Exeter Times, 1911-11-2, Page 54
T11U; C tl)AY NOVIP�MBI l end
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THS ,Zi!jnn 11 JL I . I I . 11 I I I
• _ I -
0 0 . . .11 I M _ , I
'° The Ilelnhart Ainusem*nt Co, pier."I"ENTION SCHOOL "J"I
bere �'� __ I .4a abased W.onderizxnd of Clirtten an'j,d
lave ehaned+' the n axtx,* to 1'rinat^es ACU'1
Theatre lh'a crom r Q
t compa" also hive s,m- ., ,
ilar places in Guelph Welland and ,
Preston, Mr, tics
m No'ved to t h the for- School 7'l ust ers glad Any ' Ot hell S who are l:lltetl e d i .� e� � attheir
loci• owner Teas' moved to the �io:t�;1r- , S >��A C C XTJ�' �
West, - Rural School L bra1•y is lnoto` overlooked in the i,
The marriage Of Leo llarringtoa ,
a praaparans £farmer of the `1'awnsh p General Distrib ti n of'"l ee g p
Biddulph, to -Miss .Josephine Sane o" ooks to Kern) Schools whh ##
Tackerssmith was .aofemnized in the Si i
at .lames Church Seaforth on Wednesda; ,
Oct. 25th by. Rev. Father Comorai
heThe groom, ryas assisted by 1'. Blake
of Tlgiirfield, axed the bride by bar xis -if s AND CANADIAN FARM ' � 1
he rex Mr is Lucy Lana,
13,�NSALL A1'e .making ^'`ri,�. ,
g dul l r the next Few �%S''eeks. Writt, us at Once of Callat the '
'The ,Mises Munn 'daughters ofM", Office of The Timt 1 Nvbpre Fill d
ors Peter and Alexander Munn, of I I)lfol'lxlatlptl will kli? %'iven You his t0(3W to,
is I -lay who recently returned from 'j
spending severalmonths with friends
b in the west have return-,>d,home and a
report having a most enjoyable trip
and visit, and are charmed with'the SecureLibrary,
country. ,or "
The Rev. ccs; in of el C wart
-r can- Beery `One of the One Hundred and Twenty Books are Books that are z`
ducted services; in Carmel Church on
Sabbath morning and evening ;last � ,
exchanging with the Rev. Mr Smith Found in the Best City Libraries® Q�Ui Cad Have Them 4
and preaching the annual missionary "
sermon for the Women's Missionary 4,
Society ,,The
The trustees of ;the Methodisi9 - I.,
Church intehid very much improving
the grounds in front of !the church I`
and parsonage now that ithe old"
0 walk has been removed, and a new Here is the List to Choose 1,rom ,
m cement one laid outside of the, former • •
s .one, Adam Bede Eliot Lavengro Bori(tiv Tale of Mystery and Imagination Poe
U Miss 1Ylcl tv>n of London.;}f; visiting A Journal of the Plague Year Defoe Leaves of Grass , 1Vleittirrrn Tales F aems'and Sketciaes ;Bret Harte
at the Homestead: A Tale of Two Cities Dickens Lectures and Essays Huxley The Black Tulip Dumas
h �• Autocrat of the BreakfastTableHolmes Legends and Lyrics. Prt�etor The Channings: Wood%
FREE IF•iT FAILS Barchester Towers . .Crollope Life of Christ Farrar The Crown of Wild Olive and The
Your money back if you are, not Sat. Barnaby Rudge Dickens Life of Nelson Sout;zey Ethios of. the Dust Ruskin
d isfied with the medicine we recom Bible in Spain Borrow Mansfield. Park Austen. The Deerslayer Coo ale i
a mend Charles O'Malley Lever DMasterman Ready. Marryat The Essays of Elia Laxinly I
We are so positive that our remedyChristmas Book's (five Tales) Dickens Meditations Wlarcus Aurelius The Four es and ie + g1's11
5 will .permanently, relieve constipatioCloister and Hearth Reade Mill on the Floss Eliot Humorists of the and
no matter how chronic it may be, Compleat Angler INa]ton Mr. Midshipman Easy Alrr at •tui
p y T Y y Thackeray'
