HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-16, Page 4N'. THE TIKES S. HURSDAY NQ'T.. 7i41 H 0.90 GftQG�RY PHONE 97. Opposite E1 ectrio Light 'Plan. Eeep Reppy in the ROMS by getting YOUR HOUSE UOL,D NI9C�+ S.SITLES Lr .Here. We 'handle only he BEST and we have everything you need at all Seasons, THE TER ARD DOME STORE Butter and WANTED—Choice Bu t Fresh Eggs, 1 Bribery in Elections Would not cause the sens- ation that our Fire Sale of Coal is causing at the present time' In order to make room to rebuild we are offering about 200 Tons of Anthracite COAL at $6 a TON e offer is for immediate Jeptance and the coal must be removed at once. . J. L T R i Y GRANTON. O'NTA.h10 FRIENDSHIP just a word or two dfr praise we have hoped long long to hear. And the dearest of 'days. Glows with gladness and good cheer „Tart a friendly word or ttlwrp. It3t3a-spa c siflile, r° •. 4,n't" courage comes anew; rtening the weary smile Just the clasp of someones hand I Pr a look oflkind good. will. ,,Ad the triumphs we have planned, Urge us bravely onward still..; -just a word that is sincere. When the way is rough and long, X13 the lost hopes !that were dear Make 'us• -.glad again and strove-. ,:fust to know that others pare If we fail or if we fall, And the ills that brought despair Seem but trifles atter all. Note and Comment The session of the Alberta Legisla- Lure_ will open on Nov. 130th. • +J * * * • * An island has suddenly risen from the sea in Serpent's Mouth Strait. etween Trinidad and the Venezuee ri coast. The phenomenon was pre- eded by an extraordinary commotion the sea, from which burst huge olumns of flame and smoke. • • • • No e • !Uncle John—"My goodness, Tommy you eat an awful lot, for such'a iliULIe ',fellow." :Tommy—"I .s'pect 1 aren't so litlticr g I looks from the outside."—Wo- sans' home Companion. • e • s • The chief event in aviation circles during the past week has been. the '>mpletion of the first trans-col:ain: ata' flight ever made in. America. P. Rogers in a Wright Biplane, lift New York September 17th and `rrived at ,Pasadena. Gal., November tit In all he covered; 4,231 miles in int the actual flying time of three' days ten hours and four roninutes,'his Tate of speed being from 51.53 miles sn .lhopr. • 0* s • • e e1ltoctor-"I had some odly cappropr- lee cases at my office this morning ind-;What were they?' Doctor— ethelitie who had a jumping tooth - e a steatnstress who had a sitich in her aide and an emotional actress had a sympathetic pain -13a1 - ore America,. * *.* e * a N.. 1Jlaine retains constitutional proh- ibition, Govenar Plit seed and his coin cif having decided to accept else core +sections in the vole of four towns east the special election in September thus reversing' the r.rsult as indicate 04 on the face e& the first offieiel re+ - turns. It appears by the returns as oxeected that ,60.0(5, votes were cast ifl • favor • of awn. ttll°nt the prohibition l'aw and 60,853 opposed to annealing' it Govenor Plalsted at the conciue ,glow of the meeting said than a!t' (atr, rty data he will call a special seeL. dfoxt 'of the legislature to snbinirt as alnend><uent to the coaasti'ttxtio a whish Will .hermit au enaetletent of laws po}ar corning the liquor traffic which :are capable of honebt onfarC� e nt be- cause sustained by the sen'tireenit .of the several eom nenities 'to which they will be applied. xaw you x pleasure • to tellthe.. t is a pleas t;rc Oliaanberlaitr's Cattail remedy is the best 'cough remedy I have ever used ww•rioes Niers. Bugle Campbell of Lav - Iona. Ca. "I have used it with, all my n.:the abeen rhticirz�aw x . , results have Inghly. sattrwfeetorw " For Sale by all dealers SE .SMITH Mr. and JVXre. Geo. hi•awson very pleasantly entertained a number of ,young, people from the London road last Thursday evening, Miss Manson and Miss Willard furnished some beautiful selections on the piano and a very enjoyable evening was spent; GOOD FORM A well bred women does not wait for the ushers to request that elle remove hex hat at the theatre but takes it off before the risme of the,r