HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-11-2, Page 7'Aid 0— I 1+ I . 4 1 . I I I I . . - 7 100 . I . , ,� , I I I . I I . I , , - � I I I . . . I I � � � I �, � I I I T111JASDAY NOVJ1,'.1Al311;U 2nd I . � THX,BXRTBR T I X Lo ,s, I I I I I I I 11 � Ut "I � � � :.1 1, � I J ir�1101 I 111111111 �Igll�11�lili.__­___._ ­__.__­_­ I I 1"111:1 III q 11 III i I I . i�21014:1111:11 III li 1111� 14 _,_______ - I � 1, I i I I 1. ,4', .111.1 ­_ 11 I 1. , . I I ::�,� : � � 11'.,AZZ _;�o , I I 11 11�1 11 _.__-_-1__-__._,__.__ ,-Eloqoiolliilll I I I I I I 00 I I I . I I I ! - " I , 11�11 I � " , 11 I ­ 1-111-11- . I 11 11 " imiII111111 I I I ___ ,---..--,- 11!� 111��.: :11�111'1:1 11i.1 11 01'!",:� 1. 1,1 I � ,:",,:,�T'1�1� ­',�,.­! ... �., , , " � , , " 11 III I , III,: !i:l:,: I! 1111tit".1111 III : y Y _­�111W 41114 aloyer Oeletl loved, TIOVer -bem Me= to biln', wk i tlie :1111",11:: i ,:1, t V- th death �'4 � end- I , . � 11 — � I 11 eared for, She )yp . Xrk_ Of be,;' husband find Lady 3tay .J , , I "I I � I ,� " - �.` V . I � I I .. , —ber WT WitALTO TO NOTRER A44,001 ' � I 0 but, 4 WeArlo ,of re, how his eyes must JJug,eT on tho d husbiwd trouLIM A00 , X0.WJ,1r$X,O'.',`4 SOOT40 . . ' Wlnge; her hourt, ber IW' her loye Ali 0 , usca fo)r 0�,T *IXTY YRAR" $ f�y- 9111,4110 I , " . I , standing ,",ith a ra $Vi�.r ii4i , I I Id , lied walls, oil the living faces. Ilear ham, on'bis, face, yet with something ;Ijulnot I ­ , been 1141 nothing, He had married her SO 00 MOTHUR$ fo)r thoir CUILORU I � , e , , I I ' " I I on-ob, Heaven, $0 SO011-0 PA84 11ARIUllabing, adorat-fort in the eT6a that T9Z,'TJAJV0., with VJINFUCT SU � SO.' , , � ( �- I , to avenge billuselfort Ills llcuutiful lady., I before'llim forever, She felt like thO rested QU the JOV(13 ,, TIJA4. tile'CHILD. WIFTRIN tbe, G I . ) I y,upturn(,il fa(�e. one. SW I ti dwe I wo Loves ALY,4YS 414 PAIN, , : I 111.1 I � A�,_,,, B-,% en' l(v0; then, when his courage failed him, I., n(,w; she was walkinig to her doom- 10"Yeled ]land rested -on his shoulder. S,b# I t , I he had Carefully kePther out ofsIght. I What matter the sunshine find , � 0 _ t s U14 bost Tvwo I ap I - I . 4 . . ,ue bad evitl,ritly been talkhIg . to him solutel liartalex � rg a � 40 I � I I Y.Flast la � ot J I 110 tp, , Oil )o "And WY life," Said the girl, ,%qs 01111 folr� , A W! iMRQL0iMh IN I cheerful sound$? there "'110 de'8101 at earnestly. At the sound of th opm ,.; , � - I �. *4nd, ,,, , t ... Ve a U I . . W � I 90110 for nothing -gone, for the lvb.11n of the end; for it would bo death to stand df - th.y hot e I . I I I I . 111) hour -my, life, that is , ' ,.,oi ty 4 turned rorind. L%dy , - � , _._ " ;; - i � � I I . " muOh to before fill" allot "CeMe blin-to hear kay 10014ed in Wonder -at the beaittiful, ta;3 Z iii "worg 1 4 1, ax�n 1W tmho In lbbe sole hooil J BY BERTHA M. CLAY. I ,�_.V,Z-u t"IMMS T U . s clti,( It , 'Ile felt qult�e Sure that $bc. uu&rr. deny all knowledge of her. .d. sorrowful 0X1),rVSA0n,,' , , I . Son, I ) nie, and so, little to any One olse"o blin, perhaps, repudiate her-POrlbaliO fair-haired N 'Stan am a JJ�VAJY, or a" � yoman . din . male Over a I 9 , and, If he g there with face# his baggal. � �11 � Mt.ieara gild way homestead It Q,UQrt0r stood It all now*, that the whole Stol.,y 0AA -angry lIght,lix her yes. his constinot depre"-don-411'e I oason wby , A I , ! did not do ithat, to etirseber for coming. Sir 011114ton uttered e They he hQ4 hoyeivil round be?, yot bad Ilover I 'i� oal 0%vallablisPoininion land 14 Author of "Whidh Loved Him Best," "Tfic Wedding . , ' � . 10Y Wen before her; arld W-bement do- There could never be death fo,r her ' em,d him say, "Myone'low cry' .41 1 1 1 L , t I I 'tobpi, flaskittolitman � sire for justice took -­_­ _* . In God!" the,, t,ike spoken to her Of love; fillet then Sb- re- .� -0 =1 ,, or A110)046, It I - -1 _­ enoy,for, the distri9t.t BAUX may be had a.t the P&AV-P � � conditionso by, Utbor- Moth ittightor, brothery or sister , - � . vuitl"..�_Sit months TeoidenftnN pad ciAtivation Of the land in Qla Id three years., ,& honlesteaLder mi )i7l, *vQ 'Within Dino. Miles o � t .hid hem . Istmd on a if arm of Itt 102fift 94 "T WA10.1y, Of wnedL and ocf)OPIC4 bFUM bis -tath,&r. matber,. 000p AttlOtq . brothe'r or alistog I I ft oertat.n diateictS A 110MRStOwd' Wizood stapling may, �pr(ra�t 110liarter seotbu�u alolm"aide 1ishom, lg6WA,, ,J?�rioe $34 k*'r aarei oulties , ,oplu't re�aiode vix im ",tbB inoadh od at I I - !W.** - � ze from idate of UM�be9kl eult &Agd, ,the time reqiiired ,to ear _, �ng . bo&eat'eud pateiA). faZA 0131tift aft acres extrai, I A homesteader who bas exbauYsta '. . ibis homeateadl Tigbt and cannot, a' - ftin a pre-emP My e a 1PU ed homeatead In dewtain distrist . Ais- 1=4 06 $3 3r acre. 0i;ties-p-ma six,motbe in eAch adl We Mlsiij, Ciativate fiftweres aria efre IL house worth ­ . P ,A " I W. w. 0? Mgt', I - Aeputy of the , Q1 ft sterlay _. Js thor?ze�d pu'plicatidn 0,61 , . N - R 264" , , � . — 11 r B. .0ARLING, Life, Aceldintp. rf . Ire arid PIA ' I a Olus ln4yraxoe, a1do Co Idetibg Acooll'i Or-, o.AtAiktloneerhiir. Ir W�. BROWNING, X. D... M. goo P. Si, Gracluate Victoria, . =V - t. . Me and ki Liddenerce. -W&Into *W, , I W _� I Associate C6rbuer & Huron. . � 0 1 W R, Bright, M. D., M.O. P. 1141 I A." 4, onor Graduixte oront h ;� .