HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-23, Page 6--- '� '� !I': ','��',�` : -� �� - ,_ -- I 1.�If!: �,'�­X,_. r_17',�­,­_____­-­? . __,_-.____-­ ­-­­­­ ,-, . �- ­ __,.',�. _.::­.,­ ­ '­­ - . _­­­­�­__.1_1.XM_1 1.1----, � ;; I � <�; . , , I - 111-1-11 � - , . � ­_ 7 , . lo� � ,, I lEl"M , . I I . . 117F. - ­­ , "'I , I , " , _� ,. . .1- I 1- ­,".. .1 . . . .. . . i .1-11, 111­1-1� .. ....... W�__ P -i-11. 1-.1111 - I .­­­­ ,,", - _. ­­ ­!. -1 I �­­ - I . . . � . . . I . I . . . I . , I I , I .: . � . :. � , � I � . . I . I . I I . . I . . � . I . . . I . I � . . . I � . I . I I . . , I . I � I . . . . .1 I . , 44 I . I TuQuaD,&T x0ma,811 �Ora, . . ­ . . 1. I . I THE SX90#71"R TIMES � I I . I : ". . .. . I . . . . I . I -,-111----'- ­ 11 1.1-1.11. I ­­­­­� ... __F.;1­1­W­ . _­___­­_.­_, I I 11 I . ­ � I __.. __ ------ ____'____..,_., ­ 1111- ­ pll �.- -11, 1. � ", I . ;, 11 -_ _ I I . I I . I I I . I 1; 11 ­­­_ . ....... ;, I I I "m 'I .4 . , , !W"O -1 - . . . , fl- � ; :�, � .1 .1 I �� .1 - I I . I I I �. -11 I ­ I , 4 , , ; , " F _ � . I . I � I � . I I I I .. I . Ri� . . .. I ­ . I " ' ' W HW1` r 14- . I - VO -§F.I'b ND-. . I 00 " i I'll � - -_ -----.--.--- . 111111110 � 1, 0, STRIKE AT MONTREAL , ... 11111�� ,- --,--'--- - , ,, 11.1. ,, fid, Palpitat'100, ot the , ,ea[t, WITE IS DISMISSED ,N, W'. Howell Promises tox Strengthen I V . ..... . I , I ,� . - 1. I I _"_­ ., Temperance Plank. .� . --- .� I . - I I 11 : 'Weakness and. Choking 8polls. . I Illiftillititilligil�illIL(Iiiiiiiijitlflillt(i� '�m 0 1 A � , . I - Navigating Offiqor of Mob& Is Guelph, Nov, 18.-N. W, )Roweu, A Tho6amd Longshoremen $Md- I ­ 1. � o "_ ­__ . X.O., the new Liberal leader, declared - ; I I I I . Adjudged'Goilty, I 'here last night at the opening meet� d-enly Quit'Work. Gifts For 1he � ___ ,Ulbea the heart begins to beat hie' ,Ii, - ing of hi� Ontario four, that a broader , . 7., Sol R I "I'll,', I C I"... , ............. "I'll, .111, I ",", I Itarly, palpitate and thr. b, beats fast for policy with regard to the temperance I Rome I . DD F 'A uts and Children I I .o ippin% I :3 tim�%,, then so. slow as to seein. almost,tc, To the $urpkse of ,Everybody Con- (in would soon be formulated by dust at the Moment When Shi orInfa , =If and colleagues u on which the Men Are Busy Dodging the Closing . ...... . -.1. - I .� 11 ... � .1 . I fli 11 -_ i "� corned the Judges in Naval 0'4saster , � . -, -- __1 , - -, - I . ,stop, it causes great anxiety and ahsrill, party would stand or falf. He ul,�o at. of Navigation, Dock Workers Walk I - I 'Whea the heart dms this many people are Hoaring, Decide ,That His Negll- tacked the proposal of Sir James Ail kinds of watch scratchers bavo = = = n &e.jt ill a. state of morbid fear of death, gence Caused Wreck - "Somebody Whitney to, make the Hydro -electric Ovt-Federation Says Strike Is, Uh. e � - - = ..- I h en made by the trade In artistic � = = .- The Kind You Have �a:i I become weak, wora and miserable. I �_ - = I I rt Had to Be Found," Says Officer­� SYSUM a Government department, de. fair -Men Reply That They Have ��_Ioringg and materials, but none of i - � 1 � Always Bought s I ro all such. sufferers Milburn's Rea claring that that act would injure it . Been. Badly Treated. . I them seema to oil the place at the - =:i Nerve Vills will, give prompt and .May Give Him Another Berth. I Ra IFIRT- , � seriously by rendering it subject to I , I . � __ f� �AliAf - 4u I hometuade "Setatch MY Back." __ � .. - 11 � ip.r � a spoils SYS10111, aft(i ottler abu.see, ontreal. Nov, 1ji.-A.11 the long� I �, Milifax, N.$,, Nov, 18, -Lieut. 0. liot some trouble -with shoremen, to the number of nearly a ,ratetle a a e'd a u t � . Mrs John J. I)owtiey, New Glasgow, "hite, navigating officer on board . Mr. Rowell i The . sci ' "'a 'r , , , " . . :N.S., writes -."Just a. few lines to let " . a heckler. F or a time it looked as if thousand, stop&d work on the seven- from an oblong at corhigatetl PaVe; !� �. y,,)u know, what your Milburn's Heart 1I.X.C.S. Xiobe, was .found guilty, by there would be trouble, fbr flie andi. teen vessels now in port yesterday about flve and a halt Inches long atick 1, .. 'and � me. I court-martial here at noon yesterday . 1. � � Nerve Pills have (lone for ence tried to cry the interrogator afternoon and left the steamer.