curtain A gift sent.to a couple'celebrating a wedding anniversary should arrive several days before the event and shouldbe accompanied by the sander's card bearing a message of congratul- ation Distance 'does not enmanate tele - courtesy of sending a wedding wife Though the recipient of the, invitee - Ion live a long way from the scene of the ceremony the gift should bd forwarded to arrivesometime before the date .sett for the ceremtlny. Here are the rules clipped from, a paper years ago, for the use of the Husband who would learn how tot kkeep his wife Deserve her perfect confidence. Never do anything which will make you appear mean in her eyes. Let her tell you her' grievances, and tell her your worries; you may be able to help each other. and ,yon lean surely comfort each other. I Try.. to be as thoughtful of your wife's comfort as you were when you first tried to win her heartt; she nzedst sour thouielafulness more now. Don't forget all the little tcourtr•- sies you used to show her and which made you appear so well in her eyes; if there were aught to lendear her to you before marriage she should by a thousand times dearer to you now. Help her with the children some- times at night. when they are fret- ful and you have no hired help. (Sup- posing ,you do pat in the plea. thatit you are tired andl,that,you have b,:an, working all day. hasn't she been work ing all day too and isnot she; tired? WHAT IS BEST. It's wiser being good than lead; It's safer being meek than fierce; It's fitter being sane than mad.. My own hope is a sun will pierce The tbfekest cloud eatrth ever strotctied; 1 That after last 'turns the first, Theug i a wide c • upass round That what began best can't end worst Not what God blessed once prove accurst. —Robert Browning. 1 VIRTUE. Virtue is a rough way, but proves at night a bed of down.— Wotton. Virtue dwells at the head of a river to•which we cannot get but by rowing against the stream.— Feltham. This is the tax a mau must pay to his virtues—they hold up. a torch to his vices and render those frailties notorious in him which would have passed with- out observation in another.—Col- ton. What the superior man seeks is In himself; ~shat the small man seeks is in others.—Con: fneius. 'Marvelous Recovery" Montreal Man So I11 With Dyspepsia Thought lae Would Die. No more convincing evidence was ever put on paper than the following letter from one of Montreal's well- known citizens, Mr. D. R. Larose, of 338 Joliette street. "Permit me to write you a few words concerning Dr. Hamilton's Pills, I suffered from dyspepsia and indiges- tion for five years. I suffered so much that I could 'hardly attend to my work. I was weak and lost all courage. I enjoyed no rest until I decided to followou treatment, Y rafter having read your advertisement in the paper. To my great surprise I immediately began to feel better. am now using the second box and X feel So well that I want to tell you that I owe this great change to your famous pills. I recommend them to every person.. who is suffering froth dyspepsia. Your grateful servant, D. R. Larose, 338 Joliette st., Montreal, P.Q Let all who have weak stomachs, and those who slider with indigestion, headaches, biliousness, know they can be perfectly cured by Dr. Itamilton's Pills. Suoeessfulty used for many years, mild and safe,, 25c per box, all dealers, Or The Catarrhozone Coe Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills ills C9. u eDySpeu s1 WINORDLSEA, Tho tailoring le the report of the es;alelination held in, S. S. Na•d •l.sbor- ue during the month of 'October 1911 Sr. Or Tptal £830;Eric Coward 840; Jr. I? Total 830.Gordon DunC a n 748.; Inia Heywood' 672; Lloyd ,Jahns 0$0; David 'Orem? 56t,Dia Cornish 54'8.. 