HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-9, Page 7—, � , 'd - . .... . . . . . .. � —,--T-- - � �­ ... :- - - - . . . . .. . - � ­ ­ ". � ­', ­­ , - - - - - ­­ - - - - - - ---- ­- . . . . . . . V- ---- . . I ­­_ .�­ , , .. , . , I I I . I . . . . I I . . . . � I II I . I . I . I I I . . . . I . I . . . I I . I . . . . . * . . . I . � � . I . . �, , I . . . I I . I . . .1 I � I � I I , I : . . � . � � . I � � TiluiRSD�ky Now"URIDR9tU I 11" ':� , , " "' """" , '", � ­­­_­ -, " ­.­ ­_­ .... . .. i"', --1 -7 -11-1 1.1-1 ..... ... �,­­­ , ­ . . . . . . ­­._­,.­.�1�11� 1-1. . 7V-,-_,._-_ ­:-­-- ­�:� . .., , I � --7—-----1'-- ­�­­ -- -11-- --r, - - - � - - 7' - � ': � , , . � . r- , , . I . - . � �i , � I I 11 � _17�1.1 I . . . . . " � I I . .. I . . � I I . . I I I . . , , , ". , I � � . . � I � I 1, I I I I I . � I I . I I � .1 . I . I , I I � I. I I I � :,, , , . I � I .1 I � . I I : . � � . . I . . I . . I . . . '�. , . . i I I I I . I , I . , I � . � . I . � . I I . . I I I � � . I I I . � � I I I I , . i � I ! I I . . � � . , ., I I I . . . . : I . . I I I . I � . , I . I . . 1, , . . . . . . . . � I I I I I I . 11 . � I � � . . I I I I . . � .. � I I I ; I I . . . I . : , � � I . I . � : : I � I I . ; I . . � I I � I I . ... ­ . . 10 "MXWER TIMBS I ,11­11­­,�!11 I . . . . � , T =1 JS . , .001 1. i I M, !I I'm 1, . .1 Im � V I 0 . 11 11 — I — I I - � I .­ I I - 11 ­ - , �. .. ., _ _ —.d ­ I—— — '1q1"-- .1 ... . .. 7. , ", , , I -1 . . I . �. _ .1 .1 11�1 11.11, ...... I "_*""111d14t"_T0"=TT"t M. 11 — 4. I 4, �0: - ­ " I , . 11 M. -01.1. MRAPIPPIN — � I . � I 401 , 0 1 . . " , ! i I . ___ 11 11 �. -0 �, ... !W_ 11. 11 I ��, ­­ � I "'.' "..'-".1 of us, nowarWl $311 sifo I—- 11 ­=­ 1. I I I I I . 1, .... � - I 1� - ­ ­,�_­� � so Iluo One . . . . .� - - - — , I I - � - T , _77 1 __ �, ;�. �. � ,. I L % I I I . ; � , � - _ ;.';�`; , ,!- i wo-= � � === . �.�. THE. MARRY% 7 1 #$TIjat,6 NV.hflt J,M. th4DUful jor'� I L, '.� I ,, I � 11 .1 ___1_.__..... �+++++++�+ I 44� . I ­­ -- . I I . ff VF1 I I -v I ..... ' i ,.+-,.+,;,+ L I I I , FRANCE WINS, VIC ORY CHARGED � AT M R t "HIS"] li'� IRIVILit 'rombl" ,,..-,-,-..-,-+-.N+-:-, � I . he4t Futures I I I can,5till be, one, I .P , *, jVerpool And Chicar , I . . ., or 7ou,0 tie arisi. er , , : 01104k L ,0 W . I ­____ . I . I __ I � 11 " � L . " ft + Close Lowor-�Llvo Stock- : . I and he told himself 0000 losses h , 1. "Ir I . . , I Aq- Chloagq, Woma,n,ls UnClee Close would 44ve to St444 04 the 4041st I : . � : , 11 , ., ,ff , Latest Quotations* Mor000;,Arl Treaty Resolts In , I Iff ., � L I I ' . . I THANKSGIVING ,,Would suffo ., wero Wei. 00AAJ30 I . I .1 , r in his,q,4sencp I The Molsons I a prices fell, vantso � _ � ­ I . , CHICA00, XQV. %-Who; , e For Her, Polloe, Sorvellianoe. . Ig Pf 0110t in, bw I , . . I , -44Y *"-"� , I r I I r , �� :" 'L , � . * a . I . repaid by the 1po I L . I , incorporated 1855 bArply, to - one dealer was aorce —_ — , *'- � . I . 1� 11 ... . 40 a C)OO.90 + __ , 01n anothl dealer uad to , I , . mother's wes. - .... --___9 _L� 0 otispen �r I . 4 r,� ,- - . . I CAPITAL (Paid UP) .... .. I ­ 1. I., $_4A(_jO --Q_O 0 _-0 0 1 * transfor all. trades to houses Possess- Rosivation of Dr. Von Linderquioti., Mr& Lovise Vermilya Is III With, , loy CAR11, WJI.JJAM% � They slJolied quietly luto, Oxe chure, 0 . �. . , 1 4 . Ing tear of the effects ,,n 0 re41170 , . . I . RESERVE FUND .... .... .... . ­ "" , more capital, r he Oolonles, . Pneumonia and Arrest Will .Be E had just come la his car from And mon . that the W110. i!"th I i � I � - . tY boy 0 1 1� � E _. _... $44,000,000*09 $ bf the federal probe caused t1je break. � secretary of State For t Wed. cheap ,quit Was jile. "Chris I . ASSETS' OV R -­ t .1 � tile Beacon-11argrave , � I . I : TOTAL hes in Canada, ain pAo �dent� in �011 .4, ge close was nervous, %*0 to 1:0 un. Indicates'That There Is Bitter Re- Made To -day -Examination of ,Re� whom thv had heard so much 4� � . � LLL ,I .4 Agents and COrresl a net gal ' I I ng, I Howard. Phristy's � � , . +I or last night, Corn.sbowed - 11, di � 11 #W I I 11, � 1. I,, 0as 83 Branc + of %c to Vic, and oats an advance of, sentment In Germi,ny Over the mains of Policeman WssonnOte H. seen nothing. . .... . 11 -1 the princiP%l Cities in the World; � . ' estimatiou all weddings were too I . ,� I � I + E yAe to ific In hog Products latest, Ooncessions Made to the Republic Shows Tracer, of Arsenic Poisoning They set 741M ilown as 0130 of I, - . Gades vati;d from a shade dealini to 061 5 - bores, Vut one must De bored in the ..�� ... a General BaflkifiPf BusineSS T"Wacted ti j �France Is, No'w P ed mi ant, , -Q11or odle. Wi, I ' Be Exbumedt CaUg6 Of a Merger otil distant relatives of tile ObtlstYs, an : , , , I.` + , ' 149 sea tc_"4� '! r a n . ... � 7 g Are. ., th - � . , � only Nan 1�opeland, seeing 'With - � 0 4,-Simultanpus with Mrs. Louise Ver- Id ' : �� IL � : *�. a � + t *' Berlin, Nov. - tile lvllo� Chicago, Nov, 4,- lly 6harged And 'now, Witt the, cere , ea' of - her heart, cou tell that ft I 1. .11 I 1, * Savings B Ok + �'�rko � t the news of the conclusion of intlya Yesterday was forina toll bel�� � "' ­ " ^ on Department + 1gain of 00 to 7 - i"J�', 6a k � I hanoin + ' '1' jverpao� 443, p % he L to 7/ :4 lowe'r 11-1101- 3'0e` -r 0 I%d rn i. .