HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-30, Page 5---111, I' lltl­­ 71. ''I" I—— . - -­ . I I 1-7r Wi1M,,WM,,j ". ," I I . I I . I 1 ,­ 'I--- -- ... ,­­­ . ...... ­­­ ,--.. l,' '.." -,-",""-,-,..-, ; 1. . . I . . I I I , 1. ,, , I . -1.111.1111-- - , , I I I ,. . .. I . . 1, I I ( I I I 4 ' I I I lk -­ - ",--" "1",-,-"", """""' , . I I . I I . I . , : . 11 I . I : I I I . . . . .. I , . I . I I . . . . , I I . I . I I I . . I I I I I I I . . : I I . 1 . : . . . , I . I , , . . I .. . I I I . I I . I I . . I I I I I % I I I I . . I . I I I I I I . I . . . . . . : I I . ; . I . 1. . . . . I . I I : - . I . . . . . . I I - I . . I . I . I , I I I . 1: . . II I I . . . I I I . I I I I . . . I ,. I . 1, . I I I . I.. - ,, . I I.. ,i , I 1. . I I I . . " . , I i " TRE, XBTER,; T ODDS . 1. .. .. ....,,,, . — .. - 11:11:IIIIIIIIIIII: . a"""" 11,f, ..... —."-.aI ­­­- 111111111111 111111111tll;, 'I :!,;!,' : ,-'I , . '" . I .--- I I 11.11I -1 — :1: ,;;;! ­ .: - - -- - 1, Z, I - . I . . . ­­-­ I :: r-1 .. ,", Ilp 011I 11 ,. 71,;z ,­­ ­ 1-1:1 -PP! -71 1. . 11. M ZZII!!:111' :: tl I; . . -1-1-11-1-1 1"I ", .;, i W1,011 rIbIlkort" A bo I I ., - 1 trguspAx Nov, Both 1011 ­;­ . I ::11:!,1 11"':': I I ­ . = 4111' ','I I I III- - ­ -0j I . , 'MI 41MI ,, I 11 xk,w#" 1111,PI ­­­. - - I CHISRLTiURST 6 I bows O'Cot I I .,i;li ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiilillliii illliI 11,1111111,," 111111111111;;; !!I ;I; - . , " 11 , I.th. "i, I .i-1 . vol)ER1011 I a , 11 kwjusettla b1000114. IiU4 04 I 1 I, ­",I! ­ 11 -1 -n . , " of PaVee o L I I I .. - . I . T,.T a Orderly star. -I . I I r, Dan Br!Atnell the w, -)l k $)wa , t 0 1 04,0 table It , . - , . , ... I, a Piano within titeneitfaw dayamore. x . * ., ontl.y ;sot OXVII triall, AAA .. ould be i than 780 000 b1l.qhels., of grain Will be thresher has fiDi5hed up auOthe'r good Christmas "' Ovid , by , .. There Sh ­ I; ,d at the God6ch ,elevator for, season, He started on, July 25th land MIS 0 OWSIT& , , . I . . . . . . . . . -- - unloadc . . 0 messenger to, the POPUlAr bat , I I .. 4f, . 1 ,never lost a day, flai Qhlng on . ­ .. I I . I .. I storage, SII boals are due has .0 III 0 bachelor, for elu.,91re he WAS dulilko.14 , 11 I -1 winter I , I I I / n 'the next few days. !Xhis es* NOV, 171LIX ; 10 I , - I The Clil'selburst Wier ring has just (.Nler 0 by matchmaking ViOthellll ... I ... 11 11 "'It' , r 10 ti , i . . tablishment and the W,estera Can&., th season being 0 "A Young lady to See, YOU, sl 0 1 . I "IV k--1 in Every "ome 1 1 - da. Flour mills Company are "17, otw completed its seven abouts. Tbi% . ­ , I 0 1 .111 .. I . fiyo Vessels loaded With wl), at the oldest ring here v marked J* mat IMNLOSIT01Y- I , I —­ I 04 0 )I the card. I ' ': , , . : . I I , from now until navigatlolu closes has be 19yAm * .1 I "I ommo. 1 ilioll,alow 1111 on Ojj,a of the, beat vears iho a5s. Richard$ Jarnes Macy to' I -- .. — .. I . end, ever had. The, f list I Wef kill,' ;a Sylvia zelgb," ran Its 10I I - I—.., . Goaerich harbor will be a basy si,ot. . hare -a 0 111111111,0000 . 11 ,,, J, .. 1. 'ale 1 d 467 pounds and th last ara6 to blui, looking Wier tfiaq , - I , Because there should b u , n every home. . . I Especially at tbis Lime of the y or average .0" lait. I - I $,he c 1. .1 , , I i I - . It, ". . e good m . - rp m of th I raftted the thd day" In the Shop, for her 4eadwa$ , I . of having,'Cho( oomm twenty 49.6, Firtev IM SW6 fairly . 1 I - . ., , , '"II Ly ad 'their .01ri . , , - I . I . , I . , pieces wil mako youravenings at the no ngthened so that L;tdw twenty idressad over 480 a CrIM00111, Pelts ; held high. . . : . : .. A A few soft alre, some. of the old familial away all little differences, . Dial dock I tre ay- unWd thr i r were only three 0 , ut off ithe, thirty i.!I I , olgistmas .spirit, I I , I I " . 0 different Evenings, of that. kind sweep 1 I , arger 16,,rain vessels in , h . " I member of the ' -his porl: is Ice der 460. A great deal of success of from every clioudoliqr* 11I .Vill .pardon my c uft .11 , /, I I . ,. 11 . home a worries and prepare every , 1=ly felt. X 19wung o -u, . , . /I, 11 , & - I , , - drive out petty cAI ji T)GU U16 heerful, welA balanced mind, Cargoes at it I - chor 2dr.W ;4qpes of pverI ,draped all on Christmas eve and unebape&OU I i I - 1. I The Board of Trade had taken upt.h:4 W I 11 - I y to Attack tbowork of the morrOW With A 01 W WOIAZI PeE this ring is due'(0 the but I .. 0 , I 1, , , , - - I - ­ 'A I Past *0 ' I 00-014 not 1'eave town 6! ]i . " . - I ,.- , faimil _ great influence Over the mat -ter and a depUttitloa bas been' all- Rivers who has killed for the 0 slielviug, The countero WOO A! , 1, , I 1, I , .1 P.1- And these ba6ppy, restful evenings will exercise & I five yeaVs and in all the tim- , has , "I I V, , . amily. I pointed Ito go to Ottawa to bAervie, , yes- had turned 14 , . ' 4 most black-, the contralto Voice` was . ember of the f "' g cards, WWI Y913-" TbO '4010t e character of every ra minls,. never be, complalut from ;.nyorie 01 GYM with obristma . - -a I - , SUIT Or, A TI the Gloverztm ,,at and urgel th ,d a I I -AIS THE RE sic you need to Accomplish this. I I X. Fitzarld ab -'.o d- tud, favors. . in Its tones. 2 The piano Will give you the mu , . works to procead as the Inspector IM - , b14 too even L ( . I ter of public ooking Well aftt Who he'd dropped la to buy n replied JaM U ,x Alt for I e,,, ,x JIMMY a woman 41OW 110% a r0utti - there is aoon as possible With this ImPxove- aerves Ore "- ' f9he Mann I 1,1 am I III . . I I I I r, John 'it V - I ­ bonoredi, , her I I f" MOIL as a Pme baker tWbO wag it is conceded to be the flacab musical instrument in the world,, ment which is already provided for this part of the Work. M nt J. load ,Points for. his pocket peritall re Zravely, and he Offered, I , III As but 'a5a ordiAtary e. . . ortson, who has ,been preside I ' . I 1poriverly kno t side its ran 9 in the astimaJtes. " ainea 0 poro over a stack Of gift Which 8 - 1. nothing:QU It fill a ti . . he deellued with 4 W04 a 11 an;' ' r. I . . one, The tip is Ito We give you easy terms of payment, Doesn't that remove the last ob- Considerable lumber has drift,ed the past two,years and as ' lellithor. Then he , -U,9B SNOW DRIPM YLOUIR I ashore during the past few days. office Well has resigned d I i ooks, bound In rare ly bilis her gloved, hand. , I I I I I I . I rein the formar president w' as rO- Eear4 he -.Voice. After that Ov qt ,W I I . .as hard enough to UUOI t1i 1. i, I stacle ? Which is thought to Lave ib , I I 1rhat 6 all the secret about h W%4 enol rl I ks interest so W.ho bought my foolish, it. ' L I of the deelt load 'of the schoo led elected Imit. N;azl the 312 0 " ­, " Mr, Thomas Smale moved to Ud it through A, s0risid .. the use of Snow Drift flour half (the I . done. Pianos range in ,mr ce f rom $17 5, 00 to $450. 00 which Waterlogged and was, -tbaudoa­ fWas concentrated on the possessor 01 baintirigs ( I V lith )uAt F 1 ni during the sitorm on obel) where he bus purchased a hotiso , .. . . . I 11 -11 joe v I -at to learn that be WAS S100 tu. bakin.; is aLready . ed by the or, , oled. Pity, b ..! . , - oXdli,nary care and Will twice as - ­ ---------- Sunday October 2q, Wrecking Ma.5- ------Q— I I obat you gald such things were In Mau V, , hq wrecked my, mother,$ 114 -- . --- - tgood results are aWsuT6dr : ' t I . , ter flabb, is looking after Ole wreck- A F AIR OFF33D t- 0I demand azopd the holidalso and that -that was too much. T I , -- ; I . . ackifyoii are not SA . .16 I Your. money D, . ­ , . . Cook Sons and Co. Aft Tort- . - come to return Four mousy And Y:oix ii _11q% '[W E: R. Wigle drug;ist was in 'fisf0d. ";.. 1:.1-1- rds, If YOU , -, ff I W 1% qe%; 1L iow& r a A'e t week !a alt-tendance ait the, We pay ofr all the viedicine usid I - I --- - the return Of my ca ,. I . . 1, I Hensall Ont. b. M art'l Im I& 'onD E%r == - — Onto las le,A1119 Of the, council during the trial it our, remedy falls to - I not already destroyed them," ''I".. _ seml annual a you from constipa- I . irl 11 expostulated 04, . ........ - of the Ontario Collegisof Pliarm"y completely relieve 11I dear g , ", g. ba. . . . . % , . i ed strangely V , ' . . "" , h i 111A a4. — I all months has returned kortiI He was the representative of :districie tion. We take all th.e risk. YOU: m",, jvho bad turn . -t and f . I sm convenor ad to -is in any way ' c , ...Arlies Nvork is proceeding rapidly on the No. 2, and has been idectea %" not obligat . 11 I 19? uter=Pt Me," c 11 Large Crediton and the'front in- of the infringement committee. whatever if you accept our offer. 11 9-1 .lease, 40 not 11 "I -­- , ", New Ranaie Block lass windows are. ,Thomas. Milt a former well knowa That's a mighty broad statement but I .* I ,t..;.' Mued the girl passionately. ': , .. . . . W . e are sorry to report that Mr. W. cluaing the plate g. Could any . I '1111 mothees bVOtheT­Per.buP0 YOU rem . I citizen noiNt a resident of Detrotit'siras we mean every Word of it. rd. :, (5ne Of our students placed in Win- for a in Plavd - nr in. ber blm-]EEenry Johnson, 10 beXdw : I al eg this mouth as a Private Secre- Kerr is seriously ill we hope. Mr,I F. MoL Smith has bee in toI last week visitting old friends thing 'be more fair to You. I and found out WE , Many speedy recovery. 