% to three and a tialf deep. A postcard ,was troubled with weakness and palpi I I l,- of suffering, through negligence, the down. It was only by pleading with shift as best they might in unlo,imng tation of the heart, would have severe N;obe to strand on the treacherous theln that Mr. Rowell succeeded in aTI41 getting cargo aboard in al; Ifori 1 -forms the trout at the useful convea- I -choking spells. and could scarcely lie ledges off Cape Sable on July 30 last leace, and the back to of,sandVaper, 1. ie n s of "Put- to nialce a quick getaway before lite of- "Scratch , , down, at all. r tried many remedies, and in spite of a - high tribute paid allim out", and "shut up.", . . Aevil, close of navigation. a week with the wording to gold, - . I but got none to answermy case like your him by his commander and his pre, . The opera house, where the meet- hence, when insurance policies lapse, Here." I . *�'ted to- �, pills. I can recommend them - highly to vions good record, was severely re" ing was held, which holds about 1,200, As, a result of the strike, of which The odges are pwme-parto � all, having heart or nerve troubles," prinianded and dismissed from the was not quite full, Dr. Angus Mao- there is at present no indication of gether, a ad a uarrow ribbon maker the . : Price' 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for ship. The finding of the court came Kinrion ,was in the chair. - J. I. Me- a settlement.. every ocea i shipping u-,- - � - - - . �.. !31.25, Par salo at all dealers or will be ,as a Surprise to most at those who Intosh, the Liberal candidate 'in thiEf 6nipany that owns yesse'�s, plying to, �� �,!, . omailed direct on receipt of price by had foillowed the intricate case. riding, also spoke. . Montreal is face to faco with the %er- . ,.. � ., � .Th(� T. Milburn Co., I,imited, Toronto, It. was felt that Lieut. White bad 'On the proposed change in the ious situation of having their vessels I I '. I , . , , � I 11� � . Ont. made out a much better case than did Hydro -E lectric Department Mr. Row. delayed.. at a time whea a break ill � . � 1:1 , '"'. . , ­ . I - I..,. I am, who faced the ell &,id: "When Sir James Whitixer.' the weather is liable to oome at any 11 ­ , - I same charge and got off with a re- says he will take the Hydro -electric, moment and they might have to fight . .- � . I pr'maxid, It has been clearly shown do men'. which at present is the through bad weather to get outof the ..., at Lieut. White had- been overwork- ." "a' of t . I ' F-a"A Wik1wiW -vvr_e�IW�d. th, slit he municipalities and make river before it freezes up. . I 'OfNew York, Nov, IS. -In. the .wreck ed previous to the stranding. The it a political department of his Gov- Neither warning nor reason, it is a Philadelphia,-Neiv York express night of the 29th he had gone to his ernment lie a I '. ays he will do some-' claimed by the �.Iiipping men,' was I , -,papenger train on the Penns ia room for a much needed rest, leaving I t Ylvan, thing which will be unfair to thei' given for the ,Ict!.�-.i of the longshore- . 1, ,11ailroad at Monmouth Junction, N .T., . word with the officer of the, watch to municipalities, and he -vvill do that men, and befo.-e . ai�; former hardly , � . " I * � !:'�'!;!I. %".-"Ii�`.-i�,!'��! illii i:.�I,"`, �� !H. A. Martindale and Fireman J. 0. were sighted and it he had known, ! - , * '. i "' �:;',�,A :�� , ; be called when the Cape Sable lights- which is not in the best interests of knew what was 1,:ir - , , " . -, . late yesterday afternoon, Engin__ .T.ening, the latter .4 'r t. " � , " ` , " I I . v ; had been called t at from every ship '. � � . I :: : ., I be said, that the officer of the watch the ro inee e concluded, Samuel in port. The strike began with the : " I.. '.. I �. lZamsie, both of Jersey City, were fat- C Shportly bef�re h :j�. ,. ��, :". i , 1 .. I I I _.", - � ; I. �r .r <31 I t .1 I -...� , " `�:il , .1ded, Baggageman 0. E. Mus. would not call him should �he Ca e , ,� . . . . . . . � !..-'-v.­i-..,,%.,�.�i i :-�...'w': I 1. Sable light, when with '� , , ;;, %%, I :ally sea airman Of the local light C.P.R. men working on the Mount I lc,,� I -sey of Elizabeth, N.J., was painfully in reasonab e and heat commission, a ,warm temper. Temple and Lake Manitoba, the lat- 1. -, __ - ,". . I � hurt, and two hundred passeiiZ_4rs range, not be sighted, he would not ance advocate, asked Mr, Rowell to ter in the last stages of loading prior �i� , ::!_ , �­k::.: .� ,were shaken up and many of them have left the bridge. show his full attitude on the temper- to sailing this morning, At 2 o'clock i; -:i%i,�,,�;,.. � .- iii:: ... ..A�i::..: . 8 . 11: .... . 1 .., �� 1.11& &;. 1. . bruised. & Ifforetwer, according to Lieut- a -nee question. word was passed through the 0. ... . 'in! P .."i 1 $ 1 P.R. " -, , �!�� ­ , 11 , ,:. ,% � The train was one of all steel cars, White's reasoning, and his reasoning "That is the point that th,d Liberal shods and then the men working in : ..;: I , . I ... !, ..... : ; I" � . � - ., "I", ., , and to. this the railway --a was borne out by the evidence Of the . ._- h . inpany at- Party has fallen down On during the the holds of the vessels that the offi- �,:i!., 11 " I tribute the escape of all the passen- witnesses, the stranding was due past twenty years," &aid Mr. Oarter. cials of the Longshoremen's Ufiian . ... , �5111.,E � ..