HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-9, Page 2111� 11 I I I . .1 1� I I ,� I � , � . I I I � I I � . I . I . I I I I . � I I , . � . . . . I I I .1 I . I I I � I I I � I I . . � I � , . . I I . . I . I I I I . I I I I � � ­ 0 ­ ""*AWAPP4"_""",. � Hil ! 144 � .11 04 M , ...- � ­­ - 77�_-_­ � ---1-11 I— vI­­­'­__.­-7,­ �-"7-,.,-,.�,�,-�171,�-�1-1--,-,�, , _� I � ., ��� , __ � -1.1.11 r­­­�_­ _­­­­­_­,:,"­'1T�. , ,- " ,­, , ­­­, _,"'. . - I— ....­­', - ...... . .. 111.11-1-1111 ..... .. __._,---1 ----.-r- 111­­­­,11�1111 -1- "I I 11-111 1- I ..... ..... 11 �_­ I --1 14_11.­,_�­ ­;'­ --1-11-1.1! ___,�,__ I's :. . ,..'; . ... .... I . I . I I I I I I . 1. I �.. . . . . . I .. . I I I I i . - --"""I . : � ,, . . � I I I . � .. . . I . I I . I � � I I . � 1 , . . I . I . . I � . . . . I - I . �' I I I . I I ' I I I . I � I I I I . . 1. I . . I I I � � . . . I Tfl'�Z' 4XETER %V11qE,-1 � . I I .. .. I ���.; � . � . . , No Vr I . I THURSDAY ,0=4 othi, 9"'"U."..A"" — _ � I -.1. III P" ri 1, __ - - I I I I - �. ­.- _.._1_1-__ � I- ­-..------ ­____ - . I . 11 ____ ­-�w';4-I, ". I I . . I . ­� ;,. __ -1 __ I - - � � , - I ;. I ill - 11 I I I I I - , .­­ 1, 1, 11, 11 . . I ­ --1 ;�;; �.1 -111 IP I . , 1 oRport ' 1, ' ,.___-­­ - � . � I � I I FRIBULES io _161U "at's dii-ty , . __R`*""""_ I . : . I . F FASIJION. I ., CO DON HAS SiG FIR"If' � . . . I I 11 Had palpitation,of the Read "' "' " . I __ — , , . .1 . 1. , - I : - , , , I . � I Separate. Walsts�. MAtQ 1131ritish 10.fficer In - I fi $ ' 1 % C1 nflagratiom Near . , SUCCESS I r I I � � , . h Skjoq , t1jor LOSS I n� 13 'a , ! � . 4 in, A,#. I Oritieft I on, , books , 13" 1 rk. . , jy� ANOMER RTP . 1-1 I low I � - ­­ - 11.1 I 11=- I ivisik"Oss and Choking $P01104, - tumn Otylvo. . .� Million Mark. . " 1� I � ; , � I "Ov. q --�ba a0tation 1,011do . I ­ I � 11 I . . - . I I I LPA&A, N In,: :es 11, i .. I �� I � The rogue of walsts; Ma.tc*lll,2,r the ." ':'�,c o , , i . . tAllans I )v. 4I- litillillilltill])Jlojglllll,lllllijllijlllilill)lllllllflltll�VI)IIIIi�iiii�.j � .... I I . �941nst alleged atro� argest � �� I 4 X Uea by I I business how hanghs+ Turasr Revolutj � --- : . I I suits, giviog the effect pf a three Piece in Trl�ojj, Nviliell has sprXIng lip in 4'estroyed 4 , I onla � I I ­ ­ I 1-1 "', I I � I I lien the heart begins to beat irreon I, fire,. thl, most 7 t;�,Itl'�, , I � I 11 � I � W I I. L'ostume, "'ntilives to t)e as trong � no to visit 1!04. 1 . Wit-hoUf & E3j,0.0,,, . , ., I . I I I 0 . Ule x5rIUS4 lWeSs and was tikon tip- I 11 . arly, palpitate and throb, beats fast for 2.4 ever, says, the Dry 00o , d0A Ill' & quarter 4,j )� eenta . , early I , ; 1, � 'I I I , CIS H no,- by a few members ot tho House of yesterday inorning. I I � I I I � . co ,ry , I � I I I it' 604n,ons, Since nnoieusoroa reports The total losses are $870,0W., vatli a % . � ; I I ,� . a time, then so slow. as to seem akno 0 A,t- Instead Of the plala Satin fouli. , L st to , r r,to,), it causes great anxiety ax;a alam. dutiOns Maur walsts ,are vlounted arrived here froin . Jungli$11 jj(,w,jtrL..)er total inslIT&TIce *1 $835,000, The losses I lmportan� $oaport ort -t Is lqow In -_ � - I I . 11 �� .. ... I - � lk'P'tien the heart doer, this many people are '11rer net or satin and trImilled with correspondents concorning rec­q ocII in deta'.1 w M- as follows : Hands, o+ 14,eI Rebels, nAd Beyond ­ I For- I � 0 gt.dm.�Xrelt. I ' , I ctirren *s in T 11)oli, r( A, , . . I -_ — ­_ I . "I I r 'r ---- I 1,', �t in a state of morbid fear of death, Of, ,r. -�ce' ed fresa the Burn I I I . ;v, I become weak, worn and miserable. . ­ inlPetU,q last nWif through a t,Aograia PUrdom . Rardware Co, bull -ding, � ift of the Qovernorfs ya. to, , rVo I , -I to a news ayency- from Herbert Xo \'alue MOM, insurance $15,iwa; loss Men Perfiect Order Prey -New I all- such sugerers Milburn's Heart n. $10.Wo. 'St,�, all , . I I tagu. 6'k value $6%0W, jusur- I Constitution a The Kind, Toil Have: . I . -aa.l &'4`erve Pills, will give prompt and . , I'. � a sl��cond lfeutonant of the Fifth ' i by the , . I .. r'nuatieut relief, I'll � � ­ )�,�. FusilieTS, Li"ut. Xontagu telegraphed anoe $14;0% lo.ss $20,000, I Rulers-,­V);,ht?ng Still Got, I on. - I � . - 11 from Soukelyollula, t)y way of Dohi,, J. R. 0hapman & Co., three storee, i % 14111-111.11111 ...... � ...................... - --- , Mrs. John, 1. Downey, Now Glasgow I value MUM insurance : Shanghai,, Nov, 4. -EX -S Bought . I 1. . I . ., I bal , on the fronlier of Tuui.%, as fol.. .eept for tho .. 