0 A most scientific opramQnrsonce . , e 0 is Y"Nlb . at $2300,00 Pex 8nuum- I Mrs. P. Roweliffe and son of Exeter Lucan visiting her father Dr. Hoss.ack and renewing acquaintance . Raxall Orderlies, . went to the shop d- 10b, it . . . splaced this f&I good positions . And Mrs. Din- Xrs. McAlpine of Glencoe -*'rho has R . 1. Dean left last we k f r Port treatment My cards had gone an . nitag at are the guests of Mr. I I On Which are ca Their Ito- ed to OU, , 0 mistake is made in trai . been visiting .her many tdabiv-es i'A Colborne where he has secured I. ban'like candy. .- . ON F'I Suc.lL VL miserable little far I l -ney for a few days. lie 'past thre,A ployment With 'the Maple Leaf Mill- tive principle is a recent scientific , . succes$fUl'inan! I thought I Could , I . this neighborhood for t: a odorless colorless . so at::: I . 1. Mr. and Mrs. J, Cookwill spent Sat, ned to Glencoe OA Saltur, Ing Co. . discovery that i an artist. They told me . I 10 +-- with friends. weks retur A 4. 4-1 ..* vary pronounced. Yet C 1;1 Ik ­ I I 11L "I". . . . urdayin ­ n of Clinton spent day last, w an .a I ad par - . I :&gainst uncle's wisnes I c91M0 - I ' I I Misa Mildred Brau e recently tfor gentle and pleasant in action A i h her parente, She Mrs. 'Blair left her ZURICH . I . . a few days here wit' Michigan to visit her xelalt'iVes ,dur- Xiss ,Mell Koehler Who has. been via tjoularly agreeable in every wayNbey -11 - make my little fight and failli ' . I I I . - was accompanied by Miss 0. Sipes. r mo4ths and we bei- do not cause diarrhoea, naulaea, flat- 14 1 . ,, I yon bought those things I thOUght , I - : , I cozzflff Blenheim is Ing the winte iting her sister fin Tavistook for ,x enct d' I L, / 7--,O Mr. Aaron Braun of 'Ing intends goldi? oult ulence griping. or any inconven(. - haps-but unclO, who wantea me t days with his brother lieve in the sPz few weeks, has returned bom. -ill Orderlies arL par- I .1 the hot, ! to Beverley Stati - home, sifted the story to ! L0ND01Y,01YT spending a few on Bask.. toi visilit III Mrs, George Campbell aecompanied whatever. Rex, a go. (I and U0113 1§ . : ears in this city. Short Mr. Samuel Braun. daysin daughter Mrs. J. Weismiller i ticularly good for children . I I . I I Twenty -six -Y a -,pending a few by her daughter Miss Ma -1I re'turnt- . and f0uUd­YPu- I am going ! 0iting, Penmanship, Rev. Burn i p ine aew furnaces arot being," Put in ad Monday.evening after'v"! ',jin r,l. delicate Persons- I I I . I band Typew, . Elmira with his'brother, is 9 If 'You suffet from chronic or hub- I .0, with him tonight." I J3.00lckesping taught 11adiVidually. Rn- LY Ili Mount Carmel church by Messrs Bon,- %itives in Berlin, itual oonstlpe tion Or tbe assoctal( I I 1.1I LeIgh, I yrant to bet a fav011 .. ' trar any day. Send for our catalogue Miss Alma Hill spent:Satards throu and Drysdale. !ends of miss FannY Preeter is v.I 'r,61- or dependent chronic ailments, W c' .1 .00-11 I ,,o as eve, and, ) C- , T lu.,O. . AI , a r:1% is Christm , 11 11 Exeter, ad fr i you to. try Rexall. Orderlies a P, L r I I and first lesson in Shorthand. any xelatiVOS, a atives and friends in Inge.rsoll for a t Olt ., ,ly, desolate Man. it OT . . Miss Carrie Kuhn returned home The M, V I ', . "' !, Mrs. Jane Laing will regret Ito I -earn Ce*vv weeks. on her return home ,she gje -3. m in the Christmas message Of ace tit 4 . . W. E. BLACK, after spending afew mouthain Tor- r sk Remember Yoa can get the - - I I I that she has been very seriously ill will visit. friends in Exeter, ! ­ . it d Exeter only at our. atore throe sixes an bin to t%. ... I - w1e, are I -will me 9 anything - - I Coo Building. Principah onto, H. Mills of Centralia during the past week, but[ Mr. Southcott of Calfornio. v1st e - - 8 '. good d . Tho I Mr. and Mrs, )Pleased to learn thatz sheI is improving 10o 25c and 60. , VV - C01c, Ur '90 , .4 n- ­­ I and I want Your '91) on Ed I . 6 week the at 'the home of Mr " and Mrs. B. Ra , 11 i spent a day in town last mbrook. Miss jean Grassick la in Crediton . . . . I GRAND BEND ---- little Christmas cards guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sa relieving her &Ist * Miz;s LotitI Who nle- the- only touch of real Christmas , -%, . ) A live rePresentEttive e of Miss Mary GaIlman returned home ! - - The Bour W's met at the hom - has been obliged to come? borale on ae- lazit Week af ber spedning -,I few weeks The ITOwnship or Bosaaqllct. in I -.