The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-22, Page 14• , • LIB The led* pada at Victoria Rene School used save as theft thane ftw sows pedaled attheammil Cbdilmas concert lbarsery evening with a glad ded fall of ciddren as their busekeopt, (Photo* Anew Reekanam * °4 Ve(*e.7 41P frilie 101,1r)( season is fitted with joy! aY4a**110 FAN SUPPLY CENTRE FIX 4, CLINTON& OMANI° MIMS 111711111Nersil5CINClawara2411ftitireoramalrar. 8REA-13Y-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH CAbons SS., at Susicaast Drive 915 Sunday Schaaf and &bre Classes 10-.30Warship MarviroL &ex, Pastor S24-22SES "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ He is F.Jard of alr CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGOISTIC-FUNDAMBITAL REV_ It BRUBACHER Pastor SUNICULIT, Dammam raw ILAL Wart mute sma' 11010 ILSL&141/0.11d, REV. KEN YOUNG SENWAL MUSK - TOMO FAIONNILV THUIRSOitlr., MUM, UST VIA PAL • ANNUAL WATCH -NIGHT SERVICE sew Ow Wee - "The imago of tho Reese" Cssmeenot &troy good foffavershroeseil enfreidennants. Christian Reformed Church Seirefeea bekl roads Surriley Robertson Memorial School men_ and 705 p_rn_ Pester: RM. IL Vetoed ssteme • Litters taCIOIX Radirs staidly" Kit.20 a, rm. for the "Back ta.God Hour" THE SALVATION ARMY I 18 WATERLOO ST. S. 524-9341 945 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL T 630+ EVENING SERVICE e :CD &NI FAMILY WORSHIP Aft Akre Conrf-e4. Erwitzldicilein Ct.-4F= erefitei Knox UCW holds Christmas dinner The Knox United Church Women held their Christmas meeting on Wednsday, December 16 beginning with a pottuck Tamer served to 60 mernbasandfriends The Sanely school room was gaily decorated for Midi* with a decimated tree, poinsettias ° and candles. Following the rimer, Mrs Peter Verbeek, piesident, was in charge of the meeting whidi beim with cant stag - MONUMENTS .JAANCERS-CFJWIEMEE LEVTERING :MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR DON DENOMME /lint IISPISISOITATIVE IOW All ArrOwnwiter ~MAE Phone 5244621 MIK MOMUMIIISsawssEsu nostr•nonay mg led by M. Richard Hale, accompanied by Sirs Donald Haines on the The devotional period had the theme, "How Far to „BeIldebem?" This was given by Mrs Peter Verbeek and Mrs. Jack Armstrong- A duet was swig by Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hawley, "In the Bleak Nlidwinter", accom- ' parried , by Mis. Donald Haines. A • medley of Owistmas songs was played by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. A reading, "What is • Christmas!". was given by Mrs. Dorothy Grange. A solo, "I, Wonder. as I Wander" eras sung by Me. Richard Hawley, accom- pained by hiswife, Linda. An exchange of Chnsbnas gifts was in the charge tf Mrs Verbeek and Mrs. Jack Armstrong. Ernest Durnin played three selections on bigmouth organ, accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. A pleasant afternoon was closed • with the singing of, "Joy to the World". • • • • • Knox Presbyterkm Garth Rt -V. G. LOGO/ART ROYAL MA. DIV. MINISTER LORNE 14. DOITERER, Director of Praise Christmas Eve, December 24 71. Chrhonin. Frodly Send= Ude ChrlsfasynoVennyir Seirelon Sunday, December 27 witathr.m.commlimanawscrons sumotr.as, Olifnay Wovilyky -iforawratinf of linplian mar. SwadaySdlool Served= 'MEOW AfED SMSINNW4CP (Worsiorylkedittrog "neierflallifit of Inform lingthavi*** iSenahry School ratings from thaw Salnitoali LJ North At Alitgb da-TIT—Ith MC- 21 liaT 7 MAC CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE *Ms week fed by Jr. & sr- Mom & nee Gasfeefds Tann Tem Wear end E Sno fan Clialchnes Stras7 Warningly word, onsidc rend e 11101Powit- i 111C-17 AT if flessfer cerefery anomie" tererld. gyfift Isedor Cosingnignifostest 11- The Angleton Church of Canocks ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH North and Nefsan, Streets, Gricktricfr Rectar: The Reverend I�brtJ. Cracker ClrgunOsairmaster: Joseph Et. Hierchrtart CHRISTMAS EVE Thursday; December 24th T t 30 p. m, Midnight Eucharist, Carols Address; "The Ward Made Flesh' St. John CHRISTMAS DAY Prickly, Decsimbeenth 9t30cs. tn. Hilly Communion+ with Carats 'SUNDAY AFER_CHTIMMAS December m. Holy Corarnuniarc. I, 1,:00, et. tn. Manning Prayer Sermon: "Simeon 44Ft-cipher St. Luke 125 1 41;) K *REIMS *NECKLACES ilIRACEIITS *MEADS earn carrel S1 ST. DAVID, aceancie STAMM Lions Club holds children's Christ Auburn Community Manorial Ball was tilled to capacity but Matday even- ing