� . gers The train was Na. 132, which either to an abnormal tide, which it 'What are you going to do about it?" bad called a strike, the response to C tg� I I -- `M- . left Philadelphia at 4 p.m., and was was impossible to foresee, or to an "When I cease to be able to. give a which on the part of the men was in- .LJ .1. . - . arted rock, the existence of which reason for the faith that is within me stantancous. . . ! wrecked while taking a switch from unch, I ..... :1,"'.....: I � track No. 1 to track No. 2 in.order to rock having been amply proven by and the policy on which I stand then The strike, the men claim, is the ... .. .. . I , , I., �ruu a -round the eastbound train. No. the grounding of H.M.S. Cornwall. I will retire from the leadership ,of itcome of unfair treatment of the "i et ��: : ?; � I "I ... , 78 from Washington. The engine was Lieut. White also maintained he had the Liberal party," said �t�. Rowel Longshoremen's Union by the Ship- ; :: � " 1 at : � 1.i �'. (t .":,., :1 e facts as he when he had calmed the tumult. I ping Federation. The men claim that ... �. .; .... . � 'derailed and turned over on its side. not been informed of th : 1.1V I , am not the Liberal party, I .. .. , �:�"I.I�L�..��...�,.�...�i-',�,�i::I..�,."..'�';...�ii.i!-."",�,,I $1 ! " .; ... , _,:.. :� , I i it across, all four tracks I i*?i" *.*�. -12J�.,��, � .1 dragging witl should have been. In spite of all this, am only two years ago an agreement was made : . :.:.... .:, . - .4114.1;1.1i.I.A.", V-; .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ;;;;;,. , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . of the New York division three of the however, he was adjudged guilty and i:, � I ­ -1 I , . I � I the leader. I have had no OPPOTtun- and that the shipowners have not kept I I . I I passenger coaches- I ed. ity to consult with the Liberal cart. to the terms. They recently brought TECH SCRATCH MY BACIL __7_1 , ,_­... , "The Niobe went ashore and some- didates on that question. The position an action in court- to have the Federa- . I . I . Terrorized by Woman. one had to suffer for it," said Lieut. I have taken on that matter is On tion forfeit a $2,000 deposit, made at hanger. Black beaded matches, are . . : Niagara Falls, Ont., Nov. IS.-Parm. White, shortly after the sentence had my own con -Actions. I was too busy the time of the agreement, for no� fitted int6 the corrugated holes top and ," I � been pronounced. He declined, how- to confer with my -colleagues, 4U4 1 sticking to its terms. . bottom of the scratcher. , . ers notified the police yesterday that - , , . . : - ,, an unknown demented women was ever, to comment further On the de . I , ,!� . . came out the way I did without 'iny . -_ - . . I terrorizing people living on Welland clslOn. L . � . hel ! County farms. She refuses ,to tell to. It is possible * that the Canadian 'tould I have pledged the Libera,l ALL ANGLO PRAYER. Crape Table Covers. I - ,,, . people what she wants. Government will see fit to appoint party on my own initiative to a broad , A chocolate brown in Japanese crape I . � , Captain Klaus Larsen, who three him to another position at once. It on that question?" Cenator Root Recommends Celebration from tile upholsterees Is used for . �, I weeks ago navigated the Whirlpool could even reinstate him as navigat- *Yeyeso �J Hed -ome one. I I of Hufidred, Years of Peace. hemmed table covers, stenciled In most 1�� . Rapids, is here to -day after aband'on- ing Officer on the Niobe, but it is fewe willetakesit into consideratiori,� New York, Nov. 18. -Absolute ces- effective colors. These covers make ,. ing, his motor boat trip to Detroit. scarcely 'likely that such a step will so soon as the opportunity - is - given isation, so far as possible, of the activi- stunning gifts. .� . be taken. Until he secures another us. W& will formulate a policy upon ties of 150,000,000 Eng.,11s'-6peaking peo- On this soft brown a light PF , larsen is broke. Thieves stole his . I .!!j�� . I I 3i,ewspaper clippings and clothes while position, Lieut. White remains on that questio,j upon whigh we will ple througb,out the world forfive miR. color to used with a br_11ra,4.6d;�'jil4 'he -was in Welland, he claims. I half pay. He is not a man of inde- -stand or fall. ' (Great applause.) 'ales for silent prayer and contempla- � . By the arrest over the river of Wil. pendent means- Lieut. White took Turning to the tax question, he Te. tion, is a suggestion which Senator the pattern I-s_qw4f,itle, simplest of . i Rii�gteaefl design. ... his medicine with good grace. Al- the rr " � Rain Schultz, the police believe they viewed its recent history. Sir Janies Root of New York has made for the . ,,,UA 0 . 