HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-23, Page 8• THE EEN TB R TIMES
o ♦O♦ . 4+R+1A1 4 4i►�'4► a e It: ---T lowomt Sunday i "^ `^ •x •i ••! •�•i° i •II•�3•• •W + � •i •1•+1"d•dr° .4..................
Mek1►thtili�♦#�wM9►�►Aa►�+N"+9^��►�rw�►+rr�r«►�►�►v��r .��►�► . �41� Af rk t e.poi�!kla; . , b�a ,hal � � Isle. q� L. Wlxitby e��aG �urad-.� . a� t
1►+► W #�P4�4a�i+1► !►4 !kiro, +iP iP 4 +1►'R► 11r## tP► 1#R+M�N I he tepor't of Bxetea^ Rr�arheta 4ur,. London, 'i["Rle P18tc�t WYhet'aa Good
4.. reefed alp to loveriif er 23, Miss li ttu. W''elsh left for London on Olothes C3ome 1~'1'or� 1�' atstandard•8icents- �CARLINCY's
+� ♦ Monday lost. ,,
Bucgwlieat 5tlo to t1Uc
• ;Vit, J. Iliiikin. is atherio fowl for -'�
+ R4r ey 05 to 65c, Jones & May,
♦ Oats loo , to Q cents. R
'► 0 A lost chain is, being advertised for
�• '� � Peas 75a, to $1.0
Shorts $20;UO : onpagefour,
Xodel floar $.. t Mr, Jae, Walters was in London
+ Il3rar� 524.00
. a
Feed 'Flour ,1,50 0r'iday on IDusines, B. I♦ a`
ABOUPotatoes 85i Miss Minnie in visited in I.on�.
., don for the past week, '
Butter DentisReady-to-Wear
25' cents,. Aft, and Mr-, Richard Beldon enter. , .
'FIVEhogs 61.30 live twined on Monday night, Upotoodh_
^ � �, Choice Export St'i'ers� 5.85 to 6;00 Miss Berry of Ingersol Is visiting
' on.
r +►, . Medium �erport ,steers 5.50 co 5<6a with 1Mlre, R, G. Seld
Choice butchers heifers 5 60 5.$0 Mr, Rem, Baker is. seriously ill at 0V L.�. G, � N � rl � ;
* + Medium butchers. lleife<rs 5.40-5.50 his home on urot4 street, { �11R tl Voods
++ choice butahers cows 4.50 to 4,'I5
Medium butchers co^tvs 4.00 tto'I.W Mr, 0d, Calwell of Toronto was in
'Q • town Thursday o'
^a �WEEKS ,,, � � ,• 1 ++.
-cows 2.50 to t3.0Q y u business, �•
Miss .Annie Bissett leaves thie 'week ,g.
tP .�. ♦ o choice ahe!ap 3,�5 to 5,5,0 i l['®]jj
F - 7 a ♦ ♦ iChoce lambs 5.00 to .0 25 to visit friends i Norwich.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elliott visited
t �� ♦ o with r. Thos Elliott Sundae.
''1 # r
for sale, Day ►e offering sante! caws '$ 1. () ® ♦
See adv, on a e four
' 15
�r + p g
Mm Oharieton Is. visit
aster De Le -
4 •� ♦ � ing with has grandmother at Parkhill. 'p
i-____ + We will pay till advised the follow- Misa Jessie ,Alexander the great
XMAS ing for Poultry in trade. scotch entertainer is . taking part inTaman
2 ♦ a concert. at Hensail to -night. "We
e +o Live DressedY�
«t c ++ Dry picked Mrs, W. H. Kiddy, of Fenton, Mich W's 44 •
Do YOU realize that Smai la as near and before that time ++ visited with relatives at, Hurondale
lJhicken 8c, 10e. for. several days during the. past weep. The Nifty Man's
s. You have many things. to do< i?a not.leave year $in buying s Fowl. Bic, 7 c.
S nil
u t the
last few da••s, You should shop no d, while the assort- o + Turkeys 16c. 19a Mr. Nat Ogden of Osborne who was Tailor
" menta are good a•nd we have more time to show you the need of a e+ Ducks 11c heads on stricken down with appendicitis last
-t things,
• ai 12a heads off week'is getting better and is able to ,1
Geese 9tc heads on be out again.
