HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-23, Page 4,p .rl� « , . - . • .. , ' .. ... ` . �� .. , . �f q •py y,,•q,� . _ .. .. .Ar 93.4 ,t�a,+i .. �� T� '�gy�1y • �` ••,,•.° .. •.- J.l1d '47i! .' 1\\.!� � :Li.Ii,,J•R �U�,Alr � r Keep)Elappy I"11115 " 111151H9.we by getting YOUR. HOUSEHOLD Df HOL NECESSITIES , Here. ' We handle only . he BEST and we have everything you need at all Sea®.one, THE TEAAHD COFFEE STORE WANTvD,I Choice Bdtter abd . Fresh Eggs. " 0 I �. 11�, 1, � r 1916. 4: r l11 ; I, I I I .' Ft � ,61, *_ I ­�, (va, r �. . - I . . , �e 0 ,,�' � I I Would not cause the sens- -ation that. Our Fire Sale of Coal is causing at the present time - In Order to hake room to rebuild we are of -ering abort ;-o. Ton o ,Anth acite - COAL at ..: ' _. ,,.,-' TI , $C ! he olive is for immediate acceptance and the,coal must . '• ba.e removed at once: I. i:. tA TO -- ONTA 610 R N N J :THE w:�SHVP,oZsN ` ri� tt;'very bustible -scot, , he 'et spot. r ui 'a .. r bfia �... - q � is �rovements from taxation. 'lin both doth these aOft*ers''tlae luew Polley is really deflntto.y progressivok whale at :leaeb B,'mafority of ftp t>fth,r .i(fieme are of a .general, character and would The equally claimed as. #eat tires in' ,the � Governmen`t's policy -It trust be admitted lthat 104a failure' of the new program .to [take really Ad; Igxouna an the itamPeranca giwation hits caused considarable'di:i. appointment, ;The fact, however, that Mr. Rowell badltol:make his prs fnou'nj$eemelit iso' aoou after aocepltiln'g the leadership, would seem in A large measure to justify him in lea-ving thtix announcemett of setrl'ed policy pa thislmat'ter to a latter 'data, lEvery� one of course knows that Mr. Rowan wlTl personally favor the most advano- led•tem,pal ane6t policy, and with this strength iri ,the counsels of theipar,lty oils the real leiadersbip :Which 'every - olio, 'is 'ready to acknowladgei Ihe, pos- sesses it ishould be iaal5.$0or him Ito make his own convictions take 1%,rm- anent sliarpe in the settled policy of party.. Snob ' leadership as thalb is what 'the Liberal party in 04tario needs 'lo'day.-Christain Guardian. +er ,....X e wa ' b etw� n i 1rke and Italy dragsitself on and, ±the tliape of many Mitt it would prove a mere pYayiEg _at war, is evidently tad$, to boI realized. .And evidently it lis' a war Of peculiarly a barbarous sort. A�d should certain tribes in, fthe lij,#Ier. land of Tripoli, be -brought Into the struggle by. Turkey,. ,they war will in= crease ,in its barbarousnesN and -be prolonged indefinitely, and prospects for Italy are not improving ' very muchl i I ;A i li N IT ,,, I x oung Man,* 0 Attention! M,... •" .,. �. ��,.•.. I� . for Acct of SAl Auction Sale for Sit e W , Humor and OR V4lftl>�' ` S�OI+�Ka Y�l'�N� pg' . SAY "AND ROOTS. TWO IIUNDRl;Ia ACfkI$ 'AiRi 8. 8'01•, Salle at arca-�zQO• acreo Stanley '�1+�t��it3i' i )--.Aliyw• rd can" ,3 males from, Clinton, 3ghool (Mr, Thos. Caraeroay has rerarveci 13TOa1 SND IM,fI?LEMEN 4U rods. Ila good a.tate of culbGvatioxt """ inotruotions Ito deli by Public anashon' �ry� W a> S' d • in LOT d! Ito 6;4 .7.`', of lic A4 r: , Jas, J'ones.$$s received instruotiovs 100 ciore's sun ,grain. IQ acres Alfalfa Vqyi{,�" ° ' xNL from Mr. John Whyte toseIl by poli+ 12 acres bulsh, Test J,aiv and pasluryCq an `l'IIIrSDAY DEO, lith at t►:ne 'o`Ci40iC lie' auction .on[ LOT 1,7, CON, 1�, `!'P. OVUM house. 