HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-16, Page 15Coiborne Choir The senior student choir of Colborne Central School performs a number of songs in preparation for the school's annual Christmas concert tonight The senior choir involves students from Grade 5 to Grade S with close to 108 students participating. (Photo by Dave Sykes) GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DEcJ .. +lit 16,19$1 --PAGE 13 College offers wide variety of courses There's a wide variety of continuing ,education courses being offered by Centralia College of Agricultural Technology this winter. "It's our most ambitious effort yet," says Don Cameron, Head of Com- munications and Continuing Education at Centralia. The reason it's quite am- bitious is because of the in- crease in longer training programs this year over last. These longer programs have funding assistance from the Canada Employ- ment and Immigration Com- mission and most are even- ing programs running as long as 10 weeks. "We've got quite a few of these in off campus locations too," said Cameron referr- ing to longer programs being held in Belmore, Atwood, Stratford and Wellington Place near Fergus. The emphasis this year is on financial and production management for all farmers. Thee are courses available in swine manage- ment, rabbit industry management and cash crop production too. A young dairy farmer training pro- gram is being offered and there are courses on Potential. for digestj.onal misery at Christmas MISERY A LA CAMP.; Along with other Christmas traditions, you may have inherited poor food preparation habits. They ' are not necessarily safe, just because "mother did it". Have you ever suf- fered from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and cramps which you thought came from too much rich food, too, many late nights or the "24 hour flu"" It 'odd have been Merest* of food poisioning! . How often have you sat down for a few hours after a big holiday dinner to visit and "digest the meal"y hi the meantime, back in the kitchen the time, temperature and place was just right for the multiplica- tion of ultiplica-tionof dangerousorgani$ms. By the time the food finally made it to the refrigerator the • potential for causing misery wasfully, developed. • Certain foods are more prone to growing harmful organisms than others. Un- . fortunately many of these are special favourites at holiday time - jam- when refrigerators and ovens are over -loaded: PO°TENTrALLY . DANGEROUS FOODS in= elude poultry, meat, fish, gravies, sauces; poultry dressings, eggs, milk and milk products: Improperly home -canned foods can also be a perfect environment for the multiplication of dangerousorganisms. Pants vote - Ac o H HOLIDAY -TIME FOODSAFIiir A few common sense pro cedures can .prevent un• necessary illness and possibly even death. 1. Precautions to take with potentially dangerous foods (listedabove): . Keep- hot food really hot - 140degrees F or more. . Keep cold food really cold - 40 degrees or less, . Use proper preparation SEAS:-�. N GIFTS NECKLACES MOOCHES RINGS BRACELETS EARRINGS BEET BUCKLES BOLA TIES PIN - UPS DROPS BEADS GEMSTONES TIGER' EYE JADE OPAL CAM' (EYES STAP5 AMETHYST GIRT IGIONES tit mo„ a m A a ditilK 52449 techniques- a good cookbook helps here. Follow recommended food preservation, pro- cedures - (publications available from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food). 2: Special Precautions with, Poultry (and other meats): How to teach an old birdnew tricks! THAWING: Remember Ike danger zone 40 degrees F - 140 degrees . F. In refrigerator allaw five hours thawing per pound. Allow one hour per pound under eohilwater. HA1i1DUNG: Always act on the asssumption that Sat inonella and other harmful bacteria organisms are present in all uncooked poultry, as well as other raw meats and fish: Avoid contaminating other foods by limiting the contacts - Wash bird in cold water in sink and then place directly into roasting pan. Thoroughly wash all sur- faces which come into con- tact with the raw bird (hands, counter, bread board, scissors, knife, etc.) Use soap and water and rinse with 1 tbsp. bleach per gallon water. . Change apron and hand towel after preparing raw STUFFING: . NEVER stuff the turkey the night before. The safest way to coOk turkey (especially the really big ones) is without dress- ing. The dressing can be , cooked separately in a casseroleorfoil. Commercially frozen stuffed birds are safe as they are fast frozen. Follow the instructions. printed on the wrapper. (Don't attempt to freeze your own stuffed turkey as home freezers aren't cold enough.) NEVER partially cook poultry. (or meat) the day before. ALWAYS use a ther- mometer to check temperature of bird and stuf- fing. Insert it in thickest part, away from bone. Temperature should reach 185 degrees in (poultry) meat, 165 degrees F in dress- ing. Microwaves can cook tur@seys but it is important that you consult the owner's manual for times and rotate the bird at intervals to en- sure even cooking. STORING: . Remove dressing from bird and refrigerate or freeze as soon as possible in smallcontainers or packages (40 degrees F or less). Refrigerate gravy in a shallow, pan. When WE'RE OPEN! Como In and sae our lino of IYI4yTAG, WHITE WESTINGHOUSE, and IIOOVEI products µ HUTCHINSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 3e>I HURON lltln., 524-7831 GODERICH CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT THE C.I.M. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO IS OFFERING A CERTIFICATE COURSE IN... CANADIAN,. BUSINESS LAW INSTRUCTOR DAN MURPHY, B.A., Q.C. TUITION FEE $185.00 FOR (15 SESSIONS) CLASSES ARE HELD EACH MONDAY NIGHT FOR 15 WEEKS CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1982 AT GODERICH ASSESSMENT OFFICE 7:00 - 9:30' P.M. FOR ANYONE 1N SMALL BUSINESS, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OR ANYONE JUST INTERESTED IN LAW PRACTICES THIS COURSE IS A MUST. THIS COURSE IS ONE OF 8 THE C.I.M. OFFERS TOWARD A CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRA- TION. ANYONE WISHING TO REGISTER MUST DO SO BEFORE JANUARY 74, 1981. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: W YNE KENNEDY Training and Development Officer, Chop pion Road Machinery. Phone 524-2601. reheating, bring it to a full rolling boil. Raw poultry can be refrigerated 2-3 days; frozen in parts for six months and whole for a year; cooked poultry can be refrigerated for 3-4 days; frozen for 1-3 months. -prepared by Public Health Nutritionists in On- tario. maintenance welding, farm machinery maintenance and repair and microcomputers 1!, in agriculture. "All of courses are free Pd�of��c theseharge,"Cameron stressed, "and they are ex- cellent acellent quality courses. Our financial . and production courses use professional ac- countants, qualified farmers and Ministry of Agriculture and Food specialists as speakers and resource peo- ple." There will also be some agricultural short courses this winter focussing on cur- rent urrent issues for farmers and farm service businesses. Several courses on the com- modity futures market will be offered as well as courses on farm income tax, hiring and interviewing farm employees and dairy and beef days will be a part of the program too. For more information about the courses, phone Centralia College at 228.6691 and ask for Continuing Education. The college will send you a descriptive brochure on this winter's courses. There's sure to be something to suit you. DIAMONDS I4k Hulterciilp Earrings • i POINTS $8950' 3 Pfs. Per EarrirM . 10 POINTS ;1 A9.50 5 Pts. Per Earring 15 POINTS PA Pts. Per Earring 224, 50 24 POINTSqq 12 Cts, Per Earring ;374.50 (illustration enlarged to show detail) JEWELLERY GODERICN SUNCOAST MALL 524-2424 KINCARDINE SUTTON PARK MALL 311.4154 Why Pay More? * Cash * Cheque * Visa * Master Card flFURNITURE WAREHOUSE olden Dalry t O 3 Saturdays @F@ 6 th MILE EAST OF MCOONALD'S STRATFORD ' 273-3060 Fasy B ucitg et Terms Give her something warm and wonderful that will make being at home more merry! Fleece for her hearth side hours...or a pile wrap for extra warmth. Come see our collection. Individuol and Gift Sets from Estee ,Lauder Dazzling, Sparkling, Lasting The Fragrant Message of Christmas FOR HIM The Authority Of aramis Sweater Setters Sweaters that sparkle with the look of today. o whole Santo -picked selection for the season! Wrap them up for your sweater girls! Pre -Ch rist Inas Sale Paris Star, Sportswear BLAZERS PANTS SKIRTS SWEATERS SHIRTS LADIES` WEAR LTD. 0 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH