HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-16, Page 21Town&Countryt CLASSIFIED 31. Service directory CONCRETE FORMING Wails & Floors For o complete lob call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Godsrich and area for 15 years PHONE Clinton 482-3320 Seaforth 5270284 GARDINER'S DELIVERY We delver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 W• are plas.d to an- nounce that Paul Spain who has had ostensive experience in delivery and moving service, will operate this business. PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS - CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 •SEPTIC TANKS *SEWERS •BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL For o complete lob call: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 BOOK NOW FOR YOUR HOME RENOVATIONS IN THE NEW YEAR Spedallzing In._. RRCHEN CUPBOARDS REC. ROOMS *Fleetwood Cabinets *Coapnerdal $. Indust. Cabinets *Storm Windows *Replacement Windows •Siding Soffit Fascia *Shutters *Storm Doors 'Patio Doors *Patio Storm Doors FREE ESTIMATES 524-4226 PHONE AFTER 6 P.M. TRILLIUM HOMES t RENOVATIONS 32. Custom work CUSTOM BUILDING, renovations, texture ceilings. drywall, Canac kitchens, Feldman windows, Hunter Douglas siding. Eric Stewart, 1-39:-3255; Gerrie Glenn, 529- 7030.-49,50 34. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single. free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197, 527-0115 or 524-2023.-1-52x DON'T BE alone for' Christ- mas. Are you unattached, separated, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5P1. Please state age. -49,50 35. Notice to creditors ALL persons having claims against t the Estate of GEORGE ARCHIBALD WiLKIN, Retired Truck Driver, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 29th day of May, 1981, are required to file the same with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 2nd day off January. 1982, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 4th day of December. 1981. PRESTand EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich. Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —49-51 ALL persons having claims against the Estate of JEAN SCANLON, Widow . late of the Town of Goderich. in ' the County of Huron, who died on or about the 19th day of November, 1981, are required to file the same with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 2nd day of January. 1980., as after that date the assets of the estate. will be distributed. DATED at `yGoderech• Ontario, this 4th' day of December. /981. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich. Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —49-51 36. Announcements, notices ARE YOU INTERESTED? HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION Changes for Christmas and New Years are as follows: * Monday & Tuesday coft.cttors on Monday * Wednesday collection on Tuesday * Thursday collection on Wednesday * Friday collection on Thursday. THANK -YOU Don Carter oberitb Too( S. Die Ittb. 1[111,( ambrcetge.street 1;oder it h .i)ntetrto \ 4111 1plephone lilt)} i24- '-? CUSTOM MACHINERY REPAIRS MILL, DRILL, LATHE & WELDING Reasonable Rotes WALTER O. MARCH'. Rte. -,24 h.40k} 36. Announcements, notices HAYRIDES or sleigh rides for family outings or groups etc. Our place or yours. Clete Dalton, Kintail, 529-7420.-48tf Buying ..or selling: CLASSIFIEDS can work for you. Call The Goderich Signal= Star, 524-8331. ANT RDS 36. Announcements, notices WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for ban. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217 —2eowx THE TOWN OF GODERICH r.qulr.s Interested citizens to fill vucuncl.s on the following Boards/Committees of Council: COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - PROPERTY STANDARDS COMMITTEE GODERICH AREA PLANNING BOARD Applications should be forwarded to the undersigned on or before December 31, 1911. Larry J. McCabe Administrator Clerk -Treasurer 39. Educational 39. Educational f AMBTONECHNICAL SCHOOL Registered as o Vocational School Under the Private Vocational Schools Act 1974- Ministry of Education - In 8 weeks we con teach you high pressure pipe welding (1.169) certificate, to read drawings, layout and fitting. Ask us about. how you can be o tradesman in demand. ForFurther Information: *Call 3374322* From 9 AM -12 Noon and 2 PM -8 PM Fridays - 9 AM -12 Noon Or call in person 112 Kendal Street, Point Edward n.1s1sstrt PUBLIC SPEAKING a communicators Group Correspondence Course For small groups, 5 tali people' Clergy. Housewives; Sales People. Teachers. High School and Caltege Students. Political or Social Service Groups, for those who want to improve their communication skills You decide when and where you will meet and we supply everything else including your personal teacher to guide you along the way. For information Comm -Can Training Inc., 77 Mowat Ave.. Suite 321. Toronto. Ontario M6K 3E3 38. Auction sale 38.. Auction sale LARGE AUCTION SALE OF TRACTORS & FARM EQUIPMENT AT BRINDLEY SALES YARD DUNGANNON SAT., DECEMBER 196 10:30 AM Over 50 Tractors and 100 Pieces of equip- ment such as: Tractors: MF 2075, 2 -now MF 155, new MF 245, MF 1155. 