acceptable present Is a year's - - 0-
-two years I suffered with nerve trouble, lie. Any one troubled with any itching, Subscription for a magazine, but of .
e ."...........'......".... .
I And it was impossible for me to sleep. The next step of the enemy was to burning, irritating skin disease can plac course this can be ofr6red only when -K?.::: .::X..::..:$ ... :.. .:
full reliance. on Burdock Blood Bitters � *** ;:::;.:�.-.1., , .V:%
.. -
It did not matter what time I went to entice Nehemiah to meet them In the .1'...0,i*j','ff.:f,:,
:::.x-..!.,-�.,::x .
I.i.i.....'.:x:�'.....�' ";P.7'1.2i�
the man Is a relative or intimate I .:.:I.. ,�.%,
.A... ...,..
I bed, in the, morning I was even worse house of God and shut the doors of the to effect a cure, no matter what other I...:. , �i .,
I than the ,night before. I consulte I friend whose taste n literature to ...'�-. .:. I i*!�*i*,,��'
d a temple lest hp should be slain (verse remedies have failed. ?�M;::,, '4
. ...
� : doctor, and lie g,.ve me a tonic to It always builds tip the health and familiar to the giver. ... � ... .:�M '.*.,.
. �..�-,*.', -i�j�,.�...',�.*,i!i:i
I � But Nehemiah perceived that ) ; .. .... 1-;-:.;.::,.:.......�..,...;.,:.:,:.:.:...
4 half hour before going to bed. strength on the foundation of pure, rich Bound books, tocy, are usually ap- �x4i��,;,'.,Ii��,�.,,'�'.,�.�*!.'.,,i-.',,,',,'�i�;�..'�::.,::�;:i
, � this messenger was hired by Toblab ... �� , .;
"it wag all �jght fora, time, but the blood, and in consequence the cures it preclated, but Small books, such as .; 1.11.11- . . .......... N,
., � I ,old'ttouble .-turned with.greater force and Sanballat to make him afraid, so makes are of a permanent and lasting hotebooks, diaries, verse. books, ,etc., i;:ii;,i.�-�:::!:"",:i:.::�:�;;�,,.'�..'.�.�.T�'.�:::�.,:,.;::��:":.., :�� : .
.1 � than before. that they might have matter for an nature. are seldom used. Sometimes the note- *f:�r..�. i�f,.*,'i�� :
"One of the boys, who works with me, evil, report against him Nehemiah's Mrs. Richard Coutine, White Head, book Is a misfit for the pocket, and, : i�,:iil.'�i.*.*iii�'.*�-`- �il'-.111�.�X� � ;.
. me half a bo of Milb-arn's leart reply Is again brave and full of con- Que., writes--" I have been both *1'. :: " ; .......
I I : gave X I ered with again, not every man. keeps a diary- 111 ;:::::1;;::
. and Nerve Pills. I took them and 1 got fidence in God: "Should such a n1an as -It rlieum On my hands for two years, 11 reasons why this kind Is a risk to 7"Z- ��.:
. . I I':. such satisfaction that I got another box, and it itched so I did not know what to a "I'll I , . ..... . "::',2
. and it I could enjoy I flee? And who is there that, being ... ...... _...1.! 11,.:::-
, , 'before I finished i do. I triec: three doctors and even went Present. �
I , -would go Into the temple to to Montreal to the hospital without A leather framed calendar w
I Sleep from 10 p.m. .until 6 a.ni., and now as I am, Ill al -
1 I
� I �, L feel good." ,p I a savebis life? I -will not go In!' (verse Ing any relief. I was'advised to try
. I . I gett ways find a place on a man's desk.
I I , The price of Milburn's Heart and 11). So he handed Toblah and Sanbal- P,uiciock Blood Bitters, so I got three A fountain pen should only. be given VAIWoowmr winnommmD Tovwrnr,
I .1 . 11, I I Nerve Pills is 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes (at and the Prophetess Noadiah and bottles, and before I had the second used nor knows exactly the I
for $1.25. They are for, sale at all 411 the rest of his enemies over to I found a big cliwigq; now to -day I am � la white cotton. Yellow mercerized
� '' . tlealers� or will be mailed direct on Idnd the recipient likes.. Wbd same s used to work the butterflies.'
