HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-10-26, Page 8s. 4.10.+•••••+►•11rPi►••••••••••• ••44.41,44 •q e+4+•ar•••••'
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_ We pay highest prices.
have You
New Suits &
snowy tiCre
If not you have missed seeing the
tiniest range of clothing ever shown.
• in Exeter. If you are a man who
wants the finest clothes that money
will buy but all the same time don't,
spend a dollar more than what is nec-
essary, to secure them come here.
We have some extra values in Suits
and Overcoats at $10.00
Girls and Misses Coats
Na wonder this department of our store is growing.
assortment of Girls and Misses Coats is larger and better
ever space will not permit us to tell you all about them.
will be convinced if you call andsee our Coats from
$4.75 to $12.00
In Cashmere and Ringwood
Ia all the i.ew weaves and
colors very warm and com-
fortable for cold weather
25c to 50c.
Made from fine Saxony and
Euglish yarns in good weight
for cold weather A leader
for children very suitable for
school wear at per pair 25c.
fIlQlleleile 8l0ekels
In white and Gray with
pink and blue borders lovely
quality of fine soft Flannel-
lette The blankets acre good
big size 11/4 sells for $1.50
12/4 sells for $1.6o
37 inches wide in colors
that are fast. Big range of
patterns to choose front
This is regular 1.5c.line Our
price per yard 12 1=2
Poultry of all kinds taken alive or dressed.
4 •
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^,. ... * •• ••••••oi•o•+•...... 4 e•.••••.O•t"®•••.••..e•eees•
• 41-44.••••••'•.+J•••••®•.a.•.••.• 440••••••••••••••••••••••••
• • We need the morn for oar large Xmas stock, and there'll be
BARGAINS, so don't forget.
,C' i,,L57-10 is and 25C VarietyieStorev,p
PTV'® BL's 1C AL4Aa`• R
'Ne commence Thursday to clean up
on all surplus stock of
We have just put. in stuck, some $ 00.00 worth of toys for
Xmas, heeides hundreds of articles in China and Glassware. We
have priced them very low, in fact so much so, that it will pray
everyone to buy their toys. etc. at tees store. See what you buy
clout buy from catalogue.'
T&air'sday Special -
Granftewa,re, Lemonade sets
Saturday Special -.4000.---'
Caramel Grab 8 igs (with prizes) 100; Band. Bag Sale; Special
Window $ de. (watch the windows) Haloween and Thanks-
givi.(,r P..steard++; IS d7ff.errnt views of Exeter. No
Ta amble t.n show goods. Come and bring
your frienjs to the Big Variety Store.
For Milts, ask about ane) itsoci Phonograph, we have them.
ow 11 az ar
w •••.a••s er•os•••••••.••.• ••.4.®•••a'e•eeeeee•••••• 4
Our Best Ads_
Our Never Printed in the Newspaper, do you know where our best Adver
tieing is done?
hi The Store
This telling you about things is all right maybe, but it lent
hats as satis
raetory as bringing you fare to face with your requirements.
Sir win you is Saowing our fav
$ y orttfiMethod there is no talk that can . be half as
cempefling as the goods themselves. IYere is the best of Furnituret
a its best.
Oar confidence conies front a knowledgeof what is what in Furniture and
the way our stook stands to•day. We can truthfully say • that we neveas
•anybody to view WI a:asortment that xe' quite its or y i asked
q w thy, ' Yon are lxtvited+
Remember we have vacated the Opera block and are now occupying
Large Store 'opposi'e for Carnmeteittl.Hotel where we have plenty' off g the
room to
Carry a large steak of all kinds of furniture supplies. •
rie di Director
Market elepter'#et. The folioWene its
the xepor't of Exeter markets eor-
reeted up to October 20th
Wheat standard lei
Oats 42 scuts.
Barley '80 to . 3
Buckwheat 50 cents
Peas 75' to 85 cents.
Batt a 12.00
S'horis $25.00
Model flour t?, ,50
Peed 'Flour 1.50
%hitter 21 cents
Eggs 21 cents.
Potatoes 75 cents
Hogs $505.
Choice export steers 0.25 to 6.45
Medium 5.75 .,7:r to r.r
Choice butcher heifers 5,610 to 5.75
Medium 5,40 to 5.50
Choice Butcher Cows 4.73 to 4,11
Medium 4.40 to 4.50.
