HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-23, Page 3I I . 111-- 111.1-L 1-11_.:111--- I'll, ­-,­ ­­ ­­ - - . ....... �,-�'....�l-.-�-�.--",-,.,�-,-�-,- . I . I _7_1_--1 il ��_­11­ 11., , : _ . 1 1____7___ ,-,�-",-.,..-,----,..,-,.,�,��.�,--"-17:1.1 � ,� - , ___ 4 "� I I I :713717,17- . ­ .... . .. � 11 . . � . I I '' 11. I : , . I I 1, � , � - ,11,­�f,�,o. , �11 " . � '1 . , I . . . I I . ; . I I . I ., 71­­1"�­7­­­'­ I � . . . . I : I . I .1 � I. .�'. , ,. I I I . . I . I � . I . . I I I I I � I I ,,, _ I I :1 ...; � .. �, - I 1. I I ­ . � . . : , . 1. � � I .1 k�,q* , " , , , � , , � , 7 I .., . ­_ 1. 11 I I I- � I -1 I I I-' � - I I I I � . , , vl, - . " . , , - , .- ,� ... , � -­­ ­­­:��..'. - �- -1--_. . 4-1-1. -1 �, ., . '_ � , . 1� 1-1- I I 1, ; I It . I . I , ,. I �, " , , I ,. I .1 I : I I I _. I . I . I I I � 'A . I . . . � I I �. . �: . . I 1 .11. . 1.1". -,.� 11 .�� 1'. , '! `­::­- --I , ..- ­ -­ - � , ... . I . . w.,., 1 � , ", t �:, 1� ­el.:',,.�'. -.11 1. - ­:: ,­_._­ y , ,., "1,,:-. � , �, ,��,�­ :�:,­ . 1 "'."7 1,:!, �,, ,#.,,�,W"._ 11 �� -,-,-- --,.,---,.W, -- . . I � I I : , ,",_�".,�­ _,a, - _­­�­_"­_w­._.. '� 11-i__1-_- 7 I 11 � I I I . I . I W� I 1A 11, 11 . ; ,,, I � % . I . I . I I . I . . - ,. I : .1 . . I i .�� I I .1 I I I � . I . . I .. . . . . . . �: I . I � I , . , . �.. I .. . . . .1 � . I � I . . I � � � I � I � I . I � . I . . : .. I I I . . 1 I . I rim I . � . � . � I . I � . . I I I I I I . � I I .1 I I I .. .1 I . W "PW , T, INNS � � I I , I I UR EXETER, � I I I �. I . I I . . 11 . I 'TH'UR0DAxn0VBUR1Q,X03,T% I I I . I I . I 11 I �.. ...., � If. , �.' _*� 0 I * I i 1'1_10� ... ____ � .- , , , . TH'E VARIKM. ­_ ' - � i 0 k -F,' - Wi 5 70�­j 1; r I +++-,.-1 ........... jj+++* ++++ ........ �+++++ , 91rOM; , - ,+ 1. . t _­� . I , Am A I W � ­­ I "i verpool Wheat Fvtvre5 Olose Lower, Speaks of ImPOrtane-0, Of Militia In I . * Chicago Highet-Li Canadian Life. , , I I � The iviolsons . Bank + Latest Quotations, . Ottawa, Nov. 1B. -His Royal High, I I I I firtr'rfl A 1�_ NY— 4 �Mr%lf I's ness, the Duke of 0onnauglit attended I I Ino"porated 1855 I I -0 #, km-vre a lunclieon, tenden . , ' . . It speculators In wheat to -day, laid the 'tending the milit I .,CAPITAL (paid up) .... .. - ­­, .A.. ... I I +1 . blame for their troubles to contradic, I 't RESERVE FUND .... .... .... . � ... p ... $4,6 f, I tory despatobeo abou , t weather cQmll- ffoll. Col. Hughes '* . tions in the Argentine. After a day ot tafy restaurant yc� * TOTAL ASSETS OVEAR - - ,� . .... .... $44,900,000,00. And, delivered his , I ,� � nervous Auctuations, prices closed in . I I . i. a and Correspondents in all ragabd fashl 1-4 to 000011 since his ar: .*, Has 88 Branches in Canada, a*4 A on, varying,frora . .. I , gout . 11 3-8 to 1-2 up a QqMrior-Qoneral. , the principal Cities in the. World. . , nd down. Corn thilsheI , . , . a shade to 1.4c lower, oa,ts unchanged 40ft4ed by Premle , + A rionmil Rankinjy Business Tram -acted ' ' t* 3-80 up and hog products Strung frid, Laurier and i + 4� Out IrOM 10 to 10, 1 -go decline to 50 the Borden Government. + ' Upon rising to respond to tile to st + Savings Bitnk-` Depall-ment Tile Liverpool marj�et closed to,day %-d of -his 11084th His Royal + + to Vad lower than yesterday on wheat, . ,1,11 es0 . 1_ lglin. - I U. . a + + and, V,kd to 964 higher on corn, Berlin and Govoraot�QeneTai was g"reetea V .+. Atall)3vanolies, Interes allowedatRighe CurrenbRates. + Buda Pest closed unchanged ou wbeat. 40�rty_cllee,rs. His h' ne s than � .. , . - 0 , I .fForp * Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N - HURD0N, k%nager. ++1 Winnipeg 00tions. voi, riugnes,- i 1, liaving 4gor , I + I + Close. Open, High. Low. Close, the opportunity of being present, an, . Wheat� , expressed to the Officers' of his ap I + � 'Pre- - I I.. �__ . - . - I - + -Nov. ..... 98% 99% 99% 90% 90% ciation, of the warmth of their recap- . L)ec. '..... 96,1/4 961/4 96% 967/8 96 tion. He saw before him,he said, Qjj Old- 99% 99% 99% 99% 9"i faces of many whom he had met at T AMR E C A N A[') I A N TB` A N K oxaxtsaa-yy', 'new, 98% P8% 199% ­ 98% 98% home on different occasions, and jo. , .. � NOV. ..... 40% . 411 joiced to Meet them again. � 9 h . I bec, ,.- 34" :::: ."::. ::** 39% . Referring to -the conference H' A").41F CO"'MME-RCE 4 Way ._. 421/a 1 � I k. � . ... I ... ..... 42% Royal Highness said it augured well Toronto grain Market., for the country that so many should SIR EDMUND WALKER, CX.O., LL.V,, D.C.L., PRESIDENT Wheat, fall, bushel ....... $0 92 to $0 93 come- enormous distances to deliberate , I , . ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER . Whea:t, goose, bushel ..:.,tO88 � ' Upon -important questions affecting the . � . I . I Rye, bushel ................ o 7o .-::: militia of Ci,-..ada, and lie hoped t�at , ,CAPITAL, - $ 1 0,000,0'00,. Cats, bufsb�l . ............... 062 6.6i the best Tesu'�ts would flow from the 11 REST, - $8,000,000 Barley, bushel ............ o.80 . .1 Buckwheat, bushel ....... o;48 050 event. A great opportunliy was jiVen , . I TRAVELLERS' CHIE(D"UES Peas.. bushel .� ............. 0 78 oso . to themlo put into practice the sug- I I I Toronto Dairy Market. 