HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-2, Page 8iq
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Market —%) w• ,
±iii A larlre epox�tk axe folio arig us 9Y>xs. T. A'enitala, xa visiting her sort " •"w ••i• • 'i••k •� •1•.•i••i••1+.•i•...•i•.... •.+1•�•�Ir��•��+�
IMM N+�11 FcN�lP i►.+i+�p♦# ►#+►`♦�► ®�1�►f-k�lic►l �i�M+l
the x'elroxt Of Rxtter ulArkQts 00r -'George and ,Other frl-ends. In (town. �
`"Y+ A rooted up to. Noveinb,>r 2nd 11J,11. Mr. W. Cottle, of lldorton, visited
The. Place Where CiSTgCI
Clothes Come !M rom
r t W�% Oats camsa'8G oc>ais. c se, over Chir kali- �' C"ARLINO'S T - , c r day'. _ �
! , . ► ISarley 'Ba to U
uektvlleat 5 i "cents. Miss Maktd. Johns of London vis-
. is rot ex; rat ro
+ Phone 18 EXETER
l ♦ Peas 75' to 8E5 cents, Ited .it L,ex home; here over tJica holm ,l,
;•, 91 PHONE 11 -;3 0 day.
! liar~ • 1.0 .Mr. J. Loathorn of London attended ;
Shorts $266,00
4 t Model flour 2. ,50 kxi-
rx a s►
Feed Flour 7:50 E E
day grRridfather s Bale in town on K4
4 ♦ � $ .'Butter `21 cents Mr. T O, Soutbcot't visited over Sun � r
4 flac You�r r��r 3 ggs 2a" cents. day with Mr, and Mrs, 1). ll. CritN en- ""'RESS GOODS Of +
i +M Potatoes 75 cents den of Blyth,U X _ .I`
Tt, /, flogs $5-6s. %rr .Rost. Flynxz of Biddulph Town- +�• ,
having a TWO
Choice export stcars 0.00 to 0.?;i ship visited Mr, and Mrs, 'l', Flynn in We are, WEEKS SALE of
♦ , Extra choice export steers 0,40 fawn ort �'uesdzy,.
n a . Dress Goods In Black and Colored. We therefore
` �► i ° c Choice butchers heifers 5.;30 to :a,7ti 'I
Mrs. G. Lovell of London visited .I.
` tfedium butchers Zoon •rq -5,25 .-5.10 •I• quote a few Of elle prices to show you that we mean .E.
♦ ♦' Choice buchez°s cotes 4.75 to 5.25 ,ilex parents Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Flynn ,,� +F+
♦ �i o Yedium butchers cowsT•1.50 to 4.00 sgivin what we , tny,. These Dress Goods are in nearly all the ,p+
over Thank
�' ♦ ♦ r Mx.. (Rev,) Sharp and daughter,
(Common cotes r3.50 to 3.73 p , Shades that are worn this Fall.. Dress Goods that r
♦'► Choice lambs 5,50 Margaret,' spent -the Thanksgiving, + + '
c A 7r holidays in St. Thomas. °1' were : �
,�t A ♦ � Clxaicr. sheplr 3,50 to '3.., ,I, a
` A A n.umberi from town .took in 'the 6n! ® 'l'
�♦ ryr `"�
s k; supper at, liinville on Monday night �et� 0 . o�� 1.12 Rei 1 aJ for QO +
4 ® and x cport . an excellent time.
;Mr, Alf. Wilcox f ,
;.mss x x armcrly of Exeter o
+ e 2 0 00
Keg 5 for 98c Rei for 88c
'�'A .:c`��;•: ,:r.,.w�•, ♦ ♦
who has been working at the. barber ,�• � • a.
�.� trade in Detroit has left for Los .l
♦ Angles California.