• ` ® loo beads of Wanted -Experienced maid for ,'1,
a a F[ �g�+ Doilies �g + ® One cent per pound less in each case general housework in a family of four: �M��� g ��.�,�,g„i t i„�„ g„i„1 1 1„l 1„1„g g„b +
y Motor Hoods M a a
0 o + for cash, us t un _ erstand cooking, goo wages ♦
•+ Tn Rind work, A big vane- I d + o -Mrs. John Stevley. 507 Queens Ave. 4
Tohe embroidered in Ventre
Wof sizes and patterns, small
n afferent combinations of
colors. The very thi'pg for
o +
Watch thas space every week for
♦ +
siz�a can he mailed in a letter,
20e, 3Oc, 50c to $2,50
skating and driving. $1, $1.25
g g'
Masers Harry Sweet and Lloyd
Rivers while out rabbit hunting, Sat-
Our Seven Colleges have been
and other pieces
urday captured two live coons. They
established during the past 130
Cozy Slippers
Eenew note.
FancyFc11Dc"' Fork
Aviation Caps
� o
an�''r Belts
brought them home and now have a
couple of
= .
years. The largest trainers in
Canada. Owing to our conneo
past week, He left Tuesday for New
In Elastic . Patent Leather
♦ ,
and Fancy Weaves ver suit=
men. Colors of Red Green,
Black and Brown all sizes.
a► �
+ ®
R4 s G rdon e d I adder -s
all .over Ontario.. we do
Tohe embroidered in Ventre
In Rad, Khaki Whits and
+ o
r o a s con resets
will be held iuMainStreet church this
'i' better for our graduates (than +
Pieces,, Corset Covers,. Night
Z Dresses-,
two toned. ,The new cap this
♦ +
(Thursday) evening at four oclock on
4 -any other school. 'You may +
Pillow Blips, Yin
year. 73 amts.
�OWe�®�0 "The Influence of,. Womanhood."
atudy at home or party at
Thuraday of last week Miss Lida
the late William
Quance, died at
Qua,nc-died at her home aftera coni-
paratively short illness with beastMrs.
and other pieces
Everghody welcome. »
home and finish at the college,
� Affiliated with the Commercial
Cozy Slippers
+ ®
Eenew note.
Dr.. Will Knight of London visited
in town for several days during the
Educators' Association of -0an- r�+
an�''r Belts
For Girls, Misses 'and Wo-
A stray steer is being advertised on
page four.
past week, He left Tuesday for New
ada. It wouldbe well you
to investigate before' choosing.
In Elastic . Patent Leather
♦ ,
and Fancy Weaves ver suit=
men. Colors of Red Green,
Black and Brown all sizes.
a► �
+ ®
Mr. W. Bagger spent Sunday at hishospital,y
home in Clinton.
York where he will take a : ears
course in a
.g- Exclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famous Bliss ~Book- ,1,
able for genas tYifte
50c, 75e, $1, $1,25
Rev. C. W, Sanders. of Brantford
Mrs. W. D. Burke lett Saturday
keeping System, which is un- as
50 cent- t 75 t
is hoarse visiting iiia parents Mr. and
squatted. It is Actual Business :�
Fancy Hosiery ..
