HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-9, Page 4'ASF 7" "... .... .
`N *`+o
+! . 4% alt r#» mil T=TnsD,A.'r, i!tt?'oE MIf'ttii 9th
. 'The Newly+'=X'1ed Wife, to her. . d . 7 Note and Comment,
hi4sban4,l Olt John, it's ,too dreadful The following is lfhe`'4vl)ort of S. A
that 'lho velryl firslt) pie I mak,, fox No, 0 Usbornk for the month oa .00t-
Mhe Frovino al ,eleotioU.$ coining o;h ,you nbould be. eaten by 'th ,. ea , ober, i
YtC. i' C
0 1 Christmas will e uOULDS s a i O d
int o rR , • a a
xIs nal t,kal: The hu loan m Sr.)SxIV MaxMa r
y s d, sl alktetle:tll. i • rM z90 lye as I'aancis 1,xZl
interfere with the, holiday trade, t , er mind, dear, don't i:ry; ..1 soca Donald >3alfour 158; Gordon Copelaxid
, * e get Toll another O'd 1 P4 Bi llis Roadhouse ljo. '
i Sr.. III Max 200, (lecher .Shute 198
,Rat@°fl: ,
Lister McCurdy tJl e McCurdy
x y lx , I" na
0 1 !Airy Andrew Carnegie l?as be ert, ,tel-.
4 evted Lord Rector of Abordeieili Vain 1'he Douainion W 14'Il Man klodgortll 0,
PRONE 'X, w _ . C. T. l,• met last Sr. II Max 200 Willie Roadhouse
versit4, in succession. to Mr. Asquith, ii'ee14 in Sherbrooke, Que and +
.t, passed 18G Vella McCurdyMcCiaxcl123; George +,tixah
Opposite El sctx.c I,iglat I'Iaii the; i> ri ish Premier. the following resolution'—That each .
. province union begin an active cam= t XI—Max 150, Iva Francis" t10
0. ». « a r « pa gn for womten's enfranchisement Magdie * KoCurdy 132; Ernest Barris
demanding the ballots because . , c , c
Official returns of the votes cas( ecause the 129, Marguerite Doupe 120 Viola Rod-
goep, Happy >n, the Roane in the late Federal ,election show 500- r, omen are eitizen;sw .If they carry Bert; 1'20; Annil Gilfillan 1.OG
b getting YOUR.. 87b were, for the Libera Gove this into adtion lit aught to ,mean . L 1 0GordonG'1
y s S l xn , lively tunes in Ontario a ro Sr, 1?t Alex 0 Gordoi i Purdy
me -at ,and G31, 800 for (the Qppgsitioin o ndnilsvlvher,, ' > Elgin, Copeland. •53 Laura McCurdy
a tConservative majority. of ,37,774. for a while blow would this do far ' S0, Edna. McCurdyCIA t
HOUSEHOLD an issue in our-comingprovincial els- y'V, Hazelwood
• a • a ction, Neither Sir. James Wh'i'tney ; , teacher
NECESS._TIES t, nor Mr. Rowell seem to -be ver en- I , _` Y
I understand old Skinflint has thuslastic suffragists, but wo 11ave
Here, We handla only got religion; kaolin even worse c
h® BEST and we have It's possible," as s convextecl, Don't waste , oux money baying
everything you need at Do ,son really think so a ., r r I S,`ten! rht•rin p;asttr. Chamber•
y s y ca in'n's Lininx:nt ?s cheaper and -better
All Seasons, Well if Skinflint and religion have lit t . flannel
come together at all I thinly tt is t`Phe 'coribtit+u.tieinal' qu cellons 'cosi- t open a nisei of flann.l with it and
"'"'-' safe to say that he Oras nected frith` the u t bind it overtthe effected parts'and L't
y got religion con-
, will. relieve thtr pain and torent•sa
R T p 1D COME STORE There certainly is nothing 'to 'indicate and ween or (Fling• George I For sale by all ealers.
