HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-7, Page 1,
Air �3rusbes ��.
„ _
seful . lfts "VD 3 carry, a
Make Ver Al � , 4 , •
e t o bristle goods.
,'p$'x�' large a,ssortTn n f . , , � �'` d` .. � a�• �' `1 ,. •
�CtAirr, f�latTq: Rat,: Bonnett, Military,. Tooth
Bath Brushes. All the lates.k
Rail and t de.
,gIggs, Alsa in fancy boseq we can save
l �� ' J 4: �;g'.0.4tE M1G o 'S��
you money. Choose QUIT,
COLE ,S I)tZU('ll
Reasonable prices
STORE m .Llx'l 1 & Middlesex �raget`ite
4'aTi 1rV FTM -TTH YEAR --N0
"E.A f1H11 ,
os and ail otherei wo,0001107.40-
%l in Xmas booklets sus x91110 IoR
distribution sh'Quid see xs Vv1th-
Beautiful art sub1ects za e► V A#
t quality, At reasonable, pricese
n s�
name printed on,tlleki�..
cards . ookiets skid oto, eto, `
Cole's Drugstor r
x•ouper year in advance a
• n P. C. C• Pop'ackmat
1ebo>rne Coo
Exeter CoCnncX
(Coanpil met Bee, 2nd. All the
Council met at the lTotvn Hall on ,meiuheraa were present. The minutes
Presented with Jew..
Friday evening Doamber 1,st, lth4 of- the .last mer;ting t�eT'e read and& -`MAY
ip members were all preset, Min4tes ONLY
of the last me,#ing were reit'% :and 1'ppy-law oto. G, 1911, ,tprovlding fox 1�n Monday xtighit the ) ret x EA.
JO' approved. � Nomination and rylection. as , ..below,
eampment No. ,33, x. (Y, q.: T`. was,
7'he following accounts Iyer t read 1•wpA road, passed ane ei; pled by* th!'a honored with a visit from fthe Grand
and passed on Tngtoa of Lever and Reeve and. Clerk. ,. ,. Encampment `officers when Past '
-. Pt`s® 32 ..: Wolper;-T,rChristie, boxxowd mon- Nomination meeting at title Town,
ey, print $500.001. lat. 10:9'1&; Geo,. I ftp Rail, Eliniv lle 'cal,. rxii.day Dec. Grand Patriarch E. J. Spackman was
Mantle coal N. E,: Fire Flan 25,55; !22nd( .at one o clock in the aflternoari presented with. a P. G. P. Jewel'.
Connor Machine ;Co, ac water }works, If more than the regkiired number. The fallowing officers vara 4lresent.
20.40; .Electric Light CO, ac ,109,00,, of candidates are nominatt�ed, -polls Grand Chief Patriarch Thompson, of
Spackman 1.0:28; R: G. Seldon, Gement, will be held from 0 a• m• to .5p,m•. Windsor;, Grand High, Priest Ciapp
22,20;E. Treble ae.l�,.80;,We�leySnell, chi Monday the first day aG January and Grapd Warden Graham, of Tor-
water works '2,80; Mutual. Life ' of Xg12, as follows-- onto Grand Masher Z'oplestona, of 5
�� Canada. lat., R. 'v. 1 Tp, `Hall, ElimVilte, 7ame,s Blyth, Grand Secretary Brooks,
ST M A S S H R,'; Debentures 9., ire,4
CHIDI Ca a Da ,
N, Firemen $Ot.O.O; South F., FirM� R.- 0., Georgi Soilatt Grand Mars1na Cxoaker and. Fast
Heywood,. o ei I2, Grand Chief patriarch tapackmau, of
men 230.00; F. jW< Gladman Flower Poll clerk. .
