HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-30, Page 8CLASSMCA' :1110015, ArtWies far sole 2 Yard sate 3 Garage sa4e 4 PiatficoliveSliCx sate 5 Cars far sate 6 rrz.vr..scsiar sate 1 itv slew sale 8_ hilarrave itaiaesaltve tG Peesicir safe 113 LwasJ.kkirfeCr seite 12, teal estanyfer sailer ;3. Mes to, c; per 15_ Our di now* eracierSes T6_ Far rows 17. Alipeximeres*:r 'term VkstrzeSkaf Moor 19 tannins kir seem 25, Waage &beard 2 Czesages tor rem M arils ion row! Crsonneearcimporty far rerff 24 tWeritset Ilevoens nrianned na,-bey 26 tbniawswient 27 *areal fiwneardr, 28. SawenassapparsamiN 29 Tenders , ,r0eroterwir.eneted 33. Sawi.;iostehreceney 32, Cosiove wank r3. faretserovices 3t ?essay:an 35_ tnaarlesseerecSetws 316, llonnestonessnonft renkes 37. 36. Anefiein sane 39. alerefeeetai ifo. Inn A, &round 41. tragiweeway 42 Ewen& eatire 43 nifiesa. ' 44 f8egageeweets inarreges 46. trioiterearewe Cantrgan ninawks 014100.alek dirser444 wa3.0 anis an 112 moon Tnes,deri Tao acne rto dens* ads win be ex awed ,046111 4 seaman dey viiennt) CIASSORIEG Rentre "3_50 Immo 23 wards 76' al wrod freGeenneir lifiEnantornarn '3 SD ruin pkos 3:f zit:oiled Erre .arse Cards trieThilcS SSO awn 25 ovr,v415 5" a ozcod fro ftabie: =cage 3 ens.enits Faioriare serenkir..ns fur 3 aneserns Sper_oan Taoes avallatbge by 6 ar g?.2 ecentirs V1D 4:141"Ve ALSCik 4=11 speeznal eks+.1,-caznns icor ;'on iptPielflrectrt MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m..-5 p.m 4 5244551 Articles for sate MGM - aesieviad saks azeSege sewing insetfines. cads= eleassers_ pistk and — siite gra Makes, and znathnve Wegibordoarterailions 'and tosttg eeppers. Gees Sewing rewire, new litattat lug The Salaam Gotterink ACTOIMIC TedItowS Clearier reinmes rust re and 'mniemrt depositkS place nt, the ouster et yolv ti et tetk Aigaititate at Pfunthixig and Efiaatg. Itiroggton Strelf Godarith ONE,' 111-nionth=oid Eklife rink now•Mond. .artait, Onefst openingweedsintie Ptionel2ff- ;n4.6.-52, SONIMGiffiCEILnger. Vtlale ail& tidier modeik Etepans tio affi makes. gifff maodhittes alad iteifaiM garA,anteed StnateietitM, 35. West &teat, Giermitih•&AO- M5t).-1 SZtellittiG ig....ttff& three,. vinyL St5, en Phone 524- "i"Irryw rans5•griaort Orgek tiziaosi apse Offitr_ Pcivager0_,-tratt, lox site4lers Afeirstato gattr,_2. gdott etintritintt. PliOne StVg. ' • tOiffs' VJENtlatt Eindtbr 4 -St • liffnusetres., etnatetkrit lage.. with elver_ VlinneV:tir-124 'RelitAft instant fliaubantalic flash:, • Ressenahl), piteedi • Btioma&tk.,-18 • AlitgLitiitki hot • gsterient elatTlifitiors Phone•Salt ' catesseetre_ merest -1W diem, shreiZ C.aft after s?It5gkr,--s1.1- ()Som stsPiues and aligaleateek. Meek MA, ? am aey_ Sitopyierk Squt afifirestet . VIA —Tear • RAM SCPIPT- patiecit sent