'have a. member of a gang that has though feeling keenly the humiliation celebration 'of,the one-Ilundredth an,-,., "'These table ,covers are mad6 Of 'a � . been systematically smuggling goods it meant to him he is extremely was too good a Conservative to w1W Oil th.41 ­ . popular with both officers and to have anything to do with such g, niversary of peace- among-. Pl_�2es�. square measured,. by the width of . I both ways for months. Nushor Xustu.- men Oil democratic proposal as was made hi speaking peoples. O" "-1 . empe, thirty Inches, or else they roll.- bobe and all fepl deeply th � . -1 , '' I kign obtained a warrant for Schultz's board the N e Liberal platforms, said Mr. Ro. - The suggestion '-'e t last night . arrest, claiming he stole live hundred for him in his misfortune. His wife el . I �1_ ,.9me, oil regent two N,ndths or even three, over - 11 Hal in connectioR,,.-!,vIf11 the appointment cast together by hand with silk to ­ . pounds of tobacco he had agreed to I and two children reside in 'fax- . "'We want to give every municipa�;� "u"Mmy-0y.-My, I a committee of -ape and with stitches Sd L � nor o match the, ei . , e into Canada. He is about 34 years of age. ity th-ron -' ;Z�­ .1 The hem$ SM11991 4hout the province the, . _,--- .., -, pNoer one hundred prominent , i&Teiv � York fine us to -be unnoticed. I � ''_� � . . If, �. ')'� . the celebration ­ -1 I ,,-�,,&,--.,iL��t�-�yemp-t'ib3���el%-',�.a%:," -hWdeelai�. men to have charg-p-, f r . � ­_.._.1.J6e11_t :�,�,:7�Z�, C-7-v"-n-"�t�.*', - `A'�� . .q also arej 'not conspiquousi aa eighth of. .. JESS- _10-MILTY. I ed'. The audience applauded him after of the centennial a I , I'll, , - . . -, ' �, �, . - "I -- t e is ii &4. ( I CAN G s f ar as this city an inch being one. of the favorite! ", � I Kingston, Nov. 18.-Investigati,ons I he had outlined the measure. In sup- is concerned. The national. commit- Ideas in hem measurement : ,, � of the hotel bylaw shows that it only Toronto Murderer Sentenced to Hang 'Port of it Mr. Rowell told of many tee plans'to commeniorate the peace ' . becomes operative when. validated by I on Feb. 22. iDonservative newspapers which had anniversary by the erection of per- Blue crape has been most effectIvely ,� �, �he/. Ontario Legislature. The mere . ,expressed themselves in favor of it. manent memorials, 'rather than used, gray blue with a decoration of '. -passing of it by the peo:ple and the . Toronto, Nov. 18. -"You will be tak- J. I. McIntosh, the Liberal candi- thiough the celebration of pageants- dull purple and sage green suggesting . I City Council does not malre it law. pn back to. the place from whence you date in the -riding, told why Mt. For this reason it has,been, necessary the colors Of the iris. � - I White of a creamy tone is stenciled , I � I . . - - ... . . - came, there to be kept in close con Rowell had not gone further witil to organize far in advance of the time I I - finement until Thursday, Feb. 22, regard to temperance. It was bo. of celebration,which will extend from with pale yellow and brilliant orange . I I Princess Leaves Lion Tamer. 1912, when you will be taken to the cause it would have beeit, ptesump. Feb. 17, 1915, until some time in. the in conventional design. I ' A " . 1 - - New 'York, Nov. IS. -Jack Bonavit. place of execution and there hanged - summer, during which Great Britain, . , �: " ia-the lion tamer, in private life John � by the neck until you are tuous in MT. ROwell to have formtt - Four squares of yellow crape, are . .1 , 7 , ,dead." lated a larger policy in that reapVct Canada and other parts of the Eng 1. . rick Gentner, was served with � Joseph Jessinian was thus sentenc-, -will parti ip te joined with narrow gold lace Insertion I %, : 171.rede ,without the consent of the Party, 6 lish-speaking world c, a to'form a large table cbver, each cor. 1 ' papers, yesterday at Tenafly, N. ' ed uffer the full ,penalty of the' thought. in the -celebration. . J- "' 1, to 5 I I a suit for divorce, brought by his aw by Mr. Justice Riadell yesterday . The dateauggested for the five min- ner of the finished piece being decomt- ' I . vile, who, before her marriage I morning for having shot and killed utes' stoppage of activities Of Eng- ed In long Japanese stitches with gold ,4;'�'.­ the Princess de Montglyon. of X-1 9'ames Lougheed on Hayter street on Wriggle Must Go. Wh-speakinj people is Feb. 17, 1915., thread in a wandering leaf disign. , . � :��, - � 'j, -:_� 111 ,gium. Mrs. Gentner has been living I .kugust 29 last. London, Nov. 18. -Oriental twisting the date of the ratification by the The soft shades and the crape quality at Bergenfield, N.J., where sh4' is I When asked if he ,had anything to and wrigling, styled on the bw.s i American and British Governments , I .1, I ed at - Glio�n�, , Bei. suggest almost endless posslbilltia fo; � known as Mercy de Argenteau Gent- I pay before sentence was passed, the. Fdancivg' appears to be losing Its of. the treaty sign decorations. I . . . . . " I ner. . prisoner burst out into an excited and, ,taseination -for the London music hall. ' I . I , :��,, .1 , I Sonavitta. met the Princess in Paris mcoherent babble. : pnblio. The London County 0ounoil !ginmi-ong the suggestions for perman- _�. - ­,"- , i 2 some ten years ago, about the time "No, I have nothing to say," he: also at last seems to have developed ent memorials of the century of Gifts For Housekeepers. .. !�; . he lost almost his entire right arm in feclared, "I know I did it and thatl a eolisoldnee on the subject. � . I I I . ! t . I peace one is the building of a water- The woman who keeps house is not I . an attack by a lion, and they were was forced on me. It was no delu-. � A so-called "davu og IOVO" daUC4 gate, to be eiected on the Canadian- hard to give to. Something for tho _1 . married in that city in 19M. The prin- I sion and I am satisfied to go out with. 'Introduced at the Palladium t=-M0n* ,� and American sides of the Detroit house always appeals to her. The ent- I I ' , . cess during most of her stay in this . but a word. I have never been a 0OW­ day night had t�� undergo drastia al, ' ,1liver, at- Detroit and Windsor; Oat.; broidered pillowcase pictured will add . ... country has been raising blooded dogs ard and I never will be a scoudrel." �srations before the 60mmitteO 01 ..another 'It on the bandsomely to her linen closet. It is of I , that in arch be bill , anil cats and exhibiting under thoi After sentence had been passed Ocunoillors would sauclion its, Tepoills the Canadian frontier over the New fine linen. Above the deep hemstitched . ­­­ . - name.of Princess de Montglyon. the prisoner stuck both hands in his tion. The committee witness0d, a York tio. Montreal highway, now Un- . ., � mod.914 . hem is an embroidered pattern done In I . I trousers pockets and, squaring his vate peiformance ,of tb,e e4 der cbnstruetion; still another pror satin stitch with mercerized white cot- . shoulders, followed his jailer out of version, and it intends too. give its st. posal is for the erection at local points : Coughed Up a Pin. I . :, the court with almost a swagger. tention to th6 COntOTt10U,S of WOMe along the international border of ton. In the circle is worked the Initial. 2 1 1 1 Chatham, Nov. 18�Mrs. Robertson, During the trial medical evidence on every vaudeville stage in till boundary monuments of artistic de- Then, there are ma.ny novelties for thd colored, 15 Poster street, who has l I ; I I was Put in to show that Jessiman metropolis. sign and permanent:eharacter. kitchen, too, which she is sure to like. been -suffering for a year from what was insane -and had been insane at This new style of alleged dancing' . -_ � I An alarm clock is rarely given, and I the doctors diagnosedas acute tuber- jhe time of the inurder. His lord-, has grown into something like a gen- , eiilosis, and whose recovery was un- ship promised to make a full report, 4±al scandal. A playgei n Whips Appointed. If a handsome variety Is given It makes . hoped for, yesterday coughed up a to the proper quarters and to defer' ly enter a music hall or even bome Ottawa, Nov. 18. -John Stanfield, a nice gift. Choose a face with lar.g(! . rusty Pin and felt immediate relief. sentence until a late date in OTdeP of the high-class theatres without be� eaid conservative whipo yesterday � Her cough ceased and to all appear. that such steps might be taken as the holding a girl Or a woman rushing morning anna.unced, the names of the ; : I ! ' : : " � ' . . I : : : I ances she is now a well woman. assistant whips for this session. A, S. I... , �:��,�.�-',10% ffi,41. k�.�V- about the stage seemingly .... ­11.11,� , . �aovernor-General thought right. trying ' &,-,. .. _ I . , ..X _ � Mrs. Robertson has no idea how the shake her head off or break I 1 Goodeve will be assistant ,chief whip, ;;;;;;; .... .. , "y . Q A , '11 ., ,MX1,;. � I I no _ ME , ,Pin got into her lung.. She does t . and W. D. Staples is western whip. - Iii, " "I - and wearinp nothing except ... N.I ge,1*... lgl, . � i hips are W. S. Middle- '. ,��... Bridge S�fe This Time ".,. , 3., , "' , . ... .. . .. remember ever having swallowed one. tiara and girdle of ribbons. �rh e Ontario NY . 1, :,:�,i.. 5,ig ", 1' � 11 .. *5 rm.gg� iffl ,-�.Mi .. .... - I 0 . .. - �1�1'11 , "I Washington: Nov.* 18.�The U. S. ____ . .__ , Sam Sharpe, Cia,ude Macdonell , -K."", 'i '. __ . cal men. will lend the Dominion of. Canada the � and Dr. Edwards. T. A. Hartt, the �...'�,:.mIZOW, 1 , -1-1 1- _._1. _ _­_. I . � ­ Government . . ".....4 r.*.---�.��i---.!.,-,�. 0 11., , arlotte, X.B., is .1 .1 -LU.... .";�.,.,.,�. ... . ` �*,%�'. "' . � assistance of American . now member for Ch � .. , . . experts and mechanical appliances in whip for the Maritime Provinces, and :.. �_$,f,.; .3 � ______ _ �..::: �, �� g�� : , - - - ___ � -1 .q, . W . � building the new bTidg the, Quebet,� whips are Dr. ) . , ", �� ,!