HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-16, Page 23Architectural Conservancy
Branch has
by Helm OwesIt was a busy evening for
the Little Inn, Hayfield en
Thursday 10th
when over 50 people attend-
ed the annual meeting and
Christmas dinner of the Architeetural ancy of
Ontario, HuronGathering around an he
viting log fre in the lounge
the members assembled en-
joy� an aperitif and the
renewal of acquaintance
with fcit framm allover the area.
Nick Hill, president for the
area; welcomed the
members expressing thanks
on their behalf to the Little
Inn and Mrs. Peg Willock
who had been responsible for
the organization of the pro-
ceedings. Following the
reading and approval of the
minutes, the names of the
new executive were an-
nounced as follows: cor-
respondent for" Acorn
Magazine, Kay Reid;
secretary, Dorothy Reid;
treasurer, Martin Kuypers;
past chairman, Dorothy
Wallace; vice-chairman,
Kelvin Jervis; special
events, Peg Willoek.It was announced that a
program of special wester
talks would be in the mail
shortly and it was hoped that
members would make ef-
forts to support these
meetings. The chosen
theme, Conservation of
Building Fabric, covered
technical, aesthetic and
practical aspects indigenous
to Huron County., Heritage,
said Mr. hill, implied con-
cern with and application of
renovative procedures in
order to overcome the
depredations of tirnme,
deter ioration and neglect.
Mrs. Dorothy Wallace
reported on the work of
refurbishing the Town Hall,
inside and out, at Goderich,
which "had been going on
since spring_ She also told of
aual meetir a nal meeting
time lsibiems which had been
encountered in connection
with the Bedford Hotel.
Outlining the plans for the
Little Theatre, she said that
she hoped some positive ac-
tion would be achieved by
neat sumer. At present
terms for restoration and
grant a�wpaLr�dss were
process being negotiated.
It was announced that
Mrs. Wm Mclean of Seafor-
th, a dedicated and energetic
worker for Heritage, was at
present ill in hospital. The
members expressed regret
at her absence and sent
wishes for a speedy
Councillor Gwen Pember-
ton, chairman of the re-
formed Hay�fpieelldpL.A.C.A.C.
• • , reported ed t the
required by-law was still
awaited and this would be
presented to the village
council for approval in due
course. She also referred to
the `Bayfield Day' sponsored
by the Bayfield Ifistorical
Society in July.
Following on this the
Society had been invited to
attend a ceremony in Burl-
ington on December 15th.
This would cover the official
opening of the Department
of Ocean Sciences and
Survey. Laboratory, which
was to be named in honour of
Admiral Bayfield.
News from Wingham in-
dicated Council's plans for
the enlargement of the Fire
Hall and removal of the hose
tower from its present loca-
tion to a site next to the
Library on Main Street.
An interesting project in
Blyth was a proposal to con-
vert the old rat'iway station,
which had been moved to a
site adjacent to the New Old
Mill, into a restaurant. As a
result of the influx of people
into Blyth, problems were.
being encountered with
regard to parking, and Coun-
cil had proposed the removal
Arthur Circle meets
The Arthur Circlegraip
held their Christmas
meeting in the church
parlour December 7. Presi-
dent Grace Cameron opened
with prayer and Christmas
carols were sung, accom-
panied by Betty Coulter at
the piano. Jean Carruthers
accompanied Beth Banter as
she sang a lovely Christmas
solo, then Shannon
Presscator joined her in
duets as they played their
clarinets and gave the au-
dience lovelyrenditions of
Christmas mas music.
The annual reports were
read " by the various
secretaries and approved.
A Chinese auction was
held much to the members'
delight, with Hazel Mc-
Creath asauctioneer.
Devotions were taken by
Shirley McCaul ash by
Chris Hyde and Grace
Mr. ilnyal installed the of-
fficsfor 1912 and prayer.offered He a "Do we
have a missionary enarhasis
in mind?" and stated we are
the priesthood of all
believers. We are a vrlbrrant
pert of the message of Jesus
Christ Let our lives so shine
that so-meone ebers heart
may be warmed."
Mrs. (fin dosed with
prayer and a festive heath
was enjoyed after.
'mum rneethlgmil be in,
the form of a pot luck supper
on January 10.