6 - MF 105, MF 1045. DB 995 & loader, MF 205 & cab. MF 301n- dustrial. IH 074 Codkshutt 1650 & loader. AC 170 gas. Equipment: MF 750 Combine, MF 70 tractor. loader & back hoe. 6 row corn bead. 10 snowblower:. 20 plows etc, etc. More consignments accepted Call BRINDLEY AUCTIONS 529-7625 Auctioneer: GORDON H. BRINDLEY CUSTOM BUILDING * * * RENOVATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTING 236 1Jawnras. Dr. 524-2497 GODERICH 524-8905 524-2497 GODERICH 524-8905 Albert Durst Gerry Durst Jim Durst 1111 Durst HURON PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SWEEP FOR: FIRE SAFETY CLEANLINESS "REASONABLE IRATES" tats Phan. 5/(4411-7300 Days or cl el ft;e5, e_g6.S.�UGCCLGEJ GARAGE AND SHOP EQUIPMENT AUCTION W. hove boon Instructed by the secured party to *F- ier ffer for sate by Public Auction, to the highest bidder without reserve Garay. and Shop Equipment on Wednesday, December 30, 1981 at 1:15 P.M. at Rathw.11 Ridg. in Vanastra, 1 mils south of Clin- ton. SHOP AND SERVICE EQUIPMENT: Ingersoll Rand 5 HP Air Compressor/Coats 20-20 tiro dranger/Ante Brake Loth.`mod.i 3404 complete/Mobilo air lack /Auto analysmr, Marquette 40•176/Wh.si baton- c.r/Battery chergers/Rattery Analyser/Alternator dtod. tester/Voltage regulator testor/ignitton tester/tads and dwell meter/ttartng Ilght/Clinton Tanker - gas holding toot and pump/Sasknea Wet Honing machin./Growler/Valve Grinder/Sioux Polyo seating equipment/IBM Tins. dodk/Lincoln Arc Weider/Drills/Jacks/many. many mom mtscstianeoes items too nurnraus to msntiax►. OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT: Dominion safe/SRM Microfidi. Readerloaik decks/filing cabinets/Olivetti underwood studio 45 typewriter/adding machines and many mors {tomo. For further information. pleas. contact: RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES Bruce Rothwell - Manager Dlslk Rssklrsaa:a - Sates Manager 527-1451 THE STAFF AT RATHWEtt, Jg ASSOCIATES WISH EACH AND EVEET ONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NAPPY NSW YEAR. aerivea `e5 jocgajej ' IVLIZTTONEERS: LtC1GJtrAroRS APPnArSE=i's ST • SEAroRTi. ON•TARIo NOK t4VO Sr9t 521-r458 41. To give away SIX COLLIE pups:, six weeks old, would make lovely Christmas presents. Phone 524-8065 a fter 6 p.m .-50 47. Card of thanks BELL A sincere "thank you" to all for surprise luncheon and gift at Captain's -Cove, Bayfield; to my family, friends and neigh- bors who helped many ways on my move to Goderich. Season's Greetings.—Vi Bell. -50x HASTY I would like to say sincere thanks to the doctors and nurses and all help on 2nd East, while I was in Goderich Hospital. Also to those that prayed for me, visited me, sent cards and gifts and helped at home while in hospital and even after coming home.—Lorne.--5o McKNIGHT I wish to thank all my friends who sent. flowers, cards and visited while i was a patient in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. D. Walker, Dr. K. Lambert, nurses and staff 2nd East, also V.O.N. nurses when I returned home.—Sincerely, Mabel McKnight --5o POWELL May we take this opportunity to thank all our relatives and friends for the many ads of kindness extended to us on the loss of a dear husband, father, son, grandson, and brother, Gordon Wayne Powell. The floral tributes, donations, food brought to the house, and cards of sympathy have helped so much during this trying time. A special thanks to Mr. Richard Hawley; Knox U.C_W., Auburn; the Salt Mine Workers (Local 16, Energy Chemical Workers); Dr. R. Flowers; Ed. Melba, and Bill Stiles for all the extra services rendered.—The Powell Family.-50ar RATHWELL 1,wish to thank Dr. Thomson, Di. Walker, the nursing staff and physiotierapy department for the care given me in hospital Thanks also to Rev. Bail. my family, friends and neighbors for. visits,, flowers and treats.—Helen Rath- we11.-50 SALKELD I would like to thank everyone who visited me and sent gifts, flowers and cards on the oc- casion of my 100th . bir- thday. --George Salkeld.-5Onx STRAUGHAN As Christmas comes to me again and as the ofd year ands, I give thanks that I am blessed with dear and cherished friends. To all who remem- bered me during my illness, Thank You and Merry Christmas..