HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-16, Page 20GUITAR LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS AND ADVANCE. ACCORDION AVAILABLE. "INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED" CALL PAUL STEVENSON AT: 5244711 482-9164 Gamma CLINTON PAGE 18 C ISIGNALSTAR, WithNESDAY, DECENIBER16,1 1 Town&Coun LASSIFIED ANT ACJ cAnsswiciunows , 1. Articles for sole 2- Vord sale 3. Garage sole 4. Antiques for sole 5. Curs for sale 6. Tracks for sole 7. R,V.'sfor sole 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pots for sale 11. Livestock for sole 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 19. Rooms for rent 14. Recreational properties 20. Room 8 board 15. Out of town properties 21. Cottages for rent 16. For rent 22_ Lots for rent 17. Apartments for rent 23. Commercial property 18_ Houses for rent for rent 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wonted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wonted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 3(). Employment wanted 31. Semite directory 32. Custom vvork 33. Farm services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give awry 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44_ Engagements 45_ Morriog s 46. In Memoriam 47. Cord of thanks DEADLINES; Classified "wont ods at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. same doy. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.50 min./23 words, 16' a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.50 min_ plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cards of Thanks '3.50 min./25 words. 5' a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy chance. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 5248331 MatiMANINNII 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For au tboeized sales and service, sewing mach, vacuum cleaners, pals and Motions, service to all mattes, and machine rentals. We alga~ do alterations and install zippers_ Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 196 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431. -Afar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Qeaner removes raft, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank_ Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-Ifar BED WATERBED Queen, King or double includes heater, ' mattress liner, brackets, frill kit Irlstricti ms on assembly, guarantees in eluded_ Brand new WS- Call f41616V-690L-5Ob_c. UPRIGST OIL furnace with ail controls„ 200 gallonoal tank. Phone M4-4391.-49,50 SYLVANIA Stereo, Stranish cabinet includes tape deck, two extra speakers. Good condition. Reasonably priced. Phone 524-2000.-49,50 t16TOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524- 72411-1ifar ■NATNE EOTAL SOWN FIGURE FOR SALE 11111LLE BELLI pieasacell_*pait. MAUS Mereusto SIIIMM110111111 PARIS CORWIN SIOCR rilakeiNlinghies •pTsivmrsasrspodelly 111001111110111LESATITRY SPECIAL only VP. ARGYLE RfA-il/AILMINS SRititerinki G fdrSIU-0261 1. Articles for sale SICK ROOM, SUPPLIES, patient aids, support. gar- ments, convalescent products. etc- .Rieck Pharmacy. 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 224-7241.-Itfar APPLES - Macs, Spys, Red and Golden Delicious, Ida Reds, Red and White Potatoes, Fresh Cider, and Apple Bunter_ GERALD BELL FRUIT FARM, R.R_2, Goderich, ehone524-8008.- �47tfar MIRED HARDWOOD for sale; will deliver_ 432-7171.-49-51 FRESH OVEN READY Muskovy ducks for Christmas or New Year's_ Phone 482- 3176.