'gestions formulated at the conference, . and he felt that those who had taken 4ssued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce are the most convenient, Butter, store lots ........... 0 23 0 24 art in it wQuld utilize what the7 had form in which to carry money when travelling. They are negotiable Butter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 28 P., 13 utter, creamery, lb. rolls.. 0 29 A I everywhere, self -identifying, and the exact amount payable in the pri 6", 1 arned for the benefit of the force. Tf in- Butter, creamery, solids ... 027 0 2s the could impress their countrymen .cipal foreign, countries is printed on the face. of every cheque. The � cheese- now, Ili .......... ... o 15 0 16 wil the importance of the mlliti4 - - - - <cheques ate issued in denominati I ons of � 101leYcOmbs- dozen ....... � 2.60 a go they would be doing their duty, not I . 5 jo ey, e, � gg xtr�oted, lb ....... 0 n 0 U only to Canada, but to the Empire at . ,�g. case lot ... 0 26 . Us � . $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, , A-23 , neW.Jaid. '. ". :::* - large. . I :::,:::::: 0 40 . . -!and may be obtained on application at the Bank. . Montreal Grain and Produc& In conclusion, His 33oyal Highness . In connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Canadiaa Bank of � MONTRIfA-L, Nlov. 17. -Business I I expressed the hope that there would Commerce has issued a booklet entitlerd "Information of Interest to those Manitoba. spring -wheat over the cabl 'be many occasions during the time he . to -day was quiet. The demand for 04 had,the honor to be at the head of the . About to travel", which will be sent free to anyone applyi6g for it. -lots of cats and corn Is fair, but business Government Of the country -to meet 1. ,in round lots Is quiet, Maltink barley 'the militia. I I .1 .� 1, i. LExeter BrancIl-kV. if. G.D11ins Manager IS wea% and 3c per bushel lower, with' Col. Hughes in felicitious, terms - sales at 97c to 98c. The demand for flour. 7'. - I �*i - Branch also at Cre'diton. . continues good for local account, but the' proposed the healt� of R. L. Borden, . � export trade Is dull. Demand from Ger� -Prime Minister, and of Sir Wilfrid � = I - - - many for bran for future shipment Id Laurier, former Prime Minister of - good, but as millers are now closely sold -Canada. ­ ._­ ­­______ I—- ­­­____­. I ,up for some little time to come no more Hon. R. L. Borden, in reply, refer- , I -----, -,- - . __ _r orders are being booked. Hay Is active Ired to the importance of the gathering lit , . ., , _ ,anq strong. cheese is firm, but quiet. Butter In good demand and Strong at th en �, , advance. Eggs, fairly active. Demani I - W U ; � �� * tA I ,� 11 which, he said, -was composed of m. qpo - t - , i t. �, 7 potatoes good, I d -�nterested in the welfare of the mili- 1� � , t. . I I- 0 41 1 - foZom-American No. 2 yellow, . 86%c to tia of Canada. He felt sure -that the - W , as t. . � - . � m I 0! � tok 43, , I k (4844 . I � i� I .. . . ��j 87c , bushel. conference would be of value to those r.1 I - , 4 - ,­ xi "I gr% ". -, elgh# 11 I u 0 -Canadian western, No,,2, 47%c to entrusted with the administration of , to I_ - I . 49c, No. 3, 47c to 47* -c; extra No� I feed,,. the Department of Militia and De- i .1. - l A . 46%4o to 47c; No. 2 local white, 46c to 46%cf �enee, as well as to the officers them- ... z5ome Gif ts , I LL . 4. *9 . . $ . No. 3 local white, 46%c to 46c; No. 4 loc;i selves. The Prime Minister paid a glr� .white, 45%-c to 46o. 1 i I X1 4 pa girlo $ - tribute to the energy and ability of For HU . . 0C her daughters, .w Baxley-Maidtoba feed, 82c; malting, 97cI ... I � . I � to 980 Buckwhe I at, No. 2, 66c. the new Minister of Militia. , �11 � . ______ - .need ot f4wo artle Floun--Manitoba spring wheat patents, Sir Wilfrid Laurier made a happy I -I'.., . --j # firsts, $5.60; seconds, $5.10; strong bakers, tesponse. e observeil that he was '. I .- I I 0. AV104 pleodg of tbeir 0 H . ". ' U & kirfa � 1 $4.90; winter patents, choice, $4.85 to; $5-� ,, you Aavp a fd4nd ,who tralve� .4 summet 0 bt a loss Wknow why Col. Hughes . -, , , . -1 . . 4 , straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.40; stralgR hadcalled. upon him except it was to . I I . _ wes 0 Onbroldered t � ALo � rvilers, bags, $1.95 to $2.0$. 1 ovorseft n2a laer a stateroo#i. a V ot qIgns or Is Ma th* * Rolled oats -Barrels, ;5.25; bags, 90 lbs., the purpose of pouring balm into his Oka th-o onj glustrated od sh,40it- I 1150. . ivounds. '(Laughter.) . * . I . . , 1,& .�..41_­A, f - lz "I . I ,, tAilared. W,b I Will 41for4 eL OeWa . pram, $23; shorts, $25; m 61 . . , $28; mouillie, $27 to $23. 1. ways given his ;support to whatever MAY, bS 4ashloned from 4uy,. q,tolik, pft� ,Which, foVr, , Hay -No. 2, per 1,.n, car lots. $1350 ta ,�Tomised. to benefit the Militia, but, Wi- � I " $14. , . harmed vith 0:4 presbut. I iddlings, $27 t As Col. Hughes had -said he had al. J . " .. � , such as cretonAd, dehIlii -or � .:� �- , . , . 1w, ?� J� . I I .. 1. I ­ " .,. ,� , Cbeese-Finest v,,Lsterns, :L4%c to j4y�c,l he added, that was a very easy thing ."Y"14 s �,t,,Ni ,w*-�,��.,;�,.-_ - : . ,.,` � -_ �.7,111 .'* j 11.9 finest easteris', 14c to :Ltlhc. " When thdre was such a good Grit at . ..J.' I . , I I . , I I I I . � I , I .