HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-30, Page 7. - I ' I I 1-1 I �
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,: � ?XUU,USDAY� Nov., 30th 1911
$,,`� , ,
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4q+++++ -1.q ...... IV v,4,v"', I .. . I
�,Wk, t Liveryo$l and Chicago Wheat Future$
a . 10 , ,
XF 00"010 . lot : ! e Higher Live Stock -
,IlI , 111-
I I nt; Molson's Bank � ! Latest Quotatigns.
. . . : CHIC 0, Nov. 24, -Doubt as to
, , 4 incorporated 1865 " # VhAt Wqipi be the outcome of the Ax�
I t
..,�` i,CAPITAL (paid up) .... ... � .... .... -1 ,14 000,00-0-00 I ? I gq�tjiRq Wt,Vest made the wheat m6r-
,_ I 4b t . o-qay 661dedly sensitive, but left
� RESERVE FUND .... .... .... # ,.,. $4,600,000-00 .. 'I) a "
rices " the last practically the same
, . .... $44,000,000.0.0 di 94 Aurs b68�e. Final sales varIO4
I Has 83,Branches in Canada and Agents -and Correspondents in all + from 14c, off to k shade advance, OtheX
i ' 4- leading staples -all showed a ilet 0�
I the principal Cities in the World. +
I.N. � . + clino, corn 84o to 1-2c to 5-8c; oate, 1-4c
I ,
� + I t6 3-8e to 3-8c, and provisions 5r) to
, , � A General Bankino Business Tramacted
IT, + The Liverpool market Closed to -d "
'# 14; t to %a, hIghei than yesterday on Vr,_,,,�,
' Savings Bank Department r an4 4<1 11100r on cQrn. Antwep olo il e
* I +
1,11,11, . + unohafi�d at, Berliji. %6 big o -
I B d �08t I/ r %d tolgjE
,+ ' + I 1,
. At all Branches. Interes allowed at Righe Current Rates, loU a ,i.c lo%v r, and Paris 1/0 to ,
, + W� .
. I
. Dickson & Carling, Solicitorst. N D HURDON,Manager. +,, Winrlipog Options.
., I . + Cloge. 6pen. Hlah. Low. Close,
..... ... Wheat- . .
+ � Nov. ..... 99%, 99$/$ 99% 99 99
� DO" *, " ... Q6 95% 961/4 95",fi 114
. 14 16, d. 99% 0% 99% 9$Vs 99
.7 I * 98% 9816 987/8 9 S'A 9 8%.
t 0 j,-,
ADIAN, BANNK 'O V . ..... 401h .... .... .... 40%
,� Ded � .... 381/fi .... .... .i. 89
OF COMMERCE , May� ....'. 41% .... .... _: 41%
i Torohto Grain Markqt,
. . I I
. Wheat, �ali, ushel ....... ;O t� to zu a
SIR EDMUND WALKER, OX.O., LL.D., D.C.L., PRESIDENT Whoat, go k, bushel ,... 0 S' ...
-_ Of .............. rj. 9 70 11,
I �je buil,�e , - ::�f
ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER 1_ t --I :,.-i,.'i-i'��,�.,,!,",.i 0 $2 ..4
- ,1, pup
, '071, 11011el 0;;'.41;.;i .... 080 600
" . P� eed. , .* .... 0 65
� CAPITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, - $80000,000 Veas, ,bus 01 - - - i so. �%-..,.-... 0 78 82
' Buckw4eap, bushel -..* .... ;. Q q0 063
1 toronto Dair� M2rk9t.
COLLECTION BUSINESS utter, g ore ,19-0 9 024
t j 4� ��.rat
With its large number of branches, agents and co resp 4i . -qt �,,i�t�.,-�118 .. �,.
r ,opdents, The &Mr; �ambr lb.'iolh..' 29 0
Canadian Bank of Commerce is able to effect co&ctio49 throughout BqtM, 1*§W�'1J9,T,' -solids 'r.. 9 27 0.
' , "
. the world promptly and at regsonable rates, Rates i�ill be quoted on , , , , ;�o 15 0 I
I 959 a �
,(o'en'.e",'y1 oi'i ;
application. .ng� , lbol; "`__.�--'-"A ,0 21 9 �
Itz", I I - .-I-. -
g ii. .4, - - - 320
a ut -0 .1 i -,!-�--�.,--: 46 :., i
I FOREIGN BUiSINESS w -lar ........... "i'.. :
A230 Montreal 'drain and Produce'.
Cheques and drafts on. all countries of the world, drawn in sterling, XQXTRXAL, Nov. 24'zhere continuft
I francs, marks, lire, kronen, florins, roubles or any other foreign currency, to b,� a good demand from foreign puyero
can be ne-otiated at The d�nadian Bank of Commerce at reasonable rate�. r r atl gTad96 of Manitoba spring wheaf,
Z* nd Salea amou Ing to' 200,000 busholo
We�d Made for ecember4anuary shig-
. ��,
There were bids in the market ,
Ft ,_M� Exeter Br.ancb—W. H. CollinsAlanager In's �efable rapre, but they �Yere not Z
01 Branch also at Crediton. ,kra 111. Alnericaft corn Is In g6od demarid
and firm. Malting barley has 64Vanee4,
- . 10 'to 2c per bushel, and ackwheat 10
�_- firmer. A fsJr trade was =e in ogt#,
. . - � I - ___� - . --- fficluding sales of 15,000 bushels of extrAi
' "IRA- I
, �, � �Al a L No. I feed at 46%o, andi No. I seed at 446
. i ROWELL IN OfT-AWA. I � - I W�J, I I - UP afloat. The local and, outside demand for
� � . . I I � I I ag Ilia 11111 flour Is good and the market is active at
i eral Chief Carries Campaign I nto i .. 16 kt 'Derl; firm Prices. 1�emand f*r bran and shorts
I �,-� r A's , t
, "
the East. . a rol is good, and a fair business Is passing 17i
I , , , . , I " �
. �, . a t, I I . ria4 , 41 . . I rolled oate, for cheese Is goodl,
tAawa, Nov. 25.:-N. ,W. Rowell, - ; ; � %0 lo'r Demand
- . .. IL ��. I and butter is active, with a stronir under-
� �
I .. , � � 44MAVil ,
. ., Liberal leader in Ontario, 1�ade ... 4 0 1. I , tone, Eggs -active and demand for pota-
1-9 Im . 6, - tical . , , L , . , .- ,of � tbes good. .
rs appearance n a poli � X_t6e . , r ,of . * , .. Corn-
Joirn in Eastern Onti , rio, h6re la.-$ 11 �, fa .. � 11 .Amerlc�tn, No. 2 yellow, 95%c.