I ,00d, (verse 14). See in verses 17-10 cured." I . cotton I
. � teceipt of price by The T. Milburn Coq Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured may be said of a camora, as thd ma A pretty buttonhole w1t4 a do� In each
, ,
.., . �', "
, I
I l'imited, Toronto, Oat , , oW romir of the nobles In, Judah were by The T. Milburti Co,, Limited, WRY Of Man 10fOr -to klelqq4 ;,,,; 110P ado2s * ftds of A1.
i6aga h , -
� .".— , mode, i th Tobla ,*,. bypocrit,ea and Tolltylaw, OnL ilia and make thay, Hko Wt* " I . "' It" .
I . . 11
I . , ` V , � � .... 17� . �_ . I
. it . 1. . . N
� ,r,,,� �. � M� 4 , . - . ,,, .____.. .
I � i, , �1"_-�, , � I I .1 .-.-� I ., _......_ . - I . I
. �
I I I I I . 14. I .
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I . I.
� "I'�ll.�'ll""I'll.�,�,�'ll""Ilitillitiliti!llllllltllillllililj(litilItliIIIA��, 1� Allk ' I
! _ For Infants and
� . I I 1.11...�11.1 U 1 N,.�� - . -----.-.--,- Obildren. ,
I. ... I— - __ .
, __ ___ - I
., - I
. = = � �_ =
� = = = =
I = - = - .
! = = = ,
- = = -,
I = = :9 The Kind You Have
. = = = F
: = -
: _. . �
i_....... -
a ....... �nm .... to ... ituffinitmipu .... �J� ............. I ... I Always Bought
" .. ..... � .............. . I
.&VegetablePreparationforAs- -
stilifiating WbodandRe, ala� -
tqtheS&&&scndBowe. of ,-
11 ! � Bears the/
iM , i I
) . 3 1 �t,`
. �
Ill _- .. Signature . �
IProm0,-sD1&sl`iq,n Cheerful- a y:
fless andReswontains nefther
I Onium Morphine, wr ITinual. of a 1,
, I
Ji!n7,W1r1;t Seri -
,0.1'flas.L -
/n�ra Scod 0 �
. Arwrnxt',��,-
1*M Xc4d -
1 �4 X -Or., .,
�114--, .. ..
Aperfect Reinedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stonach,Diarrhdea.
nesswidLossor SLEEP.
! a
" , L ,, 0 1 rl
I - t -
9 Use
For Over
. racz�lnutc 11 gnaturc o I
� 47-1'/_11 , �101=__�V- Thirty hars
6 I
- kb%\A%__ � �'991 OCRTAU" COMPANY, N --W YORK Orr1r.
. I . lHornemado Christmas Cards.
Vhy not make Christmas carda for.
� your friend's Christmas. gift? I
8DUDGIR COMFORT. , !rake a sheet of any pretty writiog
Just the Offering For Tired Business paper and draw a square the size bi vi
Girls. ' I small ,visiting card at the head, palht-
f Ing a dainty view Inside, or, If ita-
Comfort for tired feet Is suggested sired, paste one in. Then below, print
by the dainty bedroom slippers or ' carefully Christmas greetings arid your,
mules photographed here. Just why friend!s name and address, delteltw, " )
I- — . coloring the capital letters. "
it is nice to make the envelope 4, �
.1 .... I
::: , match
,. : ,.; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. s:'.. There are any number of different
.. _.11
7;., :: - .'"', I
11 .......... . � ."",..-.,.....,.-'.-'.-'�,�,�l..'.-"""""",::.
,� . ........, designs for these, conventional and
:: ii',�,�i""...'��,�."�i!i��.-,-'i�,,,,
".'.'.'.'..'...�,,�.i,'�,-'.-.��:.,.,.��i�ii!i -,-I�i�,`-..�i
:���'.�'.�,�,,���ii,'-",'.�.-��.'�,',.i����i::ii���,�..-ii��i�.,,�'.i�,ii��:, otherwise, and the water color ,work
1'��i`� `i��.
III, -11..`� .1'1��.Rll'-`--'� �! ; .�-�iiii�,-�
.,�,. '. ".:
. .:.. 40
I M..�",.",�,��,��.'..,�,11,11.�l::..... , may be quite simple. I
Johnny Was a Philosopher.
I- - I'll , _;W__1
.1 SIM -*� '119-'11.
I I .
. . �
E I I .
I I .
the name "mules- should be applied to
this form of footwear it Is hard to tell, :
because It Is something of a mishomer -
for such artistic vi-pations. 1 .
