HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-23, Page 3I I . 111-- 111.1-L 1-11_.:111--- I'll, -, - - . ....... �,-�'....�l-.-�-�.--",-,.,�-,-�-,- . I . I _7_1_--1 il ��_11 11., , : _ . 1 1____7___ ,-,�-",-.,..-,----,..,-,.,�,��.�,--"-17:1.1 � ,� - , ___ 4 "� I I I
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.. .1 I . W "PW , T, INNS � � I I , I
I UR EXETER, � I I I �. I . I I
. . 11 . I
'TH'UR0DAxn0VBUR1Q,X03,T% I I I . I I . I 11 I �.. ...., �
, �.'
I *
I i 1'1_10� ... ____ � .- , , , . TH'E VARIKM. _ ' - � i 0 k -F,' - Wi 5 70�j 1; r
I +++-,.-1 ........... jj+++* ++++ ........ �+++++ , 91rOM; ,
- ,+ 1. . t _� .
, Am A I W � I "i verpool Wheat Fvtvre5 Olose Lower, Speaks of ImPOrtane-0, Of Militia In
I . * Chicago Highet-Li Canadian Life. ,
, I I
� The iviolsons . Bank + Latest Quotations, . Ottawa, Nov. 1B. -His Royal High,
I I firtr'rfl A 1�_ NY— 4 �Mr%lf I's ness, the Duke of 0onnauglit attended
I I Ino"porated 1855 I I -0 #, km-vre a lunclieon, tenden
. , ' . . It speculators In wheat to -day, laid the 'tending the milit
I .,CAPITAL (paid up) .... .. - , .A.. ... I I +1 . blame for their troubles to contradic,
't RESERVE FUND .... .... .... . � ... p ... $4,6 f, I tory despatobeo abou , t weather cQmll- ffoll. Col. Hughes
'* . tions in the Argentine. After a day ot tafy restaurant yc�
* TOTAL ASSETS OVEAR - - ,� . .... .... $44,900,000,00. And, delivered his
, I ,� � nervous Auctuations, prices closed in . I I .
i. a and Correspondents in all ragabd fashl 1-4 to 000011 since his ar:
.*, Has 88 Branches in Canada, a*4 A on, varying,frora
. .. I , gout . 11 3-8 to 1-2 up a QqMrior-Qoneral.
, the principal Cities in the. World. . , nd down. Corn thilsheI
, . , . a shade to 1.4c lower, oa,ts unchanged 40ft4ed by Premle
, + A rionmil Rankinjy Business Tram -acted ' ' t* 3-80 up and hog products Strung frid, Laurier and i
+ 4� Out IrOM 10 to 10, 1 -go decline to 50 the Borden Government.
+ ' Upon rising to respond to tile to st
+ Savings Bitnk-` Depall-ment Tile Liverpool marj�et closed to,day %-d of -his 11084th His Royal
+ + to Vad lower than yesterday on wheat, . ,1,11 es0
. 1_ lglin.
- I U. . a
+ + and, V,kd to 964 higher on corn, Berlin and Govoraot�QeneTai was g"reetea V
.+. Atall)3vanolies, Interes allowedatRighe CurrenbRates. + Buda Pest closed unchanged ou wbeat. 40�rty_cllee,rs. His h' ne s than � ..
, . - 0 , I
* Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N - HURD0N, k%nager. ++1 Winnipeg 00tions. voi, riugnes,- i 1, liaving 4gor , I
+ I + Close. Open, High. Low. Close, the opportunity of being present, an,
Wheat� , expressed to the Officers' of his ap
I + � 'Pre-
- I I.. �__ . - . - I - + -Nov. ..... 98% 99% 99% 90% 90% ciation, of the warmth of their recap-
. L)ec. '..... 96,1/4 961/4 96% 967/8 96 tion. He saw before him,he said, Qjj
Old- 99% 99% 99% 99% 9"i faces of many whom he had met at
T AMR E C A N A[') I A N TB` A N K oxaxtsaa-yy', 'new, 98% P8% 199% 98% 98% home on different occasions, and jo.
NOV. ..... 40% . 411 joiced to Meet them again.
9 h . I bec, ,.- 34" :::: ."::. ::** 39% . Referring to -the conference H'
A").41F CO"'MME-RCE 4 Way ._. 421/a 1 � I
k. � . ... I ... ..... 42% Royal Highness said it augured well
Toronto grain Market., for the country that so many should
SIR EDMUND WALKER, CX.O., LL.V,, D.C.L., PRESIDENT Wheat, fall, bushel ....... $0 92 to $0 93 come- enormous distances to deliberate
, I ,
. ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER . Whea:t, goose, bushel ..:.,tO88 � ' Upon -important questions affecting the
. � .
I . I Rye, bushel ................ o 7o .-::: militia of Ci,-..ada, and lie hoped t�at
,CAPITAL, - $ 1 0,000,0'00,. Cats, bufsb�l . ............... 062 6.6i the best Tesu'�ts would flow from the
11 REST, - $8,000,000 Barley, bushel ............ o.80 .
.1 Buckwheat, bushel ....... o;48 050 event. A great opportunliy was jiVen
, . I
TRAVELLERS' CHIE(D"UES Peas.. bushel .� ............. 0 78 oso . to themlo put into practice the sug-
I I I Toronto Dairy Market. 'gestions formulated at the conference,
. and he felt that those who had taken
4ssued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce are the most convenient, Butter, store lots ........... 0 23 0 24 art in it wQuld utilize what the7 had
form in which to carry money when travelling. They are negotiable Butter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 28 P.,
13 utter, creamery, lb. rolls.. 0 29 A
I everywhere, self -identifying, and the exact amount payable in the pri 6", 1 arned for the benefit of the force. Tf
in- Butter, creamery, solids ... 027 0 2s the could impress their countrymen
.cipal foreign, countries is printed on the face. of every cheque. The � cheese- now, Ili .......... ... o 15 0 16 wil the importance of the mlliti4
- - - -
<cheques ate issued in denominati I ons of � 101leYcOmbs- dozen ....... � 2.60 a go they would be doing their duty, not
I . 5 jo ey, e,
� gg xtr�oted, lb ....... 0 n 0 U only to Canada, but to the Empire at
. ,�g. case lot ... 0 26 .