gr- ineat#,_ eatiMiegmtit fitt etq. Meek Prltarittaest fflapperg gettmalW Cofeeeit• AsTsgs - *vs,: Ergcr mot goiegit IWc Etadk Etedanaifiltelies, PiresliCider, andAripleititter. GEEtitiEgo WU- PEWIT .,trelt. Et Et:L. GoIieh_ tge-tiTtrar :SMALL' IOt. boas. St elk gold splay bonhs. good fez% enriztitias. Moe_ •S'Ol satin polyurethane gimpy. LT 501 - king store batikr c each; three cutteenths inch coF - long stove holtk eons mdtti two ciTet5 awe' tires as OW- ' \ • Phone it.42.'44311 •emobile- Mass new Ott iUtANTI N.Ly froweiS New • colors New display The country iptre Z29-- -azt - tfr C itt E FURIWTORE SEW AttneaStail CilifilIMM REM MIXES rtr5,,atinktAtir-Attatilt TWAr &WES Nifty. IT Gcstfigrick 514-12Zi 3firg,~rfraim,ri,-..‘40 Artiefes for safe 411111111111111111111P It.AKEITOCItown, cloaks yoor desiga Quartz &strawy toovemes Qmaeit-W ciseoune V& setiee&. Avagab4e at The Country Spit.re_ TOREAL3.3, demi, er menterts 4ow 'cooker MO& Ert owe:rent madden, Phone- a&ar 5 --47trritt FLItEiC000 Felt *St. di*zd Inuthaoind. r2r-45 inehak x feet a feet Mite delivenatt Phone 5-74--X,63, EICSWArmt sages. si and Stipplies Also varSety of cued machiutts vittfa one year go:are:Anse after5.-Itivin.-544€ 0.12M Vnerig craning mem gaatettntrafim geedikty Onie-OrAvelldftAt tAttllaftr_ agitlar eisEnmetlek,it model Al5ato One _glantweent shaman. ?AVM eassettearalt teal* reeved ptios aff ea- eleselim gaod quality claNilstt Phone W- 95r1.-540-ur IX-ITOCE siesteetamy ger- siesta noW avealaW Cianthet StilsL sEftorr 3ira Sfrfriger Eheet, CAA. • PEEL.r=gey_ Silappe2s Sosam. Goir -D;itrar A-CO.Erg gralleSPILACE._ statattle flor reen WI'S& yobrkieg irentlitiom Must sCailf evenings, 5..,- ..9gat___Asofil WALLPAPER • 20% ev olteatareat Silit‘ateMANIEr Phone 524-2445 PO/FECT GIFT aitseite *oar*, wrogro gaismtmott revoolia, port- stgoolfeod fry ruse norocitierstissor., ilhoterev etesegface- Lerrousseau, 12-Hantalitio5f, esrenidi Efftclet452t,-2(48 fit Snoviratobifes . for safe SIATM-si E. snowmotaide_ in• wait Ooriditioas 5#3 MOW'. :UM r t SKIDOO, Elan_ Kr+ Voris with .stitte- suspen.4en, and speetkeneter Ora sed kir SIM0o Already licensed and nmesinta PlatIrie5 5. Cars far safe 18T3 POS Prbr. power steering. brakes and windows white leather 114 teller. certified Phone 124)1)GE CriftOn'T WGN. P'S PR -M-Er Pi Ira& iter€41 Winteri2ed Mitt rdari alt)%75 t101; aS 511• On carlitied t Pontiac "Le N,Tarts.