that religion has got him. Mary to India have
WA=3@-i)-•Choice Butter tinct been the subject of a good deal of
Fresh Eggs. r• r • * r a . discussions St iFi?1oi tctaed khat:tthe GOD1,=C1I;. • . ,
gg idea that Ithe monarchs journey will ( Sinco the citizens of Goderloh have
l All the Ottawa Cabinet Miniy`ter,s involve difficult problems of a const- ('become more thoroughly acquainted
nominated on Oct. 27th were tileet'ed utional character is (an erxoneouta one with what happened while Itbhe 'crew
, m 'ace The only ones re- The practise followed during the reign of the schooner Azovwas at, Ithe mercy
by acclamation,
a Minister ofbFi anoedare who iMvrl White ) f !sing George third 4litetxt Trictoria, of the waves of Lakq Huron attar the
Mill she returned .i l iprob and XiagEdivard of appointing a' vessel was abandoned; the more pos-
CHI y e by acclamation, ',for commission to 'transact State business itive ,do they ,feel that+ the work of
Leeds, Ont,, and Mr, Cochrane, ,Min- during the 'temporary, absence Capt. John MacDonald should be pre-
. the ,sexited to tth o Carnegie aster sof Public Works who full! run Soverign wiIlbe adhered t,, The. g'e Hero bund
for 'Nipising,, , , Royal party will leave on November Commission for recognition! .she ex;
* r . R a I'1t11'. ° excising of his (superior skill in hand
1, E I e C t1i U 11 ling the boat is decidedly ra' ewon=
« A
!'she chief event in, tha world of aria " " thy, and it bad tnortr Ween for laic con-
. uld not cause the Sells- tion during the past !reek was the eTailor—I mush havcf c tstan attention perhaps all of lieso proof Igiven by Mr, Orville Wright of o ash down for crew would have died from wxposuaeG
t our Fire Sate Of th advance made i i d' Sur wedding suit, Mr. Parks, A vigorous pa7acfi; in the albs or a
ation tha o e a in ivisecl Customer -Rat Haven't I :tlwa
machine when he remained stationery paid ra ys vhack over the shins was a presorip-
Coal is causing at the present . h ray'bills on the minute? tion applied at frequent intervals
in a air for 5'minutes in the bawth , Tailor-5..es Mr. Parks; but remem- -,which' served to keep the boys alive
l'. A y
11 time- of a forty five mile wind Tho (maj= bei that anter thLs you :ivon't have td !the tacit that' .they must "keep -a-
In order to make room t0 ority f the expert's leave 3ecrared the handling of your own money, moving" in order to ward off •the' ar-
that his is the greaftest advance in P
rebuild We are Offering about the construction of aeroplanes since 0 n e i alyzing effect which the ii'ater and
first machine was built: on present t colo! Chad upon them.
91%® principles. Dissolutionofthe; United S. Steel
VISATons a r r r r Corporation and its subsidiiary com,-
n been asked for' by the Gov-
ernment , ! MUST
•at in a suit filed L the Unita O ULLLJJJ
t nth c one Can you an wait on ane Lmmed- 1.N. J. The Circuit Cou'rJz art Tr?hien,
t Anthracite iately9'« demanded the richly dressed N. J, The petition charges tthab k ba
Lady, I m kin a great hurry. Steel Porporation is an illegal nom
CO'AL atYes; let hie have ,your perserip- binatiou in restr,JlVt of trade ,and Q "
tion said the harassed druggist. • therefore prohibited by 'thu Sherman t'
"I shave me perscriptioxi. I avant anti 'trudb law of July l2,, 1'8.0.'0., IChq
you to look up a number for me in defendants named in th ,bill include
, I` 6' zq'i T 0 Nthe ttelephone bookI- I, thirtsi-seven corporations, five indi- - • "
f victuals trued as trustees and eL *h tete r + ''• it 9
In . their capacity as officers rand di- t' " . ••
The Hygenic Institute which ,was rectors cif the Steel Cor or tion or >_
' The offer is for immediate erected in London three yeazs ago its subsidiaries. Pendingfinalal hear- . '
lying acceptance and thee0al miSt and since that time has been Ln
g anc( de
ination of e..- c
a a
11 the
idle for want of friends to carry on Government asked that a temporary ;,;ti;1,'
be TeTnOYed at once. the work, has been placed lin the restraining order be issued tenjginimg ..%' ;
estimates of the Ontario Government the defendants sef,crely and collect- ,.