11 , ity . . . WIS.; wiltes; - "Just a few lines to let . jQ_ $ $35,000i. loss I , I AM ,,, , � 1. I I T�)u know what your Milburn's Heart — .. lows: � . &UXU0. 5tock value $200,000 insur- loreign ColipesSwils Shanghai to -da WePreparaflonforAs- I - 7 I .0, I 1. � . I It "'I feet it my drity to send you the I an0e !�Mft,� loss $200,000, Is eatircl'Ap i�n tl�te hands. of the revo. I 1. : .. . I and Nerve Pills, have done for.me, I following telegram, and I beg you i T. F. Xtrigsmill & Go., three stores, lutiorii$* who. eaptu,red tile city late Ameting 0itToodandRegala- 11 ! . I i .... . . I ,tms troubled with weakness and palpl. I - I I " V-AlUe $40,000,4lisurance $3.5,000; los,j Yesterday. afternoon, There was Q"-6fl"h iliiaowelsa �,� , I tation of the heart, would have, severe . the name of Christianity to publish it prae" Beara tho 1' I.: .; choking spells, and could sear , cely lie ' . . thr;aughout U n9land. I am an B llglis'h $40,1000I, $took value $225,000, iiipur_ ticallY, n�� res��tance,onjy & few f ts I 9 � � . 4110 1 I.. I ancG $200,000; loss $25,000. 1 being,, N,ed, All the 01-11nese soldior,s 'Comm '' � I 11 �; �', . down at all. I tried many remedies, officer now voluntarily serving in th.41 Browsters, two stores, valu,*. t t),000, 1 havejoined the reb�els, &114 th . but got none to answer my case like your V Turldsh arrny here., . . a Police —4 Siguatm .. �11�SLIIW� ___ i . Aft,, 51111919ft I I I'S M%1wW1w 1� CA's i ORIA , 'I I I I . Pills. Q I �, "'As y9u, ,hnoNy...already abont the Insurance $35,000; loss $4UM mocis, i ancl. f�,xemejj apparently are sympath. s", * estion,Cheer I �_ I , I cau, recommend them highly to .j -� .1 Prom* ,- . ail haviuslie4rt oruerve troubles." 1. . . � - the Turks value �4000, Insurance $30,000- loss izijug. WiRk them for they tire wearing il IAY i . I -- 4n4 Ar6s -are offering the Italians;I $40,000. V14t,­ 40tes on their arms., I , U, � I Mara & Co., store valu, Atter ta'ig, Opmum,Morp * tior . � O If,", , Price 50 cents per box, or 8 boxes for I �� I.,, I I i I �iill only express my admiration - e $25,000, 1 31 a, ,over the arsenal the . I Vor sale at all dealers or will be , �� '� i ferocious resistance, which f I . I ,. 11-25. r .. ,�, '1' - for theirbravery and fortitude, which Insurance ,$15,000; loss $25 niw� 16tocir reael:s burned the Taotat's y, e NOT NAR C 0 TIC. , . . walli:4 direct on receipt of price by I I i value I am n its I � I . The T, Milbum Co.. Limited, Toronto, I i , .� . warm the heart of any English, ,$75,000, in.turan-ce �GO,000; loss j *be native ,city, --I..— � I man or of any true soldier $75,000. Trte Associated Press correspondent I I . Out. � - 1�11 . VII'l I'll wo,"', in .the Rooine� CorbtAt & Co., one store, yes.tar,�Jay afternoon covered the en. ZA-A;v-faVZ�-XM=PVr&W . r w4ld. - __ — I 11 " "Imagine my feelings when on en. $alue. $20,00a, insuran�e $20,000; losa tikle QqtlyIng section Of Shanghai� , P. - smi-I 1. - __ - --- -- '�:_=='� v �. GREAT CAT SCHEME., . I : -.Ak= % tering and driving the Italians out 20,000. Siock value '$40,000, insur- , bixt did not 41soover a single Instance .4z�exmw'. . t, I . ance $25.000, 1,,4� $40.000. of disorder, Rv I I \' ft- I 1,I erl 41 the native city . 110hicago - Man Has � of Arab houses which they had tort' poto �, I .1 a Glorious Get, %`)� R. J. you�i)- �'Co., two stores, val, i 'w ,2 MI. 1 ; . I I Rich -Quick Idea. ... it fied.and were holding, NN,e discovered I here the Tuotails yamon, was burn. I 0 i I 11 I I the bodies of sorne 120 women and ne $45,0W, i*,,Aiiranee $35,000; loss �5,1 00 to thO gNuud, oomplete order pie- ft%t�_Xa- .1 i . . Chioago, Nov. C -"Get rich quicV' .. children With their hands and feet 000 Stock value $125,000,. insuran.iie Tailed. Elvery courtesy is being shown 1rarm Seca I I i I � I � . lingford, fa. - I , bound. mutilated, pierced and torri. $100,000; lossestimated at $50,000. foroigners, . �/ &"-' - I j I . " Total valup of )-ulldings $240,000, , Tho soldiers, police and Aremen . f . Lre . I - ; -c;�e financier of the tried and true 61 � �, Later on at (the name of the town was e . A , . i , 1 %-,ids to wealth by thrift. and in- 11 ... I I lost in transmission) we , foi�nd it hisarane $180,0w,�! loss $190,000. . continuing on dtLty, The shops 'axe AperfectRepiedy forCongap- :,Use : duVry which have met with more or . . Mosque filled with bodies of women jtock,' value . i OP5,000, , insuranee closed, T,be natives are evincing al- It ach.11i,affildea, . l . I I I 1 55,000 s . loh,,Sow Stom .: less success when T,ursued by ,Tohn D .. and children, inutilafed 'almost be- ; los $68� C'00. . ; raost childish dolight over the fact Worim,Conyutsions,feverish- � I , -'Rockefeller, J. PI" Morgan and OF& . I yond recognition. I could not'coiinL Total -loss, $810,\',00. . . t that the now Govo� . � eis, are as the blundering activities I I , . rnj*nent has taken ness andLOSS OF SLEXP. Forber � I I ill them, but there must have been three The fire broke out at 3.57 a,m., and over the affall-s of the city. Tbeir I 1, I ,, Iof childre�-z ,compared with a, plan I or four hundred. was first noticed by Sergt, Macdonald PI asUrcl, however, "is not of a demon- T116sinile Signature of I submitted to P!