HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-16, Page 18PAGE 16—GODERIcn mows,stut, SPP MCKIMMILO,19Q1.
NINA RICCI'®L'Air du Temps"
Boosters sell baling
The Goderich IlaslcBooitas held a bake sale in the mall on
Saturday to raise mosey for GDCI music and also raffled
of a gingerbread house. (Photo by Cath Wooden)
L'Air Du Temps
The Romantic Perfume by--
y®Nina Ricci
In perfume, a spray perfume. eau de toilette to
splash and spray and everything for the bath
1'l1( Hill_ RON (I •1.-\L .I
It was nearly ial anions Eve rad Saga amts was of Helment& Public School for its Christmas concert.
fast asleep. But tie I+ deer came aid saved the day aad (Photo by (nth Wooden)
§itiltia, completedb roods. The. play was pat aaby aclass
Calf -Club holds sixth banquet
The Dingman 4-H Calf
Club held its sixth annual
banquet at the Dungannon
Hall on Saturday, December
12. Members of the club,
numbering 25 girls and boys,
with the help oftheir
parents, served a delicious
dinner to approximately 100
people including Colborne
Township Reeve William
-Bogie and Mrs. Bogie, West
Wawanosh Reeve J.D. Dur-
nin and Mrs. Durgin, and
Ashfield Reeve Warren Tann
and Mrs. Zane.
After dinner, presenta-
tions were made to several
of the Calf Aub members for
various achievements. Mrs.
Lee McCallum presented the
Bob McCallum trophy for
the top dairy showman won
by Kevin Smith; the Murray Osch.
Gaunt trophy for the top beef The John Clark Memorial
showman was won by Scholarship plaque was won
Heather Ann Stapleton and by Judy Walter and
was presented by Murray presented by June Clark.
Gaunt; the George Smith This was the first year for
trophy for the top beef this scholarship which was
member in the club was won won by Judy Walter for her
by Mary Catherine Stapleton essay of 200 words on "What
and presented by Mr. Smith; 4-H Means to Me" and this is
George Smith also meted the first year Judy has been
the high dairy trophy to a member of the Calf Club.
Perry Van Osch; the Donna The leaders of the Calf
Hackett trophy for the "most Club were very pleased with
enthusiastic member on a the reponse the members.
display committee" ws gave to writing an essay and
presented by her mother wish to publish the winning
Shirley to Kevin Smith; and essay -
the Sandy Kollmnan citizen-
ship trophy, which also in- " IHAT4-H
eluded ten silver dollars on a MEANS TO ME"
shiver tray, was presented by Agriculture, youth and
Mary Kolkman to Brent Van purity sums up homemaking
and agriculture. 4-H is
everything that makes up
the 65 countries that have 4-
H for yoong people. These
before heathsg out =that
these products to use.
However, we as 4-11
members, receive more
benefits than just
knowledge. We receive a
well-balanced training in
citizenship. We learn the
proper way in which a
meeting should be handled.
We learn to accept respon-
sibilities by participating in
group discussions, by judg-
ing and by being on commit-
tees. We, learn to
organize our time and
4-H develops all members
in agriculture, home making
and citizenship. With regular
441 meetings it allows us to
work, decide and achieve
together. Achievement day
allows us to have ex-
periences in front of the
public and show what we
have achieved. Our 4-H
Check your car
As the festive season ap- key word. Eat before drink
proaches, the Canada Safety ing, and if possible, arrange
Council offers some useful car pools with non -drinking
information to Canadians drivers. Otherwise, use a bus
celebrating Christmas. or taxi to get home or back to
It is a time when families the office.
gather together, and that - Employers can do much to
often means travelling. ensure that company lune -
Sometimes long distance tions are enjoyable, without
travelling: Before starting risking the lives of
out, the Council suggests employees driving home, or
that vehicles should be other imtocent people.
thoroughly checked, since In the home, fire safety is
few service stations aerate important at this time of
during the holiday period, year. Trees should be as
and spare parts may be dif- fresh as possible. All elec-
ficult to obtain in an trical light sets saved from
emergency. previous years .should be
Drivers should be well- carefully inspected before
rested before starting a long use. Any with frayed wires,
journey, and should eat and loose connections or plugs
drink carefully to help avoid are best discarded and
fatigue. Meat and vegetables replaced. Lights should not
with milk or coffee are be left on when the tree i,!
preferable to a greasy ham- unattended, and never whei
burger with a couple of the house or apartment i
beers. left empty, even for a sho
Sufficient time should be time_
allowed for the journey, with After gifts are opened,
consideration given to waste materials should be
weather and road conditions. removed at once. When
After a heavy meal, it would children are in the family,
be wiser to stay overnight they should be instructed not
and return, wide awake, to leave new playthings on
next day. One night in a hotel the floor for others to trip
or with friends is preferable over.
to a week in hospital or This is also a good time of
worse. the year to check the oper°a-
A nfs . Iif i," of it kaon,
cher or parties are in- devices in the
The Safety Council A safe Christmas is a hap -
suggests Aeration be the pier C !
awards night and examina-
tion night lets us see what we
have achieved and done.
Winning a top prize or
trophy might be sure prize
worthy but I don't think that
is the most important goal.
Is it not a much greater ac-
complishment to do your
best - all through the club
year? Remember we .learn
to do by doing.
--Judy Walter
This dinner was a fitting
climax to the year's ac-
tivities as far as the 4-H club
is concerned and the
members wish to thank all
who helped during the year
and at the dinner to make it
such a success. Thanks to
the parents who have helped
so much and to Gardiner's
Dairy in Goderich and Ross
and Isabel Eedy in Dungan-
non who supplied some of the
banquet provisions and a
special thanks to all who.
presented trophies_ It has
certainly been appreciated
by the members of the Calf
Club and the leaders.
It is encouraging to see the
young people interested in 4-
H work in various fields and
,, we wish to congratulate Dar-
ren Connelly of RR. 3
Goderich who won the Cliff
McNeil trophy for exhibiting
the champion 4-H Holstein
Calf in the County at the
Seaforth fall fair. Con-
gratulations also to Larry
Baer of ltR_ 5 Goderich who
achieved the top score in the
dairy section of the judging
competition at Seaforth fall
fair and to Kevin Smith of
RR 6 Goderich who won the
trophy for being the cham-
pion 411 dairy showman in
Huron County at the
Seafoidh fall fair_ These
presentations were made at
the 4-H awards night on Fri-
day. November
sri-day.Novernber 27.
"Grooming Gear for Men"
EngIi-sh Leather
„„s )U
and e
A fine selection of colognes, soaps, talcs,
sachets and bath salts.
Other Fragrances:
Tweed by Lentheric Chfque-Yardley
Jungle Gardenia - Yardley
Gabriole - Elizabeth Arden
For the man of your
Deodorant Stick
After Shower talc
pre.electric shave lotion
Royal! Bank Block