Those pictured here have the soles
eovered with'ottoman silk and the up- .
pers roade of Dresden silk sbirred over /no . "
. 00im-Rio
elastic cords. The lamb's wool soles ! �
sold .in the sbops aiionid be used as Now, Johnny, you must be good!" '
the foundatious for We mutes. They � "Aw, you don't want me to be goocl,
may be covered with several thick- maw." I
nesses of muslin and within with lotto- d'yes, I do, Johnny."
Inan silk. j " 'Taln't healthy." A
. �
If the padded effect is not cared for "Healthy?" 4,-v,
cbe silk may be put on directly over "Naw. The good the young.1v 3 __�
. .
tMe soles. . �
. I
-.,.. . . �
. ....I. ----------,. . - ___ _____
_T>=-X_-rqe "WocxLZ Mcm:r3r-.V ?
91% .
. EF'S
Statements made by padents taidug the New Method TreatmenL They know it,Cures
. . I I
I W- No Names or Tesjimonials used without'written consent . I
"The spots are all started treatment:—Age 21, single, In -
Patient No. 16474. Case'No. 10888. SYmptoms when he
gone from xny legs and arms and I feei dulged In immoral habits several,years,
good now. I am very grateful to you Varicose Veins on both tides—pimples
and shall never forget the kavor your on the face, etc. After two months'
medicines have done for me. You can treatment he writes as tol loAvs:—, 'Your
use my name in recommending It to welcome letter to hand and am very
any sufferer. I am going to get mar- glad to say thdt I think myself curecl.
ried soon, Thanking you once more, My Varicose Veins have ComPletely dio-
etc." appeared for quite a while and It seems
I a cure. I work harder and feel less
tired. I have no desire for that habit
SAVS TWO MONTHS CURED EM. whatever and It I staY like th1s, wh1ch ,
I h1ve ery reason to believe I will.
g You fo
Patient No. 16765. Age 23. Single. Thankiney r your kind attention,"
indulged In immoral haits 4 years. De- etc. "A
posit In urine and drains at night.
'Varicose Veins on both stdes, paIns In GAINED 14 POVINDS IN ONE AJO�NTIIL
baek ' weak sexually. He writes --11X Fatient No. 13522. This pationt (aged
received your letter of recent date and 68) had a ohronic case of NeKvous Do -
I. reply I am pleased to say that after 111ty and Sekual weakness and was run
taking two nionths' treatment I would down In yfgor and vitality. After one
consIder myself letely curbd, as I month's' trea,tment he reports as fol-
bave seen no = Of them coming lows:—"X am feelffig very well. I haxe
back (one year). gained 14 pounds In one month, so that
I ivill have to congratulate You." Later
I ,gort:-11 am beginning to feel more
0 a' man, I feel my enndition Is
Patient No. 15923. "I have not had getting better evevy week." His last re- .
a regular Emission I don't know when Poft:—"Detir Doctor$—As I feel this to
and am feeling fine, The world seems the last montli's treatment that I ,%Vill
have to get, I thought at one time I ,
altogether different to me and I thanic would never bo cured but I Put con.
God for directing 2fie to you, You have f1dence In you from the staft and you
been an honest doctor with me." have cured me.,,
Peculiar to Men_
CONSULTATION FREE. BOOK." 1'4ME. V unable W call writo for a Oucakion
Blank for Home Treatineid. . . I , I
All 100--s from CanAdd mutt be nddteheed to our Cati.
WNOTICEadinr. ��'vrressiondezkce Depotiment asi followit:
J,fLWL1 a in A,'" � .1
1%r.1 L L4J"
DRS'14 mnE . T & NNEDY
Cor. M,14igaa Ave. and Grim"
.. I . I old Sto, ID'etrMit, Mich.'
r I,. , . I . I . � , 1 . I ., I
. I . 1;�, I I . I � � . I I I "I I I � I, � I I . f I 1, � , � I I � I
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. I I I � . . I r, I I � , , I : ,� � o : r �`., �' ' ' " , �L� ,,�' �`� - ��,, ,.. - -1-b-1-1-'1_ 4W.— I - , i i . — , -, �,__ !". .... Z-1 _-, , _ . .1. �N' " L" " " �___: �'LL ,... � I ... 11 � 11 - I 11.1 .1 I .11 ' " L'
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