HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-30, Page 9lAts,-"Assir„ Colbo e Central's ual WANT ACS 47 Cord of thanks Mei ALL *A& 0* talk 4113 icy th-Lewits awn seatives cam4s_ amens. oresainal w:rs,7r,i-giiP was a ratern ag MSC iiituyital *moo raanks 01.1,? (Idea. Dsr %acts axd Caaelkit. miasesom2adEagt and Mins Sib law Lrar 0tbatr &Palls aid came- --G2rave .PRIELMILIST voisl? fun* IneEds Ettegidtwei; tiur 0Itroe Mowrs_ carids. eas aid •Ists liclatfw .11 was a gagert -4114examdra FilKsitad SApestuld tromslir•;.- MA) Mr Lithert1 ifilallugaletlio_ vtall ant awyseswo4a.deag/ A Itig data seni itativer Sde* tearg so ItervAil Ten mELF ctStoraess 3 weciall tetwg S4.Y r sri am& liaattne4.34ne Re:lemur mint 3 Si tnite oggernur.t5f tlo egress =Ts smttere /Frpoprtir-; am& aggreemitum to Dr ..3amues Ifilosafre_ IFIkweas az& Iter Lartilart. gsoculasIs awl .s!afif as U.s.14 awd Bow .es1 trer diew mad Remitteis qto mBe %Mae mo *figural] A.ligo Rew W:ktfat ttlte Ge.gem Gate am& Feetce inky. fre Paw Natige &mauls" ChM). Duly family amid frIcal tBoatels tts., cards amd 14. renewed 'Yaw wsEll keg resmsfEtrJLt ed -Grate 1-J01 Ci Anus concert is special Ormstitas ItS a howdy way Olitadrudag cur year, F every h.gort and Itmeeres aelva Wit% iove and warmth and deer - And ttere's nr.) better way tine Chirtsittras T&toigin the yirdor again . Frde pm:rise sif its girt Geed nictiEzmninire fffnara. Casten The edbEtertie efegArdea Selma arts Comet (Se Wednesday., telemeter a6 wivas ivirrjatstirse arofeAll Brit earkiert tpatied.2(V4D. dire serer chair 4 ateat varies Er= Gino. 54 awder diretitim air 3111tr_ F_ Her - =Ara arid wrzrmciatia Idfc ibthargasam 4rfeikrg. Eve Cantitrias saws, iremixsy audi Et. was aa ley to &Zen ts the hays and ges. 4,7fgne And Ike pe- g:ram (neted 'on„ news a Frriturironts ?ffiarAJtte nauntiel-Ntivare T(Efry Sen &Milted. A short At, -4hr:eh gggs- strw ttalIDEs tet/efr was a villfirertireA 410 them a chrtsg. rim %oat, unfithhiy (mt. tem& lik0P arz- diemste &mew Atiteervslatere afietflutil [!— REAL ESTATE COL LI ORNE CORNER. Koittbia61504-12070 were *lag die* grantier as entetair, lael Ed- ward kept ttEssi acting angtit down to de litde dreramet- tey, Same gtedents (J: Gitarde,44 den putt an a eduake dff skeet -11ke Bather asked wth Santa wan peeked eip greetrA eur 2010) stefrold ate -tones" iationtinas""„ ito oweet way, stewed taw malftedly euen get' cam Grade dna skit Toy Sine_ Tduarry„ David ortes en the toy amp Udolinire suer the toys which were twilly petr- austrongfartinn There were 37,vags,, etinms, liwtspins, tiorns„ haiT§ and emir beaks. Cif werse freqe toys were the &alter dressed ttn represent the toys, and they am ware so) geed pear Tarrany readeli viwfv50 with% taT waillted rmastt s5) &detect -11thibk rEE waatearsaniar, Gawk 4,5) part mg ttege M1312thellS. rib& ErSt gas a Arent shilt,"Ighinoilnytur think swearer which wasa seem Etna spirfral. The sitgartiten- &WI dr mune in c�Tand was rafter abrupt and &Wired skewing her man* Emit realty when are a patent kr the tespiltd year need kirodirew and" heat a the strand tanenher -studierV p&yekil beinChrikiarias cam& om the retarders Which was veryertaphileacidttirulYwas -Etecateders CInneestr. , 'The lhsit =her oo- Grade 5x, S., 7 arid 3 awts greciall =W., -lake .Suraid ChM" It& t411- &nags ChuirsappEy- ing the musk which — gpeot*A young git miled Rah& •qtfayed itokin Wank was very upset. wide th/ra2 She was fed up atfe the world and Etat chatidadtatt..