that we offer to furnish the medicine Cranford Gaskell. Natural History of Selborne White The House of the Seven,Gables I
t A our' ex,nenso should it fail to pro Dramatic OVarks Sheridan Of the Imitation of Christ etc, Hawthorne '
duce satisfaetary results; East Lynne Wood I
A. Kc wpis The Little Minister Barrie
It is 'Lvorse than useless to attempt Emma Austen Oliver Twist Dickens The Master of Ballantrae Stevenson
to cure comdoation with catharar'c Esmond ,Thackeray Opium .Mater and other VVritine's The Pathfinder Coopetr
drugs, Laxatives or. cathartics 3o Essays and Lags of Ancient Roane De Rn:ncy The Professor :at the Breakfast
in ich harm They cause a reaction Macaulay Origin of Species Darwin Table Holmes
rr:tzatc and n oaken .the bowels and Essays and other Writings Bacon Our Village lYlia.ford The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne
tend, to make •consripation more ch- Essays and other Writings Emerson Peter Simple Mar'ryat The Seven of Architecture a
ionic. Jlasides' their use becomes a Fairy Tales Gi•r'imm Peter the Whaler Kingston Ruskin''
, habit that is .dangerous,. Fairy Tales, Stories and Legends Prilgrims Progress Bunyan The Sketch Book Irvine" `i
Constipation is, caused by weakness Andersen poems 1830-1865 Tennyson The Talisman Scott.
of the nerves and nib s,l: s of the forge Faust (Two Parts) Goethe Poems 1833-1805 Browning Three Midshipman Kingston
intestine or 'd:ecending colon: Tot :x- Gulliver's Travels Swift .toems and Songs. Burrs Three Musketeers, - Dumas
' pact permanent relief you must there- Guy Mannering Scott Poetical Vf/orks Lnngfei'low Tom Brownie Schooldays Hughes 11
Gore tone up and strengthen th,rse Handy Andy Lover Pride and Prejudice Austen Tower of London Ainsworth: •
organs and restore them Yo a health- Hard Cash Reade Ravenshoe R.ICingsley Treasure Island and Kfdnappfd
I i
ier activity, Harold Lytton Reminiscences of Scott;sb Life atA Stevenson'
',t e want yon to try Rexall Order- Heart of Midlothian Scott Character Ramsay 20,000 Leagues under the Sea Verne {
I It
lies on our x: commendation. Thev Hereward the Wake C. Kingsley Robinson Crusoe Defoe Two Paths aiid other Essays Ruskin:
exceedingly pleasant to take, being Heroes and Hero Worship and Sartor Resartus and Essays on Two Years Ago C. Kingsley
eaten like candy and are ideal for Essaye on Goethe Carlyle Burne and Scott Carlyle Uncle Toms Cabin Stowe 11
children, delicate persons, and old The Iliad of Homer Pope Scenes of Clerical Life Eliot Vanity Fair Thackeray
folks as well as for the robusif. ,They Hypatia • C. Kingsley Sense and Sensibility Au•ten Vicar of Wakefield and. Poems
act directly% on 'the nerves and muss- Ingoldsby Legends Barham Sesame and Lillies Unto This Last Goldsmiths
les of the bowels. They apparently' It is Never. too Late to Mend Reade and The Political Economy.of Vfllette C. Broods
have a neutral action on other assoc- Ivanhoe Scott Art Ruskin Voyages of Discovery Cook
lata organs or glands They do not Jane Eyre C. Broute Shakespearea Complete ~Yorks Waverly Scot$
purge cause excessive looseness, ,nor John Halifax Gentleman Craik (4 vols) Shakespeare WeattaI� and Hol C. Kingsley
create any Inconvenience.- whatever. Kenilworth Scott Shixley .C. Bronte Whitefriars E. Robinson
They may'be•taken at any time dozy King Solomon's Mines Haggard Silas Marner Eliot Woman in White Collins..