Us �
. $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, , A-23 , neW.Jaid. '. ". :::* - large.
. I :::,:::::: 0 40 .
. -!and may be obtained on application at the Bank. . Montreal Grain and Produc& In conclusion, His 33oyal Highness
. In connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Canadiaa Bank of � MONTRIfA-L, Nlov. 17. -Business I I expressed the hope that there would
Commerce has issued a booklet entitlerd "Information of Interest to those Manitoba. spring -wheat over the cabl 'be many occasions during the time he
. to -day was quiet. The demand for 04 had,the honor to be at the head of the
. About to travel", which will be sent free to anyone applyi6g for it. -lots of cats and corn Is fair, but business Government Of the country -to meet
1. ,in round lots Is quiet, Maltink barley 'the militia. I I
.1 .� 1, i. LExeter BrancIl-kV. if. G.D11ins Manager IS wea% and 3c per bushel lower, with' Col. Hughes in felicitious, terms
- sales at 97c to 98c. The demand for flour.
7'. - I �*i - Branch also at Cre'diton. . continues good for local account, but the' proposed the healt� of R. L. Borden,
. � export trade Is dull. Demand from Ger� -Prime Minister, and of Sir Wilfrid
= I - - - many for bran for future shipment Id Laurier, former Prime Minister of
- good, but as millers are now closely sold -Canada.
._ ______ I—- ____. I ,up for some little time to come no more Hon. R. L. Borden, in reply, refer-
, I -----, -,- - . __ _r orders are being booked. Hay Is active Ired to the importance of the gathering
lit , . ., , _ ,anq strong. cheese is firm, but quiet.
Butter In good demand and Strong at th en
�, , advance. Eggs, fairly active. Demani
I - W U ; �
�� * tA I ,� 11 which, he said, -was composed of m.
qpo - t - , i t. �, 7 potatoes good, I d -�nterested in the welfare of the mili-
1� � , t. . I I- 0 41 1 - foZom-American No. 2 yellow, . 86%c to tia of Canada. He felt sure -that the
- W , as t. .
� - . � m
I 0! � tok 43, ,
I k (4844 .
i� I .. . . ��j 87c , bushel. conference would be of value to those
r.1 I - , 4 - , xi
"I gr% ". -, elgh# 11 I u 0 -Canadian western, No,,2, 47%c to entrusted with the administration of
, to I_ - I . 49c, No. 3, 47c to 47* -c; extra No� I feed,,. the Department of Militia and De-
i .1. - l A . 46%4o to 47c; No. 2 local white, 46c to 46%cf �enee, as well as to the officers them-
... z5ome Gif ts , I LL . 4. *9 . . $ . No. 3 local white, 46%c to 46c; No. 4 loc;i selves. The Prime Minister paid a
glr� .white, 45%-c to 46o. 1
i I X1 4 pa girlo $ - tribute to the energy and ability of
For HU . . 0C her daughters, .w Baxley-Maidtoba feed, 82c; malting, 97cI
... I � . I � to 980 Buckwhe I at, No. 2, 66c. the new Minister of Militia.
�11 �
. ______ - .need ot f4wo artle Floun--Manitoba spring wheat patents, Sir Wilfrid Laurier made a happy
I -I'.., . --j # firsts, $5.60; seconds, $5.10; strong bakers, tesponse. e observeil that he was
'. I .- I I 0. AV104 pleodg of tbeir 0 H
. ".
' U & kirfa � 1 $4.90; winter patents, choice, $4.85 to; $5-�
,, you Aavp a fd4nd ,who tralve� .4 summet 0 bt a loss Wknow why Col. Hughes
. -, , , . -1 . . 4 , straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.40; stralgR hadcalled. upon him except it was to
. I I
. _ wes 0
Onbroldered t
� ALo � rvilers, bags, $1.95 to $2.0$.
1 ovorseft n2a laer a stateroo#i. a V ot qIgns or Is Ma th* * Rolled oats -Barrels, ;5.25; bags, 90 lbs., the purpose of pouring balm into his
Oka th-o onj glustrated od sh,40it- I 1150. . ivounds. '(Laughter.)
. *
. I . . , 1,& .�..41_A,
f - lz "I
. I ,, tAilared. W,b
I Will 41for4 eL OeWa . pram, $23; shorts, $25; m 61
. . , $28; mouillie, $27 to $23. 1. ways given his ;support to whatever
MAY, bS 4ashloned from 4uy,. q,tolik, pft� ,Which, foVr, , Hay -No. 2, per 1,.n, car lots. $1350 ta ,�Tomised. to benefit the Militia, but,
Wi- � I " $14. ,
. harmed vith 0:4 presbut. I iddlings, $27 t As Col. Hughes had -said he had al.
J .
" .. �
, such as cretonAd, dehIlii -or � .:� �- , . , .
?� J�
. I
I .. 1. I " .,. ,� , Cbeese-Finest v,,Lsterns, :L4%c to j4y�c,l he added, that was a very easy thing
."Y"14 s �,t,,Ni ,w*-�,��.,;�,.-_ - : . ,.,` � -_ �.7,111 .'* j 11.9 finest easteris', 14c to :Ltlhc. " When thdre was such a good Grit at
. ..J.' I . , I I . , I I I I .
� I , I .-
� H' d :�'�� .. jr " , I Butter -Choicest creamem 28%c to 29cl the head of the Department as Sir
. '�- � -
- I . ,: seconds,' 27c tG 28c.
rAA. U , V'o elool Eggs-Fresb, 40c to 45c; selectea, mc; Frederick Borden.
pg However li� promikd to stretch his
, . ,
M, � em r6ldstO No. :I stock, 241hc.
