HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-22, Page 21INSURANCE T the st tr SSIFIED 34 Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fident/rail part Help is as close as your tel BIRTHRIGHT - London ecolitect» 411-71227, -ttli/5 W41-Teda-11-Sts 35 Notice to creditors H.I. persons virog claims aigainst the Esta GEORGE ARCHIBALD WI LK IN,. Retired Thick Driver. Date off Vile Town Goderimin doe Ceentyff Huron. who died em or about the -2P.Sth day a May. aire rewired to UL doe 521M1111e with UZI particulars with the IIEJ- diersigamtli day of Sammy, 11962„ as after that date the A+.1/41t%ff the estate \WM berhgrainted. DATED at Godetrich, Ontario, this 41trn clay of December. II9E1 PRE:Ward EGE:NER, Bartrieters. etc IttentireaD Sheet, . Gatwick Ordatid- &inciters (for the JP:strata -49)-510 ALL persons having (dams against the Estate off JEAN SCANLON, Wielow„ Date off the Tomo toff Gerdericin, hhie County off Horan who died C1111 or about the Bah day off November. HMI. are tretignited to He the ,rtrne, with ffiril partrictollars with the oro- diassigred by t Tod day off sffainisnry„ as after than date the assett of the estate rechstribruted DATED et coal1ckriiefiu„ Ontario,. this 4th vity,./ off December% tan. PRESTardEGENER,. :33 Barristans,elfe.„. BentreadlSttireet,. Goderrich„ @Marin. Winters bur thew:410p, to sal In the P•Wate8 .W111.0011 BLNTSLEY„ Date of the Tel off Goatlike/I. in the Coorotryolf Ham. persons having chime; against the above estate alue umpired tto send flan gar - renters off soch claino th the toodersiggred on or before the lath day or Xammairy, 14i2.. after elbte the estaeS assets win Oistribated. loaning regard arty to claims that haw theindeengereiwed • Dated at Goderich„ Coterie this tat& day off December,. t. Norman B Barrister and Solliciteur„ P @i Boo 4;11!„ A 4C71 Soartor florae Esecuirin. --5t,52,11n 26. Annanurcentents„ notices HAYRIDES as sleigh rides Bur &maw �T4 % to- groups (tie (Our gate or vouCkte Daittoni.Eintaid.51RaToCia-ti'd 38 Atortinet scale 46_ In memoriam HOY la loving crianony of a lowing imetat,14, faaffr„ cratadfaUser at!ed great grandfather. Clarente (Capp Hoy. who gamed away Decanter a, mac Torn hevraissamentespenal'. Someone setapant, I naernary live forever. brad , deep within our hearts.. -Lovingly remerraberedby has wife. damelly, +es and great grartektioddiren —51s1 lit."NTER awing memory off our doer sun Vance Hunter whapassed away December 241., DNB „ from hiS Dad and &may bra qatett Body graveyard %here thegentle breezes Mow; Lasone weloverlsodear „ And het tea years ago. We &act needa special' day. To bring him teem minds„ For days are Ida mot think off &evens' harriffitla find --Ifilairtla and Murray Paw ter. --5Ers DIERNIIN vionil Me to thank inmy ffriends,, men L41:Innors and relatives for their cants, ifflowers„ treats andwL also phone col% ado* was a patient at Goeferich Hospital_ Special) thartths • • to Dirs.. Hollikingworth„ Rourke and Plloweers ard dud Saw !sw- amL-11 HARRISON Now that lf have returned hone would/Ike to take this. opportunity tea dunk