• ;iht They will positively relicvr. Last Days of Pompeii Lytton' Swiss Family Robinson Wyse Wonder Book and Tanglewood
chronic or habitual cut sl ipation. if Last of the Barons Lytton Table Talk Hazlitt Tales Hawthorne
not of; �rurgical variety an,i the myr- Last of the Mohicans Cooper Tales from Shakespeare Lamb Wuthering Heights .. E. Brontd
irv's of associate or dependent chronic •
ailments -if takeri�vifh rrgular.•ty for Those ��Sh1n to m
a reasonable len th time. 1l 19 1! A a VV Advantage of This Extraordinary Offer h a ' ''� "
I-W.ets 10cents;- t,Z' tabletts '25 cents g� °�'
80 tablets' 50c. Sold in Exeter only 1J® �® at ®I�Ce®11
, n-ir store• the. Rexall Store -W. 15• ,
i,ir. -and Mrs. George Levy WhoI I E , - T '
went 'vest in the spring returned E R ,
home on{ Saturday. They gavelled .
over much, of Alberta and Saskatche- ,� _
wan but did not decide to locate there .
They seem to think 'that Onitarid will ' Mr..R. F. Rosinson. with his 'sister ' netted with the Expositor for some ituig her sister. Mrs. Orville Jon -as,
suit theta better. Mrs. George Hibbert and his dau h years has acquired an interest in the., in Tort Saskatchewan returned home,
k g g
A quiet weddingtoo lace'fn 112c
1p ter 'Mrs. 'John Phillips jr. have gone I1Jundas Banner and kiss assumed ed- .this week. ,
Killop near Brodhagen on Wednesday. to 'Chatham to spend a few days ( itorial and business r,ontrol of 'that Mrs. W. Govenback is• in Toronfz
afternoon at. (rho home of Mr. Henry with relatives, ' journal ,Mr. McLean Ieft on Monday this week visiting her daughter" and
Kfeber, when his daughter Pauline be- Mrs D. Brown who recently sold for his, new home and his family will other friends. , '1[.
came the bride of Mr. Gorson, Seibert follow at an earl date. His man Dr. Hutchison of Winnie visited; 1117
one of ,Monkton's enterprising i;••: i,e her farm, near Russeldalo to Mr,. y y Winnipeg
Robert Goforth 4ePU on Monday with friends wish him every success in his his cousins. the Misses Hntoh'asonsr•
men who conducts a Blacksm-Lb • a r ;
there, Toe bride ai�tirad in w1r,L•• •bar son, for` Toronto where, they in- nd�v venture. last week.
silk. a as attended by her sister. Mi&s ud to reside in future, Mrs. Murphy formerly Miss 'Mabel The Seaforth Milling Company is'
n Mrs. Wm. Potrteous and Mrs. Fred Young of Ottawa Beach Michigan is making preparations ,for the install -
Carrie -while M. -Siebert supported the Ileal were visitdrs in, Toronto during the guest of her friend MissrNina Mel ation of electric motors The eom-• .
room. The ceremony was performed I g
g P the past week. villa pony will be one of the largest hydro --
Rev. Mr. Weigand' pastor of the Mrs.; P. S. Stuart is visi'taing at'the Miss Rae Dickson who has been vis- electric power users in town,.
bride, in, the presence of thef imm�edi • home of her father-in-law Mr. Alexr 11
ate. relatives o8'tho bride and groom der Stuart. .