-19,50 SMALL TOOL boxes, WOO; gold Spray bombs, good for Christmas, 13 oz, $2.50; satin polyurethane spray bomb, 13 02-.13.50; '4” x '2" long stove bolts, 1 cent each; three - sixteenths inch x 112-' tong stove bolts, 3 cents each. Phone 5242468_-49,50 ONE COMPLETE HA. model train set, used once; one deface Pitg-Pongtable, in mint condition. Would make lovely Christmas gifts. Phone 524-4174 anytime-50,SInx DOUBLE BED Size box spring and mattress. $4000; pool table, $175.00_ Phone 524- 9062_--50 CHILD'S SPRING horse, in good condition, $15.00, Can 524- 8663after5p.m.�O C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES iT SOiRLOCATION TEAT SAVES MONET rid MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades -FOR SALE - Large quantity of standing red pine trees suitable for sane suwlogA. pats„ sawn poles Or fuelwaod_ Location - awe half mille tees! of Auburn. FOR DETAILS CONTACT THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Wingham at 3574131 or toll free 1-700-265-3403 1. Articles for sale 50' TOWER, antenna, tutor,, boaster and wire, in excellent condition_ Phone 524-28077 after 6 p.m _--50x 1978 GS 550 Suzuki. Certified_ $1,695_00 or best offer_ Must sell_ SL4-8198_-50,51nx RAINBOW TROUT - Special offer, buy yotr fresh fish directfrom the hatchery and fish -out ponds, at wholesale prices_ Stock your freezer now, $1.75 each. Phone Wi ngham 357-2329, before noon on Saturday. -47-51 COLLECTOR PLATES very large selection to choose from including "Gone W ith the Wind Series", "Hummets",. ''Peter Etril Snyder", "Rockwell", "Discover Canada Series", and many mere. Phone 524- 8164.-49,50 USED KITCHEN table and four- chairs, 560.00; whirl -a- way dishwasher, 815.00. Phone 524-:2995.--49,50 SEWING MACHINES -Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all. makes. All machines,and repairs guaranteed_ orris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich, 524- 2551 _-8eowar KODAK INSTAMATIC M80 projector, Sankyo LxL 145 movie camera with zxiom lens and carrying case. Phone Ron Hoy,524-2129.-50 YAMAHA 12 -string guitar, like new, 8195.00: set of drums, ideal for beginner, 5100.00; Lead guitar and amp. $200.00; PA and sound system (trainer : riding lawnmower; two dirt and mad bikes, 90. cc Kawasaki. 5200.00; 80 R.U.P.P 5250.00; drawing board with machine: four wooden stacking chairs. Phone 524-4337 after 6pen .-50 SiLK AND Poly flowers. New colors. New display. The Country Spire. 229- &141.-37tfar .MAKE YOURown clocks, Use 'your design_ Quartz battery movements, Quantity discount to schools. Available at The Country. Spire, 229- 6341: 37tfar PANASONIC seven (7) speed blender, 815.00: Torcan deep fryer -cooker (converts to slow cooker). 525.00; All appliances in excellent condition_ Phone SM -2006 a f to r 5 p.m . --47 t f nx J. M. SCHNEIDER'S OLDE FASHIONED DINNER HAMS S1.79 lb. at Clinton Boxed Meats, 17 Albert St. We also have DICKS and GFESE for Christmas_ Come in and check. the prices on our wide variety of other meats, 482-3644 for more information. -50 *TEA WAGONS *NEW SWIVEL ROCKERS ONLY 'MN 'GOOD SELECTION OF CHiNA CABINETS WHATNOTS Fero Stands, 40 Sets of Tabies end Clears Y mile South of God.rich S24-7231 HANOVER HOLIDAY TOURS 15 DAY FLORIDA CIRCLE Departs January 23. February 13 i 27 and March Is- Visits Daytona, Orlando, St. Pete's. Ft. Lauderdafe, Miami, Cypress Gardens and winter haven. FLORIDA LONG STAY 29 or 36 days in Winter Haven, Control Florida.. departs January 23 and February 13. DELUXE FLORIDA EXPLORER 26 days, departs February 26 and Marcs 6 includes Gettysburg, Washington D.C., Jedryll island, Daytona. Cypress Gardens end Lowrance Welk show on February departure. ARIZONA/NEVADA / CALIFORNIA 15 days by air & motor - coach. Departs Feb. 6 i, 27 and March 25. Ftys In- to Phoenix, home from San Frenersca, HAWAII 3 ISLAND 15 days departs February 12. TEXAS CIRCLE TOUR 1* days. departs March L. Includes i3allas. Austin. San , Antonio. Lereda, Rrosensellle, Houston and Corpus Christi. FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT TOUR LOCAL MAVEN. *CANTO* fM. %MOM' Mee (514)364.4511 Gr 1.11611.2i:t-5317 In area code S14 urea t . Articles for sale FIREWOOD FOR SALE - Sp6t, dried hardwood, 12 to 14 inches x 4 feet x .8 feet, $30.80 debvered_ Phone 529-7606_--49- TWO AXLE stands. Char Lyn pump, exhaust hose, tubeless tire bead setter, 12 volt 2 amp charger, fire balancer, axle puller,' Sprag clutch com- pressor, 2 head stands; 2 torque wrenches - 0-200 ft. lbs. and 0-120 bs_, 1 -AUR, federal dial gauge. brake hones, Snap- On cylinder degau ger, impact - 12- , ring compressor, 2 ridge reamers. new dial gadge magnetic stand, inside micrometer. Please phone 524- 4564 after 5p_m_-50,51mi BELL & HOWELL Super 8 movie camera; projector, screen and fain editor, ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 79 r""'"" ter 5 p_m_ 50.51 HUSQVARNA sates. service and supplies. Also full variety of used machines with one year guarantee_ Call 5246044 after 5:30 p_m---5(F44x ELECTROHOME • cabinet stereo: lamps. All excellent condition_ Phone after 6 pun. 524-2914.-50 ONE HORSE - cutter sled, antique. Excellent condition: 8 300.000r best offer. Phone 524- 6649.-50x KODAK Colorbmst 100 instant Camera, automatic flash. Reasonably priced_ Phone 524 2734.-50 ONE 9 -PIECE dining room suite. good condition, good buy at 8475.00 ' One Olivetti electric typewriter, older commercial model, 595.00 One Brentwood stereo. AM FM, cassette and 8 track, record 'player, all en- closed in good quality cabinet, 8425.00. • Phone 524- 9€12.--S0tfar 1N -HOME mastectomy ser- vices 'now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs- Stringer at Rieck I.DA: Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 5247241. -2l tfar CHRISTMAS TREES - pine and spruce. Contact Niel Edgar: Hwy. 86 east of Lucknow . Phone 357-2440.-18 50 McCLARY WOOD cookstove, Quebec heater, and propane gas heater, reasonable prices. Phone 529-7240.-50 USED SIMPLICITY washer and ' dryer. Phone 524-` 6371.-50,51 , STEEL DOME building for sale.:16 x 40 with huge sliding door 18 x 14 high. Also 4 x 77 service door. No reasonable offer refused. Call Fred or Ted collect (6131731i15-s2.-5obc. ONE SINGLE metal bed completer one Rockwell radial arm saw. Phone 524- 7112.-49.51) ACORN FIREPLACE. suitable for family room. In good working condition. Must sett. Ca 11 evenings 524- 4478-4Rtfnx • KNITTED STOCKING STAFFERS UNDER $5.00 CHRISTMAS CANDY JARS TEA COSIES NECK WEAR TOILET TISSUE COVERS CML 1. Articles for sale VMS PUMP - 4" diaphragm. 20 ft_ suction, 20 ft_ discharge hose, good condition, $300.00. 524- 9895 after 6p.m_--48tf WALLPAPER 20% off MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED PRICE IN STOCK WALLPAPER 50% Le Trousseau 73 Hamilton St.. Goderich Phone 524-2448 PERFECT GIFT Good quality mono- grammed towels, per- sonalized to your specifications. Reason- able prices- Le rtc s. Le Trousseau 73 Hamilton St.. Goderich Phone 524-2448 iA_ Snowmobiles for sale 1975 JOHN DEERE 300 snowmobile. Excellent con- dition_ $675.00 or best offer. Phone 529-7314.--49,50 FOR SALE -1969 Ski -Doo and 1970 Ski -1'. O. Double snowmob er. Asking f550.06 a dens_ Phone 524- 9324.-4.. Ix 1971 - 340 SKI -D00 Olympia_ Good shape. 845000 or best offer. Must sell_ Call SZ4- 8198_--50,51nx 5. Cors for, sale 1976 PONTIAC BON- NEVILLE, loaded, power, air. etc-, 46.000 miles, very . good condition_ Best offer. Call 524- 9693 after 5p.m.-49,50x 1976 FORD Econoline Club Wagon, with tots of extras, $3,200:00 as is. Phone S24-4317 after 6 p.m. -49,50 1974 CHEVELLE Malibu, two door, 350 automatic. power steering, power brakes, good condition. Asking 81,000.00 'as is. Phone 524-7402 after 4 p.m. i0 19733 HORNET (certified), 1982 License. Phone 524-6910.