HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-09, Page 294-H mem.er$ receive awards at 34th annual achievernent ni By Wilma tyke Bevan opton, 18, of R.R. 1 Exeter, was named Huron County's outstanding 4-H member at the 34th annual achievement night Friday„ November 27 and was presented with a citizenship trophy for 441 home and comrulnityprojects. Bevan, who is a tint year student at the University of Guelph, has completed 24, 4- H projects. Elaine Pym, R.R. 1 Centralia, was awarded the trophy for the highest score in the county, 938 points of a possible 1,000. Last year Elaine was named the outstanding 4-11 member in the county. Also, she was awarded the prize for having the highest score in the beef club. She has completed 24 projects. Patti Love of R.R. 1 Zurich, took top honors among the first year members, the highest score hi the county. This was also the highest score in the 4-11 Beef Clubs, 478 points, as a firsts member of the Zurich 441 calf club. Donald Pullen, Agricultural Representative for Huron County, reported that the members of the county's 31, 441 clubs won awards and prizes worth about $1,300. He said 350 members took part in 400 projects with 88 per cent average completion. This was done under the direction of 70 volunteer 441 club leaders. Other prize winners were Susan Van Egmond of Clinton who had the highest score In the 4-H dairy clubs. Paul Dodds, R.R. 1, Seaforth, highest swine club score; Khn. Kipfer, Dash- wood, highest horse club score; David Pullen, Clinton. highest sheep club and rabbit club score. Bill Kinsman. A.R. 2 Kippen, bad the champion 4- 11 steer and had the highest score in 441 plowmen's dub; Darren Connelly, R.R. 3, Goderich, champion 441 Holstein calf; Brian McGavin, R.R. 4, Walton, champion 4-1 gilt, was the champion 4-1 swine plowman, was the champion all-around showman and had the highest score in the 441 tractor club. Murray Shaklee, R.R. 3 Walton, had the champion 4- 11 market pig; Brent Van Osch, R.R. " 7, Lucknow; highest score in 441 dairy silver dollar competition; Donna Marie Johnston, R.R. 2, Bluevale, highest score in the 441 dairy clubs for a first year member;. Carole Anne Hohenadel, Fordwich, highest score 4-H swine clubs for a • first year member; Anne Procter, R.R. 5 Brussels, champion 441 beef showman and had the champion Shorthorn steer; Kevin Smith, R.R. 6 Goderich, champion 4-H dairy showman; David Townsend, R.R. 4, Seaforth, champion 441 sheep showman; Cheryl Cann, R.R. 3 Exeter, champion 441 New members accepted by Branch109 BY NEIL SHAW The monthly general meeting of Goderich Legion Branch 109 was held in the Jubilee Room on Tuesday, December 1 with President • William Burke in the chair.. Nine applications for membership into Branch 109 were presented by member- ship chairman, Rick Duckworth. Accepted as transfers were William Fraser, 1 D. Cornfoot and M. J. Eby. Regular menber- strip was granted to A. Dren- nan and associate member- ship to M. Buchanan, L 11 McLeod, L J. Prest and L Littlechild. The November Early Bud draw winner was C. Doher- ty. Payment of Legiondues by December 31 will miake a member eligible for the December Early Bird membership draw. Frater- nal members may now pay their dues and these roust be paid by January 31,1982_ Motions were passed to purchase a coin sorter and to make a donation to the Ted Foster Memorial Christmas Tree Fund which purchases Christmas gifts for veterans. The poppy chairman reported that this year's pop- py campaign was most suc- cessful thanks to the strong support of the members of the Branch, the Ladies' Aux- iliary and the community. A full financial report is being prepared for the next brandy bulletin_ Property chairman, Harold Chambers received