4,$110 1.116 �11,. slate roof, sharp thri fo,lo}ving valuaolo p'xoperh ®OWN TO- ty. vt7i; HIBBER'T on TUESDAY, NOV$I gemnen't floor rn ca-l:tar t�irnaoe cistexs resorts . ... SER ¢'8th;., �f1.'1', the following !X.4160 t;Dkpbgae. One barn 8,5x:6,. svindmiil - XTORSES-1 blfood mare.3 yearn old unble propertyle 10umlicr. avazfera$0 3. Stabling ill COM7C down room lireamland. fila �v3Lif foak� yi geldings, general sur= , ,The farm is said to !contain 4iQ11 f6 ud tcat'fie !arid ;i .ftorsi y, econali ose; 1 pair matched, Chestnut mares F rl who believes In away: ° acres, being,.Lots Nos.,V & ., ,78, C=6 ibaft_ • ,sk4p. lluy Writ > Ilx35. • Drop ! Cease living ib, $lie sites; Peroherons,, 4. years old,.a,grtoufturasl; . l2. Township. of ilibbert, On (the laolyd4wGltib farm it &sixc.d. Apply lila ;tits as presents o can Tao * Things do not come by. accident t'filly5,two• Years old,. agricu,ltu,raL, lY premises sire, one lok dwtillin Wath Dialaol �tlaE$vea. o '• , , a In large and grand, supplies;,. 'roaddtel;° Aare; b.Iy?arQ old, gui+elt ',AAtI gg B x 5Gr JCltntofr. tai, ser6 of- $y thinking hoI they case$ to 140 + 8 rooms,, kitchen 18x24, 1 ban7c barns „>s year thin dalntfest oral You never turn a hair w {reliable, t , ' r ,' hay o.' store pen 30 or ,g r with large - g Or make a dicker or a,deal .F"" CATTLE -1 oaXY due ,1n Deo�mber, hay or store roam or !granary above That gets you r ora, re: I renewed cow, 2 cows dluel in March all fitted up wntb cement floors and �(���� for Sime �r R�l�� Col}te are sp�rli(luedly' gIl 1 a ,,JF,, d cows du sin April; �5, choice sty rs troughs. 1 driving abed.• f 8,x40.1 silo t, bit tiro 0ensibl0 lildrl l>�o�d bi I lcpow lt•e'Xery nice to ail :,;: f years old;' 8 01WIce heiress, z 16''ft' inside measure b 2 ft iii b (Ne have(for xick'sal •or o t ' q q t z`ain ..in some large easy chair.;,, years old,; ;3 heifers i1, ye4r old;/ -2 and about .,V. acres of orchard. Cavell vor"J klesirable resickdee in'Exetera With eyes half open And half closed, , steers 1 .,agar, old 8 calves. y. fenced all thef farm has bean wwly well located, comfortable and'roomrr And draw things room the air, EO�B-14 b ood o,w• e ' i 12 underdrained 'E Aiver failing •t o Gladman '& Staabur . But what you draw will never buy I s,. li R g neve fa i rr v Ila, s iaooasths old, I about 920 soros of bush, balance till -` i,. The babies any shoes! V0WI<+-6Q enis a'nd pullets; 041tarW cleared and in a high state of cul -4 Or bring home victuals. that the coq I keys `among �frltioh Are some W6vi tivatioa. about 70 acres of fall plow- To save her caul can use. ivell�bred oung •Toms. ing done and the balance under grass Chain Lost But that is not, the way things come . IM1'LE10[IiNTB-1''fugq bet wagoal School opposite corner, one and ,a In $lila largo universe open buggy;' 1 palr`bobsieilghs; a, CU114 quarter mi, mouth of Cromarlty, 7 mi , The dreamy hours are not the' ones ,ter;, k binder, ltvaw; 1; mower, huearl,y to,, Dublin or Hensall sta!trons. JSpienp 19,Wn -Lat-Good „ loirgin', „01'd% it i That fill the empty purse. ho.w; I steal rake; neW; 1 deedier' and id` gravel roads, one and g quarter I* be�tWeiea 1010 -q;,std bf' Hay and silly. I,. 4a . Titay may be pleasai,t while they last, F drill slew; 1' steel land .ropier, "k ew` ; mi>iea. from:;..ohgrohi and,in a. spleiddit'l =at'm on` fila sittT;e Reid. .Binft - But it is mighty .nice • •please Iea* at my, farps, Wmj Bibeg, h I'• fanning. mill, zow ,>YI walking plow , loisation, fi>vilI sell i>a bloc or divide , When. dinner in the dining oar , • i180;D1fo9dt OR f i�itl Is called to have the price, * large i2-bifrow 'pldiy, 1,"disc ,har- into two lo(ta to sui4iipdrohasers. The �i row; 1 spring 'tooth cultivator; 1 terms ' and conditions will -, „ Coma down Dreamland with a, set harrows-, 1 seuffler; 1 root +pulp$- � be Anade known on day ' of - �I�' i;rorri 4 �� a I thud.. �t � K ton sale or a 1 ear atone boat • 3� Iran acre b to Mr. ache I i a scraper-, In wt bi will not first, lke t e jar set latform soale p ' u i Whyte •Stra'tford P. 0. i Notice to Creditors ' as .1x00 •1b busts very soon '1,: oar fork rope's and slings °' i wheel-' STOCK�s Heavy draft brood mares P - �i x tom, "'-`.'