665; V' . jr. IV r.fotttl :Viola, Isell 602; Myrtle 1i asburn 084; Willie Routly 559; Gordon Delbridge 457; Vera. Hey wood 418, Alden Creery 385. Lewis Cornish 13.736 Second Class total 575; . Mervyn. Gann 4196. George Johns 493; Lorena Johns 477 May Heywood 319 „Percy Coward 3(19e Part I'I olessi total 420;Gibson ,Cres P&ry and IBruoe Medd 3175 Franklin Skinner 371; Frank' Routly 1357 Cora 113e11 1354. Joe. Wilson 13441, Ray Johns I339t Mina Cornish 1321. Wesley tHeyi- wood 308, Tommy Heywood 259. Edith Johns 250. Reggie Delbridee ;2415. Jessie A, Hamilton„! teacher •. HENSALIi The rural roads running into the village are receiving a finer coat of gravel tbie fall • Grain is coming very freely to our markets and our grain buyers and miller's are kept bustling Mrs. T. W. Palmer was' 'called to Clinton during the! past; week owing to the illness and death of her else ter Mrs. Wilkie • Miss Edna Wren of Winnipeg and formerly of Hensall,; has been ape'ndle ing the past eek 'meth x.1 ies and friends who aro- pleased to meet ,her after an absence of so many years She was only a little girl when her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jahn 'T. Wren deft for the west Mr. A. Smith of Morris .and Miss Laura Mae Smith of Omer'Michoigan were united`in marriage at. !the; reside once of the bricde's ;parents Hensall on Wednesday the lat 'inst. Rev. Mr. Smith performed the ceremony. The bride who was given away by her fat her was attended by Miss Tessi•e Balli day of Belgrave andthe groom was es sisted by Dr. T. Smith of Omer Mich. , The brides' sister Helen acted as ring bearer. The young couple left ont the • :afternoon train for Toronto and ia'th- • .$ eastern points. Posted. "We have moved about a good deal In our married life." "Lived in many different places, have: your .les." "I suppose you know a good deal abort the geography of your country?' "Can't say that we know so much about that as we do about the laws governing rent." Some Movement. "I`o you thin(: she wants to get mar- ried?" would muvE' .ieaven and earth $1 1,'h alley." "31:41) her waist line, her eyebrows and other features." An Inference. "My association with him is a bright nee in my life." -You must have painted the toms uaetf ler." From the Watch Tower of Assured Business and Established Trade the Successful Merchant Looks down upon the mob of men who failed to suc- ceed in business be- cause they did not ADVERTISE A Remarkable Hen, The Minable but. laelpful hen has been held up to Us of late as the greatest wealth producer of the coin, try—the automatic provider of health, support and breakfast, it hap re - Maned for New York: to present this simple minded but industrious friend of the fanner in the role of a bared hand, Finding her ]easter—we hate to say owner—busy building a chicken coop—presumably for her occupancy— Biddy waited about nutil the man in the case dropped a nail, Turning to pick it up, be found that Biddy had already forestalled him and was standing by the coop' with the nail in her bill„ held reedy For driving. Thenceforth until the homely, neces- sary task was done man and hen worked in profitable and pleasant alli- ance. `This is all true, too, because it was "printed in the paper." Artichokes For Hogs. Artichokes and pumpkins are val- uable sources of a vegetable feed sup- ply for winter. The former can.. be which on hills. and odd corners grown , w would not otherwise be utilized, and in the late fall the hogs can be turned in to do their own harvesting until the ground is frozen. Pumpkins are of value in that they may be easily stored until midwinter and fed when the weather does not Permit ranging out 'of doors on the wheat or rye fields. BestFr.Cowo. green Stuffo The'best dairymen are now feeding either silage or some green soiling crops every day in the year, and they find this class of feed cheaper and better than any other kind. Some dry feed should, of course, go along With the green feed. PERT PARAGRAPHS. THERE are plenty of fools in the world, but the redeeming feature of the case is that each of us has to look after but one. There is nothing more piteousthan an overworked excuse. Man was made to mourn and woman to furnish the cause. .The man' who thinkslhe is monarch ipf all he surveys needs to be careful Of what he looks at. Being optimistic is cheerfully but it isn't always remunerative.. Maybe some of them can't come back because they like it