1 1 '' Qats-Canadlan western No 2 48c* do.,
t, *h6ti he addressed h big audi. ,19 V enoo- 0 . No. 3, 47c to 47'hc;' extra 140: i ?eed,'46%0
I . .
P, in the Russell Theatre. 1-1 � I . 45 , 0,0". . .. i to To; No. 2 local white. 47%e; No. 9 local
.1 . .. . I I'll, I ... 11 - - - �" . white, 461ho; No. 4 local white, 45
, �*_;,, 'i, �
'S I
� a�
- � � �
, ,4i
rong ir Al a ai . Barlay-Manitoba, fe,ed. 63c� 110
. a st _4pression akid . I ! maiting,
, 11141
Ned 4 splendid fieceptjot'�;` ,',' .. 0014i, 40 misa 980
in trevigus J#eeti;6�4, '� ". ! : do 00 �ppor 404 1 ; Q4!�oat-Xo. .2, ,f
, ?:` I ,
, �
. . . . I I � no to 66c,
, eiied In. the ehmpa*& 1i I AW � :i 9 Flour -Manitoba sprng wheat stents
,a, 7105voemen ,4
� discussed the Q61 - - - P, I - " fin;ts, $5.60; seconds, $5,10, stro akers ,
* , I I i 0 0 VOtOrl eS 0 ' f4,90; ivInter patonts, choice, .7 to $5,
I __ i hl i W, I
. ,y t6 tl . . 08talloo -
Il egto. issued :r6ceUk�� it I I.. - .0 , straight rollers. $4.25 to $4.40; do., b�Fl
t the province, a d �Orjticjze, I �gat like i 0 a 5 genie $1.95 to $2.0-5.
I a Whitney Wemier t � . ' � c Rolled oats-Barrelo, $5.25; bag 90 lbiLi
� '4 , �. I - t 1316� .... P A P . , ; O.W.
,Tractically a derhi&g j _,li I i t4a - tlIp system. -Bran, $23; rhorts, $25; mid.
� � I 41 �
, � �! MlIfeed
. he was emulating that 04 0 1 - .. -
. 1� � .6. - � I � I dlings, $27 to $28; moull:.e, f27 to $24,
Is 4n Ring of Britain, JA�W60'4,. " � fro rok6 P. Imao. � Uay-No. 2, ,per ton, car lots, 414.50 to
1. �� � �, . J . I I , I
.1. . elieved he rul by dfyino , , In?
. , - U8., ov. 25,,-�-Duri Weheese-Vinest westerns, 14Y,La -to 14%a;
� lioutei, I I qb.0 rat" ri of it if early 7018�1 J finest easterno, 14c to 14%o.
ho directed ri", : � ''t,.,
Vrt him in return fof the! . .. - I a . 3 was -discover I .
, bio,Tuitla ,f; ,V It I . Butter-Cholcest creamery, 12*0 to 29C.,
ed, privileges of AeLlnug -1 . ,�a seconds, 27o to 28c..
M, - � . . iti J10SP 00 61 Q 800ars GrIsc Eirgs--FreBlI. 40o to 45c; selected, 280,
arld'ooffee", TThi , T e T, - , 2 I rapidity thit
. " W T ,
. I 1. .1� , . I firc Vit 064 I No. I. stock. 24%c.
- JaMes, was receiiqA ' ,,, I !
1 1', � " � _�, potatoes�Per bag, car lots, M10 to SLIS.
X� ,111! lz;L_q-_hM_rTe'1-�_�-4_ 4 '4 W a,ftival of the firem
��i . _ Vi $ alt -1 100f & t t)s;,tt of the �gl . Dressed bogs-Abattotr killed, $8,75 to
'-fe, . j'W&A00J,fIAm6h. TJX - , structur,
I .f UP4 ` ,
n, ut as pti�Vgn 1 . .1",.25: do., country, $8 to $S.W. � I
. .
.� � ` A , as I e &s 61 , 'Ita I It C.� a L., $46, pwi a fellsioll to; ; pQrk-Heav3r Canada, abort cut mesa
11 . , . . q 6ildxeif ail P. - i art 0, 4 to 46 Pieces, $24, Canada Allot
I I - 3 n 4 - -1 'do OTY ftri'T,
6 I 11. I t" barn6ls, 45 to fig pieces, 193
V, - .�� _'n 1 1 T� .�o
I I 8 a: I �, - ' asatied Wi * . ut Acks,
i g thai e w r, e .diffloult'. The cot , ,,, I Canada clear, barrels, 30 to 25 plede i
I 4ge a it Ili) Y' -I �me.�kL 11 � ven Ma I I
�o a . I . y �22,50. 1
: . - hiq X ce , ruin, - I Lard -Compound tierces, 875 lbs., 8314'e"
� , - _'k�
11 ;13ti To y Is ator - ve � ' I Wood palls, 20 lbs. net, 91/4c- pure, tierce I
LL I e a bri Tres q , " .' , I W�int btiawa hcA� 1,00 875 lbs., 412; p not
�Z other speal�rWQ t 9 , , . � - , Out � %c. ure, wood palls, 20 lbg,
11 -, , , , . �. . , U
-1`4mdidates ip , 'a, 94' 1 'ottmvk Nat. M -A delegatio� -Plate, barrels, 200 lbg., $14.50,1
� �L .,., es�, 4ft I a � ,rt*, Jeef
, 4 pf
4, Dr. 0ordbil Hafdorsd , . , aentld�' f,'.a6 ;R0 ,41 Ingititute o ,-, erces, 800 lbs., $21.60.