• Cnupe ;50 two barrel needs front brake pads to rerrifx asteregstrivt /was Ls 71 Pontiac Ventura cylinder automatic two dolor will pint :.ntar, rotor only q1041 ea .X5 • '71 Pontiac Sonineville TP PS PR PW air rIllacif'• mon be -leen•too •af- akore cars an be teen at Garr Diane Pot glutton t.las Bar call 44,32 15Es - Atila A OfitrAtil(ter. ACCeilithOtit AVAILASEE. ' 'INSTartitslartiTSSUPTstier CAM OPAUE SIVCIMPSOlol AT: SVI-27.11 442-11664 .145-t 4. Automotive Searagytow rivet Maeda, Safely fespen? CN 524-21211 18.95 111111111111111111111115 Peft for sole SliElnIERVY pstivises,, MAO each. born filoweresiniglit. Would olare pettipies &dg gtOtl borne Plating Sealbral, Et_ Livestock for sate S,OP; - PfealS and ..1tS. 12t.P. tested. fteasonabily ptriced. Gitieiramteed breeders.. Phone kifittlitsSefft4tri-e0.-Wgx '11_ Red eOriste for sate CoNgillERiMM- ritESIDS73.1- 1titL. large ir-nti tons_ 23ttt sqt ft_ Vrage three fueptanek klacsadeak•Etkat ffir restatir offline•or rettel waft, agaitutert upstaiirs• . get Eras/Men St ustm- off Vi.s- iot•Pboge518g-. Ztnt•-=f REtv bedreem image/ow 5.3librasentent. Fat nicely ratidniused tAte Gaiderta Phone 5.24 -7N -s' hiawsen pirtL, - II_ Mobile homes, FtlEt SALE: - x 68 ft torO heti:nom with atopCrances and sat, deck. 1*_& cen.4riened For roore-infonnationcen 524- NIt_asTit for Frank -37,der Sgkt-R; - M-4 Etencruz mobile home, •VI x tA three bedroom,. appfrances conseedi Phone Frank at 535tt --Ztfar 16, FOr Rent FOlf CLEAlf CAMPOS get tfevetwriabff ipecac dew* ciforisier Extfircncirials_ graeosettrew Cliteastaw SSC 82241. 17• Apartments 17 ApartmenitS for rent for rerrt BONET ST. APART/AM Ono kodeocriovoiroottoontsi,, *taw aloe some. mrooltamC oiW wingliolew ampoloo4 AmsosiliiowC otontwobosi, foOMAciroANAWMo.. 524-4124 •tfouse- for rent NOW itgVTMG St Charles Square. Vanestra, &ree bedroom ian homes_ trzetm. and ..mipplied. S;25aii.ein a vroatti Peorit litEDRaftgl Noce A Goderick &Mee a motiltr. Phone 5w24 -221e &05,--iooff E. SI:MEV lark* house Saftffird Lg roam- (Fining room. kitchen and hath 1st &or_ four hedrimonts on, "i*efi ffonr• stake* orontlIty plus osiritIevi Phone5VCI:415.-V.J as Hose s for rent Tait RE RILDR0011 listoWeter_ fintestaircie •deers overlookting !eke_ Et're mitesnertatat'esdericit ffeAdy wIla references tetitirawer &giaaffStar, Bon Goderk.rs est 747;s4i4lit&-m2 I'VW0 Wiev Otis wealtshep. new furnace_ and vcaMetr heater ilaytheEd greed. Gederkft &row* per montlk plies atfrUes References rewired Phone Stratford1-271-AW,-5,La G GsK GK SK •Gz 0 0 R K G,K .1014114TALSO1 GK REALTY £ keigardinceogic. 524-21111 WM SAGER' 524-21211 5244915 3 BEDROOM NOME FOR RENT Naffitfagovr. creract•seet- warWitagt, CAM CofistE 5.0e0Stit sersosessz 524-211$ G- G,K G -K G4( G4K G4K G•K G OK GK. /4 Rooms for rent ICTIMCV EtifoOlf_ in- cludes: frhlge. stove: aft crowing and ofigat Cleanhediffing weekly Cosero square PrriOne5.14-1-... Commercial property. for rent GEtOrNilli Fi.001t, • :tom squarer/a-et prime oft_oe space at no LifrithonSt Phone 524- 2.75-rat5 • 25_ Wanted to buy WANTON TO• - astitnises_ cupboards. Wliffm oak ler aiture. eaffeerabies,_ • co:tot:mat tre_ eass. single articles or wholi es=es.