-�tt-nastar CampbeU , I �t a ' "In. this European war are SuA and P. C_ Fowler. I ,1! , v e natur,�, . . � .. . I . . . yesterday. MANNISEE SIKIRT WAIST. crimes to be committed? Oamwt At 6 eclock all the six places were I W Ile the, action of the rebels was . . � . Th plan is n 11 thana to feed -othing More or less lace or embroidery In some bright England do something to sinp secil burned,out- Purdom Hardware Co., "POoted the movement was made, WXW,y0RH- Thirty Years tat$ to -cats, skin the, horrors? Inour civilization and times'J. H� Chapman & Co., Kingsinills, qPickly- About 4 o'clock: yesterday . � I L, -cats and feed f1la oats back to the colom Metallic laces'are also used You can hardly believe it but Browster an -d Rmme, Corbett & Co. Oternoon a slight disturbance occur. . 1 4,; -illocession, the only In this way. true, nevertheless. I mysell have see Shortly after t1le t'.1ne the firemen I rilts, in endle,, it - is I AML break being the deduction I a] ;red ill the no'hhorn antion of the ffm Of the ca�t Silk covered hairpins are a novelty got dontrol of the blaze. That theL city, and shork it, so I know." fire .�y afterward throughout 6— .. - skins, the Sale of whiell, is to supply and hare the advantage of not slip- I I`— , . ___ -was net more far-reaching in its des- the native city ji-otiees, we e posted I. I I - � - � The wriler.Loutli-ning ,his ping out ot the hair. , tination. is clue altogether to the.s an- r ov ' MACT COPY Up VrEAPOZe. the profit,-,. .- . , . I announcing that "the military g� . ., Plan said: "We will start a oat ranch, They are made Want Street Railway. did effoit.- of the firemen Pi the i ment of China" had taken over a N � in eight shades—gray, auburn, two and ed ,110 P&PU ga I L I t I Settin U00,000 cats. Each will have shades of brown golden and four Berlin.. Nov. 4.—It was learned yes- great pressure furnished by the new j hai. It warn lace . I � . I I I � twelve kittens a year. Cat skins are terday on good authority that a pri- water system. L disorder.. . . -1 � I- - .- Ir"x acro,own opuromv, r4n.w vanK riTy., J . I . I il worth 10 cents for white ones and 75 shades ��f brown. . . vate firm would appear before the Fire was first. seen issuing from Quickly following the demands for I I !, I IN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM I oil , I � cents for black. They will average The first autumn hats are sugar loaf City Council on Monday next with an Chapman's store, and,,In an instant, I the surrender of the arsenal came an. j � � . I . I .1. I I ;80 cents each. There, is 12jop%000 1 shape, with fancy feather trimmings, offer to. purchase the franchise of -10 it seemed, the building was a .... atte t td t the wires of the INT&n. ia . . --- I eat skins a year, a daily gross income crowns rather high and brims sharniv the Berlin and Waterloo Street Rail- of flames I I kGrEanghcaui Rail -ay -1-1, � . . - __ ___ , I I I 0� some $10�000. upturned, 'A ; Way now owned arid operated by the I Flames ,w,ere phooting clear across I ­ frustrated personally by A. W. U. � . : I I man can skin fifty cats for $2, Some of the pretty new waists of. , . and it will take 100 men to operate China silk have sailor collars city, offering 25 nor cent. of the gross. I - earnings for a li�ase of from five to the street when the firemen arrived. Fifteen streams wert, turned into the I Pope, general manager of the coin- p,n,,.Mr., Pope found anarmed revo- I ihe ranch, leavin made I � g 'Our Profit over 1, 49,000 a day. We will have to feed from a man's silk handkerchief. The the How? neck Is hollowed out from the twent5-fiye Y�28rs. It was learned -,'aat the Berlin and blaze in very quick order and the -I fight for the mastery commenced. In ; uti. ry inside the station, and dis. armed him, Then he telephoned :the � , cats. . middle, � "Start a rat ran h next door. Rats , cut to fit the throat of the Wearer. # c multiply four times It is In )3ridgeport Strect Railway Co. are I lapy,e�ly-� Ii�t In the offer. _., _qrested ....O_ - - _ . . _ � a. few minutes the fire got into Kings- � mill's,dry Zbods' store and in an in. British consul that the railway pro- perty was threatened, and the British "I as fast' as cats. rounded the back and cut in � I AVe will have, therefore, four rats a a. V In front. . dav for each c a _1-4 Tr- & rm_ I His Opinion. I "What ,do you tl�jnj� pf a wd,,,, credibly short time that place of bust- ness was in flames. . volunteers of Shanghai were called 6ut, and mounted guard over the sta� " � I- _;V , r , _.. �, . - �§ _; !, , _. � I .J��I' : �11,�, ,; �s . - -.