• j Hiv, h2. Otl6, N. 'Il. R•;, G. CornWihs Toronto: To Sell A
la -
Will 1110 :Us !ice �a ' (Y,t1 .�j for. bulbs cemetery v".7u, V.50Sne•11' labor
q 1.50; Wm. Creech do 1':50; ,�. Brock
Its ti milk: 1:00 `house, Dia Dew 7?.:R, O ,Hal: Brown Eight candidates were rec'eivGd o
- do 7.75 ; John Scott s >l13 ]'ell Clerk. f of being put the
he ,order, th'e work
T. Flawkins & Son: 6.70; total' 11'5.4.21 . - • ljiv . 0,',,ob S lair a,; Cort, 110, WI• by the Grand Officers assisted by
Commu ilcation was read from the H, P,enwarden's house. `J', Washburn local members: After the degrees
Pre e.rlts Hon. Adam Beck.oiiairman of ;I the D. R. O:,`Hugo Tierry, Polt Clerk•E lbad been .conferred all, repaired to
- ; Hydro-Electrio.:Power Commission as piv. l4; Ha11 I'arquhar, John Duncan' the dining -room of the Commercial
follows— If possible I will be li:leas� Jr•, H• Rr, Or,' Amos Francis, Ppll Hotel waleae tiu oxoellent banquet vas
ed to address a Int
on; tithe, Hydro- r host's Xewell,
p clerk, prepared by milia h
Electric quesition it a later daite ;,but The report of tli'e Chairman of E.ha After 'the banqu,ait the members.
,. as T have ever - t venaag;engalg?d for
• ed , to iEJv4 ball whexi Kdva
aw on
We are shoWln a. Beautiful Lot of pretty and usef� 1 articles fol this Season. Board of Health was. approved and again repaired _
g . p the'coming two weeks I cannot say the account of the .Board for services P. G. G, P. ' jewel was presented to
Lean think of Is here. SHOP EARLY. It •is. Ahs best way and when, I hill be able ito g1Fa you d e ewes $9c50 was 1?a d tit> the Bro. E , To. Spackman, a member of
;. ^
Almost allj�tlllllg` ed Ca h X a .meeting." Secretary for disitribation Encampment No, '83. but aiow resin,
you wont be rushed the last few day's, Rye-La1v No. IG calling for public • , - .. , ;., k A large number of • accounts_ were" ing in Toronto. The presentation
■ ` meeting . of the electors of the :mun passed and orders issaed in payment. was made by Grand Chief Patriarch
'¢ls° , .:: ipality for the purpose; -of rehomina`t` Council thehj adjourned to m�eleYt on Thompson, who in befitting remarks
Here is a Few •of the Many Useful G i ing a peeve, Councillors. and public ,
Dec.hool trustees for �th�. y+ ax 1.12 Yeas �
D c. 15 Cie k, man n the Orde1' and spoloa in referred to the career ro. Spa
low- .
.' ! . read the`'neecssary number of +times ng terms of ,his dntezxa<rt and unfit
ORLe o
ridgy �; � EY 0a,
! B a one ' ..
Ladies Warm. . FurS �adiies Winter,Coats:; ., and finally passed on motion of Riv- + ORN ing efforts during the years he has
erg .seconded 1�y Day. been, caimeeted with the 1. '0. o• F
FLICK—At Bronson Line Hay, on
- - P esenti' for env Lad Nothing better than agood Fur -lined or Cloth— '• Day. and, Waiper ;that (the elicit MNov::. 25th to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred It afforded -him much pleasure in -
A good and:. Warm r y
Muffs Stoles Throws in all kinds of Furs. Coat. They are all reduced to genas Prices. " write tthe G: T. Y 'Rahway Ca• Wick' 'a son, presenting the. Jewell, St
' sidling from the station to Harveys HOTHAN—In Delewara on November Bro. Spackman in his usual ready
mill: Carried. 23rd to Mx: and Mrs: Edward Hoi- manner made a very fitting reply es-
Leven and Rivers `that (the, clerk
than, (nee Miss Sarah Davis) a: son. Pressing his appreciation of the hon-
correspond with Wallaceburg' Sugar or done. him. It was Bro. Spackmanys
Beet Co. with a IF 4o .getting WESTLAKE —• In Us�borne, on wish, when he learned that he was
Sweater Coats Fanc Handkerchiefs Hated. Bags here. 2Car�' Thursday :Nov., !30th to Mr. and �?