1 for tin annual grant of $10,00(N. Tho ively from continuing the alleged til- %
R.' J. L o l research of the institute shouid be a legal monopoly. The steal magnates
" i
k benefit to all' throughout Weab+era are preparing to.make a bitter. -fight. 1
GRANTON. -- ONTAL10 Ontario. The different 03oards of
Health will have their ttes'ts made . I HL:RONDALE .
there alai the farmer will have at On Friday last Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
. MY SILENT FRIENDS his •disposal experts for solving agrl, Ferguson. celebrated their silver wed -
cultural problems. ding when about sixty guests from
Much have I learned to prize. London. Hensall Exeter and Seaforth t r
The tender sympathies ` " e * « ' were present. A very sumptuous re- r!
Of the mute beaslt; Up to .the middle of October ,ill past was partaken of and the usual•
adore gentle to respond'. delegates to ithe coming General Con- toasts Ito host and hositeus were given y
U!o very ancent.fond. .ferenca of the Methdist Episcopal 'The evening was pleasantly spent is Before You Can R.e a.p,
r' lof love released,_ _ . Cha_ch bad been solected out ,of !the recitations. ,music and games. Dur- .k`
d -sever conscious touch ?'00 required. The fall Conferences: ing then day two children were christ You migv"r as well try to make
y whioh are just concluding, have filled erred. The son of Mr. and JMrs. Wm., farming pay without sowlgg
'Andmeans to them'so much. the delegations Of the 14 already Hyde was christened George Thomas seed as try to make a mercaan-
And every care. Harvey ,and the son of k1
dr. 1rhat shelters from the storm. Aorted only 0, have been members 1 r. and Mrs. the business pay without adver-
of previous General Conferences, C. W. (Christie, Charles Eli. Congrat- tieing
A tired line!! hungry form Evidently there has been n. ' gr. at ulations were iextanded to Mr. acid _
•. ,__. TbaA they who bear, slaughtering and man Mrs. Ferguson and the best avisb,'+a
g Y prominent 111 Your HgDliC Piper.
?fihe prestige of a God names of officials and' others -are mis- expressed for many mora years (of
s r sing from the list. The Conference happy wedded life.
i, Upon his brow a rod'. meets in Minneapolis Within (their hand polis the first of May,
_ Of cruelty and mighty.
If there is ought of Right,. - - -- Tire Times Will Give Free Libraries
(Get -it. command a' C h i 'l q. r e I3. % r y
A_surcease of'the wrong. FOR FLETCHER'S
That tbas on earth so long A - -• ® R i A To Every Country School.
Appressed the dumb. Ask not for daily bread. _ _ An exceptional offer made to the rural schools of Huron
With these unstalled unfedPehth acid .Middlesex Counties.
Nor Kingdom come. , JOHN CHINAMA'I`i
For only it is willed.t Poor John Chinaman;: The Times in making the announce- also as a 1);iblic library? Not open all
fThat life shall be fulfilled` Has a heap to bear+ anent thac it is prepared ito give away,a.• .Aute, but a place to which every
When life is, love Hasn't seemed -to gruff along bsohttely free of all cost a well s, I , a, ,payer should have access either
s To share its offerings. ",Since last he cart his bair _cted library to every rural school with ):i1;,i j;n his own children., or for
To all created things. Dosen't care for foot ball in ttveuty ,or more miles of Lxeber is chose who have Be sebool-going child-
T$y kindness prove ;Or, any modern gamct, Lr.l::g so with ,the belief that never ren the teacher could appoint an hour
Dr. George Reebe. lie. !starts his revolution in this part of Canada has eatb facet when books to -g it o . _
. COUNTRY 17IOADS IFor the heroes ranting fame: such a Iiberal offer been made by any changed.