Common $3, 50 to :1:4.00
Choice Lamb i '6.2.5 to 5.35
Choice sheep. 3.50 to 3.76
We will pay till advised the follow-
ing for Poultry in trade.
Live Dressed
Chicken 8c, IOc.
Hens (ie, Sc.
Turkeys 12c. 140
Ducks 8c. 10ec heads on
Ile heads off
Geese Sea heads on
IOc heads off
One cent per pound less in each case
for cash,
Watch this space every week for
Jones & May
•• •LOCALS •
••..•••• •••••4<•b
Miss W. Huston has returned home
from Hamilton. •-
Next Monday will be Thanksgiving
day and a public holiday.
Miss Flossie( Arnold, of Kincardine
is visiting withfriends inn tower.: ,
Mrs. H. 'Powell left Saturday on, an
extended visit with relatives at
Mrs. W. Beer has returned home
after visiting for a week with friends
near Eden..
Miss Hilda' Hoskins. of Kiirkton, is
visiting her grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. Wt. Treble.
Mrs. Gossman, of Dashwood. visit-
ed her, daughter Mrs. P, Hartleib, in
town this week.
ieee. and Mrs. A. J. Ford and son
Maurice, visited. Mr. and; 'Mrs. Chap-
man, of flensall, ,on Tuesday.
Mr. E. Taylor, of London, has re-
turned to town and has accepted a
position with Mr. A. J. Ford: •
Mrs. E. A_ Follick, has returned
home rafter attending the Provincial
W: C. T. 12. Convention at Winches-
It Pays to Advertise -The shawl
that was found and advertised in last
week's issue has ben restored to the
Mrs. B. W. Grigg, of. Montreal,
who has been -visiting at the home of
Mr. J. . Grigg. left Tuesday (-n visit
at Sarnia.
Mr. J. S. Tom_ who has been visit-
ing her son W. II. 'Torn of Medicine
Hat returned from the 1:Vest on Fri=
day evening,
Miss Ilatiec"Zlunter who has been
t ing her sister Mr; CIark of Sal-
vador returned from the West 'Tues-
day evening. , ,
Miss Matthews, and (Miss Beta
Drew returned to their homes in
Toronto Saturday after visilt(ing Mr.
and Mrs.• Saxon Fitton. •
Among the different municipalities
where local option will be voted on
in January, are Goderich, Mitchell,
Listowell, Petrolia., Ridgetown and
Bosanquet. t
On Wednesday,' of last reek Mrs.
H. E:. Huston had the , misfortune
to sprain ;her ankle: ' She stepped on
a corn cob and .her foot doubled in
under with the above resultw
Irene, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Frayne, of the
Thames Road who had her collar-
bone broken about two weeks ago,
is improving as well as can be este
Mr. S. Lamporte this week moved
his household effects to 1 a-nuhar
where he purchased the, general store
from Mr. J. Campbell. The store wil.
be closed down for a few days Ler
Rev. T. W. Blatchford, B. A,, of
Centralia, preached (two very accept-
able sermons in Caven Presbyterian
church last Sunday. The Pastor,
Rev. S, F. Sharp preached anniver-
eery sermons at ,Whalen.
Another Pioneer Passes -On Sat-
urday Iast Mr. Samuel Buckingham
who has been ailing for a number
o. years died, at the age of 81 years
and 7 months: During the few weeks
previous to his death Mr. Buck-
ingham. suffered a great deal. Death
v -as due' to a general breaking up„of
the constitution. For: (the past three
ex i:o.+r years the deceased had been
growing weaker and weaker
and f
nearly a year has been practically
helpless, tee was born in Lifton
Devonshire England, Shortly tet.r be
was marired to his now sorrowing
widow whose maiden name was Mary
-Id,ouk Carder, he came to Canada
and settled in Coburg. later moving
to St. `Phomas where he worked al
his trade for five years as a black-
smith, Afterwards they moved to
e Ca
S and about forty i• hrea
years ago came to Eixeter ivIesere 1i
conducted a blacksmith' shop in .the
building now occupied by. Jas. Digman
8c.$01( Ile retired from business
about twenty. years ago Besides his
sorrowi:i g widow he leaves to mourn
his lora three children. . William of
1<nTises Missouri Karry of near Cal-
gary, .alta., and iS rs .Jas. 'Weekes of
T e ctr teased WAS a 4"on:nt.re
valve in politics and a Met.hodyet to
!eon. Ile was, a grand old man end
was highly' respected by ell Thefune,
e" a.l, which was private was held
Man•eay tet the l✓xefet Cothet.:ar.'•
With that Cough.? Use
ll0We'S 'Wnlle MN &0
The Best Cough Mixture
made, Big Bottle for 25e,
Mr. and .Mrs. W, Coctltis visit'.
