HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-22, Page 17Chess Club' Doug Brindley edged into second place in level 1 last week with two more vic- tories. Dave Weary manag- ed to increase the distance between his position and Doug's position by way of another win. Kirk Lyndon also had two won games which advanced him to the second spot in level , 2. Brian Miller and Richard Dingman!' played a good match to a draw, This same outcome was at- tained in a game between Bob Fitz -James and Brian Brinelley. Brian Brindley also helped to improve his win -loss average with one win. LEVEL 1 WINS Dave Weary Doug Brindley Bob Dick Dennis Little LEVEL; Louis Stadelmann Kirk Lyndon Bob Fitz -James Jim Kingsley LEVEL: Barry Page Phil Abbott George Barwick Brian Brindley LEVEL 4 Pierre Chagnon Mile Cox Scott Brindley Don Etue HONORARY MEMBERS Brian Miller John George Larry Gower Walter Gottschalk Ant/Calder Bill Barlow Richard Dingmaim Phil Walton Bruce Thomson MOM' IMPROVED PLAYERS Bob Dick Kirk Lyndon Bob Fitz -James LarryGower Solution to last week's pro- blem: L H -N3 eh PXR 2. BX P ch 3. RPXP ch 4. R -R8 mate. This week's problem: White to Move and Mate in three moves. ' GQIWRICIISIGNALSTAX =MAX DECInfiyqt p;,‘ sta-pAogill Noba. woo Walt 4.4 • 7,.% 0, if LOSSES DRAWS PCI'. 11 1 1 .884 21 5 0 .809 10 2 1 .807 15 4 1 175 9 3 0 .750 8 4 0 .666 9 5 1 .633 7 5 0 .583 7 7 0 .500 6 7 0 .461 4 8 0 .333 8 17 1 .327 4 10 0 .286 4 11. 0 .267 3 24 1 .125 0 20 1 .024 4 0 1 .900 7 2 1 .750 6 4 0 .600 5 5 0 .500 3 3 0 .500 2 2 0 .500 0 0 1 .500 1 2 0 .333 0 3 0 .000 INCREASE .153 .089 .033 .006 Goderich Bridge club game results On Tuesday, December 15, the Goderich Bridge Club enjoyed a Mitchell gain with seven tables in play arid the average score. (50 per cent) being 84. • Mary Donnelly and Eleanor Erskine were first • North South with 105%. Tied for second with 93 were the teams of Cathy McDonald and Pat Stringer, and Evelyn Galbraith and Davma Sproule. • East West was led by Joanne Duckworth and Lee Ryan with overall high score of 114%; second,. Auleen Curry and Jean Papernick .with 107, and third, Barb Howe and Marian Lane with 1133';42. Regular games are planned for December 29 and January 5. The Goderich Garb & Gear Novices bested St. Marys on the net while his delencemen cheek a St. Marys forward. Saturday said tied them 3-3. Goalie Mark Khdhan watches (Photo by DaveSykes) Novices have tough weekend The Goderich Garb& Gem No -vices played three league games in three days last weekend. On Friday evening they went to Parkhill and lost 1-0, on Saturday they hosted St. Marys tied 3-3, and Sunday they travelled to Exeter and lost 2 After a two-hour bus ride, the team played ex- ceptionally well in Parkhill. Defence was the name of the game as the only goal wasn't scored until thethird petiod. St Platys salvaged a 3-3 tie in the final minute of play hereSaturdary. After St. Marys opened the scoring in the first, Goderich's Mark Armstrong scored a goal in the first from Aaron Duckworth and an unassisted goal in the second to give the Novices the lead. St. Marys tied it up in the second then Duck- worth scored in the third on a play set up by Corey Adams. Mark Malan played in net. The locals didn't have much left to give Exeter on Sunday, their third game in three days. Mark Armstong opened the scoring in the firstperiod on an unassisted play, then Exeter scored three times to take the 3-1 lead. Armstrong scored a gain in the third on a play set up by Mark Russell. Excellent Midget •St. Marys game BY TD standnigs. The locals were the end of the second period from Jeff Sargent at 617 of The Goderich Midgets split right in Monday's game, and got one in the third the first period. Mark a pair of Shamrock Hockey trailing only 4-2 with less before John Thompson Crawford's second period League games last week, than three minutes left in the scored the second Goderich goal, assisted by David losing 8-2 to !Merton Monday gante, but Merton scored goal on passes from Scott GaIlow and Phil Wood gave and edging St Marys 2-1 four quick goals to put the Stoll and Peter Stahl. Goderich a2.0 lead. here Saturday. The results of gameOn ice, these games give coach The Goderich team's Saturday's game in