®®dJ� For Men�,�:
la this line we T'i
We hava some, have a plain Cash- _
thing neat and up mere � hose from
to date in Silk, 25c to 50c, also 'a
Scarfs in White rib ,J hoee at 50c per
Black or i't'hite pair. Then we have,
and Black mixed a silk and Cash-'
X1.25 Sc X150 mere has® in all
Also in small sizes at 50c, • '`
Shawls, Clouds & +'
Muffiers from Z
256 t0 606- NMI
o INA ,
cans + ® visit .Mr, Burke in i3erlin. Mrs, T. Sanders.' Mr. Sanders is tak- from Start 'to finish, and -the, � ' -
i Sweater b+®atS +, Mr. Dan McLeod of London was in ing a rest after undergoing an opera- student keeps -same books as ,+
Jabots town Monday on business. tion on the nose, which was broken Chartered Banks and Whole- + p�•
ots + o Mr, Ed. Treble is able to be out when`, boy going to•school. + sale Houses. Enter any time, A Fine Assortment ®� Fancy Dishes Inst
What would lease a child '
Just' in, for Rmae. In White more than one of our warm ® 1 again after his severe illness. On Sunday Taylor received a Individual Instruction. • y� �1
and Cream, very new and comfortable Sweater Coats? ®O Dir. I. R. Bissett of Strathro visit- telegram from Seattle, Wash, stating Wits, calf or hone for, ! 'f' g' arrived f®r the Chr�StmaS 1 rL�de. '�
stylish, at 20c and 25c. all sizes 75, $1.25 to $2 25 e s y that his son. Frank, had lost three fin- ' r p + •i- • '1°
y + ed hie parents hese last week, martieulars
® gars from his right hand: No yards- + Purchase Early to get YOUR Choice
The Misses Croft of town spent Sun- Mara were given '"He is on his way �
+ day at their home in Dashwood. home and is expected next Monday. +
Handkerchiefs Hand Bags ' � • Mr. Alfred Bowey returned home Clinton BUS111eSS �
+ froiii St. Thomas Monday evening, The Rev. J E. Millyard of Aenaall. + Highest
• •
Thousands of Embroidereii New hand bags with new cord wili;give.his addirees•entitled The i hest Pricespafd ®1• Produce �t ®Wl•
and .Hemstitched handker. • '°Handles. Colors. Brown, Grey g + 1Mtf i3 Anna Dow of London spent Shamrock, Rose a:bd Thistle" iii Caven College e . `l•
chiefs ,just to hand from the and Black, Very latest at ♦ Saturday and Sunday at her home. Presbyterian chug+ h on Friday ,the
makers. 50, i0c, lac, 25c to 5tic 60c, 75c, $ L. $1,25, ' $1.50 �`, ` ♦ herd 24th iikst, Na, eiii! ot3.shotld miss this
_ - - AiLand Mrs. S. G. Bowden have re- treat ` ,1 E.: Mi yt%d`trill illustrate his a Eiresliient
e t1 E0. 5P0'�'TbN .�.
• O turned home after, visiting. in Ridge- lecture• with, if ijb light 'views. A sil- . Miss B. F: WarA% PrinaiRai
Frr�iIngs - Cape Gloves + towii" ver coliealoii will;be taken. °�
Wks. Fowell returned Saturday after . On M¢;►iday gki` �,Dec. 4th the:t"L"i"L".'F"L"�"E"i'�"i•`F'1'd»F♦'1"i"J"I"k'L"b!ii
lin se irate boles 8 frills in a In all sizes. Re alar wintiFr ♦ +
p , g ah gztended .visit„ with relatives at GrandOitlieers°fve Grand Encamp- -
bog and $no tw0__AIikeL.at.,1aexr-. QIove,..every pair-guaraute ,d ,1 Wirkdsor r merit of Oddfell lys of Ontario will
�` 'bog 2ii * 1' x S • ar
P , , . S.elt.ei:.. at per pair?5c ani $ . tr,v • a O = The Youuga: Ladies sewin circle met visit Lxeter,enc`>suectt No'33. 'This ®ental OfflCes CilOse�. .* T
at the homer of Miss Jessie , Manson gee +
♦ will bN a at o or to the Ezeter Kindly take .Hutt oe rthat any office + 3•�II••II• 1'•1:•3• t�•4' -II••II•�II•♦,l'r•€�••i •€*•1•'1' D' ►i i"'1"&•'i"Y"i"1'd"i'8"#"i"II••3•'id•'i"i'°i�°H'i�
i Monday evening; Epcam pinent a 'e Grand Officers ;
AR -1-4 do not,often visit"&lodge in full force, is closed every Wednesday af?b noon
Miss Pearl Leavitt has returned
y ®+ home after visiting for several weeks The fuderal of" j.& 'L
Henrie, of St. OR. RouUSTOX. ,f,
JN'Am E+ in Detroit and Windsor, y CLOSING NOTICE..........•1••i••i••1••3•.°i••II°•II••II�II•°3�•i••l•d••*r•f•3...... ��+N+
Marys, held from itis late residence on �•
Tuesday afternoon, to Bt. Marys Cam- ,
♦+®♦o♦o♦♦f®+♦+♦♦Noe®ao+®♦tbo♦ NellO®�♦♦♦A!4'be�+�'�♦ Mrs, Ericson, of Rochester N, Y-. Please remember that my Dent,
oo+A9,er®N♦++,�®+f®.®Kase.+®® ®®®®®+®++®N®®+®®el®♦®O♦�6+ returned to her home Saturday after etr was ver laike attended. Mr. �-
y n y Office is closed ever Weda,esc*y Afteg- .� DON'T
attending the funeral of .her uncle horse was hn diE the beet known KINSMAN
Mr W. G. Bissett horsemen of the.district,'and 'di'ed at +
5 4 PCS ELL. SAYS ariety
1 ocStore,
Don't Do In the'Dd1ft
,Along with our bsual Line of Bargains in Graniteware, Etc,
we will sell
.A. Wiudow FcaIl Of 25c and 35c values at
This will be a Clean Up Sale on Odd Lines
Our ngrth Window will continue this week with Graniteware
Bargaina(changerd each day)-
166 our ,Beautiful China and Glasswa-re for Xmas
PoWeI bazaar 1.5c'
.,tarp and
na varietV.