§ H I dt "'t . o years resideptphysicia V . 0.4. y . , � . ApyAl A . 10�6n ra Rospital, etc. Offlo aiNd regidence, Dr. Ai�60' old Stan I . . . r Street, xeter. . I)ICKSON & CARLING, _ I I toriii, Soltextqrs. N 6S. Cleave %near . - WIN otow, 9 =_1 Ior the V61doN '. , laafter toLean at lowees rate" of laboroot6 . ,0M0X:--UAXN STREET. 11METER, U. C iNAING R.A. . Z. H. DICSOblik *­ . "SONEY TO LOAN.- - . Lit. ,4441 Lu-, I W, h , gVe ft lateMPA.MgO,Ul,k,t,O,Lt,P,r,IT.b %?At 110U,WL nCk-tt I ii N ifnik", V Mar . 't . i �� , GLADMAN & STANBUBT � . Barriatets Solidtoh-vain OL;Rxetal I I I I I I IN Usborno aud MOM Orm-615 MOM Firc 1U.Sur, I ­ � _,_____�_ 1. I - , Head office.__ Farcluha,r,.Gnt - I , Ftesidicilt, J, F,� AUS�ELL L vioe-prels.. Ro= GARDINER I . � DIRBCTOM. L ZART, NO= W., , I Matto, a", �RYA-N I Vublin. . ww" RUOUN, twinchelsea. W.U. ito-Y. _ , , .V,&RQVrUR , I L ,A Gl111kM; - "� � i . I I L .11313teteirs 9WWt` tU' I I OJW EMERY. - Ream* , awd owntIAL p=VIER IVARRIS. -MuwO- -LOW- . to Mbb,"t, gli.srton amid Logan. , I t . JOB' ELL ,� X4. 0AXPF1btrcJUihar , Sedy Treag. . I 19JAZIMAN & ST,&NB,UHV- solicitors � , I 11 . � , , J . 1� 11'."111". , ; fl � .L I � . � I I � C T AL , , : - " ' ' "L(gr I ; .. W �� U 11 I ' � I � . AL . � " kNTRATFO.80. ONT. ' - . � I � 6 0 - � � tlift L 4 ' 'Stands � �o 1he fredt as # I" ID at 001 ,OfL itg��'kind in W # , e sch nee. Our course4 are be 0 t, !1 1110VIthoS6.0f the ordinary bus-* - yona i Iness coll6ge. This iiellool has a # continental reputatiom for high 0 . 111 � grade work. we have three de *0 ,_ partments;— I * 0 Commercial, Shorthancl and Te 0 legraphy, and the demand for # 11' trained belp.greatly exceeds t It 0 0 gapply. Students are, enteriI391 0, I eaoh week, and the' sooner You # enter the; bettior for yourself. * ;* 0 � Get our free eitalogne at oncia * # I D. A. McLACHLAN # Ilrliicipal. * is * *"####*##-V####4#4###**t*16, . . - I I 0 . #"'# ,P eAepffox Uaa, weo Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. I LONDOrq. ONT. � IMSMESS, and SHORTHAND SUBJECrS. 'VW6,itered last season upwards of 300 io$idms andplaced every graduate. Seven . ...'s4kcially qualified regular teachers. One I . Jumdred and fifty London firms employ A*r tidined help. Cbllege iTl session from Z*L 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. Budoess Forest Cq and ,,,,,,, College X W. WESTERYELT, JR, J. W, WESTERVELT, . , Chiirtered;kccountsut, ftindpol. _,.� vicerAWPOL to I � I I . I I I CASTORIA For Infants an4 Children. , NL� in Kind Yep vZong AlWaYS 80901 Basra the- �1� 7 .r � Augo."P.vo -0 U'Aa014 71aa I - I - I I ­ � .1 I � � , I , �.P L I I I � I I ( "..b" on � ' � I - Mel. worse lart wia,the Waying ottor love., cne step. forward. . M Ming," ­Vn HEr Wedd:ng Morn," Etc., E -c. "I 'will Wake balnowii me as his wife , eruti(�tled that filtJ)ougqI Ile 11,14,I.L,turqj� 0 , , on On, -with quick st4aps that never falter. "Daisy!" he cried, , .1 , - I — - - V : i - . ­ 11 11 befoe ]ter," she said, ,,I will make ed. TI)e,re in tile "WlIft,t, in Hat. I ed to 33agland, it -iva�s vot he who had 11 �e to wnw� in �6'* �� ? ' I ? hill tell me in her P"eselice why lie distance She siaw ven's 114mv, borings you here?" sovght her, but she who bad goi, I INI OR . � I the 4VOu radliags against wbic& she lean� La I .. , 0; itto juarousy, rro pirair, no sorrow; rwLT=g '' WU Oat i,a(ly B!Iay rerusoct , I married me. I will ,have justice a.s I ed that day, in lr�,r agony when sh,. dY May looked on in wonder that --who had ku%,It at h;q f(vt, elaoli,ingher, � , , Some "; have never had love." saw Lady May; the (Jay ,a first was almost alarm. 1R*hO Ny,iis this? Sho whilte armog round hf,n, . calling 41141 bi � 04 bmt deep, calm, sweet, unbroken rest. celient OffeT4. We quite expected ever, I nil lWar on! advanced to speak to ber, an , � I day to hear the marriage It was late before Sir Clinton return- Which the -hand of death d DA15Y every JQTiug DQUIP vilo etuild remerabe 0 � t "Dead"' Why, death Was the only He visited the announced. ' I had seizel koked Ut the tall. beautiful, st;itel it was, she who hail wooed ,him. , ,r. 011 way in which she could ,free herself 11011sep he goes every. Cd; she, Sitting watching the il Y ,It i , 0 � , sit andLhlra, She krIeW whe'Te Ividi. her but them has j(,alous ey", knew b tIry with her. 00, with a �cou-rage that grew girl, whose rich dress Swept the floor, lu",01t be that wliell lie returned to pug- I � there wits such a ; been no ow late, . I � such announcemen it would not be for much I Ali, well, greater with every Step. She Was go. and whose golden 'hair shove like an Iftlid he bad no th,)Ilght 6f,liqVing her- ': - I 11 Wing as divorce; but, itheri, -it must,fol- t Yet, and, I begin to thought Heaven was v onge,r. She Ing to seek for just4ce, Ubt only fox her- airmole. 'Id, P"balie- illf-ided to avoi(i lte,4 � , 11 -ong-doing; they would not give It marry, tbey wOul It they me -ant to erY merciful; "If, buft for her little child In fut-Off, "DO You want me?" she asked. 