will oruy many ft -nods ..o; relatives near and Ear fforeardisaml whiffle a potent tro Victoria Bfragoitall, Asodinin. Special thuds tta Bev_ r. Cracker, parialeimers, stima and •teacliers fsit_ George's Anglican Charch. Since/retest wishes tin all &sr de Holidny Season -Combo -531 • nitro; y et! the bute Aohnstorn wishes to aggress sincere thanks „ far thrall tinhorns, dimatieras and cards received daring doe recentloss cff aTmiXU9jtT and great graccohnother -Thanks tin Rew„ Anderson: ' Famerall Mime and the ladies off the Fest. Baptist Chum& diad thetas Mint. Dourly and the glad., off Maitland 114latmor Nuns- Biterre ffor heir &axing rare during tanothers sttaiy there..-Mfacrijorie and Ray Pardee. Elaine and IDion Caniptoeull and anniffies-51 111 --too! REAM f wadi espress toy siranare thanis to my relatives and firienra in the Gederfirto area ha- the many arts a kauditess at the tfrorw. off the less off a dew breither, Atm G Black The thou -all Ur:thanes. dimations and yards were an evaciallly appreciated II extend avery spend ti;..alis Mr Kan Ray off Part Stanley. to, Resided Broke an the members a Etaywu crow ll.egt*a_ unmade raw. tin Rev abbot Cream% and to Shies Amaral Smelt:at. their efffortS OM my befiraff -1Wargarett Cliaimitey 3g Andslle STOREY' AUCTIONS IPUIIIJC AUCTION nowninlop enswilor areanwerarivesit racailean anenrampar Paffiallionald* VAL mars ILUSIMIE MIONICTS anavalinuilara- benallars-eagalfaamal-alit. CHIATIUM 11 aim. W.&, Dsc. MM. 1111 flififrawra lentAlleanalloa*Canallanal ISIMEN- tank, CowNIINnif Ildlagrat, Warroweilinepoi CaL aormass Wow 413-5415 eNNIMMIEMIENIENIIIMMIIMMIX .14;19 Educational, 3 Edwzatiertall PUBLIC SPEAKING a corannurimicatatrs G mp Co* Cause Far small grains 51u IT mute Clergy!, Housewives Sans, Pante %mum I'Hg$ Saran arta Cattlige SWIM& aHflca ar Sadat Somme Grans tar Mese wits wait tLImuflDJtlWr carmituttratlarr sleds Yam dernewran ant wroreyou.wit neer anwesuarlipever011ni Hite truttillog vow aerseral trarter te4won yen diang tile Net/ Far tritrmartar• OhmirramTlaining Inn , TT *twat gwe Suiti. raiwilit Miran Nitffeitey IIESTS21C11111-7----VICAL. SCHOOL FEttgjetaroce com alui1aniJ5..,PraaP tfre nikorrap vtoirori brraJi5dracolk TXF/74:1 Mikristryi crif Eau:WI am €e votaftlirs %MAP carr rem* ypatf gratomme *PIP Weld:frog MEW, awl -Haw* ttir, mut diwitsitig% liteatit antitfittfrail Nis* uic 00.nag, cr.m c!c o rr dtrrriant4 Fon Further Infarnattlant Fruoriarotitit TOZNitrorrcurcilZFROit.efft* FTholdiphs. ONEIK-1121114:oarn err arsil3 iroverston! 11 Tv Weiforkid1Stroxeot FirtsirrEdimard rivison 47. Card of thanks POWELL We WARM like to extend ow deepest thanks and ap- preciation to ad our friends and relatives and neighbors for their sympathy and/gilts of kindness. Weaver/4 never have made itl through disi tratic time without doe sapport off all these mentioned above and our famdly We would also Mire to' thank Shies FI rseral Herne for their services arid Moe. Illay Godi Ness you alk Thank you -Bob and rentai and family. Gordon and Drone and ; TOO LATE TO , CLASSIFY ATITENTIOF,‘ Athfiriend and Area