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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-16, Page 14
ga ART'S WilinkkOeff WA, CAVIMMAS PIANO poserrriAsi ONSIIIIAS mos ;; roots of ow off p ars wey pai r It t< 1 ar iF 1r vA7R!' remain style, each ode be Mood wii meaty Atteetlathe fr aid reeair' awaited lof shafts gait iiBSOtam .'tom of Ow mai* mire were ReMiNit *feted, >tli@ .s:liadi avaelloorgiato aspect, At sl`deo,ia deeli lea **Si?sit feet It diay , was added to the tom,, brought about lieeaate die heff.thiger was not parie- titan, This dark was operin4by weights hi die sone way as * graNdiatiVerclock, wid1 die weights eafteated ikatioig riming !rem t mail) tlear *MOW, The fforicuralife Prate bawdy, retired Ado of the Supreme Cant of brio, who, for many years prior to hdie is Yato heaoften •intliscourthotse; tiewiliter fat before this court fiotims was folg, in operation, the shortage s�l �y�'�of ogee e . ,�'and entrants to he efosed, dike m -. b 1r` The buildingwas by boththe corgi and the county 6f Adak- maitilleorweret Cy Judge's Chambers„ the offices of the (*own} . GORD SMITH CARPETS SALE SUMS DM 609 tt Tx afitiVg t5W., ft ©,m� 6iiB�t`tvei`doti t`atir' 6tiWr t dttti'dtd tie& %r%f abiligints Aifitinfii" . df6r fes weetr Lns fol .kat . eefitod,ftur,if*hi tCf*irMatid*, LLaiVick what ari'1 tow , oma.' rae a Yes it 16 we* �7 ,'rtrB Welke' located, thanked in pi, was fed out in c'ti the triodattono(dieganaratpublie., This court wtoserve the gaited Counties, of Hutto aBt audi 1, wbea Mite &tamea geibetre of the dot r e i nt -r ��• bf of C na lveb(t 2 y OK when it was destroyed- like its predecessor in Vidorin-ftyfire,Dgtt Olt &Oletent tete Judos waded ther4:: Sedges Itohert COSIV- P (Seeker Vitt**(!Allot � gofer 01 r ✓ Ai 1`0042' iloiti P9i' y;t, ii y (1 1914)' Lewis Nekton (1!i�1 ;t ' _ fewiS (102S.1930 and mss costa&(19 y. ft had ad'sotheft) served byi any ;ice of die peace and l tes: C A•- Reid (19itf40,1 s (1054,11„ 1y A. F'.. took (190-40„ .J`a Morley (i1' -4 a na ` Ii'61° (1 1"l Ye r,, eight years of story came to an end 66 9'Ebruary 2fy 19M,, when James Sheardevni!„, the car<eta1er, came itepn a blast of stisehe and heat int the Court Mouse. iffe edietel'y turned in die aiarat,v liiacht brought die Goderieh nitre Brigade de to dies -cave **hada&minutes„ t diefire went up the housing of the chock weight shaft, and soon. the attic was abla- TheClintonti Are Mgt& was called and responded: Setin die bronze soldier atop the t oderieht War MeitiorMli was silhouetted against the flames, dames *high soon engulfed the did fewer and sent it and the heavy l crashing through the second door corrdrow n to the cellar. The fall"owing dey,, di toWnfeilied rich Iookedu ad dietre ined of what, oncetheprideoftlecou[tyv-pilesofdelrisy smoke bl ckenedlwall's,andthewater•soaked offices of the Sheriff, the Court C1 rrk the grown. Attorney arfdltlie�u ftyEngineer::All elsehad hheels destroyed ,(y tea. �p"y(�y,�,� ,( (��[5,���y" �}{ that as u�,, yt ig; .° ' •13a at stran�g,`le.`�ucoincidence just die - then: , "_, of Huron: County, John Strachan, died id die year the Curt house opened,. so Thomas C tak Judge of lliu`ient County when the Court fibtisewasdestrnyed,diedithatsame-year.• County Clerk, 14:• H. & Aline? however was not one wliOvt eupteasil'y in die Ocelot adversity- Within a week County offices;, Court offices and Courtroom were estiied and operating in the recently vg at t erief t collegiate;, and the town council chanters had flee* offered for ase at a' polite court 'raiders were cathed for the conatructidnt of at neat C`6ui't louse, and 6tV September tf,, 1460 die Miran .sunt:, tainted passed a l i wt authorizing the Warden; Willianf J. Date and Clerk;, A. ff., Nrakinet& signs contract withh Dont i iitedof Emden!, On- tato& g bnden,.On-- tariNtotc nnstru+etajnewCourtfi"6useontdie site of t1ie odt6neataicostof0.66.