A sumptuous. wedding ,supper was Mrs. S. M. Edwards is visiting -
then partakela' of after which thtt+ friends in Peterborou h. She will r. -
evening -was spent in social, chaff., g - ' :•' * y , ?, i'a<.;:� ,; +
'Miss Carrie Smithy and Hiss Lixzie go to Toronto where she will be joined 1x�gs rr
by Mr. Edwards They will spend A _ ,b;•
left Tuesday for Toledo - •� '�,', '
Thanks 'vin da with relatives there Hou � i1 . •
Ohio• where they intend !to take a g g y J, 9 . ,l
Word was recieved in town on s 3}e;
course of trainin^• as nurses•:- :' Y•-.'••• "
d Thursday that Frank Francis son of � '"'IT '"" �°; '
John Francis, of Fullarton dropped� PERS " `.�
dead on Wednesday near Weyburn �'.; sr
D ,. ,d l,: f .,.,. }
6:,{ M Y'i
g� ° 1A
Saski Ile went west during the bar -IS
® :c•':" r )L:.=:;:,rt ;,,+x d , N- 5
Chest Inflammation ua a•ion vest excurison and was 25 years of s. :,: ,' ' f+u
a e. His remains are being accom- s ,-,;, ,, {,,,, 4 -t:1d
1•..: •rr5�n. "�F�'1. 5:s,. tm ,Ulf,,
vanied hers by Wilbert Nelson, �_ rt,r}- , tib:)$ ?y e r s
Mr, and 1VIrs. Geo. Levy atter spend- �� a� dtzs•"<<1'�,3 ' `: �C. �,. • :
04ffered From a Heavy �•r� "W'.11
ing several months in the Canadian cr , t(.�:.;.::: ylt
West have returned, hem's. Mr. Levy le' -^ ,
fold Pleuritic Pains in ,...h^_ii:
r intended taking up land in one of the �, r.,
FROM the lighthouse at Lobster T,e�� �, `:tai,„�s� l ” �
�"1t�e — �"r0I1St8lli, OO 11- Western provinces but did not do so a Cove Head, Bonne Bay, New- �^f } ._P;-,�- ^--.e• �E
]:Ie prefers living in Ontario. foundland, Mrs. W. Young sends . sKw . "
lug• James Norris has purchased the her experience of Zam-Buk.
---+ farm. of the late Jonas Coles, of Ftal- She says: "I suffered with eczema t
"•Anyone that goes through all that I larton fox $5,6'40, for seven years .and to my great � is
suffered last winter ,111 appreciate the The Induction of Rev, J. T. Charlton delight Zam-Buk. has cured me. , A �i a,
value of a remedy that cures; like Ner- to the rectorship of the Trinity The disease started on my breast, �
viline cured me." These are the open- Church took place on Wednesday of and spread until it extended over _4 •
ing words of the solemn declaration of last wnek The -ceremony was conduct- my back. The itching and born- c�� I
E. P. Von Hayden, the well-known cd by Ven; Archdeacon McKenzie of
vioun•Ist of Middleton. "My work kept Brantford'. He addressed the inew in- ing-especially when the affected ,G, z . ,,
me out date at night, and playing in cumbent aind, thq congregation in a parts were warm -was terrible; and � . ) `
cold drafty places brought on a se helpful and appropriate anner. Th•e yet when the eruption was scratched
were cold that settled on my chest. , I church choir appeared in surplices for or rubbed, it turned to bad sores -ri J
had a harsh racking cough and'seve a the .first ?fine at )this service. and caused great pain: Iwenttoa • ,
Pains d a r t eCd Robert Goforth and. family )have doctor .and tried various re � •
through my sddes pp
Ne�°�iUne moved to fthefr recently purchased sariptfona,butseemedtogetnoben- .---.�
and settled in my farm near ,Russeldale They had been efit, so tried another doctor. Again I got no relief, ;so tried a third doctor, •
CU R �� shoulders. rs. I used residents here 'for over 20 years, and then a fourth.
different liniments, gra, P. Stewart of Regina is vis- but none }folie up M "Seven years is a long time to suffer, and I had got used to the ,
my cold till I used sting• att the home of her fatlrar-int•' thought that I-neverwould be cured, when I saw a report in the Fams7v
COLDS Nerviline. I rub- law Alexander Stewart. $erald, telling bow beneficial Zam-Buk was in cases of skint disease.
bed it on my neck, John Dod'd.7 of Calfornia Was in r+ I bought some Zam-Buk andfrom the use of the a first w
chest and shoulders, morrting and town renewing old acquaintances last g very s zI e
ni..ht and all the pain disappeared. 1 , 43 years ago. it was going to do me good: I persevered with ft, and the improvement
g p lip wrelc. Ila Iw.ft, here ye s g
Itealizing that such a heavy cold, had Roy Dalton of the Pharmacy College it worked in my condition was really wonderful.