• 11-1 You'll see things as they are. Wetine tohA a v the cash to a Y , barrow; 1 grindstone; 1, set double t` supposed to, be in ,foal to Golden a : " I'a tire' pb7at!ter of the, of; peiHe 7, Tr' ] e son Ins01 891 r 9 t. >' thl3A to di0eard fiannels. Wie t, For what you eat and drink And in some small. emergency q 1 see sin 1�, harn'ei�r t 19askatoonsrobe, mew; a lot of , Val , Key, 2 heavy d $ ea raft or es i neo y s .. ge. purpose horse. I Standard Bred drive- Notgco is hereby igen that the sai&w however, that the taloa u ° y. 1? To have a little• chin,I ba a; 1 water trou h 3 l0 1; a g , ;gin ing mare in foal to Limestone, 2 cows aa;ated insolvent;Peter Triggerson, ejf the' To$vnship oP Hay, carrying on butt o room as may be. � chains; a lot of ci}tile chains,, whif • supposed.' to ' be in calf, f farrow caw inesm as laborer of the said Town4h � fi tsl[Srts ' g madQ fill that ace ted 9f i11i0 w1�fi - ike ._ Deferred to Her.- J i;Ietrees; . saeekyokes; shovels, form; hce% and otherlarttoles ►loon umert)ula 9' steers years old. 13 •stelara one yea>` olds• 4 heifers one yeas old, 3 of IhW• has made an (assignment of r1bon , be ''drought aadt Afcsut moat r pattern, so as to 111 snuS�I the hips. The. tops and bot- are r15 bound with inch s►itieaa ttvaab In a delicate color, and thi t sand back seam are catstlte Go lor to matrch. vo extra bulk the s fl kartlftton a d buttonhole raab t,,n91$10 ribbon ties.neslosh, for the best friend° hats s ortwo of small embroidered do I in mercerla t cot An 9111 1? ed i Pore e. pink satin binding at till another useful gift is handkerchiefsI uvls►lllch ora can never have too gTea� supply. The one, ilf iitr�ted is of AU0 dkerchief linen finished with A hem, above which at inter -als ro)va of hems tci g, tie ' nfiv cls are rows of tenih6 stl he handkerchief hags an edge of pre , RrlTacess lace. t la Novel Coat Manger. Roar don't say that you, are slew ala 11red, of the sight of coat and s ers.1 i?irobabyyou have seen sn Made a number of, them, but hire Yobs er ed u a coat $ er like s out , a tEi )� 18 II� --"s�'c'o7ied ~ iP�cu . - I to ba'xws, P rar,e�]CEue Yr t w , 'il'_Br@d .. b0 ,°RA'•�' * 'to' $mention. ` " -'• spring calves. A brood sows with lit- hm estate 'to .m s for the :general boVA- efit of iii@ creditors under ;10 Edwar� "T dont know.p. • $ �E. OMhen d® oo. abet 1iA' �fi � cords of long wood which has der at foot,. 11 brood brood sows in VI'1 ;Chaptei 64. , ® been used for cribbing; 130 tons bf first-'blass hay,• a quantity of sttraw litter ltd a thoroughbred. Yorkshire Hog. i thoroughbred Yorkaiahire boar"' Vhe ,cretlitora are notified Ito mn dtt & to be fed on farm; a lot of ananglepe and turnips in barna 'HOUSEHOLD 8, -months old;. 100 $tock,Hogs differ_ ent weights : and sizes, 1 Collie Dog ail the office, of Gladman ,a& A'taubur Solioitors 'fin 'Elie village of Hens ' o4 'the sevomtee lft'day of Novemba 'TETea Isn't wrQrLbf thtl! tgOwd Vi A EFF•EC�S-1 oaten- (splendid worker.) , - blow him ape°' ;r A . •buggy, can 014 1 �. 930 ,.. ,...,.��' . -... I tion. Itable, new; 1 kitchen table, 1' JDdll'I;E1yIENiCS - Dfassey-Haxria 4,yl,' cat Xin o'elook is the forenoo foe tl purpose of receiving a3 rata(t{pb . ) board; 6 dining -room chairs; i Daisy churn; 1. X "cut sato; boxes; ,pails, binder 0 -ft out, nearly new; Deering mower 5 -:ft. •cuff nearly new; Moi• I ent otl the ' ffi 1 Olven m affairs, � foza 'i$�t , 't and couldn't get to sleep again. None ens etc etc. 1 Young P , y u g colli,, dQ.g, . Co m' r ick SteeY oak nearly w a e, e y n- ll au (iritm t en of Fins: ed ors . P chi P d' t P • � giving$ of directions with referenoa t�' fine' -the #jh0 .eta •era of the same sub- well trained. , Positively no reserve as the pro- Tedder nearly new; one, 15 disc drill d Massey-H.arras nearly new., McCorml the di%,sposal'of the +es'taibe. i ' r Popular lROl f e iprietor has sold his farm. • ick - .cultivator nearly nqw; Massey- lAll (persons: claiming to i • ie-ntitle$' to rank on ;the estate muaFi.