his home on Sunday after a brief ill- ---f--- +
Miss Dora Trott, ha.has been .vis C-
iting in and' around Exeter .for io- cess. He waa Wyears old and is aur- a i EOMMUNWATION!
vivid by his wife. Oorrection-Rev: G. Vier Dewey, of .g. ALARMED •1
past month _ leaves today for her Lo'ndon,, has nit, ' as' stated in, the •f° •f>
home 'at Beameeville. • Wright-Tucker=A ciuiet wad-
ding; tools lace' at the Main Street city press, recently. withdrawza his
Now is the time to think abo at your p 'g' W Sleep late in the morning. .1.
Y Methodist parsonage on ' Tuesday gtcceptanee of the invitation extend- .g. Enjoy the luxury of waking
Christmas Cakes, Follicks make a ed to him -by the Officials Board 'of •+
evening of last"week when Rev: E. G. ,1. u whenever you feel like it �.
specialty of making or baking them, ,Tames street church and Zaino St p • y
Leave our order earl Powell united rn marriage Miss Ada • + if you can, but if you wan%
y y' Tucker and Mr. George Wright, both people Uiava the brut of reasons for .g.
Miss Olive Quance returned to Ailsa of Usborne Mr.r and• Mks. Wri ht expecting that Rev. ,Mr. Dimeyl ,;viii ♦ better get one of our, , 1
Craig Monday: after being called will°reside; ori the'Boldon farmMondon be thdir,pastor next year. ,g'g' itriax. Cl®C+ka�
home on account of the illness and Road south, occupied by' -Mr. ER Knight -'- ~- '1' ""«"-'- C f
subsequent death of her sister Lida is your husband cros'sf An irrit- +
q who is moving onto th angel studs . ia,ble fault finding disposition is often �' watches
Mise R. Matheson. of Tiverton. and Winchelaea'Store'(7han Changes Hands- •"g''
Miss Lulu Martin who are attendingg uiee to a aisordered stomach A
In another column Coward and Co. of an•xn,with good.digestYon is nearly al- A
(collegiate at Clinton, visited the lat- Winchelsea announce that they ,have wa3-s ood natured. A great man 'g' Tea Spoons, Berr 'Spoons, Dia,mo" ds Cut
tees home here Saturday and Sunday. sold out to Meaera James Skinner and g g y p y f
have "ren. permanwntly cured of .g. Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks
Mrs. W. Graham and two children Newton'Guf2ding. Mr. Coward Chas stomach trouble by taking Chamber- + ( Soup Spoons, Pie Knives, Glass,"Silver-
tended .y.
and Mrs. C. A. Keohler, of London at- not yet deckled -whet-he will do but lain's Tablets. For sale by all dealers + Pearl -handled Butter Knives,
tended the funeral of the late Mary possibly he will spend the Winter in + Knives and Forks,11
• .H
Alberta Snell on Wednesday of )est London. The new firian are riparian- •+€• �ish Servers, Carving Sets, `1'1`d 'e9 Pins, d�°.t�a's
week, ced in the general store business. Mr.