run down my system, I took Porrozone t ►Thanks 'vin "with his 11 It eased the irritation, stopped the pain, and the sores began to d
Tozonto ,spent, g g ry
at meals, and was completely built up parents Mr, and ,Mrs. George Dalton. up and disappear. Iii short, I found Zam-Buk all that was claimed for ft ,
and strengthened. Slrica using Nervi- Clinton, . and within a very short time it worked a complete cure in my came. !
line I have no more colds or pleurisy, Since that time I have recommended it for sevettl other cases and
and enjoy perfect health." ... +
. in each it has proved its -wonderful merit. --*----- �`^ ,
It's because Nervilitie contains the ���� ���
purest and most healing essences and SEAFOI TS What zaam,mnd: k cures
snedlcinal principles because it has Send this coupon
the power of sinking through the pores Sores, Cha ped Bands, Soal gores ;Bad Lo Festarlu nams5ofthispa;Stlra
Iain -)foie cures R+ozems, Ulcers Blood Poison, Cold
t n g Son of 'the Canadiad P g, gi 1e Oamri Ctu dprayy i4
to the kernel of he psi these ar C.. , I sot dt , Clht,,,, C a urnptious, Cuts, 13rutas5, Scalds and Buena, r Data ta'La� -,
o Company of 7.oxonttun )
General 1,Iectri P. y All dru
druggists and stores sell at b0e bo p
gg box est ProtlPor rlatl ge , .
It yeah. u of P u �o, Toronto rid
ilio reasons li i b s e ds r k ,
why p . 1e L n,.t o tt i nn h Pram Zam B ,b nnstalli ukCo. Toronto 1tePusatvort l b it s•are LLS ti P , h ass au St use � ':n ny g' raaclwo pito tris,) boxo �t assuse )urn a slit �eural _c s b g _ .__ _g a, .seiattoa, and' rheumatism. Defuse any an the sub-station•fox the transmisI
substitute your dealer may suggest--= sion of IHdrn-Eler•trid power .It is. .-
insist ail Nerviline only. Large bot- expected thalt the, Hydra system twill
tle% 60o, trial size 25e. Sold every- be ini operation in all the sitox+es and
Where, or The GataJTbO!wone Co,, K,ing•• residents by November the 15th
ia'ton, out;. W . D. McLean. who has been ;ton- �1 P1 11
�p `t,.��^
in Every Home i
q�.2�rr1 v ;
;� 7 r a/ t
/ t
Becanse tbere should be good m
g uric in every home,
'1 6 , --,
tll%� N , .
A few soft airs$, some of the old familiar pieces
home so different Evenings that n p wil make your evenings
g kind swee
il.t I �,b iI ; • r. __� !.:, �
�, �l �� i
drive out petty cares, soothe the big Y 411 little ,difference
T_. �..,'f",,
fanttl to attack the; cork of the morrowwith�phee every member
And these happy, restful evenings will. exercise ed mist
a. great influence over t
character of every member of the family.
many a woman paow has a reputa-
" iWn
The. Piano will give you the music you need to
ne a ,lyric baker who, was
accomplish this.
!Formerly known as lbdt afn ordibary
one. The tip its to -
It is conceded to be the finest musical instrument in. the world •
nothing out side its range. ,there
We give you. easy terms ofPayment., .+ .
"' What is all the secret about it with
stacle ?, DOesn t that remove the last o
the use of Snow Drift flour half (the
baking is already done. With j.ai:•i't
ax+dli,nary care and skill 'twice au
1 Pianos range in price from $175,00 to 450
Brood results are assured.
A .
ff. Cook Sons and Co,
Hensall Ont.
. ----- - -
ba M "0% r -"L i I I
0- X Son, EX_%,rVo-&te1
Attend the
Crediton WGRICH1.
!Mr. an John Weide has purchased the'lo
c7� Mrs, Krushe of Tavistock acre farm oxr the Zurich Road,
spent thetolidays
with Mr. and(,Mrs. R. Potterfield for $6;,JQ0t This i
considered one of the finestThe fouzl',W',s met at ;the boor's of Ila Tot farms i.