1 - �
.01, r. cf- ,,q 4- . Titmfer, BOV4 '' i
. � I '. . Its '_ alt( Minneapolis Grain Market.,
, .
s Xehoe. Dr. 46derso . . . , _�
I I A were leatured by A st M ..... 11, �� I sy , millig and Asked for � MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 24.-Qose-Whea,t
. I he wolild - to furthet, Ah I � 11 z I.. � R feehnWAI colkmil �_I)ec., $1.oa,y, to $1.674; May, U.os% to
I .
- .1 tom. eh OJIV,o pl�b $1,08%; Xuly, $1,09%; No. I ha.rd, $1.061fi,
1 e 'on the liquor Ilystion. 6'. , oil reparo.4 . - _ .. I Xp. I northern, $1.05 to $1.0%; No. i
_r U t ` W
it elected he wouJ *,ork t r td I di the proN % - Q to . - . .
� i � I I �i�rtliern, $1.03 to $1.03%; No. 3, 976 to
I :� 11 .. e -Borden , 44 '
bition, in ,th 'T6 * ' - V � no defl
I 0 . y4flice-� 1� .1.. 99%d.
. 11�.ehoe touchl he �il#lool � a . hose wh *i I 'Com -No. t1yellow, 68o to 94c; 'old, "C
I �1 question, d - id illat it`&40� , - essi's,.` r 0 - n - . 79 'I to. 750.
: "' - . . Oats --No . 8 white, ' 461he to 461ho,
1 heard the w,io 014 Uber I c 11 o . . . . . Ttye-No. 2, Wo to 91c.
. _-1d .
to raised age t6. all. . .
Two �� M oiq Dead. -
o Learne
drist ' ,,' h e, t'. I ., I I eATTLE MARKETS.
.. . i il 'i, -IlUgo'
& that the bun it � !. %
Lf, ,
overrinient � .go calig6 Munich, Bavari Nov, 20,
. � �4 ." .,
elit agitation. I I li , 'i Von Tg4udi, professor and historicO.l East Buffalo Cattle Market.
I feature of M It 11' 3�04, writet pi irt, 'died he ' yesier4s, EAST BUFFALO. Nov. 24.-Cattle-Re-
Als lengthf., str 'we .- 1, * jaA . Prof. Tichudi wag ond% the dif, celpts, 50 head; fairly active and stea4y.
. 4 Veals-ReceiptEf, 600 head, active and
rin'. This a a qaestioA o' 4reil kfibwn krt 6-11
alem'PIN V f , thotities in E, r,,?
�, e&r steady.
a; interest, is the two Co., Another pr6minefit man "�11 Hogs-necefpts,, 12,000 head; fairly ac-
� .
candidates have expressef 7 ' Oille, peV
,TexR- .tIv,5 and steady to loo lower; heavy and
_ Passed away yest6rday in
) a, son of
ves" aq in lqvdi of fho �. a�iik Dr. Willlab� Jetisefi,,the W4411.i Ized, 6.26 to $6.80; pigs, $5.90 to. $6;
inst their leadet, who o gbo `it.' known Germafi authoi. He WAS 156th Viries, 16 to $6.25,. ,
... 1010 nd 6� In 1837 tit H61ligenhien, I Sheep, and Laints--necelpts, 13,00 head;
t. Rowell als , Ic t4e 1140� � lksheep steady, Iambs 960 highero wow,
I . . - . __ I I � .
t I ilingual schoo ftuestion, no, 8, - . — lambs, $3.50 to M?5-
yelopment of new Pntarlo, b.ft . New York Live Stock.
Hyd�o-electrical polid rib %V 11-6 NEW YORIC, Nov-24.-BeeveS-RecelPts,
i4g�ej to the dr( tof a tieto N'.- A DI" I
IV) COVeff 0 1763 head,, steers slow to a aba,de lower�
,V�iiment. * bulls .teady� cow. loc lower; steers, $4.25
. .� Vast Importance to $7.60; bulls, $3.60 to *5; cows, $1.75 to
' . . $4.75.
TELEGRAPH BRIEFS. Calvea-Rer-eipts, 7080 head, veals
afeady; western calves slow to easier;
. . ' Bron. veals, $5.50 ta $9.50; culls, 0 to $9.60; bgra-
R. fus R. Gage, a HanAlton travel. It Is'Now Admitted That rd calves and yearllng�, $2.25 to $2.25:
. led suddenly 4t Si. 0a,thArin9p a'
.pi, ;,w I 11 _. chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, 16d calves, $3.75 to P.m; westerns, $3.25
". 1
I _ h'k Grand Trunk ,Railway li�g' '. to $5.60. --Receipts, 7080 heaA',
�. -
41.,6overnm6nt loan on the ViU2'11 and Colds Can Only Be Qui , Sheep and Lambs
till, I an ckly 1 sheep dull and unchanged; lambs slow,
1' , b n. Cured By Mixing a New Medi- ; but steady; sheep, $1.50 to $3.26; culls' $1
... , o $1.25; lambs, $4.50 to $5.50; culls, $3.60
1 � Wiligham electors voted a loan to cine With the " You Breathe � $4
lli� ,NVestern Foundry Co. to extend i .' '., o,gs,-RecOpts, 4149 head: steady, at
,the works. $6.25 to $6.50; Pigs, $6 to W-25,
. . scientists acknowledge that medi- Chicago Live Stof,k.
. R0156rt A. Sutherland was nomin.4- cated air treatment Is the only treat- .