Residents - an ougnmarational meeting wall he held by the AsEtthe Federattinan off Jiggicafttisse forma comonittlieeto ",`Reep the iii; Waste Diisprad Reef" anal off .40n1iarieklTi Wednesday, December atk, pm. at Brookside IL,41T1te interested parties are invited to attend Pleasecome out. eoppo.st year lineal Federatinin-511„M . TO GIVE AWAy - Hone Hoonett Phone M -14-1481-a MR SAM - t",) V..41 lifthe„ coheir suede, maternity dress, sire, 111t-tE Call after 5 gam. 51E41 - MB ---5)-11-llz Nfr ir - 'Pao bedroom Mdse. plus worlishop, mew gamete, and water heater, afrin. Pim& Godieglieik MOM) perntentfltptes utEkties. References rewired. Phone Strafford 11-0/11-11345.-51.= 511U ll Doming memory off ony brother_ AM who passed away DeremberlEtto„ Il9164t. B think off you iro silence, Noun canseerneweept. sten inaars11 havethed. Whinothens are Yen neversaidgardbyettorme„ Forgoer/taps riti'Sjevat as ovea„ 11 never c odd loarwe said goodbye. To someone D sowela -Enmity • missed and annoys remembered by sister Effaine-511 411' • pl Hutton Tba family mina wprinsoisetwo Ilisp wail fit gy of woo allidar beam rola bamlbanie WI& an llinionse Sates/ vain, ow- paailag. Canare WI, badramma awl 3 yr.. hal& saw, amal 2 gc. bad* alanna, now, Medias mem, asana, &Nelms anal 2 pa- iota& alassek fun lainamandL, llama wwwits rasa •• _TS neselarniastinan. — Felon wow ilsaibla. Usenganfil leafiara awn Esiatte. 4110 AOIES (noway Wild n Wig paranno awls facesic =hi mamma Gssiaif ow, wwwwilw. . awn trimilimm limes apanstiam tram - taw anal tanakpanaaa„ banikawsna lasene. nanalgiven annippennall bagger. AU11011111l woad 3 landkaaan *maw anc a anis acne lant. flainia Pim maw slikaup same ma* Ca *ma pawl 3 laws. be- erikadlinal is saanikan” dimwit); - anal slaw lantaas 'NUL par yanom. InsueraNan_ IGINEESMOINO - * was are ffg/asaarn lila Afisnalinann Alma laanthy alma harrea. Tam ban= 1111 4111 and le la SD owe o werwiltewoW inilkikasp MUM& MD alma cans- aideranit. Wannes'itig. parrawsr- MEL MATIVERS Phone 37-321. Rep_ IL-14 likeittom Headi ilweste End_ Broker_ Ihigorainirmar Students elf St. Mary's Scheid staged Teas Ike Nrrgitt Before Cliadatarras fear the awl ° Chwisting cement IfiaBraday EWA. Pat Critunnelt was Santa and seeded a hit of stageelbreedeadarizgalkesss rehearsal. altitittryCatillfeedemp Gift plants not the best RAM plants niarre Christmas gifts bet they eau Itte conditierts of their new en- vironmentairentstalailee. -1111afestuinateliy„ most trafttiiseall eltsrfsernas Oft Ohs& clot 7717 .radre g frauseplanrv‘" says gob Fliernitig;Ortharieltlireatry watm and Feed bar- tticalltarist.. ower er, knowing the :.