-141 der dr as she, termed it she ',Mar was -ithethniag dote", BEt thwD therttiatet., Brad, gatyed by Brad 311Elarrn and Bidet, pgayed by Root Sontag (ter - tan* &halt had de canTro, akin& Th enjoyed He and wandered how anyone maid be depressed or &ell Hee Chnst=ts Atonal he a titre a Nan, wife die work5 Mrimary.. OW has tad a. umMer gkazi euer slituo4.tintieberAr &IT /fie sent -lane Sorv41 CtEer, Effe cevito .nrienne no--Ak fkoo.cfrre, rusts's& tts free tam -;;n1 Whin eyMdey answered„ -lartif's peed. No one WSttiFIM E they &mirk -Zero tliiD maxe„ :matte. wty steed tfIrs to9 Song' meal tbar".._ -106. t#FtP trelgiect, -the 61411 grew gl) to he a rEardri ma he iiresmitt imst prr.diri„ tttrEy eLsgEfil Etna lam- nr.antirg -Cued wfth EThrtst- is. wild) awat ts are tairtre VA/ Bet Entlbefur Earart: Tatt adi* wftib libey bitaLFy ear*Predi Rauh as gte (r.fr4arre dowto ozia atdder ant -Sn- owier& Sie was piing gpir Wee heir drams ttm TiSonlg Pestgers gimulD neeetng - there wrais something tts Ewe has_ Chonistrams -tare ShraLli Clthir had humid a way ts her Eteart and what a fitting &man hat- the emir tM) sting -fYie sma (dad serz &am 'Gad% Ear a haw PrTrbre 31k- jeWdit4 plisaiigaatte wfuwA, swis- aggisee the crowd and the glaufffir- prwanfp ale qtridenN anal the oancert dosed ‘4.11te r;rngeb, Swat News Chnts- agoras day and -- - and Skis.. MA War= and sea holm Goagalik; 3dr- arid 311ka„ ftotry Brie. and ifearly Evora Manx Mir_ and Mrs_ Moe Btadtairam and Farr* hum Calbstrue frivfinikwig tOkeit- datigtter 3eas. Ban Benseiley aced turdatud and (lbegtdef Imam Iltmirxeuelm Mr_ — Sim Ram Bintheriatie aced tfarsily ff St_ ittaarr Ian afford *s_ xganteg Ftmoihoroain and *Er - Ey Emits GedeenMJ and take crimer054- lazn Bin&Eamisim ifinner Tomenta Many off the guests age unmeed wade their graroderniker„ Mrs. 3.ortio, Pape LM tYroP Godenidi hospott*1 Wt. Wand* FswEer and dangates1More and ter Oils- tone( Lyle Baciato, quell Chrtstmas with Mrs_ Faraller's iklasat Felaieg- axelf-amiiliaitC6amligffliartm Mrs. Ears- Grad.lit aff viegegy4t pair* amw. yr-iimao sulfur al& tidttoffs. She was Pfttitt, gternii ErParisitrIVS eby Nie-fh ter I.T4SPV414 SiEet Emrifu- EY- Messed te knew Strainghar„ attar Etas teen a ptIfentt i rinto rethairmed 17or*. arrdi Les vArazaffiEstiirg lit'',14041414ns Edward uff XOPErghami stsiled with Eter sore AdinilEdwattell and frnitj , swerthe -ChinStm-asEctil#F, tzr1 Mr.. and MI& r•J Kerr had -am -lartu-Unrirattras when they united thettr &tugger 1WICS- Ekum Cameron aItt ftlaffT- 11,moesztlk muffler in Detemrher, Mk_ and Ski:- cm ant funue-"- Ey haze geI For a ran week OethehayinFrarida_ Mr. and Ms. Oust& S0M3 Str.7. ? kuti; 3014 tte Yr_ and Ms.. Ianhhea, were ChniStrnas chy guests \anti 3hs, and Wks_ Drde Mc -- Crag& and ciratry. at Kat- cr•Fteine_ anfl Ms_ rozi: Mae - Crust& altanded &may a union* OM Surro,y, ." 4 GIBINCRICIMMIddraritklidEMESEMY,OEMORWIt,1111--PdGE, rifeahers off Mks Wadiers Grade 4 Treadk rim preiniall die play, Twat est Tata 0111 Ilteadlyr at Ilke Pahlie &brag Chrairras eriesert Dreeradrer ThrePtarlis SWIM MIMIC Itaihkidirs white ease width a red sae dr cam** trataatirreu. Mar leik ase Leas lam Ihmay Nina lam Nabs aid Wader Shatlia in the liativearad ane Etidark ft';, diank, Wirt illeramalk, Senalidellikimek,irarldeldiarmey,,aadtlieladirkeadimill (01Phalalrygla School presents annual concert Mrs.. 3ftrie Webster ermwp tin the silted recent* and haled aid Award:nett a Christmas- train Ms. flly-s Grade I( children 'ertyityedi this' PwlifnE and txstiOiE expedience way ITittOrl 111te train w.ws gileasme tesee and a treat MD eat, Bra& White gram die Artt Gallery 1/333111a63.2 pAle art presertWfam some, hri tfr6' serrefir et&tsseS Pertetablar Theanamilenristuras- cam - cent '‘s, presented am Brookside - Broadcast ihearrsdlaw evetatibigz,`,„, Illectemiter 117 Were a full 111th741VPiFeatires the emceed weue aundiers by inner and Sedillr atiletkirgaffter4, Grade 11,, Hammen Curecteetlay Mks. Seil- Dir, FlIetreflogadlueetedilly Sims -Jfaamiellieek;aGiradk22 interif000r, had illkradk the oraiger scene and hatele chains. Mr. Cameron and Ms. lidirseth were combartars !kr cheats. Phantinis were 7anng, Ws, SollY and Ws Bate_ Grade 7 presented a -Keeley ChniStunis''' cEmected Mira Men. Sevinall sennisr students assiste't habit the scenes WelfilTE,gatuPS, ekr- at. fan Thi W1 Grade 1 class enjoyed a t &Mr ittED tinikeY dittis„ TirkBottirs Grade2aitendlassandffhts. Gradates Graile and chase oramiliited tatpatUde a& Clidstatas droner in Raenrea. The sateen Or/am -hada chance to)gin 41---trinE Luanne am &Way_ They wii ere talietr to the arena Evy &sand Eareurght hack ta stimuli Indite raga horns. em their regi&r- Ems., nit.h=5s patents chose tad piiidu therm apatiftearema Alexander St Chapman Realty limited 1/VER A WASTER MEM R. REAL ESTATE' 00 4 /414,1 PIM UP TOM FREE COPY MOH REAL MAU BOARD ADVERTISING QUARTERLY 1\ CIL liar GOMM 182711124M111 5244554 SU -7M NM MOM 521-7411 Sheetaseseffeb-Pkvegerrvarartiaspfsnorm AlltiLSLIIffielltrigestreczkislyVegvaary Wetwionratake theetwo deg Estate throwd 414111114 104111350•4 442-7747 10 The Swore - Goderith 524-2177 • Real Estate Ltd. Crowson Phioreac 4112-0270 itesidesuct MAWS NAESE• ri,,t67056. - sigrey: ±-.T•rrre Fyinve_ dose no sprowp 5R -L -1r Stweft kept oarrie- wiT (censider Emsr. rnactiirtge :VEX LESTEIG - rkonets4ucrut %SW .Eizikfit &UWE atn rargaror utderSithiNaElla Do:NW-SW/ter& hrbe5s tong/lbw. electric hear Tinistedhasautc_ (rargattL J:cre-kt ungpoulotgoeg KM& SF Tk - utaxas, E %II_ No u Mice Ea_ =ter T;attitOtt acres. ri eller fflosimprtear grotty. garage sad HEWS NO 4 Eiders tortntr,filw_ Nee trew_ mutant_ (meter will timatee uktuy maksatrable trate TAMS -MA - siitrey owner wtil =Re bark ffirsr mtortgtige ar nerry reresamble terms may evaisiciterremtwarr, Vagarefzese- .140 ACHES (cash (crup. Farm. pod toursifings meat- tikawefierd am> lifit.ffS. (melt, erralb P.nrcE sr 5tortmesu-tileth wexgratile .ACRES gtiodi kerne. fiErumw ttp-timsfir, barns attune .95sterm Erairetr mixs teaserattreof&treonatfined 1111.11.111111111.1111011111111.111116 THERE'S MORE THAN ONE WAY REALTY TO BUT A HOME rEVETRY 21 Oa Ftmtrs Realty- ate. Etas =limy amismers dm die itmfdrmacis-e- and heittEmil rafted "" YtErn attv: e Ramming How t3m Bay and Sell Reap, Eseace in the E92lis. Ut tails yon, s&rntee terms,,, how tan ellatlata a affttle Em =den 9 craze economy_ Phak up paw ffree 5rochase today. Yourre web:tame re set down mach crs and &sews a FirtancraL plan Fast for pan Web& forward to heitiergyom Mummer 13ay Tau Connetty and deft Sear" Cunningham velem, pat of the gay_ the lEbristimas Wants*" presented assort the thehartsate'Ctirestiners efewest held ihnoday aigla,lberealthertli- vPhotatlytratre Wieder*, ihe awes afsgriet4 the WOW and Rebekah Lakes. %unfelt is compendia =her of lakes Edam the campy_ presented a scaerfah Meissen- - Anne dientonstratam manne gplinia" receatEw_ Medi= -Altar wiElheasedtm teneft eardicevullnow "am telt ta Mgt Large unmans healing at the thenaustratim are Ferzn 1=afiniEue-IlimMirgtEigAtilit.3 oik• 11= r-weatedtkmrtnTw = aggem. visiniesEttwau2Ngiinam4) Huron Co Omen& DILL Carporatibm Amara Meeting Mentz County Indic pra,- &nem regentlY erected ffaur cfereErares tm attend the first.' animal &LIEU C tifFetine' III' bre aera Tarardis Sher -aim Centreianuary 12/ The 1311312 Eamon County delegates are Warter Matt. Eacknow-, Ainrt