Reg 75c far ,58c Reg 50c for 42c + 5
'► ♦
We will pay till advised the follow. Mrs. John Dinney and N ossrs. Wil- r - •
ing for Poultry in trade, bur 1)inluey and, vexett f'�frit, of All these Prices hold goad only for Two Weeks SO •1+
"�` > ♦
Oshawa, 'ivcrr, visitors at Mr, Eli Taman
•1' Come in and Secure our Dress• fol' the comin Season.hive Dressed + y •E•
t. If not you have missed seeing the !! Chicken 7je, 9, c. Snell's over the holidays s o •4•
.z g 's fit nest range of clothing ever shown Hens 3c, 7c, ,Miss Lela Gould of Exeter is apond- 'I .i.
? 41 in Exeter. If you are a man Who ♦ ♦ Turkeys. I3c, 15c iiig her Thanksgiving, vacation with �['lle �>lftj� a is + ,�
x wants the finest clothes that money Ducks 6c, 1%c heads on Miss Gexaldinex 'burr. of 500 Oxford 'r'ailOE. ` �� a Skirts$ will buy but all the same time don't street —London Advartieex o �r "'" 1 s. ,
, s: spend a dollar more than what is nec- ♦ lie heads oft g �` •9
9 ♦ ♦ Geese Pic heads on Mrs. Wm. Dauncy and daughter, g• -�p 9
essary, to secure them come here. ♦ +
10c beads off Mrs. Goo Mawsan of Hay have re- +p We have •a few already -made Sls`l2'tS ill Black, Green
We kava loins extra values in Suits ♦ ♦ turned home aft spending .,+ +�
a and Overcoats at $.10,00 ♦♦ ♦ One cent per pound lass in each case Thanksgiving holi ti in Brussels, dei +;+ lied, Blues, Drowns' and Old Rase which we will clealr• •€•
! 6 for cash. ..•i•oa.g••i.oL•g•oo•F•#•.•'r•§••1••i••F..F•...g••1..N
IIx. J. Ga .5mallurombe, sr., was in out at a Discount Of t�
-- - P 0 Watch this space every week for Stratfoord over Thanksgiving, I•le r�et5 I. ' " � � YEARS -
n {� !' prices. accompanied anied home by his granddau h- ' ® ® '� 33 1-3 Per Cent Off
+ fiaris and Misses Coats o ter, lliss 'Maud Belly, who will visit + :p
w♦ Jones for 4ei=oral wevlcs. + Our Seven Colleges have been
a _ + g Come and Purchase early because this is a Bargain
No wonder this department of our store is growing. Our � * Misses Lulu Martin and � Gladys •4• established during the past 00 +II+ .g.
.6 assortment of Girls and Misses Coats is larger and better than ♦ 4 Restle and IMessrs II, Treibner and E + years. °The largest trainers in � •�,
♦ ♦!♦!♦®♦♦AA®!♦♦!!!♦♦♦6r9♦!♦� NAFiilis who arcs attending school 1:ri Canada. Owing, to our connec +
4 ever space will not permit us to tell eon all about them. You '► + g .g. •I+;
+: y � ♦ ♦ A Clinton v:ere horns over th-v holidays � tion all over Ontario. we d0
will be convinced if you ��c}}all++ and see our
�Coats from ♦ ! �`' •� . •II+
! apo.®tl to $12.00 ♦ ♦ * LOCAL.