&n war , t . I A ht e I 1 kly dispatched recePt � was the much talked 0=11110134ire. + 0108 to IY4'd lower on " 's o rocco contr with the ipurder of Policeman, Arthur qulz I . : I'll I + lateres s1lowed at fil9be Ourrelat Ra'teej- + eq %e I ud. es the aiinowle- was headed for the Office Once It,was ,'jgaa whom CllrjSt�L $on .", .. i At all Branches. , + and Berlin W r, . � - in h a . 9 , � �� � + W 4v"lr,, Be . I I ment that 13mperor William has ac Bissonnette' by poisoning Ili with tm, h " + oarling, SolicttOrs- Winnipeg Options., I cepted the, resignation 'of Dr. Von arsenic, following the report of toxi- ni�re. HIS patient secretary would. bo when the'.sliort serylcQ of prAyell wa , I .1 .. .. . . + Dicks On & , . + � i . 11 �' 11 I * .4 ............. . Close. Open. High. Law. Close. Linderquist Secretary of State for the cologists, who bad examined the is him. . _.", - ),-,!,f, �r. done. She IM4 Uer band timWk SU � I I I , 11 .,,.,,, ...... 1-+++ ..................... #1+ . ' v1 - awaiting, _ - ­,­;�� _." I . I A ++++,I-+.4 + Vkrheat- Colonies. this resignation is a cera of the dead roomer tit the widow's "Mother"' . " ''.1 "I , � I 8 but her eyer. spoke her welcome,, I - � . . I . 4� �tov. I—- 99 99 ' ficant symptomof the uapopular-T home Coroner y1offmau, announced al � 1: I ­ _­.. I. I I I Dec. 91Y2 1 ­� 94Q � ni argain within as well as out- that he will have exhumed the b i s � If . 11� I I � , _"_ 11 I ; to be collop" ed. i . ------ W---. - 02/11 98 "� I 9si of the b� 04 e )�a the, half gloom, halt =�Wt of the� ,',What In the world brings you bt � .1. 11 may * "'I': 98% 98, 19A7 vernment and the debate of at least two of the othex eight per- oncomillig twilight, as his. car was I I I ,. I . � , side the Go I I THE " CANADIAN B ANK Og",;. ..... 89% 39% J89 80% in the Reichstag nex? 'Iffednesdaypro� sons who had died in her home in the wedged In among scores 94 other ve- slip asked in surprise, �'Wo tho I I � �. I I I . . Dec. as $711/8 38 87 n mises to be as severe an orde4l for Prof. Walter L, hicles In front of the Grand Central that you had quite forgotten Trunk . . . . I , ,� � , I ) May 41 % 40% 4 1 Chagellor Von Bethmanri-HollwGgg Hains, D.r, Ralph W. Webster and statioz,. lie heard that word, and heav- I I I � I I .. , ��. 11 4 '� Tomv.tq , . "I came to s -and yo, I -""'MMERCE � I 1- Or j Maft,t. , as t at im'November, 1908, was for Dr. r1l, P. Lernunt, T(,qqTfed t,Q R_ forward . ee'rof in I I � OF C0 ::::: � " 40 past eighteen years, burg,': other. I .- IM9 ,L), bn. only' knows, WhY Up leaned f1jon - 6 � " 111, thhou I . I Wheaf, fail, bushil, .. . . ."' 1-2' iancellof Von BuelQw, , - - 1-7 d ore IhAn to soo who had uttered it ed in a whisper, .11 . I ... 0690 0111 01 coroiier' lliaF thev foun rn he answer �� .. I . I � ALKER, 0,V,O., LLD., D.O.L., PRES)DENT � ypoat, goosi, bushel.,.,, 0 !I The deflaitioi-L'of France's predomi, enough arsenic iii the liver ­and oth- Re looked straight Into the dewy It was only mother, Nan, but Vb SIR EDMUND W , �� 11 I yo, b0pliel ........ --,, -0 ­ I ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER Oats, bushel ....... :::'::,1r2 '441". naiit positioil in Morocco omupies are Wer , , I � I I ­ or ,organs -of Biszonnefte t�) havecaus- depths of wonderful violet eyes, blit saw, you I realized that the- .. I'll I.. , � . I , I , Barley, buhhei .... :::.; .... o jio a �ee of Jhe fourt"n aiticles, of the I Y had come to see. To th I . I I ed his death., � t they werepot flx.P,4 94 41M, versou­*a" � - � ­ -1 �� I .1 11111- . ­ - I I REST, - $8,000,000 h ir . 0 tteafy. X in "I BLu.kwheaf, l5ushel .... _.. 0 48 .jjq�-_A64t n' '& contain a,. long Chief of Polke MeNveeny, wh�o, , CAPITAL, - $10,000,000 Peas, bu�hel ................ 078 01 . - " " '1,1�auti,0718 with Stktes Attorney J. E. W, Way- I they iooked. far beyond, across the any chalice for M0 � I . �. 11, .1 � � . I series,of &uataritOg &Ila ; 11 �� J. I I . ��t, "­ I � _P. For a moment the g&ri Wag, , . foroWto balry Mar' to secure citlzells'-of 0,11 coiintrieA i1j,an. yd 'soveral police officers had tangle of vehicles, to where a ,woMA-11 . I -1 1 022 .1 023 ec 'Once sho'had dreamed dreams 0, I .. MONEY ORDERS utter, stgre lots - equal canimexcial and , oriomi6 oP- &tt�ne. 'to the toxicologist's reports with' soft brown hair and beautiful * � utter, separator, a(*LJ'r'y',­1,b­ 0 27 .. I jutry under, to t�jj� t6pbrje out home In, which she and Howai!4 . I n in the coi . .,, i I' t I ' ira out gray eyes smiled to the girl froln I I . I 11 e. are a safe, - Batter,- creamery, b. rolls.. 0 4 3'0 ities _ Miner 1ft 4e $W( t7 should live .. r. . , The Money Orders.of The Canadian Bank of Commerc I 0 '. c . happily ever after. � I I 0 f2rrenh domination and close up all , j,-i�i­rij fbi W U I LL I � . 13uttqr, oieaffiory, *solids.... 0 26 21 . ra - , w 0 0, a mass of furs and violets. . , - le openings for favoritism. I ��, 1, " eill I � convenient and economical method of remitting small sums of money. lall a his chauffeur Then he had made big first scoog They are payable without charge at every branch of a chartered bank in - R0116yooihbs, dozen ......... 