Exeter Times, 1911-11-30, Page 2�XN.14'► TIME X41,08134'r NSC v. 'sotb 1911 LAST MINUTE GIFT, GO—Sall1HInrl)lu.WASTROUBLED WITH HEART RIENTALS NN GO T I __. t '"`" """' Farmers' lank Losers Wait on Hon. + Ch>ArritinVI Trlftes Thit Are Quickly and W. T. White, DISEASE AND NERVOUSNESS Ealelly Made. Ottawa, Nov, 25.--A large represed- Children Cry for Fletcher's A vanaouver , Member Solomnly 4 clue for m1lady's. lingerie w1} cation of sllareliold. rs and. 1Ai, D�ICxOIts COl7l.Ir Il0 I1E12 ipAaRtea a charming Ohrisiznas ft of the defunct t'lhrziiels' I3anitp�v cl 'G001), TI '',E RODS. OF Wialans cher Davtarnmemt• ;` case illustrated is of sheet, white laIVA on the Government )esterday morn- i ft 'x ited MAURN"S IiF,AIL�` .AND. NERVE-�--.�..,..�,_ ,PILLS COMPIXTELY C>712ED ratk'erted with a mauves, Soral design. Ing. 'The deputation was made lig of H. 5.tevens I n Rebate o people fxO:rkl all Miss Mary Lebeau, Edison, Sask., n speech � Yard of cher material is sufficleat parts of Qntarzo. '+ From the Throne Denounces the to make the case. The lawn s foIde Fremiel• BOrdep. was present. also or df4g taSes -w l was troubled with, heart i disease and nervousness for over t o Late dor Its Mat- Qo that the. selvage .edges meet; in the on, W; T. White, Minister of Fin- Governmentanee and other members' of the Cabi- y�ars, and, was so bad at tunes>s . T had to administration nt +h. Ai;_ ,.,.__ For the la'w'yer, a brief case. 2ann For the motorist, a license case, list For the tennis player, a racket press, 911 For the college boy, a leather eov, The Kind Yoia Dave Always Bought, and which has been the ered sofa pillow, in use for over 30 yews, hits 'borne the signature of .geand has been made tinder his per- , For the smoker, a box of his favorite sonal sttiaervistou since Its Infahacy. w, brand.Allow no one to deceive you in this. For the. physician, the little railroad ! All Counterfeits, Imitations and 'd Joist -as -good." are but ion cline table Beide issued once a month, Experiments that trifle with and endane,•er the he -11+h of } of with information about fares, die. Wants and Children—Experience against :)Experiment. tw, tauces and all changes in schedules lip aut to date. It Is handy if he has sub. W I -q �o ;. ,he arban patients, !9 9 1 a m_ l For grandfather, a reading glass. Castoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor . 011, 3Pare- 13or your fiastce, a picture of yoursel; Boric, Drops anal• Soothing, Syrtujas. It is pleasant. It se or a gat folding f to fit his watch ca contains neither Opium, Morphine nor outer Narcotic s to substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nt1^ and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lie -.,,+� has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, lac Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and `.1 Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, °1- assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. l kThe Children's Panaceas—Thee Mother's Friend id M ,' GENUIT I ALWAYS ` T gars the Signature of 4 :d rs z9i 4 ` a- :'DESS BBT Or POLISHED AHYY SOUGH COAL, t" photo leather frame for zt p your "Cabi- End t- act®Alwaysave Bhought o )C For the bookkeeper, an envelope and ie 1 ;tamp moistener. 1n Use For Over 30 Years z• FOr the literary Worker, $ desk set THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY, is like the one illustrated, which Is made it of rough and polished'coaL The treat. S ment of this product for ornamental �- purposes is unique and very, success - n. ful. The set is stunning. Lt n Artistic Leather Gifts. Some charming Christmas gifts can --me d be made from colored soft leather Lt eking, which are sold now in almostDa.dd-' d all shops. For an example of such s homemade presents take magazine �' m t covers. They can be inexpensivelyto When Lltde Girls r constructed and are suitable, as far Go Fishing as good form goes, to give to mea The, Little Girl Comes friends. Incidentally nothing could be to the Rescue r simpler than the manufacture of these t covers, for a woman has only to take 'I W RANSIM GREEN'S big brother is going a -fishing tomorrow. Can't Y 3 the measurements of some book and go, too?" asked Jack as he pattered upstairs to bed. then make the leather slip large "And can't I go along?" added Evelyn. enough' to be Slipped on easily. "We don't avant girls,,, Jack objected. "Girls can't fish anyway.,, A flat piece of leather iii cut accord. r' W Ing to dimensions, there being a cor- responding piece of silk, preferably the Some girls can," replied daddy. "And girls are sometimes of real use On fishing hips For instance, there was one that I will tell you about because same color. There must be a piece Of the little girl caught something a .Bleat deal better than fish. She caught thin,canvas stiffeningabout half an four little boys whose boat upset and who otherwise would have been drowned t tAih wide, in a strip long enough to . the outer edge of the "It was this way: Dir. Barrett, iia youhig„man learound leather. lage, was