when the Auburn mid Dittrict Lions Chab enter - babied the children of the community at their annual Chrislenasparty. The party began at 7 p.m. with a singsong ll by Mrs. Donald Haines with Mrs Fred Lawrence at the piano. Donald Bathes showed two films, "Ws So INriee to Have a Wolf Around the House" and "The Devil and Daniel Mouse". Salta anivaland gave big bags of candy to all the children ACM. The Anglican Church Women of St. Mark's Anglican Moeda met for their December meeting al the home ei Mrs. Means Flagiiitt. Mrs. Haggitt open- ed the meeting with the hymn, "Dear Laid and Father of Maddnd". She gave the Invocation ftom the Living Message, followed by the seri/raw lesson ftum Lsaiah llth chapter, verses 1 to 9. The ma:radial followed by all reacrmg the part, followed by prayer. A reading, "Be Yourself", was read by Kiss Laura Phillips. Mts. John Daer gave a reading, "No Exams for Excises" and Mts. Donald Cartwright gave a reading, The topic, "Onistmas is a Very Splealid Thing", was given by Mrs. Lillian Letherland. The bilthday hymn of Mts. Donald Cartwright, "Glory to Thee my God", was, read in unison followed bY the rearftog, "The Message of Christmas". Mrs. Haggitt thanked everyone for taking part in the program The president, Mrs. Donald Cartwright, presided for the business. The finan- cial statanett was givers by the treasurer, lifts. moms Haggitt. Correspondence was lead and dealt with. Shut-ins will be remembend atCleistrma. The Offering was received and the bevelling apron was passed. It was decided to keep the same officers for 1912: president -Mrs Donald Cart- wright, secretary -Mrs. James Schneider and treasurerethrs. Thomas Hag- Ot- The Reverend Witham Craven closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs Haggitt assisted by Mrs. Doioald Cartwright. • Social News The Auburn and District Lions Club held their December 50-50 draw at the Carnelian Imperial Bank of Commerce last Wednesday. The draw was made by Mrs Gail Falconer of the bank ual party AUBURN NEWS staff. The winners were Alison and Ryan Gamey, children of Mr. and Sirs. Doug Mammy. The draw was in the charge of Lion, Eldon Chamney. Winners at the weekly euchre -paity held every Tuesday evening m the Auburn Community 'al Hall last week Were: novelty -Clarence Allen, high lady -Jane Monster, low ladyant Daer, high man -Mike Mason Jr- and low man-Waby Mason - Mrs. Jim Schneider and her new baby daughter ar- rived home this week from Wingham and District HospitaL Congratulations. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the readers of the Auburn news. It is a rewartrmg feeling to hear from former Auburn folk who enjoy my weeldy news. My only wish is that more people would call and tell me when they have relatives and hands viseing them. Let's make 1982 a bet- ter year. A speci2d Christmas- Eve service will be held at Knox United Church at 8 p.m. and Christmas communion ser- vice will beheld at 10 p.m. in St. Matt's Anglican Church. Everyone is welcome to at- tend these services. The Auburn and District lions Ore started the open shawl' g rink last Satinday andif weather is cold enough next week, every child in the community Will be able to ewe en tee athletic field beside the halL Guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George Collins and Jonathan were Mr. and Mts. Jim Callins, Lorie and Melts" sa cf Mitchell, Dave Collins of Exeter and daughters, Colleen and Valerie Collins of Walton, Mr. and Mrs_ John Stadelmann, Christine, Rhonda and Jennifer of Blyth and Mrs. Eleaner Bradnock of Auburn. W.I. thus music played by Mrs„ Emerson Rodger greeted the members and their guests° last Tuesday when they arrived for the Owistmas meeting on Tues- day, December 15 in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall of the Auburn Women's hatitate. President, Mrs Kenneth McDougall was irt charge of the meeting and Mrs Ener - Rodger was at the piano. was opened Ode„ the Maty Collect and 0 The president open - the per, "My it. Wish". A • "Star el the East" was e e by Me and Mrs: ' e• Hawley. Mrs. Gee don y gave a readtq, Christmas Again".Sir. Hawley sang a solo. The liiistory of the Christ* carols was by Mrs, Eleanca After the history of each run1, a verse of each was sanwith everyone tak- ing pad Mrs. Emerson Rodger L. the &nisi Mts. - Hagen in- t F.1,1iatille guest spinner of the afternoon, the Rev William Craven of GodericAr, rector of St. Mark's ingrwan