- 1. . want '.1 I I ! W., ANTE I for Exeter and sur Miss Clara Fabner ,on Monday even count of illness. with friends in Detrofilt. Lambton will have a local option, con- I ,has come into my life -and I -0 -, . 1, I w . . ,eep them -and tell you why I V IL % jal n - . I 111. i rojanding district to sell high olass Ing. All report having a good time. Mr.Ed. $oldon Who has beerti in. Bask Messrs Sol Zimmerman and Sam test at the municipal elections 'in J,In . . Will you be seatedl . . 11 1. . ople are anxiously pas1it few ,moAths on ,dighoffer returned hame from the tiary One of the hotels hera .is in " , seX SI ZM-A To TAX9 A LOOR AT to. keep them --.-'' Tnn ` . , . stock for . - ,atoon for the .6d to our villagej and E -adt the only JiSCE Tla ' "You say I wrecked 'Your =O.. -I. i .. looking forward for the skating ed business return t on Saturday evening. this jcwnshIp in. f I Tucs3a CAUVIS." berm 1 .., i hill Nurseries ivi[r. and Mrs. T, Dinney retutu While in the West wet ibelieve disposed wes in it being the Imperjaj, conducted by 'to life. Vell, then, know that bi - . - I Mr- Louis Jeffrey has moved -into I I "he Font home from North Battleford, Sask. these. not long, My , , I . 1, 1' .1 of his business interelAs-there. . the dwelling recently vacailtied by ,I Bruce BossenhI This J.ownsbip I have taken infinite pains with . season of regret I I in af ter spending a number of months The Many friends of bliss Mary I . defeated thp by-latr four years ;lgo, , ' ' than I'S I , . ees will be Plante, JoJtn Taylor, it quirvc) Pleasdi, please tell me what is nrOng penitence has lasted longer I , More fruit tr , . I - - " I - * 912 than there. . Moli of this village and recently Miss Xate Cook and Reinhold left by a alid 0 margin. over tha re, ; i-ften.'.... .I I , * w thenti have lived. I loved Your mother, . eall, of 1911 and Spring Of I —-I of near KIppen. Will regret Ito learn, mber of votes, I --.-- .. , I 'i Ontaiio. o or Saskatebeivan wher,o *nu. but%be,outcOmn a( Lgedy It, the I went I j , , ver before in the history of , and[ botb Pere ,was a note of trf I did not understand hen , ., , I I HENSALL this time iVill. be in jd6ubt I I The oTchard of the future will be that she is very, Ill. they will make their tuturaL jbome, '&h contralto tones. which , together into the world to make a fOrt-Imet .. ,.., our merchants are gI in SiXtO Sleighing has been fairly Igood on Mr. and Mrs. NVn . lyfeldinger bavel ,sides will be, in the D,lield early. ,,Ind other surround- , a beseeebln- glance from won, for -myself, but for her, and; I: ous , I the best paying part Of the farm. Christmas stock and are looking for- our xoads but the ,wazft or a liftle moved into the dwelling recently 9ur- Tbedford Forest 40tt, Din Pith put to Tout tIle that the fortune Must come t I smanship, rd to [I good winter's, trade. I more is felt for. bringing in loads., chased from Miss. Cook, Ing mumcipalities will also oerful violet eyes, 11 We teach our men Sale, "Ma a of the astute loves dream afterward. with wom 1 44 and how big profits in ouncil are struggli-a-Z tO ;1i ------- 0— Mr, Solomon Kepper has moved in.- the by;-Ia)v. ' j es and regulation - 01! ' U1 co '' I .,freFj Culture, The ld Messrs. Statton and Mitchell ly ".. s. His it is different- The dream Must I . on, the crushed stonml on,our sitralierts Will positively cure sick headache to Mr. Fred Schroedor's divelling, UY of Christmas noveltle .- 1;1 fijuit-growing revent its return. Carter's Llt- aged at, EXQt(-T I "If can be made, in the face of favorable Weather con., and p I formerly owned by the late Mrs. Gill. c1rillers have been ,Ing . ShI and b& had never first :he fortune IS 4S SeCOUI e . v ' as a swart .. ,- . employ- the past six weeks xepalr.n,. I ther Iii bt 1'.1. . permanent Lie Liver Fills This is not talk but ,Mr. arid,Xrs.- Georga Innes am via- during to struggling sideration. - YbUT-rac 1!w 11 I .. I d- a Ithert, afed explanation . "I I e. -aae a iting the foxmer's p;i­,n:ts -,It XobI the Pumps at jaOm,e of itheir tool-* - e work be declined her memory) thOUjbt- . . I Pay weekly, I ditions. bar -who is jaoI truth. One pill a dos the salt work I U A , !, Mr. Garnet We 11 , ent, exclusive territory. rade as iia. oarpe,Alttar, vertisement. Small Pill. a fe,%I 11" week. About a Week ag( . . g artists whos '0 9§ I arriculars. working at his t , oted from the! .t . now he -that I did not C d I., Write for P 0I. -,. - oo,m- Small price. ; Mrs. 