�', I � r1W16 I Uaddy'sBedtime I , i � 1"% I &.- I The Greatest Man , I leed the rats? I J - W 0 Pain. mannish Shirt waist to "What do you'mean?" . .- � I F re Chief Aiken. remembered that tdIon and ouUying propertips. This The Japanese Admiral I � . One always In demand. The waist "Just what I say, In & basement of the Pardon: Hard. action has caused much comment, OL011 V Of Uttle Japan ! I "Simple, feed them on the eat bodies Illustrated .is finished with soft col- . VV I hit to your ware Co. at the renr Inn Oarta& because this section of the railway is Watching the Enemy � . j '11�1 � . -4 fourth of S. eat per rat -amply suf. ovinion?" I li I IlIoient. Thus, You see the business lar and CUITS and may be made with 441 think he is a sinful was Street was a lot of gun powder atid entirely outside the ,connection.,. I SUPPOSE Yoa 6ave,all been wondering whzLt kind of a story I am going, . 1. or without the applied yoke. tO Of Ma- oils stored, and he sent some of his The apparent breach of neutrality is will be self-supporting and automatio . terial.11 men down to bring the stuff -out. defended because the British bond. to tell you tonight," said daddy. � I 11 the way. The cats will eat the JUDIC CHOLLET. This was done and that i � I Vt in, the raiL "Tell us a true story torljght� daddy,lo Said Evelyn. e cats - way property. Th- revo utloifigties say I ts, and the rats will eat th This May U Indolent. danger go� over. Wurce of holders claim a prior ri "Tell us a� story about a little boy that grew up to be somebody fine,- ', 04tQ31109SA-L cut In sizes ,o :you -with me?" from 34 to 40 Inches bust measure. Send 'Jones has a 10L of trouble.)# . I we get the skins and wealth. Are Shortly after that the wind, which they were prepared to maintain or. ILdded Jack. . I . 10 cents to this oince, giving number, 7116, "About what?" bad been strong, died down.and the der, and while they intended. to seize .�__, ' , and it will be promptly forwarded to you "Keeping himself at; work,,, flames began to show signs of lessen. the railway they did not intend to- "rWeli, let me thInkI By the Ways You remember hearing about,the Japa- - TELEGRAr `10 BRIEFS. by mail. If In haste send an additional - , . I n intensity. . destroy it. Therefore the Britishcon-' tlese gentleman, Admiral Togo, who has been visiting in this country?r* two cent stamp for letter postage, which lnihl� walls, crashed down. and then Sul's action in -calling out the Brit., "Course we do. Togo liqked Russia When they had.* big war.,# � I . *9W'*Afrid Laurier -S elfttion im ! insures more prompt delivery. PERT PARAGRAPHS. the lirem-,IR had & momentarily a,j- ish volunteers is regarded by the reI, "Yes, he did. And every� one thought at the time that poor little Japan I . � ", ulaInges, has been protested. � _ vantage. Quick to seizo the opportun- volutionists as thefirst breach of neu, w0uld1l't have a chance and hat greq.,bL-_Ru&Wjj� coaUjust thrash it to , I : . t . . � Charles Lellis claims he saw Bill 13rains are certainly needful. bul ity, they nouied the big streams into - a and its effect may be, far- pigees. I I . .. , _ � .. I Miner, the noted desperado, ou a , the midst -of the blaze and their work ty ity I . ", I Cobalt - THE CHILDREN. ' mAL-e a few go a 00d began to tell, I realchi�g- Throughout the night 70 "Instead of that when the time came for them to start t � I train, between Toronto, and some people 9 armed Britishers stood guard over To he war, Admiral The U. E. Loyalist of Toronto� U Chat About Juvenile Wear. and th# 'vay- I I the -railway property, While on the 90, whohad the fleet of Warships At Port Arthur, near China, lickk the big action yesterday to obtain recognition Like. . other side of the -road an equal num, Russlan fleet In Just thirtY-seven minutes. The Russians bad bigger and better � - i . from the Dominion and British 'Gov. Even the Wee tots are imitating theit Be long suffering- It Lq spectacular TO T ber of uniformed Chinesepolice, Wear- ships, but you see the Japanese had Admiral Togo, who is one of