Church„ Auburniki his Christmas message,' he bet the origin of the Prisemas tree in which its pointed out that it engirded from Mile days - the cans of Lebnon. Thegfftsiubytlewise men araiewesmted by the gold, solar and colored balls and the Sidle and star for the top d the tree which points te Heaven. The true light wes breught to the world with God's greatest •gift, His $on. He ambined "The Tvelve Days of Cluisareir and brought his message%) a close by say- ing, "A.s Cluistinas comes, ranemberHe came became He loved . Mrs Wien Letherland thanked *r. Craven and presentidlim wfth a gift. The budiess meeting was •held withles. likDowall rn •the dela The minutes were acceptetfas read by the secretare Mrs. Robert Peck. Sbe also gave the fmancial statenient. ft was annotwel bar over $30 had been sante the Fanuly and Cluldren'nSirvieesand McDourell tanked all these who had loaded cookies and squares Jerrie Blyth Cerdre for the Ansooncert. The card report was ghren by lifts, Man Letherland and nbe nod tho thank you notes. She reported having delivered 17 Christmas cads. Mae, Donald Haines and Mrs. Gordon Chamney reported on the progress of the malt course and stated that the nett nierftg will be held on January 14 et 10 &AIL The roll call was answered bytellin' g a favorite Christmas song or cant - It was annotateed that Mrs. Haines' group will be saving the Lions Club ner on January 6. Mr& Eleanor Bradnodc gave the report of the Coy Rally held in October. After singing the Queen and the Grace, a dellcious lunch ' was served by Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs Aniold Craig suellifts. Donald CartmighL Gills were presented to Mts. Gorden (Tourney for wind* the contest, "To So- meone 'Ravi* 12 Dinner Guests for Christmas Day". •For having the longest grocery list in her parse, Mrs Elliott Lapp wee a pane and for baying a guest coming the farthest for inima& Mrs. Robert Peck woe for having a guest fran Regina. ell joined in singing "Hap- py iiiMiVel3alff to Mrs. Emerson Rodger who was that fday celebrating her 40th wedeng annversary. Sits Manor Bradnock hadon &splay the finger mods that have been made to go to Sick Ouldren's Hospital, London. Mote knit- ters are needed to belp with this project of cheering the sick little ones in that hospital. •Couples' the The Couples' Club of Knox United Church met at the dib last Friday evening and went carolling throughout the village. About 25 attended and the • din joined in the sing- ing- When the small children got cold, Mrs. Marinas Bak- ker and Mrs. Glen Webster took them back to the church and - made gingerbread houses All childien assisted. -• When all returned to the church, hatch was served by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wessell esid Mr. and Mrs. Maxims Earldom OPP wish you a safe and happy holiday The Ontrio Provincial Ponce Fate wants you to have a sde and happy Christmas and New Year's holiday. .6 • r . • 111. r. r SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTOUSHED OVENS* TEMPS ehrightta0 4!be 198 CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE 111 P.M. A FAMILY SEMIVICE of LESSONS & CAROL SHIGHIG with SAVIOR SIDHOR CHOIRS NORTH ST. UNITED CHURCH end Wan GODERICH TEEN TONES .eeoa.rs•r.....,..s......toeenas.•Nseverkasor•mee•s.ersos.veffmb...grs..,.,,aer..es,osm,wessrsma AN OFFERING WILL BE RECEIVE)) NORTH ORM • 1)141110 04UROI • Ailing CommonerSim Erskine emphasizes that "altheuh OPP aliens will do their part, much depends on the attitude and thoughtfakiess of holiday drivers". During Decanber of last year 94 people were' slaw/tend needlessly in Ontaxio traffic accidents, overelitipeople suffered in- juries and Unman& of cam werensidereduseless Then will be special patrob ulna* all available equier- mat wfth particular emphasis on alcohol con- suming drivels ALERT. and radar devices be us- ed extensively. It's a cold bard Lad that the use of seat hefts raft:ices deidhs arid serious injury and we strongly urge everyune to "buckle up". Think of your beat ones - tragedy can beavoided. All OPP oft= wart the best possille holiday for everyone. Let's exercise a little extra care and caution and do our part to make it happen! "Jay 1s tin Woddilio tori is Came" An !whelks For Christen Worship Frown Tem Clorestlen Reformed Chetah of Goderldit Place: Robertson Memorial School; Ilfeltetti Mem St. UMW 1* AM leettlay., Dec. 25 -Mer-SeirteeeVIllieeeeeree,'"'ene-GeThieeel