J them to laca'te;a faatorY Mrs: Hy: Westlake, a sobM 1 to receive this Jewell, that hes5ouid !
s Men or Boys 100 different; Designs and Patterns Areal nice lot of Ladies red. t % r receive it in hta, homie lodge that they
For. Ladies, Girls. y Hand Bags and Satchels in , ELLERINGTON—In Lpboxne�. on Fri -
all kinds of Colors and Styles. to choose f1.om. Buy YOUR Xmae g ., Levett and. Wal>r ,that 1Eh� R� eve day. 7lecember lst, .to Councillor they might share wuth him thus 'pleas
c Handkerchiefs here. .Leather or Velyet $1 up.- .an,> Mr. Rivers i= t rvieew Mr. Fitton I tire. ' •
re Town Clock. x1. xi d. Fred and Mrs. Ellerin, a sou. After Bro. Spackman.% remarks.. : We are g1Vln .crac'k�
!:' Rivers and Day :hat'we advertise: MAIRRIED y con.-
Ms and G1OVeS Chief Patriarch J, G. S'tanbur
itt �+ q Children s. Purses for tenders for the sale of ice o:a pond .$LINTER—PERKINS - Tn Ulaboxne veyed to 1>im ,thee iheai°ty congratu� . °
Fancy Hat. Pins contractor must l cctect all openings oh Wodr_esday. Dac 6th, Florence, lationa of the local order ani spoke Ing' big
bargains in -
We have them in all kinds and col- Y They are very useful for. the The highest ov a•t y •tendim 'not neo- ' ay daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ja
Lon Wool Mitts and Gloves nice gift. We have a lot of little folks and ver daint �� ders to be ilx to Mr, William Isopter of the love aril affection in which en ;
ors. g Make a zc g y y essarily accepted. :Sen N. Perkins, had always been held by the brethren y.
and short Kid, Mocha, Cashmere and Beautea.at 25c, 50c and 75e for 25 cents each. the bands of the cLeric'mott later !than Men's"an dBoy S Cloth
Suede. Dh};D, Inspiring addresses ware alsn given■
the 15th ins(t, 'Cariied.: gODGINS-Ori Nov. 22nd, at her home by the other •grand. officers. -
: Day that we adjourn, to 'the 15'th, Clandeboye. Mrs: BurItgh Hod- The meeting broke; up at a late _ •
µ Pins & Brooches
Fancy Waists Fancy Belts & Gotubs T. > • cru NG, cier>c.. r
.� � i � Ing, and FurntShings,
yWe have an excellent Lot gins, aged 2Z years. boon
Goo Ladies in Silk or Net A good yaTiety to. pick from and of Beauty Pins and Brooches, ( - .— -_--
For the G rices from 15c to 75c. at 10c, 15c, 2nc, 501 and 75c,. Locals �^
in all the best colors. P f?T �1 \(� P Mofleo uSpecial sale of dolls 3aturdag, at � f - f �jhl V
1 y}
Pawellys Bazaar.
Mr. T. E. Handford left on i9 e ---y i
• •
for. a trip to Chicago: .� �n Vm2c PPI),un-ft
Millinery at 11 elf'° rlC+e ..��. , . _ .
-A and Mrs. G: Bnbier, and child-
t he Whitney Y Govern
Model. - relent has not. only de-
I the
- l,ni,�Trr.,,T: mmoc axicl ntrimmed Hats to be closed out at RALF PRICE
ren of`I3eigra*e visited Sunday and,
Monday 'w�; �zr. a;la TMrs. J- s:
school :System, but has also Worked
a great injury to the poor soli'olar,
o nations were it
Nominations h� E. 1Zeg
on. Monday when Mx Zeller, of
'uxicli and Mr. H. Etlber, • 6f C edi-
to take up teaching. 'ihere•are at
Ask for `special ' Prices for Christmas Poultry. See ou"r
tan were tip a e -s ante .: --
V'.0�17. I takes place next
n --
the Pcbvince, that are beim taught
t permit mo to lace
�paCe will no p p
l S A Ies tit u in"Bushel Boxes
Government • packed: •No• Py : pp P P
>Mr G.; . C,asaday, of Wanhon, l
2. The: Fripp Bill, allolving mun-
�, 75: Hox.
Iowa. relative of fha 4atla J. A; 1VIoni
B. A... visited at +tiro home of
at er
Mrs. Monroe Andrew street, , ove.V
Sunday. r. Cassady is electrical an-
should have been allowed, to become
pincer for the Missouri Iron Co. Mrs.