We are pleased to note that Mr. J. Skinner having conducted,- store at
'Charelton is able to be -out again after Woodham.
his accident of several weeks ago, His • Our Calendars-Iit making our azi-
first trip down town was on Saturday iaouncement in.*xeferienoe4o..the cat
last, endare: we• -ire giving, away :to. sub=
Mrs. D. Johns and daughter 1Mfiss scribers -whose • subiscriptioans'' .are
Lila returned to town Monday i•vt•u_ paid in advattee, we.do so with. a.. ftaiel-
ing;. Mrs. Johns has been v s t ing of: pride belkviing that we have,
Ing in Sarnia while Miss Johns spttit some of the,,prAtiest, calendars that
the past year in the west, we have 9et.QXfrered..:.,There are three
Renew Now i -Last week wet nt kinds. to choose fr6m. .fCwo of,"there
+ Wedding Rings
+ tg;g Stock to choose from, : � MdFGhdfld
.fig <°�•E•3�3•'I°"1'..g...i••p•l.•3..g°,i•,b.....:;. *d• 1"II'•i•d d•3.3••k•4••f••D••i•3..3•.g.•3•,1••F,+3••i••II.1+
out a number of accounts to sub - are large pannels.12 x 28 with, beau +AAA♦®♦i+♦o4♦®♦+�®+++0+9♦♦♦♦+++++e♦N++s+olo♦+eNe1N�
tiful scenes Oti
An tpod4 of Emilie •
subscribers whose tsubseriptionls ara .. ,r S
and The Dear Old Home iprinte:d
rearrears sand they' haves anti wilds a. in isepia color- vWle tiro' ithlyd' is ti, � e'
ready, response. our readers do not • F
realize what these sm•iii amounM panni 10 x 24, lithographed in icol� +
mean to the publisher but when they ora and entitled 1 iirding Day r Sub- A •
are totalled u they ma scribers at.'a dista*6&1+wishliang~to.b i. ♦ 7
p Y Ice a consid- cure a calendar should eualosa five <►
arable sum, which if platin in our " ♦ +
cents forhands would greatly lesson thti, worry postage.
of meeting; drafts and wages. Shopw 'There couida be no beat, ar medicine � � • i �'� + RMPA
ping time and renewing t7me ars now than Chamberlain's cough remedy. •� �.'r : ��� � i� r
upon uis and in making your appro- My children were all sick with hoop- ,\ ♦ ` �.7
priations do not forgeit'the small . ing: cough. One, of,;them� was,ia.bed + � r
"MOW_,._ a__-___- .
tr hie.- �� - -- r Bale by all dealers= ----
-••. Anger O an r. i livray townehip and
Ya L�eam,• �.»"gib<::�., A . ; when a young git'l moved to town
withhee mother and sisters. About '
eight years ago she became a milliner o
Store p 4 We. Carry a Com'ptete Stock in', All Lines
The"and since that time she Tial spent the it you don't do one tChrlstttoias alio - •
t greater portion of her time awe ' piing early this season you m $ regret
„• __ frown horse. For a number of vear Y `
Thi-:teiling;;you about things is all fight baaybe: but it istit half sw datis it: PUT YOUR CLUTCH _On T11E o
#actor "aa brio in you fare to face weflli your re uiremente. she has been troubled with, her hear
T brinking y RICH SPEED and. hustle to the
Showing you is our favorite method•there, is no taut that can bb half as and during the past season has no
u . 7tores� otherwise file other speeders t;• `'
-cow eliin aH the goods themselves, Ifere isrthe best of Furniture at its best, been well She was able to be arou.r • T
. urpcaiafideuce comes from rt knowledge of what is. What in Furniture and however until Monday of last wee lnay get there first and buy up VM, Phone Store Sunday & Night Calls.
fibs wily our stock -tends ta•day. We can truthfully say that we never asked when she took a badturn from whirl
V'TCItY B,4.$t:4ilbi yon want.