- ' fo, rthe Legislature b� the Liberal.§ thes6 diseases, CIAICAGO, Nov. 24-Cattle-Recelpts,
ld ment that will cure 2QOO; market dull; beeves, $4.50 to $9',
f S.Outh Simcoe. and that stomach medicines are worse Texas steers, $4 to ;6.70; western steers,
'�44 Wesleyan Theological College than useless. . $4.40 to $7.80; stockers and feeders, $2.90 to
- . Uiontreal has tntered Aii appOil Catarrhozone air treatment has been " S.eqws .,bd heifers, $1.80 to $6.80;
' . ost effective way to 6.1110, $D.50 to $8.25,
11��k the Workman verdict. found to be the m 1. � Hogs-Recelpts, 25,000;, market weak, at
Johfi Graham, 42 yeaTs , of tage cure all diseases of the throat, ngst openlng prices; light, $5.76 to $6.40:- -
and nasal pa�sages- Its action is so r f,xqd,
., ,
iq la. pt that in less than -an hour an 1 $6 to $6.60; heavy, $6,10 to $GAZIA! g. � �0
M��ionto teamster, died at S . I " ) $6'05 to $6.80; good to choice ho, 'lk f
y moming pro! a to $6.6z,A; pigs, $4.25 to $5.65�
1 ,ohael'8 Hospital yesterdo, .,dinary cold is cured, and after
I f injuries received rwhen. he fell more thorough use of Catarrhozone, , sales, $6.25 to $6.60. Receipts, 60001, mar,
Prom a street car Tuesday, Nov. 14. Bronchitisr Catarrh, and all diseases L Sheep and Lambs
of the throat and lungs are Complete_ ket strox1g* ii:mWve, $2.25 to 13:;N; western,
��r , Wm. Murdock, who for twenty years ly cured. 1 $2.k to R70; yearlings, a 5 to $4.601
;hai had charge of txtensive farm Ca,tarrbozone Is a very simple and Iambs, native, $8.60 to $5.65; western, $3.60'
dands in connectioii With the London, powerful method of treatment. You to $ 1 5.60,
�Oiit., hospital for insa.iie, died yes. simply breathe it through the inhaler . Cheese Markets.
herday at YJ.ntoria Hospital alter 'k and it immediately passes over every PICTON, Nov. 24-275 colored, boar&
-Ifew weeks' 1� � inegs. air cell of the throat, lungs, and bron- ed, AH sold at 13 1-16c.
ebial tubes, curing and hea,ling as it IROQUOIS, Nov. 24. -At a regular
George B. Hodgins, 191 Miss street, meeting of Iroquois cheese board hell
Undon, a t L eamster, was struck � goes. all colored
11 Catarrhozond tre little bere, to -day, 250 cheese,
'O.T.R. shunting englr�e at th6 6 drops of healing for sore places in the were offered, All sold J!or twelve. a�d
�_ � : Lber of Waterl,00 and Bathurst ree I lungs, throitt, and nasal passages.
. . three quarters.
Te8terday afternoon and was . T�- NAPANEE, Nov. 24. -At the cheese
15r,�:injured, He will recover. boavd hero to -day there were 70 white
McGill University's fivq-da and ,342 colored cheese boarded, 12 2-4o
1 in4 campaign, ;NvMoh open bid, but no sales. Board adjourned
I ;w '" Catarrhozone for the season. '.
wlif -
� ' '�'
�ay morning, closed Vrid# 'd
' I I -
�ith $1,526,965 oollected, and I Thiso And Cures ,,, Toronto Men Acquitted.
t�t � I Does
I ancial standing of the institutl6n�or . I Red Deer, Alta., Xov. 25.-HftrTY
A time at least, is secared. .1 . Leine and H. Leine, two Toronto
. Iliank 'W, McMahon, who .54Qt an4 �, . imin-
, I photographers, charged -with or
killed George A. J,eary, (t *eal�hy YOU TAKE THIS al negligence in causing the death of
keal estate operatot, Wlioni h4 �4-ccjl Bagqageman Macteod t1irough an ex -
, 11 '
. I 1 MEDICINE IN AIR pl,osioli 61 flashliibi I owaf' in their
1, � ' ' I , -
_U -0. - -, d by Sudge SWW
I Price 25c, 50c, and $1,00 at all drug frunk, were, Joutid nor gui4y and 46
, A&W Phil adel,64 a i0gterd . � . - AA in thia on-
� 'i � ,. . 911,61". or !by mail from the Catarrh kuitte -C , f� U., _
-*.W -'V_ -,. --l�--ov 61 I Co., Mngstolli Qn1L, and Ziljfglof� �jc�fAe �, rt ��iL�is.� . _ . � -1. � ..
I W. 'Ir. I
I I -,I ... . . ......... 17 .... .. ... . '-1,:.�1', . 1711_11�_�71
I L I . I . � ' : � � I � � I I ; I 1-11 I 1.� .7— -,
I L I I I I L I � , . I � : I . I I �� - . 'Ili P � ,
I I L . I I I � . , , . � . � I I I I 77 .�, �r .1
. . : I I I . I I I I k
L .
� � I
. I 1.
I I I 11 I III I I 1.11 IN I I 11 I III �� _1 -71 � I . I— I I I �. . . ...., � . I 11 I -11- � , . - ' I � . I - . _ i � I I 11 I I l� I IN I . . I I ��, .A I I I , , I ... � . 11 � I I I I I �
1111111 .11, 1. _. I, ; , , ,, 1 , n, _;''i,j,! - , - ,�. �i .1 . . J , ,, I I I ' � "-.-.I
I ,.
L I .
QATY., . P 0 � .1 I
, � —, __Wf��004. � I .. . I -11.1-- � � kFIT IN— '
0eallfie qqn,to ;.J . I A
. i., No , 2 ,_g �0 t
W.cbinotd, Vt . 0" ILS ARE ARRIVING SUNO 1, �E '' � I ,
Deb. tie, Jr,:bef re, 114 40ath i '�t, , , AY "'SCHOOL TO . . I � ,
- * X, "?. — , . '' , . 1. I
oledtilo qh4jr 4,,7,23 axA, � ,� .. ............... — . 1.
est�,,_, . ,— , ,. �.