Mr. alonra Ileywaod, spent +the ;; better for our graduates (than
! °� ♦ • Tlxanks�iving vacation at LGs Lome �. any other school, 'You may
♦ ♦ ADO♦•�►♦+�® ®164.tE♦� here. .Un Suttday, he took charge of oa study at home or parity a!t
♦ e► g home and finish at the college. e+ Housecleaning time is come again so buy our
'� ♦ ! the work on the Fullerton circut Rev, g g � y y
o♦ + ! ; Black Squirrel shooting comes in on Watts, Jr. at I ullarton talon Cho Affiliated with the Commercial 'II' Fall Wall Paper now while we are. offering a Discount
♦ the 15th. work in' lona. g .I. Educators Association of Oan p ' ro
P MUs Grigg visited over the holiday °l• oda. It wouldbe well for you .� Of 25 Per Cent on all VYall Papers
Gloves olser o ` at Wroxeter. The First Snow Fall—The first + to investigate before choosing.'I' •D
♦ i+ ♦ ♦ snow of the season, fell on Friday + Exclusive right for Ontario .g+ •1+
» ®® In Cashmere and Ringwood Made from fine Saxony and ®,► Mr, .Beattie Martin, of London, was last and although, it snowed for sev- .t. t$e world-famous Bliss hook- You Ella need a New Carpet Or Ir'u this Fall if ,
♦ ♦ In all the new weaves and English acne in good weight ®♦ in town Tuesday. oral hours: it melted as fast as it fell •€• .g, y p g; s
g y R g ♦ ♦ A year a .g. kebping •System, which is, nn- +F• •N
$� colors very warm and com- for cold weather A leader ♦ Mr. Jas'. Jewell is visiting Mr. G. go friday the first snow equalled It is Actual 'Business 'g+ you d0 �8t, come in and purchase rt a Disgcountfartable for cold weather for children very suitable for eH• Fleaman, of Toronto. came andj fe41 to a depth of faux or from Start 'to Finish, and .the .€• i These are oris Clonal bar ail1S school wear at per pair ! ♦ Miss McDougall, of I aeon, visited five inches: student keeps same books ala + h• ®� �°� �r ��`��� p g •1. {+'
25c to 50c. 25c. ♦ ♦ the Misses Luxon over Sunday, §Ur. C. L. Nixon of Parkhill after I Chartered Banks and Whole- '1+ +
Mrs. F. J, Wickwire returned Mon- working fon about two weeks in. the ,g, sale Douses. Enter any time,
+A/4 freight department 'at. •eve 1Jseter + A ,l, g
,♦ day evening'aftex visiting in Windsor Individual Instruction.
depot jumped the job Iasi wewk . His � � �
r �♦ Mr. J T. Wood shipped a carload place has been takmn bg Mr. LV. J. DINNNER SET
� � ���� ��� �+� ����t1U�U�l� ♦ ! Write, call la phone for +i• •I.
!" l ♦ of cattle to Toronto on Saturday last. McAllister, of Dutton who arrived on ! Darticulars •A •€•
i o s ♦ Miss Eva Graham, of Strathroy, 7lrursday last. A +I• + Just a Few left to clear regular $10 for $8 +g.
visited MissrnLaura Hobbs over DIr. Sidney Griffin who has been + + Regular $8 for $6 n,' �4�
®® In white and Gray with 37 inches wide it calors •` � t• Clinton B�s�llDess '1' '�' �
pink and kilos borders lovely that are. fast, Big range of a ♦ Thanksgiving. visiting Iu s uncle Mx. Chas. Wilco$
�♦ quality of fine soft .Flannel- patterns to choose from ® Mr. T. Prior visited kris daughter, of Mitchell during,, the I.c;t summer 4+ +�. ,l, 4.
lotto The blankets are good This is regular 15c. line Our A Mrs. E. C. Beebe, of Ridgetown, over has returned to his home in P ly F •l+ •p• . . ,1,.
` big size 1114 sells for i. So price per yard ! Thanksgiving. c mouth England he also visited Mi � `I' �' Hl�hest Pr>eces pard for Produce � �oW� +
gg 4� and Mrs. Thos. Webster of Exeter Collo _ e 'g' 'g' �� a
4e♦ 121-1 sells for $I. bo 12 1 ^2 • $ Messrs. Will Birney and Gordon ♦ .g. •I• .
++' A Sanders left this week to aeteha North for s few flays; + Q,EQ, ,SPOT, i'ON, 1Plresident '�. .p
♦ ♦ Chatham Business College. 7'Lc boy's appttitc is often ch- 1 +g,
!�' e ♦ Mrs. Manley and sister, 11liss Park- so„rce of amazement', If You would + bliss B. F. Ward, PfiIneipal rb +k .g.