� :: � i card,bd Dae I Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, $1 to $1.05. bonscienca,to, support -the new Minis-
�,: . A N I Dressed Hogs -Abattoir killed, . $8.76 td �er of Militia was equal fervor. Sir
� , 4 covere Vft tj $9.25. '
V '. .Wilfrid concluded amidst applause by
" I . .1 � r,6ilIL;;F-j--T6.�,��,�"a.n,a4!, short , .j
, a 'AR A lu dull colo2% ^ A$!J�,§jAp ,t thou,&I,t:q�,- FAp ona-
. . 1. . __&,,*' I . - �ls - _!,r,Nq, , �_Aq��L __
. 1 4 *1 ,-, I-Wto. 46pleces, $24-, slxorf�diff . �V_ - ,, ,!�
., � pir 809- . ix-ex"MW, -- --- ' I __ ; .';..
Or 44 I, 1 45 to 65 pieces, US; C%nada ar, ws. iBr of tl�e MEHUVI�e li�'(f'�` _'�
till, .
-, I
; : ; 0, t 11 , . 4,90 30 to 35 pieces, M9.50. . lerest in it.
.11 ': - 163 . ia .a.little tipray drd-Compound, tieroes, 375 lbs.,, 8%c-1 ' Some of the recommendations of'the
,I I - . .St oft , r..
, I 1i 1,14 1 Wood pails, 20 IbS,, net, 9'Ac; Pure, tierces: conference were: I
, 1::: " 375 lb4.,129c; Pure, wood pails, 20 lbs., net, .
: ,ba the back.cover worm tile coot � Securing -of more ground available
1 .1 . I 12%c
I I - kelivo 429110grgin or her thre6 11:21. Bee*f-Plate, bbis., 200 lbs,, $14,56; plate,� for military training. . I
. I tA 4 corded outline. . . tierces, We lbs., ;21.50. . I I . .Establishment of university and Col.
Von 13MALri STRAMR BIMONGIN09. YA41do the covers are .4 do;en V2, lege battalions.
, ,
: 0 111pe, and is merely a ,width of I enielope$, #franged VvIth 0 Asp C Extension of cadet movement, and
- �. .1 - better instruction and equipment.
: . de npatlg bound with tiib.o , ' , that East Buffalo Cattle Market. -
I . .. 4�btlaed t6 hold as Many colors 9f ell That the Minimum Pay of soldiers .
, -
1pd wItU rings for ,hangln&;. OV . I EAST 3=�FALO, Nov. 17.-Cattle-ne- should be increased to I per day..
. . .,
I �
� $ sfirfac6 are j ot #f ., T116 blakO and number 04 the Bill; , 4 I celpts, 450 head; market, Clow, steady; Legalization of sale o .
i .. plAcgd ppokeh _) t light beer in
, . (t. b , - on the outside of prime steers, $7.30 to $7.65; butcher grades, canteens in.military camps.
- _ - $3 to $6.75.
, �
� taqrkea
btohne. The Mrgq bock6ts are. - ,
i I t r� ON% �pei. ,hree ucaeo are cu t u Calves -Receipts, 500 head; market, ac. '.,,'kient,-Col. W, A. Logie of Hamilton
. - �
Us handkerchiefs 4nd' Other articl - 16' t � 1, lrl.t."� I
. 6 do eft and also In the pe ive, 25a higher; cuil to choice, $6 to $9.75.. SUUes s a system of universal train.
Small 6 ' f .13�(Z . .
i I I - I 141 throulzb-these holes Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 19,000 head; `.iiij after the pattern of that in force
ins, and a handy b.mousmon is tL * 'ht Me back . In small . bows. market slow, lambs, 10c lower; choice in ,Australia.
� . I . 1. ..... .- I . lambs, $5.40 to $5.50; cull to fair, $4.25 tol .- . -
,4 S�,_- Y, for stray pins. ".. t",..�* The book 10 fastefied �ogether witli $6.25; yearlings, $3.75 to $4; sheep, $2 tol . I
.. 1. .- 1- - a cotd or ribbon, to matem $3.65. 1 �
I . 44 . I .."
f �,� 11 , .- * . - I
I .. .. f .. �.111.',,'�'i - I : i 110gs-RdcolPts, 10,200; market, . Slow,
. lRibbon Cofi.� t 'a I �; ,,�� � I I I I
� . �;�. steady; Yorkers, $6.60 to $6.65; stags, $5 to �
, �
I , iO '�
$ Aga'so raft ,X�,� Pretty Workbag. "' "' $5.25; pigs, $6; mixed, M70 to $6.75; heavy, I
I " . T , , I ;6.70 to $6,80; roughs, $kXto $6. . I
IThe new r1b.bou CU
11 a9copt4two Topea i .Or tbo * W. pret- Workbag Is made I t lit
Who is ton tgf t4#, ,d1jA,%ty ll a bo=bok and is of denl!m . 4i New York Live Stock. .
. ,
. . �e. .
. so . V I I 'Within are compartmen . NEW YORIC, Nov. 17.-Beeves-Re-
onfences of t] I lined OIL �r , I �ceipts,. 2600; steers and bulls, steady to
made and lea -pt -7 In Which are the ugi[lii illings foun firm; cows, slow but steady; steers, $4.50
purchaso4 At th� BtoreO. TtL In such a bag. The ends are gussete , , to $7.78; culls, $3 to ;U5; cows, ;1.75 toi facts
I .,'
' .