-••file th"wg Pills. I took the same treatment. ,It TERMS Or SALE All sums of $5 and n4der, cash, Harris corn culitvator , nearly new; Sate. 'Laection harrows, one disc liar- al 'm With su p my soliolitor's on my bAW billet Laos 'Covers. over that amount 1'2 mon(tbs' credift row; gang plow; 3 walkin3' plows; 'forks half on or before Thirti_� h day of November 191'1, after wliliji' date 1C :' will be given ion fairnishfi�ag approved- joint notes, or a discount of 5 per Hay Car. pulleys and roe P trope, ` gorse •power;•($ horse);aEnsilage cut- will proceed 'to distribnite, t1m asseti • 11 "It?. cent off 'for cash. T. Cameron, Auo. G. Teri Proprietor, y, p tern; ,Jack,., 2: wagons, cattle racks wagon boxes; set bobsleighs, dray ibereof,%aving r'eg•ard'to•Ithikda oiaift iR only of which I ishan then 4have r84 ' -0. sIeigh; Kemp manure spreader,, De 'churn, aeived .noti!ee. c• 1 X�RA WE Haensall, Abhignee, a 1;;y y Ai]Cel®� Sale Layal•separator; grain bags, spades shovel, farlts•whiflletrees,nIck per, Gladman f& Stanbury, $oliuitora iEe!!` Aosignee. d0VA $ :, U 1yoktt. chains, U13 sets double Ile ira'raauei�s : j Dated'a't Hensill'tfiis Seveuti• day slit' ' se s sin a cremes,, pia fore ucale (JIf CIIATTLE PROPERTY' In Hay 11000i -lbs' apaaity, cutter. top Ibu�gyl ` 'November A. -D. I19lI'; �; "Is that an interesting b00EG i®11 Township. tivater 't' k 't t h A 1r an a L1Alshmd3' ,{.. '. .. ti The untlersagnad auctioneer r Lias been instructed to sell by public auw , wa er roue , -ti-cu turaI fgrnace,, new; 15,acras of ,corn tile, tar' coIle'dtoar, "short and ei l*aow' "T dont know.p. • $ �E. OMhen d® oo. abet 1iA' �fi � turn on Pt. LOT "2], .CON. ,Hay TP, Zurich Road, 1 .1-;4 miles west of len,- in silo; t3001 .bushels mangels, hcxsa J3 blankets. a quantity of elm plank. the..,goat. iamb worth .$8 . y M'3n sort " y, . 1 responded Caeey�. . ;• mon and glib lead LC, s r, $sail: on WEDNESDAY NOP. 2tJ at ,ced osts•.. wood nd sb of ofth r 1► . r h0, e aFP ,. .. � ., i l _. ,, , , , ,but ithati is, the law, and, produoiaa '_' Col: i..... .. Mwnlaipiaf; Fii`lefa>e ,. ,,,, o'cloelt T. m. shax the £allowin .articles. P g property of Peter Triggermn Ins'oil- 1 JSALE'; AT 12 ' O'CLOCK SII R'1': , ON a book he read the follo�ring passawN A •I . All (property -abutting the 6(44 'TETea Isn't wrQrLbf thtl! tgOwd Vi A vent via; ' ' .1 •aged .horse good worker, is toil 3.i':�TERMS ;CATtI'ELS , „?QZi;. sums , of lisp:(lo ,and under casitt street should be: taxed at; the rate 151° $' 00. Iper foot.", Roston Traiiscripl� t blow him ape°' ;r A . •buggy, can 014 1 �. 930 ,.. ,...,.��' . -... I 1 sprint; wagQh„ :1heav tva � .. s; - y. t3- •ori with' trravpr.•�..- " . _ '"_ ' -r •t„c -.• d r og •,.drat a oun!t .10 ,monfths' ore 't xn oil. .w .• ,"now ; f e., i''ve •on f •n' hi a' ov'd ., .gf ,7y,, 83 n ,. PF i. ._ - . , :!}x' .1+g.. -rn ... _A , -+-re •IY .:Y ,hariTly rt±%aluize that. , t 4r mu.iL' o -a'. .z ~ A ; .,<...__ ' , l uueuci �n �eSEipu a ya .- ur vunc .. w-� ~nae Ina. na -rac1C, ,.. s4 snail i _r 8 Via. .ti_orr_ t�cor a t -- gni RT ... _�, , >, „ill t. talo reBnlatlOn Sod r,ar n{ tea, .VPS7, �.. II' "_ call -e' ~� , centl of ,�i`;�. iis3ne,_ ei •�:" l%'iilr I a'rbe�5. A`tii1t S a i . , t„ tem a►llat'as.liori 11th yo!