" anybody to view an assortment that is quite as worthy. You are invited.., rhe never recovered and passed away' tt you put your' clutch on .the slot;
Remember we have vacated the Opera block and are note occupying the early Thursday morning. The deceased poke and get to the shops_ on Christ- ♦ � 0A 208 ♦,
L%rge Store opposite the Commercial .hotel where we have plenty of room to was a Methodist in religion and was wit's eve you'll find the stock decimat•
y large stock of All kinds of Furniture and Undertaking Supplies, of a bright and cheerful disposition. ed everything desirable already taken,
She was highly esteemed by all who +
�earr alar and ,you and the folks you are buying
Pic— d
*J1 _164. 11 Aff A knew her and had many friends who
♦ tq .19 C, �!' hW eittsnd their sgmpatliy to the beceaq� gifts for will be woefully disappointed..
ot�a a ax �.a s �n e
° ed. Her The
and three sisters• Believe Mia: brother (also sister),R 0/ � �
�, • %' j'- �/ # ;neral was holds sats OW Is A 'WOitD Tb 'T1IE WI.SZ and n
Exciter Cemetery.
taking place in tie 09*ht to be sufilclent.
urns interni
FullfineMl Director
:., .. 'GET TUMt UA`LY d ♦ rr
belsat►�lN�1,!♦1M.�►�A�6h!♦�lt+►��Ati�ae^®fi�!•etiiF'liii+i��'�0;� r
,x' , a
amount for the; paper,
had a high fever anal . was coughing
Death of Miss Lida' Quance--0n
'an; blood,'Our doctor gave ;them
Thuraday of last week Miss Lida
the late William
Quance, died at
Qua,nc-died at her home aftera coni-
paratively short illness with beastMrs.
Chamberlain's Dough Remiedy
and the first dose eased � them
and Y•hree boftica •cured' themsays•
H. A. Donaldson; of Loxngton
"MOW_,._ a__-___- .
tr hie.- �� - -- r Bale by all dealers= ----
-••. Anger O an r. i livray townehip and
Ya L�eam,• �.»"gib<::�., A . ; when a young git'l moved to town
withhee mother and sisters. About '
eight years ago she became a milliner o
Store p 4 We. Carry a Com'ptete Stock in', All Lines
The"and since that time she Tial spent the it you don't do one tChrlstttoias alio - •
t greater portion of her time awe ' piing early this season you m $ regret
„• __ frown horse. For a number of vear Y `
Thi-:teiling;;you about things is all fight baaybe: but it istit half sw datis it: PUT YOUR CLUTCH _On T11E o
#actor "aa brio in you fare to face weflli your re uiremente. she has been troubled with, her hear
T brinking y RICH SPEED and. hustle to the
Showing you is our favorite method•there, is no taut that can bb half as and during the past season has no
u . 7tores� otherwise file other speeders t;• `'
-cow eliin aH the goods themselves, Ifere isrthe best of Furniture at its best, been well She was able to be arou.r • T
. urpcaiafideuce comes from rt knowledge of what is. What in Furniture and however until Monday of last wee lnay get there first and buy up VM, Phone Store Sunday & Night Calls.
fibs wily our stock -tends ta•day. We can truthfully say that we never asked when she took a badturn from whirl
V'TCItY B,4.$t:4ilbi yon want.
" anybody to view an assortment that is quite as worthy. You are invited.., rhe never recovered and passed away' tt you put your' clutch on .the slot;
Remember we have vacated the Opera block and are note occupying the early Thursday morning. The deceased poke and get to the shops_ on Christ- ♦ � 0A 208 ♦,
L%rge Store opposite the Commercial .hotel where we have plenty of room to was a Methodist in religion and was wit's eve you'll find the stock decimat•
y large stock of All kinds of Furniture and Undertaking Supplies, of a bright and cheerful disposition. ed everything desirable already taken,
She was highly esteemed by all who +
�earr alar and ,you and the folks you are buying
Pic— d
*J1 _164. 11 Aff A knew her and had many friends who
♦ tq .19 C, �!' hW eittsnd their sgmpatliy to the beceaq� gifts for will be woefully disappointed..
ot�a a ax �.a s �n e
° ed. Her The
and three sisters• Believe Mia: brother (also sister),R 0/ � �
�, • %' j'- �/ # ;neral was holds sats OW Is A 'WOitD Tb 'T1IE WI.SZ and n
Exciter Cemetery.
taking place in tie 09*ht to be sufilclent.
urns interni
FullfineMl Director
:., .. 'GET TUMt UA`LY d ♦ rr
belsat►�lN�1,!♦1M.�►�A�6h!♦�lt+►��Ati�ae^®fi�!•etiiF'liii+i��'�0;� r
,x' , a