11-11, ed ribbons *Ith - i46 rjo,114 Ratio, ob that the articles are e0y ; I $4.ro. I . �
POO 1. � . get 4 � Calves -Receipts, 495 head; market, flrn�
ers are the most popul4p, for t4$. and, m6reoVor, the cal)acit.0 britho bA * ' for veals; other calves, steady. yeals, ;6
: It takes four s!xlps Oi th rI4.1 In thus lacreased. . I to $1025- culls $4.50 to $5.50; barnyard ,
featherstitched together 0�11 __ ___ ca * ia to h; western and SoutheriV
Ives, 1119
Pull I calves, nominal,
er ,with the 64choted ringdi - 7 .11., �" -.__-A-_- I Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 8666; ilieeo,l Abolit I ,
g a iumover at the top, LVvIIe4 I '
I . I -dull eAsiex for all but good handy sheep; I
ribbons are cut 14 polutw aiial d-1 � lambs slow and 150 to 26c lower; sheep, id
' I
� .z ' ip 156Ws. T � ho , I I 1 *2 to 4P5, culls, $1.50 to $1.75; lambs, $4.W
hed with sunffo,w - k"atarrhal tQd,5.50; cull:f $3.50 to $4.
gers are of V g ,�afro.,W - .
� ,., , ribboui I h�j�S-Reee pt.% 6700; feeling, firm: Mot h'erhood
a big sungowg,r 6 to light, $6.46 to $6.70; pigs, $6 to I
�� I . � OR 0 c.bnter r ., . �. .
I I , 4 D e a I nte s s '
. I coal the nail upo# $.'r .c tb9,b4 1� , f . I I-------,.%-- I
I ung. They. hold tW9 patfi'q - 0% - I Chicago Live Stock. ' The expefience of Motherhood � is - a t
. '.. I
1. and ,keep them .. freo grom duA I CHICAGO, Nov. 17 -Cattle -Receipts, tr
,, - sunflower ro'sgltqs 9 -re jhe fte-cessRally Treated By � estimated at 2000; market, slow and d,.y
, sl,ng one to most women and marks
4-. no -yes. Not
0 steady; beeves, 0.40 to $9.10; Texas steers, ,tly an epoch in their li.
� , , ts. Garter bags to match are also $4 to $5.70, western steers. $4.80 to $7.80; CZ> 0 one woman in a hun.
. t stockers and feeders, 490 to $5.75; cows 4red is prepared. or
, Wg the new fads a?ld are 1129410 and heifers, $1.00 to $5.75; calves, $5.50 to
, , 6 a large envelope,,with a,wlde ja 1 $8.26. . understands how to
. -Aarrhozonel
I 'a CC& Hogs-Recelpts, estimated at 24,000; - properly care for her. 1
T . , fastens with a button and looT. I market slow ener-11 - A V % , self of courc----,
, .
; .7
� ,
lffifiutt" � ,I f,
Ai ium ur , - , - , - , � - - - - - - - - 7 - - - � - - �
I I -
y �, 1� . "I. f, a n , "
Premicr Gets Souz;lng, Welcome
1. . . I 0
AA -4 0 P� AT -.9. 1 . � 11 �
.one,, Ile can be 41spos,ed of More ,r .
in, 5pite of Roln,
. I .
. ;
advantageously, w4en 0:40 , to t
I . . I
I 'P Ip Mon ,knowledge
, � a fact r Of COW
I . I
tbrougu with blin. . r
� . I I .
14a yearling ram Is used wiptch I I
. Sir James Announces to Eloctors of
that m4r4O4 differences exist between
I , I
him wLen first admitted to 00 . I I
Oxford That He Has Just Signed
Indlvtdual jinim4la as regards the re�'
flook. Sometimes rams, are not 11 I
an Order-in-0ouncil ,Providing, Ad.
turnA which tlloy yield for the feed
consuma A current statement Im
breeders. It Is 'well to 1001( Aft- � I ; 1
, ,
ditional Ponds
.. for Colonization
that a good feeder has � greater Of-
.ones too. They Some- I I
er the ola
times quit. I I 14
I I .
Roads - Rowell .Asks Temperance
1gostive power than a poor one or that
Stay by the sheep. As. 1009 as . � �, I
People to Wait a While. I
the power of assimilation of the one
I people eat meat And wear clothes � . I
Ingersoll, Nov. 18.-Inolement wea-
animal is, superior to that of tbe'otb.
it has been, ass.merl'that the
or, an U
there Will.bQ a Market for sheep I , I
. �
ther has little effect in deterring the
crowds froiii coming to attend Sir
a(lya%itAge of the better type Of animal
and . I ..
I . wool. . '1�1
The owes Should all be bred . - ,
Xames Whitney's meetings.' In spite
lay I
.ii its ability to proftco more flesh
. ,
. -
near the same date to Insure �� "
of the fact that there was � regular
Or fat 4r'm I unit of feed than coul(I
�, .
uniformity of the lamb crop, - : 11 �� ��.
downpour of rain'llere last night, the
t4epoorer one, it has 44o been com.
I � .
Sheep do not suiler greatly I ,
Visit of the Prime Minister of Ontario
monly taught. and seems to, be goner.
from dr7 cold, but Should be ' L 1. 1. �
brought out a crowd that comfortably
ally accepted by animal huBbandmen
sheltered from winds alldraille. ..
filled the auditorium of the town hall.
S. M. Flect, reeve of Ingersoll in
. as. an established. fact that young
growing animals not only make ac.
. 10, .
S4eitring pbeep In the fall 10 I I
introducing the speakers of t he even-
tually larger, gains than inore. mature
not a good practice. It Is more
in.-, described the ranoi!d Of the Whit-
one# but likewise more economical
profitable to feed unshorlilambs.
ney administration as the envy of
, �
Raw. -
011meal Is excellent to pTevent I
the world.
Donald Sutherland, M.P., came all
The Influence of type and age upon
ind.1gestion'and keep, theyoung
I sheep in fine condition generally, .1 I
the way from Ottawa to welcome Sir
the utilization of feed by cattle has
. I
been ilivestigated by officlals of the
..... ... - 0 -
- I 4_.__14 -11
William McGhee, Conservative Can-
department of ,agriculture. and the re-
didaie for' the Legislature in South
sult published In bureau of animal
Oxfo rd, said lie was proud to be a
i industry bulletin. No. 128.