$t s uart, :hos cutter workin .her wt; ..._ :z .:..---••� An the ands as,:, ,m4 ,L _ �GxandpP� of T- - ...: .. , ...:._.__ , . .., ...5'nmethtn,T. Cn�asthot�d eilongthe edgesot#lte' I,:,, : q � g nears on'cretlit amouixts. Liver, P►IIs t6et;ar<;leery :email tt: t aghed a women, #ull'-oi'holpe .i $i[Tey.atl'noelvie prlds7l"i find driving harness; 1 horse' plow; !positively no reserve as ehaptpro- bad effects; all troubles frorA torpl -'�9`haVe civil° j Ade got to : '. O Jt®il haraowra; 9 scufflers,, revolving prietor is •retiring ,from fanminq-. 1 'liver are, kelieved'by the•rtus. •, i . Working, singinlr . all day lolug, .. .. . ; In a'eomewhat undertone; WMTI churn; Fanning mill; onion seeder, .JAMES JONES. JOHN WAITTE !' Casey," paid a Saviour for a friend, "He 'counts -ent, i62 in. the e onion scuffler; 46 onion erateq, wheal"' Au'et: ''for 'Perth & HuiYan, Prop. •See hbi� D+ir, Caney. said . . t6�'+ "9 will keep. nYa to the end. U011t ®Q Gt�R1S�M1lA$ SHOPPING i>rDart.1° barrow, wpraymotor, goat robe, tivooI • ,_�L. ilow a9bout that diamond for our s w` tap• rug, 6 chairs, shovels, forko, itoers . .l rl•,g,•l••d••E••i„1,,1;,p,'1,;II,•i„i 1 »l �;A,1, l5ontetimes 'happening along,i .. :*�' - I cream cans, 140 at ice ehieken, quan�- ® • y -. Zhanasc For s.1V(eaf. tity carrots magolds and. poltaltoes, AlfCtaQt4 �a�e ,p + 1.,�i ave heard the semi -sang, girl -the ONLY one, of course? '!moi I used sometimes to. emilo �r �nyrl you ahead have bought r.. . 01 bad been -lost •three -days W- and numerous other articles. " ,Keep • . y woods without food when suddenly ': NO RESE'RV£j : Of. WErz,!,BRED : J)U iHADT, :401b- amore in sympathy than in guile the diamond set in,a ring and want to IBlzt I never said a .word f4i3s iconftonted'by .n big black bear. 3'ERDdS OF SACH-CA+S}3 ;3TEII+i AND AYRSHIRE COWS. and to. what I heard Qi7A her something this Christmas that , . .,What did � cit• doZ" ' '"i. For f*ether particulars apply to the METROPOyLlTAN HOTEII:BX; - In reg be,aaseful at home after the wed 7 ' tabs mans assort her friaand. pOWhat Weald yen have done?"' B' S• Phtliips, Auctf•, E.. Barrie, As K to ,who would keep her to, the tend, next June. Yes? Well, if you 4N signee, Gladman & Stanbury, Solici= ETER on FRIDAY, DEC. T;''iit d 1p. - ' ; grant to please her you'd better et �: I think & ohonkl ha 4, _&teaa• =TQ -- S PERVVIM co®r M&NOWL , tore for Assignee., m. 16 large Durham Cows, Hue: to ,Not in ,eorrow aiaor in glee, bus and take a look through the shops, '. �ar0. t , s i Hensal'1. November 1`8, '.11 carve in December, and January„ i k , ttr?I g 'll. dsy long was 'a he ' ; tit cease. If you delay too long:.son ' Imd: the, loop from!}w'l;Iich the Wadi I ,:, • � ' � - ,. . 10 choice 'Hol'stein< cows due ill hho � .$ilio her ol6dirii! -thTsea of -four Ma got be able to !laid what she gontriviince` bangs is wound with nar• ol� It Happened. ! ! �+ aspring: _r i THE TIMES ' Playing round her. on the floor 8 •`WSiy. Johnailel" Extra Steer P. choice 'Ayshire cows ' wants; lfow ribbon. But just make a note of Thai? 1 1 Z tt in monotone the some „ s , . - 'A# of Wblob will besold !without 'She was humming all day•Hong: = the tour dainty little sachet bags 'that $raged -Onto toss premises of Iter. reserve. It' will be to if'he initererk BP ith a Saviouic #ora friend 111 EARLY SHOPPIN is Reg `OEow did ytr>a get the $eek of yi4hr � For Promptness, Neatness and .�' 1 drop attached to;the loop with bunehes S. Parsons, London Road, sAuth, on� of farmers nad others who wish Ito } neck eo sunburned?" Dlov, 1'3th a red marlin street $vibh en atllvndl :this Up -to -Date Work We Take the, •>l•, as important for ]tiled zdS for Of baby ribbon, and if the e2iect IS ° yearling purchase choice cows, ; Lead for , It's. a song I do not sing 'W'y, I was fac4n the sun ,wltA 11j' horns. Owner can have same b =bale; as this'is the beet carfoact -'of VF r I scarce believe{ a thing the women. 