I netcspaper or other organization, How to Get, a Library.
Poor John Chinaman Two Good Papers .To get such libraries costs money
The tprovincial Engineer of High- iTiesembles moor!'( or less This opportunity of placing in the bit ;hit Times and Canadian Farm
tevays Mr. W. A:'McLean, last week is- A -(Pack of fire crackers nan•jis of our rural readers literature .vi;t gyve two books from Canadian
nuedhis annual report on highway im- When he'g'out in -vaning dress thia: they, might otherwise not be able 1 arni s Library for every joint sub -
He will keep trying( ..an' eves.
irovement and it contains some inter- iTa !rule that land of ills. u oblgiven us by Canadian • scrlption -to the two papers at the
Farm a weekly agricultural journal attractive price• of $;1,75.. `!hese
,est%ng statements lair. McLean declar- Instead of coming out here; or the Dominion
published at Tor- books are not given as premiums to
es that during the' past itwnety years To -run the Iau nuiy biz, onto. Canadian Farm, 'through var- the subscribers but( to Ithe school in
the Roivnshi councils of the province Washington Star ,ous agencies has
p p g given away over whish ht: lives. So that inetnrtd of
of Ontario have spent no less than -,•. 500 libraries to rural schools in the getting only two books for himself
1$19.00Y;000 in cash on the Townbbip [)ast eighteen months. That Canad- and family .the subscriber gets the
id 'j ( [ ,l ,anFarm arm has selected the Times reading of 'all the books 'that
roads and in addition more rtham '22; '1r,°aE° L i 1U1(t j speaks for itself. Looking for tie the school library, and the morethat
4)00,000 days of statue labor, which best weekly paper in the counties "of subscribe in. one schoo, ,: t,• c.
, means that the Township !loads Huron Perth and Middlesex the pub- more each 'subseriber will a• t for h':
p iailSeS 1geS 1i7e Weale, lishers of Canadian Farm could see money. Getting books in 'this manner
,of the province have cost as over none that compared with the Times goes a long way towards building up
.$40.000,000 in twenty' years or an aver- and ®1SOIlS ,ile ' Il- as a pro ressive weekly. We might a
g g good library and saves that much
age of$ 12,000000 a year, ,,This would say that while we are glad to avail expenditure of Ithe people's : moms in
riot so bad if we ",had anything ILo tire System. ourselves of Canadian Farm's great taxes.
offer we did so not only because their Everybody. Should Help
show for it, but when A2x. McLean do ()reposition was an exceptional one, We 'trus (that every teacher, ttrus-
vlares that in spite of .,his 'expenti..{t- "No one can Lave suffered more but because it was the best agricul- tee and rate payer who in any way
. ure the roads to -day are Uttle bejEten than I did with stomach trouble," earn.l paper published in the English have the' interests; of 'their common
if any than twenty years ago it makes 'writes Phil. E. Pascalar, well known ang;)age. its at heart will either come 'to
at St. Andrews Corners! "My doctor Doing a Great. Work. th's office or write us ' and we will
one wonder what wet have ibelen doing told me my indigestion and sleepless- Again we considered that we would supply them with all information ne- 1
with (the money Last year However! ness were due to poisons In the (blood• )e going a great work in placing free cessary to,'help tthem secure one of
Certainly my condition was desperate,
!highway improvement act was passed and it seemed from the despondent libraries in the rural schools of•thris .brarL,r,, Wo mighO add that
Illy the provincial legislature and !"tit feelings .that swept over me that t' strict, Why should the towns and the books are shipped freight prepaid
its hoped that an area of good roads would lose my reason. I happened to cities have well equipped libraries, to your, nearest railroad station. A
p g read about Dr. I•iamiiton's Pills and ) , 1ho country sections have Iittle full lista of books appears in •another '
have dawned for the provinea, The bought live boxes from the drugglst. tar none: There is only one place in rolumn.