Shackle_ Mande. Brum Sef- gray_ Wunthani .and McGee. WhIgharry. Diategates will he EP-WOES-t bia Ear ereetine are &nectar at tineartrboraT rneetirg cesmesent aur zone_ wttivit tut - &des Esser, Eke= Lamb - tom 3hridEigew.. not. mit Pertht Comities The director vita he expected ttr attend heard a:wettings.. cam- riattee meetings and keg. mane meetings. Cirunty cjts will also. he eir- petted to act as a Eraser between the corporation and the twat Earners Its Ns area - Dennis" Asstro FetieratCran Staiiiiration Agrt:curture Carada has clifeehmt antaturced that diem wilt he tin ELotiLloal. stalthration payments at ty home cam_ savtleuns.. Entries or oats harvested im LBW late market price Ear the ham (maps was Wier than the pritewpoort levet at which stah.friv4;troaro paymn1s. wadd have heetemade The market Ore Ear the • (Maga wit4 puteesuppont Ie1 uiEtrackets, were: tform Sta. Si ger' tm tem StIMAD.. 92L5heens 53124W ger tee SEZLIWif,_ barrel/ Stt.48 59,1._34k (l= =AB MR the Am..) cnnes ger bushel. wauld cam 5210t. S41 Z€ sit& harky, E.: cars Shaft If geese= crap prices had Mlle the L9 crop year. Fedearah Statorr dna giaFTIMIft coat Ere tbrtlielget harvest - Sohn Mardi. Mak, Xig.. Riete. CouseCheet Thne it pcindations ntouthE tge daring 'anger months. Warm tam cintditions care - triton -eta heeding:innate beef anddar7 cat Cattre shoat te itweeted every t:WO, weeks &tweets mitilDecenilker and at Leak fir ace tily purtnig the hair .Itser diet:Ohne,. along the hack hetween the shattaters and =mid tfte jH 1 neck andeirs Twe tupeS 4 are malt tie humidUiL reef rattle. in Can - tam i,11> Minor fie whirft • feed am skin ciehrm SitefigiTTF lire whirft suck blood La= the anduaL Biting ace are inure cam - man on facer cattle • wit& sti~e, ace are hound mare on cnitlio shipped faun 'Western -Canada The Wine - ones are tetahstetairmiu imeamy-wite tu, cabin and sucking ace area blank col- our. Eire cause =Miriam poorer gams and even aneim» ME tit: En severe cases StigEtrg Etre Dusts and swam.' are a:vadat& at local. Farm supp- qtaielZ.• SeVILL. C64Ekti.. iwftiii Candine. EassofE. lathron. Rarrnit and Rotenone are prOdlirt$ atlehlk,. Fallow Label directions closely Ear witty aVestadynd owner Some prodirets Erave withdrawai pet -tads prior th cattre hente slaughteredi Others can't tie used an tar - tattle cows prathicing rnxllt ear frataancansumptiort Eew crents spent a the antral wtLE save datiats Read an ftillow abet directians. df • is news EhreanCattieneurs Assue_llom Ihruche Egill Eturair CattremenS. aurrnat meeting will Eireiritho Cir. Effram ataaTe- as @past warm-. The tgraMie swifter wilt address the ttipir.. -12tirtrait 4 a sazcessfa. fa= Foustuesr". • Dr. lee (Lwah, Feedlot at Baker, Mitanisata and has •attter Eartuirgaperations. arse mrvesasacansultauttn Agrt-tinnittecot Elms ant tamers u the Midwest Et. prof m tstury at CariCardra • College,. 3faudiesch, 311/destine since 191M. Dr. likactie bas alse written seat boas Ain -trainers devehipmeit overtheyears The annualcEnnerineeting ;via, tte heht at the Bryth Calnimmit Currie at &It pm. Actuary 5 Cupare encouraged tuattand tite liear Dr Dradxe. stets may tie ontraned them Tcarnsilita climate's; or the alehtif. Ake ChM= Eff you want hit on Amery 5. came out ta hear Dr Baran Citactte` :-StunPatinetn.. Assoc. Alp Anne Norte Er -award of Goofed& hits won anothearin Agrituiturat College award Wer Eanerr is die sirAlittorm, Grump Fish and Genre 440012tOttba twant rot a tAlt sett Resources Wanagement rattior En the- (Aar, i• program. Site Is seen here with presenter. PrefersarSDI Kay4 the Department of.' r,orif asortere Science