'Wu became disconne r shaf i . 0 sell on - commission, but - I I I 1. I ' d i ------------ -a Calgary, reports everything b I . -------- 4111— rtz acouh#j-iini., I by herl son. and Went down ,several hundred feel ketg of plate passed -out of MY life 44 ato . I ,hebuildring lir e, a.nd is left on Thursday morning for her ,,, $.leked* UP the litdP- Pac I - tone & Wellington g. t)r:7,I in t R HANDS CHAPPED -overed but special 11 holly, Santa fatheez; . I getting o- 5,*a ? ARE YOU I home -in Pigeon Mob., after aj)leat- These can be rec 'Ind scorI cards, gay With - . a Well and lal Inve Zani.-Bak and struments must be made to "fish- I . d :, t!m . n ,whilch the intends Will cure them sant visit wftbf her parents -Mr. Iblaus. heads, bta. 1,tut she hald TOTL I ha 0 , . ", in ,building IoW 0 The parti8ular dan and other relatives them out. " isnese nothing but money and the Mf 'a ,eting dwellings. ger of ohappad Mrs. 'Melick Let Me explain," he said- I - or( ,alto- Mr. and Mrs. HenYy Randall Ilef t miss Willert of Deshwood who ha '. 11, I -- - - Was Mary Laing is visiting !irt Cliflip. hands and cold cracks apart 0 public ,school her ' novelties. They are the same one happy summer of her life. ne I er from thepain is that the ccld ofr an ditended visit with, thdr bad charge of th bire not ha, ­ --- - I ton for a few-eeks- ' geth - Goderiob, Elmira, Han- for the past two years has rc,.signt,, itylei of cards used In the past twenty expected to know what Peace audha I ,,, , I III ,iii in ,Toronto is likely to penetraI children at orations. W61 pIness meant again until that da:r . 11 ffW';a1:Wi Mrs. Wirt. Stonemaa is and set 'up, in the same to take effect at Christma ! .eiri, twith the same dec . .I, . III co a visiting, her brother Robert Johnston flammation, festering or blood -poison the prices the store, when your eyeti your.. 61' - , . I : ,!. to over and Stratford. , regrets losing miss Willvr . ; - the winter monitbsi is now Directly ithe skin is broken by a cult Mr. Henry Brenner has Purchased The, board *tien who can afford to Pay novelties t thought it was the other SYIVW* , . --"o - DLJ!ST, Work for t our gr ze or scratch 0 , ,the school had, bc- T 'h&aanded for I : " . i I I " commencing in earnest, a flax a r obaffed and cracL Mr. Henry zapl,'a 50 acrel farm at the as her work at e is a dougli , hand' painted And I WUght . . . ! IsfactorY. Sh . ag new. See I ­. I 1 -an ainted on a card, C ' because You pointed them 1 ) , - KILLER millis, ed -by the action of the cold winds, townline Stanley, for $3000,0 ' He' highly 80-t I ry Willert of Stel) ',Want sometu this poin- 4, come 0 . ; I Mr. Frank Tfarquhar has retur-nedl and Water, the ona newssary jpre- 'it get possession the fir4tl of March, ter of ReevO , I blossom -not P . I . I . I from the West wherel hw,%vas on ' ,I Pro caution is 'to apply Zamt-Bulr; freely. " - -----*-- lien. at the summey .... out in the shape Of the blossom s, d now you come, to Me ;; I I I 11 o . ive tour and, is'i,eengaii wilth The pure hI juices from which LrUAN Those who sPe . III, bulging StOck- take from me, MY One 0111I "', I I A tect Ls as barber. - Zam-Buk is prepared are sor perfectly months at 'the Popular slimmer r, ,; elf -and this fatnl a of Pretty ­ . 1, ­­ , . I . Frank Kaiix t the imed, Mr'.1 Cecil 1-Todgibs:'has , ,refurmad be sorry to\ learn 'that M -r I g. overflowing witb face - . I ­ -- - - - ­ I -.- I . Miss Annal Mae Armstrong who Was combined a0 refined, tha a the bospita? A Ort will ho couducli the 11044 .. . . for Vk bachelor. They are catch7o I . -hesL ,sL . hI)mc fr In . , , - Sherritt. late ,effects of t - Zarn03uk drL . .... 1, 4, - handful I visiting Mrs. and Miss D . I from Clinton called,oa:, Bossenberry w rs wanI ' 1 40,a,tbq Gos- sings is soothing antilliseptic, and Dr. 11odgins. . :Imperial here for ,several years an a sort- of things MY cust6me I t , has returned to her home . season aa - ovej:, JQr I I .1 I ,isted by bis bro 1) I ,, 11 . healing pain. and inflammattidi, are Lucanites. in hen line. 'Kisses Mabel Isaac and Mabel [Iod- the past -urworIc Is neat, but not 310veV ,. 13 'jj ji who bast been work- allayed disease germs expelled from . present proprietor is leavin, ou,ts the girl sald bravI !1 11 , . , 11 11 I . 11 .... 