- � H' d :�'�� .. jr " , I Butter -Choicest creamem 28%c to 29cl the head of the Department as Sir . '�- � - - I . ,: seconds,' 27c tG 28c. rAA. U , V'o elool Eggs-Fresb, 40c to 45c; selectea, mc; Frederick Borden. pg However li� promikd to stretch his , . , M, � em r6ldstO No. :I stock, 241hc. � :: � i card,bd Dae I Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, $1 to $1.05. bonscienca,to, support -the new Minis- �,: . A N I Dressed Hogs -Abattoir killed, . $8.76 td �er of Militia was equal fervor. Sir � , 4 covere Vft tj $9.25. ' V '. .Wilfrid concluded amidst applause by " I . .1 � r,6ilIL;;F-j--T6.�,��,�"a.n,a4!, short , .j , a 'AR A lu dull colo2% ^ A$!J�,§jAp ,t thou,&I,t:q�,- FAp ona- lk . . 1. . __&,,*'­ I . - �ls - _!,r,Nq, , �_Aq��L __ , 11 . 1 4 *1 ,-, I-Wto. 46pleces, $24-, slxorf�diff . �V_ ­ - ,, ,!� ., � pir 809- . ix-ex"MW, -- --- ' I __ ­­ ; .';.. , Or 44 I, 1 45 to 65 pieces, US; C%nada ar, ws. iBr of tl�e MEHUVI�e li�'(f'�` _'� till, . ' -, I ; : ; 0, t 11 , . 4,90 30 to 35 pieces, M9.50. . lerest in it. .11 ': - 163 . ia .a.little tipray drd-Compound, tieroes, 375 lbs.,, 8%c-1 ' Some of the recommendations of'the ,I I - . .St oft , r.. , I 1i 1,14 1 Wood pails, 20 IbS,, net, 9'Ac; Pure, tierces: conference were: I , 1::: " 375 lb4.,129c; Pure, wood pails, 20 lbs., net, . : ,ba the back.cover worm tile coot � Securing -of more ground available 1 .1 . I 12%c I I - kelivo 429110grgin or her thre6 11:21. Bee*f-Plate, bbis., 200 lbs,, $14,56; plate,� for military training. . I . I tA 4 corded outline. . . tierces, We lbs., ;21.50. . I I . .Establishment of university and Col. Von 13MALri STRAMR BIMONGIN09. YA41do the covers are .4 do;en V2, lege battalions. , , : 0 111pe, and is merely a ,width of I enielope$, #franged VvIth 0 Asp C Extension of cadet movement, and - �. .1 - better instruction and equipment. : . de npatlg bound with tiib.o , ' , that East Buffalo Cattle Market. - I . .. 4�btlaed t6 hold as Many colors 9f ell That the Minimum Pay of soldiers . , - 1pd wItU rings for ,hangln&;. OV . I EAST 3=�FALO, Nov. 17.-Cattle-ne- should be increased to I per day.. . . ., I � � $ sfirfac6 are j ot #f ., T116 blakO and number 04 the Bill; , 4 I celpts, 450 head; market, Clow, steady; Legalization of sale o . i .. plAcgd ppokeh _) t light beer in , . (t. b , - on the outside of prime steers, $7.30 to $7.65; butcher grades, canteens in.military camps. - _ - $3 to $6.75. , � � taqrkea btohne. The Mrgq bock6ts are. - , i I t r� ON% �pei. ,hree ucaeo are cu t u Calves -Receipts, 500 head; market, ac. '.,,'kient,-Col. W, A. Logie of Hamilton . - � Us handkerchiefs 4nd' Other articl - 16' t � 1, lrl.t."� I . 6 do eft and also In the pe ive, 25a higher; cuil to choice, $6 to $9.75.. SUUes s a system of universal train. Small 6 ' f .13�(Z . . i I I - I 141 throulzb-these holes Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 19,000 head; `.iiij after the pattern of that in force ins, and a handy b.mousmon is tL * 'ht Me back . In small . bows. market slow, lambs, 10c lower; choice in ,Australia. � . I . 1. ..... .- I . lambs, $5.40 to $5.50; cull to fair, $4.25 tol .- . - ,4 S�,_- Y, for stray pins. ".. ­t",..�* The book 10 fastefied �ogether witli $6.25; yearlings, $3.75 to $4; sheep, $2 tol . I .. 1. .- 1- - a cotd or ribbon, to matem $3.65. 1 � I . 44 . I .." f �,� 11 , .- * . - I I .. .. f .. �.111.',,'�'i­ - I : i 110gs-RdcolPts, 10,200; market, . Slow, . lRibbon Cofi.� t 'a I �; ,,�� � I I I I � . �;�. steady; Yorkers, $6.60 to $6.65; stags, $5 to � , � I , ­iO­ '� $ Aga'so raft ,X�,� Pretty Workbag. "' "' $5.25; pigs, $6; mixed, M70 to $6.75; heavy, I I " . T , , I ;6.70 to $6,80; roughs, $kXto $6. . I IThe new r1b.bou CU 11 a9copt4two Topea i .Or tbo * W. pret- Workbag Is made I t lit Who is ton tgf t4#, ,d1jA,%ty ll a bo=bok and is of denl!m . 4i New York Live Stock. . . , . . �e. . . . so . V I I 'Within are compartmen . NEW YORIC, Nov. 17.-Beeves-Re- onfences of t] I lined OIL �r , I �ceipts,. 2600; steers and bulls, steady to made and lea -pt -7 In Which are the ugi[lii illings foun firm; cows, slow but steady; steers, $4.50 purchaso4 At th� BtoreO. TtL In such a bag. The ends are gussete , , to $7.78; culls, $3 to ;U5; cows, ;1.75 toi facts I .,' ' . 11-11, ed ribbons *Ith - i46 rjo,114 Ratio, ob that the articles are e0y ; I $4.ro. I . � ' POO 1. � . get 4 � Calves -Receipts, 495 head; market, flrn� ers are the most popul4p, for t4$. and, m6reoVor, the cal)acit.0 britho bA * ' for veals; other calves, steady. yeals, ;6 : It takes four s!xlps Oi th rI4.1 In thus lacreased. . I to $1025- culls $4.50 to $5.50; barnyard , featherstitched together 0�11 __ ___ ­ ca * ia to h; western and SoutheriV Ives, 1119 Pull I calves, nominal, I er ,with the 64choted ringdi - 7 .11., �" -.__-A-_- I Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 8666; ilieeo,l Abolit I , g a iumover at the top, LVvIIe4 I ' I . I -dull eAsiex for all but good handy sheep; I ribbons are cut 14 polutw aiial d-1 � lambs slow and 150 to 26c lower; sheep, id � - ' I � .z ' ip 156Ws. T � ho , I I 1 *2 to 4P5, culls, $1.50 to $1.75; lambs, $4.W hed with sunffo,w - k"atarrhal tQd,5.50; cull:f $3.50 to $4. " gers are of V g ,�afro.,W - . 