—Elttra Straughan.- 50 SUTCLiFFE I wish to thank the Victoria Street United Church. the Rebekah Lodge, the Mary Hastings Club, the Women's Institute. the Legion, friends and relatives for flowers, cards. gifts and visits while 1 was a patient in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walker. Dr. linningworth, Dr: Lambertthe nurses, therapist. amhulance sen -ice and staff for their excellent care.—Mamie.-50 TOG LATE TO ELASSFY MATURE BABYSITTER needed for two children in Goderich over the Christmas holidays. Please call 524-9691 after 6 p m SOWERRY I would like to thank friends. neighbors and relatives. for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in St. Josephs Hospital .—Ross Sowerbv --50x FOR SALE — Hoover vacuum cleaner. upright model. good condition. reasonable. Phone 324r239 -a0 GODER.ICUSICNAI,-STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1961 -PAGED$ A sad band. These triangle players in the Colborne Central School Grade 1 band don't appear to be too enthused about their parts as they rehearse for the anneal Christmas concert. The concert will tonight (Photo by Dave Sykes) be staged for parents They might be rough tough boys in the school yard, but in ' Christmas concert, these guys look fairly angelic as they front of parents during the BdmesvH1e Public School sing carols. (Photo by Cath Wooden) Bayfield hosts broomball By Keith Crittenden The annual Bayfield Broombaf Toumlament was held at the Community Centre on the weekend and again was a Isige success. Topnotch men's and women's teams from the area and as far away as Elora, Cambridge, Sarnia and Mount Forest competed for $1200 in cash prizes In the first round action of men's play, the Clinton Warriors were hammered by St. Clements 5-0, Auburn lost to Palmerston 2-0, Seaforth Jr. Farmers got by the Maryhill Brewers (Elora) 2- 1, Winthrop beat Cambridge 5-1, Clifford lost to 8th Line (Blyth) 3-0, Slabtown Sabres (Seaforth) defeated the Alma Rookies (Elora) 2-0 and Goderich lost to the Deemerton Dusters (Mildmay) 3-1. Second round `B' division action saw Clinton come out on the bottum of a 3-1 Loss to Aubirn, while Goderich got by Alma 1-0 and Clifford beat Cambridge 2-0. In the semi- finals, Goderich lost to Clifford 2-0 and Auburn lost to Maryhill 6-1 setting up a 2- 0 'B' final Maryhill victory over Clifford. Secmd round 'A' division matched Deemerton over Stabtown 4-2, 8th Line over Winthrop 3-0, and St. Clements over Palmerston 6- 1. In the semi Ennals St. Clements again came out on top over Seaforth Jr. Farmers 6-1 and Deemerton squeaked by 8th Line 1-0. With the big prize (money an the line. St. Clements and Deemertm paired up in a very fast- moving, iffard- hitt ig game to decide the champs. Going into overtime tied at one, Deamerton scored in the Iast few minutes to defeat St. Clement s2-1. In the wtinen's division, the action was as good if not better than the mems. In the Cost round,. fitrth. defeat .42ricti 44„ r inRhco7 defeated Wideriao 1-0, Maroon Pacers (Sarnia) whipped the Gravel Runners ( Blyth) 5-0, Chiselburst (Seaforth) defeated Auburn 2-0, Maryhill ( Elora) blanked Mount Forest 3-0 and St. Clements beat the Baintoneers (Blyth) 1-0. In the • 'B' division, Goderich got by Waterloo 1- ), Gravel Runners put out Auburn 1-0, and the Bain- toneers .put out Mt. Forest 5- 2. The Gravel Runners had to beat Goderich 2-0 to advance to the finals while the Baintoneers received a 'bye' to the finals. The match -up was again an exciting one yL� with the Baintoneers win- ning 2-1 on Shelly Pat terson's overtime goal In, the 'A' division, it was Perth over Wmthrop 2-0, Chiselhucst over Sarnia 3-1, and Maryhill over St. Clements 2-1. Chiselhirst defeated Perth 3-1 to ad- vance to the 'A' final against Maryhill (whir got a bye). This game being the last game of the tournament was without question the most exciting matchup of the weekend. Maryhill tied the game in the last minute sending it into overtime. In a see -saw battle,Chiselhlust's Jeannie Dow put in the sudden -death goal to send Maryhill home with only second place. The Goderich men's and women's broombaII teams would like to thank an the fans who came out to support the tournament The event not only made money for the organizing teams Jill also brought m extra revenue for the arena. A favorite winter spot for kids and other sledding enthusiasts is the steep banks bythe Maitland Cirri Club. The Carling grass was barely covered with snow on Saturday. hist the kids wereout anyway. ( Photo by Cath Wooden)