- Wor Off the new Court Reuse proceeded ex- p tidtts1 Y. On May 25'', rosk in the presence of a &mod e,, .htdge '`rank FingIarfdy who earlier that yew r been appointed Aidge bf Herron. County tosneceect Stage Cestello,,laid die cbrnerstone of die OW tom: flictiaewith as silver trowel,, and on: the as day, awl! Camptelf,, newly eieeted Warrent of Elven dicilitynmol edtiift dies t ire of -die new E 11'611. ass t, enfr6 61d tial t Mayrtt' 2 � fO,, t.��i.fisiatirable'• iL sli`"e' frost, Prremiier" df Odor* assisted i'cydie fl t cable T • C. /Mom thief Arstiee6f Ohtani* eat die rriibtid o(- fiiB ly opening Miran] Count36''ss ?Iew Court 'ouse? widle ritayor J.. f• Meld is of Omega) officially started the new . coarct flow A& with its electronic elkinesv whit* now SOund the hours throughout diside, While/ArdenJohn finder and hundred of other &OratesWired in;,t int hancrof the Canadian direr& pr6t idea a ain1'able' musieaf t ,kgrrdundf`ortt r" h1g .. Ther new Court florae,, mil& 6nd opening day Brought (rat A > Kafue, Rerf ;. *ty, then. At16rney-- Gellerali6f ®' ° ., kt a stiffilentt t"Oilfaidedi he galfremegearrtdf CtiatidiaitaxtedeAverse an et t to' that of bare crurrtroomr in the ire* fibrils Count h Cant fibuse"„is* - sit eessor Odle veneratsle structure whidi pryd t . itt, built; of &alma and gtieeastone liniesbsile it§ Maid 0.6urer660 bit the third flier is hoed with. W ihiut v whine the County & ill clambers on the second floor is fined With, oak H'ehitkfthtiy, 's en xin;t1'teiliairveourrtroomn a beautiful wood -carved rendition! of the Canadian Coat of Arms graces the wait ft is, as far as the writer knows, the only courtroom int Ontario cohere the Canadian tog of Arms are displayed the others have the Royal Arias. St. Laurent marble, ftsliArn 1 'otticiifo, Roman travertine and Verde Antie& enhance various rooms in die building. while the out- side ihnestone wags are dramat i2'ed byv the use 6f Ver �ed Serpentine marble beneath the windows. Throughout the building the hal'Is are o( terao. Two moderns elevators offeralternate access to those aeekingtheupper '(foors. Within! five years of itsiopening--M Septemher,, ltd it became the location of one of the most widely iniewit trials in Canadian, historry .-thefriali of Stephen. *swat. Already twenty-five years have elapsed sin& the present Court douse opened its deers to the public,. and already it has become overcrowded. Mew( demands placedd onf the Audiciat system and on the. teddy system have resulted in the . conversion of some taatiltrooms irff6 additional courtrooms; and the transfer of eertabitemityoffii eI ewhere. The abolition of the grand jury in Ontario enabled the emittraiild of the former ?rand jury room into, a law librarywhiefthasbeentrefittedandrefurbished indite y'ing1nd Was sueeeeded by Sirdge Robert fletleeringtontastounty S'udgeiris1964. Thewriter sue - deeded Aidte ue-deededAidg nether rigton upon the lattteer's•death in. 19 • Likewise,, i , ' R• Dudley Holmes was folliit itr 19 OE ' t ` • :.