HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-22, Page 24• PAGEM—GOIWRICHSIGNALATAlle THESDAY,DECERIBEN22,1*1 Jamieson Ribey wins the 10 lb. turkey at Industrial League Curling If the final nig' ht of IndaniSid Chang for 11111 was pot to mode, it aliglage the tirk: On the last day dewing 1BY --troelosePereteme: CacteaSsaadtarkeYs. Twolastrockvictorierk Threetigupsets, Foarrnisnaddisee, Free Goldea, two Mom an/ ate, Sx krona cry*, Seven "keen a gloating, Wagletteamsa haying, Ithsesweepersa sleeping. Tenskipsamesiag, Elevenacesschashas, Twelve minates Lite classics Oda sang hasamessage tpiibit needs a tiny amount of ere Jamie9110 Miley Ind a taigariess- "They make the hew sad memorahie Wen male Fceestas lirok Wine atm. Be UM nasssmaaPaeresetarei coe earl* match bat last amsther, chased the ace DorsishentenlesGrss fiaorghort the ma* hat never categhtleandwhere he R was a hol night far all teem expected es he was three second pbee teams as awarded the Indiestrial Is* Rad= *lord the League's uymbeic Mist- Vikingsald IM3inthelsoms maspresent,a today.. colima. Jamieson pissed a Major Their contest with the role is me of Ore spats 01 AM&G G.Cs was ser- ape night he and the Carisingly one of the siglat's FeresterslimelardtheGOCI rnionatchem. The Boat !2-2 Whom *4 01 snood place some was certainly a shock withaZimn. In keeping with the spirit of the season, the Vikings to& on the appearance of another famous northern climb aims they allowed the Foresters as gjit of three hi the seventh end and the victory. ladles viedmakeLocal local 1113 was the victbre el the Mg' it's second upset. The gaily attired Lady Foresters masted the maim reps' chests:Mato the tune of Lady Forester stsip, Bernice Moore had a chance to play Soda trith hes last rock hot she deethed and ionlead node the ghat heard round the rink. Jack Kelough was rewarmed with his opponents' canidering thetaama ed the Dant fearsome, bat it is perhaps a selection ot the great ska of this year's GC Peter 'Ho Fir HV Berght was outstaadiag on the ice al night keg lel/chaps/ his skip since Peter i /opposed to sweep now and then. Goiters cowelaseit The Maitland GoNers pled up their steckiergs gifiCr int week's lose anti awarded the Victoria & Grey foursone a 103decision. TheV&G team were sisawn vely Chnishmas spirit by their opponents aod the tem that hems the al- etiarate niskname of Guy ad tis Harem were happy to get off the ice and tato a dfferevattypeofspirit the lady eAfers Imre inspired lysthestromplay of Kay Dineen and their secret weeper Edwina 'Legs' Ibissette. preferred just me min* as it wad. Del Almeido found he has what it takes to play vice - skip. Dom Teo Westrated the power *thud week Mule opposing /* George Sutton almost lammed the lesson of ewer -confidence The final ISS score con- vorieolly hides the fat that the Elemeotary Teadters fooght hock from a five -pont deficit to come witiM one rack of *tory in the last end. Who knows what would hare happened if their star ender Mary Lo Taylor bad competed instead et going elf to set married. Goodin* Meryl& Hoopital everpowers The Ali&G Hospital emergency unit over. powered the Huron Health Unit I-3 bit heir ascender. The steady work of Richard Camel and Elmer Taylor mowhalled into a onistided enstest that even the efforts of John lihslibure Orr maid not prevent. The avalandie came ha the sixth end With the game tied at thee after five complete end, the liospihd scored big in tire sixth, small and eighth to make the final score deceiving. SaleaOrneePlaYalkalle number in tie yearend free daub raffle held between The Champion BaleoCiffice really played Santa as they gave theircaatett to theSilto Salt team withort a fight. The