the finest I �,, ernments. SISters In wearing empire lines -and and effective. Ing the -white badge, were drawn up sea fighters the world has ever seen. � . I Xlum QUOM, an Ottawa merchant, very quaint and fascinating they - Dominion Government Will Make War . and claiming the right on behalf of "I suppose you would like to know how . - are. I the Chinegb revoluti Togo learned to fight, Well, his has been elected tepresentative of Green Is the childreWs. color this Respiration when changed to aspira. Experiments. to maintain iGn-ary government family, InchAlng his father, his grandfather and his great-grandfather and ' I I �, � ORMAdiaU Chinatilen in the Imperial vear, and It is vetIy , smart in. I . liades Ubia vnil then by hard labor transinut, Montreal, No order. It is said that R*&Y back for hundred of years, h b I � 24TUaMefat of China. all s X. 4. -"The Canadian ad een flibIters. Ther'belohged to it got. . ack- . ed to perspiration has been - Irnown: eb, Government ill Ili all pr.ob one, and that the volunteers will soon di y I knew that wheni he grew up he would ber x I � . with a touch of bl I V ability the British guard is only a temporaxy. er family in which every bo I ly has forced . bring results. � take up -experiments with, aeroplanes be withdrawn into, the concession. Sol - 1�`li the Ohinese, throne a new Elxtremely stylish are the new leath. I dier. When little Helliachiro, Togo, . I. I demo- er belts with the big flat bows of thq - . as an aid in warfare-Auxing the coni. who was thb third boy of the family, &it 40 listit tion based on a limited I During th'e night there wo desul- was born, his mother took him out to the altar JIL the garde,, where ever�r � = It is hard�' ing year," said U-061. Maunsel, in � <o �tchy sond the to lose your reputagon-11 - t,o,y firing in the city, and two or Japanese family ' � . . supremacy of Par- command of iill " says its prayers and, laying the baby on the altar, prayed that . . K mett. . it is sufficiently undesirable, partments of the the engineering de. three persons were killed andseveral. he might become a good boy and a brave soldier. . L , The twelve -pounder gun which was . � - . - � Canadian militia wounded. I � � ;so her�ically defended at Lilliefon- ) , I . ma, Who is at* the Queen's Hotel I "Pete' The -revolutionists have opened the "As soon as he could toddle Togo began to learn soldierin 1..� . ! , kin, has been*presented to the -city I I ­ . � Yried inell hare troubles of their wa.wa will.hardly be suited for the warehouses and distributed rifles and was old enough he was sent to Bagiand to study fighting at a famous schooL �� I I . % 1, . I own. and occasionally- sojne that they �xperlments, as it is undulating, and, He spent three years there. Everyone liked thOToung Japanese lad. Hawn& ... , I i Ottawa, and will be placed on the I '' 11 � I I r doW.t own. in parts, stump�. i0volvers. It is estimated that over. .. , Hall I I know of I loca- two thousand volunteers were inal always poliie and obligring and his teachers we ' �, . Square. ad-' . re Pleased With the way : I '. tion so cod as'that of the level coun- .ill whieli , I towards the try be *een Montreal arid ,9tt!, 11%. aeing taken I , �d in th& Government forces tha� Ile Pegged into his books. He never would give Up the hardest lesion and ha 't - , i tia� 'shment . It Is hard for v man to forget a , I , , III i . of a municipal gas Z%bl � I faVOr-When he is the conferrer there Anne's." I went over to the revoluticnaTies, when [Lever minded if lessons were hard. Whelkhe went back to Japan he was 1 itnt In Regina. The city already 1 4 "I . I . I they took the city. The rebels will made an officer on one of the Japanese ships. . I i 1. lis water works, electric light and ... 11 I ot Lt. -Col. Maunsel and . Col. Fiset ahip machine guns and amninnition, I "In Japan's war with China he did br . I I et ra;Uway utilities. . I - � h'a'v*e- ju-st Teturned ' from Atlantic fxom here to Hahkow. I . live fightfug and served his country - , � I � : A ny man who would Jilt a girt City, where they ripresented the Gov. 'WeV, Then, when war between Japan and her great, strong.ellemy, Russia, . 9; �X4W , erday's nominations- Liberal- i . ., I . I do. ernment at the attempt made on Oct. ' China's -Magna Oharta. I onderson West Lambton- Peter 1 . I � Pekin, Nov. 4. -The draft of the seemed certain, the emperor said that TOO Inust be Made admiral or coi�j- � I , I . � serves to e-UJOY what he subsequently 29 to -start the Tip Of the V& i MoMille'E, North Ontario; R. R. Brett, I I � � � gets. niman tentative constitution proposed by the - mander of the Japanese fleet When the news came that he had fought with , dT1 11519sex. Conservatives- . , . k\. i .. dirIgible across the Atlantic, a little National Assembly ,contains the fol- ' the Russians and whipped them completely, Japail went Wild with Joy. Today, .. I - I F.