;Miss. Clara Holtzmats
I ,C,f e-
LOND01y,01R/- C,M1TEd
on Tuesday Tow Jr., has moved to Seafort
evening All 'had a very ,enjoyable where be.. bas taken
, -
Expert teachers. Individual in.
a position wi
John Dodds'
Mr. tWm,'Wenzel returned home on 1•- W. ,Hess E. Axt J. D'
Saturday irstine,
etruetion. Practical training in PIT-
MAN Shortband. Typewriting, Pen-
evenings after a 6 months' : an
J: °Trucmner have returned from
trip through ftlae' north wes)tt two "trip
onanahip, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping,
weeks' huntingto the Pin
(Miss Mary, (Bertrand left for Det cry. They tverar sucoessfol in baggin
spit last
Etc, Twenty-seventh year in this
.• cit Indisputable evidene and living
Y• P e g
week where shot tvbill remain a number of wild ducks, rabbits, an
for some( "time: other game.:.
testimonials. More calls received for
Mr. August Kuhn of 9hinnville On Wednesady Mr. and Mrs. Robes'
Spent the holidays ir. town
Our students than we can fill. We ask
with .Armstrong, of the Goshen Line, north
friends, t
your keen, searching investigation.
Ask for our FREE catalogue, informa- •
i celebrated thext silver wedding.
,The Missess Mrauns 'spent a flaw large number of friends and
days )sliver
tion and First Lesson in Shorthand,
with friends in London relatives
'Miss A. gill is spending a few gathered at their home and helped
Coo Building,
to make the. ev
weeks with friends in London. an't a memorable one.
J. Humphrey and family have
The Misses Finkbeiner, and Hands of ed into khe village and ar a occupying
spent a few days in town. i Mrs. S. Rennie a house,
Miss Mildred returned to
A live representative
Mr. C. Fritz has the foundation
Clinton after upending a few days ready for an • addition to his shoo
with her parentsl here, t c
- /� �t
WANTED for Exeter rand' sur-`
Mr .Frazer Rrown took in the fir. Woods of
Opera at London on Monde night Bayfield intends leav-
rounding district to sell high plass
The Misses Kxupe, Tavisto b, were ing r 1 ngiand shortly to take
• stock for -
graduate, scourse in ^the hos-
the guests of Miss A. 'if3rown over
The�''Fonthill Nurseries
holgiday4 Misses Vera. and Leila Si'abert, sof
1Ir .George .Holtzman) returned
More fruit trees will be planted in
home after spending a fate mmiths'
in the west. George looks fine.
Dashwood visited last Sunda with
Miss Muriel Procter. y
Fal1 of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than
{Miss Katie Sweitzer of London
Miss Nora Siebert ivho visited
the home of Mr. and s 'sited at
S. Brown
ver before fn the histor of Ontario. spent
Monday/ in, town.
The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical
at Crediton returned home on Tues -
The orchard of the future will be
I ;!�• the best paying part of the farm.,
church gave a program on Monday
evening and all were pleased with
days . ' .
bliss Diana Rickbell is vision g
We teach our men Salesmanship, the
friends in Buffalo.
Mrs. Jas. Green and little daughter
Tree Culture, and how big profits in
Mrs. and son.'of Oshawa
were the giz'ests- of Mr. and Mrs. H
Vietta Pearl returned from the tvestt
frail -growing can be made.
last Tuesday
y after two months visit
Pay weekly, permanent employ-
p y-
Mxs. Wxi ht •
G', p London, is ppendr^ig
1tvith`her sister Mrs. 'Curry, and other
friends in, and around Moosejaw
- ant, exclusive territory. a
few, days wvith Ilei mother Mrs. Fi.
Motx. ,•
J w and
her brother Alfred of Iierrobaxt
Write for particulars.
Mr: H. Fahner's � the' holidada
s Suborn she had; not; seen for eighteeas
Stone ellingto n an
,uerlinC •• ':, p - ,:. • ,Iy
;rears and another sister Mrs ,D a 'the
of Whitewood She reports the the
Cllr.•; A. Gow,er.;spent a few, . days- in
'with friends „
crops are excellent ,and would have.