041 1 low ir; tbiluk, never will. Ile b Q1 there was plenty of room for her In Fraince; the ell Sbe remembered bow aften be bad tiia , �,4 1 . W for a mistaken marriage. before )this, d have done so long heaven, altihortigh no one wanted her on Oil who hudnever known,'. 'pin Lady T�Ievlyn." . I to .-pcok to bon, (,, .I'* 1i � A , *thought a fathees love or a father's care , "t past, and sha� "If it were not wrorm, I do ulot think there will _ Andi "Yes," said Daisy; 111 wisheol to speak had ��,­(­Iy rei`,-�.- ,I -0 i : �� . ever be a marrilage niow.11 earth- She Would have justice; toben there were tearis In her eyes, tears rain4' to you .rF . listru to him. . A" `t,�4(, Nr(,r(- w"ziable (INCuses for , Daisy, "I would kill my"'IT it I could "Yet they are suppose to care for she would gobOlne to her baby and die. Ing down ,her fuce, teare burning her!, "Dalsy," cried Sir Clinton, "what, do's sm'dj a i--;;11--�ui,��;eral;,'.., -nn"ir'lls exclaftorl: 11 11 go to Heaven, I would' cheerfully g . elp iye el,ch ,ther," said Daisy, "I Will Pray so earuesWy for death," whem they fell. Tearst She raised heri ta..ds mean? Why have you followed we but they were true. TT(�r heal't w . I I . eut out .� I I up life." "' Sire suld to herself, ',that Heaven Will head proadly, She had.niot kaQwn that,, liere?" to ,him in great, b0lllifflf'so"IrAty; ber .love, � "I I That -is the mystery; that is -what I . , , OP Bait that could not be; it she took her the world cannot nuderstaud.10 never refuse to hear me.,' she was weeping; it must have been) "To seek justice,'* she replied--gsjus. Seemed to leave the region of � � . SO f and r -V' own life, she should never see the face "It !is like a riddle," -said Daisy, light- -with tihinking of ber 111ttle one who had tice, imt pity, not inidulgence,l vr,ixt go Into zometb��11,- bigher and better; * .1'4., I I of God. ThNi there was the little IY, as she tutmed away; I'm) one can no one to love him but his ;�O;th "' ju,�,tice!" �� ry baby -the Sweet, lauglibig, cooing baby guess it." . CHAPTER XLVIIJ. , . great sense of kinduess came ov" her.. ,, - 2 -11-1t, tiny Pilik hands and dimpled . I ,,� i it � ; 11 "I will not face my enemies with �earsl Lady May looked from one to, the After all, v�i#- thy,ilgilt, it was It X . She spoke l4glitly, but the very blttm- A SURPnISE IMA10TU'NT. J er Own A � onmy,face," said Daisy. . i otber in wond(?T? Who was th"S'Who fault, Ile, I� � ` - I -a rs toyed her better -self; his father Cared littIL' S and t, no e n1ext It had come tO that at 10�sfi --the hm-i dared to speak. so to Sir (Ilinton-11-110 V-1111 ldf,e dtS(-'-r;. ber coquetry iia r�jvo" .1 had but bei or ca S so I fect. She musi not leave that. B-aby UW9 of death was Ili, h It rt. he The housekeeper did ,not go th' J d d ,1 14' � a could under t it 11 W; it wao morning as usual for her orders; sale band she -had loved go dearly, whomo dared to .qddrvs% him in these te1_,1,,,? him from bet. *11d sht, had wooed hirm � �. I 1� for it -all his limi-t wns with Lady plain as the pages of an open, book. He She had worshiped with all the ove orl 'Then ,she looked at -her lover. 'he s ot,M o heir 10 I . I b. May. I sent Ma,rgerio in her place, who, Ili am I 11(� i �ld back. T pzi,t it,t­r t , - I � . r. theY had qna=eled; swLr to, Sir Clinton's polite inqn1vies, her girlish heart, was her enemy. They' grown 4,h-oGtly pale -so pule that r,:te I 'id colars, Imol sli" was just eno-ugh I ; at in her room th L% v'% 'IN. ,. I I All that day Daisy ,a, 1114-a loved 'her, and - I , I quarrel with her whom he loved replied that Mrs. JoTdon was not well. had beeni was alarmed for him. Wbo -vas wl' to own that t0m g,' tf�r *pu�t ot I . 64 trying to think what ,she Rhould do. so * o4uld never see that sbe e ? P41 the, I , Intensely. was the sorrow which had I Ile was sorry, bat lie was goi.a. weepin,g. She would appear before -ml What did it nican? She saw thrit he 'wrong lay ,ii,loi 1,PI.W.". F"ho rose hite I 'j, a Should she go to him ,and upbraid him- Out thL . f �,, at tell did , in she knew all -she had - f ound OTIIT-en.him mad; he had, no doubt, agailn, so that lie bLg.,ed she would irot grand and stately as the proud lady 1 tried to speak, but all sound died o,i his ht%roism then-thl"t lia,ttejvd, co,arted, r- " , , I faaaen In the woods where she found give herself any trouble that day on who 'had won. -her husband's heamit; she I lips-noithing esc�iiped them, Tlien 1, idy lovely la,dy-slie forg-t hergelf to think 'Ill ' out ibis love for Lady May? Should she him, halt dead with fatigue and mAsery. his accOunt. . lmd her own d�� tO rQ01Ut,i1n-'&-,h,Qi MALY scuoke ago�u, and her clear voice of blin-sbe lost s'glit of her- own am- . � insist upon his. mal�lng their mariage That Part Of the Story Was Plaint enough , Daisy was V, i to eally ill -not In any was a -true wife, and she was mother of guish in his, Sbo left her st­andllig� , I tile wDirld as his wife? Ali, no; f the heir ,of Eastwold. .. ) or if I place by the window nad went up, to �* 1� too, how, weraried out with emotiou lcoked toward her. I pub -Me at once, and introducing her to her; She could imagine, danger, but fell so distillib"y on t1h6r elars that both slic ddd RuY Of these things, he would