1 - I I
supporter of the Government -of" Sir
Xames. Whitney, which lie desciibed as
Two . steer calves were selected a4
. Treatment Should Oe Such os to K66 0 ;�
the most efficient Government this
the subJects of this Investigation, one
I . Them Vigorous. . -i
� . I
country has ever known,
4 pore bredL typical beet animalot 0,40
Bulls, just as other fa,rin , al 11 LLL
In -expressing his pleasure at bein
of the well known beef lareeds, the
should be treated In Such a ay th, , I
among the eleo org
tors of South Oxf
otheif a of mixed breeding,
th � �
ey will be kept healthy and Vigo I
Sir James said that party prejudice
Hxhaustive feeding trials were car-
ous and doelle. Dairy bulls are n �
was justifiable because each party
ried out with tliese,anlinals, including
urallyof it nervous disposition, WTI
was right at certain times, and the
swinging of the pendulum of public
twenty-four experiments with the res.
piration calorimeter, 1.
H. 19. McCartney In the Iowa ROM �
Rinie", in favor with the Liberals or
The feeding stiffs -used were of t,he
Stead. That goes with the temper I I
Con., .r."atives served to classify the
same kind for both animals In all the
ment We must recognize that fA I � .
political atmosphere. He drew atten-
tion to the remarkable interests that
periods, and the different grains used
but there Is no need of beco 1. �.
afraid of EL dairy bull or treating. L"
the people of Ontario now take in. the
great public questions -of the day Com-
were mixed throughout in the same
proportions for each steer. At Inter-
as though he were an ani . mal. Su I I � I
11 .
pared Nvitb. what they did twen-ly-five
vals during the time the digestibility
treatment will make him mean it the �
. I � .
' '
Is anything possible that will do san. L
years ago. �
With. regard to the expenditure for
of the total ration and the nitrogen
balance were determined for each aul-
. We visited a farm last sumind , I
colonization roads, Sir James said.
mal. I
where the dairy bull was kept _;�
that just before leaving his office to
the results fall to sliow UA.y
what seemed to us to be ver�y u r' . "
attend this meeting, he had signed
.material difference between the physi.
Ideal conditions. was a ma I
an order -in -,council providing addition-
al funds for extending these roads, in
ological processes of food utilization In
Guernsey, being used .to head a bei , . ''I
addition tG the money, already set
the two animals, they do show clearly
of pure bred Guernsey cows all ha '
ing records in the Advanced Registr I - 1.
aside for this purpose by the Gov.
art economic superiority of the pure
bred over the scrub steer, due, first, ta
This bull has a box stall In the CO,
The $300,000 annual rental that the
his relatively smaller maintenance re-
nor of the cow barn. The sides o.. � I
Grand Trunk are paying the province
quirement and, second, to his abilit�
the stall are not boarded up Boll ' I I 11 I
for running ;ights over the On!taTiO
to consume a larger surplus of &d
but are made of gas pipe, .. ch I � �
Governnient/r�way is more than, half
above the requirement. Both of the
. �
lows him to look out at all t;1M. :1 I
the interest on the cost of construc-
tion of the whole railway," said the
facts tend to make the actual produc.
. .41
That makes the bull more contentA I �
�� ,,_. *
Premier. "I begin to think myself
tion. of human food in the form of meat
and quiet. His stall, Is kept cleamn 11 I ,!,
that we are good business men, my
and fat per unit of total feet consum-
well bedded just as the cow Stalls ar . .
modesty ke�t. me from saying it be.
ed by the animal notably greater by
His skin and hair are keDt in cond I � �' -
fore, but now I must admit it."
the pure bred animal.
ton by an occasional bruibing. I i
In referring to the Liberals trying
In the case of the pure bred animal
This same bull is made to do, Wort , . .
to force Sir James into the arms 01
especially and to a less degree in that
for exercise. It is so arranged tuak., * - .i
the liquor interests, ihe Premier said
'Of the scrub rations containing less
the separator room is Joined to t . . I .
it wffl'take more than that aggrega-
ntably less &.
barn. Inside the barn and next to , I , I
tion to force me into the arms of the
liquor schools. ,
gestibIe protein than the amounts call-
wall of the separator room is an ol",
� �
"'All these poor people, who are suf-
fering body and soul, are told by this
ed for by the current feeding standards
for growing cattle produced entirely
fashioned tread power. It Is ti I
of but a moment to lead the b 6 4 1 �
much -heralded temperance reforme-r,
satisfactory gains in live weight.
to the tread power and start I
N, W. Rowell, to, wait till the next
A distinct Influence of age upon the
". i
e1eq,tioA belore he will formulate a
maintenance requirement was observ-
f, V I
�._ - li - th 4- `-`.- - , .
. L&. - n- --
- ue
' ' .Vamy,� ce
I ed between the ages of fourteen aud
. gfj.,�iet th ��r -4T . �, .4.
1- _-, � .--- man takes it u o
,.,T -nine months, the requirements
- I
self to- imagine that he is MO -
-V- -,n- rel vely as thp--p-4-1-
decrea�116TIlar'iw".L�,,v%.Ller tM&jP
I - I .
I P.M, I 4
able of conducting the Gove t
than his political opponents."
The gain
matured. - 1 weight of the
91 Bilingual schools is p. wrong term,
Scrub as compared with that of the
s ; ,�
I don't suppose there is an English
pure bred steer consisted more large-
arent in Ontario who would not like
IY of protein, with its accompanying
. If .. 11, , �
��' *.
tis children to know the French
water and to a smaller extent of fat,
I . __ ': .
language ,or a French parent, who
wouldn't like her children to know
and therefore represented a materially
. , . _
,:gn.�.-"., �.�� � �
. - - " �� - � . 1-11 .. � . . . . . . . . - '�, - I I � � .11,
�� �� .- I .
English. It is only that the English
smaller storage of feed energy. , This
. .
was also Indicated by the results 9f
.4 11
- . - .� , ': _..