Government will now pay one, !third Such body -cleansing pills %neverused;' the country community around which We want ,to help the schools, We
,the cost of constructing the main they were mild and yet quite strong t,) interests centre, that is ,the school also want: more circulation so doe
enough to drive all the humors . out Tere aro held the political and cour- Canadian ' -
Faxen, Its a mthefi ben-
•oads the municipality providing the of the blood. My stomach gained '! `meetings; contexts and. other en- *• .to ,all, Who will be the t
firs to
etither two -'thirds The good roads strength rapidly with Dr. Iiarnilton's t"r' aliments. Why should it not act have ,a library,ff ,
.-sMovement means something for the Pills and I improved so much that In
eight weeks I could eat and digest all
0,harches and rural Ontario If itbe ordinary food. Depression anti wearl
!toads become really first class, ltho ness passed away and I am, thanks to v
Dr. Iiamilton's ills, ,enjoying robust THIS WEEKS MARKET TOPS
aoecessity for a church on, every good health."
adideroad will disappear; and a period Ivo remedy for biliousness, indiges- TORONTO MONTRIE L
of consolidatulon might well se't in tion, headache, sick stomach, or con-
4vith advantage to both preachers and stipation that compares with Drs )Elam- • Off Cars Off Cars Ted and Watered
Ilton s Pills; Refuse substitutes. ,Sold
people,, But good roads mean work In 866! boxes. All. dealers, or The Hogs 6,"5 $6,00 . 0.25
otnd money' and brains, and it is!, Ad(: Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont, L"1
ailways easy to combine the tbre in g cattle $6•x'0, $5.90 $9.00
fihe 'right propo.0ion, oily past ex- Dr. Hamiltons Pins L aMbS $61,40 $5,50
dierienms show this. Lot usr hopti the y, 25
siiett`twentty yettraivili'sete a vast im» t3 `I ORC?MTfi V[btVTRlA1 , 1tTE i6r YUF4e
)Govement in our Ontario roods,. ' 4I i'A T't" A IflP utter 270 7 C x.0,20
iii ( +
st'•-f7llrustian Guardian, C l j `,d`d`0 : " :l8G 75
_1.1. s
i. ' q .
t ,.
. 4,. 1. , ... 4.. ,. a 11 .. .. ,1111
JqQ gilded dome swell$ fl'o37!11
the lowly root to catch the,
morning or evening beam, but.
the love and. gratitude of united
Azaerica settle upon it In one
eternal sunshine. Frothr beneath
the .humble roof went forth the
intrepid and unselfish warrior,
the magistrate ,who )thew no
glory but lits country's good. To
that he returned happiest :when
itis work was done. There be
lived in noble simplicity;, there
he died in glory and peace. While
It stands the latest generations
of the grateful children of Amer-
ica wM make this pilgrimage to.
It as to a shrIne, and when it
shall fall, if fall it must, the
memory and the name of Wash-
ington shall shed an eternal gla
ry on the spot.-Rdward Everett,
"' r and
T14E .poor Indian "will tale e a roc;t for
a few, months while the Omall > 0'y
turns insurrecto,r '
When a woman tries to whistle 09
gods weep and the small boys laugli.
;f you could convince a small bo
blab it was his fate to grow U0.ono
marry tt schoolteacher he would w0
to catch the mumps and die.
Facts are timid things. When dation
gets busy they seek seeluslon.
Some people seem to talk about ad-
dvice in such a way that it serves as a
sort of advertisement to it.
Many a smart mnu has made a
startling discovery. It was simply a
smarter man.
Try not to get out with the man
who has it in for you.