• Caft Smaffaconhe Ann owes I t42-6,,g4e _ Teestrater_ frotc_mt --051* 1 7 Apartrnenft for rent RED -St fq ruom iiitehess to suit two people Venn bed; Phone5,4-17n LEW two bedraern apartnent thecotantry. with rrew. 10 minutes rierli of CAniericla Pit Mb Cali :C19-7775; -4.5tf — - — .S(' FILET EMPINTY bedroom apartment . broadloom. eentmtred en- trant*: parking. fridge and suwe. utilities and cabie atchaded Phone 524-t5 or irtr.rt-t5, -52.1 AVAILABLE now in, Saltront run bedro- ? nearly ffeenriatt0 thrWighelig- Sal, '149 pe -oath plop utilities Mode Ray Rail:am 524- qua; ittf Two BEDROOM apart:meanie Dimmer:nen Phone 529,-, -Taut -•1.2 btLL PURTtifiE11 aper rment. dose tro. uttewn after g p m 524.,4tEtta -11tf" • $4> 1 RINI?, NT for rentapar1rnets. Meadow Nrista, apartments Rturefietd Tom hedreams. kitchen three piece balk. large living room VW on per month with twat arid water needed Slummy :•ct rall, Seaford; nerwtsen m ,altd ro iar IVO EIF.111111tItYST available ortmerfaatelv East Street (;•toler; h Pilo ire '144- -t-tzt 24 Wanted to rent 23 litnatleSS 23 •Business opportunity opportunity GAS BAR • FOR LEASE S Gsilafith EaB 111101meny 1400-265-1140 33 Service directory fila it AMMER, hA'Pgause- septic bed Jiestaffatiests reaoq Cransatelk_30-76165 -2-Mx MILS REFIZIGgit-,7`10% & fivipffsuices Serzhee. phone 11C,902 dE" Granger's 'TV VA_ N IVITT1 smelt eeart hasernet ttatiteodoonnk and ixerw delivery• Pe Ontseter Pr -emelt, S.40 it V 5,11a0ECIMN - 16-riricesatlidgivgns Tec,;res. ott Ate miff sezixig sgaitski- ales Egevegi driainesge on& tam indiastrtaT minders to acme *Tam EV seteveggivetimg„ Phone PaPer %MOO Illoownwattollionow lionot,e5owwwortk GSM 524-7961 AMIE PAL GAS ounratir We ierwer mil sum loge et sod *free eefineee 524-2421 In& ems goomme fitsWow , odurace, thew rivet illfia WV fee onamerave econortownow dislihouryy • awe Istogiessargifeet, meg driinowleissusessim. 31• Service rectory H.T. DALE septic rank • CARP'Ell CARE ergs & apitenfokeer 11Prafessidestsffily Stetwwo Osaiost Finetersermwelemo 524-2410 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Saralee to on **nano• iseskos,, itottiorErogi for togas. rottorpris AltoSiC' Omit iltiorrtipooL. ROFFMETER APPUANCE CENTRE rbureorwoot NOMREVER PLUMBING I**TG UD5511riognntsereatifitereSE cPtl Reps • Cal George Geoid 26. Kelp warted • CUSTOM Bull 'Gi,tEtAtVIK hat small car. heatedi ssage_ during winner months Flame 1-311, 2,6. Help. wanted PROGRESSIVE Rime Centre ressio ites p entatearedn customer sates, -and war etrakong atust•have backgroundthebuilding ruatert& industry Appy %vrifing stating experience to- Llevti Stewart Lainber. P Box Nr,. Amon' Forest. (Int wino; PIELP WANT'Fil SZiatt retiored to dear •=d2aner at the Goderich