St. St. Marys cut the margin Larry Jeffrey's squad a letdown in the third period Marys produced some of the in half midway through the record of six wins, two losses was probably partly the best hockey the Midgets third period but was unable and two ties in 10 league result of having played the have playedthisseason. to get the equalizer, despite games. previous afternoon and being Randy Gaynor had a pulling their goalie in the last shortof players. strong game in goal for minute. Both of the Goderich Phil Wood scored the Goderich as did Brad Lucas Next action for the Midget losses have bees to opening gent of the game, in the St. Marys net. Midgets is Saturday, Merton even though the assisted by Peter Stahl and Daryl Madge got the first January 2 when they en- liderton team ranks only in Paul McCartney, but Goderich goal, converting a tertain Parkhill in an 8 p.m. the middle of the league lidert.on scored three before pass out from the corner start. Lions have scoring parade in Ilderton The Coderieh Lions Pee Wees had a successful week last week in winning two and tieing one. It brings the Lionsrecord to nine wins, three fosses an d one tie. In Merton last Tuesday, the Lions went on a scaring parade 12-1. The scoring went as follows:; Scott Garrow four goals and four assists, Bill ?relish three goals and four assists, Dave Brown two goals and one assist, Byron Bowman one goals and two assists, with goal and three assists, Tod single tallies going to Mark Nurse one goal and one Cauchi, Bill Trebish and assist, Shawn Larder one Byron Bowman. Single goal, Mark Cauchi two assists went to Bowman, assists, Rod Nurse one Mark Burbine, Ryan Kelly, • assist, Brian Chambers one Brian Chambers and Rod assist, • Nurse. At home last Saturday In Lucan on Sunday, the against the undefeated St- Lions got a hat trick from Marys, the Lions scored with Scott Gar row and good 1:35 remaining to gain a 6-6 goaltending from Tom tie in a thriller. Scott Garrow Durnin as the locals edged led the offence wfth three Lucas 3-1. Bill Trebish had 1 two assists, Mark Burbine . and Rod Nurse had single assists to round out the searing. The Lions will now take a well-deserved break for the Christmas holidays and then will swing back into play again on Januar* 1 in Silver Stick against Petrone. The coaches of the Lionswish the players and parents a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Chrism real* We send you a treasury of old fashioned holiday greetings and sincere Please... BEAR WITH US! ...till the end of January o a C0 * d 0 • • Cf EFFECTIVE MONDAY, DEC. 21 Duo to extensive renovations normal access to our *Front Office *Editorial *Advertising Dept. WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE! Therefore our usual front door will be closed to the Public. •TEMPORARY ACCESS: Please use our NEW DOOR....just a few feet further South, also facing Highway 21. Whore normal business twill be conducted. GORDON AND StIllittr STEEP VIVIAN SPEPiCE NEIL WAMMES Mose use our Temporary Access for: asssirreds, Accounts Payable, Or -caution, Wedcretg or Claris' toes Card Orders, Editorial .id Advertising, etc. Or...phone 5244331 and make it nosy on yourriNdfl the derich- I NAL -STAR A Goderich Novice skates whit a St. Marys player behlad Bout darks die Novices' 3-3 tie with St. Marys on Saturday here. ((Photo by Dave Sykes) GODERICH RECREATION DEPARTMENT • WINTER PROGRAMS '82' REGISTRATION FOR ALL PROGRAMS - JANUARY 4411112 FOR MORE INFORMATION . INQUIRE AT THE RECREATION • OFFICE 166 McDONALD ST. (524-2124 -11114434 DAILY) BALLET AND TAP DANCING For ddldren Interested In Inarsing ballet & tap donde". This Fragrant is open to children between the ages of S & 10 years. 10-1 hr. missions on MONDAYS. 5-7 yews - 540 p.m. 0-10 years- MO p.m. Siert= January 4, 1102. Robertson School Fee: 'UM BALLROOM DANCING Join us every Meadow .ronine and lawn the Wefts. Tango, Fox Trot phis offsets under the soldsoneo of ate ex- perienced instructor. II -1% M. sessions am MONDAYS. Stereo Jen. MIND et SON p.m. Goderidi Arena (Auditorium) Few 415.40 per couple CALLIGRAPHY VINEGRINNER) Students will be teseht busk Italic Nenlistriting.the course will provide •deconaten artistic looking lefts style for spechil occasions. S-3 hr., sessions on MONDAYS. 