over Sunday in Seaforth.
Mrs (Dr.) MoDonald is vision
her parents, Mr. and cMrs. Win. Davis
Exeter .North.
how :Y
h e
If. you havi.n t acea.d about c
sire givinyt away free libraries, do' so.
It will intereswt you
Mr. and Mrs, D. Cobblediek haw
returned home after visiting for see'
era! da t's, in 'Toronto,
Mr Earl '73 ;i left on Pride
for Petrolea where' he has secure
a position with a newspaper there.
Mr. T. E. Handford and J M South-
cott were in- Centralia Sunday :even-
ing and conducted the service in the
Methodist church
New Barber Shop Mi , Frank Boy-
le has rented 'the rooms over T, Wil -
sot s store and is anis r •k having
thein fitted up for a barber shop.
Mrs, Jeannette Jewell Kellogg,
the well known Elocutionist of Buf-
falo ,has been engaged b'y the Young
Men's Class of Caven Presbyterian
church for Nov. 8th. This is a rare
treat so be sure and hear her.
.Parkhill Gazette -Mr. and Mrs.
Sam'l Bradt and son Joe of -Exeter,
visited his c stir• Mrs. Wm. Pascoe,
over Sunday, Mrs. Godwin was call-
ed away on Tuesday owing to the
illness: of her da ghter Mrs. (I-tev;)
Arm Broken -On Friday of last
week Master Gordon Wells, son of
Mr. Fred Wells. of town. had the mis-
fortune to fall and break a bone of
his arta at above h`'
was po e v rt It 1:g wiles ;h:r Iw1..
broke w, .'r .he above res•.ilt.
Here is a women who speaks from
personal knowledge and long exper-
ience viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan, of Wil -
pa. who says„ "I know from exper-
ience that Chamberlain's Cough Rem-
edy is far superior to any other. For
croup there is nothing that excells it.
For sale by all dealers.
Rev. A. L. Russell; of Wroxeter, n.
former pastor of James street IvIetho-
dist church. preached in James street
on Sunday. last. It is 18 years since
Mr. Russell was stationed here . and
he notes many changer. His many
friends were pleas - d to see him and
listen once more to his sermons.
Next S.uiday Rev. Geo. Jackson, an-
other former pastor will occupy the
pulpit. •
Runaway -On Monday afternoon a
three -horse team belonging to Mr.
Chas learvey ran «-a, from the
ITay P O. and broke the tongue o_f
the wagon, Mr..Fr d Cornish v
driving the team and brought a load
of sugar. beets to town He stopped
at the cost office and the team start-
ed off' brit were stopped by Mr. Geo.
Blatchford a short distance up the
Themes • Road, -
I•Tick's }f'oreca'sts -A. Regular Storm
period is centralron• the 30th and -ex-
tends from the 28th 'of October fro
the 3rd of November,. The month
will end with weather growing war-
mer, falling barometer, and cloudi-
ness i- creasing .and advancing from
west -Dales turning to snow in wes-
tern extremes, will be in sight to
official observers and to Ithosc ons the
spot ice. we melee November.
J. W. ' Copeland, • of Dayton Ohio,
purchased nt bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for his boy who had a
cold and before the bottle was all
used the boy's cold was gone. Is that
not better than to pay a five dollar
doctor's billFor sale by alldealers
The Late W.• J. Powell -In last
weeks issue mention was made of
the death of W. "J: Powell of Mounds
111., son of Mr., and Mrs. Gees. Pow-
ell of town. It was learned later that
the cause of the death was pneumonia
He took ill -Friday and died Tuesday
morning. His trs o brothers J. H.
owell. Crosswell„ Mich and J. G.