I 11 -- I,- �
�language must be the language of in-
struction in -the schools that we are
- ' .
the block"tost, , , �� I ..
I � . . ... �
' ' .. , t... � -� I
. The Jersey -breed of cattle h" "� � , � ' .
- ,
contending for.."
The Animals'4 were killed on Jan. 4 I
been established as a distinct breed , . :� " I I
� 1�
.1908. The scrub was rated as "com-
for a very long time. For at lie�t � I .
200 Years they, hav6 been kept free � ,. � 1
$100,000 For McGill.
Mon" and the pure bred graded as
from crossing With.otber breeds of I � a �1. I I �
Montreal, Nov. 18.-A deputation
"Prime." The total dressed weight
. 1. -
cattle on their native Island, to � _
from McGill Univrrsity waited on Sir
and the w0ight of.,the several whole.
which no cattle -are allowed to be . ". .1 � , ,
Lomer Gouin, the Quebec Premier,
Sale cuts show the ,considerably higher
Imported except for immediate I I I 1 ,
. -
Slaughter. This long maintained ,._�
yesterday morning, and after explain-
percentage of dressed weight in the
Purity of blood has Exed. the breed I � .
lli!I their financial difficulties asked
the Premier for an annual Govern-
case Of the pure bred which is charac-
teristic of the beef animal and like-
characteristics of the Jersey. and : � ,
given the race Its renowned Pre- I .:
� .
ment grant of $100,000. Sir Lomer
drew their attention to the fact that
wise the predominance of the loin cut
Potency -the ability to transmit to .1 I
offspring the characteristics of the
the Government only gave $100,000 a
over the less valuable cuts of the fore
parent The Xersey tbull here 1".
year to the primaries -of the whole
quarter In the beef animal as compared
shown, Viola's Golden Jolly, was �
nce. He had heard that it was
with the scrub, and the marketable
sold recently for $13,00e. I .1
I . -
=ded to raise a milliqij dollar�.
meat of the retail cuts shows that the
'-- - . . I
by private subscriptiog $a help the
Proportion of more ialuable cuts was
cbine. In th&t 'Way he furnishes pow�"
work nolv, being dolie a,t MeGM. Then,
notably gregiter I th piire �Fed.
.. ID _9
er to separate 75 or 100 gallons, d - ' �
he couli ii'u-'u 'Au^ -Ig -0-4.- that Lpm�t wF,s
� , .. r, a
milk twice daily.
also petitioning for an increase in
their subsidy. .
. Salting Butter. �
His feed is Plain and stmoit. 1*7
For his part lie was dispond ,',�
Improper salting of butter Is a lault,
fact, a large part of It cons sts of . ,
I at"
favor giving the university the largest.
,,'^Ti appears frequently. This gen-".
, I
falfa hay of good guallty. During, th�
affluount pos�-:Jtble, but lie did not see
orally takes the form o-! 1711even saltir-' ailage .
� � -_ -,-,. _ - season lie is fed silage much thil i'' I
how lie Acoulct manage to grant them
or the use of impure salt, grtyg Amey& salue - as are 'the cows, A sman '.
$100,000 a year. If he did grant that'
Can Cultivator. Only the best dairy amount of gmlid corn, Odta and brs:4
sum then the Government would have
to, be prepared to increase their gTant
. ,
salt should be used, and it requires to constitute his grain fAtIoll, but it M . � I .". I
be dredged on evenly in a dry 1, . I
o the primaries as well as to .give
ielp to Laval.
state. never heavy. The whole treatment hol I . .
Une,ve, Salting, combined with too receives -his stall, his . "; a .�
exercise and -his; . .
. � :
The depittation rose with the Pre- I little working, Is certain to result in feed -makes him apparently perfectl* .. ,
nier's promise to do his best for
Objectionable drops of wiLter, becaus6 healthy. He is quiet in the stall and '.
hem. Among them were Sir Ed Vard
Dr. Roddick, U.
water forms where the patches of easily handled at all times. Wbild �
salt dissolve,
Nouston, Messrs.
) ]EE.
and it can be pressed dairy
bulls will not ordinarily be, 112- � �
lays, Mr. Robert Reford, and Prof. Out only by more working. Aftersaltd ruly or mean ff properly handled, It is �
. . .1
urke. Ing the butter should be worked d not safe to lead even the most genfics
.. are hung with ribbon, firdshed LJe2TneSS 16 not So d6Mhlon as blind- i I I . � - Y; r..G, 40.90 . I little and then left for about an hour I I _.
, to $6571h- mixed, $6.15 to $6.67%; heavy, 4_1� 1 everywomannow. Of them without having a lead staff
It � I ItUe rosettes, as the bags are� ness" yet thousands are more o less 1 $6.15 io $6.70; rougb, $6.15 to $6.s5; good to . IE- ys has medical .
. .
k . ed by it, and ,their comfort sop- choice, heavy, $6.35 to $6.70; Pigs $4.50 to a 'Berne, Switzerland, Nov. 18. -Re- making up. About half an ounce of � � . .
. � afflict Z Shocks In Switzerland. for thO SAlt to dissolve before the final snapped Into his noge ring.
,;1 iously interfered with. $8; bulk of sales, $8.40 to smo. . � ., " .1 11
. t§ i treatment at the . I �
. I ,I ' � ports received during the day indicate salt to the pound . I I �
A Helpful Gift. , Catarrhal deafness manifests� itself . SheeP-Receipts, estimated * I , time of child -birth, that the earthquake shook was the of butter Is generally The Texture of Butter, I 1.
but slowly, yet it must be acknowled. � market, I but many approach . �
I- Steady; native, ;2.0't % required, though tastes differ in this re- I
,'- Ylery-smart to wear With the Irb4 50 to %"' 1 ex- I titter may, .
& le turno,v.& ed that the great MaJority of those who western, $2.65 to $3.70; yearlings, $3.73 to D F INKH M the ,experience with h witzerland has spect. In any case the salt should be Both texture or grain of b � � . I .