approval to install three new door locks, shelving in the store room off the Vimy lounge and lighting above the photos and bulletin board in the canteen. House chairman, Eleanor Worsen reported that sone of the World War I pictures have now been hung in the canteen and that the refinished World War II Hors Roil has been hong in the Jubilee Room_ A pub night will be hell inn the Vimy lounge on December 11 and a dance is sdiednl- ed for the Jubilee Room on December 19. Sick and ViSithug Chair- man Ray Barker requests the donation of books, cards and puzzles for distribution to veterans inha'spitaL As of December 5, the following are reported. hi l: in Victoria - V_ kikistone!, M. Watts, G. Hanison and L Summers; m University - A_ Drennan and E. Schneider; int Westmhnte, It Dren- nml, J. Kemenon,B. Sadie and R. ; in Min/- Hilbert, ifi_ Symonds, M. Vi *ers„ M. Sow T,;,e. R.. Hughes, IL Sowerby, G. Beaver, E. Johnstone and M. Doer_ Youth and Education Chairman, Maurice Wilkin- son reports that the literary contest has been judged and that the' results will be an- noimced as somas the win- ners have been notified. . The Branch by-laws have been updated and will be presented to the nest ex- ecutive meeting on December 29, The next general meeting will be on January 5, 1982 at which time an initiation of new members will be held horse showman, Kevin Johnston, R.R. 2 Bluevale, champion 441 Hereford calf; Steven Shelley, R.R. 2 Gorrle, champion 441 Shorthorn heifer; Kate Boon, R.R. 2 Bluevale, champion 4-H fleece exhibit; Greg Dougall, R.R. 3 Exeter, top 4-H snowmobile member in knowledge and safe operation of vehicle and he also had the highest score in 4-H snowmobile club. Cheryl Stewart, R.R. 1 Kirkton, highest score, 4-H farm safety club; Brent Dawson, R.R. 1, Hensen, outstanding achievement 4- H field crop clubs. Greg Hog::.rth, R.R. 2 Klppen, outstanding achievement, 441 press reporters competition; Lyle _Kinsman, Klppen, cham- pionship 441 gate sign exhibit. The Klppfleld 4-H calf club had the championship corn exhibit and the cham- pionship 4-H grain exhibit; and the Huron nabbk Club had the championship white bean exhibit. Elizabeth Pahner, R.R. 5 Wingham, was the top horse showman and Janet McIntosh, R.R. 5, Brussels, was the top pony showman in the North Huron 441 Trail Blazers Club. Receiving judging com- petition awards were: Alison Edgar of R.R. 2, Wroxeter, high novice judge; Sherri Marshall, R.R. 3 Blyth, highest score; Jeff Mee, RR. 1 Dublin, high "swine judge; Larry Baer, R.R. 5, Goderich, high dairy judge; Terry Smith, R.R.1 Walton, high sheep judge; Harold Wiederman, R.R. 4 Walton, high beef judge; and Gary Godkin, RR. 1 Walton, high horse judge. For completing M projects 441 award certificates were presented to Elaine Pyne, Centralia; Bevan Shopton, Exeter; Terry Smith, RR.1 Walton; Cheryl Stewart, R.R. 1 Kirkton; and Paul Stewart, RR 1, Hensal . For completing 18 projects, Greg Dougall, R.R 3 Exeter and Chris Meier, R.R. 4, Brussels. 'For 10 years voluntary service 441 award cer- tificates w+ace presented to Ray Hanna, RR. 2, Auburn and Jean Dinsmore, R.R. 1 Fonlwich. For five years of voluntary service, cer- tificates were presented Barry Elliott, R.R. 1 Lucknow; 'Larry Ash; Gowanstown; and Tom Jorgensen, R.R. 4, Seaforth. • ht Larry Baer, R.R. 5, Goderleh (on the left) achieved the top score in the dolry section of the Judging Competition. In recognition of his 91 out of a possible 100 points. Jim Hunter, (right) Chairman of the Huron Milk Committee presents the award at the 4.11 Awards Night. (Larry Duron photo) Darren Connelly, a member of the Dungannon 441 Calf Chub, won the Cliff McNeil Trophy for exhibiting the (tampion 441 Holstein Calf at the Seaforth