♦, . , x pp ` take Cham- 9• •1• .q.
pay g - have such an appetite..
g♦ �� a highest CiCOS. ®� insan of London!, visited with friends
'•^,�,! Poultry Of all kinds taken alive Or dressed. ®♦ brxuain s .,;+biety. .ings hio't only ere.. �''•t•••�•�'�'Y'3'•�•x'"•�•ia•is•�•�r•i••fi••p•i»F•F•i+!•t••i•� � - :;-
09x, ♦: in towif Monday and Tuesday. st,, a he"_:thy appxalltfl iut strengthen -
r ,♦! ♦♦ Mr. and Mrs, E. Harwood olid the sLortiach a.n,d enable, it to do i -s
♦♦ +� ® daughter of Tornto; were the guests .€
w•oxk nat:rrail For„laic b � '•��
�♦ + ♦ A Rof Mrs. Jas. Pickard over the holidays erg,, y,. ' Y all deal- S T E �® Dental Offices; Closed. �
4>♦. ♦ Mr, Asa Penhale and Miss Venetta Annivc:xsary Services -The anniver•............................ „„.. �.:g. I...1..1.�..g.g..y.,g..g, 4-1 ........ �
♦'� ®► Frayne visited Mr. and Mrs. D. D. sary services of the, Caven Presby- Hindlq 'take notice tEha`( my office
♦ O Crittenden in BI th on Thanksgiving. y- i!s closed every Wednesday afPbarnoont
♦a, ♦ ♦ Y g g. terian church• will be held on, Sunday
♦♦♦♦♦♦+!♦!♦♦!♦!4F♦!ll+1+R♦ibdr�►!0!!♦!!♦!!♦!®♦♦A♦®<bi!♦♦O� Mr, P, Fra•vne and daughter Lily Nov. 4 .x Rev.. W. L. H. Plowand B. DR. ROTTLSTO�T. •�.,y, l„g••1 ................. • • €• §� i•§••i ..........................
♦♦ ♦A9l�♦♦♦♦♦♦®♦♦!®♦!♦♦!!�®®®♦!♦♦♦♦®!!®♦♦♦ryipr♦♦♦t+♦ iYlay, visited Mr. Russell Frapne of A. of mac, -Andrews church 'Stratford
Brantford over. Sunday and Monday, will preach- at it a. in. and 7, p. m. CLOSING NOTICE + � �•
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hermer, of Harlton Special music by the choir assisted please remember Haat my Denta •g• 0�� BE
eAe. !♦�♦!Al9F!♦!A!!♦®®�♦♦♦♦!� ♦��l�lAAAAAAlAAAAA#®♦!®!! New Ontario, visited Mr, and Mrs. by Miss Noxa Little, soprano, of Lon- Office is closed ever Wednesday after- * •i-
♦ F. •Luxton, and'other friends over the don. A cordial invitation ;s extend- noun. —DR. KINSMAN ,+g�
♦ holidays.
5-10.1 ,i,
5 and 25c Variety Store ♦-----�--
9• ® Miss Bella McDougall and Bliss Ida A very Pleasing event took place + ' � i 4.
ll10 W lB 1_1 .:4`S B,f�.'ZAA ♦ Rowe, who, are teaching school near 'at Centennial Methodist, Parsonage Ftlre, E. Christie visited in Toronto
” ~ A Londdn on fihur�vda n the est week, 'l+
pH®NE' $ Ingersoll visited at their homes for when Mr. Hector Heywood an Exec r Mrs. Bee of Parkhill spent the hol- Sleep Iate in the morning. ++
55 the holidays. Y ,
Old Boy. son of Mr. and M s C. He ida with Mrs. R. Gidle
♦ ® Mr. Gerald IIurdon returned last > y y y' •l' Enjoy the luxury of waking 9'•
♦ wood of town was united in mar- Miss Margaret McKay of Seaforth
10 ® week from: Buffalo after having at- riage to Miss Annie Edith Parsons g y up whenever you feel like it ,£
4 ® tended the weddingof his brother , is visiting Mise Jessie Manson, I if you can, but if you can't
We commence Thursday to clean up b that,; ist M bride was attended
f � � R. H.• Dyer IIurdon. by Lex: ,sister Miss Ella Parsons, the Mr. Will Hobbs visited at the James + better get one of our
♦ street parsonage on Tuesday, .g rarer,,,
! ♦ Mrs. Apleford and son Stanley, of groom by his brother A. J.+Heywood + _ ��
on all surplus .shock of A of Iona After the,,fcvent a reception Mrs. J. Cousins, of London, Visited Clocks,
Hamilton and Mr. Charles Senior, of P
<! was held at the Lome of Mile brides Mrs. McCoombs over Thanksgiving, .} i .r,.
