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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-02, Page 42
P. • Recreation Department offers winter activities You can always count on the Goderich Recreation Department with director Jane Netzke and program co-ordinator Bob Marshall to put together a good llne-up of winter rec programs for adults and children. BALLROOM DANCING is an basic introductory course for young and old. Students will learn the Waltz, Tango and Fox Trot under the guidance of an experienced instructor. There are eight 11 hour sessions. CALLIGRAPHY is the art of Italic handwriting and courses will be offered on the beginner and advanced level. The course will provide a decoratvie and artistic looking better style for special omissions.. There are five threehour sessions. DANCEFIT has become the - ladies' favorite everywhere. Twice. a week for an hour for ten weeks; ladies do rhythmic exercises to music with a qualified instructor. YOGA is a gentle progressive non-competitive approach to fitness, utilizing exercise, breathing and relaxation techniques. A great way to relax and feel better. Classes are offered Monday to Friday as often as you wish. BALLET AND TAP DANCING lesions are of- fered to boys and girls from five to ten years old in- terested in learning. There are ten two hour session with classes for five to seven year olds and eight to ten year olds. Courses in BASIC AND ADVANCED GUITAR are available for both adults and children GYMNASTICS program is available to ,boys and girls five to 12 years of age. The program features graded instruction in tumbling, uneven bars, balance beam and box horse. The class is held one day a week for each age greaPing KINDER GYM AND CRAFTS is an active pre- school program on Saturday mornings for children three to five years old. The child can develop his or her social, physical and creative abilities. The MAJORETTE program is a popular one that continues throughout the school year. The girls involved have the op- portunity to participate in various parades in the area. 11/4 hour sessions are held Wednesday afternoons. Girls must be four years old and up. The SERRENWOOD ART CLUB is conducted by Mona Istrati-Mulhern. Once again, the Rec Department will present 4 GREAT SHOWS FOR CHILDREN throughout the winter. Watch the newspaper and winter rec brochure for details. Keep those poles co-ordinated I /EE/j� . / Ti r4 q - 101 _4111111'x! 1 ego �tt Once and for ata Orr 00 feeds the W cage r 04 Oa And it's s to tO as soos l Oar. iv� f�, to c car se � Fte tar S earl Pity of CO 6rd��tar gess' rs, civoice , 4s �o� Euag gaVrr1e_poereeo or eegro Tie 3d enure to diesel, incompetence the I. HURON COUNFY'S FULL LINE ©ATSUN DEALER Sees s geode. it✓� B__ ore pe EK6! yore o � robadodsup`r � ro 9 ati add to 060345t gthe ideatha1 t reBitYt„vo Oat - SO Ko are vetitr. colarvI/ weit ` ir51 tfs�O0l �t �sae kedependability, rdeurt id i 54eoscbatgOeatde epv to always defiv s , anertKe goia9 g tas4e ViatsOle trtre( 10 0000, an � ridgy'. aces tae ""���, i��� .--- 'Men s an cry good �l trr4 at, atsac5o 'Mat's, no�rs irr�d looks, Datsso�eirir3 o i � � � at f a pleasure, easec�re rea0�` a4 er so for ue to etuer, More e goy iii tagsare Irate 6o Ole mad` IMS 41110 deb 'MUM GODERICH FINA 261 fsyrfiiN RI„ Noy, 21 Sart*, Ps&Airic S24-7415 SEE US FO* A 0000 SELECTION OF WINTEIIZED USED CAIS Go for a swim andsauna at Vanastra It's easy to get a little flabby in the winter, what with sitting in front of the hockey game on TV, drinking beer and eating chips. How about visiting the Vanastra Recreation Cadre once or twice a week? The Centre offers a fitness room equipped with a Universal Gym and bicycles, a gymnasium, a pool, and sauna, For a dollar you can go spend some time toning - those muscles. • Not only are there open times for family or adult swims or use of the fitness room, there , are also programs such as Ladies Aquafit, Ladies Swimming, Parent & Tot swimming, Kindergym and Swim, Advanced Klndergym and Swim, Fall into Shape, Gymnastics, Synchronized Swim, Teen's Learn to Swim and Advanced, Co -Ed Adult Swimming Lessons, Noon Hour Swims, Yoga, Men's Gym; and Ladies Health Sim 1 Activities at the Centre include square dancing, singles dances, bingo, curling, euchre, Overeaters Anonymous. For more information about any of these activities, call the Ree Centre at 482,- 2544, The Centre offers mem- berships which run three months or a year, COME IN AND ENJOY A DELICIOUS NOT PIZZA PIZZA TRAIN BRINGS TO YOU YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, THE HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS AND FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE ALL COM- BINED TO PRODUCE A PIZZA UN- SURPASSED IN THIS AREA, WE ALSO HAVE; SUBMARINES • FRENCH FRIES HAMBURGERS • CNEESEIURGERS SOFT DRINKS • MILK, COFFEE, TEA CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY CLUB CALL 524-2128 ACROSS FROM SUNCOAST MALL 344 BAYFIELD RD., 00DERICH .71 11 z efl