Don' try to ndecvire he man who
Don't v u t
is vertain that the world can't run
withont hfcn. •Pbe world wi11 attend to
binl Iii due. tine.
Gond judgnirnl Is an excellent thing
to I v e, but it Is rather laird to come
ail i)gain,t.
Cuneu•Lenve tronbies few people as
xiiig as di,tnt•bhte things are. xveurely
)tit of 81pllt .
.1 good tits+ a b, alway.4 -good until
ruu try to put it .n %!otic.
,.I"rts t-eC: , Advice.
"71'00 had ubuul ,_r_"
"What i . it?" .
-Ile is always yrt:!bg Int) N, ,,, " -
-(,11. yea 11 ,'.i,„ by llkv"; 0, „%r
4i) to ilh o;r:1)t'a)•1'1'les."
"In \ !o1* 1. rt..,.. - .
"IL!iR latbi-r i.; n nwyer."
Where It Started.
`IiP r)ii8sh iia) -i daughter
s n.':nrd and liutwlity as could oe
i t ktmwn throughuut the water
A. , u,ltl:ili ar-sLUvi'acy.
Tr.o Ceauty, Doctor's Joy.
t'I'ne w.,!I It -11 '
'"1 V n t brit Y"
• A Wolilitii's agv, for one thing."
"Non ulways."
' \o. Sometimes she gets out an in-
Iun(>t!ou restrainlug him."
"All men are afraid of girls."
"Really, 91r. Bold?"
"Fact, Miss Dotty,"
"How splendid!"
"If we weren't afraid of every one
Df 'em we'd be engaged to eveW girl
the dance ,with.,,
"Drses'al ®i vine
Raised a ant Ale
i 9 sFro
the` Grave" --m-- Tagrior
TYX:M is a strong statement to
make, but it is ex ctly what Mrs,
Thomas Taylor, o Blum, texas,
said in expressing her opinion 'M
this remedy.
"Dr. Miles' Re4torative Nervine
misgd me from t'be grhvf and (have
utuch confidence l4 it. x can never
say enougliforyqurgfand medicinA
if anyone had oil`ere ine,$rOo.00 for
the seeond bottle of Nervine that I
heed I would have salol !no indeed."'
a Baum, tax.
Nervous exhaustion is a comr
mon occurence of modern life.
The wear and tear on the nervaus
system is greater now than at any
time since the world began. Vor
fleeplessness, poor appetite and that
`run dOVvn" feeling, nothing isso
good as
0 i3re. Miles' Nervine
Your nerves are your life and
lack of vital energy makesexisten'
a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine' v 9
tone up your nervous system. , e
Ask any drugglet. If the feratbottiblailt
to benefit) your montsy Is raturned.
MILES MgbldAIG CQ',, TorOtltef call.%
Notice to Creditors
In the •matlteg of the• WtOe of NWX
Triggerson, Insolvent.
Notice is hereby given that the same
named insolvent, Peter Triggerson, of
the Township of flay, carrying! on bas
iness as laborer of the? waid Towuship
of Hay, Chas made ,an )assignment of
his ,estate !to me for the ,general be -o*
ofit of ,his creditors under :19 Edward
VII; Chapter 64: .
The creditors are notified Ito irn,eldb
at It -he office, of Gladman & ataubilrq
Solicitors In the village of Hensall,
oar the seventeenth day of November;
MI. at Ten o'clock .ii (the forenoon
for the ,purpose of receiving -a sta;ta.
meat ofi the insolven s' affairs, ,fol• the
appointment of inspedtora alnd :rha,
givingi of directions with referenco to
the disposal of the ,es(talbe,
All Iper,sons claiming' to ,be entitled
to rank on .the edtatbet mush fila 'their
claims with my solioltors on my ,be'a
half on or before tho Thirtidtlh day of
November; (1031,, after which. date 1
will (proceed to distribute tide assets
tb'ereof, having regard to IthoseF claims
only of which I shall thc7q have re-
ceived (notice,
E..RANXTE, Ilensall, Assignee, ;pier
Gladman (& Stanbury, Soli,Ators for
Assignee.. t +
Dated alt Hensall 'this Seveu,th clay of
November A. D. 11911.