Detroit, Mich., attended,'the funeral
Interment tooe place in Mounds, Ill
on 'Thursday at 2. p. m.•
Sneak Thieving -Some person or
persons have helped themselves to
several tunp•steA (el-ectric lights.
which were -the property of the, Ex-
eter bowlers' and were worth about
$7. The lampeewere taken from the
wires that are strung across ithe
greeec, The bowlers have gone to
Considerable expense. in fixing up this
beauty spot /xi our town and the
action of some nue in taking away
the Electric light globes was cer-
tainly a mean .one.
• The Jackson Factory Resy - Last
meek the local branch of the Jackson
iZ Co. received a large consign-
ment • of cloth -from( the Old Country
1112 factory at present is full of rush
orders and the interior presents a
very busy appearance, The prospeets
for the coming winter and spring
are decidedly good and cach o;: the
factories will be s.rained to (she ut-
most to execute orders on time. We
learn that there is shipped away from
the Exeter Factory each week nearly
2,000 garments. -made up of knickers,
overalls and overcou s. It ie
nteres ing a::so to note tlta: th r;
are over 1000 yards of cloth.'aue up
per werk, exclusive of linings. In
making the garmenes each we -.k
there are consumed on an average
100,000 yards of thread or over 50
miles. •
One of the Best -The end+ertainmen(t
et the .facies streelt Methodist church
on Me tday evening was one of the
best ever held, in Exeter. Alrtot.nmas
the celebrated Ilarpiee of London.
lircgeiad, was the principal attract -
tion, on the program and his hearers
certainly appreciated his musical lel-
eni;s, Miss Grace Merry as elocnti.on-
rsi c.'Lsi .
S bhsherlcl ra
hers f as one
of ex-
ceptional ability. The audiieece leas
h Iii .
legley delighted with her sekeeQ,oxss.
.,he is an{ excellent ;aquae which ,was
celeBraced throughout hes • ;ntunb.xs
and greatly appreciated by ,a11 her
hearergs. e/Liss E. Alexandra Bradley
Soprano Soloist possesses a rich.
eat so -rano voice and she Qs,oelirtd
herself in all ' her selsetiond; , Sbe
was heartily encored on each occasion
Mir;; Muncie C+ Brn:dley, concert dire
eetress, of I<in'gston, presided( et, the
piano with rntlsual graee and lability
and it can 'lie, safely said 'thait the
Great Trio 414 left, ars ecoell rat erne
eeeeeeiou on' he people tr Eats',r.
The Place Where Goad
Clothes Come From
W. W. Taman
The Nifty.. Man's.
Our Seven Colleges have been.
established during the past l30
years. The largest trainers in t
Canada. Owing to our corinec
tion all over Ontario. we do se
better for our graduates rthan +
any other school. You may .g
study at home or party at e
home and finish at the college. 4,
Affiliated with the Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. It wouldbe well for you ,'gh,
to investigate before' choosing.
Exclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famous Bliss Book-
keeping System. which is nn- a
equalled. It is Actual Business g:
from Start to Finish, and the •
student keeps same books ae +
Chartered Banks and Whole- •
sale .Houses. Enter any times
Individual Instruction.
Write, call or phone for
: Clinton Business
GEO. SPOTTON, President
tMiss B. le. Ward, P•xincipal +
Dental Offices Closed.
Kindly take notice that my office
is closed every Wednesday afternoon.
Please remember
that my Dental.
Office is•closed ever Wednesday after-
noon. -Du. KINSMAN
Leaving Town -Mr., Gordon Manns
who has been employed as tinsmitb
with T. Hawkins & :Sou left Friday
for Brantford where he has secured
a similar position. He will move his
household effects there as soon as
he cavi secure a • suitable residence
The best wishes of many friends
will fol,ow ibem to their new"hon:e,
When you have a bad cold and you
want the best medicine obtainable
so as to cure it with' as li,tle delay
as possible Here is a druggists op-
inion "I have sold Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for fifteen years,"
says Enos Lollar of Saratoga, Ind.,
and consider it the best on the mar-
ket." For sale by all dealers. +
Property Changes -Mr. Fred Wit-
wer of Zurich has purchased the Luk-
tr property in Exeter North from
Air Jaynes And;rson and expects to
move his family here shortly. Mr
:\uder-so•i has purchased from Mr.