having r0tUxU)Dd tG England and finding and. susliense. Her bead ached so pain- It was for those whohad injured her, him. She held cut her hands to him. �,:; I " . �. his beautiful love true and faithful fully that ,she could not endure the hersel � . o , to only hate ,her the more. . him, the old obarm bad beerx redoubletdo I to give way to fear alia to yield -not "You wanted me," she --vaid. "I aln "Clin'tom," she said, calmly, this is . I to I cannot endure that," light; when she tried to f. She turned aside for a few at your aervice-1 do not remember my fault, not volirs." , I " thought What she could ,not I rise it was as : � Daisy. "Ile does not love me, but I hellad married her. ' m*agine was Why though her strength failed.lier, and she minutes, that the wind might efface all yon -'r Tle looked up at her with wild; bur 1,1 ,� 0 could niot licar that he should hate Mistake; but Mhut was the fatal had the good sense to perceive that im- traces Of he!r tears. "You have never seen me,') said Ing eyes. I . . 1� '. . I me to for that he would ,have less sibe, rested in time sh� inight pos- "I shall hate myself If I fery," she Dbisy. "I ant a stranger to YOU -YOU "011, MY darling!" he cried. . I 1.� 7 1 , been happy enough�he would have max. kilow my husband well. I am Lady � - .� Besides which,' she ,had no proper siblY have a severe illness -such. rest as 10aid. "I want justice, not pity." I "Hush!" she $.lid, imatl-y; "you must .1 �, a ' ried Lady May. That was the grand it was, when every thought was pain, So obe stood for som�,- few minutes Adadr." .1 �, n th tr n e,s f ell No word from -the wretched man. not use such words to me -they belong i� I was CaP4 Lady May looked up with a suddeta to your W,ife. 0 nto , it is my f .1 I - Lady May, error which could never be remedied. able of wits an Intense longing to dic, t(eld .her that he loved 'thc sb grounds for accusfition. No one had mistake, the great blunder; the one a d e s o g t e ng e "I wish", she thought, , ,,that I col;ld after All, it was principally hec own Put all my tears safely away, to be id a ail t � . . Willy had he done it? He had evident. It was four days before she rose quite sure that none will disgrace me," gleam of anger in her face. Now, before the evil grows greater, let . surni-Ise. She was confident of it after lY never ceased to love Lady May. They Then when her cold, proud calm had "Lady Adair!" sbe repeated. "Pardon us remedy R." . . . seeing them toget.16er. Should she write had 'lot been married very long when again; then she felt striingely we&lr I . i a letter to Lady May, telling her that she had wondered so ,at his emotion and I 1, One of the first things s,he did returned, she walked -toward the hotv,.4e. me, are you sure there is no mistake?" She laid her band for one half,minate � I D Sir Clinton AdaiT I When she had -rung the bell; 9 -he knew "I am quite sure," replied Daisy; "and on the handsome bead, beat in. such . � was to 90 to Sir Cilinton's study, which, was married- that over the lines "Waiting for the May-" had been neglected, during her absence. that her Rdmittan6e. was quite certain, my husband, Six Clinton, does not deny humble ,,hu listion I I d he had a. wife and child in France? It Wits his bea�ati I it. Ask him, if you do -not believe me."' n -A before her,, and all: � � S fal love of whom he It did not look as thong' heir bedxt bent painfully fast; her face the love of -her he=t and soul. seemed . E -he looked a proud and lofty lady, on,, was thinking th h he had been I � � en, she knew; lie -had much in it. There were some letters lost some of Its color, but she would not "I do not believe you," said Lady to go out to bim in that one toudli. ' I . May. "I would -not believe you on Your ;� who would scorn eveif to look at an never ceased to love her; -then hy d tte, about. but that which anger- I anonymous letter. Should isbe write to w hu Sca red give in. � "Clinton, look up; let us remedy the I Ile married any one else? That Was , ed her most, and brought matters to a "I ,have to facenty enemies," she vald. oath." . eTil. Remember, I sought you -you. did 1. him? She was puzzled what to do.. Of thL- Only mystery left now in' the , A one thing crisis, was th- a have come here for justice, not for "Appeal to Sir Clinton," said Daisy. not seek me. I will speak to Lady, - k Or at she saw on 'the mantel - I .: She was quite reSOITed-this Whole at Y. It could not have been . .11 They both turned to him at the same Adair.1p ' I I I Should ,not go on; she must have it end- Piece a letter from riyacce, front her- vity � I that he loved her-Uhat was 'not pos. . ent. I �, ed. Tho best, the wisest plan. would be . Self, that had been, by th A tall footman opened the door, and ulom H6 looked at the noble, beautiful fe,od I 00 sible; he had asked her to be III e post -mark � .1�.� I 0 . respectfully when he saw the tried top . '111111�: Oman in the black speak to her; but he could frame nai ,�; clile later on; she would not 'huTTy her Much about love; besides which, any d,11,ty. it had evidentl lain there un- dress. "Clinton," said Lady May, "tell we words. 