260 $00 iniaginaV ligated itself to see th been under c ose po ice sury .ali P. Christy forgot to urg I 1. I . 11, ,99nek, extracted, lb t.. Oil 011 France ob 41 t110 She had been in with pneumonia to t QtLt of the tangle somehow. ae .Wall street, and L . I . I . varlol . . - I Canad,L (exc6pt in the Yukon Territory) and in* the principal cities of Eggs, cas6 lots ......... :.::: 0 25 .... . , is directors of the Moroccan N4- and her condition was such that 90 I sat quite still for after that thero I , . 11 , I-, , I 0 30 I . . . . neW-fald ....... 1*1 k, �vhich is an international Captall, H�r ,�_ -�v x- one long thought- was to time for . � Rgo e, new, lb ...... ,:..:::: o is 6'jg4 tional Ban , he n . � I the United States., I . Cheek' bank on , td -ng' t igation, agreed I � . 11 , . jnstituti�ri, iepresent, the ,ha,ge of le investpo'ice Of"cer I � �� _­ , , � The Orders and full information regarding them may be obtained Montreal Grain and Produce.. the permanent customs commission. to await service of the warrant until I j ful Minute. � thoughts of love I , I "I I . . I'll ... - . �� "I . XONTr%Z Nov. 8, -The foreign d1j. Then he leaned' on Christy's part, %,�, an application at the Bank. changing yearly, 96 that other.powers to -day, but added several men to the I I I - I ... � may get an insight, into Moroccan woman. I ,,A forward with a correspond- I 1. In the event of loss of, a M ��, ` , � oney Order the Bank will, on r6celpt oC ipand for man toba spring wheat w;� n I,' so 'good and sales of only a few 110 6 - guard watching the suspected I , . The � TO Hoffman likewise .became� - . � hi customs affairs. The directors -of the . , Coroner Singularly serene e n a e dwindled 11 I I , a satisfactory guarantee., make arrangements to refund the amount of 11111"le and feed wheat were inadd. inil I I . -.111111 , "k. 1114, market for oats was firm undei active and procured permits from re- expression on big down and died. 11�,,� � , . 11. bank will interchange si ar �y .1 I ,�z',1, the'lost Order. , . A232 small lots and light oj � of membership on ,ee latives or former acquaintances of � stro . �, I , I - -die lioldi ag, deterralla- Xow he seemed , , . fair demand or Ing k�,A, — ferings.' .4- sale of 15,000 bushels ex, 4 board of public contracts. the widow, whose deaths now liave . ed face. ,!, I l�,-, I Ex -ter Branch -W. ff. Collins Manager 'Xl�. 1 feed was made to arrive at . to have reverted .1 1." �,, I ­ . 1. 11-t I ( r bushel afloat. An easier feellnir treJ France undertakes to have the Mor� come under suspicion, to exhume the fYou can drop to the Froward -- " . 1� . . � [��' I 11 . . Rrafleb IL 141.0 P.1 Ure�ditan. — � r malting barley and prices ar otcan. Government' permit foreign bodies for toxicological examination. me here. I am Christy she had I � i�, � . I vailo fo .... I � la per bushel lower at, a to $1,02 ex-ot ,* owners of mining and farming lands Dozens of detectives will search for _. , " �, I _ � . ' Out Of always loved. , �, 11 - — going . . I . Thera Is no change In riour, the dems. and of manufacturiiig establishments, further Eght on the eight deaths, ) , . -1. . . ­ being fairly good for local acco t, without r , to, their nationality, which, preceded the demise, of Bis- - .. town." "There may be � ! L .t i I . . thl export trade Is dik1l. Dem . u aspio-olays connecting their 11 . "Yes, sir," was a chance -In . ...'� I � . "Get�Hitched-Qulckl' bhester. pran and shorts Is good; Cheese ra 1W sonette., while the decedents were liv- . . the man's Me- , ... . l . �. , New York, Nov. 4.-:-'GetZitched. and' steady. Butter Is firn-i un er a Kpod concerns with state, Toads -or sea- in, at Mrs. Vermilya's home. thne.tv she ,admit- �, . . demand. , Bggri active and st a - 0-� ports. . Just what bodies would be exhumed cbaniCal Teply, ted. I 'IrVE TM=MZM : �� �.­ Quick" Chester is what all his friends I A yearly report of the stat h TO Sn T , � I ,�� I � I are now visions quiet, e ra'l- 0oroner Hoffman declined to 'Say, It � "YOU CAN 3DSOP wE and not so mac "You don't need IF I � I ill � calling George Randolph Dressed 1Togs-A.battolr, $8.75 to $125 be issued after examination , was intimated however, one of them HEnE.11 as by the fficker to add that last," "OR" , f . ,e � 4 , , I - Che ter, the creator of ' 'Rich- Per LaWt. - . . . ways must I .1 , I I',, 'J'), F 3 LIVE S , ,K� S 'Get- S of the National Bank, would be tha� of Gonductor Richard of an eyelasli did he betray his astOn- hesaidbumbly. "I dIdn?t supposetha4 . . I.. rd, Although, the Beef -Plate, half barrels, 100 lbs., $7.50�� by the censor , , . 1; !,� 4. �, Quick" Wallingto . " . I � . I., I I . . I "I �' "' 11 . i I nterlocutory decree obtained by his barrels, 200 lbs., �14.60: tierces, = lbo.j who also wilf have the Tight to' de T. Smith, who, boasting of b.is having Ishment as his master stepped from you were going to fall on my neck i4i 11� , as Ill I" earn �21*60. . I . I mand additional information ftom'fl�a lived as -t�e husband of the widow- L � ,, , Palry H�rd Hai' Conoretq . first -wife on Oct. 11 was not to take Lard -Compound -tierces, $75 lbo., qVio., the car and, Immaculate in. frock coat, because I cii-inge back and asked you4 � - ,� 1. 