confe0ed f,�o the mur4er ww ;, � NON 04 ,; I I I
, �
. Q1 h1i , Mipsions -, I � , ,
, 6 tli vies Tell of Massaores Le$$On X., ,�'l L , I I I
110'statement, -wWo1l, )�a� oty . L , Fourth Quarteri For, I I 1�' I . 1:
1)0I tho totilada of & do.vn.towt hote,# in Province of $hensl. Deo. 3, 191 1, .1 I � "_�__ . � I . L,
lows: . - I �, ,plany farmera are jarrylox '' I �
% Henq Clay Beattie jr desir . � 94 the ,
0, V 11 L I 11 � � �* witilgA1440,4 a , .1
- ' 0 After the Capture of Sian I I
di ,r rJght befOIBJU34 fu Bandits ki , ,
VA0 W.3 ne . ,
� ev, alrQ I are producla# Aot=
� �,
Er; - i,o . , Roamed Through the City Perpe- THE INTERNATIONAL , = *� i4ch
.� 6i� this, fhe �28r4 $00. " t
, I �
oWra 01, 011, confess =7 eu it , ry � the laboIi 'Which the�lr PerfOrl I
. . I �
. I
aged againot lue, 9% . trating Outrages on Helpless Peo- I � iry Ja the K4 L I
li . . . I
thq arlwo 161t ,�)�, 1, S. Mot oinq , , It'.1 I
ro"__ I .1
.r.0, t 9f the Lesson Neb. IV, 0.10. 1174 � e �
th4t ,WA5 p4b]�ished copoera pie—Peasants Organized and Slew , la 11 .
'pq , , . X . PAO 63ei. I copf these ho
det�jlb Wer6, ,not true, the awritl 40 Outlaws - Rebels Restored Order Memory Ver on, 16, 17-0oldo" ToRt eery tarmer phow hav6, 19me goolf, 11
, .
without tho h , arrowltil circ staArioe A .4 r14. P ih " :. . I
. Tm o9q T4 0 Wth wbJ , �
'and Punished the Culprits. -1 p I
T01.441tit, Vor thip ac ion a =3 I Con Xvil 13-pomment;try Prepare I , �*,
W. X �. I
AM at , 04rry q E19 f r 9 0 9r, (ow, TIA
, .
Ofty, Ava 6110vinir V40 I ,T'� g Pekin, Nov. 25, -Missionaries arriv- by Rev. 1). M. Stearn��. �4f�� * kLe' a ' 1 e first of`all � I I I
pd, 4 . � I I
Peace w th & , nd am apoA i, 4, . arket will, I . c the geT(lz
Ptfat , ii6, *A4 state 6 I ng in Pekin from Tuiigehowf ' Pn ' JR.* L ,
. 1 U, 80 ,O,qr lesson topic today Is tile build. nga,.for yd4r to � . e, And Vrood ,
ni Jif I , . , , �4 .
PP I � 7 �', I
i�iide miles northeast of Sianfu, give ac- J�onq 7, � .
, . pftould be do n; falt 1, _
, .
. tug of a great wall by sucU uul,*ely, 6 , u,t . ko , f , arm . 1� � I I . . �
counts of the recent revolution in the l[ustruments that t 14
Chaplain Farrar Still Missing. I ,heIr enemies had to , I �
Province of Shensi, where the anti- c9i4ess that the work was wrought Any i�a;:4 that ll not doing li, T I
. I 1,
Xontreal, Nov, .28.-11 the Aev. "I .. on I .
foreign element declared its intentioa of God (VI, 16). They bad a mind t6 ,than five Aoups' work per d I .
. .
val Farrar, whpse Lt , I
Frederk� Per $rorki they watched and priyea W1140 overage, Oholald, NO& reallons 10" call., I
, . , , , .
I aplain to the King -S 0 worl� be 4blo io producp U 6 1 ea
poiritment as I d, to exterminate foreigners, Christians
been oa�oslled, is on his,waT to,a� and Manchus, but only partially sue- they wrought, and they dia til � itaxin � ch. ye4
06 4i;4 probably M I ,tvitilout ov, 9 'her., , � he telec 11, I I
. -
I :witrea , aeco�rl ceeded. nearest.to them. As to their having
I lot farin uqq . 4, aub,je(ef
ing O' te.ports frovit England, the o A mind to work (verse 6), we cannot YL __ '' I
11 .&-- �
The rebel general at Sia,nfu, they 1)ut " .wortb ;f Rome §t , �u h few ou
�6A h4 Ud have sodledon woul(M think of the willing men and wo., � y _' L � I I
. . - . b It shot" i I
,� QU4bas ,ip I Men and the willing offerings of Ex. I .1-1
� Victorian of the Alla say, issued a proclamation to the peo- ' igestions may a vAlu ,
ti,116.? Itch sailed 'Yesterday frol ple not to harm merchants, foreign- . . be kept'la mind that Aze id in de -mal �, I
Llyerpqo . ZXxr,, 21-29, and of David% preparIng . . ayo � 61 I .
ers or non-combatant Chinese, but with- all. his; might for the house ot 4nd that the open market P . w�f .
. Tho � Farrar on the passen. � 0 and 2, 1 1 1
.rq is� no only to destroy Manchus. 'The Man- bas God because he had set his affec. toi it. Weight betweon. 1,60 1, .
. ,
be P# ,
got Jistj and while he May . chus thereupon prepared to defend ifton upon It (I Chron. xxir, 2, 3); of is worth 25 ceutd per DO= ,
b'oar �6ndel- an assumed name, 110 ound" - III 1 -
themselves within. their own wa,11ed on the Qbloago marlcet.- -- TWs 010 " ,
effort ig being made. to ascertain thrd. Elezeklah also, who wrought that . )w I
section of the city, but nearly all were wldch was good and right and thn't It pays to breed. the big oneo. ,,! .
missionar- . - truth I , sit
4oachirn Passenge�s All Safe, slain. According to the before the Lord bis God and did it costs very little mote to grow an I 8 .