Wm. Davis the store • on Main st,
Wm.' Jacobi is leaving ,on
ntovi'ig rr.to a ftern near 1'ark-
hitl. wile Mr. M. Amu of Stephen
,s moving into the house recently pur-
chasol irons Mr. Jacobi .
Build You Up and
Makes You Strong
How do you feel to -day?
Nut quite right? Energy a little he -
low staudard-not strung enough to
make touch exertion.
Nyals Cod Liver Compound is what
you need.
Don't get fri hten ehnut g ed , hr ut thoFe
words "Cod Liver", You'd never
know it from the taste.,
IL's a real f,nnic containing cod liver
extract, extract of malt, wild cher: y
and by po eo -
yp p• sphiGes a N,plensald auris
The cod liver extra.ctie build- von up
-so does the eittract of malt. The
wild cherry Soothes the bronchial
tract and the hypophosites supply
phosphorus to
tthe n
est the thing it needs.
And the taste is pleasant.
As an all 'round tonic, strength re-
storer andf`, bodybuilder ou and
nothing better y
than Nyal'st✓od Liver
compound -so why look furtherPP
You will be pleased.
The price is one dollar.
W. S. Howey, Plat. 8
CheYniat 4 :Optician
TritTP,SDAY, oto, te.atbr
+t++++++++++++1,+++++++++++ '} 1 + +i'rg"' " 1-0+ ,"1 +++++
'hone 18 ,
1 We are having a TWO WEEKS SALE of all
4 Mess Goods in Flack and, Colored. We therefore
* quote a few of the prices to show you that we mean +
• what we say. These, Dress Goods are.in nearly ail thb
shades that are worn this Fall. Dress Goods. that t
were :
Reg 150 for 1.12Reg L 5 for L08 •
Reg 1.25. for 98c Reg 100 or 3c
Reg 15c for 58c Reg 50c for 42c
All these Prices hold good only for Two Weeks so
Come in and Secure your Dress for the coming Season.
Ready=riade, Skirts '
We have a few Ready-made Skirts in Black, Green ±
Red, Blues, Browns, and Old Rose which we,will clear 4.
out at a Discount of
33 1=3 Per Cent Off
Come and Purchase early because this is a Bargain
4. Housecleaning time is come again so buy your
Fall Wall Paper now while we are offering a Discount 4.
Of 25 Per Cent on all Wall Papers
+ •
You may need a New Carpet or Rug this Fall, if
you do just come in and purchase at a Discount
% of 15 Per Cent These are exceptional bargains .
+ •'
+ Just a Few left to cleat Regular $10 for $8 +
Regular $8 for $6.
• • • Highest Prices paid for Produce & Fowl, ,ti
!;T. J
••. ^•
"+"+ ++.++•++ . ++++ * . -4444+44.4.44-144.44+4.a. g
I>r't 7 ] jj 1
1 1-41
>tID 11
Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons,
Cold Meat Forks. Cake Forks
Soup Spoons, Pie Knives,
Pearl -handled Butter Knives,
Knives and Forks,
Fish Servers, Carving; Sets,
Wedding Rings '
Big Stock to choose from,•
"'Sleep late in the morning.
Enjoy the luxury of waking 4.•
up whenever you feel like it 4.
if ,you can,. but if you can't •
better get one of our +
Diamonds, Cut
Glass,'- Silver=
ware, Pins, Etc, ft
. Mdr6lidlld
- 4
el.4.+4...4.4-4.+ .....4.44+.1" '+++ .'3^s"' 44. .....g.'I"+.g..g'' ..I..ga.I.' '++. '.'g.++'I..i.++,
t"• •••.•e••••••.••,,...•.•.•••.•••.•++44•4,•••••••••••#
ti & ATJtr/Ns
Ii tisk RfAI[ k ,
4 j,
i We Carry a Cori1
p fete :Stock in -M1 Lines
• •
• 4
Sunday & E et CallSO•o.
• •
;(1•,44+•44 +b•.•
•Ie.*** i11•+b.• 4000dr!t*gym+ +l0*0..
• • fp
• •