- � '!P,pxgavel, JAX.P., Leeds; A. H. I .. `� ; I excursion which Walter Wellman,'B lowing clauses- next to the eiiiperor, Ile is the most beloved man I &afe. _' . I . I � . Some mett look eractly as if they chief engineer on the America hopes . It Japan, for every Japanes& I , -M.P.P., North Huron, . The Emperor shall reign forever. believes that Togots victory at port Ar. ___ I ? I bought on the doliar down and dollar to -complete In four days. Li- I thur saved their country from Rjjgqta,?1r � . ! A person. of the Tacl ng dynasty . - . I . . I a wovk plan. The Canadian military men were (the great pure dynasty, the same be- 1 , . . % . Short Weight Beets. I I . i , .. I " - � compelled to. return here without wit- Ing the name adopted by the ruling ! = mimIlill I I ji I - __. - - I I . . Chatham, Nov. 4.-E. P. Packer, ' � .1 he flight, as the weather was - - -----I- 11l , le ,mpero.r invinlable. : I .1 i A graft in need has saved many a nessin ' family) shall be F I ighmaster for the American Sugar . I I unsuitg,b , all be � 4w%k I V .. man from going to Work. 'fI - The powerof the Emperor all I . . fet Co., arrested at the ; . 1 � t would not be good business for 'Unifted by the constitution. ? I ­ , I I f instigation . � . . - . 041 1 1511110 Koffell and S. Thackery, Ra. . I I L Canada to be spending largely for ex- , e I I Succe"R 1'�4 a thing that doesn't have periments in air,navigation, whe t The order of succession to � the ' (F NE Rvo u o, REBIMITY igh farmers, for alleged fraud, in I . I �., I - n i ! I � . . . I I . throne shall be prescribed by -the con- GUR NEW METHoID TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of I . i9i"ing the weight of two wagon loads I to tell ,bow it came by the goods. can have the benefit of such expendi- gtituti,on Y� b blood p e, ,at A , N m ma the consti- u u�� "'n" eu �d � bee �ao ye � 0 urlIl' I 60 t' -_ - ' ­_� ' "I�" I . � It . tbat 'Magistrate Houston yesterday. "I ... . � .It lft't so hard to find what we like: who is Vaniman's backer,, and ha3 .1 te ' - t �h. __ ; I tkition shall belong to Parliament. I -_ � I s u` al Ue ' tiv 8 s � 9 � I . I .1 I ; . . . . '_ " _� h r 'o" .1 - � U ith- - c; m. tr.. . .of beets, was sent up for trial by tures as -that of Frank A. Leiterling, - � le ,b ' d e b .. 0 � u - Thaok,ery claims to have been de, put $250,0D0 into the Amerjea's suc- � �' il � igh , tj . � I f ft,R'ft is to Illie It after we have found Parliament shall elect and the Em- 1 Ir , s ,nil men . . fraudedk of 85() pounds of beets, and � I . � It. . cerisor," -said U. -Col. Maunsel. �. . ,�. � W S�7 6 ac " - in. b sy � - V h c V - i_l a � r e-- hir - m t � The power of amending . 0 . � ._ � t '� ,b � d . .np .r. . 7 � tb. m.i. k I P*r� It_ ss _1_,_. �i.t - to .. �Ay_,P._ I. 'I, p d � - _. 0". , _ _ - t - I r ___ _ tat I I . iii. _ I. __ � I. . "t.1 ,..t. ,b I _ .�jy. r.cIf. ni� ; ". .a. b 6 ...i I � I � *iL � . . I . . ..... t . . f.,:J.e D.. . qu�ae e I - peror shall appoint the Premier, who - u a t arr � �. "We will start th aexoplanes, ,wjll recommend rob You ot '. at . . . , . I J�offeIl of . d , e. e d , I .r 095 pounds. The farm4ar% I ,� � I - the other members � = a a r . Which DEP- 1`10 14AMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT � 1, - , -can. be had at short notice for 9$ the Cabinet, who shall also bb ap- : ,` 11; . . [scovered the discrepancy, they statp, e... < L Don't worry about taday. rt will soon $5,000. Men can be trained to run an f�lnted by the Emperor. The Imper- - - D . 11. , I .t first weighing their foads on the �.,Z . be gone and tomorrow Will be able to aeroplane in two months," � ,WOTH PARALYSES . ly 'scales. 11 . . - III— I. . blithely turn Into today and will burry lal princes will be ineligible to the I THREATENC . .. I, reter R Summers relato; his experletee. . ==_�-4__ - - , , . . - - . . 7�__ � " 11 t . - I Lee of Premier or as members of the "Iwastroubledwith 1,�ej,yo,,s I . I . . � 05 Ii, � �7 te tb . � . ., . _U_kp ,yes rda,r wl equal celejdty, I - I I Debility I . German Spy Sent to Prison. iaet sor j4ministrativ@ hogda of ­ ---j,y-U'H- LiVii; to Indiscrou.-ii .1, � , I ' 1. BAD BLOOD CAUSESI I SUFFERED TERRIBLE PAINS- . Exeter Eng .&_a� province, � , ama excesses in yopth. I bect,Lvv.�Cl I . � _ . . ." 11. . I Islov. 