-50 1972 VOLKSWAGEN; fastback type 3, . best offer. certified_ Phone 524-8?84after6p.m 50 1974 PONTIAC Ventura, good condition, needs body work_ Phone 5244749 -49,50 6. Trucks for sale 1973 DODGE half ton pickup; 'uncertified. Best offer. Phone 565-2196.-49,50 BED -SITTING roan, kitchen, to suit two people. Twin beds. Phone 524-2731.-45-47xtf 10. Pets for sale li YOUNG CANARIES - Males $25.00, females $15.00. Finches $10.00 each. Phone 524- 8608_-6Ox REGISTERED Plotte Hound, $75.00. Phone 529-7949.-50 11. Livestock for sale FOR SALE - Landrace Boars and Gilts, R.O.P. tested. Reasonably priced_ Guaranteed breeders. Phone John Hessen 52+6917.-34-6x 74 SHORTKEEP feeders, average 800 to 850 lbs., 24 Charolais heifers and 50 Charolais Hereford .cross steers_ Have had all necessary health treatments. Phone collect527-1645.-50,51 12. Real estate for sale COMMERCIAL RESIDEN- TIAL ' large Victorian home, 2800 sq. ft., garage. three fireplaces, stained glass. Ideal for restaurant, office or retail with apartment upstairs. 80 Hamilton St. corner of Vic- toria. Phone 544-7940_- 33tf LOT FOR SALE, 8 miles north of Goderich. Phone 1-337- 5972.-49.50 RED BRICK three bedroom bungalow, full basement, large lot, nicely landscaped_ 149 Widder St., Godaridh_ Phone 524-7079 between 5 p.m. - 10 pm. -48-52 13.'Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12 ft. x 60 ft two bedroom with appbainces and stm deck. All bids considered_ For more information call 524- 2611, ask for Frank_-37tfar FOR SALE - 1976 Bendix mobile bone, 12 x 68, three bedroom, appliances, all offers considered_ Phone Frank at 5242611.-45tfar FOR SALE -1976 HOMCO; 14' x ` 70' mobile hone. Three bedrooms. spacious diving room, kitchen and bath, deck and shed. Beautifully laid out yard. Asking$15,500.00. Fridge and stove included. Call anytime after 5 pm_, 524- 4240.-47tf FOR SALE - 1974 Bendix, 60 x 12, with large living room and dining room, also 4 piece bathroom and 3 bedrooms. Call 5241 _- X51 ar 16. For Rent FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steens Extraction. Rluoweter Cleaners 524- 6231_ 17. Apartments for rent 1979 Li'L RED Express, good condition. certified. $5.900.00, Phone 524-4402. --ale 1976 DODGE a., ton, club cab pickup with cap Best offer. Phone 524-87114a iter 6p.m.-50 1968 GMC 12 ton truck far sale, 82,000.00, new body job, cer- tified. 482-3032. --so 9. Automotive Selling your car? Need a. Safety Inspection? Coll 524-2121 Nov► only $ 1 95 8 i ADDRESS LABELS - gnnan- med 300• for $2,25r FINS" 200 for 0.50. Phone The Goderich Sigtiat-Star M52441131. LOVELY two bedroom apartment in the country, with a view, 10 minutes north of Goderich at Port Albert. Call 9297775.--4atf ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment. fridge and stove supplied. Immediate possession. Phone 524.6885 after 5p.m.-49;50 TWO BEDROOM apartment, heat and cable supplied, ground floor, large size rooms, adults preferred. Available January 1st or February 1st. Phone 524=7898 , mor- nirngs.-49,50 17. Apartments for rent FOR REM' - three bedroom apartment. Phone CENTURY 21, ALL POINTS REALTY INC., 524-6656.-49,SOar SUBLET ROOMY two bedroom apartment, broadloom, controlled en- trance, parking, fridge and stove, heat, utilities and cable included. Phone 524- 6587.-50,51 TWO BEDROOM, ground floor, heat, hydro, fridge and stove included, $260.00 per month. Available im- mediately. Phone 524- 4640--50x TENANT required to share modern furnished house. Must see to appreciate. Reasonable rent. Phone 5244463_-49-51 18. Houses for rent NOW RENTING St. Charles Square. Vanastra, three bedroom town houses, water andr-heat supplied, $250.00 a month. Phone 482-7611-45-52 FARM HOUSE, five miles from Goderich, available January 1st, 1982. Reply to Drawer 112, co Signal -Star Publishing Ltd_, P.O_ Box 220, Goderich, Ont_ N7A 4B6.