Officers for 1982 are: past
president, Ida White, presi-
dent, Grace Cameron; first
vice-president, Lee Mc-
Callum: Dorothyrecording
treasurer, Hazel McCreath;
corresponding secretary,
Dorothy Blake; Liffe
membership, Margaret
MacKenzie; ' Glad lfcdings,
Hazel McCreath; supply
secretary, Chris Hyde;
flower fund, Vi Fuller and
literature and bleary, Glen-
da Salter.
of the block which included
the fawn premise of the
Bank of Caaamerce. It was
felt that the loos of these
and woQ
of the
deliberations of Council
meeting to be held on
December 1401 was awaited.
Reference was also made to
the 30 year road plan which
might have some
significance for Beummiler
and to a prioposal to make
the existing iron bridge ob-
solete. However it was hoped
that plans could be devised
for this structure to be
Mrs. Dorothy Wallace
reported on her attendance
at the Heritage Conference
in Halifax where she had
been impressed by the able
chairmanship of Pierre Ber-
ton. Sime also mentioned
Louisburg where an am-
bitious restoration program
had been undertaken
resulting in a focus of tourist
interest every sumer.
The members then ad-
journed and when the
meeting resumed, the resur-
facing of the 'Malta' sunk in
a gale in the 1600's was
disused. Mtn. Ethel Poth
provided farther history of
the ship which she' said bad
at, one time been used as a
bath house, but had
subsequently become
coveted once again.
Theevening concluded
with a slide presentation ac-
c osnpanied by a commen-
tary provided byDon Pullen,
the County Agricultural
Representative. Entitled
'Our Heritage' the slicks pew -
frayed the changes in farm -
lag inethods from the days of
the earlier settlers to the
mechanized procedures
today. Mr
saki that this wonderful and
unique agricultural area had
sem its feeding potential in-
crease from the time when
one farm could provide for 15
to the present day,
when the figure was more
hie 80 ! Modern
methods of animal husban-
dry were illustrated, show-
ing the sanitary and scien-
tific procedures which had
been kdroduced to improve
terspersed with the purely
agdcultural picture* were a
number of slide of original
farm houses and barns
which had survived the
years and were already
established as part ei the
County Heritage.
Thanking the speaker, Mr.
�emphasized the
tante of Mr. Pullen'swork,
and the fad that apart from
the technical aspects, it was
carried out by a man who
really cared for the land.
Heritage Day
Heritage Day bus been
designated as the thmtrd Mon-
day in February, and Mra-
' Wallace, spealmng'
at the Architectural Con-
servancy meeting of On-
tario, on Thursday last,
stressed the importance of
bringing this fact to the at-
ttenton of the cosy,'
where the ina'easing in-
terest and participation in
the preservation of the Cana-
dian Heritage becomes more
andmore apparent with
every passing year.
And may be pickedup between the hours
ag of 3:31 p.m. and 1:31 p.m. at the front en-
Please note the playing date for the Sym-
phony Christmas concert has been changed
This date has been changed from Monday.
December 21.
Ah;o note the associated annual dinner has
been aancelhed.
These two students take a low key approach to haggle playing la the .rdneare l.1ar die
C terse Central School annual Christmas concert. The siadotto rehearsed Tuesday sad
presented tote concert to parents Wedaesday.(Pboto by Dave Sykes)
1 or
To all may customers of the
London Free Press, I wish you
i a Merry Christmas a,'„ a
prosperous New Year_ Thank
you for ail the cards. Oa and
Your ,.per by. Robert'
val1sailt,.tike _te.w all my
f9friends a very berry
Christmas anal a happy and
heak.hy New Year_ •
-Dolly Br -W,5lx
We wish all our- friends,
relatives �and � 1 re 1, bars �,a
Merry Christmas PO I' app
New Year_
eorge and Joseph
Merry Christmas and Happy
Neon Year *0 ail our friend,
and a;,.rs, and relatives
am the Kennedy side --'Ted,
Betty and Mie Bowers.. -50.511
Dave, Becky. Ise and
Candice McIver woad Brice to
wash all our friends and
relatives a very Merry
affistnaS .and a Happy New
Year- ,5lx
We would lace to vii a;n all of our
" a Me Christ and
rr • friends Merry
a happy and beide, y New
Year. and may God hien you
-Arena and Dick
We can toot you up
for any fix -up pr.