4. -Lieut. phill1j, dc'.'�oudent and utdiN care -1 " I 11 . p I . 91 SwIlItz o " i If the Premier when impeached by workod orpot. I hnagincil everybo��y ' . I I I , r � i'the 13th Hussats, sta. ' Par' 1. e 91-1wied my secret, ., '. . BOILS and PIMPLES. , OF INDIGESTION. I tioried at Frankfort-oa-the-Main, Ger. , Uarri?nt does not dissolve Parlia- I I 'Who 1003ced ar, in I . - W : � 01MMIS's brIGNTOOMW. �_ �, 1, I � Xma.-InaUvo cirea ,., P.1 . I - I ; 11� I , - - 1 1 ns at ulght -,%,er.ke-.%,.a ".,V.A_ , .,�"# I �� . Get, pure blood aud keep it pure by I I MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER pjLLS many, was convicted at the Devon- I Imperial decrees cannot be Assue& 0 . � =0-n"I back -WhCd, had pains in tb , � ' ' . �� � rilent lie must resign. 91A . V 1 1 same material at the back. j*11ey make back c my hLad, hands and leet were � I . . shirt Assizes yesterday on the charge . f , I L 1,-: I . t ; . CURED HER. to replace the law except in the event - cold, tLmd a t.h-.nzorn!nZ: �. , , , . 11 " reUlOving every trace of impure morbid I or ft:-pefilo, i-17*01'..'.. I � . almost any little Costume look right. ' % The Gernlan officer was i nn�,=s were F�ItL_ lrl,," ria- ' ,11 . Matter from the system. A . I . in - ,I,, c�,5 Irma, I,, . . � Burdock Blood Bitter$ has been Have you seen the new and quaintly � of a by the Lord Chief Xustiae, I . loosa, memory p,,=, pLe. s4_n-j­,.nes8 In � I .... . . . . . Mrs. WM. H, Uacl�wen, Mount sentepnycel of urgent necessity in which case they witb� I �L= Luz= sof W nua cio e�*,6,, -1 . I I , � on tile Tryon PZI, Writes: -"For more than a rotone, to twenty months, I - r told me I 318fCafi1dparaiysj3, ,I t00% d- . .� 4, . i , 1 lr.ids of I ­ � , �) 1� VUr 19-WOod even to th4 Year I'Suffered with all the tert ble pains imprisonment. r10d0`:-;Z r.nd t4d,r] r.ruly f�zt-chlss I , � ; I starket about thirty-five years, and pretty wooden dol Lord Alve ;may be issued in accordance " ea . I special conditions. I &:. ,. International fteaties shall not be I *_ .... ... . . Of the very best medicines procurable for. h (b It looks as if even dolls migttl of indigestion, and my life was one of the Lieut. Schultz was wreited at Ply. I concluded _ . I V-�:,-_,M-at�, TTOrG V-1 ( I. �'&­"! I );e�bfor th.rewe - . , the cure of boils and pimples. become heirlooms. , . I 11, I with the consent of Par- I m0*1"17, 1,11t 2T:'c-'VA Ji.tle benefft, I I. " . I , greatest misery. It did not seem to make mouth on Aug. 19 last . It was al. 1. I I , 11 I any difference whether I ate I liament. . SZ70RE T=PiTMENT N%,:Is itiducea to c.gjs..�,� im & I I _ pi,s. Ife a . pa�ft I In AMER TSrATMtNT_ . :1 . � - PIMPLES CU"D. Bashes are now Worn by eve, the or not, the leged by the proseoio�.n th H_�;-,ned3tj Qour�li I )Jad lost oil . lti�, A Wo or three PW XrTnOn TREAMMENT and % .% arbof, t at he was I In case the financial budget fails docturs. 'y,I'c,r.(1rowr1n:,�rn,_-i'i Conrienecd the IT, Miss 1. M. Wallace, Black's H tluftlest of girls, babies of Pains were always there, accompanied by especially commissioned b� the aer. ' to- receive the approval of Parliament, saved -v llf,. ',V!MiM­0vaM(1nbw,, hice znag,le�l coul.-Ifeel I I � I X -B,, Writes,- ­"About five years ago or four, and even tafants; Iii their first a severe bloating and belching of wiad. min I authorities'to o btain, may thenerv".. lwtzeurMInet)tallYandpbyi5lailly. Ib.... V..1th"' rgoingthrgugh I I imy la various lormation. as to how f precise In. I btho - ce Was entirely covered with -;hort dregses. dg�o7ernment not act upon the and coaLinuo to do so. . They are of I did not evon get relief at night, and AT the Mitigh u et thengio wauy patients It, PftnPles,, .1 tried everything people told .sizes and styles and look very cunning Sometimes hardly got a bit of sleep, in 'Governmen.t was supporting - of the previous year nor may CUM WJARANT96P'QR No RAY :1 � I I , : we about but found no relief. At 111y' misery I tried many remedies said in the dispute over Morocco. France I ifem,,4 of expenditurii not provided for I - . . I , 11 last I I un the front or back Of the wee childto to cure indigestion, but they did me not , �jelheo,buftet, be appended thereto. � 0�1 - - thought of B.B.B. and decided to try, a � I Attorlidy-Gelieral Isaacs In prose. G Ve We itent ancl i2urd VARIC0.4v V010, NERve)U9 brMLITY, 11,001) AND I f. .� rn UltINARV COMPLAINTS ffigg� ANV,8LA0i3 it DISEASES and all I)lseaseg . lingerie frock. one par'l od I . 