Monroe and Mr. Cassady leave this
week to visit at 'Fertolia, Sarnta,
•and Rochester.
s Jones � �
• 7•...
Mr. H::. Rundle of the Tharaas. Road
this reform megsure, buti-Premier'
i. ad,-
Whitney steadfastly refuseg to pass
last week'moved into ithe residence of
this legislation,
to sm+-
�.—� -- --
the late Wm: B.a.%volen. 'Mrs: 'Baw-
den moved into, the residence on,
Main 'street recently :vaca-bed • by
Mr. John Snell; Mr, Snell having
Owned by TrankLines. Ow -
11 For
Serylces Appreciat, d
P � 1P N T SEvery
moved iota the rasr T.
d f Mr T E. Handford
Fancy Mufflers 25c
25c Neckties for` 45c.a
50c for 35cx
$1.25 -Gloves for 85c
$1,50 Gloves for $1.00
bed !rhe
followfn resolu.1aixwas. pass- purchase tom. F
Sensible y ed and presorted do -P •-and Mrs Andrew strut. Y "a
Asa'Gordgn at their closirib me `tinge A DesMoines man had' an`iattack, of Z� t12e �LeatoY'.S' of�.150Zlith Bmron
oij.96mAd eve_ning.• erg a
muscular rheumatism it his shoulder (ae12�Z879LG72� Men's toe Rubbers t
Skates for l�Oys 7ltoved 'by the Rev Richard Hobbs A. friend advised him to lgo to'. l a't M
and seconded by the Rev4 A G. springs That meant an eapznae •. of As the Liberal Candidate of this all connecting lines should be
Powell,,and supported by tth Quar- 1.50.00 or. more He- sought for ;w 50c air
ii,1S • " T N 'terly; fficial Boardst and merrier-, quicker and cheap'r way to. luxe , Appeal to You hiding, .I appeal owned and controlled by the Pro- _
and G ship of 'both Main St. and. Fames W. and found it in' Chamberlain's Lin to you, irrespect- -Vince
Methodist churches, Exeter, Ont., iment Threw , da.ys. after the first Irrespective ive of party, for `
a 1, sizes- a.....: - - -�.� - • 4: The abolition of the Three enl� fleece lined
The best makes and afl �•sizes � That the desire to place on record application of this lbnimen!t he was of Party your support. It
00 ex .,1 ,1 .t i ;' ` - our very high appxeeiatiou of tlis . well. For sale' by all dtealers. he Fifths clause in the Local Option • •
fro►u 50c to.. $5. P will be in the best' interests of t
ticks 10 to 25cts, Wiss Sokeprs and Shears 60cts. per_pair• valuable services conducted by Asa, Fingers Chrushed—On Tuesday Majoriry Rile Act. Majority Shirts 3 for $1.00
oekey packs pdct : kled Shears 60cts per air. Gordon,K. 'C., of Ottawa, and his les- p x, -C, H. ,Sanders, editor of Province- to elect a numerically'
ockey, sticks.l0 to a, ran He �, p p morning
'- ted Smssors 2acts: er air: finable wife, Mrs: Gordon, We ars dvocate .had .th? "misfortune lto trop era ositioTi than the Whit is Rule is 13xitish
_-,..,..�....,. . �T suck , p p the A s g pp Justice and Fair' �a knell Collar$ for 25c
,r free to saY` 1tat such a worthy couple jet three fingers of ,his l.ed"t hand u
s.• �' .r -ti �iiith, such gifts and gra.Gep has never 7 res.. The ney Government has had in tfie Britishd Justice Play. The prey -
i3 ,... . crushed in a printing p
Hitherto apppa.red to us. . It is very b and index finger alone escaped }past. Y hillbriefly set before you ent system of administrating the
- B1SSels them
• « evident that the source of their, min- ' .Sanders `vas printing ballots Ind some of the measures of Progressive / 5c' Caps for 5�c.