, collars are the 740 I become totally deaf might ,have avert� $4.60; lambs, native, �3,50 to $5.85; Western, an organis u fitted for the trial of erienced. in fifty years. It traversed be caused by uneven ripening of th I
'r �k, is unfortunate condition if they, 475 to $5.75. 1 strength, and when the strain is over " 'a , carefully welgbed out and evenly dis- c I I
X c 8,pius covered with Irish crochet ed thi . the ountry from Geneva to Constance ream, uneven salting or impure salt; . I
4� .,CP- _,&n I and tributed. It also should be stored in a I ..
, y,4mewho crochets can eashy. had treated the catarrhal, Inflamma- i her system has receiveda shock froM nd by churning at too high a temper- I
, was most violent in the Central
I - �t . � tion at lts,beghining.,' A Risky Proposition. ,� which It is hard to recover, Follow- Alps. Several towns were plunged in. a dTy` P a e- . I
, .. , g) I C ature. Ex osure of the M
I "".O" -, I
." I p ilk, cream or
I. , 1; g"j".g _11.'.111-�., � The only remedy that can be sately East Hampton, Mass., Nov. 18.- ing�rilght upon this comes'the nerT to darkness by the disarrangement of . I
I ... - , ".. X..
. - -, - - " " " -,.4:;,:,:.,,,f,,,,. , .
... � .
, , ` 1�&S,Ogft-."�'I:r;.��' , employed for all forms of catarrhal ous -ter to strong light also resul
: , �R��5-1" , . I but I
I . -
� ,V".., ... "I . -,:� `� strain of caring for the c , ts in I
.� .X.1 -.k. ;54W: _��.r- . *f.* the electric lighting systems and in I
I �,'Z_N:-:M�. .;��4 , 'I deafntss is Catarrhozone. 'You simply Miss
� . V -t., ....... ��,:Z..-.... .. : :;:::: ': The -engagement is announced here of hild, and a Give Colts Grain. strealdness, and Is, therefore, to be I
, ;,�, �6i,�',.tk' i:j.
. '. ,.: " -,... - -, -J
, . lv..;.".�-,,.-.-x"y,..*W...;4.- . ...'... ', .... .. .., , .... mother res some places the people spent the night Farmers, don't � �.'�,', I
. S .j mg�
. ... ... ,...K'-.-.3--.-.,-... . Elizabeth S. Colton, Of East distinct,ohange in the ults.
I., � . , .
.-.1. 'i.-- , I �
_111 ,1;.;'1'..11A IM , ."
1. j -.1 .1, xw, wo.oll . ..... ; �61.**M:yl �. ,,19 , 11 01 � . forget that your avoided, Butter of a 1
. 11 ...... 1- I ... W . charge the air you breathe with thl
, ,;;..:M,'�f.,*:�"i:t,.0, - ir.,�.W.R.," �,t . . . . . i healing, soothing agent, and by fore- an
m ,
: � , . , , , - 001 .�,
* � N I . 'r, s' Hampton, and Dr. David Brainard There is nothing more charming th outdoors, fearing that the mountains draft colts need some grain this . ardy mIxturo ..�.� .1
I lq;�.Xr'.-; 2 _,
� �,�_�"i' -0:.,�I;t.,;�;:t
... :;., .t. ,.::., .�. 4 healthy mother of chib would fall u on them. Observatory� fall. may be produced by overworking, and I 1� I
. ",:,4,-Z9, .. .. Jy oy p I '� I �
I , , ?� W.111111-1.,� , � - . frig It gent . through the ears destr Spooner, of Bengal, India. Miss Col- 9. happy and When pastures are short a little grain butter Of too open and spongy a chAr- . .
. , '...", ,NN."�,' go"," _. I the germ life which keeps up the In- � � ,
,., ; dren, and indeed child-birthuilderri lit instruments were damaged. ..
.'I., .1 ton is a linguist of note, sAd Dr. ,
, I
%, .. �t-;L;*,��. W� - .. I no hazardtobe h !
11 11,211kI., -.�111 . :��.- flanimation, and at the same time by Spooner is an archaeologist employed conditions need be O'S T,fany houses were partially wreck- will effect wonders In a colt's develop- actor by t6o little working. Churninq � , tl
I ,�%.-,g g ; 'I, -ngi, . ment. They may be left to eat with should be stopped when the grains 02 i, , I
� b
k . :,., - -10 a 11 o te ,al persons were
,.'�'. ,�, '64-K., the so6thing, healing action it heals the by the British Government, wl bo t tba -a t� The unexplainable thi g ed, At St. Gall sevei: .
.., �� Inflarned surfaces of the middle ear. 11 the evidence of Sbatterea h but it Is better to provide butter, tire the size of W
� .X ..i:: '
, .." " ., , W, I� a slightly injured by falling chimneys, � t a mares,
,N,..�k.."Yiiil*e�i,' ... �� a year ago discovered the bones of
.1. .'N. __ �'4 :.�_ ' heat gralng� I I I I
, . I , j�.*111;1v,: I CATARRI-IOZONE. to those who are Buddha. The pair met while study, nerves and broken bealth resulting a place of their own when they get This, with stirring during ripenfug#. I �
. , ,;"�:.�t�-�*�`I-' I from an unprepared Condition, women Chicago "Wide Open." I
.; 1;111� .1�
11 I , RN, ;X- I the amount Intended for them. There even, saltingi correct Working and. a, 1.
W �
� If#* I .V.4�� .'�� " - I Chicago Nov. 18. -Charges that Chi. 10 no feed better tll= oats for young Proper temperature In the dairy should" I .
: W. -just a little deaf, and are growing In- ing in India, Last Week Miss Colton will persist in goin,,t blindly to the trial. :
I I ,11 - 1. . ��* creasing) ' 11 �
. � y deaf, is an agent capable of 'received the marriage roposal by ea- It isn't as h nce
. I I ::::: ti�_h�,'NN.1,:R affording the utmost Satisfaction, and _�-�
. . ,;�j �2�l.,:,:,.i���""..,.�'�,;�'r?"... I .