-49,50ar VERY LARGE 12 duplex for rent, close to Square. References required_ Phone 482312.-16tfnx TWO BEDROOM house in Goderich with attached garage, 'reasonable rent_ Phone 52446613 after 5 pm. -50 FOUR BEDROOM hone in Goderich, $325.00 a month. Phone 524-203:2 or 524 6825.-5otf TWO STOREY brick home in. excellent condition. $400.00 per month plus utilities. Close to downtown area. References required. Call Gardiner Real Estate e24-2966 for details -Nor Available Now Nip country home. 3 Ibedroom plus den. 4 miles north of Goderkh. Call 524-796*. HOUSE TO. RENT Large country home at Carlow. Available 1m- mellet.ly. all moder- nized. 3 bedroom ground Now. laundry. In -ground pool, fully carpeted,, Imnstsdiet. possession. Contact Ken Thompson 524-7514. HOUSE TO RENT 2 or 4 bedrooms. fenced yard. gas heat end water, excellent con- dition. Corner of Cary end Ethelred... 6325.16 month 325 '- nwonth pits utilities. Con teat Ken Thompson 524- 7314. 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 2717.-351f Offices To Relit 524-8382 25. Wanted to buy es WANTED TO BUY - antiques, cupboards, tables, oak fur- niture, colectabtes, paintings, Oriental rugs, glass, china, single articles or whole estates. Call Smallaconbe Antiques 1-392-6840, Teeswater, Box 301.-46-3 BENNETT ST. APARTMENT One b.rfrootw apartments. fridge and stove supplied, ' ell utilities paid. carpeted throughout. controlled etstrance. leurxlcy fedlitfss a repent.. 524-4124 25. Wonted to buy GIRL'S FIGURE skates, size 12. Phone 524-8179.-50,51 WILL BUY FOR CASH SELL BY AUCTION colt: Marie Salm at the Auction Rooms 524-9,064 26. Help wanted Experienced. FARM EQUIPMENT SALESPERSON required for CASE and NEW HOLLAND dealership, Serious applicants may apply by phoning 519-482-3409 and ask for the manager at H. LOBS 8 SONS LTD. 27. Wanted (general) WANTED: Good used fur- niture or complete households._ Phone 'E2 7922.-4tfai 28. Business opportunity CASH IN on income tax. Save money on your taxes. Earn money by preparing returns. Write U & R Tax Schools. 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1X4. -50b. c. 30. Employment wanted YOUNG WOMAN will babysit in your home . anytime. References. Phone 524- 9111.-42tf 31. Service directory AIR HAMMER. backhoe, septic bed installatiais. Cecil Cranston, 529-7691.? 52x PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Service, phone 1- 887 -9062 or Granger's TV; 524- 8985.-3-52x MAN WiTH truck to clean basements, trash to dump, and light delivery. Peter Prevett, phone 524-8553_-16tfar SALLY MacEWAN - 524-7685, sells services and gives lessons on the Pfaff Sewing Machines.. Eleven domestic plus two industrial models to choose from. 82299.00and up.- -52 31. Service directory SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Coll now for an appoin- tment and ovoid the Christmas rush. 565-2795 S.J. SHANAHAN Bayfield CARPET CARE Rugs & Upholstery Professionally Steam Cleaned. Free Estimates 524-2440 PaPer •ng 1 and Painting Reasonable Rotes Neat, dean worn CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service to all makes. Authorized service for Inglis. Enterprise. Magic Chef. Whirlpool. CALL 524-741$1 HOFFMEYER APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. SS Kingston St.. Goderich ART'S Lalldsc7lping-Nerserp end Gorden Centre 116 Sennett. Goderkh FALL BULBS ROOK NOW FOR SNOW , REMOVAL Complete lin. of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 LITTLE'S PAINTING DECOR Spedalizing in painting and wallpapering FREE ESTIMATES Greg Little Robert Hodges 524-7449 524-9642 Lowrance Scott & Paul Schuett "Licensed" Decorating & Carpentry -inter%, L Exterior - -sulditiMe- roofing' - resovidess t PHONE- 1 524-22 524®2452 FREE ESTIMATES