Every home
needst e
rods of his node. We
show you what you
need and what you,
don't need, to save
you time and money.
91 ancr'ortie etoderkb
Merry Christmas arid a
healthy and ua; New
Year to our many good fry
and fornily members.
--Stam and Peg Me+Graattern,
Hiobe:aygeora, Otarii —aateD
Merry Christmas as air ; a 11 90,
New Year to all my friends.
neighbors and relatavea.
-Joe Rom -Stine
bar off sending Christmas
canis, are are cornttahattamg to
the Hume Comity Christmas
Bureau. We wig our friends a
joyous Christmas and a
prosperous New Year
-mold aed Jew Bet i mer and
ffar 1y--5t!H.ata
We scald lake to anti ad our
friends and relatives a eery
Merry Christmas and ad the
best for the new yes.
-Ara. Marlene and Jamie
i anrwild ' t e to faire dis o
pormtndyy to aeuSle relatiave
frilends a Life rry Clatistrmas and
a HbppyNe ' Year
-Maly nem Lynn. -5ACL•5IIis
Merry C roxaas and a Happy
New Year t0 all mar thin s."
neighbors and relatives
-Alice and Roses Wren -
eo all our friends arid
tit %alms ter a
Merry Chriistems and a tam
-Mary. Jam., C a*y. Jimmy"_
Jeffery and C> nal %srtMt-
t.--Ca M*
To all our friends, in liens of
ago cam - eray past memories,
present joys and future
• dreams make your; Christmas
40a and the New Year truly happy_
-Ruth and Brad
May your home betolled with
itowarm its andgood cheer
and the spirit of Christmas
tthe New Year_
-The Vanden Bromic Ed. Joan. JoI® and
SCUM and" liarnamn Anderson
wash their ffrierrds and neigh- •
hors a joyous C rt nuas and
New Year_-W.ag
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year to all our relatives,
fide -eats and neighbors
--Ammer Ansley . and
Beat wishes to all our friends
and neighbors for Christmas
and the New Year-
-Martha and Walt Ratb-
I want to wish all my relatives.
ffr ien& and neighitracs a Merry
Christmas aod a Hat: New
--Wi➢lo Gledi i-
aid'WiHlaltt-a McWbianey
aaSh tient ffa n,n i and friends a
Merry Christmas amid a Happy
New Year.. -30.51e -
Season's Grams aannnd Happy
Near Vear to all our frriv
mom Ila_
and ors i,: muCarol
Y and Cathy WEN :nnn:,..--,50.5a i
Warmest %takes for Christmas
limy aid New Year ppine t®
ffraemdsand relatives_
-George C. Fengam..-56..�e
TO all oar relatives and
vse -itztn a Many Christmas
an a ; ,..:ppy Neon Year..
=tr:an. Dot, Derek and
Kevan Mena.-;5+b.ele
ltia To ail my relatives,, ;w
and heads i la tishn ylm alt a
riau Oyu dowry Clmis-tfamas and a
!ewe and answerers New
-Mrs EdeeitCnnrvau- its
May; we take this opportbenitty
tin, extend Semmes Geeelin .-.
m ear relatives fry ds and
iegbl,e s 3e t Wishes to ani
tear a henitlay aid hem Hee.
-Gerald" Betty: Cell and
Nancy Fisher -melts
Merry; Christaaaas and Happy
New 'bean- to my tri _„.t:,, in
4 C oldecvi & A denautit ata to t$ae
(Christmas Haman %as made
ter lieurofi cearrds
-Jena Adams aaiaifs
We mold Eke to take Has sway
andemeeemaree oar Best Wishes
fine a teen, Charietrees and a
IFEe.1 ti 11, a1 v.:1!1*.., urer:Vitkler •
Year tar all mar rreliatks'efi.
friends and born
-Steal Jeanette .Paraem.Jaen
and Lail*
Clfaff and Cbaruy; McDonald
wish their menu Mends and
acgnnanmtamces a Happy
Christmasand a "very good
New Yearn
To all our friends and
relatives„ Best Wishes for a
Merry Christmas and a Happy
Ner. Year .