'i 11 � ,,*01. � "I. ,ble and she . replied gy ca she They have oago gambiers kept s, fund on hand stock, but It is nNo, a good idea to .1 ,�. I
� 'k -.%: ", � . k 1;,�.,`A w ble
. .. 0:2,::i its use Is attended without danger, and came upon them unawares. Produce butter of good texture, ,,� :l .
.. ::�- -1. 11,*, i , will go to India for the ni��riage, of $40,000 for .use in "easi .
A.'..''A.A., . as the trektment�cau be carrIed on at . c' up Pul - . ,
.. I .,. " I.. I ,;... .: � ample time in which to prepare, but n- -) give a little Corn. I little feed at thig. .
., - . .. i _ which will take place In ja lic officials," were Made by Hw-y tim f I 1�
. I .
�. , i V.- .. X . -home no i)etson threatel-ied with the unary. , they, for the most part, tnst ta chance 0 will do much to make big drafta . . . . 11 I L� 1.
I 4 �., �
- 111 .
.! _11 I .. �
, I �
- � 1. . affliction of deafness should postpone, Miss Colto I is repotted to nave � Brolaski, former gambler, before tile I I .8h6fter the Stock. � ,
R, M". �* one momont.in beginning its use, mastered fifty-four I . and pay thopenalty. there civil ers out of them. Good housing from the storms . �
" .11" ,� anguages. service -commission yesterday in . vol ., �
,"14111;-if"I * . in many homes once childless __ �
, - .. hor� It Is Ch#aW L I
M71 * I � . ,t every part of the Dominion its investigation into public gambling , . Make the feed go fart ,
d.;.11;--1-11--1--- Fron .
". 'i�-, - , ause of the fact . 1.
,.,.'�'� ..,.". I..".."-1.1 - .,k . '... . are now children bec, i
. '. ... � ... � .. % glowitiq accounts. of the beneficial no- Engine Crow Die From Scalding. PrOM F1201(8. , ':
1.�,,.Mi�:�, 1��.`F�':,�,..`.':'-'.,- . .1.. and other vices. Peeding Sheep 11
. ";, that Lydl.A�,* E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Brolaski
" 'i'l , "` "., *:�^# .. -with sopd;f I
� �:,ji�i��i:, q
., (
.4, .� ". %% ,, .": ev to warm the animal bbd�
. . R,1, I tidn it exerts upon catarrbal , condi- Pet0skey, M1011- Nov, 18-PhIlliP Compound inakes women normal, said lit, came to, Chicago The day Of feeding stock of tiny kind of Shelter than to allow the alip, ,
. "
W .... I .. .1"',
� I � '
, '*:� A. I Cons of the raiddle eat, have been tent Tobey bf Travorse City, and Anton bea tj last May at the request of Berij. my- on the Mal to burn :
. t �*:::,i:::;� ,:�,:4; I. , b . 1 ly, and. �trohg. . kind, kind especially sheep,
I M.11.X I.- - "I'll, .1 . . . . . . . . . ....... . - ... in, and you will be: resorting to ,the , artman of Muskegon, �rakeman and An o would Uke man .and other friends, with the in-, ATOulid has gone by. It is a most good feed In ma'jiltalting .1 .
. � . I .. ) H bodily beat. Xlx up tho sheds.
. �_ I I . .1 0�ly method of cure, and the simplest Areman respectively on a PeTa gar. 8pecj y -womall W11 tention of investigatim gambling and wasteful war, the , I
. . . mothod too, if you try Catarrhozone. ,quette freight train, died Thursday advicie in regaia to this cleaning up the city. e said lie found 'Sheep will drag more 4
. I . Dealeri ever mat 41 0 The Principal feftture Of any, shed Is to 11, I
. I �� �2�'.. iboontu pix,olf wou bACIL ywhere sell it, 26d, 60c; and er is cordially invite bay out on this ikound aud- spoil it tor Provide 4� water tight roof, Tblel I
. . . I . . 'I frdn - scalding And other in- writ It Ohicago I! Wide-oPeil town with gain- their owii " I
,.- I i The Catarrhozohe night from, a 0 't,
. .. 1. $1.00,18y mai . o Mrs. Pinkhaorat I eating", qA�"Itbw
, �,., O,o., Buffalo, N. Y.j and Kingston, ontj Juries sustained an a wreck neu here M&gs. blin controlled, by Mont, Tennes, Tom all .1� of any ot 11 140anig 4, dry btd, atld the animal -i3,111
. -, ., vr�.1,11"* , - I 1 -rel. lett`el� �'Vlll k)6 � final than an '0�%Wilfirw . �
4 .. I .. I I .a few hours previous. . . 1. ,.�h MoUnis and ot4ers. .�7 1 anima k repay, for b IL I
. L '. I I . .� 1-1 .. -, � ... -, � 1. __ . I . . . .. 1. - , - _. sta,iet confidence. I . .1 I...., - ... I , � I I .. I . hadko are chea,00 t'ha, ,bay, RVIUN A eftfortable place I I
I .. . � . . . _. ___�� .1 1. -1 - � I hL vhtgh Jft is. P ktid . I
1 4' . . 1, � � I . ._ t4o'tilghC i
. .,� , . I I L . I I . I � I , , .,� ". � . .1 �
_i&_ f . , I - I ,. . . 4 - . �, I
L I . I . I I . I I . . .. '. �, I "M I .
I I . " I
- I . I" . . I I � . . I . . 1. . . .. . . . L L 11 ,.� _ I . . 1. . L I
. . L I .. . � . I � . � . I . _ . I
L . , . . I L I I ` 1, �, 1. I . L .
. I I I . I I " . I I .
� . � I � A . . , . . . . , , I L �.�,, ��, L 4 ' I L L, . I : I
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