Clearing Auction Sale
of Timber and Horse
Mr. Q. Si, t'IIILLIP'S has received in
istruotion Ito sell by Public Auction
on LOT 1, CON. io, lUsSORNB, on.
at one o'clock charp the foilowangf val-
noble property via;
,That clesirabie uneulled Wn ber
growing on above lost, consisting lot
s'bft elm, 'hardwood, basswood etc.,
which' .will be Aold by the aere; and
which -is situated on corner Jot, 43 1-2
miles from Centralia station. Also 1
general purpose mare, 7 years oldsup;-
Posed to be in foal.
TERMS -d months credit on fur;
nishing ;approved joint notes four tiler
cent. per annum off for cash.' i'Pwo
years for removal of timber will be
allowed purchaser. Brush to be piled
Wm. Whiteford ,,= 93,S. Plillips
)prep, Auct.
House for Sale or Rent
(We havoc for quick'sald or to x1LInt a
vers idesirable residence in Exeter.
Well located, comfortable ble and rooms
Gadman'& tanbury.
Humor and -
If you would burry to success
Without the shadwi of a guess.
Your honeyed path serenely choose
A winter where the others lose'
And be the leader in the game
With honor, riches, power and fame
Here is the key and sevr•et straight:
When you are listed. for a task .
Don't forty thousand questions ask
And fool around tin hour or so
Before you strike a single Now.
Go at It as a busy ijee
Without anuther thing to sev
And, working early• worlcl"ng tette,
Concentra te.
Don't let your mind :;v on a r•htm-
Through all tate mysi.v reninta tit sr,4&,a
Go skipping eighth I,tv, gnu tn,-,t
And in and out cirld cel y a,u^•e
Except upon the wetlt t i inti
The problems that L, nu- m .-raft
To keep the rash anti r•ovoru stralrnt
The helter e,kritvr* r•,ttth, e:,:::n
Observes his lactate al) is +'amu
The man whose rrun,t :;; .,n•v: wl -• -n, -:a
Upon his task rutin„! p;o %vion,
Uniting brant anti soul nivi !w!ti,
He wins be=fore the of lu r ti .t art
He knows .the srr•re•t of ) w t,; ,•;r_t
Concentrate. - ^
She Didn't Understand.
"Do you understuud cueu. 111m
"Dear me, no."
"Are we all a mystery to yon?"
"Indeed, yes. You in inarticular a
t mystery to me."
"Really. That flatters me,"
"I knew it would."
The Conf!agra-
.'13'Iwtt i" the
way to set a1) •rat
it to barn linin•
ey ?..'
"The t[rst thf^s
neve.,sary Is tL:
..•Yew ,.
"And then. t..i
. "Yes."
"That is tit;
only It is rani r.
Lent and c'onant•t.
Ing to send a h,tr
ry up call tot iht
ambulance j tt
trS ,?,, before startlu;;."
Her Scornful Attitude,
"Isn't Jane clev0r?"
"Sbe has been pointing the fitigi of
:Orn at us.',
"It'or what?"
"To emphasize rhe fact that she 11,1,
new diamond ring on bor finger."
Right, 01TI
4. Right,
does a wouaau marry ihi
Tong man?" .
"I dolu't know. When he is poori'
"Not on your life."
,"Whet) be Is rich,"
For sale
li or, Sale at gao4 -200 agree .Stanley
ar'ec;ll,r I tulles from Clinton. soboo l-
rodls, n good Stine of ctaltfivat.104
190 acres in ,brain. L0. neres atlralfns.