09 � ,., , ribboui I h�j�S-Reee pt.% 6700; feeling, firm: Mot h'erhood a big sungowg,r 6 to light, $6.46 to $6.70; pigs, $6 to I . �� I . � OR 0 c.bnter r ., . �. . I I , 4 D e a I nte s s ' . I coal the nail upo# $.'r .c tb9,b4 1� , f . I I-------,.%-- I I ung. They. hold tW9 patfi'q - 0% - I Chicago Live Stock. ' The expefience of Motherhood � is - a t . '.. I 1. and ,keep them .. freo grom duA I CHICAGO, Nov. 17 -Cattle -Receipts, tr ,, - sunflower ro'sgltqs 9 -re jhe fte-cessRally Treated By � estimated at 2000; market, slow and d,.y , sl,ng one to most women and marks 4-. no -yes. Not 0 steady; beeves, 0.40 to $9.10; Texas steers, ,tly an epoch in their li. � , , ts. Garter bags to match are also $4 to $5.70, western steers. $4.80 to $7.80; CZ> 0 one woman in a hun. . t stockers and feeders, 490 to $5.75; cows 4red is prepared. or , Wg the new fads a?ld are 1129410 and heifers, $1.00 to $5.75; calves, $5.50 to , , 6 a large envelope,,with a,wlde ja 1 $8.26. . understands how to . -Aarrhozonel I 'a CC& Hogs-Recelpts, estimated at 24,000; - properly care for her. 1 T . , fastens with a button and looT. I market slow ener-11 -­ A V % , self of courc----, I , . ; .7 . � , lffifiutt" � ,I f, Ai ium ur , - , - , - , � - - - - - - - - 7 - - - � - - � THE SKEPHAR0. ,� � I I - y �, 1� . "I. f, a n , " Premicr Gets Souz;lng, Welcome 1. . . I 0 . AA -4 0 P� AT -.9. 1 . � 11 � .one,, Ile can be 41spos,ed of More ,r . in, 5pite of Roln, � . I . . ; advantageously, w4en 0:40 , to t I I . I . . I '. I 'P Ip Mon ,knowledge , � a fact r Of COW I I . I tbrougu with blin. . r � . I I . 14a yearling ram Is used wiptch I I . Sir James Announces to Eloctors of that m4r4O4 differences exist between I , I him wLen first admitted to 00 . I I Oxford That He Has Just Signed Indlvtdual jinim4la as regards the re�' flook. Sometimes rams, are not 11 I an Order-in-0ouncil ,Providing, Ad. turnA which tlloy yield for the feed consuma A current statement Im breeders. It Is 'well to 1001( Aft- � I ; 1 , , ditional Ponds .. for Colonization that a good feeder has � greater Of- , .ones too. They Some- I I er the ola times quit. I I ­ 14 I I . Roads - Rowell .Asks Temperance � 1gostive power than a poor one or that Stay by the sheep. As. 1009 as . � �, I People to Wait a While. I the power of assimilation of the one I people eat meat And wear clothes � . I I I Ingersoll, Nov. 18.-Inolement wea- animal is, superior to that of tbe'otb. it has been, ass.merl'that the or, an U there Will.bQ a Market for sheep I , I � . � ther has little effect in deterring the crowds froiii coming to attend Sir _d, , a(lya%itAge of the better type Of animal . ' . and . I .. I . wool. . '1�1 The owes Should all be bred . - , Xames Whitney's meetings.' In spite lay I .ii its ability to proftco more flesh . , . - near the same date to Insure �� " of the fact that there was � regular Or fat 4r'm I unit of feed than coul(I �, . uniformity of the lamb crop, - : 11 �� ��. downpour of rain'llere last night, the t4epoorer one, it has 44o been com. - I � . Sheep do not suiler greatly I , � Visit of the Prime Minister of Ontario monly taught. and seems to, be goner. . from dr7 cold, but Should be ' L 1. 1. � brought out a crowd that comfortably ally accepted by animal huBbandmen , . sheltered from winds alldraille. .. filled the auditorium of the town hall. S. M. Flect, reeve of Ingersoll in . as. an established. fact that young growing animals not only make ac. . 10, . S4eitring pbeep In the fall 10 I I introducing the speakers of t he even- . tually larger, gains than inore. mature not a good practice. It Is more in.-, described the ranoi!d Of the Whit- one# but likewise more economical profitable to feed unshorlilambs. ney administration as the envy of , � Raw. - 011meal Is excellent to pTevent I the world. Donald Sutherland, M.P., came all The Influence of type and age upon ind.1gestion'and keep, theyoung , I sheep in fine condition generally, .1 I the way from Ottawa to welcome Sir the utilization of feed by cattle has . I . Tames. been ilivestigated by officlals of the ..... ... - 0 - -­ I 4_.__14 -11 . William McGhee, Conservative Can- department of ,agriculture. and the re- I I didaie for' the Legislature in South sult published In bureau of animal HANDLING DAIRY BULLS." Oxfo rd, said lie was proud to be a i industry bulletin. No. 128. . 1 - I I supporter of the Government -of" Sir Xames. Whitney, which lie desciibed as Two . steer calves were selected a4 I - . Treatment Should Oe Such os to K66 0 ;� the most efficient Government this the subJects of this Investigation, one . I . Them Vigorous. . -i � . I country has ever known, 4 pore bredL typical beet animalot 0,40 I Bulls, just as other fa,rin , al 11 LLL In -expressing his pleasure at bein of the well known beef lareeds, the "scrub" . should be treated In Such a ay th, , I among the eleo org tors of South Oxf otheif a of mixed breeding, th � � ey will be kept healthy and Vigo I Sir James said that party prejudice Hxhaustive feeding trials were car- I I ous and doelle. Dairy bulls are n � was justifiable because each party ried out with tliese,anlinals, including � urallyof it nervous disposition, WTI was right at certain times, and the