going out &shing.in las dory up at Winthropt Massa there wags This strip must be basted down care- plenty of room, and so when several of his little friends wished to go with fully to keep the leather on a gat sur., h1m be. was quite witting to,take them. One of the party was Muriel James. tate and thus avoid a pucker. The a little girl of ten. canvas must then be placed about half "As they rowed out into the water they noticed a rickety skiff, in which an inch from the edge. In this spay an even, stiff line is Were four little boys. The boys were eleven, ten, eight and six years of age6 The skiff in which were the four boys made, and over it the soft leather must be turned. The suddenly sank, and they were thrown Into the water. silk is basted down, putting the raw "young Mr. 'Barrett jumped out of his dory and swam to save the- boys. edge in, find the whole carefully sewed He caught one little fellow and swam -with him to bis boat. Then he went. ,on .the machine. back ,fox the three others, but: they seized him by the head so be could bnot This done, two ends must be folded swim. Air. Barrett sank with them, but when he came up he shouted to so they will form pockets to hold the little Muriel to row the skiff over to him. The little girl paddled over to magazine. These pocket gaps, as one 'where the young man, weighted down by the three boys, was struggling, but might call them, need not be more he sank before she could reach him. Luckily he came up quite near the boat. than four inches deep, for'this width and, loosening the hold of the three lads, he climbd in the boat and one by will hold the book securely and yet admit of its being removed without a one drew the boys after him. People on the beach cheered wildly, and when the boat reached the shore maybe they just didn't fuss The Saps const be stitched make a over IlIr. Bar- Tet and little Muriel, who had been able to keep her head when other folks togethstruggIe together on the, machine. This com- lost theirs. pletes the case. A girl who has any knack at "So you see what came of taking a girl fishing in that ease. if Muriel paint- Ing or poker work may make most hadn't been along probably five persons would have been drowned.” "There, affective round or square covers • of you see, I ought to go to take care of you," said Evelyn to Jack. a'Can Leather by choosing tier own designs you row a boat?" asked daddy. o'No-o-o," said Evelyn. hr by having them outlined. Bags of endless kinds also may be "Very well. I think until you can both swim a little better and both row nanufacturec'L The leather box fllus- A boat you would better wait to go fishing with me." 'rated, designed for collars and cuffs, --- -- ias a drawer for hol studs and _ Cravat Holders. These are fashioned so the cravats will lie flat, being folded only once in Weenter, and there can Ile no danger it crumpled ties. Two little Pockets are stitched • on IW inside Of, the holder, which have cps held, in place with glove fasten, rs. These are to hold the studs, cola t,r butt , ns, ecarl'pins and otltt links. The tees lire gni-Ip Ips fn the older ambothik,EM es';ltd laidb$ fag tb.0#eltt•Ii li I dol ire . ,l• ::3;N,k'��„�y�� ' I . ....,,. 4 ._. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINT Em 0' ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES. - PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND FLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEVA METHOD TREATMENT afflicted teeth AnytBloodile tor Sinn Disease all those to our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed cure for tbese complaints. There is no ex. cuse for any person havint n ti isRYrttr.a tare or most y , cvrnpucama cases enables us to perfect a cure withoutexperimenting. Wedobusiness on the plan—pay Only for the Benefit s You Derive. It you have any blood disease, eo"- 61216 us Free of Charge and let us prove to you how quieldy our remedies will remove allevidencesofdisease. Undertheinfiuenco of the New Method Treatment the skin be. comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches Leal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen p,. out hair grows in again. the eyes 7ime ..r bright, ambition and energy return; andecothe victim realizes a new life has opened up to him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREC Send for Booklet on Diseases of Man " 9 "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE U unable to call, write for a Question Ijst for homo Treatment 0ff%%_TXENNEU_,Y-&Rit"" " Eny, 'Him own Cor. Michigan Ave. Anes 413dswold St., Detroit, Mich. LW OT i � Lw P.111etters from Canada nnist be addressed ■ Oil to our Canadian Correspondence Depart. ment in ,'Windsor; Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Med'=l l Institute in Detroit as we see and treat DO PAtichts in our Windsor of ices which are• for Correspondence and LaborAtary for Canadian. bush!". .4 only, Address all letters as follows DReS. I'wMNZ0Y & KENNZbk', Windsor, oat. rllte for our llxlvato uddtess, f ; At