1. the next question. That she could de as beautiful, fah-hadred w ' wife or not?" ,in; but -be [lad never said jv� still unopened. It was dusty and to marry III ' "Caro," said Daisy, "speal-sm I your with. unutterable auquish; he to see them both together. When? was 'a Wife, upon it, lying there for four days, and b 'Wed I faint, fftble affection that he had fox o,pen�d ever since It' Y "I want to see Lady Trevlyn" said If this be true?" Them Lady May went to Daisy- Slid fate by any precipitation. She would I her, was nolthting compa to i a _ came. ThaE was red k in the chniax. As she held that letter 1111 Daisy, in a firm voice. "I k�c;v tba�,t He flung up -his arms with a bitter held Out her hands to her in Undly, ,� have .no scene by which the world could tL'r,sitY of his love for Lady May. her hands all gentler feelings seemed to she is at home." � cry, then, laying them ori the table, Uld creedne. ' be enlightened, but she would have jus- "Why did Le marry me?" cried the die out of Daisy's heart; .her "Her ladyship Is at home, but she,is his face in them, and silence fell ovw all "Let us help Min, 1-dy Adair," she ., - tice for herself ,Ind her child. H,e unhappy girl, wringing 1heT hands. face burn- � mighi not1ove thein, blit he s1hould-not slecplug ed with anger, her heart beat fast, her gaged," was the reply. three. said; he is in great distress." I � Better a thousand timet to be OMO,Yes," said Daisy; "Sir Clinton AdWir 'Those two fair women watched eaelf Daisy's pride and amgeT had melted . I � -hands trembled, Iler sweet face was not 113 � look at this fair woman with his heart under the daisies than to be here -be' v ri,t,that moment pleasant to see. , here -I have to meet him here." other -the beautiful, fair-haired Daisy away; they bad never been, very itrong; I In his eyes. ter tb be dead,'than. living to shut .(>ut with ail angry flash in her face, Lady I -low that day passed Misy never all hope of happiness for hemelf. No "% " she said, slowly, 'lit is even. too "I will teil MY lady," Said the man. they gaTe place new to infinite pity and . I knew. Under pTetext of kadispor.ftlon�, Imuch'trouble, to open my lc,t,terg now. It But Daisy, admitted once into the hall, May calm as a high -bred, Imperial infinite ,love. i ,� she reauained in her own room; She idea of the truth occurred to her; no might have been to tell hin, tbat baby 1)10,ced a couple of soyereigns into his queen. They seemed, no -it were, each "I have no wish to be haxil-to ber SUSPicion that he had married her from -,vas ill, to ask hini to conie-it might hand. to critloise the other -to take in, the un-Und," she said; "but I must have i . could not ha,v46 borne' the soijnd of an impulse ot InanlY kindness and gecrk- have been most important; no nuitteT, "I do 71110t want You to a3inouilce, me," detalds of each other's beauty. Then juistace--justice for myself and my little � vOices Or the sig'ht Of faces -her ht'airt eir-Ity, She bewilde bets f in # , had no, tim " she said; "I want. you arra I u. red el ,V- I.e e -to Teftd.-it�rlie rome,inbeirs ply to show Lady May, with a cold, perished smile, ddld!' _7 - �,_:71�7 �: wa,44_ br_oke .-with the tragedy of her Ing to discover -how it *us. said: I , owl; uf*e.'- So I 7=11mes she thought she He bad evidently repented of It, for Lothing but Lady )fay; there is no Ine th;e door of the mom *-here Lady "You see, he does rrot . Lady Mqy recanted for half, a miltl- I would creep home to the baby, and die thought, no care, no consideration fbr� MAY is. I know Sir Clinton well -you own it." . 0 ute; a spnsm of pain passed over her ­ w1ithout one word of what she had dIs- - lie had taken no steps to introduce hex me. Now I will have justice; there lra,s fteed have nio fear." Dviisy replied: ., face. I . 11, I to any one --indeed, no one here in Bag- been no mercy shown to me, I will show "It is 11 vcTr unusual thing to do," "He does niot deny it." "A child!" she said. "Have you a lit, I I : 60yeTed. - She was almlost tired of the land knew anything about her. A sud- itene. I will �s, and said the man. "I will -believe," said bady May, ",that tle child, Lady Adair?" " usedeas, weatry struggle. den flush of anger burned her face; her find out where .she d "MY lady may be dis- you have go,ne mad. I will believe that ­ I Me could nOt -hope now for, his love confront him with her." Iv!eased.po "Yes," replied Daisy, "I have a love- � Pfissionute, despadring love gave place I I el you are wicked, false, designing -that 13, little ho not even in the long years to come; her to ibrigry pride. -Addlihe TV- not in the hous-, but' , "No," replied Da SY, Stil car essly, y; but Sir Clinton does not I I child's pretty prattle and pretty ways She felt ,that, let him one of the footmen gave -her all Vie in- 'not with you, I can, promise you -riot the whole world is mad -but I will never IOTe lurs; he does not love ni-he IoTOS � have what excuse he might, he had formation that she required. Of With you. Will you do it for me?" believe one word against the honor and nothing in the wide world but you, am& :, Would not purchase it for her. sPoilled her' life without having any he wus gone tO C, eoUrse loyalty of Sir Clinton, Adair." "And I cannot wonder at it," iffe House; the pity. "If YOU will take the blame," said the It is not just, it is not fair." she motive for -it. "And I," said Daisy, .'