4ot novel and pleasing their look all Y Prov- bac![ ;d'I°en I togas in mwimnnia' "c 1 int; ,property and paying ea In i outer trifle. for your Christmas of- _''° I t S. -Parsons, Exeter. eels• cows ever brought td,'this station and WEDDIh7fI 1NPITATIONS•• $3f the stories 't'hait are told tel'm8- __ - ; ,11 ib!„ fire miriclea, of old, - Chaxpor. all animals will be sold with' a guar BILL HEAADS ---�----~ antee .to, be as ropreswited Rifat I know $bait heir ireiiaf '� • Y' '_ ! wI am going on a fishing trlp!1' GOOD FOR TERMS -'8 months' credit ort. ap- + LEITER'HEADS 'l' Is the anodyne of •grief, as �� ' ��Away' f Shirt YJaltt Basket Far $alit. W ll'he new shoat waist baskets anakti a °'I didn't know you 11ked to �� COMPLEXION proved • joint . noltes. A- dii3eoutot of NOTE HEADS "And will aiwayA be a friend ti per cent allowed £or cash. 'r BOOK WORK, .What will keep hurt t * n & •. ellghtful present for amid or matron. "I don't.°' Of ail akin Wautifier. 'we have had T, BROVPI4 _ al . � - � _ M: J. , WILL'IAlyt3 ,;: PIiAMPHLETS �', -OUllg 03iiilil--a�°BCSI'Ce2=- hey have: taken the ]sec► of fabric 00Then ashy do ;volt go on a fdfihlftI in cur store there is none that Nva.oarri ?Anetioneer. Pro iietor •1• CODNTER CHECK BU OHS Vust a .trifle Ionesomti she �p?�+ ! recommend more hi hl than D D 'e " PRO(IRAMMES gust as poor asl poor oan 'be CoveredAboxm *e baskets have two ,_i;,4, highly p. ,• P JI3ut her spirits always rose Tlllr$3y-'eCl](1eCl �O Be liters plilced one above the other. but 011 can't; afford ;any. other k1nd." , t prescription.. �v I CIROSLA$9,::ETO. ,; D. D;• b is such a logical remedy Cows fol' Sade •1` ^� $`,'site the bubbles in the eldthes • Dying Oil Her reef,. $o carerully fitted that the weight of "i ,i. JJ4LE BILLS Dose on the iAcaid. Brough .widowed and alone %he upper one does not In the leant in- Ha.rk1hi SA616, ' . 4, for all kiiida off, ,$)t}}'n troubles and so ., scientifically ° coo 1) that it clearsShortest Jobtered her with the mondtone' i- jure .`the freshness of whatever Is Just a case ,ot reverting i;/pss. up the com leaion_ove . night. • ...,Three good .Djarlram. Co�ya for ask � ; e, ,. p. , ,.. tr Possible t3tid ,Two:aue t, ;4e4If`, eb 1 " ibf ti Saviour „fora friend. ( ®1'. l atllfl�flli'S l�lll$ �r't16°Slw placed in the to ger, oalh. Hor�•!s that? ,�. 1). U is :• ost; widely: known,as ,: , . r` at' ,dPPIY to •t• Qiva Us a Cali ter lie convinced 'Fho would kee-p hexa to tlre'>esrd. :` '. °a L. Day, I;xet� ,-IN",, ,1 i , + nc ' L ;jThe first tray lig designed for the best "You say the girl ma t; t mQp Ed, .the , most retia re ..,treamentt for ec - ' •as• ..'-ter- ® him." •iu �L•. �., t� '4 I, have (seen hex rub(,and seru'b bIonaes,'those that are most eapesieive ! im. �' i . ?ems,; butt it bas .also :been Sound in= c• • ..Lthink It should be the duty of the t, ' :, valuable. for all kinds of minor skin it - ' ' ' dCin. the wshboard in'Ithe tub schools to teach children how to keel to do: up: This tray is first covered '+ The �XBt@r TImes While the baby sopped in=,suds Iwlth h hes white linen, then with a 11 p ,.g ' " 'i` troubleta, , We .do not hesi'tate.'ta give � a� all l���l't ���� � „. well," writes Miss Nannie E. Naydon, v7 a oolall . . a , , • , , oiled and tumbled in $lee .tufts, . a well-known' and. highly esteemed sheet of lavender scented cotton baf • D® you like to fish?" 1)• D. D, our. special recpmmendation> . • � � '. i[)r was paddling if the (pool resident of Bristol. "Ignorance