: 1 ,; Mr. License Law is out-of-date, and
• , 4
is.try tortes from.Heaven; as was that :whet a shut became displaced he.. Legislation,, which the Liberal
steps should be taken to dace the
e',,,i G1InS a'nd Rifles• wGran:d.. of.th'e A ostle Pana, wh:o declared to +�
e « grabbed for it. A ring .he was w,:aa• Paxty,will bring, forward at the
l�, 1 at
, in caught 'in a stria; and he: vas, �i attire, same tinder..the control ttn Inde- �j2.0 Oi' 1.2
the Gal.atlans— $tit I certify you �. � S
,.. .x ,. ((� brethren, - that the gospel that was ,unable; to 'extricate his hand in• timidF first session of the new Legislature.
22 (7x1, Rifies•'tS2.T5 "-�i _
Rapid ! preached of me is •not after man; ve't:: We sympathize-withBrer pendent Comnussion. rq
>tx,► . I . ... _t _- to save t ..__I___ 1_ R,Achma,tion of 'the County , _. _„ 1. _ -----' ---.__ 1Tillhi°P.�1mie A 0$'
A Treat—The +amo
__ I revelation of Jesus Christ.,, Hence
the beading .
triges & shells everything in@qqt@ biles -Singers
.. NL.15_I�tD�,S�
the gospel, as nroclaimad. by Mr: Gox- concert-,Conipa$y of °AF?erica
`uniti'nfor the Sportsman, don and communicated to uj,tby 1VIrs: silting' df eight �rCat artF��ts
iniL•a 1: 131 1, R,, d-
• • Gordon an h,.r ins h a
_ aivd an entertainmaxit ui .con
Pocket knives 5 to 25c, + , Ings has come to us not in word
"but, also in power and in. the Efoly with James s Wednesday evening
;qlt I church .on Wen y
ea rack Knives Go.50c, ���,' •- � sant;{gl�, �� a�,,, Ghost; and in, rntieh assurance. We , ,,rel public, th
II. yy wveek. Ths' gleno ,
i+, cy�ai� °, : � . � need- not t�.11. 3 ou, Mr. Gordon, that d the pulpit all loan. 1n cine
Pen knives 25 to 45e. y _ your profession.. as a lawyer, and an
' and. unanimous verdict in ipr
Xin.gs ' Cpunsrl is: a high and honor -
Razors 75c to. $2,00. in •''this company unsur,d sec
j ;' able, and with your success, s lucre- b 'n the most rafln, d fast
; IRs . tive profession. blit God ,has called pleasing
' Safet razors is1.00 to $5:4'0 ( � i, � 1, company' is making a, tour of
y you to the .highest of all callings,
.+ am .Cntario and no one. shot
Oil let Blades $1,00 per sec. - Y �1lOttl'; dalraely an anat,,ssador of Christ, to, •to he
them, Admis'siop, `25t
4i .a"�Q�l�i]' itegLach,zien in the ,,room an in the
£aha itl soap 10 to25ets. Q7aa V "'�''o slfdai'l,6f`.•C.bxtst. f;o becom.z.reconeiled•
y g
y t
r•:, A TE
cts The. Best.Nickled, fluted Sad frons.•'froan fo �o�,,�hnd`certainly you.,r embassy 1':tJBLIC GUAR N
Razor Hones 50 , $1,20 per set up is a;' vet.y successful one.. and • aSo- you .
pie tloixtg..it all without .money'dnd We are authorized by Ithe l
tvith.out price; the •atrrnal tveigh't of erg to guarantee 't.hat �VOY
•: "tor:: shall ,be your reward, who, during the month of Dr
i�der same of our Chestnut Stoves and E ;n .•. .•, ,.. • • t
KeepWaY'IYr O far,,Ml .Gordon, our',feeli>�g is pays a years subscription
stock. Prompt deYlvei' Dr; Talma e who , 'l herald and .Weekly
good Olean coal p y mixeh lure t>aat a� ,. a rains Y
ex6aiine l; .pn ona occasion, "Give, me Montreal, will receive. a copy
hand .Rayl .es in . b'tock. ti lx inured ;t�hoebe Palmers, • and I valuable premum picture', 't
A few good second,. ,' : _ ,;• in" The Vamily
• ., ' ire Again" Weekly Star's subsoripti
• wi .1: s2ve . Ailierica . So tvrr f.�a+nl to IIb
Crclrrslti With
our smaller ipo�0ulaitkon rind W C _ Y
• .. , , _ s: • U do s 1n November were ,00 p
ttvc us a dozen Mrs. Q..n • vx us. ccipt 1910, almost
' and (ar'idkr .iyill be taavcd:. over November .