%elieve in Hea.- "You are quite right," said Laft thbusht, with her rare sweetness of was he could not live there. A bitter beTy'ant. ..� Then. Daisy was compelled to leave Smile curled her lips. . "There will be no blame," she Yen, but I have little faith in man, now- May; "it is not just, not fair. Yo* 11A . , ` - � � � - replied. . .X1 I huistlity. "I am not to be compared her thoughts and go down stairs, where $41 need bardly have asked the ques-' "I will undertake to awswer for It that bn Sir Cliuftn Adair- I am his wife; she'll hh,re full jusdee, Lady Adair."i I to her; she IS beautiful, �eyond. inost a variety. of duties no one ejse could tiOn," she thought; "where is it� likely neither S# i6fioat;Dn nor Lady he does not deny it." I ` I I I ' � : I, .. Then the. UARWIPP I I . � I �,_, Who oln -4 .X WPfttSbDOOd,U.P; he' ve, hq.r dfspiq. , 1'. g tl�e Aer �wounded! Io iaud,�40T­ ""Ill Ietter� he has to go to Cliffe HOUSO."' . In'.pp I � . � , . � - ', bred; I am only h; coimtTY girl. he should be? He bus, bo time to ,4�W,j, Wgl.' ever a�k doox for 'S'tfetched. <iut. Imploring hattils, to ta4,�p � ; z4t, I*�vllik, �, " �: women. She is n.lady0iIjh-b&n; high- FcTfbrm� were -siraiting for her-dutit?i . . , Ap TTevly,n, She 13'raTelY. trampled her own Pat* f -I ( . No that she began' to loathe , Iny . , hor, under her iii; -.0i4 , " Wonder -that -he loves her best. Why "It will not be for much longer," she I If1 I wanted anything to nerve me. this: He hesitated for one minute, -and he May. only of him, and to d6 hha good., - gi*--�, �. ­. , - did fie marry me!" said to herself; "I will take good cure -Mll; if ray courage fails me, I h,,v I tooked scradnizimgly at the beautiful, "I daire -not ask you to forgive I 11 Once she thought dt was just possible of that." ' bilt tair, . me," must, she knew, conciliate this b f�l - -.haired I all this anight be a misftke. to remember bbat my life was b , lady whose black velvet he said; "my sin is -beyond ail PaTdOD; ful, fair-haired woman, before bm 4 Perhaps She loathed this great, splendid hou,5e, I have no excuse to offer." -.1 and luxury; it ," o) "We must help him," she said, al 71 TAdy May Was related to him; they with its profusion , nothing to him, that be ha �� , , "I itres. w" so rich and tasteful. She, ould ; " ed me as a..4 there was . suffer . t the reasonts act of vengeance, end then had not the nothing ill�bred, no the very depths of his. might be comins; she could not tell; she ed to ber to, embody oneo . m- for a whim, that he marri S sp'ile'l It hoked like a perfect lady; She looked with her clear eyeis into "he is very unhappy, and h4has thing outre about ed much." Would ask. If they were related, ever why he had not proclaimed his mnr- C�C,Urage to carry out his revenge, I have hein, then she hiad lovely blue eyes, and "I will take no other word than youn, "He is Te_ -Y unhappy bemuse he has; so distandy, tha-t would account for the riage with her. She fancied lie -"ms but to think of my own broken heart� they were looking very im Clirtbo,n," she said. "Is what this lady married me," said Daisy, simply. "I friendship between them. . . ashamed to Introduce her, asEamed in and my little -child's face. plorqugly at urges true?" . She might have kilown how passion- show her as the mistress of all his I shall have- bini. He was but a mortal man. camnot -help it; I cannot imagine why he atedy She loved -her -husband from the c(Purage for anything then. Good -by to I "Pray forgive me, madum," he said. -"Yes," -he replied, and again & t0r­ did it. It seems to me that be has 011- I relief .that even that faint suspicion wealth. Mrs. Jordan! Good -by to Lifdale' 'Lady Trevlyrt is very particular. I had rible silenee came over them. ways loved you." �. - "I can do without it," said Daisy, House! Stf-17-for MY cliflol's sake no, Drders to say that her ladyship was itot " "Truel" ,said Lady May, . at last- "He kas loved me very much," said - \1 gave lier. It CaTe her strength to leave w.,th a curling lip; "I do not wan -t it, One Must kn[Ow that I have been -here.; at 110-111e-" true! You have been here, thought bY Lady May, with equal tmmknes. "What the rfoom, to go down stairs and talk to but I will have justice for myself and I TdIl go, and i,eave no itraces.; th f'I know," interrupted Daisy, "but I nit to be my lover, yet you were married was the pretty name I beQTd your hts- Adolphe again. All dri,the most casti-al my child." - . ey may hm quite sure that -she would be at home m, it cannot be N -ad-" Iter voice faltered over the . way, she asked him if Sir Clinton had say the housekeeper left sudd all the time. Ob, Clinto enli and - true! I would sooner believe He -area . A most unfortunate idea came to her wiltholit cause, but they will never con. 