4 �qih'Sp'ftitary jAd Beautifuld . . I managers. Troubles between foreign not married tor her -was taken. I ��, effect until three months, ,the author boxes, so lbs., net'(pareliment lined), a' are � sud- -gq�. �� ,1 - denly ill and -died under eiroum- r town to I citizens to be adjudicated by & gray trousers, silk hat, soft gray gloves But if there isn't any oner else I'm I , _'� on Ot. 12 in Paris, wedded 14lian. S, a , 9M ' to close Up SOM - I., VZjvq stock bira on Old Vqrgq, . I:ubo� 50 lb n t , Inned, two h It and boutonniere, stalked through the - .. r . ­ ­ lbs. net 9%c; board of arbitration -consisting of the stances that since have aroused offi- Ing back . ,4 r r _T, I �,,� �- - ---.--- Pennsylvania, J%'�'A Deremo,' who war named � as ,co -re. 9%0; pails, wood, 20 � I d Into the brilliantly deals, and then I'm Coming home t I . �, , ��.j,', I ' �_ il 9pondent in the divorce case. Chester' Palls, 20 lbS. gross, 9%c. j consuls of the countries involved. cial curiosity. It developed he had gloom and crow .�: r ain�.10 of farin �xehiiec It" � . 'Porlt-Heavy Canada short out rqess To 'unable to, agree, they obtained life insurance a short time' lighted station. convince you that rii make q,-,modeI 1 '. I . . . "' � aid not T.ealize that he had committed barrels, S5 to 45 pieces, $24;, half barrelol., NYheri they D. ,�., b , ,t4 , '. , Yin "' shall appeal to the Frencli consul, b of which she was to be the Christy had a private cax in one of husband. There, issn't any one Zlse, id I �; - y , o .�qcompan _g ' - . bigarayuntil -his arrival in New York $12.215. Cenada short -out and back pork, . � 1. f ' I with them "a before -Ty. the uptown yards, but he gave it no there, Nan?,j �, tho Coulitry Gentle who will co-operate p.efic .. . I , 11 . .1 . - _ - - -Y ith his new bride, and d6 to 55 pleeM.barrels, $23; CanAda,clegg - a . -1 I . 14�1. V eni, ai Thursda Nv t dof arbitration. This M S. 1 "I . S all taodern equip pQrlc, barrels, 20 to 85 pleceg, ,V4 naming a boar ilya collapsed when in- thought He bought a ticket tor. Tru- "Not as yet," she conceded, and I � 7 by the ship reporters, V; be" r Verm - provislofis. 'This 9 9t !j. he was' met small pieces but a e , , X& Ilso apply to ances ad found mansburg, He was going OM I UrO . process win,, formed that the experts h , . , - who informed him he had, com;aitted Pork, t, 01 td griev h e :for 'Christy smiled radiantly. . . _!, � I I 11 " 41' O%ts--Cs,nadian wester"It , against . the Government and the nuette, - - � , -M ' , bigamy. After a, consultation with -his o.' Ire6a, 4i length, 60 feet. 124% ex. -store- a4tr I poison in the viscera of Bisso Thanksgiving with "Mother." "rye three things to be thatud J.�.,! . * * ._ Aal . 49c, car lots, 4 French. I n after re- I , . ei'ba'r . It has-$;- - r ' � attorneL he decided to land in New po to 48 ; 0. 8 C.',V.; 0 . w but she showed no concer , es %_a N _ ,,a - to ma& -e ani Years had passed over his head since - Id antly. "You and in . a t.,L �, I es additional moW. i�acg � - 7 ' . York, and later, learning that his first limal white, 47c 1 ) 0. a The .Congi> changes are more limit ctoverin and declined for," he sai jubil, I �,� ,',f . Xo. 4 1 , -rst expected. Ger- a stem g . The increased guard, how-' he had left Trumansburg. He had mother -and my own old self. Th " I white, 46%c to 47c; No. 4 1 1 , ed. than were :6 e�t rel . its apbearance. mhhfie qt�0, � , wife did not intend to takeianY action' 46W. 1 1 1 ev- often thought of ,going back for a visit, -s for one Thanksgiving are OJ �` .� to nts#1 many will jet -only from four to s ever, was instructed not to allow her . thank 0 .. ; -_� , 1, I ,Nvaus and ffoor ot,.C'64c, ' ' against him, he became somewhat re-, , ring wheat e s of the Congo. River, SUM- , I .. . � . whole lot, Nan, and the best of thesel. . riour-14anitob . I I rely given over to 0' . assured. . fli�1501 *5.60; sea s, $5.10, winter , eat., en mile to, pass a moment not under a watch- but the second thought was better than . � .... I , . . 4, , L r� -' -cierit to ,establish -a steamer trad in his send- I , � . . Mrs. Chester, No. 2, a little woman -patents, $4.76 to ; baiter I ful eye, lest in despondency she at- the first. It always ended IS?,- � , edln� ME I , . to 44.0; In b I static tempt to injure. herself. Ing for his mother to visit him Instead. I . _. I the cows. A. fe, a with drooping eyes, was recognized otr4lght rollers, .n � n, and cedes a small. tTia . le "Your own old self," qwited Naney� L ' 'f'- fk . . ' 'to, $2.05. . � ffinanee� - . , � et wide rulis through thecen e Itolled oats 0 1 between. the Logone and Sher! iv- � Christy was notaNapoleon a coloring delightfully, Ad I I I I by several persons on the Hoboken --Per barrel, $5.25; bag 0 ! Lake Tchad, Togolan(3� . 'tow. of swinging, ' . c On, -Le tirsu lb,.,, $2.w I I I . . I eTZ, south 01 � Crew may Be Drowned. In all these years he had made no . q . . � I . I pier as a former friend of tl . . I is not mentioned in the treaty. A, three- i3i her eyes that his probation woulcl 11 . Al ,: ciz evach a f 1 , � , io, lived with the Ch,es-' corn-Americin wo. s vellow, sic. Chatham, Ma-ga., Nov. 4.