57011E10n. 11, lea at 7' p.m. Victor !a Pollak School (south wit.) Few WAD (supplies entre at '1$.40) CALLIGRAPHY' (GOTHIC & UNCIAL) Th• course is for the student who wants to linprove their calliereptry skills. 5-3 hr. sessions on MONDAYS - Shirts: Alewife 1, 1782 at 7:00 p. Victoria Public School (south ent.) Fee.: '35.10 CRAFTS Make. your own crafts and see as gif- ts or keep them for youraeff. Macrame,, weaving. pine cone crafts and various natural etateriek will be used. 0-l'A, lor. se0*0111 on TUESDAYS - Steil= January 12,1702 at TM pan. Ronald Ferman Memorial Gran- dstand (Community Room) Fee: *15.410 (supplies extra - approx. "LSO pow MAs) DANCEFIT Girls, keep in shape during the win- ter and have sows fun at tits same *heel Gasses are one hour, mks, meek for 10 weeks., Choose from Mon. & Wed. - 7110.410 p.m. - St. fAory's School Tues. & Thurs. - 21e-310 p.m. Aroma Auditorium Tues. & Thurs. - 110440 pan. Arena Auditorium Toes. & Thurs. 11:13-0:15 p.m. Aron. Auditorium Start= Week Of January 11. 1102.. Fee: '10.40 MALLET, JAZZ 1 TAP DAN- • ONG (ADULT) Open to adults Interested ht Ater - nine beffet, Nazar top dendnie. 10.11w. sseelons on MONDAYS. ttertm Jernory 4, 1102 et11:311 pan. Robertson School Few '25.40 . KINDER GYM & CRAFTS An active pre-schoof Prollroof for • children &S. yeses. Too child can develop his sods/,, phystan creative abilltiee. 1-141.. eseelons on SA111111DAYS. Steno Jen. 15,1101 at WM a.m. 'Victoria Fmk* School (south rnevitLile GYMNASTICS adidoners 02I1� propene for bays end skis, 5-12 years of egi P. The program flertuves graded instruction in frombling mimeo biers, balance berm and boa home. hr. o.,o,, WIEDINSDAYS, 4.10 - 510. 5.4 veer olds Sae - 9612 year olds Few '15.10.t Victoria School (south eat.) BADMINTON CLUB Recreational An opportunity to play bedminion mach wreak with players of verious leirels. histruction will not be provided. Equiemeat nigehred. THURSDAYS - January 14t1,-M.y 27., NHL - Me pan. - 1140 pan. hUni.Community Centre 375 Candwidge Street Few 10.00 MAJORETTES This program continues *roughen, the *drool year end will be excepting new students to finish off this season at reduced rates. The girls involved will ham the opportunity to par - tides*, in woof owls pseudo& 11/4 hrsessions on MONDAYS Sterne January 11. 1482 et GM pet. Victoria Awhile School (muffs Few '15.40 par child "23.011/2 In one formiki Awe Girls must be 4 years and up es lemsory 1. 11182. "Stadents eirseroly registered phrase nate change of day.* Winter Special Events 4 GREAT SHOWS FOR CHILDREN - vicrosi* sannne. 211. SHIMMY, Feb. 14 Ato & &oaf fo - singing dallikers's performers - "Songs that please kids 01 011 egas." Sunday, Mar. 14 Erewhon Theatre - "Charlotte's Web" - • humorous collection of enooks, with musk, mime, dialogue. and of course Choorlotte's incretlible web ere used to tramforws this thank nowef into an interestfrag theatrical event. Sunday, AprI113 Ed Avery & Judy Greenhill - "Folk, Fun & Games" - *pnegrows filled with action sorige, rounds, camp songs end lots of particfportion. Sunday, May Frog Print Theatre - "Moments Moomicer • new show for the 10112 season. $6.00 per child for Series Ticket MOO par adult for Series Ticket HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS This program is deafened to give children Rine exciting days during the Mid -Winter lonoidr- Tflo Prolltoot tnetistiotzgtmo.gym, crafts, miaowing and o special perfor- mance by a profeetionel theatre gimp. Open to boys and Orb ages 6.11 pears. Montiory, March 22 to Friday. Mord, 24, 1442 10:00 3110 Victoria School (south entrance) Fee: $13.120 per 420.00 for, two or more drib!~ from the earns fernify. WORKSHOPS Various onsakenot end day -long workshops tefil fro held this winter fax both dlikken and adults. Watch the newspaper end school flyers for details. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS AT THE ARENA Monday, December 2*. 1001 - Pre -School skate 2-4 paw: Public Sirethig 44 p.m. Tweriforry, Ouresakar 2. !'52 - Whinny Hosiery 2-4 paw.: Dora Free Skase 4-5 pan.; ober ao - ohAtte gnome Sta4 - sea* P647a. Theraday, Detriadoer 31, 1141 - Shinny 12 noon; Pre-school drat, 2-4 pan.: tiorrs Free Skate 4-5