'to me if she knew that I was here." I any relatives, in London; and the ir.a- them; it was that he had married heir nect the- housekeeper with Lady Adair 1 ' It angered her to hear that her heau- false, myself mad, than you dislogal. It . I swer . was "No." Then she said: to avenge himself on Lady May, and What a mockery it seems to think that" Oful rival appropriated .her husband -so cannot be true!" , M relative of his?" , entirely; evidenUy she -would allow o "It is true, my ,durlling," said Six I - "Is not Lady May Ttevlyn a' distant then, when- the deed was done, he had I Rnit -Lady Adair!" � f S U-NNER COMPLAIN not the courage to avow it. Daisy felt She went for the last time to her. ho luterruptiou when Sir Clinton was Clinton'. - "No," said Adolphe. "You seem. curi- that She had solved the mioble2n at Ja4a rclom, impatiently enough; she pulled off trith ,her. Tbat only made her more del Daisy looked up with an angry face" Is one of the most troublesemo . ous over Lady Trevlyn, Mrs. Jordan," "My -husband has no right to call you he said. "I will tell you all I know .--------.--- ­__­__ __ the false gray heir; she had all b,e,r termined. She looked at the footman darling, Lady TreTlyri,ll she said. "He troubleS of the Not Summov about it, and this was told ine by one , - I . . senses about )her; she bnr,ned the gray, with an, irresistable smile. dair's, belongs to me, not -to You." Days. The Old and the Young,, ago, ivihen "You ii,re right," said the beautiful the Stroug and tho Weak aft of her household. Some years . - , front lest it should be found; the white' "I am a relative of Sir Clinton A ` she was a young girl, they were ellgag. \Ill""; cap she left -in the bureau drawer. In Ind I lia.ve come some, distance to see IN kv her box she had,ome dress thatshe-had Win. I will take care that , calmly. "True, CaintDn-did you I all affected alike. � -they were lovers; th(in "I= you are held girl , I ed to be married - ,�-_ASV/ Hn Y ,I Say that It was -really true?" 1P . they quarroled-I have -never .heard how �­ I . 4 I Pureliastd in ease of Tiny such conUn_ blameless. I pray yo,u to show me the "HeaTen ihelp us, May, it is true! 11 ­ . � or why-4hey quarreled and parted. Sir � . � 9011CY as this, a dress of black velvet; Wom." . -a traitor. I hate myself, OR. FOWLERPS 41, De it was some relief to - throw off the The -man bowed. am a coward Clinton went awny-welit by himself, , VEBSTE18'L qutint costume that had disguised the "Her ladysb4p is -in the drawing- 1 -yes, it is true." I I taking no servants with bim. I bad Then, without a word, Lady May � been living with hint three years then, .-. I NE,Tuw . grace and elegance of her beau.tiful room," he said; 'thet is the door at the turned fxom them. She walked back Extract of . . figure, and amiy herself once more in a Md of the hall; Shall I open it for you?" find I knew no more than the others did W � to the window, where so lately She lvad . , about thim. We ail r"eived it meg&age. . dvess that suited her youthful beauty. ".'No," said Dadsy; "I prefer to open stood in all trust and toTing faiM Per- ' I . INTERNATIONAL U Wild Strawberru ilix-ough his solicitors that we we -re to 'ven In the mi0st of her sadness and It myself; you need not fear the least haps no woman. ever passed througft a "V , . &v.air Daisy did not forget that; &be Ili the world." . I r(main on board wages. I have nott such anguish as overpowered her then. Is the most effective remedy '?� myself the faintest idea where he wen% Dicvowy . koked fair enough for any ni,an's love; She smiled so carelesdy that the man Sir Clinton ,had bowed his white face known for the cure of I it wis nearly three years before he I with that flush on her flower-like face, was reassured. It was a most unusual , . rettirned to U ngland; then he was so . -1 HE MERRUrd WEBSTE' R ? that light of resolution In her eye.9 fadr 11ting to ask -an unusual thing to do again, end hidden it with his hands,. I'?, I , - Daisy stood erect and defiant, but the DIARR110EA, DYSENTERY, COLICj ,� terribly changed -his face had grown and gra.:!eful as women illeed be.' Yet Tb ere could -be no li�;rm In It; she was a pride and anger were dydrig out Q.f her I CRAMPS, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOL_ . I Older, and Ills eyes had a dim, dazed Because 1'- ill 0, NEW CREA- she langbed a% She looked at that re. relative or Sir Clinkon-peThaps she fa,ce, am she saw the viisery of Lady ERA INFANTUX, AND ALL SUMMER I T101T, covcrmg every fleetion of herself; what did it inatter' wlnlk,d to give him a surprise. 1. � 11 1(ok, such as you see sometimes in tile field f the world's I thought, how fair she was? he would never Theze was one tliingg May. COMPLAINTS. I face of a man whoan sorlow has driven aetion nnd . ,be could do, and, 11 _1 . culture. The onl-v , The beautiful heiress, the flattered, This sterling remedy has been on the � irw,id." ­ now unabridged.dictionary Ili . love her, never care for her; the we- not being over -burdened with consci- courted woman, she who had refus&l market ior over 65 years and bas yet � Flip rose from her scat with a little maxry years. man lie loved was a thousand times Price, he decidE'd upou doing it; he could some Of .the n1oblest men in Engl aid- failed to do what we claim for it 1 � (-ry. ., . I more beautiful than. she. r I go out of the ir.u. and, if any inquiries U I " Because It defines over 400,000 the lovely Lady May­stlood silerit, on- r 1 `W71'. t is it?" afilied Adolphe. , Words; more than ever It seemed so sirfln&6 going through WerC =1(30 As to who opened the dol?e" Be sure and ask for Dr. Fowiell�s ano . -ibefore appeared botwe U two . tie . "I I sho, replied. raintly; "a streets ii� her own. character. She no 0110 saw JL'- do it, and lie could be than falls to the lot of woman -more ,naist on being given what you ask for. I I- I "'n" . 