HARDWA E xE . -hi
ic'ture which
: Ma our vel _ust.ful .hv,.sl�e apart owing to the; pi,
y y y
, ave �c
hu ittc
d b. a
11. lvino li h
b� s o c m y
d n. r o s ih c x h
S f m a, t b�AMAN e .or a vc �
� and the 'world with Ynur ab1u�. Yninis- ltie the best premium ever g1V.
. . , -.. .
_ tratian.a is
the earnest prayer: 'of to; a, newspaper. Those who fai
i' « •' host of, your Exeter I!'rimds. care h copy will, have „themsll
• :'. 4• • ...•.. -
............� . blame. The Family Hvrali
y if, , You .aro troubled'lwith ,ahroaiic Weekly Star and such a b
C"ihx �xian 0 Cit�ld o� g✓ „ 5 .. - Ssu
✓Y dollar,
t 11f
of etre i
d and tl� ctu e a
Ithe m11 a d C'xq 1 r
t t Oki h f
Pd :i a i
kr,9 � p
k FLETC � S . ,
�0 H R . �
�.� '' ,, o nazi of ,
. �Q� F�.EYt�� "• Poets. of Ch'amberla.n s'T.abl�ts raalres valor. that no pets n •
y w ,+.y diem e wcitaity suifwd eta your Pam,riiiss it. The picture ,Is give:
For Bate by all dealers." r'1
: 1 t4 1Cne�Va1 dThdn�.ry sabsc
�. s .. ^r ie erdw•. ',tl,.0.Y' �—. ,..,—., j.riGeu.� ' .,;,:... , .• ,, ..ra.. Km-
of these'schools,
t he Whitney Y Govern
Model. - relent has not. only de-
I the
$schools moralized the Public
school :System, but has also Worked
a great injury to the poor soli'olar,
who under present conditions is
often -unable, for financial reasons,'
to take up teaching. 'ihere•are at
present ovor a thousand schools in
the Pcbvince, that are beim taught
t permit mo to lace
�paCe will no p p
by teachers without certificates.
other1? rogressive measures,outlined
2. The: Fripp Bill, allolving mun-
icipalities to adapt, on a majority
Tax vote, the system of tax-
ing lands at a. higher
Reform ratty than 'buildings
1r of
should have been allowed, to become
lacy, . over 800 municipalities and',
have et,
about 200 newspapers aa petition-
ed the Whitney governmen t to pass
this reform megsure, buti-Premier'
i. ad,-
Whitney steadfastly refuseg to pass
It !too
this legislation,
to sm+-
8. Provisional Owned, Telephoiae
es to
Owned by TrankLines. Ow -
ing to• ' the• rapid
the Province . ino£ ll� Llnl -
: rare,
cipallyowned Telephone systems,
v. Mid
.•A: •wIJ. Mkl
is x{
erg areo nen oY tine CLOv1nUei 4
Hydro - flat, rate should aY
Sweaters $1,25, 1 2 5
to all power users..
EIectric• Under present condit-
Power ions, all the large
(''' u.
vercaats and S�i�ts ,
manufaturing concerns will even-
tually have to locate close to the
at One Third off the `
source•`ofp ower in order to- plade
themselves on an equal' footing
•with those rn6tefavorhbly located,
e¢Itlal• Price.iD e
Itleetric power will cosh close to
. er h , in Ituron, While
bear the Falls the cost is less than
a �C 1� yo O� a
the Chea s
� L1oQ� wo
t permit mo to lace
�paCe will no p p
other1? rogressive measures,outlined
, ha e. C e d e
�` olll. �� Qr
YOiiR` VOTE, the .Liberal
plan orm, before
and . you, but if Vie
INF LUENC +'foego g app r in' emis
toy ou as being in the best itzte> ests
d iIs QdS
l w e Stand,
of the ' Province as a, whole• and
south Trocarkn particulari, ask
for your vote an& nfluence on
The. Exeter 1ldrga ,
Decernbex.l Yth.
- Xours respet;t£uil�+,
^ ,
v. Mid
.•A: •wIJ. Mkl
is x{