-- meteoric rise, but he' had climbed not be long. . I I �� ­ . . Mrs. Chester, wl -� afflifeed-Bran, Ontario, $23 to - $24,J,. t� . England Must Keep Out. k ;steadily, and now, as he had. acquired I - . . . I %J, ,Vu with a feed b ; - ters in this city for s6me time be drigy public masted schooner sun- to her top- . - 9'a 8 Chester's suspicions ivere Manitoba, $M; mlddlln�gs, Ontario, $W227 .. r1in, Nov, 4. -In mal masts three miles west of Handker- a patch of gray over each ear and a . I .. . er Irough, 'which � � fore Mrs. ,$28; shorts, Manitoba, $25; shouillie, $26,, t( last night a complete summary of the d by the Thanksgiving Table Decorations. . " i . 1hat the cows h lea ed aroused and her suit decided vj�on.! . 632. treat concernft�g Morocco arranged chief Shoals, was discovere rit yester- trifling stoop of the shoulders, he had Here are some suggest I ions for the ­ . , � 111.1 .- . rAgIgs-Selected, 26%c to 28c; fresh, xy Heir Von Kider- life-savers of Monomoy Poij turned over his flfth million. . . , - . I Priest's Narrow Escape. To. I staek, 22%a to 24C. by Foreign Secreta French. Amba,F day, but her name and the fate of decoration of the Thanksgiving dinaeld - __ .__ L . to 34c; .'N lin�Waechter, and the - * nininent nerve specialists had warn- . ��� - CheesL­Westerns, 14c to 14%c; her crew remained a mystery last table: " I I - .to- . Kingston, Nov. 4. -Rev. Father Me U%o to 13%c. � sador, M. Caniboii, the Foreign Of -nee . It is thought probable that ed him that he must cease his endeav- I ,w � I : � . Williams had a narrow escape Ivhen Butter-Oboicest, 27c. to 27140; secondsj issued. the followilig statement: night on!- ors or lose his health, but Christy Instead of the costly Ilowers for thfa �� � ' '1� . I he German Government believes tile schooner went down after a c central ornament of the table make d '' "Ilk . . he fell through a, door at the. zy,c to 26%c. "T i ght every o . ­ .1 1, .1 .- % � archbishop's palace. Irke h - . New York Dairy Market. , e in accord -,!on Thursday night. laughed at them. . ,� *, vIII delA. 114 ­_ :;, .. 1.11 .11 I . that both parties can b Whether the crew Of half a dozen, 'Np�tljer.'.`iir�i4gi�,`bf .rj6n�ds�,af,ofjj�rs , centerpiece that I ,ah�4,,-t ­. - :'.. . � I i.':il ., '. .... I .1. -1 a few bruises and a severe ah4kiiig, . NF,W yo.RX, NY-ov. S. -Butter -11m; un,� , of the new treaty. _, , '47 ,4tA .wvpl- vpmpriatqnegs�! - 1�� �11'.:� . �. over. the content.. . IM ,� ­ I - " !, -&;�,:;� �_.Im up, Plumbers hid earelissly'left the, cnanged. t.not only men were picked up by, taiw; othe'r I 61 _b�y,qi�jfij� h�d, au§' effect., �,� liet �'IjL.-, kin'-th4i ,- . , I , V " , I I I It will have a calming cffe� Lde their way hi osafetr�,, �, � : , yi, mirror plateau place a PuMP , I ... � . I.. Cheeoe-Flrm; receipts, 1S13- state,1 vessel or ,me D� NY' eldecl. to tie note of Soy 'in a � , . 1.0,-'R.'�` R, - .11.'%� i trap door open. -aponconditions between Germany and I I I ..", tship an,l yellowest and fairest that eTer glowed I .11'-.�, .1 I � ' fs the Handkerchief Ligh Is voice and was going home. .Pi�.illffll� M511 k:i.ftl �,,; 1111;�10$....5`111 ;" � Mrs. Bins. McClymont, Ottaw -whole milk, current make, specials, Wi eV but also upon the general TO taken gid ,�,� a. a do., average fancy, 14%c. 1 1 France, a -.e now there ,�Nraiting to be girl's voice had brought home ,between tows of fading corn. The tol� I n.,!�,,� a with 11:11e . ,-,,%, former Kingstonian, died while on. �y went dowi must be dut ofE and some of the centert g Z ggs,-Illrm; receipts, 5203; fre ..:. ,�.'.. 0i; Wh gathr, - I I - , &:: � p�jitical situation off, or whether th� . �4' nc- ered, 2Dc* to s7c; refrigerator, season stor- . q tit the conclusion reve, and mother back- to him, and as the .. �. I...." ��,. visit here, aged 61 years. Gilbert T �c to 212he. a Germany stand. their craft, is not kn4ovvn� The to removed. The space is then lined witllil . .. - �­,-,-.,. " age charges Paid, 19� ' . ,k-� *,.-..,�, .�;;%".-IIN -'Nk�.: -1 .. '. .. Clymont of The Ottawa Journal staff. ;. of this treaty in the same position train dashed on he smiled softly . D�� �1; nennery, a I. 1 '4 -.1Z :;i� ` i nue cutter Acushnet, stationed , at or the hardyl I 1� ... ,, �� �1 I.... �, � is a son. Feaheylvants. and nearby# as to French undertakings in Morocco 'himself and planned his arrival at smilax, asparagus fern . , .1 W, western, gathered, whites, 80c to Woods Hole, was notified last night � :.:. P .. ,I I . . �'. " Rev. Thomas W. Neal was elected state, enusylvat1a and: nearby, gath; 01. I I as does England. It is especially em- the accident and will visit th,' home. I dogtooth fern that every country boyj - � . , I . . chairman of th-3 Kingston Methodist brown and n-jxed colors, Veto go. . phasized that England has not inter- '01 . , I . w - y . -en the flier because it knows defies the frost and can be " istrict. to fill the vacancy caused by , L arl to -day. He had tak . found as fres,b under the snow ast � , .. .: d � fereA in the neg-otiatio-'s." ' reek e . — _' to the 1 - J. Tallman Pitcher I OATTLE ,MARKETS. I .. . , was the first train out. A word . , the death of Rev . I . er Nvben wet by summer rains. Eleavi I I � .... "I of Ganamoque. i .. I .. . Missing Man at Barrie. Pm1able conduct6r. and the engine - the space high ,witti lady apples, gracei . . � .. ... .... . East Buffalo Oattle Market. Barrie, Nov. 4. -James A. grapes and y 4 I . .. �� ....... : _... - . A charity organization, society was I I � . .. C194i was instructed to stop at Trunians ful bunches of , et mor I . .... I . formed among charity workers ih the BAST marrA1.0, Nov. s.