HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-16, Page 32MESA —GODE10 0 Ammo, rimiESDAY. ISO Ilarbouraires perform ID NOLL CHRISTMAS • GIFT • RAP$9 79 ONLY CACHET 9 Tio OFF SPRAYOLOGNE $3 C as, ow DISPOSABLE i7ro SMILES11 CHUCKLES LIGHTERS ORLY I fa; URTLES$4 69LeitirisrAirliES " 4' ONLY • ONLY MI4rmatuen• • dsfr.., Tis the season of the concert What better way to get Into the Christmas *tit than with a concert of Christmas music. The flarhaorairea' annual Christmas cermet held at Knoz Presbyterian Church last Wednesday evening, lifted the festive spirib of all who attended. 1 featured an asiortmest of traditional carols, spirituals, solo performances and audience participation along with organ and piano ac- eompaniment Performing with the Harbouraires this year were the Cralgellen Singers under the direction of lb Worse% the Knox Handbell Choir under the direction of Lorne Dotterer, soloist Jean Hanly of the Craigellen Singers and guest soloist Ray Buchanan d Sarnia John Wyatt of the Harbouraires was the emcee for the evening. Choose the gifts that will last MINISTER'S STUDY Mauls something tor every at Triangle Discount. Se* (afro* hew matedso of Christmas Wad& Cards? ThwetWatches,tetwicco,Boxehecelatesirersensildata Applance& Parfainta„ Wolfs and Ladkor Co46HIS,, and much more • atIdatinlis Oltemint coldest TRIAKIG LE ersigellen Singers perform Residents attend Chtistmas party Jim Haddock, Mrs Minnie Powler, and Mrs, Edna Cantelon from Huronview were among these whn at- tended the C,14,1.,B., Christmas party at the On- tario Street United Minh Saigtday aftenibOU, After a delicto turkey &Mier, all were entertained by local talent., M Eris and Kathy Maelknald sang at the Saw day morning service, while Clayton Steels, Grace Peck, Mark Sproat, Jennie Chestriey, and Mary Ross en- loyed a trio to London on JEWELLERY and .111NO. Top prices paid for silver and gold coins, foreign coins, stamps, bank- note*, slaw medals, gold feweliery, rings, and pocket watches. • ALSO STERLING SILVER FLATWARE and 'old (143' Top prices', paid for Souvenir Spoon* We also buy: GOLD JEMILERY STERLING SILVER GOLD CMINS GOLD REAM UTARY WEALS PAPER MONEY GOLD 60114S ES,S.A. GOLD Aro glisiEff COINS SILVER DOLLARS rAtir *ft irot, 46660rablit CdrirrificIn Eftir *MaffARY MEDALS *CAPSADGES nod DAGGETIS WAR SOUVEYRIFIS SUNCOAST •MALL AT nolvionoos sumit Dec, 17 Deco 18 Dec 19 Thurs. Frf, Sof. Etecento flutfuging, Marker& Cdatri rier004 arg. guilledr tts.crimige without natiet. .TOP PRICES PAID • • 3 DAYS ONLY erstescot • • 4111,4.-"gt 1987 SILVER 1467 COLLARS WE PAY 700 MI HALF DOLLARS WE PAY.— „„„ LS. 1467 QUARTERS .50 1467 DIMES WE PAY V4V 20 U.S.A. U.S.Av SILVER DOLLARS' 111164415 WE PAY . „ 9.00 1464 HALF DOLLARS WE PAY 1464 QUARTERS efforrr Ablaut e r Huronview news • Monday afternoo- where they were given the oppor- tunity to do some Christy shopphig, On Monday even- ing„ the LaketoWn Rand from Goderich entertained the home with many beautifirt musicalselectims., The Gorrie Woinetfs In - Artie helped , all those ceiehratirig a birthday. in Decernber by providing the' Wednesday afternoon pro - grunt and lunch, The enter- tainment opened with a singsong followed by Wilfred Brown from Wroxeter play- ing his violin. The residents also - enjoyed the mouth organ music by Dennis Melville and Alvin Mundell. The pianist far the afternoon was Mrs. Wilberflogg, The Bible Study on Thursday afternoon took the form of a Christmas service, moriumerrs • MAIMORS.CEIVIETERY LEITERIINIG INORNINIERIT CLEANING & .REPAIR DON DENOMME *10111304fAilift RN AH APPOWNAVOtt ANTYlin Phone 524.6621 RIDE NIONUMENTS•usmtsfst 1420 dtert e *eft when Mrs. Prouty led in some Chrishvas carols, ac- companied by Elsie Hender- son at the organ. A poem by Estrange Pinkbeiner entitled "Soma* Needs You" was read followed by the reading of Luke &MO concerning the • birth of Jesus, read by Mr. • Prouty. Followingthis he hid in prayer. Mrs R Faber read a poem called "Made of a Woman" and Mrs. Susanne Cann sang Some solos. Bruce Cann played • his trumpet and. Olen a poem called "Peace and Joy' was read by Mary Blanchard. The message of the afternoon was given by Mrs. Dorothy Cooper of Kippers. After the closing prayer by Mrs. Prow ty, gifts were distributed to the resident& Sympathy is expressed to the family of Stewart McBurney. Huronview would lice to welcome Mrs. Nellie McKie from Colborne Tap. and now living in one of the apartments. Allso we would like to welcome Stella • Addley from Eginondville BY THE REV. JOHN IL M WOOD, • VICTORIA STREET UNITED CHURCH Some time ago, a London newspaper ran this story: The wise men from the East brought gifts of gold, frankincense . and Myrrh, But the kids in Warrinton, Englgmd, peering into an electricity board show win- dow at a nativity scene, saw that the' *ISO men were br- inging . a wasting machine, an, electric stove, and a refrigerator to the crib. A poster proclaimed, "Wise men