� across the Paquet and k; .&I .�, � 111_��-.......r::1'11�::, � S, ' G H. Baker, ion of the ...:g, 11 11 St Lawrence river at Quebec. A ' late Senator �"-%��.,.irg� . a precaution against a repetition of. SUFFERED TERRIBLE PAINS Hon. S . �v.�.,:-; . .?.: � , ..";...': OD CAUSES * M.$.,.k1;..;,.,. ..., i �: I JBIAD BLO' ' I 13�ier, who defeated idney ��R-.*,., .1�1 � � the terrible disaster of a few year,i I R.., I ollapsed, Can.: OF INDIGESTION, Fisher. I � ., . .gv.,� - r .. � . . : ; , I �, i BOELS mid PIMPLES. ago, when the bridge o . Liberal whips were also appointed. .01 .,­­-;�,.:� I, ek ada asked the Department of Com-, MILBURN'S LAXA-LMR PILLS MT. F. F. Paidee, chief *hip,, will be R ., ., merCe and Labor for the loan Of a de-; n. Rossi Middlesex; :1: .,-,.1_:1;:1'!�­... : ') CURED HER. . assisted by Dunaw X-Xf,.P.:,� ­ . - .. Get pure blood alid keep it pure by I G. W. .� " removi Vice possessed by the bureau of stan-1 R. J. Papineau, Bean.haTnois; ­­..-­,.."�­� . .... ... .. "..'.. tt �4:K` - , , ing every trace of impure morbid Mrs. Win. II. MacEwen, Mount . I P X.; 'I 'EK"! \ �1, 3, the security of a - . ,. ,� I'll.ii; , ". , , ifiatter from the system. I 0 . . dards, by whio) � Tryon, PX.I., writes:-" For more than a Kite, Richmond; S. B. Carvell, Carle - xp,�:::j , ::., m*& �. tag -es: iv 4 ., .. .. : I i Burdock Blood Bitters has been. on the brt4ge can be tested during the 6 year I suffered with all the terrible pains ton., N.B.; a, 0. Turiff, Assiniboia; :_..1.:.1.5:: . o$::*i:, I I construction. Secretar7 Nagel! . : . I ... � � . Of its . of indigestion, and my lite was one.of the r, lyfallery, Proventher, and Mr. ".. ;:t"'. .. , -fiveyears, and is one 00,::: . I , � inarket about thirty d; !�­,....... ..V., -,P- I" .. . for yesterday granted the petition an greatest misery. It di4 not seem to make :Pouglassl, Stratheona. I 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , 0�"W,wn .. -1; .. � � .: of the very best medicines procurable k.'-'� '** .00 1 , , ts to go along with( I 0'-_-,-;,.__ 0"'n.".".... � .X:,:.:,1.,0;1 the cure of boils and pimples. authorized exper any difference whetheril ate or not, t1e ::'�,I�ii.,$.�... , ,�..� - .N. ... � 0".", _­ . * ". _ . . the apparatus, I . panieol by Strengthening Jamaica's Defen, .......'­ . : - . - �: 11,.: . . . I I ", *. PIMPLES CURED. I - 11 pains were always there, accom- - es. 11 .� X1. ; . --' N/ , a severe bloating and belching of wind. ", ... � I Miss J. M. Wallace, Blacles 11arbor, Kingston, Xamaica, Nov, IS -Owing �7��'If";�"/?;��'ll"?�KF�-11', , - ON. " , I : I . � . I did not even get relief at night, and 10,1111111 ..".."...." X: � N,,B,, wrltes.-­�'About five years ago Lord becies at Now York. to the decision of the 'United States, ;; " � I . . . . . " . . . . . . I . 1. 1: rffiffl-'� ;X .... I I � . I iny . face was entirely covered with New. York, Nov. 18. -Lord Dedien .sometimes hardly got a bit of sleep, in Government to fortify the Panama . ..... � I ; I ni- miser- I tried. Mail remedied! .g ­q -4 , � Promote a Vj� s fiori,Cheor fid- � ,1e5S a11dRe$tj00nta11is wither OpiumMorptlin6k AOr IfUlual- Nor2r NA3mCOTIC. __., . r,"�,,r6l&jz�,W=PIZUER , Am,am Tk,J- A11C,F&7fl9 # Rov&t& Satis - . Ain Seed # =I _��& & I r- I Aivsked-. a"vd. . n. -aO.-J. V%7arms,Convutst0nS,VevCr1Sl` _nessandLossor SLEEP. ..- I Tac siae Signature of 6e,�, �.4?23��O�- N-EW -YORH- ExAcT roPY'07 WRAPPM8. Bears the � Signature Of J .4 ; I , . �. . .,� !.:. - - , ,�, , , I I, 1.11, � - , �. -, '� 1, , . ; ,. . ­ �� 1, , '.. '. . , , ., , ..4 � I , . . I �� .." ,�,:. I �� I.., � �, .. ve � klx��' "1.4.- 1 � , (S'. wffaor THE CIEWAUR COMPANY. WrW V081C CITV- � __ __ - - 11111111�11=1 , I � I __ - , �1 L-'� I I ,� , ­­ - I , , '. � , �.:.,. : �, � , : , ... I . - - , - , . . I ... - I � ��: � .. ,I I ", , . t ' . - , � . I I I '.1 . Da-aay s Bedtime, . . 1. . .��. t! . I - _,�_ A..;W I I 0 1 1, ,�­7� '' 11. . . . . . . I _,#0 I ..'f�� The Painter . X'^K1.�--n., - Sto - ..r - ,. .�. L.d, Who � ' I FalritIng the Old Cow, . -,�' - - , I Loved Animals - Portrait !�-,t,.,I�v�.­ --- I . I " �..w��; .--:,5__. _1 ... ­­*;�*,,*.* � '��, - -_,�,� "'M _.;�'P-.,:�,, , ��- 1 4 4" - �­­\- -tr_ -��A,�, *.,- 4... � �. � � ___�.�� , � �rr � .� I . ,� ir, I � - ,­ - of UERE ivas a lady out in the field today where the COWS are," sRI& . jack. ,,She wasn!t a bit ahmid of them!" This seemed strange. � to Jack. 'From Evelyn's fear of cows he had formed thoi; Idea that ' ' � C.- all girls shrieked at sight of cows. . - ,. "Yee, daddy," cried Evelyn. "She was painting a picture of the cows, M L liz, i pd nice picture too. Couldn!t you get me, same paint in Uttle, tin hottlee. Hke the lady had, and some brushes, go that I could paint pictures too?" "Dear mel Don't you know that it takes years and years to learn to paint . tactares? The lady whom you --saw must have gone to school many years Woke she could paint that pretty picture which you saw." I . .