ies, the Chinele informed them that ,
Nassau, New Providen", NOV. 25- horrible barbarities accompanied, the With all his heart and prospered (II pound colt than a 1,000 Pound One, � 11
Th� jpw slaughter and that a number of Man- 01i t all it Is not so material what breed, 04
3*songeTs from the stratid ,ron. xxxit 20, 21). We canno .�
6$esrne� Print Joachim of the Ail chus women were speared or carried #o as we would like to nor as some draft horses a farmer breeds. ,All 0-9 : I I
V46 *eie transfefred frofn the War off by Chinese officials. After the 1�thers do, but .-Lf there be first A Will. - . I
line 4eamei Seguranca, to the steamer massacre bandits look charge of the Ing mind It is accepted according to �, �
Vigilancia, 20 miles from Nassau. ituation. They plundered shops and that.0 man hath and not according to . �� �
William Jennings Bryan, in tlie senianded money of the inhabitants ,that he hath not." And we are only . " �
course of an interview, said: and then set fire to and burned the .. I "
"No incident occurred during th school of the Scandinavian -China, Al- pxpected to minister as 6f the ability 44
transfer of the passengers from flil liance Mission and killed Mme. Beck- which God giveth J1 Cor. vill, 12; I
Prinz Joachim to the Seguranct%. mis- ,ket. iv, 11). The time will come when : "
man and another teacher. A i .
Everything was 9rdeTly. The weather sionary was wounded, but succeeded In an unprecedented way HIS people ' t
was calm and there was uo nervoui- in rescuing a number of the ,school shall be willing, In the day of His I .
negs anywhere." children, Oower (Ps. ex, 3). As to'watablug . �
When the rebels -restored order they il-Ad praying see Mark xill, 83-37; xly, . �., .
. ��'..;�� ..W �- 3
. 1.
More Suffragettes Sentenced. decapitated many of the outla-w-s. p& .Observe in chapter 111, 5, 8, 12, 17, ' ., ; . I
London, No,v. 25. -Lady Constance During the disorder the English Bap- , - , �
I I 1
L tton. and Lady Sybil Smith, both tist Mission was threatened, but not 22, the kind of people who buiIded- . .. " . I �
T 4'_ ��4 4 41'A f f I- A . goldsmiths, apothecaries, merchants, I
uf w.no, .have been. pT0111 . -
suffragette movement, were ,charged
at the Bow street Police Court YeS-
terday with smashing windows dur-
em at ' """'
I tr 1�n " T"
-n ___Ihe d '01' t d _Ctr�
P6 0
la g - They -,veTe sen ence r'p, H
ly st 0, C4 grtnight an a wee ,n a
'a default of the payment of Inc ,
Lord Camoys to Wed.
New. York, Nov. 25.-Tha weddin
of Lord Camoys and Miss Mildrel
Sherman, heiress to part of the for.
tune left by ,Tohn Carter 11rown, thp,
Rhode Island millionaire, will take
Place this afternoon at the home of
er fatlier, William Watts SheTmafi
on Fifth avenue, in Mr. Sherman'�
a ac e .
When the missionaries left Tung-
chowful, the rebels continued to ad-
minister the city capably, but tlie
brigands swarmed throughout the
province. The country people near
Tungchowfu organized and captured
several of the robbers and killed them
with their knives. In nearly every
village trees were felled and barT.'L-
cades eTected. The village mission-
aries were unable to escape.
An -other party arriving in Peldn
from Southern Shensi say they be-
lieve the Sianfu missionaries -win be
unable to get a,way owing to the bad
� condition of the Toads.
— -
'priests, Levites, rulers' daughters and
Men -but note that certain nobles
put not their liecks to the work of the
Lord. - In verses 23, 28, 29, we read
that some repaired "over against his
house" or "by his house," suggesting
that we should be ready to do the
thing that is at band to be done,
Pready to do whatever our Lord tile
Xing shall appoint" (II Sam. xv, 15).
Even though some may refuse, the
work shall be finished, for "He shall
not fail nor be discouraged" (Isa. xlI1,
�Q. It Is worthy of note that the work
began and ended at the sheep gate
(iii 1 3-7) which suozests to me that
sick chamber, it was announced y6fl- Port Nelson For Ontario. I I y �
there can be no work for God until re- them are good, and he w
Party" Members Sentenced. n Bay have
not been. completely buried in the . _1 -
V'� nd
terday, Ottawa, Nov. 25. -Ontario's chances deemed by the blood of the Lamb, and trouble disposing of colts firlcoimftny.
"Tar of having a port on. Hudso the completed church will sing, "Thou them at a good figure.
Lincoln Centre, Xs -j Xov, 25. -The hast redeemed us to God by thy I
"Tai arrangement -so far completed between The fariner should select good, u ' ,
three confessed members of the the Dominion and Manitoba Govern- blood.,' Nehemiah found many ene- bred mares If possible; if not he sho ,
Party," R . G. Clark, Jay Vifzwatet ments for the extension of the Mani- Mies who not only ridiculed the work select some high grades. In selec I
and Watson Scrantoll, were sentenceci toba boundaries. - and the workers, but conspired
to a yeat eacl, in Jaill by Sudge GNI-�- Friendly' negotiations are now in against them to hinder it (iv, 1-3, 7, them the buyer should keep in I 11
or yesterday, that fat covers a multitude of sing, 1;
-- __ . .__.I- - - - . - . ... I . .- .. - progress which will, if carried but, '3, 11). So it has been since Cain kill- and should avoid the overfatted ones. . 1 �
_� satisfy both Ontario and Manitoba, e - '
. I the net result probab . d Abel and will be until the great The .,61d sayllig� ,of "No foot, no hors -
. ly being that last gathering of the enemy and his U,- . . F
Treat Stock Kindly. both es -will likely share in a worthy one, ariFstill be er s .'
That animals appreciate kind trea.t- port ipieoilvo��n-c 6sts against the Lamb and Hi ' s re-, "one of "Foot and ankle, bone an
ment requIres no further proof than Is This can easily be brought about by deemed ones just before the millen- feather, top may come, but botton's
exhibited In every look and act of t46: slightly altering the proposed new nium and a very last and final con- never." Both may 'well be Impt Ifi I
animal itself. If the master goes t6 easterly bounda�y of Manitoba by Aict at the end of the thousand years min(L A.fter having selected -well breii , 11
the yard with a club In his hand theri drawing a line from the present north- (Rev. xvU, 14; xi:v, 19, 20; xx, 7-10). Ev- mares with special reference to sec4r' '' �
wM soon be a co--otlon in the entlrii east corner of the province west Of ery day the conflict Is on, but we may ing size together -with good bone and ,,,,,,
yard. It best results would be oV. the 92nd meridian, north to the 68th be overcomers,and cluench.al.l.the fiery feet. the question of the sort of "#.`,�,:,� 1� '.