Maniacs' night war not a complete disappoinment, however, as Laurie 'Magic Fingers' Paquette drew their The twelve minutes bet- ween draws proved tote the high point of the night for Kinn Wary Christmas and floppy New Year to MAWS everywhere. Starting the New Year with a little style costs less than you think... children smg. Happy Birthday to Jesus ME$V1LLE • • ‘: *WI no its 110412111E21 . „. I i* Smeswie *ailed Clads vas uell at- *mem 'Leah playedthe Moo and Cliorlatte Norms pbjed fire plans for the fleithors nude The chair saog k spa:With/hens. Jackie Hare somalimored tie ecooprege- aim Iteleheli told the doldreer a stars, goat the Ifiday we are odeinatiag thb Welt wile the call/rem ail sloe* Happy Itherday .ksors. Her- Ifetdiel spike am tfie Christmas story as told iatiegoopeleflathe Get net tithes es to Iona Make isi at her home frollihnesolle mak to Diestrataratheepeniagefhis n share ira Chaim, Waes Milk. Weal wish much ammo. A benefit dame ier being held far Jae Ritter ast hia fordiyatthenshoulGarne Clirtria Croton co Member OWL The Patter'S hone recenlyburned. Bash and Atria Beatles traveled to Atwood to vusilt s IS, Seel an his ittlir Birthday an Decanter Manche Erseressould rake to vette al the modem cif the News %.6.1 01 matte &gut Star a very army Christmas. I atso wish th thank everyone who has helped this past year ;Ewan& ar fettling me hamar cif Ems the area_ Also to those who ave raffes away,, where the area nal me how much they ertioy martng anr tocal papers_ Merry arristmastrveryone. EtartefueDeeverwould Nike to wink each axed enzyme who traveled with her in DM as her los bits„ aVery Happy Catania; and Intik fee nom trips this coming silidag as the Happy Travelms, Teadoeriolsfall Twat the teat:maag were the GM Teacher mite The Girl Teacher No2 team had to overcarne locie Jamieson Slimy who just dropped it for another gam of arrow Thilkneslantesonhad to wear the anifeem el the Champion Office Slyer Brooms- The teachers comtenedwithasurairinger of their own as JoanneLobto joined their class for the event*. Although there were moments whet this gime hadtheammorance 01 a Climistmas Wee patty sane fine wring tam also &splayed particularly by Maley Warr and Maim Page- Ecialeathe was the theme of the match betimes the GOCI Teacter thel OMR and the ElementaryTeadrer fourparre. Dan Eathortir leaned how to sweep as if he were two people. Rion was iift• 6110 the Ube 01b Maine Bertrand discovered Big each pessaarthrowstwo ands wile& Wessel 30 !? SELECTED RACK OF Dusgs, EVENING PAWS, JACKETS 6 CAMISOLES AUsrcK VELOUR Z.,11/ 110...411 44,;et,, •,,SCI::•0.. -4; ATHSVAL PORTS BLOUSES 8a(16$25 00 Safe Price Watch for other &store Special% hetweew Christmas and New Year HOUDAY SHOPPING HOURS: OPEN TILL 9' P.M. DECEMBER 21, 22 6 n CLOSED DW, 25 6 26 aiso, CLOSED IAN, 14. to slit t e clothes. closet PERCELISESCIFV1PRAPPEORKEOff moor CIFTCEITIRCATES AVAILABLE 36 Nor& Street Shoppers Scram Codexich Phone 524-8572 Christrous Exchanges will be handfed mg Saturday. January 2nd From die Iliaigesent & SOW si JAL CM Season's Gra 000 *0 0 0 00.0•00000 EOM 411, 00 0•00 0.0 00 HEY! LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS... *FRUIT BASKETS *CHEESE TRATS *FOOD BMWS *QUID HAM *MIXED HUTS *CHOCOIATES *MIME MIX ************************** 0 0 CHECK WEEWS0 FULL PAGE AD ENE Ift FAST WEEKS SIGNAILATAIII MilE AIL OM AV SPECIALS Tab Mu: Fa Effsa ANSA:. 1Ta *POOSETTIAS *CHRISTMAS am DRIED FRUIT 'ETC, ITC Wuhan yiu Safe &Slippy [Warp thrwika 19121 J.M CUTIF LIMITED RED .& WHITE F • • ) MASTER - GOOkrilleff A 0-aga. • *********000.00 0000000000• 0 0 0 04- HOLIDAYHOURS TIIL PAC C1,0/10 111C45,4160/21 0141.4 AUWL,140 PAC 1W1,- 244, SI mosso ow vows, OAT