swinging of the pendulum of public twenty-four experiments with the res. piration calorimeter, 1. � ! H. 19. McCartney In the Iowa ROM � Rinie", in favor with the Liberals or The feeding stiffs -used were of t,he Stead. That goes with the temper I I Con., .r."atives served to classify the same kind for both animals In all the ment We must recognize that fA I � . political atmosphere. He drew atten- tion to the remarkable interests that . periods, and the different grains used but there Is no need of beco 1. �. . afraid of EL dairy bull or treating. L" I the people of Ontario now take in. the great public questions -of the day Com- were mixed throughout in the same proportions for each steer. At Inter- L as though he were an ani . mal. Su I I � I 11 . pared Nvitb. what they did twen-ly-five vals during the time the digestibility treatment will make him mean it the � . I � . ' ' Is anything possible that will do san. L years ago. � With. regard to the expenditure for of the total ration and the nitrogen balance were determined for each aul- "I . We visited a farm last sumind , I "' colonization roads, Sir James said. mal. I where the dairy bull was kept _;� that just before leaving his office to the results fall to sliow UA.y what seemed to us to be ver�y u r' . " 'He attend this meeting, he had signed .While .material difference between the physi. Ideal conditions. was a ma I an order -in -,council providing addition- al funds for extending these roads, in ological processes of food utilization In Guernsey, being used .to head a bei , . ''I ' addition tG the money, already set the two animals, they do show clearly of pure bred Guernsey cows all ha ' ing records in the Advanced Registr I - 1. aside for this purpose by the Gov. art economic superiority of the pure " ernment. bred over the scrub steer, due, first, ta This bull has a box stall In the CO, The $300,000 annual rental that the his relatively smaller maintenance re- nor of the cow barn. The sides o.. � I Grand Trunk are paying the province quirement and, second, to his abilit� . the stall are not boarded up Boll ' I I 11 I for running ;ights over the On!taTiO to consume a larger surplus of &d but are made of gas pipe, .. ch I ­� � Governnient/r�way is more than, half above the requirement. Both of the . � lows him to look out at all t;1M. ­ :1 I the interest on the cost of construc- tion of the whole railway," said the facts tend to make the actual produc. . .41 � That makes the bull more contentA I ­ � �� ,,_. * Premier. "I begin to think myself tion. of human food in the form of meat and quiet. His stall, Is kept cleamn 11 I ,!, that we are good business men, my and fat per unit of total feet consum- well bedded just as the cow Stalls ar . . modesty ke�t. me from saying it be. ed by the animal notably greater by His skin and hair are keDt in cond I � �' - I 4 fore, but now I must admit it." the pure bred animal. ton by an occasional bruibing. I i I I . In referring to the Liberals trying In the case of the pure bred animal This same bull is made to do, Wort , . . to force Sir James into the arms 01 especially and to a less degree in that for exercise. It is so arranged tuak., * - .i the liquor interests, ihe Premier said 'Of the scrub rations containing less I the separator room is Joined to t . . I . it wffl'take more than that aggrega- ntably less &. . barn. Inside the barn and next to , I , I 374 tion to force me into the arms of the liquor schools. , gestibIe protein than the amounts call- . wall of the separator room is an ol", � �­ . � "'All these poor people, who are suf- fering body and soul, are told by this ed for by the current feeding standards for growing cattle produced entirely fashioned tread power. It Is ti I of but a moment to lead the b 6 4 1 � much -heralded temperance reforme-r, satisfactory gains in live weight. 11 to the tread power and start I N, W. Rowell, to, wait till the next A distinct Influence of age upon the ". i t e1eq,tioA belore he will formulate a maintenance requirement was observ- f, V I . �._ - li - th 4- `­­-`.- - , . . L&. - n- -- - ue ' ' .Vamy,� ce I ed between the ages of fourteen aud , � � . gfj.,�iet th ��r -4T . �, .4. , 1- _-, � .--- man takes it u o P�, -4 ,.,T -nine months, the requirements . ! - I self to- imagine that he is MO - -V- -,n- rel vely as thp--p-4-1- decrea�116TIlar'iw".L�,,v%.Ller tM&jP I - I . I P.M, I 4 able of conducting the Gove t than his political opponents." The gain matured. - 1 weight of the . If 91 Bilingual schools is p. wrong term, Scrub as compared with that of the s ; ,� I don't suppose there is an English pure bred steer consisted more large- � arent in Ontario who would not like IY of protein, with its accompanying I I . If .. 11, , � ��' *. tis children to know the French water and to a smaller extent of fat, � I . __ ': . . language ,or a French parent, who wouldn't like her children to know and therefore represented a materially . , . _ ,:gn.�.-"., �.�� � � . ­­ - - " �� - � . 1-11 ­.. � . . . . . . . . - ­'�, - I I � � .11, �� �� .- I . English. It is only that the English smaller storage of feed energy. , This . . was also Indicated by the results 9f .4 11 - . - .