r ♦ ! Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. �"Watches .I.
4 ♦ Senior over Thanksgivin r parents Mr: and Mrs. Parsons 72 Rec Mrs. S. Hardy is visitingin Port
GraolteWare. ♦ g' tory st. Mr .and 'pArs. Heywood' spent sanilac. Mich„ for a couple f weeks. ,p � .�
♦ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baldwin and sons their thanksgiivng vacatiion in Exeter Mr. Roy Drew, of Toronto, visited '� ySpoons,ala l�®I�dS C �t
We need the room for out large Xmas stock, and there'll be ,' Wynn and Fred, of St. Thomas came Their many' friends will join in eon- •F• Tea Spoons, Berry
BARGAINS, so don't forget. ♦ ui, in their auto and apen't a fe�v gratulationls, Mr. and Mrs, S_ Fitton oyer the boli- .1, Cold Meat Forks, Cake I+'orks !
♦ days last week with Mr. and Mrs, day' Soup Spoone, Pie Knives, Gass Sliver= 9a
Among those who visited in town Mrs. W. N, Morrison, of Owen f Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Glass, Silver=
We have just put in stock, some $700,OU worth of toys for ® Alex. Dyer. - Sound, is visiting. Mr. and Mre. S. al• Snivel and Forks, . j�
y ♦ for Thanksgiving were(: Mr. and Mrs ¢¢
Xmas, besides hundreds of articles in China and Glassware. We e 'Miss Erie Quackenbush, teacher A. Evans, Miss Mabel White, Mist, Fitton. � Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wares Pri�.�, Etc*
r hope priced them very low, in fact so much so, that it will pay s "q.r Chatham and Mr. end Mrs. John Mabel Walters+ ,{Miss' Anna Dow
® everyone to buy their toys, etc. at this score. See1what you buy p 1;-*rnett of Ridg'eltawn wore the Miss Ruth Hooper, Mr. Mrs. J. ' Miss Fanny Dowey spent the holi- � Wedding Rings
days the guest of bliss Ethel Hunkin '
don't buy from catalogue. O a rets of Dr. and Mrs. Quackenbush Inwood, Mr. IT. Wood Bar. Carve q � ower Thanksgiving, s Acheson, Miss McCallum, all of Lon- at Far ober.'t• MAN
'r�'6t-�t' sday special � � don; Douglass Stewart and Case 13, Mrs, G. Manson anal son Will, spent + Big Stock to choose from�
Mr. Kingsberry and Miss Edna Dic- Howard of Toronto;'Miss F. Davis. Thanksgiving with Air. and Mrs Link- 'O
Glraniteware, Lemonade sets ♦ Callum. of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. dater of Win JEWELER & OPTICIAN
.� Geo. Willis and Miss D. DieCllhrm of
of Wingham, and Clara Davis, of In- gham. •l
London visited,. Mr. and Mrs. T. IL gersoil; Mr, John Floyd, of Owen Mr. and Mrs. C, Lindenfleld visited..i.••II•�•�••II•�3•••i••l••II•�••ir•II••II••l••l••,t••3••II••!•9F•�•II••II••l••II+'d••II••l+•4••l'•1•.•E••l••l•�•'l'•t”."E•�'•l•'g"g"E••?••II•�3•�!••H•• .