�' =
_ Tdad&y,
Mr. A Wolfe,}vas an. London,. on
op mess: "
a money. eimaker if it had ,not
.been for wet tveath;ar; and frost, ••'
Mr, ands' d4frs:Fd.• Int. Silber visited
, Mrs' Herman Bender of the Goshen
Line underwent an operation
A sad occurrence took plaee' on Fri-
Lucknow over :the holiday..
,: �_
at -the 'hands of Dr: Gunn of Clinton
day evenvng between five and six'o'-
' assisted by Dr. 'Campbell r
clock on. the McDermott ;farm, lot .2
East -Oxford Road, Gore of Downie.
Mrs. John Daflieand family. ofiChln
' and which terminate fatally at 9,30 o'- ton
spent a couple of. days 'this week'
Advice about stomach 'troubles and
clock on Saturday mooring. Mrs. with:
,. McDermott who Is in her 80th year, prior
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leach
to leaving. for Stratford where.
. Ilow to -Believe them:
during her son's absence Mr,
(Baillie takes charge of a G, T.
: Do not' neglect indigestion. whichundertook
may lead to all sorts of ills
to barn for a. few minutes, to stir R.
lap the fire in a wood stove. S..me
. — -
and com-
plications An eminent physician
r3parks flew' up and ignited her dress '
Bell screams "brought her son in from Chamberlain's
""It is a pleasure to 'tell you the."
Cough xemedy - is the
nod that' ninety-five percent of all
ihe. ills ofthe 'human body -have 'tbeir
- . the barn to find his mother in a mass best
flaimes,' both her
cough. T,medy Phare ever used
Mrs. Hugh Campbell Lav-
o',r g'in in a disordered stomach.
Rexall Dyspem
Our experiencet6
of sleeves of ;dress writes
up to her elbows were burned off. iona,
Ca. "I have used it witbl all my
ria Tabamo leads us believe them
and also an apron she wore was bur.a- children
and; the results, have bacnt
to, be 'among the most dependable
remedies known for tht relief
ed. Medical aid was procured, ,but highly
abe egpired' at h,30. Saturday morn- dealers
.Satisfactory." For Sale by aali
of in-
digestion and chronic dyspepsla,
ing Deceased who avis a widow; is
-. --
They are rials in pepsin one of the
survived by four sons and four daugh-
• tees. Thomats Jane and. Sabina, who
nrea.tast. digestive aids known to mwd-
acme, The reliefi. they afford 9s very;
live home being unmarried. t
Contractor Gu'tterbridge 'has jus'. home
flit, i)avy. of l'Iillsbnrg .returned
on Saturday for a couple o1
prompt. Their use with persistency
and ire r;,rrtty for a roost lime tends
completed for St Marys 15$,355 square weeks.
feet of cement sidewalks a•t eight
i , ,, '
Xx. Writ. Baker moved to the farm
I to bring about a cessation of the
Pains caused by stomach- disorders. '
cents per square Foot amounting to which
he )rad rented from Mr. Ed.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help to
insure healthy
$11.66'8,64 The engineering and 0iil
3 -I
filling by the town costing 0. 14 per
lvir. Will I.ov%e and family have
apetita and aid dig -
estion and thu's romoite utr'' '
P xi 'tion.
foot more or a tctal cost 'of ,ll:'1-'4 moved
cents per square foot. The extention ht•
to !Mr. Statham's farm which
bought some time ago.Rexall
evidence of our sincere faith iia
Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you
joints have just been filled with tar
Mr. Philip Baker of 43rewster mov-
to try them at our risks' If 'they
and sand. C cd
Hazelton White ryas elected by
into the house which he bought at4
)lend. • • ,
not give entire satisfaction; the
l wal return to you the monsy you pard
aclamation on Saturday as town co.un-
:t u•,,
)Urs Gladys Patterson - returned
(14 l.s for them, without question or
tiller to fill the vacency caused Tay home
the resignation of J. W_ Graham. wMeks
after spending a soaaple of;
in, St. Thomas with' her cousin
They come'iu three s'iztis
'prices 23. cent, 50 cents anti $,1 00 i
Mr. Fred 'McTavish of Stratford Miss
Remember you, can obtain,; Rexall
was •a week -end viistor in 'St. Marys.