2 A:.k bottle� After ini4liing two Ycfe of go . , , bottles I and I fully expected o,nfin ment shall not adopt ex- 60duliar to 1w.n. , � afficted it, this way. I . I . ,,, I I , I .1 . Vag entirely cared, and would advise The chemise nightgown IS a favorite I would always be t g the case contended that there traordinary financial measures out, CONSULTATION FREL SCOItS nt= If unabl to call ' to for a Question � � one ray brother came home on fn the pay of the German Govern. . � . . Any 126Y who wants a beautiful complex- with girls, The one in -the cut is At this time a cold be no doubt that Schultz was "side the btidget, Blankfar mom. T"'UneflL e wri I . . I !On to use 13.B.B." full and roomy, yet Is !Very simple to visit and urged me to try Milburnle - I I . i` BOXS CURSD. ) Laxa-Liver Pills, and got we a few vws. ment, Yardman Killed at Berlin. I - I . 'Make, rAeaning only the shoulder and I BY the time I had taken oije vial I began - I Berlin, Xov. 4, -George Dahmer, . . I . Um- VfISWOrth Mayne, Springfield, underarm 8eOtIn to sew up, The neck to improve, and could 'eat with some Sacrifice Hats For Men. . aged 59, 6 Yardman of the G.T.R,, D R,SoKEt4lNp��r'*'-,�,7,:))'Y&KENPIEDY _4- . I X.I., WAtf'3'­"Uy face and neck edge Is finished with heading. relish. 1, was greatly �- . I �Z , . 6ete covtted, wlih boils, and I tried all cheered, and con. I�haca, X.Y., Nov. 4. -To deprive � *its, Struck by the Toronto train heo' COr- Aichkgan Ave.`r',nd driswold St., Detroit, Mich 11 I L I Muds of remedies, but they did me to JUDIC (311OLLET. tinned taking the pigs until all trace$ of some of the menof the church of tho pesterddy and instantly killed I D A � :1 I , . ,1- 11 '900ct 101 wel-A to many, doctors, but they exq�se that they. do not attend divine V 1WHOTICE' All letters from Canada must be addressed �� , . thd trouble had disappearedo and I could . iner was Working alone cl. aning � . � ftfs MAY Manton pattern ig cut in size,, Once more eat 911 kiji&s of food without %witches atict the manner i e he , 1, I t041d ilOt cV.7e Me, I then tried Burdock cor girls or six, eight, ten and tw4lve the slightestiftcanvenienet, Imusafull services because they cannot see the n whidli Im to,our Canadian Correspondence Depart� 1'i, Blood 39ittem, and I must say it is a wotj � piet his detah is not kmwn. The see If you de.1ire to � � . I Y ru�fnfster because of the siz � . n*t"mm"1111111". ment in Windsor-, Ont. �; � Mrs of age. Sdnd 10 cents to this offlce, c0ftvindcd of their virtue as a fanilly ratIlis hats, 150 wow 0 of wo. . . us Personally call at our I-Tedical !j% I . � . . detful tetnedY for the cure of boils, to giving number, 7104, at)d it will be prompt I 1. Medicifteo I have 110 hesitation in reebm. en members of body, was hurled. to ,one side, the head A'cl Wrtuts in our Win , stitute in, Detroit as we see and treat . , 1� Burdock Blood Bitters is manufacture ly forwarded to You by rhall. If in hastit )l �, the being ,considerably -crushed ail,! th,j ,;-;, ds0t Offices 'Which are for Correspotidetice and men opal 0hurell of ,4,in First Methodist 13PISC Laborra d c! them .7 for Canadia Only by The T. Milbuttt Co,, Llfnite4 r#,bd - addittoWLI two cent stanip to$ th.'s oi Pg and hips broken. . n business only, A,idreaa all letters as follows; Toronto, 0At, 25 cefttq pot vial or 8 ty have agreed t,& ,remove their . I 11 $J�letter poatage, Which I,ftsurea moto pror* I 00 at all dealers . Vial.4 for hdts ii 0hurch. I � alimer is Survived by a wife "al D&S. nNN9DY &UNNEOV, Windsor, Ont. � I . I.."U14,4111111t � or mailed direct on . .;:� ... . .. f _ ". . _. Write r0r.0,ur private address, � I I � . I I I �01!1��ry_-_ ., I - - I , I- -.-.,---..,. , ­ . teceipt of price by Tte, T. lvgb= co" �, -1 -1 .1 I. -.1 _ 9LY"IUU&M � .... .. 1- ,_ - I � I . I 1-1.1 - . .. 1. . �_'Sr . I 11 � . .1 I Limited, Tortitto,'011t, I . I . . I - "MR - 11 ...1.1 �".. -1-1- I ­ .1. I I . I I. � . , : I . I 1. I ,.,.I I . ... � � . . I I I I I . . � 6 . . . , . . , I I I . I ; , ilk, . , I , .; . I . 1. 1. 0! . I I . � . -1 . . 0 1 1 1 . . I I . I I . . . I . � I . . * . I I � 11 . ,� �. . . . I I , I ., I . . I I , " : I I 1 I . L I ., . . 11 I I � "" I I . ­ I I . I 1. � I I I � I 1� I I I � . . . �% I. f I I . .1. I . : I - I . I I � I I � I - % I ) � I . , '.10 , 1, �, I" � . I / . I I I I I I L . �� .. ,I,,, I I ., 1. I i 1. 1, � I I I � I I I I . � � . '! . 1 I I � � .1 I I i I � , � I , . L I - . 'I- - _k � I _ . � �."::!­ '!'�K � I , I I I I � _ I .1 � . I � I 11-1 " lar I � - 1. , - I _--11 ___"' 1- ,� ­­�­ 1- I � � ­. . � ­ I— --- -1-A--. IJ A_ _ 1-��-,,�--4'.I"IL,�,L�',�,�,�,.Il�,�.�,�l. -.1.11"i-1:�. 1� .�-,,---".,;�.;�-�,,..,�,.,.��� .I...- �� �:� � ,, -.ad&