SVIgj1r '� 1 9�C1�11 ♦ Sound; LeRoyand Chester Coultis," Mr. and Mrs. L.D.etrich, of Ste igen
♦ McCallum over Thanksgiving. , p
of Goderich, Victor Sweet of`. Chatham Thanksgiving da
44 sp13C1Eitl�S i$ i31!�ttel' Dishes, salad Bowls ® 9-essrs. P. F. Boyle and 'tMoon'pv Vt: s Olive Quante, of Ailsa Craig; g. � y`'
q take plates, SOn'ile Big Bargains ® C,ibson of London visited Mr. T. Boyle lIr• Will Baker,' of Landon; Miss Mi 3foha Esaery of Eden -'returned
♦ Don't Forget 1 he Date, No ® here on Friday last.' ,Mooney is the � St6la Gregory, of Chatham; Mr, last week after an extended °visit to
♦ ♦ world's greatest base ball catcher. Norin• Creech of ,Brantford; Miss Ida Toronto and Oshawa,!AloAA®♦!♦!!♦♦♦+OAAlAA4l�vi#♦♦♦O♦!i4%�!O!®♦®r�+�®+ls�
,♦ Trouble to show goods, Conn° and bring A Marchand •
�► your friends to the Big Variety Store. ♦ and was quite an interesting person , of Stratford; Mr. W, 11fir. and Mrs.. Wm. i7ollick and son ® !
-while in- our town. Dignan ot,• L,rcarr; Mrs. W, LBawrnan ♦ A
♦ A. Z, of Hamilton visited with relativ- Ar
,y I''or Xmas, as{; about an Ghson Phonograph, we have them, ® of London; Mrs. Garnet TIutcliison, es in town over the holiday.
4 'Mr. Charlie Dyer, of Hamilton; , v. O
of 7.ondon; Mr. John Salter, of Lon ' ,*
Mrs. Ed. Dyer, and Mr. and Mrs. don. ; Messrs. Will and Goo. Salter. Mr. and Mrs,
♦ '� Townshend and children Doris and Stewart Mo, viscum and 9
♦ of Toronto; two children, of London,, visited Mr. �7
A Francis, of Brantford, were the and Mrs, Jas, Sweet, over Thanksgiv-
'owe tterests of Mr. and Urs. Alex. Dyer for Mrs a. one '►
Thanksgiving. H. 13 r y spent Thanksgiv- ♦ r 4
♦ ing at Hamilton. Already wehavehadencLuiries about ♦ C�
AOA9 ayA♦♦@!♦♦♦♦AAA♦♦♦O♦A♦!#A♦♦OAA!♦,♦!AA®b♦4♦♦AA!♦Aw Miss Buswell.; of Eden, who has Dor, Gordon Taylor visited over the the school library proposition. and a � `� �I �eR r` � K�
hoon Margsnoiidin; the past month with holidays in Shakespeare: number of subscriptions have been re- ♦ 3 � t7 '
Bliss Mary Fisher returned to her ceived. ♦ t
home on 'Saturday last. Miss Fish- Mr. and Mrs. Bingbom of Port Har.
ex accompanied her and will visit at on spent the holidays visiting Dr. and Mr. R. Nash of Wingham and Mrs,. Z AN
Our BeEden for a Ecru weeks. Mrs, Browning. A Nash and.nephew H. 'Crickey, of
st AdsPumpkin Pies—The Main street E Sarnia, visited for several days with ♦
Don't waste y,t50 money buying p J. W. Powell. ♦ Funi
� ��
siren the* inm rT {ctprs' Chambre 'worth League were treated to pump- ♦ .
rain's Liniment .Q cheaper and better kin pies at the close of the meeting on Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Powell. Mill St, ♦ 1E 0 A
Our NemerPrinted in the Newspaper, do you know where our best Adve r Dampen n piece of flannel with it and Tuesday evening, A very enjoyable spent Thanksgiving in London the w �
Using is donee bind if over. rtbe offpoted parts and i:` time was spent• guests of their dauAbter, Mrs.. -Charles ! •
tr•111 rrlior- th^, {lain <,, deed, and other friends.
and 'sor.no;. Misses Mary and Bertha Mack, of ♦ A
The For sale• by all dealers, Toronto who visited at the home Miss G'lertie Dempsey and, Misses Complete
• A.