where they are. - ?.there seemto be. a :tot of folk who ,;Want a commutation ticket into matrl• mony. -[t isn't so much knowing a lot as it. U certainty in what you 'do know If you are looking for trouble you need not work hard. You will find ;plenty of help. • The mediocre fellow is tlie one who les so dead sure that he can' do some- thing else better. ' .Yon can't tell what'll happen and .perhaps wouldn't if you could. Her Handiwork. i, "She is very proud of her husband." `Because he made himself what ho is, I suppose." "No, not at all." "For what, then?" "Because she always makes him what he isn't" All Expense. 1Nd1.'hat is a fine automobile in the endow." "'Sure, it's all right." "I wish I owned it."' "Come along. They will be charg- ing yon $3.85 for looking at' it." The Difference. "Molly is a very Clever girl." "And Polly -Is a very pretty one." "But Molly• can to her own Mink - INC." "There Is where She is unfortu- nate, for she will elwaya have to 1,10 it. There are dead .loads of klemen dying to do fly's thinking tor ker." '(SNAPSHOTS OF' 'CA Mt I ' • fty 33onnafi or t,itltio ix�C--3tilA otyy . l band of embroidered tissue Apo, little OInee of sprigged ne,atroWe n or Plaited silk with pu nc ' patin roses flattened it one „elueogo. Poses n1,ru. iy, 'dainty form of headgear Ar n child, ry� 'High lihito shoes in linen; Witllr. s , tips. are 1,or extensively, w itll !suits. Many; linen tailor jackets have ,>l poish of white inside the cellar -AO) 1 1-IlaOitT KIMONO wart PEASANT san714,4,1 the double purpose of breaking the hard line of the cloth and to act in; If, protection for the fine lace 'of the hod, lee. With the jeweled lorgnette is wor,� Is long chain to match, or, :what, ewer, a chain that falls only to ' bust. • I Children's socks with openworj are celledl smarter rter than the l nes. y m The garment that is cut iielkimano br peasant style always takes pretty, kind graceful lines. Here is a negligee' that is. most attractive, yet simple. no neck edge is finished with big collar, lend revers, and the sleeves may be gathered and finished with a cuff or may hang in kimono fashion. JUDIO. CHOLLET. This May, Manton pattern is cut in sleep; for misses of fourteen, sixteen and eight, een years of age. • Send 10 cents to this `Moe, giving number, 7101,, and it will be omptly forwarded. to you by mail. t i;j aste send an additional two cent stun*, insures Mo d i postage, which pot letter s:#. P , prompt delivery. i `_ FRIBBLES OF FASHION: IPdvaneed Models Show Skirts Sol Tight Wearers Can Hardly Walk. Fashionable tailors declare that the models brought by them from Paris for copying purposes are so tight that the wearer walks with difficulty. Irhe plaited ruffie which is so much Worn is thought by many women to liMn4MVO jig Audi ou Sale OP TWO, HUNDRED ACEI'] V A'I IA —Also— STOCK AND I.M!PLEMENTIS Jas. Jones has resolved instructions from Mr. John Whyte to sell by ipub. is auctiononLOT 17. CON.x'• � .P I11]3B1#RT oCJESDAY, VrD$ 13LR lath, the following( el» uable property; r 't The farm is said to Icontain 2001 & 1 acres, being Lots Nos.10,E 7, Con: 12, Township of Hibbert. On g ale premises• are one brick dwelling with 8 rooms, kitchen 18x24, 1 bank barn 50x60. 1 hog pen 36,x'0'0. with large' 'hay or store room or granary above all fitted up with cement floors and troughs, 1 driving sbed, 18x40. '1 silo 16 ft inside measure, by 132 ft high,. and about '2 acres of orchard. .well fenced,, all the farm has beech. newly underdrained. '2 never failing wells, about '20 acres of bush, balance all cleared and in a high state. of cul- tivation, about 70 acres of fall plow- ing done and the balance under grass School opposite .corner, one and a quarter mi. south of Cromarty, 7 mi 4 Hensall S lenl- 1 .,o Dublin or IIs sa 1 P d n carter d'dgravel roads. oneand i �q miles from church and in a splendid location.. Will sell in bloc or divide into two lots to sui'trgpterchasers. The terms and conditions will be (made known on day ' of sale or by applying to. Mr. d'ohn Whyte Stratford, VJh t P. 0. STOCK -3 Heavy draft brood mares 2 supposed to be in foal to Golden Key; 2 heavy• draft horses. 