*iWell, pLirbapl§'paTnMfig�eetCaor#--av6-kirc-er-&a-ii-ius� �- �_-�- , -,--... , . yjou study arithmetic and reading and writing." . .. . 41I fancy they are a great deal harder, and they won!t take folks at paint- . WS schools until - they know a heap of things they have to . learn at just the I plain schools." . . Evelyn sighed. .,,Well. I suppose I'll have to wait, but when I get to, bo ,I% painter lady I woWt paint just old cows. rn paint nice, animals like ltong� and tigers and monkey& 1. can go to the circus and paint., the animals right In their cages-" . . . I � . I 4oEvelyu is afraid If they were'not in cages she wouldn't be safe," 081d.-, Q ;ra:ck, laughing. i..x�,,4,j­ �­..� - . -1.1141-Ti . � . . ".Well, painter ladies I have to learn to know their animals so well that they woift be afraid to go right up and stroke them or play with thenL I Mlhat was the way with Miss Rosa Bonheur, the French lady who painteoi the . � finest pictures of animals that have ever b . een done. There were lions and . tigers and -all sortfrof animals in -the garden of her hom ' 0 nefix Parts. MWIP : I -Pon aer pets just as you would a pet dog." . beur treated 1 74 1 i I 3' ' .. -There is a story lold'6f one lioness that was so tame that It, would staud ,with Its paws on its mistress' shoulder and kiss her face. When the lloneew became ill Mtes Boulieur visited it seleral times every day. Just before . I - the poor' �id Aon&' aied if got up and tried to climb the stairs to. the'roont . . .,where It knew its dear mistress waiL Miss bonheur heard it coming alldoo' I � iping down, took the dying lioness Into her arms. ..:. "Miss Bonheur got her animals when they we.re young, and she had it W011,; iderful way of inanaging them. The speret of It was that she loved the ani - I mals Instead of fearing them. Anlinals seem to know just how we f2d: toward them and almost always repay love and kludnesq with love." ... . . ­ . - _ . . . _­­_ -_._1__ ­ SOW -ING HIS W 1LD0A9rQ Z_% A &Mp REAPING A, HARVEST OF SORROW 4 i I - . .- ­ ,.IZ.. ,,�.. .. How many young men . " I can look back on their I , .�_ � , ; , early life and regret their I 1. :1-1 I d%. "Sow ng their I. . I misdeeds. i !. . I I wild oats' I in variousways. .;. 40 . 3�xcesses, violation of na- I 1"; i . � ture's laws, "wine, women .,. .:, - , e ,,,,,, , " and song' -all have their ... , -, .": ... i . .... . victims. 17,1on have re- ..�: ...!, 4.1; . iornied but what about the.' . , - . � ,., .... , . , wu�-what ,:, 1;, � seed you have,so - - " � ;-.�:- -: . L about the harvest? Don't - � . Li ust to -luck. It you are , , - , . " . , . I I.. itt present within the �.. I . . . I'. . . , .,. . :., � I . clutches of any secret habit . . . . .., . I * . which is sapping your life .!:: .:... � 'L are stif- . .: '� '.* . ... I bydegrees; if yot IF . _._.. I , a fering fro,in tlie results of It .." 1� - ., 41 , F past indiscretions, if your - I 0 blood has been tainted from . . I any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and . e in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are s ering as the result of a misspent life -DRS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before em confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED * We Treat and-Curo VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, ni Ann A TIDT?JAD17 lrlf% 92ft AIM -0 r.�Vr%7Q1L1%r .3 1*1 Ar%f%VD, M., . , pimples. I tried everymmg people told a -ad Lady Decies, i who Was VIVIaLL J ., I an lir . to Meb. - I ,.,� me about, but found. no relief. I Gould, arrived' fitoln. Europe y�esterday' to care indigestion, but they did rat not ,Canal the defences on the Island of �s RMEROIDartuD PMLOW grar, - cases and all Di5eases Pecull A W10 an 1 At last one particle of good, and I fully expected Jamaica. are being improved. , The ' . .. I 11 � .11 ,. thought of, B,B.B, and decided to try a to visit the Goulds end to attend the I would always be afflicted w ay. loft&commarlding the outer channels figures. , Cookg Ond these chicks ddn- CONSULTATION FREE. Boolka. Free on Discaii6i 51 Mi�i 111 MaUle to caU. write I 4 ' ottles I 0amays and Miss in this to rt Ro �oraQue.