'I Mr. L, Walpei ' orc, and the la titer is gins called ov London friends, Satur- e is embarkin t' xVhank 7 . I 11 ing in the West daring Ithe surmme.r the Wound or for Alberta Where h ' too late %; -: , : understand no*, and it Is , — quickly heale& ay. . ; ., in ibusiness W connection With a "v ,ill . I , I, , - * a - I band at novelties. . " il I. 'I I Zam'Buk is not only ,-I- powerful . ,11r. Donald Britei is n..:': :­ on He ,vill locate. at Vinchv, '.1or me to try my .4%. 1, . — - concern. an vill keep my cards , . . -11,11 . . I 1 , lr , r I aler and ski a Purifier; if is strong,. the Suable Line. I Creek on -a of tile growiogtOWDS, iBut perhaps YOU Oi I'll "'..'! I AV% Ihe - Urs mIgbt A V X for novelties 11 I ,:t I . ..."111111 line Mrs. ,T. Vfllwood fron't London, s,l, - - when settled Will Tpjturn L ud 1 -well, : . '. r .:, I #4 1 y ,antiseptic aad germicidal and -so r. j r. 13oss"11 , __ Your r some late I , @REI) FIZIDAW IS 0: " I AT I . the the past week with h -pr idai:,,:Ao0 Bossenberry a -ad child M perhapS 11 :;; , , . W - forms 'the ideal protection. for a1aL , 0 around, and then I . ! against- disease* g,erm& Messrs. Boy and Thomas Ilodginz; berry Iva's particularly. obliging Ustomer might buy mine after all-" i .0-I "I ; . EXPECTED DEAT H ANY, DAY I skin quickly ps have arrived honit, from the, -0.9t. eons,quently & popular host. 'Ind hi 11 . Y. I will be glad to keep " I . it heals cold cracks, cha I WHEN YOU . , 0 cold sores etc. ! The. High School concert Ireld 'on departure is no small loss the the ao,- , ,11,Certalril. name and ad- I . 'I', --I . hilblaina, Abern In -iserve. Your "I , SWEEP — - 0. M.. Phoon, Neuch;I Alta. on tM 17tbf of Novemi proved a comodation line atthis resort ,&essi yes, I remember -Miss. 071- .. .. I -Mrs ,11 most -tell you how Pleas- success. I I I I Another ; writes- --0`---1 'la UOS -1 will , . Case Wherb Life' ed I am With Zaral-D'ilk. MY bus:- Mr. EleT has moved to itown. ury k, r,elgh, the Grant stuc - I I . orbs the dust, I Children I As I Was -Saved and Healt1i band bad an old frostbite on his foot I li ray best for YOU-" . . I . - - FOR FLETCHER'S , & ,. VeVertheless as, the girl slipped I I .11, I . I I I brightens the Restored by "Nerviline." , for many years and I had tried al a deep . I most every kno-wa rainedy withoull'i I 0 As TPLR ,Wough the door he opened pped I I ffect, but t1w fir.4 application - -! - - Arawer under the counter and dro, . I floor, and cleans . — , any e == i I i T I it,is because be feels it his soleran of Zam,I ,seemed to help hirn so . it would never h that he persevered andl ithe sore D o n't Bed a the cards out Of sight . duty to tell to the world his faith in 'muc Vr ,,(, to display those old fashioned bits I the czapet. -makes is now cured. We -%Tonld not be with 0 [9 VA 'of pasteboard among the noTeltie . . Nervillne that Victor P. Hires r three *):tt Zam-Buk in the house- : I I I I e following declaratLon: '70 = I'= '""'INCHI I I one week free triaI th Zam-13uk is also a su're curt for Jack 1114he Box BRO which appealed to his fashionable I I years I was in, the Royal Mail service, ja,ulcers aboesses, scalp- trade. And then -very suddenly the ", . Yours for health, and In. all kinds -of weather had to pileg. leezea Ison bad leg, toruptions I 1. — . man. who'had been engrossed in leath, I 1, . I I i ­ L '' meet the night trains. Dampness, cold, 80,,s blood-pol ) ' pped up to the J)USTBAN& arLd exposure brought on scia,tica, that etc, its purely herbal composition tr bound gift books ate . afiected my. left side. Sometimes an makes it ,the ideal balm for babies 6 U D counter. . 4LL GROCERS e children. All druggists I,", . . . . . . ::::: . Was So ChOked "' V please. I should like . ati would come on ;",-..*.,.$i:I . "Ono Minute, i .. r and stores sell Za= i ', l"."."i '."'...., i. '.11 i cards youlust i .. )owerless to work. X was so nearly a -13ak r5ii box or I ; to take a look at those I complete cripple that I had to give up post free from Zam.-Buk Cn. Toronto , z ."I".."..".." Shp- could Hardly bought from the young 11147-I" I ; i , W. J. - HEURN my job. I was in despair, completely for price. Try also Zatr -Bllk Soap, . . "' Exeter, Ont, cast down because the money I spent 1 i5,. b-iblet. t I" ,The astonished manager of the store PI V-' ', , an trying to get well war. 'wastecl. I ­ :" 1, Breathiii glanced from the well groomed Mat . - ,lI Speaking to my chemist one day, I —.,O-- I i?zi :- — . with fine brown eyes and iron graY - . I . and he recommended "Nerviline:' I had AflLSA CRAIG 1; . '1 4 hair to the more expensive novelties - - . I .;,.,'.' I I - . this good liniment rubbed on several 11'..... 