Fall Fair. Darren was cable to attend so Craig McNeil (right) accepted the award on his behalf. ant McNell made this presentation at the 4-11 Awards Night on Friday, November27th. (Larry Dillon photo) A.Y. McLean Trophy - Kevin Smith, R.R. 6, Goderich (right) won the trophy for being the Champion 441 Dairy Showman in Huron County at the Seaforth Fall Fair. Dennis�,, Awards Associate made this presen- tation (LarryDilon photo) Night on Friday, November 27th, GODEIOCH8 ALL THE WAY IN "82" --VOTE-- BILL ALLISON - PRESIDENT ON DECEMBER 14, 1981 LOCAL 1863 LOCAL 1863 Deadline for contributions: December 31, 1981 °Jo vicromA, AND GREY TRUST <Since1844 Goderich: 100 Kingston St, 524-7381 Mcvnhrr Cancra O1epe,soo Or/se/tame (:onp"tycem EXAMPLE: LIABILITY °500,000 STANDARD MEDICAL BENEFITS $250. DEDUCTIBLE COLLISION s25.. DEDUCTIBLE COMPREHENSIVE 6 MONTHS ONLY s62." °12.so °46.se °28.10 '149.0° Fur her discounts available for 2 or more cars. If vehicle is driven to work more than 3 miles ens way slightly higher. EASED ON MOST NII -1911 CHEVS, WICKS, FORDS, PONTiACs. for more entormatoon contact: BANTER & MacEWAN INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 12 victoria Strati, South GODERICH 524-8376 MORTGAGES * Open * Competitive Rates * Weekly Payment Plan for our Renewal Mortgages * No monthly service char * No charge for cheques * No minimum balance e YOUR ' CREDIT UNION CHEOUING J ACCOUNT LOANS 19'/2% * Completely Open for prepayment * Life Insur-+ EPOSITS * Guaranteed Rates 30 days to 1 year * Non -lock in * 3Oto6Odays 151/2% * 1 Year 39 ST. DAWD STREET, GODERICH PHONE 52+8366 'ItefEAAEBEi1 SHARE A ikiD DEPOSIT IIRgall'RA "CIE CcRPORPA41rreau GODERICH Com\ 16°x® OFFICE HOURS: Mon. GaThurs. 03Oa in to 5.15 p.m. Frrclays 9'.30 a. m to 6-30 p m. MUNI 1� NA AR, WEDNESDAY, DECTIlifBElf, WATER WELL DRILLING '11 YEARS •ExFLR1,1141Cg„ .1, -PAGE FIA •M M'1U$U1$*14 alNDUSTRIA4 OMI/NICHAL •FREE ESTIMAT/ •GIIAMANJERA W LI S •LAST MO0E1N.$QUIPMENT 04 ROTARY 2 PERCUSSION DRIL63 "OUR EXPERIENCE ASSURES LOWER COST WATER WELLS" DAVIDSON WELL GRILLING LIMITED 4 Rotary.n1 PNtussien 0,1015 PHONE K1--1111 WINONAM Collect bib Accepted "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1411" THE Pth IC TR ATION AND HIGiIWAY IMPIIOVtML1T ACT PUBLIC NOTICE OS HEREMY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 36 of the Public Troneporfeflon end iligilwvay i ,pr000 rent Act (6.5.0. 1960, clop. 421 awl emendnnents thereto) the Lieutenant Governor in Council dead &signets) portions of en existing highway known as 1Mphpwry 21 es e Con. trolled Access Hlghwey; The portions of Controlled Access ifighwwy, basing e rpt-of-wey► of epra eMwtely GO hes to S00 feet 1.. width, ere located ins 1. Township of Colborne, minty of Huron Pert of Lots 1 to 18, Concession West of take Roed; parts of tots 2 to 16, Concession IMO of Likeliest* pert of "Greet Meador" seed pert of /locks " 6", "Cr' end "O"; pert of tots 07 end 9g, Subdivision of Wads "C" by J, Macdonald. Esq., en In Western Division; part of Lots 1 to 7 one 12, Registered Plan 6t part of Lots.1 to 13 and 30, Registered Plan 8; 1 showers on Mlnbtry P1en P- 2223.44, 2. Township of Ashflsid, County of Huron Pert of lots 1 (5 1/2) end' 2 (W 1/2), Concession 1, (.euro Division; part of tots 1, 2, 3, 4 0. P14, 3 end 4,,. Front Concession, South of Town Plot, Westorn Division; pert of lots 1 to4,3(EPt. off 1/2end11/2),6to10, 11 (E Pt.), 12,13,14 (SE Pt. and ME Pt,),15 (E Pt.), 16, 17 (I Pt.), 18, 19(1P1.),20(eInt.)21(NLP14,22,23,24(1 1/2), 25, 26 (E Pt.), 27, 20, 30 to 37, 39, 40 (Inst. oft.), 41, 42, 43 (E 1/2) end 44, en In Frets Concession, Nosth of Town Plot, Western Division; pet of tot 1, Col ees- sloe 1; part of tots 1 end 2 Concession 2; patriot Lots 2 (W Pt.) and 3, Concession 3; pert of Lots 3 (5 Pt.) end 4 Concession * peri of Lots 4 ands, Concession 3; pert of Lots 5 end 4, Coiscessfon 6; pert of tors 6(51/2) .end 1, Concession 7; part of tots 7 ($ 1/2), Send 9, Concession 8; pert of tots 9 and 10, Concession 9; pert of tots 10 (W Pt.). 