of the '°That depends. Iaike. to catch idslla In 'tact ,wc. are convinced .ha't D. D. Pel 11 I Cop "• f U- ting and finally with dotted ara4:ils or D. �+�ill give relief the: no other n m- thinks-� ��•Miles-'' With old scissors in a •k9Ipaol i3he Istill humming of ber friend JI -so ealth and the use of improper remedies destroyed my vigor, and led bmbroidered muslin. Attached to the �iPVho will keFp her to it* lend. me to the verge of invalidism. I was as Inner side of the tray are half a dozen - a girl ruddy ai,d strong. Nothing little sheets or leaves of linen, one of $luman hopes and human creeds'. seemed to affect •one until I was about ;bleb 4a laid over each freshly laun- -lgave their roots in.humgnr steeds thirty. Then gas began to form g the stomach. I suffered with bloating and dered blouse as it is placed in the bat- 1 should not Wish rtq,sftrrp, that washwomen s lip a general failure Tn strength set in. I1 I . 1keL . . , Om r y song that she, ealk o9in�, hope that song can IbXW9, went upstairs my breath hurt. My system was very drregular, and until I grew bad I didn't heed The lower tray; which is abveral belies deeper than the upper one, is y r the woman has a friend! L pretty pay much to my condition. Then 1 got blue, wor- ter the tailored vvAlsts and the differ. ;'i°4 ho will keep her to the send• ried all the time, wakened in the night, ent sort of ot5'ting skirts, and while it 1 . , 7-E•F• WARN and couldn't get to sleep again. None In sachet •Ifted its covering 4s of Iswu ,----- ----- of the medicine I took helped me. One fine' -the #jh0 .eta •era of the same sub- , MR. ROWELLS PLATFORM day I was reading of a very interesting fltaAtial material:' r Popular lROl f e case like mine cured by Dr. Hamilton's igh all rt now I tat ood .I A lThe announcement by, ftp 'new Jseaw Pills. I took the same treatment. ,It ,' --�--- Per; Mr. N. W.. Rowell R3 0. cif the Ir was just right -didn't physic me to death, but took hold of the weak, sick billet Laos 'Covers. policy' upon which the liberal party parts ;of my system,. and set things Z�ety woman is proud to ower on* 'n Ontario would appeal to the pro- right, it seems as if Dr. Hamilton's Or more asoft ennhfon covers made frons .Wince in the coming election was awe Fills have made me, young again, and all my color, spirits, vigor, and health One bandkerehfef linen and squares of 1111ei fate. r (sited with no little izltleratsL Tble of former days have returned to stay." Nofh4ng, RJdem ,more distinction to d edy can?' ' Surely if you have any skin trouble ,von should give 1). D. 1). perseription' ' ' Heart Remedy." m '1•'1•'1•'1•...I"1.3•d••i•d•d••€•,1•.;.•l••F•.;.,II•d•*+. _ a trials • 'is .. orlda etc. Don't delay for if not 'promptly hocked minor skin troubled often eve lop 'into disease, diffJ- Th6 same reliefready for Cts; +"`ii 1laC You Burt you do not nie Jif . , s �✓n��ap.�$� serious .ult even for D. D, 1). to cure, If Dr: Mi1es' dear Remedy h t i C U ���`-""' • Better drop 1lo our store anyway 106rles Holmes, why. wont it iiC�p line,, .nd get ,pos•ted on this wonderful remedy. Ask also about D. D. Dr. • you? TMS WEEKS rap which is also invaluable in keep- ing"tbe,skiin in healthy condition "IwsatroubledwIthhe dlaczb m# G EVE �1111'1 Or write the '[). I), i). Lab'oralories 1)ept. 'T:, I. •49 Colborne St. Torodto and atter readies�i about Dr. >�3i1 heart Remedy 2 got i boatle.