-Mart' and ” Howard Aitken
Merry Cbas and a Happy
New Year to all ow friends,
..meighibors amdr+ek rives_
-Paul. Sharon aid
Christopher Steep
We world ]e to wish our
fry a 0 neighbors. a very
Merry Christmas and Best
Wishes for a Healthy and
-Bail and Betty ':; desk and
Patrick, Leslie, MichaeL
Geoffrey. Victoria and
die K*0g wish all their
friends a very safe. vcoe
and merry festriveseasat and a
Happy New Yearn -5051 s
We wish to ttake this ep-
portunky to wish relatives and
Vries& in a„t:- area a Merry
Christtmas and a llHappy New
-Chart/se. /Fade_ Larry and
Gary sAtlelh
ala Merry Christ nes aid a Happy
New Year to at our friends..
rietlibms and relatiie
-Albert a Evelyn Vam-
ball off seraditrig earl this
yew. we ane c rn, m , tum, drag to a
lel or tine and widid'
Eike do take this appertain -1y *0
wish ail oar hieID& and m s ,
tors afayonsChristmas arid a
hepl"hy. wuy, le; lanoswerans
New Year..
a mv1i ABMS
� X11111
We Matti alt attliT relatives.
ffrrrmals and ariglibers a very
Merry Clar st anus aid a
prespeners New Year
-Kea_ Nei IP and Dorrbe
c -1 L$Umre
Nervy Chersamas and t'tm8
New Year the oar hi "
emblems and relatives
---Mama Torna aid Akeshe
Glias 1h u—501.Mmre
Metre S gist} arid a
N Year to all oar- friends,
neighbors and rrela t fines
-Kende Pat_ Harry and Lyme
Guad -Weems
m s
g relate-uws ruettekcu
a Merry Cheatenes
meta e- NEW Ve'271-
islorteen eat Ban
Seem a y - ache
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to all our friends, 17
neighbors and . ff
--Brenda. Gear Hely and
Byte Vandert _-6b,5inz
Best Wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a Happy,
Healthy New Year to al our
friends„ neighbors and
-Bob and Phyllis
Best sties to al my friends I
for a Very Merry Christmas, a 4r
Healthy„ Happy and I
Prosperous New Year_
Sincerely, Mari A_ I
Lie ,5Hex
▪ %shimg all our relatives,
neigh) ors and blends a very
Merry Christmas and al the
hist im t9l�
-George, Jeanne 1Mimbae9
and -'Christopher Mof-
fat -50411 •
1*0 and Pest
Merry C
Wjgj's [em tib Nona" Year- t'. 2. tc>J
all ewe fr*tfrde neighters and
Itl�n. Jimci'y 5teveur ant Amen
Arista -tauten
To all our friends and
relations, best wishes for a r:
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
- Carman and Ila Pollack, Sine 0'
aid Ia y_- uo, tux
Merry Christmas arida Happy
Nes Year *0 as oar
m atersoradeelathes.
- Lloyd. Tracey Datg, Grant
and Natasha Lome
shr ry_-5/ksIlraz
Best aeiisheC for a Merry
tbistmas and a Happy New
Year to ma friede meilebwrs
aid heli nes"
- Ow Dorno,. Jame randier
Merry Chis and aHappy
New Year Wall may friemd&anal
-Rath Leaned -u 5k
We wish alt Or relatives.
alai wielders 2 aWF
Merry (Cltolnistimas mid
gornspernars Near Year
-411aaert. Bernadette, Maim.
Bev Andrea card l.,Esa
Merry amid
New Year to eaergone fintun
Ware amrdl J n. d ; Gregory aid
f arrmily-51aelraz
C Chas
td Janine JUNO Ham
o all mar M:e and
-Eaalgm Saud --Waite
'.V7: iv.
Merry ChilliKt1=6 and a Hare
New Yr rte ffarasralnity friends
and neighbors
- • m arm Mary . Parr
Merrysten --5CRIEVE
(Mats and Ham
New Year to fain sad
Wave. Este Keene and
Sbeithee Rate
Wadding mill our ifactifle. friends
and neighbors a .bayous
heftily Seamen Merry
--/Ire ,. Ueda_ Xesrnmf& r and