•1 tan • alt of these gtramtcs can beltp you select At- mstt vaillkIk—. Fiat 3 c eat home with plenty tiff IiJit an& hr.nniut • a flowering Weed azalka Reep hiastrag doreughant the ht• ivLseason_ "Andeas are the type of giant emit yen should mijiy,. the destroy,- says Reining_ -Ever the hest gardeners have glowing ti417:: plant: - The poinsettia wall general:kr East Niger than the .awalionl p I • • t.oi it is &ten proper al/terrible:an Mese plants prefer andetratelly- root term- 1 I • tapn1 1111111 =Ell 111 vfu -• t I Ili y perateares (05 ita) It &Pegs elc, arid !op- P-• t -41m arid sthisture. -Fear best resurat%, aurae the gentsettia. arta a cod mom when it is net beim used fix ellacconatihro the Einhig arese,,"" ssys mill 1 r 1 z.ariou at_ 'Otte of the most attracte Chretraas gtEtalds its the •c_p-krtyprn This OatIt ale prefers coot bright MD- dtiCalff, lilt takes greinhause gmwers 115 statatlis prodree a gauge cyFflartrent7 says Flaming_ "tat catty 5 minutes of cold air- on the way homeffrernthestrarewed reducedisattractiVeness.- Cyclamen shoat f kept me*, but not welt, at alilD Remove spent &mans tokeepthegilautflinan Far warriner fann. tooted PviZcinfac, frbraus-miatted Etegonta4 aud chrysaar thalamus are imeornmendedi. Meese rerpntre' goad hgtitt. moist sell and tern- ' cdff: E2i2 degrees Pelt p.:41 i • chel Wks Wm] was, tatting as to, Goaliarich te see Sera Claus 11 was four and Etairlie11 was two. Are both IrealEg- warted to see Santa 11 talked ME the tithe about thin in the car EbacheE lust sat and listened She &fret Anew we were gn•-• to see Santa. When we gal there morn had to, dir sone shopping Then we I P IL! waftiadd into Me Net_ Vite boa yam or to• Santa aism. Whirs,11 was Milling tb Santa Redid stared at Edna. riTami Wok a picture W both got off Santer Nave ant said goodbye Then nacheE' started talkina ow e way home!' Sarah Brophy Age*. Gradet UllIE STAFF AT REAL AND Peace tin year. fireaelt an if lif17) VI/Ur Phis greaffesit alfalIll we vseiski far you dpis FroPay season_ INC -Maine sure the gait is wrapped seem -ay Before Feaving the ‘torre.says Fleshing_ --Warnabecaramd pick the pliant ,r) ths shop dioorffpossiW se sure to, id 10- giant care instructora with Al gift pEantM I :701:11.iit SIGNALBTAR, TUMMY, DECEMBIP3122, nili-PAG1321 Aub concert well attended Kot2 Ilaited Church San- daySchool MOM wasfinedto ea paeity hat Saturday even big for the, annual Sday *hod went Mr. frichard Hawley was the chairman for the program which begat by dogleg the cards, "Joy to the World" and "0 Ude Town of Bethlehem", with Mrs Barry Malian as pianist, Mr, Hawley wanes - ed potxls, their parents and friends arid Masked die smeridentlest, Mrs Ross itodrews and teachers f preparing the concert The primary elan with teachers, Mrs, Gerald Melkwelt, Kir arid Patti, presented a pa '1 "The Scene from the Animals' Point of View' Those taking part were Chris Mar- eld, Ian Andrews Kerry Bakker„ Bryan Grow Chris- ty Brieker„ Donna L Armstrong, Susan Andrew' Lowin„ Tykr Craig, Amy - 'whey, Janice Wastr, ILF, Lawrence), Cathy 0,11, Jodi Wager, Alison Chanutey„ Rose Marie Young, Shawn Rutledge and Schreider. The marsary class with lEss Debbie the teacher, sag action sew. The pawls are Ben - jamb Carat& Sfichaell Lisra„ Rannsay„ Shaman P':= and Jason Etuthedlig„ The kindergarten class he teachers, Mira and Pula Id; Vag action song§ alko 'The qittle pupas are Karen Shelley Debi% Sea Mbar, Apra Greet, Chamney,, Saw Ferry, lizard ekark, Peter Crafg„ Marc AK nOtio , 1! .114 '11looli 1 JO al a1t5;111::.lul1 UIwI Leonard cottool411-11tit 1 eillt tit t 181 el ul .1 LI Vyr,,.. fit et Marqy Lawnta; Kurt Kar- at r z..111,1t and •EFOrladia2 adins: 414ir.