- e- Winter Tours .;,' ; n free, trial liot(le. In either ^aeq, dont put it off but adt at once fore I got the 1•ieart iiemedy I hath to sit up most of the night, and feft TO . W. S. Ilbwey ' ----•ea•-•- -- veiy had at my stomach. Whatever fNould cat, made me feel worse, and. California • �•y F. ,` j� i l d r e n V r y my:lieirt bcgt very "fast. Butthiilis Mexico FOR FLETCfiER'S to P1. Miles` Hcart itemedy, # n"ur , r Popular lROl f e „' igh all rt now I tat ood .I 'rbe�' dile$ t;tinarea, can be bought for '11bey omen$ when it i appear tea d . P Every girl and woman should use Dr. iiamli'ton's Pills regularly. They tea Room rout•h than elan addition .off!1. _ _r 0 R I �, it ° ee Qootl, and feel like a new mea, .. orlda etc. *is like ft, party election platform in help a woman In many ways. .Beware one Of • thPge;e s dons. Spreads for the _.I ....�+..,....p.ww.a. •" r thtiuyh I sun almost 68 yt ars'old; . I , 'Low rates fte ordinary sense of thol word and ` . t bf dike candid tstateanerI of the dealer who asks you to take an Inferior pill on which his profit is 'Hamilton's, bed cern also be.madc of theme lovelyAt matrrlttleii whieh. it bonght. would be TMS WEEKS f MARKET TOP5 Have beery a soldier in the late sort the ._ iymaore a Ito larger than on Dr. Sold of rebellion, and was bath The Garand Trunk i t' e ttvhat the leader 'though ought 11 '$a the political lifsa of 'the. Province fn yellow boxes, 26c per box, all deal- era, or The Catarrhozon�e; . Co,,, Xing- Ont.. suite beyopd.. $bie. average woanan's porkeetbalok ,. , , "r() RQr1tTO t �MlJNTREAL BU FF"A►L:O wounded," CHARLES HOL111r5, : Private Co. B, 54th N. Y. Infantry • • r Popular lROl f e I f making an issue upon which the g scan, 'rbe�' dile$ t;tinarea, can be bought for '11bey Off Cars off Cars. Fed and Watered Voluntez rs, Walton, Delaware Car; - Warty+ aught to appeal' to 'the coilnti'ys I1ae platform kiss perhaps Itoo teary n CU R E O CORN INT 24 iHtoViltg little prion , show classic, de siarin• `I0 Nn,;i,n solid, and often',sev 'era) ditrerent are used in the! `.. , . , , �� $i . to • 167.25 �� 5s N: xi. r Dr. Mild Heart RemeCF. . The Attractive route to i +� � n planiks and does not Surnishl quite Yost can painlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft, or bleeding, by (lomigns, •work is ca 6.OQ f k + ' @@x.85 qV Y ni and Western Canj%da p ,*06ttgh Clear cart material out of itbicb.an ht +J•ha a)Splying Putnam s Corn p',xtractor. It never urns. leaves no scar, contains no %baking of ti hed.Kpread. The dont, aaonimr(Int an the ordor of old :. tt,.. 5 3+ri m"amf+! s $, $ :, U r .: is kept in thousands of homes as a " 5 via Chicago issue, i be math. r m $ •two .really y progressive features in Elie atlas. is harmless, because composed only of hca)ing anis And balms, k''irty fashioned,. piiiTl tiwork, on)y !t U tent b Basler: , . TOISAI�I''k'fJi __ „q( 11P1 R1R AL ,�„, NEW Y014K friend always to be relied itpon ass ,i ' .. i Otated polio were tbe, demtand for Years in use. Cgure guAranteed. Sold' h all druggists, 25c bottles. iteruse fltri: w of otiep ;are sewed between SU!� , I r +`silo. �y •200 350 time of need, . Full particullars.. from tai (4xa . Trunk Agent or a 1I dress I %i provincially � oYvned telk''I7'�I1lai1'�:. sys- #om and for, law aubatitu�tes. ) ''�....... ... r �+ rryr�r w ' PAINLESS PU AM the i4iTlla-rNN�. 'i''bP, work 1m done Art tile' Jma i 4+ ! rr, ob o ) t] are a busy woman. ,.'..._ ... '. .:, '" , �olR g .. - Gt C Sold by Alt, I�ralilglata� it lhal'J`J'itat „ • btihefffy'��l�rtliohtty' .. A. 9. DVVP I 3i •granting muniti-, 11 ,tp'alitieat ;the:,. t t t b ::., t 4m� l s1 158 i:AIlNLES7' r�`iRi+� i XT At�'t"id►R1. bet Jf .thea ~ l Nmr to spaxa dei, It by , , ,. , ,, , ... , .. � .. .bottipf!{lflt4 ta,,,retprh+rtla . Ask cin : D. ., ,, " ,. _ ,,,, ,, y,. ryppl1.st. ,•• . . , D. P; i e4;, ]CorontiI .0 .,O,311i �lMlttl. rolling_the edges, MiLJtti MKOICAL CO.#( T'orbhtot 000, I ',. '" y tr i . �; ,{ . r - I' .0 J j , i / ,.,u r, .. ,.- . - ., r ., , ,.... - _ . .