11 end 12, Concession 10; part of tat 13, Owes - Hon 11; pert of tots 13 end 14, Concatcon 12; pert of Lots 15 end 16, Concession 13; pts of tots 17 end 11,. Concession 14, en In Western Division; pert of Lots 9 to 11 wort of tendon Road), tots 1 to 3 (West of Harrison Street), Lot 3 (South of Vkto.la Street), tot 9 (North of Victoria. Street), Lot 7 (West of Hendon Street), .11 In Registered Pien 2 (Port *Ow* Pert of Park tot 7, Noah of Mrlboiuse Street end South of Drury Lane, Registered Pion 9(Port Registered Pion 11; of tots Alberti; to 4S end Loi "A', Registered .Plan 5 (Town Plot of Annan); es „shown Or: Mhfbtry Peen P-222441. 3.. Township of Hwat,.Cou my of Bruce P.rtof Lots70 end 71, Concession 1; part of Lots 33 end 361n myth of Concessions 2 to 12; a shown on Ministry Plus P-2671-32 as shown her.wnder:' Order in Council odes /11 designating a portion of Highway 21 in the Township of Centavo* ay' Controlled Access Highwnsy together *with the MMlstry of Transportation and Conenunketl*rns Plan P-2225,44 was registered In the land Registry Office few the Registry Division of Hurons number 3026 and publish- ed in the Ontario CH/vette on the 21th of Amok. at page 2393. Order in Council OG2152/81 designating a portion of Highway 21 in the Tawnstnip of Ashftsid as Controlled Access Highway together with the Ministry of Transportation end Conesennkations peen P-222441 wars registered in the Land Registry OHke for the Registry Gfn,ision of Huron car number 3029 and published in the Ontario Gazette ase the 15th of August, 1981, at pogo 3076. Order 1n Council OC -1021/11 designating a portions of Nigh« y 21 in the Towntahip of Hoon es Controlled Ac- cess Highway together with the Ministry of ',rantsportertion and Cantntrmkatlo.s Pian P-2611-32 wars registered M the Lend Registry Office for the Registry Division of Rwuc* es number 186602 and published in the Ontario Garrette on the 2nd of May, 1981 at page 1447-1448. Panne P-2225-44, P-222441 and P-2671-32 may be in- spected during office hours et the fallowing locations: The OHk. of Mr. R, F. Carney, Head, Planning and Design Section, Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications, onn.m nnicationns, 654 Exeter Road, Loodat, Ontario The Off-.. of Mr. E. J. Zavrxfskl, District Engineer, Strat- ford District Office, Ministry of Trensporfafion and Con rnmkatians, 581 Hoon Wool, Strafford, Ontario Thr. O0€c. of Mr. A, Wittenberg, District Engineer, Owen Sound District Office, Ministry of Transportation and Conerrcmlcafiosss. 1460 Seventh Avsrnoe fast, Owen formd, Ontario The Office of Mr. H.. Milburn, aorta, Township of Col- borne, 0115 Gad.vV. h. Ontario The Office of Mr. 0; ifs. Simpson, Claris. Township of Ashfield, RR3 G.d.rhefw, Ontario Th.Off€c. of Ws, M. Coifing, Clerk, Township of Moron, 1012 eipiey, Ontario Record Um/keg Office, Ministry of Tr.nsportatiorn and Cesenenstunrkaticnns, 120? Wilson Av.nnws, 0*wnsvi.w, Orv- fordo 1h. Confroti.d Access d*shgnraflon doss not on- prapsiarto heed, hart after the effective date, the provi- sions of Section 38 of the Polak Tro asportation send Hieftw y lmprov.nr.Yvt Act (R.S.O. 19'1 ran respect tar Encpe r€ass regarding this desigcaaffaa surd be made to: Mr. L J. McCabe, Regional Orrrctor Miiniafry of Tiraessporfstionn and Communications n€cations 659 Evrefev Stood tar 5398 tondos, Ontario N6A 5142 Mood at London-, Ontario this 10Gfh day of rrncsviey,rgller, 1981.