choose gilts that last". The matter was aired in the House Of Lords where one man wanted to know whether such disgraceful • and blasphemous adverbs' ing by an industry in.a Chris- tian ntry would be stip- ped. The Paymastergeneral replied that the goverrunent was sorry and that the wise men have stopped advertis- ing electrical appliances. Wise men choose gifts that last. How long does a stove, washing machine or refrigerator last? Several years. Are there any gifts that really last? At Christmas we hope to give and receive gifts that don't really last very long, especially in the case of a toy and a three-year-old boy. But one gift that lasts is the gift of appreciation. How often we forget to thank peo- ple for their services and kindnesses to us. Everyone enjoys appreciation, and how easy it is to say, "Thank you" Appreciation is a gift that costs us nothing to give, and it is a gift that lasts. If we really appreciate what God has done for us in Christmas, we will be the kind of people who show ap- preciation. God's peace in our hearts is another free gift. We caw not buy God's peace but it is free to anyone of us who will pat his trust in God. l'hat is what Jesus said, "My peace I give to you, not as the world gives, give I to you". The gifts of God are free; yet they are gifts we cannot exactly give to others. We can help others discover God's free gifts for themselves. Another gift is, the gift of joy. Because Christ came into the world, each one of us can find a far deeper joy than any material gifts could ever bring us. Jesus says, "Your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man takes from you." Another gift is the gift of hope. In the face of a troubl- ed world, some seem to have lost hope. Yet hope cannotbe destroyed. Whenever we look into the face of Christ, we receive new hope. At Christmas we also think of the gift of light Jesus Christ is the light of the world. That light shines on and no darkness can put it out. And the greatest gift of God in Christ is the gift of love. It is the most precious gift that we can ever receive, but we must share it or it leaves us. When we have tru- ly received Christian love„ we do things of a loving nature without expecting a retina. This Christmas, choose gifts that last — apprecia- tion, Peace, joy, hope, light and love, all freely ob- tainable through faith. Lot us try and live by these lasting gifts of God and help others to discover these gifts for themselves. Choose gifts that last! • THE SALVATION ARMY le WATERLOO ST. 5, 524-9341 i 1 :06 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 945 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL &SO P.M. EVENING SERVICE • Atf Are CordinIfy ftiviftad fd 1610 Our Feffourship the Anglican Church of Cameo ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH North Mid tifislion Streets, Goderich Rector: rhe 1teverend Robert J. Cracker organisf_choirnmsfe, Jaseph R. Herdinan 4 Coriftv„lat 0ildier0r. fourth Sunday in Advent *300Lm. ffolyContieunion. 11 :00o. nt Cher& School' ond Kursety. 11:Worn. FtiSrisitlif of the Nine Lessons anti Corals. Christmas 11:300.m. Midnight Eucharist. Oiristinosobvt 9':306.111, Katy Come -minion and Hymns. December 20th Lat.,aere,46.. t Knox Omit THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL. M.A. , M. DIV. MINISTER LORNE If. DOTTERER, Director of Praise • Sunday, December 2 10:111. etworoortfaint's Clow ThfifteratiL tet'efoyficfirtisf CANOILID "FAMILY CIMISIMAS CAMlit senora" terteartz Offiftteff VOWS KW ALIVElert (4 "'Me Chris. Clad° (fawiiitity reclififfes) 11:00 Etat& etefoteVircirehtlt IBEREA-BINTHE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH z Gibbons Si'. 01 Seacoast (hive 9'15 Sunday School and Bible Classes 10:30 Worship Marvin L. goer. Pastor 5241-2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: Ke is Lord of all" Acf 1O36 QalUrd17\ THE GIFT O CHRISTMAS Sunday, Dec 20, 11111 welcome)* ivy to eatotweiter MOO elan: Sr. S.S. of aw.rv."..S. tit 11 ChrIsSerosi Eve Carel SIPTVICO MO p.m, Christian Reformed Church Sewrricus Itioldi oath Sunder, est Robertson Mernoriaf School 10:00 o.m. ond 7:00 Pastern Ram K. Ifrfoind S14-764 t ESTABLISHED . OVER SO TEARS Listen fa CIOU Radio Sunday at 1010 &tn. for the "Rock kr Gad 'four" 'CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFiELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET -4016-111446.iteift. iierzoolateisreareft •1 ltdsswe iiit4v C*4014 EVAtitnfii511C-FUNISAMENTAL REV R. OfrUBACHER Potter 501410AV., Oteitritlitlf 24114 Ifit14101140 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM 1:111 - Ward of tirei Oehler YIP. • /46 - CANbtaftlart SOWN Avid 11AIMSAll lino- Eat p.m- Mt 011111114Allit eltOOVIAMI IT:00 purit.41111tA Sttitialf folltAlrik k iiiikgrAWiteeariii-AVOAriS ireit Gide Amer N.liwitnisritarthre MUT MCCAUUM Cernforlet Stood Godevich S24-1345 Clinton -Seater.** Area Iteprotteintative IGIAEL FALCONER tilofv"