0-10, I durfaig pialn and anguish more bititeir � P .. 6... In! , silent. ATU -Rbfe dt MY beaft; it is gone now, covers. 2-70O.Pages, 17- did not notice, the adrairifrig glance's bent bk.ter than death. Mrs. 0. E. Mills, Teulon, Man., writearl '.� .. . quite gone. Go oil, Adolphe; you talk I Inatzations. . . on her, the admiring eyes that followed, "She i� a lr,-Vlv woninn." lie Slid to A commonplace woman would ha,v@ " Just a line to let you know that I have : like a story -book." am Because it Is the OnXX dictionary her. She thought only of finding hex� hinisolf; "but I do unt I-011"ember to have . with the new di-vided husband at CAiffe House. Many a i soEn her f.'10e v iliong finy of our pcol)le." have made com,MDn c-aase against him- I hot weather of last summer she -was very .1 I "I am pleased to interest you,, I%Jrs. — I I given him up to Ills fate -would a little girl flive years old, and during the . Jorolan�ll said the polite valet; I but I I liace. .11. "Stroke of'Gendus." pkisser-by stopped to look at this beawi 171 the ine-an't'ine Daisy had opened ,gould have bcaped reproaches and 4n- bad with the 8urnmer C,omplaint, in fact Iry I -e little more to tell. Sir. Clinton Because it is; an ancycloriedia, in Viful flair-giaired wonlan In, -the blackt the door. I � . -rd a Single volume. ve . 11rot dress, wbose face -was so uncon-1 1 - She did -none of theGe things. Ilia Per, wo . came Nick, lookiniT years older, bagga Suits On bim-w6uld have taunted him, I th ought we were going to lose bar. I and eare-worn. 15'verY one was delight- RoCaffse it is accepted by the ! selous and whose eyes seemed to look' CHAXTER XTj M_ :.: ; fidy-shocked her; the knowledge Of his tried everything we could think of but I edto see him, and welcomed him. wattri- I I courts'. Schools and so far away. Daisy, passed on, the sun: � SIR aLmTON's amwnsslmr. deceit grieved her,, but far aboye all wfthout success. One day one of out. I � 1Y. He inet Lady May again, ,Ind blivy Pkew asr the one suprelue an- was shining brightly, the sky,was blue, selfisib pain, far above all thought of neighbors atked what Was the trouble I became hiends. r,irery one norlijr. . the western wind sweet and calm; the' Daisy had opericifl the door golittly. with the little girl and we toldhim. He � � expected I Pe and I vengeance, soared the hi,Th and lotty _" .0ple looked happy mm 9A_ I I that they would marry; but they have Because he who knows winig ill prosperous,, N-Vith one keen, comproherlsiye glance love of her life. Sbe had plenty of 11 advised us to try .br. Fowler's t, xtroact, ol : . not done so, and I do not think that � $Ucaessi. tot us tell the little eliflilftli were all at play. ! slic. took in the whole of the seeno be- cause to turn round and heap bitter Wild, Strawberry, which W6 did., I '. I : � � � any ooe k1lows the reason why, I do yottabout this new work, $fie never mw the suillit strects, Or' fore ,her. It was a smal], pretty Town, words upon, iim, plenty Op right to rc� honestly believe it Vraa the only thfng 11 � aut, and I ant Sir Clinton's trusted sor- I . I'll, - heard the sound of the, children lit play.; this morning -room of L, . I ran't. yr �.ft Ady 1�lay" Wit" t0inte on him, but -lie was file lover 09 that saved my little girl's life. -ol dox�t I � I SITMlige idea had taken Pos%essliooy �j long, low windows tilint opened on tO. 4 her girlhood, crushed with the sense of 4 W=Z far Itrealmen of tow dw&d P.S" a I bc, think tbdre is anything better forgUit- I � "Flow eranger' rommured ]Daisy,, a. & C.M911RIAM Co., PublisIters'sprivorlem, W4. ;5he 'w" wondering bow a con-' ittacrow lawn, where flowers seemed to Ills misery, beaten down, humiliated, mer Complaint than Dr.. Fowler's 8 x0not . , � 'Yes, it �% titrarive; fat, it I.% WE41 X, two dtinned criminal walks from 'his cell t)", bloom by "magic all tho year round, Ait .� . _11 I it. � ,r*JW,r"1f#r= - 6000frocutimAps, the scaffoldl bqw short tibe way Must the W1114OW -Ite � And diU-rft,cC She Was solr*, tor her- of Wild Stmwberry,'A PH66 980 U , 1 I I � , 1-0,�, , 1. - . ­ . -= - I . s-a.vr t�t�o figures--4that golf. ,or, ,o,= b_v fat tot him. She thetured only by The T, 9 * 0,11%. 1 .. I I I . . � abum uii" I I I Urnited. To)-otito. Ont. . �� . � I . - I I I � . I . I . I � . . . . ,, I . 4 " . I I r : , . I .1 . I . � I . I � .k I I I . I I '' . . I � . � . � . 11 I , � I . I . . � .. , � I I 1, 1''. 1 11 1. . I . I . I .1 � ; I, 1- , I _ I � I I I I I I I , , I , 11 rr � .� I I . ­� I - , I I � 11.1 � I I � - .11- .1 1. ­ I ,�!"",,Imliliiliiilw-ll�1;1111111111,11" .1, '111, " ,��_.. 1. -.1-1 1-1.1 .11-L. _: A-1 11 , ., - ­ ....... i_: � I I I I i � I "i � � I ,: d",d&., r - �.� L , . �� ­L.�� 1'.,�� 11�1;­, ...... __,11K_--_-. -1,111 1.1 I'll ­_ I 41 '' .11. _ ..,A .,� I A% , %I :,