---cattilo.-Int -_ the blind young man who left hiA burg. I I , , . UP TO bAT111 � SAM. ..j t fairl. '. 40. I .1 - - a. 'a ferns, allowing a few of the latter to .� �, A EMLL ly ictNe home in Toronto three weeks ago 11 The station was dark when, a little � . city. The City Council will be asked celpts. 850 head; marke I I . f� L., J firm. I . whose whereab stray down the side a -ad rest th t, outs has caused con' el�. . I e when they need wat6r. ut t, to give support. . Veals--RecelPtS " hea- active ani i 4 after midnight, the train paused Just __­ . . ... " � , at NJ -, , siderable anxiety to his moth - ' long enough for the single passenger pretty tracery on the white cloth. � . Im 1 tL 25o.hlcherl, � to sJois. � -ing in Barrie for the P St Or get a low. round wicker basket I * . I I .oreW into each trough thrc " Newsies Mobbed Cigar Dealer. Hogs --Receipts, UJo hew, active atV been work a. to drop to the platform. , ­ , 'ayi )VAR, Denver W;. 134 .� � ) so that the supply is alw , N`oV. 4. -Because an enter. so to ice lower; heavvo 0-60TO 50.1 I two weeks. and pile it high with r6sy cheeked a , I ed, .45 to $6.50, 9: WOMEN C�JaTk thinks there Wag 110 need foi But there was a light In the post- . , ' j - $6 " $6.% to Woo; , I T , Is' a wide alley at the 6a��,Q, , mr dealer conceived $5.75 t ' - L "'A' giving the cho . � prising Denver cir 10 $6.85: v.,X, $6.76 to $&W; . any anxiety. Re. stated that as his office across the road from the depot. ples, letting ti-ee or four of them dro�, I I �41row of stalls, with guit4rl",�jh' take from it on the tablecloth to sign . ,I. ice of any ,, the idea of $8.10 to $6.50. . , I ityl I stable V local newspapei with every 10 cent $heep and Latubs--4tieelptei, 18,000 head�, .. !ather and moth(L'r had separated, hill and presently a man came out to I I r. be flushed when the . i�4 purchase, a small riot occurred. I aouye and higher; lambs,,$4 to $6.25�, . had taken care Of his m6ther, who the mail bag (lung off by the Meslaeu- 'abundance. At each plate place a red I �., I 6d. - . r perament, gers. apple decorated with a ruff and frilled . I a*(T - Newsboys, -with whom the scheme in- I yettrlings, to 14-50; weth"', M76 to 44� wes.of a very nervous tern I . . I $a to, $g.r)o; m1r,ed sheep, *LbD t� k a comid 1 . - " k4 building Is well IlghteA T teTtered smeared the windc '6, . AVOID* being affected, his mo, "That train stop here?" he asked In- paper cap and sketch with in . ' 1ws of his I 8'" I His ,eyesight . )*.A' e� 3 . i us for him to . credulously of Christy. . ated with,sixteen windi .QY� $3.65. g d. em� face on the smooth skin. It will createi . .doi 0 . f #�q shop with. paste. : I Chicago Live, Stock. 0 ther was anxio , - PERA TIONS . . q d with ventilator 11 , __ ov, 3, loyin,11t in a, piano factory neai 11F or a moment," was the amused re- no end of fun for the children. r �­ . 1. e Z", . . =e, but this he found it difficult ' Ing at the ridge of th j 'h W, " " � I I 0 .4 - I Tj,qjOX STOCX YARDS, Ill., IT - I . . 0- , 14ogs-Aecaipts. low" OPOW-0- "Do you know where I can Or pile a basket with either apples oe I )isequence the building, Id � mf%g ,70 to $6,40; good heavy to do,' and finally decided to seek em� night -p, pears and place a border of autunni! I I I .. ' od and butchers, $5 . . get a bed this time of . � ,,warra in WIAN,il anh4i $05 to 40; rough heav7, $5i7010 $6,96 � . � ployment elsewhere. 11 er and 0 . I all carrier regarded him with leaves around It; also one around eacli - . pure at all times. wt thogrjh` light, $5.9 -to &go; pigs, $3;75,to $5,50, � __ The in I I I f � . �. I-- - CURE TIRATCOLID Csttle-=.. rket, ste . Fire at North Bay. disdain. I I I la FA A pts. M; rna; "of course," he said loftily. of the plates at the table. I . of the ­bara are the m4gk1j coq� , . . beeves, $4.60 to 0 rs, ' Get a big bunch of yellow chrysan-J � �� � . I ).16, cowh-and b: 0 Oro, i90 I . . . iooms, which - � a' . to $6; istookers and feedefi, t By taking Lydia E. Pinkliam S North Bay, Ont., Nov. 4.�-Fire "This town ain't so small that it does I I separator .:� . You can always get themunis and put them either in " . . .; . )iathestabld.�"" ��O utelkly and Pleas -i I Texans,- $4.10 to.$5.90; calves, $5.50 a "M . whi-ch broke ou.t at midnight destroy- not have hotels. brown eartW I I 4rate I , it � ", This Is Q oD,000; market, k Vegetable Compound M. -if you ring old blue ginger jar or a . �­. I I . 