� , ': _.. I 11 -- I,- � �language must be the language of in- struction in -the schools that we are - ' . the block"tost, , , �� I .. . I � . . ... � ' ' .. , t... � -� I . The Jersey -breed of cattle h" "� � , � ­' . - , contending for.." The Animals'4 were killed on Jan. 4 I been established as a distinct breed , . :� " I I � 1� - .1908. The scrub was rated as "com- for a very long time. For at lie�t � I . 200 Years they, hav6 been kept free � ,. � 1 $100,000 For McGill. Mon" and the pure bred graded as . from crossing With.otber breeds of I � a �1. I I � Montreal, Nov. 18.-A deputation "Prime." The total dressed weight , .. . 1. - . cattle on their native Island, to � _ from McGill Univrrsity waited on Sir and the w0ight of.,the several whole. which no cattle -are allowed to be . ". .1 � , , Lomer Gouin, the Quebec Premier, Sale cuts show the ,considerably higher Imported except for immediate I I I 1 , . - Slaughter. This long maintained ,._� yesterday morning, and after explain- percentage of dressed weight in the Purity of blood has Exed. the breed I � . lli!I their financial difficulties asked the Premier for an annual Govern- case Of the pure bred which is charac- teristic of the beef animal and like- characteristics of the Jersey. and : � , given the race Its renowned Pre- I .: � . ment grant of $100,000. Sir Lomer drew their attention to the fact that wise the predominance of the loin cut Potency -the ability to transmit to .1 I offspring the characteristics of the the Government only gave $100,000 a over the less valuable cuts of the fore parent The Xersey tbull here 1". year to the primaries -of the whole quarter In the beef animal as compared I shown, Viola's Golden Jolly, was � nce. He had heard that it was with the scrub, and the marketable sold recently for $13,00e. I .1 I . - I =ded to raise a milliqij dollar�. meat of the retail cuts shows that the '-- - . ­ . I by private subscriptiog $a help the Proportion of more ialuable cuts was cbine. In th&t 'Way he furnishes pow�" work nolv, being dolie a,t MeGM. Then, . ' notably gregiter I th piire �Fed. .. ID _9 ­ er to separate 75 or 100 gallons, d - ­' � he couli ii'u-'u 'Au^ -Ig -0-4.- that Lpm�t wF,s � , .. r, a ' milk twice daily. also petitioning for an increase in their subsidy. . . Salting Butter. � ' His feed is Plain and stmoit. 1*7 . For his part lie was dispond ,',� Improper salting of butter Is a lault, � fact, a large part of It cons sts of . , I at" favor giving the university the largest. wl. ,,'^Ti appears frequently. This gen-". %,- , I falfa hay of good guallty. During, th� affluount pos�-:Jtble, but lie did not see I orally takes the form o-! 1711even saltir-' ailage . � � ­ -_ -,-,. _ - season lie is fed silage much thil i'' I how lie Acoulct manage to grant them or the use of impure salt, grtyg Amey& salue - as are 'the cows, A sman '. $100,000 a year. If he did grant that' I , Can Cultivator. Only the best dairy amount of gmlid corn, Odta and brs:4 sum then the Government would have to, be prepared to increase their gTant . , salt should be used, and it requires to constitute his grain fAtIoll, but it M . � I .". I be dredged on evenly in a dry 1, . I o the primaries as well as to .give ielp to Laval. state. never heavy. The whole treatment hol I . . Une,ve, Salting, combined with too receives -his stall, his . "; a .� exercise and -his; . . . � : The depittation rose with the Pre- I little working, Is certain to result in feed -makes him apparently perfectl* .. , nier's promise to do his best for I ­ Objectionable drops of wiLter, becaus6 healthy. He is quiet in the stall and '. hem. Among them were Sir Ed Vard Dr. Roddick, U. - water forms where the patches of easily handled at all times. Wbild � salt dissolve, Nouston, Messrs. ) ]EE. and it can be pressed dairy bulls will not ordinarily be, 112- � � � lays, Mr. Robert Reford, and Prof. Out only by more working. Aftersaltd ruly or mean ff properly handled, It is � . . .1 urke. Ing the butter should be worked d not safe to lead even the most genfics .. are hung with ribbon, firdshed LJe2TneSS 16 not So d6Mhlon as blind- i I I . � - Y; r..G, 40.90 . I little and then left for about an hour I I _. , to $6571h- mixed, $6.15 to $6.67%; heavy, 4_1� 1 everywomannow. Of them without having a lead staff It � I ItUe rosettes, as the bags are� ness" yet thousands are more o less 1 $6.15 io $6.70; rougb, $6.15 to $6.s5; good to . IE- ys has medical . . . k . ed by it, and ,their comfort sop- choice, heavy, $6.35 to $6.70; Pigs $4.50 to a 'Berne, Switzerland, Nov. 18. -Re- making up. About half an ounce of � � . . . � afflict Z Shocks In Switzerland. for thO SAlt to dissolve before the final snapped Into his noge ring. ,;1 iously interfered with. $8; bulk of sales, $8.40 to smo. . � ., " .1 11 . t§ i treatment at the . I � . I ,I ' � ports received during the day indicate salt to the pound . I I � A Helpful Gift. , Catarrhal deafness manifests� itself . SheeP-Receipts, estimated * I , time of child -birth, that the earthquake shook was the of butter Is generally The Texture of Butter, I 1. but slowly, yet it must be acknowled. � market, I but many approach . � I- Steady; native, ;2.0't % required, though tastes differ in this re- I ,'- Ylery-smart to wear With the Irb4 50 to %"' 1 ex- I titter may, . & le turno,v.