Ntedrad centre &'-t- Osu -- 27 mommormorommossmorimmiimpoes. Wantect generall WAN Ett- Gore osed fer railtre cornorf,re letnasettolds Mane 474;2 •••• f'r 26. Erteip wanted SPECIALTY VALVES AND TUBE FITENGS SAOSSOWINNWNWhe for drop tgriiinvc Comer Olsn!" iteepiL tbretwonvinv &swim oriew t•S room inwyniertertee bit Toff esessetrutsWip mutant stfuwetesse. arewetti, arcemeffiet eetweetowtr, witteltieree rootortero pnloodieit fewarttany, unwell am:40ms Eteetefltz„ ELEaRICAL IIRAMPINSON Swots' bower *mango' conowateffini inpoieseto anwronfinehonte twooriew diratirwoorsori etwoisetootemat went* eitecrtikad olOserrtorew. ilotorwornotte goortireett tow thowertoorarciortooitorotwontortott twitoottirircoottfolio Cottorsoilintriwifieeiettodrotoortto trsotionotoriootooftiittworeptor AL MIAERWELT PERSONNEL (SAIINFAI ITO EAST SOUTit SARNIA Far WI (-54414M-‘0101 Renovation 524-7638 Melt MOM * INSOWATIONS GENEitAt OISTUOWS Icileyeareareir- S1444//7 GODERICEI 524411S S21-24970006001 S14411415 A likarsir Gorrlifewtse Siraggionie ZP-; -At ; _ MACNINERY REPAIRS ARM 01, LATHE & WELOMIG tietendie Rotes ;.;;4-4,41.4110. LITTLE'S PAINTING DECOR Spoefotittfogriopolikologoof voloitorogiodoso ralccOMOMFAVES • GreviLLIffo otbbart Mitsigas 524.14414 241,4.442 *SEPTIC TAMS • osSEWS5 *LIMN WWI OMR Few asecomiiiirois joSoodb SID INPUINSMA ECCAVATING LIM S244144 PTINING IND MAW IBMS CALL •DAVE littirEE 524-7774 ARTS Imakeortig-lisesell • emil Oriel Cement TiliSainenalstAraodiserrodil FALL MSS 1111001t .10 • SNOW RERROVAL co...0mm gries EsawrSerenganweiledtfar MOM & OSTROM GAISMING .524-2445 • 4 Personal PREG.7% NT A N Erf 13104711/1MSFOr Married !or stagile_ free pesatirre rim - fideratiat soppint is as ease . :as yomer leiephose glitTERIGST Loudon coliect 515 et 1.5 5zesa • Nice to creditors Dit die RAate WILLIE.A4 RL'Ki4Mtg. Bade a the Tows of Gonterwthi. do the Couraty; of Ehtrus. All persons having &Mass agaissir the above' esMte aire motored tlia- send fad par fortitars of mei dams to the sattilessigned en ea- bete -e the 1Sah, day, offiatoomrst 19tit2. atter Which date the estate's aoseirs wall he distriboted• having reward eskr, tor Craters that have dienbeeri received Dated at Gederich.. Astarte, this MEit elta aucerntien- igota . Norman Et Fiera. erarr,szker2ardsditctui- P' (th, Eir•cee 450 Coodentla eitroterto N17; Jr; Soliventior n'w the F-verialltte - Annourricements rnattces Effgi V RIDES' qtr sEe ugh rdeeir Fasnaly outlaws nr garrangc ettr Aar place illy yours Ileire Ettalltatt.. Maga& ;VP • 4filf 34- Educational; 6:96111.1, 36 ArinlecullCennerft5 Foalates VOSIEELCRI MILS VtAiLkElltS The 4rtursaultairiam Semite Cemmarottee of Vile &Merit*, entellefhwa awd Retertafit tliadiges hare evapithert Draw Costae Ames Cstalitz;.119.2a. *7"M or Fred Frin.aftet