,Arr ohg those telco spent, Thanks- •fie hamper a tsiover
erth holidays,
le Grace and Ethel Bullock, of Toronto 4 Carr � •q,+o�ptete Stockin .A�� l,lne s �; +
gi i g out of. town were, Mr, and Mrs young p P visited at the home of Mr, John alis- ♦ , A
' - Mrs, Monday, evening in honor, of their sery of Eden over Thanksgiving,
This telling you about things is all right maybe, but it lent hsilf as satilE. John Ilarvlcshaw; at 7.,trcan ; g o �• J - � .,�,,�_'
fActory as bringing you fare to face with your requirements. mhos. ITaawlcins.• at Windsor, Mrs, guest Miss M, RcEwen, of Toronto ♦ ♦ -
Publishers Organize—The Editor ♦ ! d
8110widg you is out favorite method there is no talk that can be half as T1las. Bissett. sr,, at Detxoi't Mr, Soy ViolinistQq Sunday evening •
was , Cleting o Friday last attend- A . e
. G compelling as the goads themselves. Here is the best of Furniture at its e W. II, Collins, af, Toronto,, A. Hewa;t last the congregation of James street v A
Out confidence Camel from a knowled of what is best, at lTocicwood ; C. L. Whitby at Taxis church were favored with an excellent , Ing a• meeting of the Publishers of Z Phone tore Sunday j ♦'
ge Debet in Furniture and Huron County. The meeting was ad.
♦ J Night Calls
the,way our stock stands to -clay. We car, truthfully say' that we never• asked T. Wilson at, Detroit; S. Fisher at vioiin solo by Master Groat Milligan '
onylbndy to view an assortment that is quite as worth You ane in i e Tlundas; Mrs. W. J. Tleaman, at Lon- of London, The boy handles the vio- dressed by Mr. J. M, Iwrle, Secretarg ♦ r
•, lierrlearlber we have VaCritee the Opera block and are no v t d`
don; Mr., alnd' Mrs. W. S'. Howey at lin, well and the con .re ation were tie- of the Canadian Press Associauon, A + 2 2 $$DD
w ocenpVxng the CiIytL; Miss Delight g g county association was organized with �" " �"�'i" sA
i lrfge Store opposite the0ommercial Cdotel crrhere we,lave plenty of room L'o g Hobbs at 'I3xnn;;- lighted with the selection, Master
carry at Targe stook of all. It ixds of 7E'uirnitnre and Undertakin £�u "1' fora; Dr. Kinsman at London; Mr. M%iligan in,cOmpany with urs arente the following officers, Pro,., H. B..71-
:4 g pp les, and Mrs, W. S. Cole at Lliea.n; ilVxrti were gnosis at .Mr, and ;141rs W1U batt, of the 'Wingbam Times; Vice.
m Wilbert Martin. Misses Winona How- Sweets.. ices.. 1 . McLean, of the Seaforth Ex•
and and Magid Rollins at London; 'I r ti positor; See-Treas., J. M. 5out.hcnr t., ! � A
' ! and Mrs, Peart at Seafor'th ; Mr. Win, � � � � � �:l�J �"j. K✓ �' of the Exeter Times, who with Air. Kok Aft
- , 117ny a;t London :Nh'lrs. kfy. Parsons at r �aniitte>*,ofthe tic3dericir Star and X-Atkinuon '
r S Mr. Mitchell of the Clinton News-Rec. I
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I.,ondon Mr. Page at Ditt�tcn, Mr. olive,_
Scouler at Fiorestl` r 1' or�1 fortntbo Exrre
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