& ed that the great MaJority of those who western, $2.65 to $3.70; yearlings, $3.73 to D F INKH M the ,experience with h witzerland has spect. In any case the salt should be Both texture or grain of b � � . I . , collars are the 740 I become totally deaf might ,have avert� $4.60; lambs, native, �3,50 to $5.85; Western, an organis u fitted for the trial of erienced. in fifty years. It traversed be caused by uneven ripening of th I 'r �k, is unfortunate condition if they, 475 to $5.75. 1 strength, and when the strain is over " 'a , carefully welgbed out and evenly dis- c I I X c 8,pius covered with Irish crochet ed thi . the ountry from Geneva to Constance ream, uneven salting or impure salt; . ­ I 4� .,CP- _,&n I and tributed. It also should be stored in a I .. , y,4mewho crochets can eashy. had treated the catarrhal, Inflamma- i her system has receiveda shock froM nd by churning at too high a temper- I , was most violent in the Central I - �t . � tion at lts,beghining.,' A Risky Proposition. ,� which It is hard to recover, Follow- Alps. Several towns were plunged in. a dTy` P a e- . I , .. , g) I C ature. Ex osure of the M I "".O" -, I ." I p ilk, cream or I. , 1; g"j".g _11.'.111-�., � The only remedy that can be sately East Hampton, Mass., Nov. 18.- ing�rilght upon this comes'the nerT to darkness by the disarrangement of . I I ... - , ".. X.. . . - -, - - " " " -,.4:;,:,:.,,,f,,,,. , . ... � . , , ` 1�&S,Ogft-."�'I:r;.��' , employed for all forms of catarrhal ous -ter to strong light also resul 1,a Riii: : , �R��5-1" , . I but I I . - _._ � ,V".., ... "I . -,:� `� strain of caring for the c , ts in I .� .X.1 -.k. ­;54W: _��.­r- . *f.* the electric lighting systems and in I I �,'Z_N:-:M�. .;��4 , 'I deafntss is Catarrhozone. 'You simply Miss - � . V -t., ....... ��,:Z­..-....­ .. : :;:::: ': The -engagement is announced here of hild, and a Give Colts Grain. strealdness, and Is, therefore, to be I , ;,�, ­�6i,�',.tk' i:j. . '. ,.: " -,... - -, -J , . lv..;.".�-,,.-.-x"y,..*W...;4.- . ...'... ', .... .. ­.., , .... mother res some places the people spent the night Farmers, don't � �.'�,', I . S .j mg� . ... ... ,...K'-.-.3--.-.,-... . Elizabeth S. Colton, Of East distinct,ohange in the ults. I., � . , . .-.1. 'i.-- , I � _111 ,1;.;'1'..11A IM , ." - 1. j -.1 .1, xw, wo.oll . ..... ; �61.**M:yl �. ,,19 , 11 01 � . forget that your avoided, Butter of a 1 . 11 ...... 1- I ... W . charge the air you breathe with thl , ,;;..:M,'�f.,*:�"i:t,.0, - ir.,�.W.R.," �,t . . . . . i healing, soothing agent, and by fore- an , m , : � , . , , , - 001 .�, * � N I . 'r, s' Hampton, and Dr. David Brainard There is nothing more charming th outdoors, fearing that the mountains draft colts need some grain this . ardy mIxturo ..�.� .1 ". I lq;�.Xr'.-; 2 _,­ � �,�_�"i' -0:.,�I;t.,;�;:t ... :;., .t. ,.::., .�. 4 healthy mother of chib would fall u on them. Observatory� fall. may be produced by overworking, and I 1� I . ",:,4,-Z9, .. .. Jy oy p I ­'� I � . I , , ?� W.111111-1.,� , � - . frig It gent . through the ears destr Spooner, of Bengal, India. Miss Col- 9. happy and When pastures are short a little grain butter Of too open and spongy a chAr- . . - . , '...", ,NN."�,' go"," _. I the germ life which keeps up the In- � � , ,., ; dren, and indeed child-birthuilderri lit instruments were damaged. .. .'I., .1 ton is a linguist of note, sAd Dr. , , I %, .. �t-;L;*,��. W� - .. I no hazardtobe h ! , 11 11,211kI., -.�111 . :��.- flanimation, and at the same time by Spooner is an archaeologist employed conditions need be O'S T,fany houses were partially wreck- will effect wonders In a colt's develop- actor by t6o little working. Churninq � , tl .0- I ,�%.-,g g ; 'I, -ngi, . ment. They may be left to eat with should be stopped when the grains 02 i, , I � b k . :,., - -10 a 11 o te ,al persons were ,.'�'. ,�, '64-K., the so6thing, healing action it heals the by the British Government, wl bo t tba -a t� The unexplainable thi g ed, At St. Gall sevei: . .., �� Inflarned surfaces of the middle ear. 11 the evidence of Sbatterea h but it Is better to provide butter, tire the size of W � .X ..i:: ' :.. , .." " ., , W, I� a slightly injured by falling chimneys, � t a mares, ,N,..�k.."Yiiil*e�i,' ... �� a year ago discovered the bones of .1. .'N. __ �'4 :.�_ ' heat gralng� I I I I , . I , j�.*111;1v,: I CATARRI-IOZONE. to those who are Buddha. The pair met while study, nerves and broken bealth resulting a place of their own when they get This, with stirring during ripenfug#. I � . , ,;"�:.�t�-�*�`I-' I from an unprepared Condition, women Chicago "Wide Open." I .; 1;111� .1� ". , 11 I , RN, ;X- I the amount Intended for them. There even, saltingi correct Working and. a, 1. W � � If#* I .V.4�� .'�� " - I Chicago Nov. 18. -Charges that Chi. 10 no feed better tll= oats for young Proper temperature In the dairy should" I . : W. -just a little deaf, and are growing In- ing in India, Last Week Miss Colton will persist in goin,,t blindly to the trial. : ek '. I I ,11 - 1. . ��* creasing) ' 11 � I _ . � y deaf, is an agent capable of 'received the marriage roposal by ea- It isn't as h nce . I I ::::: ti�_h�,'NN.1,:R affording the utmost Satisfaction, and _�-� . . ,;�j �2�l.,:,:,.i���""..,.