9, %ae a capac I r I I Sheep-Recelpts, 12,50 a ed the refrigerator factory ()f E. Into the Liberty House 0 � � " t rn - $150 loud enough. It's two blocks north, enware pitcher. FaIllug these, a $Mad I . �.? , _' antly Accomplished active, $2.60 to $4; western, The following letter from Mrs. Bogart, and the frame bu'llJings be: . -Ma at- the end I t e st. . I lambs.. $4 to 40.26, western, $4.25 t a, . , i ce and Joh-d . .1 , r , I -vi - how unwise longing t one eaBL" :* 01 lie Book will PrbVe o Thomas Lafran . bean pot such as Is used for bakind a green corn t e re ,_ It You Use i Cheese Markets. I At is,for women to submit to ,the Connolly, used for warehouse pur- in the morning he limited up the beans will prove adecorative recepta-1 I . anning factoM c Incl e I jq*pAN]DE. out., Nov. S. -There werd tion when . Alie- c ryt . . &% white and; 4W colored cheese boarded' dangers of a surgical opera Lydia poses. To hurt when the residence of one of the clothing store cle for them. Place two or three o1i I a'shells, vines, corn cobs and husIt%, all sold at 13`3A'0 to 137/se. , it may be avoided by taking Two firemen we . - here to-dELY; A.t' ,the, regll#, E. Fifikham! Vegetable Compound. pole -,phije proprietors and Indaced,,him to open the chrysanthemums on the tableclotli . d so on, are Put UP for silage. ThIS IROQUOIS, ont., Nov, 1- ar& s ehospital hose wagon collided with a Here he selected an ontrit near it. I . . � . .. . I ekes a very aeft mixture, but &i Catarrhozone. lar meeting of ,the ]Croquolo Cheese 330 She was f ourweeks in th being driven to avoid some excava� Ws store. I I I held here to-daY, 60 Cheese, 9.11 colored;! and came homc sufferiug VvOrSO tions in the street. The horses then less. conspicuous than his wedding A basket piled full of yellow ears 021 1� .1 . I ows eat It with great relish. . I were offered .&ii s,oad on board at 18%c. t- . . Tan aWaY. corn is a unique centerpiece. Withl , , . I , . ,han b�ef<)re. guest attire and of the sort he had .1.� I '. �� ....... ....... — A Catarrhozone Will relieve colft al- Here is ber own statement. ' onee regarded as the last word of ele- . this should be placed at each platd � 1. :j; -CIty a Spoiler For CoUntry Life. :_ most instantly and in a, few hours, will Attacking Montreal's Slums. . f . .., I . h air homes cure completely. If it is old -standing -Ma . yor erin , raw Paw Mich. -"Two years ago Read Riot Act at Fernie. gance. 1 three graks, of corn -to, colrnnemorate� I . I In one of the many fres Montreal, Nov. 4. Gu suffered 'very sev%rely with a dis. Fernie, B.C., Nov. 4. -The Tiot net He lighted a Cigar and strolled over I the time in 1623 when 'the crop fftU4 . ­,�. for the poor children of the grea astlima or bronchitis its quick and has perfected some of the -ideas which . 11 ­ ­_ placement. I could . I 11 eventy-ft. - __ � curative results 'Will astonish YOU. he proposes to advance for the aboli, .-otbeonniyfeetfor was -read in Fernie, Thursday night J,, the church. He know that the fam. ed and the colonists were threastened! I I 4 ab - I e heal-, I .. )y Mayor Bleasdell after a violent ily celebration al- with starvation, being put on rational . ­ .. I y two weeki- Catarrhozone is little &6�s ( n of slum .%nditions, in Montreal, a long time, Aly I tbreak on the part of the miners, w,a y S started . of. a few kernels of corn a day. A da I 4youngsters are taken ever ing medicige, carried by air to tho t10 - - I The ne-,jr pimposed h-a-alth depsipt, . physician t r e a t e d lu Ll I ts, . : 1. during the summer and , A, - sore , ased parts. You breathe I I _ �iv.e the city the fight, � - , whe a arrived from Coal Creel, with the mora- of.fasting and prayer was app . l en n 00 ,,,d � si me for seven months . 11 a tTaii 1. � ortunity to recuperate in the pure air them through the Catarrhozona Inhal-, 7 ment laW` will 9 ng . 11 h ea iE. With men on board, who had gone to ice, while . then, and directly after, as It in an- I , er and they spread ifiroushou.t all the ' to disperse People AVI I Ous , 6 .. _____ ___ much relief ing sery .64 �., . the conditions are not sanitary, _.. work in the ,mines without waiting I and OIL the good food furnished at'the '... and at last sent me . � ..", - I . air passage$. j Vhore ... �-: nt, n er con- tlie most depend- ewer, there was a long continued ralt- i . , - ,.,s', t le . I I I forbid people living in �'."�".'-,- o Ann Arbor for until il. agreeme . ow und sel arrived laden with "', . omel., But many are not at all Satig- It Is sense as well .as 'healing, be- They will .. ,-"',-%" en signed able grandchild * storm, and aves ., , e fresh air id rooms, and in ho"asoa %. :an operation. I was sideration at V rank, had be, I I I cause Catarrhozone is a giorrn killer, a , dark, UnligllU - , I - provisions. . Then in gratitude a day ed. Recently one Of th . Ined at home . . th from the front and � ...-,-. J;, .1, there four weeks and and ratified. . I re.ma - iyoungsters was found Crying in, b" bealor and restorer of -,Veak tissu4s, 1 :aot lighted bo .. � - of thanksgiving was appointed about ! � Ille was homesick for the city, and because It is so prompt and certain, I 'back. They , Can also, order unsani- � . ca ho e sufrering I I to baste the tur I - I , mpla he : ' " ' its results, better thoo any otlier than Fire at Bethany. the middie of July. Tills was observed, � . hadn!t seen, a in , houses to be torn down. ", .