11'11 .",-' U of In the showcase. I .:.. ,.'."1:1;. ... 1:1; ... 1:1; times a day, and got relief. In order 111r. D. F ... 1:1; ght from the 01:4 ga, 1::: i ­-­; ifis is an acute inflarli THE REV. IRL R. EXCIKS a 9 12 to 'build . up my gen- I "t'd j ,,qer,,n old; and highly P- . ::i..;. - I Bronch 196The ones you Just bou -, 11 . 211 Of Nairn, (Fled aft rW, i..... %k ...".. , " ", ), I , . . cral health and Im- sp "K,"."'.: the mucus membrane lining the air tubes I Dung lady," repeated the custbMer se' .N., I , home of 11%land Mrs. Jas. Flnar On ;;1;-I :j $., D," SEPWAD WA=Z %U,* I ALMANAC . ,..j;,. . . 1 i-l 'i $11" 114, .;",., ,*.-" . - "I AX -ROX01M ,, Thl"jay f '. , %, , - . . prove my blood I . t a s. -'.Ii$. .111 `1, '1.'$.".%..1* -:I , e lungs, and should never be ne renely. .;?, . GURED : or a prolonged illn, i W - .. , .'n. of t4 , ' used Ferrozone one .-R, ed the manager h 10efoTe the great drouoh Of 1011.1 'e Miss Mary - Vylle Who sip6nt ibb-I .11N....-- 14.1.'., W; ',$.'o "Certainly," respond happiness. -the work Of your . - almanac gave timely Warn- six tablet -with ach ;;;, . 1 , . ,­ y often the disease i - `Q I. ...'--1 .:: 'o --i , . , . ::::: " : : : : I continued pa,st t iii Mr& :::: ..'I b 811VIa, Sylviao haven't I paid my th Hicks t ineal. six months with fier a ii `..i 01. ,.;...,.,p ... "a.'.... I."...': glected, for if it I$ Ver . astjjy, and he spread forth the do ­­ . 7.::;, .."M ... . . , . . yearsip r1or to 191L YEARS tills tveatment four liarnes.of Vancouver B. C. returned "".. , ,i 1 . ..; chroI and then it is Only 9 lug For over two il, l'.1. ;---,-,.f"""""' .. .."* : '.. Ilil.i.,.qg. . ., ; .-:.;­... becomes spised bits Of pasteboard. The work ag ';%i. * ' it ,I Q repentance? Can you not e ain sounded the . , place. th,a Hicks, AlMan"to , - months and was home on ThursdaV, --..-,---, I '11:,"I"... ` I i,L .! short step to consumption. was dainty, but utterly Common forglyeaess.-Christmas forggaivetteS I k, of drouch danger. And so 035M, 1 warning curof.j. .1 h . ed, all kinds Of linl- Xr. Goo, L Shipley. had the 11116- WgIlRig". i.. .,i I - 11 . : , ­­ *, .q rould like- I I - 1 .. -3,..,%; IN . . i 0just what my sister V I % =10, . il on the first sign of bronchitis Dt. "' ­*` I this,same friond of all ga trut,11jully say that t W, .%. r mother's Inal1i ­ ! , Y for forty years its, and .c * forbone Ito fall tram a ladder while . . . . . ­ .K.. . onservative sort of woman My sister you y refused the lue'T more pene- Ights at his boluel I It. -I ... C Sylvia turned toward the door. -.------.-11:1- ,;.. .tke people has steadla,%til ar stronger, fixing the ej,, otrle Il R W- ,ml : ­11%1,y,m­; -.'. , should be d continued Nerv!Iine is, t than' an'y- dislocating his shoulder. IN, sPiNIN 1-W--:1 ­ ­.- Wood's Norway Pine $Yriip Its-don,t go la for newfangled Ideas. are leaVid 6ffers of 8vOculatOTS an tvating, and injUritely totter prevent it becoming I Not 411 Must go now. We to ''al " . I o of the coming dan L f rt .' ,.7ving pain, I urge takelit, and thus . I 'I'll take thosei do26% wo 1), O clock train. Uncle W rM . to warn the publi t ldng else or ,Mr. Arthur Ogilvie who has been up I I I I and weather. As fthey - c,-,reryione with lu,anbago,. neuralgia, warki I ng for Mr. Alex. Smitli, k1x-iMb :& jael-,-In-the-33OX neTer JUMPS chronic. I I 'trioughl Do you supinse the girl for me downstairs in a dub. 0.0'ar , I 1. obould have done the people 11ave zlob-o I,heurnatjam, or sciatlea, to use Nerv' p., left last we,ekto spend Orhistams Until somebody Pr6sses the 16Utton' "a Donald, College could do two dOtOla more b I? I I . . I -1roi, Hicks, ii faith- IjIje I know ft III cure tilem'" in ScotlandI, . erprising., lie has to initia- Mr. John. D- Mac ' home.,, . I is not eat * --( I ly stood by I who has'9rO1,VZL Old %aere isn't a more, 1.11911ly-esteemed at his home . . I Orant, N.81, writes, ' 'My little 9"" before Christmas' It sho cari, send going Themau echoed 0q.W61 - , . " I Eal public, servant ,11 bl Westchester than Mr. 1-Tire.s. -Mr. John MeXaughtna left IaSt tive .1 ,em to ra% iltMels III at Marquette- "lEomel" . , only Ono do)- ejtIZL siperid the ,iI With his I be ' J9Ck­ia-the-BOI waltjng seven Years old, caught a bad cold which I I'll Mechanically, dully. . I tal ke t tbe , in their octVice. &Ad upon. For week to Is a . jar,to Word and Works PablAing ­ Vhat Ile says can be relied ie 'hasn't daughter in Mi0bil,"In, . I 1) . a fit spring and developed into bronchitis. $he was $0 . :0 with Wei Id realize The girl hesitated, then held Out " I ,." * . L I siv yeg,rs since being cured I 47 to touch before lie coil . . . ., I... ­ 00, 4401 Franklin. Ave, SV- Dula, . any, Mr, Wright, or 1ho firm of 1i 'for sOmObc . - choked up she dould kardly breathe. I 1 ud most I , ' " , - blad a ,Ingle reiapse Don't ;accept lally 11tays W4 I Ahaklt ba d happened the manager wao blind. I 11 *v.d#­ I . I ," Uissouri and get his magazine and Al thing from Your d; ler but "NOrviline," and Wright, flVinters. of This Place') Nftl(0 YOU UP, Jack US' YOU your woneerffil medicine, g, open mouthed, aftef .,Yes, bacile to dear old Waton . 