I I � I - �
tcck� In, pgr�llel, and thence northwesterly to darts, .f , or the �arinor 'and the weapon . Ilon to w . A, I;, ao,-
1. I . ._� � ,:C..'� -
tained by those who have 4; ' Tel- � , � hich � tq'breed, at oncei axis4s %
4 a pi'6ve the'inbiftb� ,of the 1, . . _0,w. ,
. � ��, � ,-
their charge kindness to them must b son"River. From this point to Hud- are all q,!Ifflcient a pet',v, 8" 9; uph. ; It should tie remeJnb"er'ed',' first0that-it ," ,
. , �
observed. I son Bay, the boundary would be the V1, 10-18-. Rev. x1l, 11). It is bad Is always advisable to stick to on# !, �,
- thread of the -river. enough to have enemies without, but breed. second, that it Is entirely ou, �. I
Corn a Poor Horso Feed. Manitoba is said to be ready to when there are eomplainers and dis, of reason to expect a stallion to trani- , !'� �
It Is claimed on reliable authority agree to this change. couraged people within the camp it =it quailitins which he does not hav4. 1% I
that corn fed horses are more sus- seems -a bit worse. When those who The farmer should remember, in 4 . ,
ceptible to disease than those given Indian Tribe Adopts Nurse. ought to be of one accord on the lecting a staIlton, that It is a very podr I I
other grains. Corn may enter Into thi) Brantfor�d, Nov. 25. -Chiefs of t)ie Lord!s side and of good courage are policy to breed to anything other thazi I
ration without any serious results, but six Nation Indians have conferred heard saying, "The strength of the a pure bred sire. The grade may look ��
It should not be made the entire ration. the honor of adoption on Miss Agnes burden bearers Is decayed, there is good and tits fee may be cheaper than �
Miller graduate nurse, who has had much rubbisli, so that we are not able that of the, pure bred, but his good .
charge of hospital work on the In- to build" (verse 10), then much grace looks. whiip a credit to bis pure bre,3 . 1:
,& V than reserve. Miss Miller was given Is required to sustain those who are sire. are only representative about 5 � " 1.i
the title of Ma-Ris-Geai. meaning one pressing on in the conflict, but God is per cent of big blood, and be cannot
who suffers among us in recognition able to make all grace abound (II Cor. be expi-I od to transmit It strongly and
of her services. She chose member -
SEVEN ship in the clan of the Wolf. Ir, 8), and we must learn to see no surely The pure bred, on the other
Nearly three hundred names were Mau any more save Jesus only with ban,l. li:%, been bred for a certain typb I ,�
y I
1 EAV% �op added to the voters' list as a result ourselves (Alark ix. 8). It is only as for genf,r,ations, and he has 100 per _., I
of the first <lay's registration here- we are of good courage and strong in cent of olood representing that typ6. :
lis Prospects are that a record of 1,500 the Lord that we can encourage oth. 33e will therefore transmit his charac. �
. . names established in September last � even to
- will be'b,oken this registration. ers and say, as Nehemiah said: "Be teriRtic- sirongly and sure"?"
ANISE h member the tb(- ey--f of overcoming stme unde-
Lord, great and terrible" (verse 14). alraInk, � 1mracterlstics wbIch the da3h . ;
Prudential's Founder Dead. The words of Isa. 11, 12, 13, are strong may ha,L*- I
Newark, k.J., Nov. 25 -Former and lielpful. 111, even 1, am He that .
RY U. S. Senator John F. Dryden died comforteth you. Who art thou that thou Frolificacy of Sows.
at six o'clock last night, shouldest be afraid of a man * * * An lw,t,�,Iigation at the Iowa station
k1l Refidved by Lydia E. Pink. John Fairfield Dryden w�is born on 2L114 forgettest the Lord thy Maker?" to dh.,;:�,,ir the Influence of the ag , 0
9 a farm near Farmington, Me., Aug. 7, �
ham s Vegetable Compound. the .15-ru- To which we ought to reply; "Behold, of swvs upon their prolificacy and the
1839. In 1875 he established W
Sikeston Mo. - "For seven years I dential Insurance Go., the first suc- God is my salvation. I will trust and wpizin :7�al growth of the pigs they," I
3uffered e�erythi . I was in bed cessful industrial insurance institu- not be�afraid" (Isa. xii, 2). "The Lord prorino,tl -ave some interesting results. ' -'
for four or five days tion in America. He was secretary is the strength of my life, of whom . It Was r:lvnd, for example, that fifteen
every oj the company 'Lip to 1858, and shall I 136'akraid?" (Ps. xxvil, 1) God sows I,r�,A at eight or nine months av-
month, and so weak president since that date. He. was a brought the counsel of the enemy to eraged 7,.141 pigs per litter, while four- I
.. .. � _. ... I could hardly walk. director of the U. S. Casualty Co. and
. X I cramped nd had I .4 will. .,, k w� -four months I
........ . naught (verse 16), as Ele alway,
� . .. . - "_�, �,i -s trust tevn , ,; about twenty �
..... - several bank nnd companies
. -)) 4,C -, . ..' . head- I
. ... 'a backache and "The Lord bringeth the counsel oV the old. avenv.,ed 98-5 pigs per -litter, anA
. , .1 1. .
.. .-. ache, and 1N in this city and New York. He was a aketh the " ... I
........ I ... %1.
....'..... ,�-J t .. ,as so rom 1902 "I'll
, -�vs -5 per litter.
.....".* - ..... , to 1907. beathen to nought. as in aged - .- averaged 10 3
,...... .. 6. .0 . . . . . . . . ,nervous and weak Republican Senator f
-1,.*.�'.....'�"i*-.**..-.*.!..%, - ..*�.- ... devices of the people of none effect. Plgq from the younger sows weighed
... .'' t ..... .. ,1 that I dreaded to -
. . �,;%� 4 �..