%LionBlai3kfor HOME W]MV,ATM1U4NT. � , bottle. After 'nishing two b wedding Of Lord At this finle my brother came home on a yal and Kingstan will'be venfent to set at the hour wbeil a cake was etitirely cured, and would. advise Mildred Sherman. Lord Oamoya was . deled and more gunA placed in or roast muse be tiken'trota the oven, 0% r,A 0 11;,�7 1 � visit and urged me to try Milburnip reme, tiny lady who wants a beautifulcolnPlu­ best man at the Gould-Decies, pere. � them, -and when this work is oomplet- i � � ion to t1ge B.B.t,ll I mony. Lord and Lady Decies. will,be taxa-Lfver Pills, and got me a few vials: . s ow spice cues I I RIS. 1. KENRE-11.10Y& KENNEDY I �.L . I . . I I By the time I had taken one vial I began ed1the island will be One of the most Ot nickel and gfass? They are ma4e of Alf , L � �.. . . I I BOILS CURSO. ' ) but lookers-on. I to improve, - and could eat with some strongly fortified of the tritiSh P02- 1�ckcA rOods one abo a the other, fornki .' I Mrs. Ellsworth Moyne, Springfield, relish, I was.. gfeatly. cheered, and con.- sessions, . I v Cor. Mmhfigan Ave. ,-.,nd Griswpid St., Detroi.toMlch. I I . , . Ing ftamesi to hold glass bottles with . I . � .-,,,My face arid neck More Pay For C.P.R. Me I F ., P.!�x, writes � 111. . ; tinued taki.ag thp.pillsuntil all traces of , I 11 ,]Q!�-H 071 C E All I I ters irom tauada must be addressed to our I . blolkol screw tape. The name ,at mo , . , were covered with boil% arid I tried all ' 'Wage mat- the trouble'liad dipapp4red, and r could I Fifteen Are Lost, ,.. St, John, X,B., Nov. IS.- 1. Caj­.dlan Corresponcien6eDep,irtmeiitiitWin(lsor, I L I spleo 19 blown In the glass of each t)ot- MUMIMts-M I � 1 . kinds of remedies, but they did we no, ters between the Canadian Paelfid . 6tice, more eat aft kindi'of-food without Quebee, Nov. 18. -The, Norwegian Vs. These come In various sizes, ()at Oat. If you desire'to, rice v -1 personAlly call at our Xedical rniititute ift I�L� ' good., *I Went to many doctors, but they Railway Co. and the Rallway 'Freight the slightestitiotofivenience. - larnsofully bark Antiqua, which was loading. at . Detroit as we gee and treat %-. i patidnis In ,our Windsor offices which are ' � � ', I toat I d ,,,dt cure Md. I then tried Burdock Handlers' Union were adjusted at a � PQAv1nct&mf their .virtue as a famil�o one of the p�rts belo�r 'Quebe4 was a conventent one holds 'six bottlea. used for correspondence And Laboratory for CaliacliaJ2 business only. 11 I ' I I , . "I s slid I must say it is d won- , viedicine, I have to -h Rive , I 1.1 I . I I conference yesterday, The Men for�, esitatiOn in rdcom� . driven ashore at Martin r dur- three In a row.'and gives room ,Vor Address all letters as followo., I ..:1,1 ',L . , cure of boils." d wetly -received 17 jents per ho*ar wid. melidiiii them", 1, . I -) ing the night and went to Pieces. It' � nutmeg, ginger, allspice, cinnaillon, I ORS. K9NNEDY & � UNNEDY* Windsor, Out. : � , ' Price, 25 'cents per vial or 5 vWs for I , , , � is, manufacture I �, I., � ! . asked 25 tents, An agreement for a is believed that fifteen of the crew iloves, mustard. The frMes screW to Vtit,a f,Dr bur 011*tcf�110089, . --1--_..-_ I .1 I., . .. ­ I - ... . . .11 , I , I ; til CO, I tfmit4 year at 21 cents, was :reached , $L00 at all deafe& or milled direct.on were d-rowned, Three .were liaved. the wifil Or Inside 9 elinKm rd, door I ' , . 11111111 I . I . . , I 11, � - ..., - -, ­ .-.o. ­ .-A. ....­ ­ I � ...I.- � reedipt,pf price -by The�T. Wbutn to,, --it= =_�-t_­­ ­­­.- _..... - ____ -.---,--- .- _ I I 11, . . � I 1, ., I 11" . . . itedi T*00:04t.. I I L k . I ­ 1. I . I . 11 I � I . � I . � � I . I I I . . .. I , � I I . � . 4 1 � . I I Litan , 11. . � '. . ..� :L . � , f, -1."'., _­ . � . . . . I I . .1 � . . .'-� . ., . . . � I I 1 � . I � . ., � I I . . . I . I , . I , 0 - . . I . I . � � I I , . ;1 . I i I I � 11 I I I 1 , , � I.. I .. �. � , "'O. �.,.,., �.-,­. � I .., .1 I I I I '. ". � � � . I I . . I or* ,,,,� .. . . - I I 1J, ... I :. :. '. , .,,`� I .1 I I �� �,,�,� .. I , . �!. I �'. . ­�� I I ­ I I . I I ". . . I I ,. , � - . I I . : I , I . I . . I � I � . � I . I I I .1 I I � , I .1 . . . . .1 I - . i . . I . I I I . � � , 11 .1 . . I . I I . !, . : � I � _11 I � � , . � . � I �� .. . ­, I 11 '. . p . I 1. i . , .. 11 . .. I I . 1. I I I I I I . . I ,� "I . I � L . �.., . I I � I 1, I !_ I I . . L , I . 1. I I � I I . � . , : :�? I , I . I I . I � . e: , . I . � � � . .1 , ') I , . . . � _­_ , I I I I "I I I . . . I I I . 11 I I . I . I 11� . . I , . ,1, " . I - . . . . I 1 ., 11 � � I .� . : L I , I � I : � � L I I I I, I I I .1. I ? . : . I I 1.�� I � I .1 I I , , , " �. I 1, .11 . � ''.��,A ...... � .... .. � .. ..... �.._.,_,.�,.�_'A'l , I I L I I . I . I L I . I I i , I �, � .11 : _: ­ � ... -.-------'4 .... ... ­­ . . ...... , . , I . - L ''I �:. I " 1. I . : . I � . I., � I . . 1. ; , . . � I . I . � 1­,�, A ....... �.. 11 . 1; I'' I . ,'__ I ___-, I _A- ­�_­ ., .111111.111 ... � � .1 1.11;­:­,�­ L'L."L -11__ ...... ­­__ L , , I I �,,i ,� , ,�. � : , I I . _..__-.11____ - _J,­,�,_A ....... �. .�-�-.--��'�L'.�L-�.;.'�-11"'�.I..I-Il�,,�,.�.��,,�". :1 14.tt_--�K., ��L_ " '... _ � '' . 1. �;:: ­V­f`-­,�:,:��., -1�."�;"ilkl...��:,�,,�.,.,,,�'�- '.;�., . � - ,: � . 'IL4 14w.� , I-