12 acres blush. reit toy i4atd pas bocce,,.' .,
Stone house. ksro 1.wr y, slake hoof..
cement floor in cel la l•.I'lA1race cistera.
telephone. One bort ibs)u, Windtnin
!t'am'per. watertve••i• ,, otabling 40,
44414 loat'tle anti t, U,orses. J$ecQA4
taa % 1;6,1vi0,. flay 'barn 50x35, Crop
solei "tuG[>tili• farm if fdeisixed. Apply ito
Malcom$ MOI!, {Yen. 33ox 50. Clintdn. .
........................ -
.Notice to Creditors
En the matter of toe estate of
Robert l). 'Boy of 'the township of
Fullarton in the county of Pert'thr . r ,
Farmer. deceased , .
Notice is hereby, given pursuant to '
It. S. O., 1897, ohapter 129, that . `all
creditors and others having clalm>l
against the estate of the aai!ct`
Robert D. Boy who died on by '
about 'the 128rd day of October 199.
are required on or before the (tlth!
day of Nov. 11x311 to send( by pod!tl p,6 -r
paid or deliver 'to Messrs. IGlmdmanl'
& Stanbury of the villega of Baelter; -
Solici;tors for Rxeeutors of ithla
said deceased, their ohristian and su'i't
names, addresses and desoriptloA##
the full particulars of their olaima
the statement of their accounts altd"
the nature of the securities, if anyy,.
held by them. And further tape'
notice that after sunb last mentioned
date the said Executors will pror*:
teed to distribute the assets of the da4-
ceased among the parties 'entltled -
thereto having regard only to tliel..
claims of which they shall 'then have
notice. 'and that said Executors
will not be liable far !.Sand lasselu
or any part thereof to any perat4-
or persons of whose claim notice
shall not have been received by theme'
at the time of such distribution. ;
' Solicitors for Esecdtors. -
Dated ath ;Exeter this 19,th' dayl of 04
119111. r , ,
KeepP .P.
__ ======= .Li
For Promptness, Neatness and
Up to -Date Work We Take the
, ,
Lead for
't ,
°1• Sbortebt Possibie Notice. _ __v 'W'-
II+ _ _ ._—
,,e, Give Us a gall & Be Convinced -
II _ ',+ti
The Exeter Times.
Printing Co.
an as a,s
0"IelTra. ;: 1
Return Tickets at Single Faro
Daily until"NOV. 11th
to points in Temagami, points Matta- -
wn to Timiskaming.and Kipawa, Que.
inclusive, also to certain points in Que-
bec, New Bi iinsvpick, Nova Scotiaamd.
OCT. 19th to NOV. Ill
to Muskoka bakes, Penetang, Lane of
Bays, Midland, Maiganetawan River,
Lakefield, Madawaska to Parry Sound.
Argyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to HaAi-
burton. Points from Severn to North
Bay inclusive andcertain pointsreitch-
ed by Northern Navigation Co.
All tickets valid for return gates
Thursday December 14th, except tea
Points reached by steamer lines, Tnes
day.November 14th.
Full particulars from a1• ,tgraaad
rrunk Agent or address ,
D. P. A., Toronto-
I hays, been a subscriber of Canal
an Farm for two years and I aim-welfi rL
)leased with the kniper. I't deals L
vith farm subjects in ,t masterly bray C.
)nc feature of the- pape.r which , rods
vorthy of commendation is Ilhe green.
tumber of illustrations which appear
n every issue. -John 11, Scott,
I have) been a read,or of. thtd Canard- -
an Farm sinece the first issue and con% .1
ider It a valuable farm jounill cent- •
Lining many articles aha t aru helpful . `. -
O any farmer, The " comprehensive
market reports are especially valet-!
ble,-11 Smith.
A TOR 1 A 11
For Wants and Children. . 1.
Ie Kind You Have Always Baug 1.
Boars the
W ' •0"
'.. dignature of N "
,a.- . •a I ,. . r
. r
: , ,. .. , I'll,
.1 / ...'' I I
t I . . ...
. I
111. ...1. I 11f
11 { I .1