„.Thorne's "Christmas" 'FEZ pYt tI i» the primary farrier *IS with the& teacher, Wyss Aeries Beth gawky played Iffir_ Marne atoll others be) die . pray were 10.•zura Grosa, foam C-,terrrergharn„ will Armstrong, Lana LaWrence, Karen Plunkett, Shantrorr SEdfianand Ilte primary toays" Class with their teachers„ Michael) Andrews and Keil at Fiallam,, presented a skit, ''Santarss fretirreinentr„ Those tarff part were Dean Nitta tA,• Jeff Nesbit, Michael Mikan, Jamie Dnrnin, Kevin Webster andfituart Bakke. Lana, Leslie and Marty Lasmmee sang s trio, "Fs Getting Natio f or Christmas" and "Thirty - Two Feet Over the , accompanied on thepiano by their modser, Mrs Fred Lawrene- A piano ehaet ims played by Mrs GOrdas Goss and Jr daughtr, AnitaGross The yang teen dags with their teschar, Mrs. Alfas Webster, piresented a skik, "Freddies Christmas" - These" • Parts sem Ind BMA, AsM:a Slam Kemly *Ma" Bob MilEan, Angda ' ard kee * go tg, Anrunupetcsolo was -rl by Angela 4 d "fife Beens with Jess", was the oily presented by the senior pupas with theft teachers„ Mrs- Peter Verheek and gess Nancy The players were Sandra DestaiA, Sharon Ramsay, Dwight Cldwell, Sterna Makin, Brian Rana - Jaffe Glenn and Glynis Made Young. Two nambers were Lotri„ Steven and Regua accompanied Eno their =eery Mrs, Barry g.loulowegi'g s 17.0011ing Male and "From theMangeirto Santa Claw annicoad gum oat t/W presentS the tree all the and as they left, hags of an dyweregfventeatcheihM 1117 0,4U 11•,•) •-; tit ::..t;t at I ter:I:, t. ACR» - near LoodeSbono - extelent B10401110 - farrow to - faun' - own he sefd - try as afar, RETD•VCED -Ow. Net. 4,, Weft btagnew„ like antic earpset,, owner will Grartee at very reaserahte rate- - AMES-new Aaftwen, worfraBre, iessiatofti itsg geed fieuse;, twat stream, rzortgage ea he aesensert, owner very aosf000 to sell, try =Wm VA MEM - task crop War war Brucenetel„ uts very geed Mare,' sew/ dk(r‘ve sbedingronedpooll mu) ACME -eadr, env tand era from. %Ls. tan AMES - mew Botarefteld„ sobeildbigs. COMINERMALPIMPINST - StanleySL,. storey, 2 in ft en property„ alka extra haEldng too all, tit„ inanated„ ideal for eau- raereialkertenote, Oaf SEASON'S GREETINGS XWaso et Cnalairy211, Ala Ilkaaley hat.. apiNalf ran ClawiagAlladt. finsalomenalfilior SamostAt. Moo ow modal Thanikrgain. fo ewe mow Mow - MA UklICE GAR REAL. ESTATE LIMITED 34 ST.A141117 STREET GOIDERICH 524-24 "CALL ,US -70 WELCOME YOU HOME" The marragerr and stases QfNteCiurice Gardiner Fi-eal Esrcrre Lt ail our ft-ten-cisv, Gadertch ova surrauncim areas cr .ae-f-o, very. Keerry. Clir.sttrotts arvd- a '"t'cLOP1ol., •FtrCiSperouS New Year vscuild I.ik ra a our personal thank you it the many preoale volla used cur Weal' Estate serykkes in- TT cued ex, rend a cordial' welcome t'ir everycare aril fur your real estate requirerwevrts ire PRE12, *ISAIIIIICE GA DINER *MIR BETT *KAMM itocCUSPEY *Mlicc Pinif 4 CUMMINGs _A•r••,...-......._\_AL.....111•ALL.L_ A