� worse before, key and keep. the ! m the dii , .. I for some Jafty years. wb( . "! � � lctio­ h, is in the I IlA. y other advised Bethany, Nov.. 4. -Fire broke out Ore up. ,I I [Pght since lie ' y *for I'- , lined that , I - remed disea�ses of the throat, lungs �ta`Tryhe building bylaw, vhic . � It., night in tha I was obanged to harvest th- ul had been Ill the A-PUlf - A about 11.30 Thursday Ile had not long �i .. I I .1, Another aif and bronchial tubes, and It Is neither Idoutse of'preparatlo� will also have —_ e to try T,vdJ ' 1, 11 I �ry, will' ' 10 I I . ; homesick city 'w_. alcohol, morphla or cooalne--all dang� ;:provisions which I assist in work- 9, Pinkha 's egetable Cotapound, Sisson Block, burning JackSoll's 00- wait before laerald. i :, . . ,walled because he hadWt seeR a4751 I orous. . Ing out the scheme. I . audIdia. Today lamwellaud'strong cery an< It a er 8 ops) isson 8 a - the old Tarm wag. '"' � " 1. , I another because It was,#;, Tens of thousands have used Catarrho � and do all my own bousework. I owe ber a �o', Also the ,own' . all, 11,18. I I Cha Ity?a Visiting, Day. -�Icoos!' and ,' 11 $ on drove UP, And � r I ,�tjujet he "couldn't hear anything Ph , ozone "'ithout reporting a single ,oaft Grafted Their Victuals, . .,My licaltli to Lydia PD. 15inkhani's cylio s unaertakiiig and ar ware ,,, begln% at home, bu,t atl . 11 � , it was Christy I Charity . I I L uncOnScIOlA_ of I.ilute to cure diseases of the ' _jvjorc� than 6,000 Vegetable Compound and advise in , sho 8, an . G� rere ri's 9 I Ing time It ougbt to go Visit-! I I I I , rickets." These childrer � .0 I throat and lungs and nasal passages- Chicago, Nov� 4. -ed store. . e cause of the re Uri- Thanksgivi �.. I al , ) ailies have been out off the list Of friend# who are 01iot with any is 1:11 who helped his ,It lorDwIT imcoamzu Ing and helP' to =1110 IMPPY the lived ,, xpressed the 'Power Of 00ci bU'b - I Remember, OATARRHOZONS is � fat at, female complaint to try it." -MTS. known, � mother out stud , I !, o-. . I I � wronment and the difficulty of bt&& taken in rs and Is little drops of -heoil- those regularly T00eivIing free me oltvimrs ROOK, U. R, No. 5) r4wraw, I kissed the with. Yoxy.11 of those to whom torkey S only it! 't , ing for a throat, nasal pAssages, olm flout and othet necessities from tile . . . I I w0jid C I t��, memory or a mockery, . jj� its b ft. Many h0V0 wob,40, Michigan. Children Caused Fatal Fire. ered cheek as lie hold her In his arms I I � . � I 9 on Be, it always does cure -is guar- t county. If you are in do not drAg alo mi., Nov. 4. -Ruth ,and I I I isands of WOM�11 i'44' i - lu" nany, families Of 119 Until B"ker, MI: for an Instant. � �� 0 1 � � anteed. it was found that r 66 I I thdatthsta ­ c eii wealth, hundreds " sn operation is necessary, bUt ,at oil 1.,11(jic Cox small obildten, were burn- Don't Deceive Yourself, � rvation Wag,es in c IV 11, V all drug- �ndependent The old lady looked Up id surprise; I a Price 25c,, 56c., and $1.00 at I I wi I take Lydia 310. Pink.haWs Veg6tal)16 j�j to dedh Thursday night in their they hav ,jj - to plenty of Work ,,v ­ I �rom The s o Plenty of PeOD101magIne � here �r gists or by maiij post paid, I ,. fortable incomes and thousand 0hen, with a glad little cry,, she thr6W, . 11 I them In the coun I CoMpound, it r . I Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, My-, and corn th rdinary me41111 home, and the fire destwyed the bust. I ,nothing for which tO give thanks,. but &V , A I roperty owners wl 0 F or thirty y4um it has been the stm� her arms about big neex 14 1 _+ — - 'J W 11 I V I 1h h4 , I Vol I * + It I + L 'I I - Ord _12 I Dul 1, b A 0 _0 V'E S'*M' I tot ; rt :t . �. . - I � ,� I 11 .; I I 9i I .I.,' ,, , � bear! Mijoying the' ViY 0 toll us why. ", . . 1. f sappoTt haVl�, dArd remedy for W61neli's 1118, and h a 41 recO,1,,nL*,0.14U-.V0U loakeA '1M"1nsLt1OJL1'A. daaAba"' � 111die'n .. Mngstons, Canado. ness ,rtlon of the town, Iti is thougliji I . i'li a the XNren qmturaed 4 lamp. 01 did 1. 64.4"Xa�-- .".- �­ 41R, . . , . ,qj . %��t, 0-,.�Jp-" . ,�, - ��4arity 9f, aook..Cou�ty- ­ .. - positively restored the �Oaltli of thou- . . ­ I .. . . , _ ., r " I I I I . . . . . i � , 14 .� _... 11 1, ,. - 1. � 1 -4---" - ­ ­_ " ­.­ - , I k§�,�.4',�9 "-,"' � . - . , . . ­ � � W"'. I I'll I ii � I . . !, � , . �, . ,. I � SsndsofW010011- WhYdoluttytt? I . 11 . I - .. I . I . �. I I � I � I I I I I . � I .. I � I . . . . I. � I I � � . . I I . . I . . � , � . . . . . I I. . . � . . I I � I . I I , . I . . I . I I . 11 I I . I . 1 � .1 I I 1, I I I II . I I ', . 1. � � . . I ) � . � 1. 1. � , " I . . , � . . . . - I . : : I I .. .1. . .;%. I I . 11 . � �: 1 11 . . I I � . � \ . I 11 1. I .1 : , . � 9 .1 All,".,.." .. , i:- : I . . � . . I . � i I I � , ; � � , I � I . ,. I I , r , ,. , . I I , : I . � . 1 I . . .: , ! �, - , � � . . I . . I I . � ,� � , ,� �,. �, .. __ _ 1­_,.�­.k , I , � " I . I I � I , . � , . . ... jklft,"_ 11111 ����� , . .: .;, I I � - � . / �. , ,) . �� � , , . , 1� '': I :1 11 . . -, - , , I �___. - , I . 1. -;;A-'_:.1.1-- ".."... .­­_.­­ ... ­, ­'__­�� " 11 6, ��:, , .i ,� , .� . : . . I I , _ , ­ �, ", �n J_ " ­ �,::­,��: .... ... �:�.,��­­­­j�',;,. � I I � � _. , , I .,�'_ __ ." I .1, , I I k_ . � -1 - � ­,­�­__­­� ... - I", ­­�­­11