0. .
. .. .�
� _ _. . see anyone or have Marquis Komura Dead. The counsel of the Lord standeth for on an nverage 2.39 pounds per p1g;
. s
anyone move in the Tokio, Nov. 25 -Although the death ever, the tbought. of His heart to all from tlt�� two year old sows 2,63, froirk � 11 I
room. The doctors of Marquis Xomura early yestorday generations" (11s. Xxxili, 10, Ill. 'See agod sw�,-; 2.01 pounds. When about 11
gave me medicine to came as a great shook to the Japa- also lSa- viii, 9, 10. So they returned six wevl�,-, old the pigs from the young .1.. �.
--.-- ease me at those nese beople, ii was not unexpected. every one unto His work, reminding sows ninde, an average dally gain 6f 1. I
, 4
Jmes, and said that I ought to have an The marquis was a victim of tuber- us that the Lord lias given "to every 0.32 pound, while the pigs from tile , , 11 d
. �� ..
)peration. I would not listen to that, calosis. He was 55 years old, a Her- one His work" (Marl,7 xill, 34). It bas two year old sows gained 0.40 pound. I -11
g when a friend of my husband told vard graduate, his country's pleni- long been a comfort to me that all our NO datil tire given on the gain of the � *__
lim. about Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vege- potentiary in several fo I good works are prepared beforehand pigs f rout the, aged sows. . . I
able Compound and what it had done tries, including the TJiiitedr"�ltgllltlso,oilllllnli .
!or his wife, I was willing to take it. foreign secretary in the Kat,,.ura for us to walk in (E ph. it, 10), and we I . 1� .
low 1 look the picture of health and have a right to say conjerning all that , . I I .1
f Cabinet cluring the most momentous Th' Bacon Hog. . I
.eel like it, too. I can do my own house- poriod of Japan's diploniatio history. comes "Prepared for me,lv All that Bacon bogsehave long noses, an4 I � I
vork, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. ",
E can. entertain company and enjoy He was one of those who larg,)tiated comes or does not come is the beat breeders say that long nosed hogs al -L I . I
;hem. I can visit when I choose, and peace terms ,vith Russia. that His infinite love and wisdom can way,4 produce better bacon than do I I
Nalk as far as any ordinary woman, I plan for us. We learn from vc_,se 16 I . �
L day in the month. I wish I could Thirty -Three Wiled. that they also serro who only stand short nosed ones. It is also true thap, I - �
5% n the bacon breeds respond to good fee(l, . ..
to every sufferingwoman andgirl, I I Livorpool, Xov. 25. -Late yesterday and wait, which 1�4 not a quotation I.. ,�
. . and care so rapidly that In a few ge5-�'. I I
-Mrs. D,r,,MA BETRUN2, Sikeston, Mo. ,I r -ilh list occt,i� ry Scrip- 11 , �
. ucrnoon the Ininwit (It, from Scripture, but it is a ve erations tbeIr type May changa aid: 11
The most successful remedy in this �ionod by the boiler explasion at the tuml quotation, as we learn also from
-ountry for the cure of all forms of �,) i I C, where those Who tarry most rpinarkdble trnnsforma onl :�,
, - .. 00' I'vid"s Of J. NIAV & Sol'- I Sam xxx, 24, tlioy (-ense to be bacon hog, !ti 11 I
!emale complaints is Lydia E. Pink ,emslnod 0 33, v,lih upwards of 100 - equally with � _� �
ip,m!s Vegetable Compound. bly the stuiT were to r,harL a
it is more widely and successfully 'n the inji�rod liel. . those Who went to the battle. Worlt� this kind 1,� gound In the Mule footO " , , ,, .,
Ttle force of ;hQ explosiOn NllsiA Sf hog. I . '',
ised than any other remedy. It has ri :1] Ing with one hand and holding a - .
��-rrific that tho �.ol �fltll,.,,,�&rlflnt In., weapo - . I
-tired thovswi& of women who have wat'i blown off, V"),l � t 1, ,,,, Is ziplil n ,with the otber �verse 17) re A Home l3uilde�, ,
)e6n tro0led with displacements, in. .,,Id cruntblod, stw! the bod:os of th minds us somewhat of 41deoi!i's 300 The dairy cow'18 it home builder. Tho' �' 1$
lammation, ulceration, fibrold tumorsi " .. .
rregularities, periodic pains, backache, V�otllns, bri-Ir'd blt-,?'i into tho av With a trUtnp6t in one hand and a buMness of the dWry fAtMet brings 6. I ''i
_ ,
hat bearing down feeling, indigestion, ningled with Cv, 1!1A0,S of IlAni I pitcher contilliffig a lamp or torch In tet4ru1thd3V,rro0U44 fteeatilf I ,�,
.' � h to Y I
md nervous progtivation,4fterAll other :�hi�ll iii8t�)']Itly' f(111D_�"d ille b;� .1' the Other ('Illdg'L Vil. 16). T a Vie r 1n0ve from 01600 to blitee, all does tUl '�
ilea -us had failed. Wby clo,Wt yot! try it? Ing of t1w boflcrs. that day was grand, and the Lord did , .
. I grain firm". . I . I 1,
� it I .. . I I . . � I—. �. I I �
I .
- . ��
� I I ,.
. . : I � ,
1. , � I . 1� � I I I I 11 I
. �
� .1 I � I � I � . I I i : . . .1
. I I 11 I I I � I 11 I 1. ,. I �
� . . I . I I I I I
*&1 I. '— , 1 4 � . I I I � � , I I I . , . , , �, ' . L ,
I 1. 1. I -A :�L��_ . ,
' " . ..... �'I'L �' ' 0 1 L I .1 I I . 1.
. ....... : -0-_-, � � ,, . � �, I I I ., , � I I I . ' .,� . . L I I " . I
0 1,61 ."��� � ",".111", .1 _,� j _ - . z� .. , _ , :, _.. Ilk I � I I 11