�'�,;�'r?"... I . .. 'i 11 � ,,*01. � "I. ,ble and she . replied gy ca she They have oago gambiers kept s, fund on hand stock, but It is nNo, a good idea to .1 ,�. I � 'k -.%: ", � . k 1;,�.,`A w ble . .. 0:2,::i its use Is attended without danger, and came upon them unawares. Produce butter of good texture, ,,� :l . .. ::�- -1. 11,*, i , will go to India for the ni��riage, of $40,000 for .use in "easi . A.'..''A.A., . as the trektment�cau be carrIed on at . c' up Pul - . , .. .. I .,. " I.. I ,;... .: � ample time in which to prepare, but n- -) give a little Corn. I little feed at thig. . ., - . .. i _ which will take place In ja lic officials," were Made by Hw-y tim f I 1� . I . .� . �. , i V.- .. X . -home no i)etson threatel-ied with the unary. , they, for the most part, tnst ta chance 0 will do much to make big drafta . . . . 11 I L� 1. I I 4 �., � - 111 . .! _11 I .. � , I � - � 1. . affliction of deafness should postpone, Miss Colto I is repotted to nave � Brolaski, former gambler, before tile I I .8h6fter the Stock. � , R, ­M". �* one momont.in beginning its use, mastered fifty-four I . and pay thopenalty. there civil ers out of them. Good housing from the storms . � " .11" ,� anguages. service -commission yesterday in . vol ., � ,"14111;-if"I * . in many homes once childless __ � , , - .. hor� It Is Ch#aW L I M71 * I � . ,t every part of the Dominion its investigation into public gambling , . Make the feed go fart , d.;.11;--1-11--1--- Fron . ". 'i�-, - , ause of the fact . 1. ,.,.'�'� ..,.­­". I..".."-1.1 - .,k . '... . are now children bec, i . '. ... � ... � .. % glowitiq accounts. of the beneficial no- Engine Crow Die From Scalding. PrOM F1201(8. , ': 1.�,,.Mi�:�, 1��.`F�':,�,..`.':'-'.,- . .1.. and other vices. Peeding Sheep 11 . ";, that Lydl.A�,* E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Brolaski " 'i'l , "` "., *:�^# ­.. -with sopd;f I � �:,ji�i��i:, q ., ( .4, .� ". %% ,, .": ev to warm the animal bbd� . . R,1, I tidn it exerts upon catarrbal , condi- Pet0skey, M1011- Nov, 18-PhIlliP Compound inakes women normal, said lit, came to, Chicago The day Of feeding stock of tiny kind of Shelter than to allow the alip, , . " W .... I .. .1"', � I � ' .� , '*:� A. I Cons of the raiddle eat, have been tent Tobey bf Travorse City, and Anton bea tj last May at the request of Berij. my- on the Mal to burn : . t �*:::,i:::;� ,:�,:4; I. , b . 1 ly, and. �trohg. . kind, kind especially sheep, I M.11.X I.- - "I'll, .1 . . . . . . . . . ....... . - ­... in, and you will be: resorting to ,the , artman of Muskegon, �rakeman and An o would Uke man .and other friends, with the in-, ATOulid has gone by. It is a most good feed In ma'jiltalting .1 . � . � . I .. ) H bodily beat. Xlx up tho sheds. . .. . . �_ I I . .1 ­ 0�ly method of cure, and the simplest Areman respectively on a PeTa gar. 8pecj y -womall W11 tention of investigatim gambling and wasteful war, the , I . . . mothod too, if you try Catarrhozone. ,quette freight train, died Thursday advicie in regaia to this cleaning up the city. e said lie found 'Sheep will drag more 4 . I . Dealeri ever mat 41 0 The Principal feftture Of any, shed Is to 11, I . I �� �2�'.. iboontu pix,olf wou bACIL ywhere sell it, 26d, 60c; and er is cordially invite bay out on this ikound aud- spoil it tor Provide 4� water tight roof, Tblel I . . . I . . 'I frdn - scalding And other in- writ It Ohicago I! Wide-oPeil town with gain- their owii " I � ,.- I i The Catarrhozohe night from, a 0 't, . .. 1. $1.00,18y mai . o Mrs. Pinkhaorat I eating", qA­�"Itbw , �,., O,o., Buffalo, N. Y.j and Kingston, ontj Juries sustained an a wreck neu here M&gs. blin controlled, by Mont, Tennes, Tom all .1� of any ot 11 140anig 4, dry btd, atld the animal -i3,111 . -, ., vr�.1,11"* , - I 1 -rel. lett`el� �'Vlll k)6 � final than an '0�%Wilfirw . � 4 .. I .. I I .a few hours previous. ­ . . 1. ,.�h MoUnis and ot4ers. .�7 1 anima k repay, for b IL I . L ­ '. I I . .� 1-1 .­. -, ­­ � ... -, � 1. __ . I . . . .. 1. - , - _. sta,iet confidence. I . .1 I...., - ­... I , � I I .. I . hadko are chea,00 t'ha, ,bay, RVIUN A eftfortable place I I I .. . � . . ­­ . _­. ___�� .1 1. -1 - � I hL vhtgh Jft is. P ktid . I 1 4' . . 1, � � I . ._ t4o'tilghC i . .,� , . I I L . I I ­ . I � I , , .,� ". ­ �­ . .1 � _i&_ f . , I - I ,. . . 4 - . ­�, I L I . I . I I . I I . . .. '. �, I "M I . I I . " I - I . I" . . ­ I I � . . I . . 1. . . .. . . . L L 11 ,.� _ I . . 1. . L I . . L I .. . � . I � . � . I . _ . I L . , . . I L I I ` 1, �, 1. I . L . . I I I . I I " . I I . � . � I � A . . , . . . . , , I L �.�,, ��, L 4 ' I L L, . I : I . , I I , . I , � � I I I � . . � . :, I .1 I I I . I k � I � � , � �, I . . . 11 I , � . �1� . I . . . I . I I � ' - ' . , L . I I . I I I , , . , , . L , , . I � I 'y I � L L I _L-;._-1.--- 11�� 11­i�­ L ... -11- _'L " L :, ,. , , , lt . .1 ... ��A­­­­­ . , , , L L I 1, L I '. . I 'il� W. , . I I ' - __1. 1� L-.-,_-_-- 11" 4- -,"'L: . , L , . L . , I , . �, , . � I %�*` 'L - L .1 I , I 11 IL I - "._... , - -L. .- . _.. _11.1'..... ... 1:11, 1: .�11�mll.;­, � L 1- _ , L .I "d L "'L . '+ _j_-_ ­-, ' . , " _­­, ­� i, LL ] ' , . I � I , -,"..L", .1 ­­ ­­­ , 1. , ­­­, -1- ­;� , � � ­­­ L' 'L . L k L jr I I I I