Mr; - 2er_oz-2 - - - - — ;PHU Van dofidi L40) ITT any olormatesi Iseding to Me nest. atid camp elf tie inensNum ,aff peTSHISS `el& hEtArie sink) TM*. at 222,IP Street Cedenctii. wit December AEU istiorsitaltrimAtegg eatadnetemalmiiCatctloirertn -$4 -aD Lost Found LAS,' Chonstagr gedinage fur p-alvdtrogrents ero Egltivars, sect& oi Gcolerach. SatOr- try_ Detennher Ender grDeas,ev‘zie- • 44 Engagements trO8Mslitn-MAX-RFILEISiall 11- and Mrs (hark*, Kalb- Vatrzwo... Ovettaautai. nuts& noatrathcauce theeugagenesat tier &mightier ITarimthe Ten Witaisonm' Aditteiry.. iftitUrack son a 3gr (roadies Riohissark taikitimm. Amtania_ Sgarljturne ilkiressora. tkittanO The far- shetatier* marriage %tiff itaSire otatte at the heete• arodgandiet :amid Itrs. Clfradqs kaabiltett13-lra4y 1962 1.6. rete-moriain CALICEPRIENIL •kr ;mug memory ef a dear freed ,retain, rArtniginefg, who "net lairs [We Demo:gerZ.5,91619 Deals/anat. sllikz yom diktat, astiT platlwi e tleaterrsom yratuirarte TIM lte %wet of atir MIMI§ WED 2ire NoisITU 1121211eS. Wiat mr..e*eifs5 R.ese.yroay atithipar sailLikorts Putt bler goal tao Efie • tiub sa! sew wane' a fame We. imveagoillumms - ,ktergoes -met Ititreadalnifiont, glISDIFI • at TOW atiezzuoir5 of Gninatke. wiltasZelit fly Dezetaltier 21i 24VY Tberie awe 9in1e links Ands cantlear 9e%.er Frt.etivErttp Rowe amet mattemniurrAmee kr:bit liaGewer neeptg Extesseehy -atm Card a* thanks tatittn1 WIT sincere thrsirs Ni nurses acrid 5tQ1Gotfortch hospeati air their lihnitliess To • vrittle. a patihent. aLso twiny ftrneza&�iGocfetrich•and Claws ger lonsits. gas and tt2.811ft EiPaptly, New 'fear nov • • - gtaapik Morn - 0119 541314 'thanks Net,I11J dialr relatives and *tents fox tire many kurt &tosss expressed at die time of the 3ss, at our.detki fatheT, , grandfather- at14 Wolter, TheFEMS; The iftetrat tributes dianaties._ and cards of ssrogratthy have helped so moth catring this time Seer -oat thanks no, Rep •.4iac W.131791 Phyths atm!i3-e4e- Rarrsolo lie ladies de VIC !Nona Street r. r and the FaveraR Heine tion Family; and Brother and Sgsrers - - "(WES eler sincere Meeks to all die Golder tett firemen who responded no OW hesse Fee mit ,-,nothay evening. ahao Peg mid _roe Wires who ttelvert Mt' was . =web aggirectiatied 557 qleeraIrt. Paulitae acid r.atEtv- Educalianal I AMBTON - I ECHNICAL Sc Fteligsrerved ax •4-,/,ratic,rledi ichzieD eikreer EAKvaase, ,tte-anierkal SettanDs !nee c 9774 Ertecatio, [iv Et s:deelles tee, mow oieat-N- oseTq1rtIniKvain?2 won weakling Are* twoina-ann wsId Inznannss iktmant` and Ftirtimijo 41(4, ems 4,1,,,k1r %two vermitIrtr; t0NvutfOortr011i ;In alsweramtit Par Fto`tlfter Caliktrerforkvi Call 327-432r 940, 17, Nee:* cold 2F,Vt cr-vi P.-Nftzw% q"411e. r'; K -4701,M ".<314.4,1elir Plbrtt tRii;WeStg