25c; sold Reading about i actually. gapin 'MY A . . 1, ear. The 'Al was in town, Wednesday froI don ju his box till Christmas- 4 vanlatte both for one Yk of 6110 buln_ rx& cents, per bottle, t0fL1 si7e, zone Co., ., . ,yourself away ay l?jne%rap, I decided ' whose sister Why don't you dome too? i I,— : I fifto boo] by in . -W thl " , , , , , 6 alone a fl evarywiiere, or The CAUTrho onto, way be Inclined to keep Dr, wood's Nol 0 eccentric customer 11 out tomortow ... 1or dintli , , .si fiftyl pages, is Only uc Xing.ston, 011t, Miss l3elle, Anderson who has boon f, roin the toy shop$ and the barga to try a bottle, and With $,job good re- lWag to give a dinlatt- party of sixty you ru ` ' of Caj_ I . ' itig bar brotbor PoWard , trusted 0Sylvia, child, do you Meatit, it lita . t everybody respond and n r , F until Tilt BZ- , ti on ClifIstm -1 L , . I j s day and 1ju le , S,.j 0 URE 0 visiti .,,,- counters VERY DAY suits that I got InOI which completely 6 1 I . I oeivo the Wal,nings of our National ,1,,t ,ight tno&,h;,' r yerliI Jack ' les you understand that it I 'u -I i . . I . .1 j_ IpORE CHRISTMP . ltho buying of Ouch traPOI attic 1 -. ,4 _ "k ,,OURS gary. for the 1), I Seer for thp, coming yeat 0 C) 9 y- remove any 00-1, turucel home on, Friday of last we,I it$ It I fag- cured her. I m1anot $ELY toomuch in its L -to ace 1011? ", I . you 0411 W11111 0,81 . ly,orty Parker an olcl Ailsa Craig does got out of his box he Is Stil not be without -it in il--* '40 dinu6t favors to at obviously In- b the violet 009 .1 . I r ding, by out habit of procraii praise, And would I axperlouced bachelor brother. I Bravely word ,fthe.A* ,,arc,, s jt, or blee l9t; four Y'aars toned to it, Andy I ) .1 IIII _ Xtractor. It boy Who has avent the 1, ) , , , I .1 ,ppT,VIag ratnam's Corn BIJ iWatI the string t1java ded'to you. h6use.' UASTOR" I A ontains no ost. Was brought ,110ract I Christmas eve wastrosty and starlit., to Meet tho searching took 14 1 neve'r burrI9,1e,M'0s no sca" Vents in the w, Wed- . I I - I '11 I j?or Infants and Childr,031. . j4 .1jarmlesa, because composIcd by i1xia attending phTsclan On . N Dr. wood's xotway rine, syrup 15 tjiltmett Macy, coming home from his bt,o-WA011ell, I I I ... I , fteldso, 'aling 071IMS and balms, 71fty nOr" ON THE JUMP NO' put -tip in a yellow WfaPper - t1irce r,* ,,It a ­Ood Witt for' 1 4 I . I 6 ;Iy of )If' 1, Sold ncsdlli nigh,L tolffering from It. GET smiled somewhat gr1#1tr at the dIX0 it peace an 9 1, Clare. 911:1111rall I I voom fn Use tee( voww, brcftkii Ili$ Many tvi0lds , * nt,- " 'Offic", " ,'( , 1 2 1ways ought I I your Christuirls ShOP- tme tbetrade tuark; Price,2'so ­ I ji(glagy preparations made. Sylvialo I I . The KIM YOU RM 1w all dt'gli 25o OttlOs UOful" aact do I Ilia $IV#tIii MJI chdiI I I ...... 1, I 0 MA. t hove *for his opo,AV r0cOveTY- . I . T. Milburn goltr and 9*000011lal there Were I ! Lit; '7th Con, of Md- i manufaetutcd only Ily Tho I , - r ..; )Vdftlt, MoS p#%gNLV I I I . . tears the I S 4,R The people 09 I ' vard to the 01141 ­ --, I­. . Aussir, 0#0 tgmovtovv --L--, '11g. for I . .Wl -Co., uraited, Totogto, OI I to . . . I . f 4 , PUTNA aillivray ate looki . 2tr, g at Wreaths With ., I I . , I ,01grAture lo , 4 , 0(,)FjW1ZXTP*A0T0R free mall &Aivery at an l.onflY d4tO, I I I . I I . . I I I I I . . . I . . . , , , . , j I I . . . e . 1 ,V4 . I I . . .1 ­ , . I . . ..", . I '' ". . I . I "I : I . I . '' 11 L I . " .. I I 11 , . , L 1. , . , I . I I I I , . .1 , .. I ­ I .. . , . , A I 1. - ":L I , ": . I I I I I , . . I . . . . 1 ? , : ­. , ­ ,, , - I ".4- . I L 11 .. . -1 . ,", , ,, , I I ­.. , . , - ,,,. ,-!, .. -, , , .. ""', ­-­.i,-L:­ , I ­­­& ­W­ , I . I . , , , ,; , ' ­L . .. .. .... .... -1.11 ­­! , -1 ­:­ .i', , Il- I . I I 'A' . , ,- ,, , , I_, , ,, 2, 1 . ­ I 1­11­41 &, ... ... - I ­­ -' - ..I I'l . l; Ill-L.' .'--' 11­­.­­..11-1.:­ . , N -, ­ ...... , ­ I