Remedies in this community only at
Chief Frank Young is taking 'bis •
our store the Mexall store W., -S. Cole
holidays at present Night Watchman
Sunt Iw pexforming his c;ut•ies Thr,
8l - There conldl be' no bettor mvdfcin.c
. latter being relieved by Mr. Darn.
! -a-" r-- J than Chamberlain's cough remodl -
i D �.�4Tzo hl.- children ii'ere all sick with hoop
A Yorkshire soiv said to be the
,. I t
ire cough. One of them u.ts in bed
iieavicst ever weighed on the market
, - ,
I kind •� high favor and was cortghin,
scales were brought in on Friday 'by
un ir'ooll Onr doctor gave tftatn
Mr. Willcrt Sparling of Andersoh. It
Chamberlain's Cough Remody
tipped the scales at rfi0 pounds:
and the, first dose" eased them.
Nr Charles Brown spent last week
• with friends in London
` 4 three bottles cured tbem. says ,
I Tyi -�• li; A. Donaldson. of Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. W ,W,. Ha%nestIeft on '
M),,% for Sale by ail dealers.
on Tuesday' to spend the winter in j
! - •• -
Mr. and Mrs. E. Body of London
and Mr, and Mrs. Chas Be of -Ara
The intalnt non of Fred Dearing of
Grove spent Tuesday in town visiting
,?a =
Dashwood, which was so severely
their brother.
` .'• `
scalded one, day last week. is improv-
( Miss Young sister of Mrs .A. II.
i'ng nicely, It was • only about. two
Lofft is expected Komi: within a few
months. olds aide it is foxltainata That
days from her extended trip down
he Pacific -Coast to California.
the accident did no!t prove fatal
Henry, Willem Reevet of Stephen
Township haft a very successful auc-
y If you, once try Carter's Little -Liv-•
tion sale of:horses and cattle at his
Pills .fox• sicl;livar,arht, billiousness
Cr .1 II ..
farm near Grand Bend,
or consCpntinn. yeti will nct-�r b^ with
•��� g_
Airs. llartlieb relict of 'the late
out •them. 'They, are purply vegetable
absorb the Cl,ust,
liar) Hartlieb died rcccn#Iy at the
small and easy to take. Don`t for-
q_ •
�right�ens the
home of her s.=Tacob llartlieb;' in th's
R' et thus. .z
towq Mrs. 11art:liab with has hits-
_ _ -
�y and Cita
blind who" pirdca:•:•s,d hrz by a.boz:t
, three yearn lived hire ncarly l;i.il
visiting Mer>Yien C . •.
Oxen hal been v t g
the caret.
her life She. Iran:•s three sons. Cbar-
les a hardware merchant of 7i'Irl P.ir
friends hi St .Thomas for• the pastt
Jonas a merchant tend, Jacob 4a build-
one week free trim.
er both of ibis 'town,
Diss Sarah. T'rxlleyblank of Stratford
spent Sunday and 'Monday .at her
Yours for health,
R W; Williams of Zurich and 'cm-
ployrd in the Molsons Bank Montreal
home here ' .
A large quantity of 'ttr.rni„c
was ir, town on n.vsday. IIs is hav-
ing a vaeat.iola for "a fete months en
. .. ,sugar beets were ahippad from this
account of 'ill health and was on his
,statibn last weeks. . .
!Miss Florence NeMCIien,�,nc'axrwas,
LL 'fj
1 �
of WN
ofi1N1 N
ivay to Grand .Ilrnd to locate a feir
the' nest ()f Miss W. Down far a e
,days lka'st week. ..
• e� '"
:' ,P
1V11S'i {7 ••Ilo'Y nftrr visiting in Olin,-:
ton and 1'xodr.tieh the adt few, wo ks
b'i.i,as lel. Down of Bseter has been
Exeter, Out,
is ,,qtn.vin with her sister og the ub-
visiting her, dieter Mrs,. Wino Ji. Hosea
- lie school staff for a .few days, •
;Rlie Elite ,past. few, dzzyi* • _A.nm �urte.kr a. LL..
It .: :.� .. y
.. v.. n _ i ..w. _ .. •,. ., v
� ,. m .11