• (laferknovtnr as Pito. videCOOK J )t Chalet &yes..1�T ons .fudge hays' deadii inert 1977', he was succeeded by Provincials tenet Jill (Griniiiiali Di vision.) Judge W. G. Cochrane. tadditie t,,singedie establishment of the Provineiat Court' (ramify Envision);, ninon County CourtHousehas prrovided aecommodation and court fuelli esfi r'Fandl Yteur Jtu John Grief and W tiie:t sent tilisuse,,likeifspredecessor,: efts thecentreofC MMusei1ar'ksur�rroundedbyyy "The Square' an ids business district,the average cites knows little orr nothing of the work whichtake* pike mitdai y -nor of die dedicated and fair ' yY unsung seroiee given bye' the Sheriff' and his a by the staff of the Provin Courts, by the Clerk-i�reasurrerr of die "r of thwack of the Coun- ty'1 ngiiieer. the Micheal} u y tl der of health; and the Writ& tither Antis whieht are 1ocdfed in the Huron' COurityteurtrfouse. A fug= word- the dal pot the third floor of which served as the court; house between 1942= and 1856; is still itdt existence ft served as an aetive• gaol until 197 ®', i longhisto yitissaid:tehavewitness- ed the last publle banging ifs this country irft 1965. :lames DiinnellyY,, one of the notorious Meek Non& ffsovasineareerateltherefor &witile. rit 197it was Bedard atil histarie• site,: and attracts thousandsof voluntary v sitorsyearly. M`awt,.st3trange-tesayr,.lfuron County no gaol, its wrongdoers being accorn- inod4edeitlierht the pot atWalkerton orthe gaol at Stbtforrd: BUY NOW AND SAVE 011 WARM IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS Seniors hoid card party By2t ar>e- Park The Senior t itIIens bi- tele euchre was held Wednesday evening' with eight fables in pl'ay. Todd Park was high gents' score mutt ion Ca rmithae1 hacdlow gently score. There was a tie betweerf l v -Campbell! > nington and EdnaCampbell! with Edna whining the draw for high. tad . Wendy Ritchie had the low score for the ladies boor pts was won' Oita Pollack. Mrs., Jirnt Sfchatdyren of Onehift visited with. Mel Aiflesonilfriday:• gill mild Marie Park spent Sirtfdi;yY with their data ghter, Valerie andso#iti,fi w'y Mike hemdig• Work is a atdfplefed on the repairing g of the front and aide~ of Ned 'ss are and as OW, Ate glass windily has been knelled, T'fe°aorkmen are now bushy entailing afumhiurte sid1ng break=i'rtoec wed at the Agriculture ffitill ent the %woken&' Assam amount of damage was dote int the Intellects**. The 8inigannon and !Maria atom are real* int the Christmas spirit with, thew donations to area projects and fire- victims. The lhirfgsbridge Beavers, Cubs and Rey Scout Association received $109l and the kingsbridge Com - The Leonard Brindley family and Remind O'Neill! eciehreeeive.da$Seheauero assist .a7 them l owing their receitflreck Biarristers & Sohc ito,s PeaCtice Re strktedttb' Etivironrrien F Municipal Planning Law !PAM Water Norse Radiation & Peltic"de•Pollution Ei1Wrtirtrnental Impact Assessment r'Exiinhenation 'Land use Planning 1 Natural Resources fi anagemenr e WasfeNrartagernent & Recycling kftiting.Address Eden Mills On NCie i PO ' Tete0fidne' (5191 E156-9040 Offices in Tort,nto & EtFnontten H.S. FORD C f,56ti F=r. tt16, ,GN'fir' ELM fkk STOVE WK FIREPLACE INSERTSfitftti` ALL WOOD StipOVE%FIREPLACE INSERTS IR -REPLACE ACCSSORI . ry • ARE NOW AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES!! ES!! its are tai ors- far 81 rn i ra Stave V4 rkrs, Yetaraft, Vkicidt riff St'av4- Ootril Cvaii atom#-6k:ni., t rd tin ri'oot. CA6selVistf. Affertiodat vial# EiiPl -i . ttiitteitne e 6016 -6>4i -6it goOres t'eorefwt:ietrisrrcttrt nerve t°rortiitrtCCtfirtri Ttiti4 ogfiiti,6rytfit^l Vt.. Overload tests Safest & Siry c gEStD tAt.> INDUSTRIAL ramie tritt6r PHONE 524.4198 GOD RICK • trvlGtdel'O 'Witter �ttwifEr ISVIttliektsitiffit ettkiliStt AND BUILDING CENTER ?ivy_ !k54,Aff roxit i n. Itettactuatirfort far ov hive. ptitiViltiLbt1'1 1 onsite 'fir writes 6VIttiltit Cid' iNtHrr'. titAttitif otenonam nprretkiNtoKtkadriStritt olnitinketivitetnetV ecnintAtedottlitittIV AMIN'STN. int MAV' Sr. d .,rite ... ,