1 general Standard purpose horse, 1 nd - rd Bred driv- ing mare in foal to Limestone, 2 cows supposed to be in calf. 1 farrow cow 9. steers 2 years old. 1 steers • one year old, 4 heifers one year old, 4 spring calves, 4 brood sows with lit- ter at foot 11 brood brood sows in litter to a thoroughbred Yorkshire Hog. 1 thoroughbred Yorkshire boar 8 months old. 100 Stock Bogs differ- ent' weights and size's, 1 Collie Dog (splendid worker.) • IMPLEMENTS — Massey -Harris binder 6 -ft cut. nearly new; Deering' mower 5-£t. cut, nearly new; Mer - Cormick Steel rake. nearly new; Hay Tedder nearly now; one 15 disc drill Massey -Harris nearly new; McCorml- ick cultivator nearly new; Massey - Harris corn culitvator nearly new; Set 4 section harrows, one disc har- row; gang plow ; 3 welkin; plows ; Hay Car. forks pulleys and ' (rope, Horse power (8 horse) Ensilage cut- ter; Jack, '2 wagons, 2 cattle racks r2 wagon boxes; set bobsleighs, dray sleigh; Kemp manure spreader, Di Laval separator; churn, grain bags, spades shovels forks. whi.ffletre-sneck yokes, chains, 3 sets double harness sets single harness., platform scale 2000 lbs capacity. cutter, top buggy"water tenk, water trough, Agriculr tural bu nace, new; 15 acres of corn in silo; 3001 bushels mangels, 3 horse blankets. a quantity of elm plank. cedar posts, wood and a •hast, of other articles. JSALE AT 12 O'CLOCK' 'SHARP( • , TERMS ON CIIATTHLS All sums of $10.00 and under cash over that amount 10 months' eredilt will he given, on furnishl,ng approved joint noteis. '5 'per cent off for cash on credit amounts. (Positively no reserve as the, pro- prietor is retiring fromfarmiing. JAMES JONES.. JOHN WHYTE Arlt. for Perth '& Halon, Prop. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIa0r. • Needed Help. "He can't spend the interest on bin money'." "I didn't know he was an old bach- Ror." Sad Truth. when I was young I used to wait ' And eat at second table. Tint now I'm glad to eat at all, And that is not a fable. For Sale' Foe Bale at enco—d,11) Stork's Stanley 3rtl, Icon„ 3. cnllea free), Oltait.era. bebop( 4,0f rods, i1n good stdtt? or ruitlivtxtion 100oozes las grain, 10 acres s aifttiRa. 12 acres bash. reel lute euzl pasture i , Ston. house, o �r',: w• els reef, Stone 1a r, ttw , , 1 , ryeme!at floor in eel", a. le entice oiaatern r' „ t teh;�l#Lone, One. bate ,� ,d , tit',.trat u11 pumper. 'wat'rworiz• :wiablln mind head eat'tle alnd ,n,'st•8, ' Faeeotad 5 barlq 5(440. lel ;.y bare 50x35. Crop lath��l1' wtbh farm 1.1 desired, Apply Ito Aleioo1m ;:MoEwen. Dox 50, Clinton. Not in Him. "So he is a regular rolling stone, is` tie?" "He? Not much." ",Why not?" "He's too soft to be any kind of a tone." Some Drawback. "1 hear the charming widow yon aro ;oing to marry has some property:' "Yes, quite a little." "Any,. ineumbrance2 „ si ac "Three children." J31,1204 ' THIS WEEKS' MARKET TOP Ho Cattle Lambs Butter Eggs TORONTO Off Cars $7,10 630 $5.70 TO ON TO 2$G' Sac; MONT i AL BLP 'ALO OffC Fedar' •'u ta'�'r r s,n $ 7 00 I. $t;. � 1. 6.5 MONT' 274r. 4(' NEW 557 FOB SOI[OOL DAMS, be an extravagance, ,as It difficult to launder and still more difficult tO plait. The woman , who is wisp has this dainty accessory washed and ironed and then takes the frill to a plaiting shop, where it is turned out like new for a few cents. There is delightful evidence of a len few itches addedth to the new g autumn coats. Handsome ribbons of satin find silk background, against which stand out wonderfully 'lateral velvet roses and floral designs, are to play a conspicu- ous part in the coming millinery. The loose coat is the preferred one for the little girl. Here is a model that way be finished with a big square col- lar or a round one, as desired. In the illustration it is cut oft to' three-quarter 'length. JUDIC CHOLLET.. This b4ay Manton pattern 1d cut for ig ria' of six, eight, 'test and twelve years' 4f age. Send 10 cents to thle office, giving A'onLber, 7111, and it will be promptly for.' warded to you by meli,' if in halite send *n additional WO stint Stara)? for letter gaarage, wbloh fours* ttanri prompt 1M Take One Pain Pill, then— Talie it Easy. To Head -Off a Headache Nothing is Better than Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills They Give Relief without Bad After -Effects. "For four years I was subject to almost constant headache. At times so severe I was unfitted for 'work. Through the advice of a friend 1 was persuaded to try Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and the result has been that I have entirely eradicated' any system of 'those continuous headaches that followed a hard and continuous mental strain,"—O. L. Russell, Agt, C. & N. W. Ry., Early, Ia. For Said by Alf Druggists. 25 Doses,,' 25 Cents. MILES ME151cAL Co., Toronto,Caf. House for Sale or Rent (We haves for quiok'salo or to ' 1 nt a very desirable residence in Exeter. Well located; comfortable 'and roomy Gladman ,& Stanbury, Clearing Auction Sale of Timber and Horse Mr D. S., PHILLIPS has received int' etruotion eta sell by Public , Audio* o, LOT FRIDAYCON. NOVEMtBER, 17th! on at one o'clock charp the following'; Pali cable property viz; • That desirable unculled timber nco 1 tinT of town on above lot ns s g� ( s ft elm, hardwood, basswaod etc,, which' will be sold by the acre; and which is situated on corner eo't, 43 1�'Z miles from Centralia station. Also V general purpose mare, 7 years oldsnpr ptosed to be in foal. ' TERMS -4 months credit on fury nishing ,approved joint notes'four per cent. per annum off for 'cash.' jTwo years for a'emoval of timber will be allowed purchaser. ;Tlrush to be piled' Wm. Whiteford ).3,5. Plillips 'prop. • . Nude,. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the, Estate of Peterq Triggerson, Insolvent. Notice is hereby Given that the same named insolvent, Peter Triggerson, Df. the Township of Hay, carrying on' bus iness as laborer of the said Township, of Hay. has made an (assignment `of hie estate to me for the .general belle efit of his creditors under ,:10 Edward VST Chapter 64. The creditors are notified to =belete at the office of Gladman & S'tanburgt - Solicitors in the village of Hexisail,' on the seventeenth day of November Val. at '.Ten o'clock in,. the forenooA for the purpose of receiving a stater, meat of the insolven s affairs, for :the appointment of inspector§ and :Mei giving of directions with referencerio the disposal of the 'estate.. t ;All ,persons claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate :mush file 'th'eir, claims with my solicitors on my bei half on or before, the Thirtieth day. Of November 1911,• after which data I will proceed to distribute tole as5et'sr thereof, having regard to (those claims only of which I shall then have rel' ceived notice. E. JaANNIE, Hensall, Assignee, per, Gladman:& Stanburee Solicitors (for Assignee, , 4 Dated fat' , enisall Son ,t '_ November A. D. len. Keep—TO— Up 1 THE TIE$JH For Promptness, Neatness and• ;' Up -to -Date Work We Take the Lead for t , WEDDING INVITATIONS ENVELOPES BILL HEADS LE1TER BEADS NOTE HEADS BOOK WORK PHAMPB LETS 3.. CODNTER CHECK BOORS' PROGRAMIV]ES + OIRCSLARS, ETC. 4- ÷ S 4LE BILLS Done on the ."�.', Shortest Possible Notice: 4 4. .. ,*i,. Give Us a Cali & Be Convinced - ♦ , 11 The Exeter Times ;; � ' Printing Co - , - eefee++++++++fir+fir+++++•i•+++ 1-4.3f, H U NT R Return Tickets at jingle Fare - Daily until NOV. llth to points in Temagarni, points Matta- wn to'Timiskemieg and Kipawa, Que. inclusive, a also v to certain points in Que--• bec, New Bi unswick,. Nova Scotia and. Maine. OOT. 19th to NOV. 11th to Muskoka Lakes, Peiieta ng, Lake of Bays, Midland, 'INa.goirelaWa.n River,. Lekefield, Madawaska to Parry Soon,d.>•. Argyle to Cobocnnk, Lindsay to Bali - button. Points from Severn to b7ortliq, Bay inclusive end ce, tarin points reach- ed by Northern Navigation Oo. All tickets valid for 'rettarn until Thursday December 14th, except to points reached by strainer'lines, Toes day November 14th. i+u11 particulars frdsn atny Gramd4,' Trued. Agent or address A. B. DU.PF, D. P. .A., Toronto,.